2023-11-04 15:00:51 -07:00
import Pantograph.Goal
2024-03-28 00:06:35 -07:00
import Pantograph.Library
import Pantograph.Protocol
2024-03-28 18:56:42 -07:00
import Lean
2023-11-04 15:00:51 -07:00
import LSpec
2023-10-25 22:18:59 -07:00
2024-03-28 18:56:42 -07:00
open Lean
2023-10-25 22:18:59 -07:00
namespace Pantograph
2024-06-25 08:03:08 -07:00
deriving instance Repr for Expr
-- Use strict equality check for expressions
2024-06-25 13:18:31 -07:00
instance : BEq Expr := ⟨Expr.equal⟩
2024-06-25 08:03:08 -07:00
def uniq (n: Nat): Name := .num (.str .anonymous "_uniq") n
2024-04-06 14:07:13 -07:00
-- Auxiliary functions
2023-10-25 22:18:59 -07:00
namespace Protocol
2024-04-15 12:47:02 -07:00
def Goal.devolatilizeVars (goal: Goal): Goal :=
2023-10-25 22:18:59 -07:00
goal with
vars := goal.vars.map removeInternalAux,
2024-06-25 13:18:31 -07:00
2023-10-25 22:18:59 -07:00
where removeInternalAux (v: Variable): Variable :=
v with
name := ""
2024-04-15 12:47:02 -07:00
/-- Set internal names to "" -/
def Goal.devolatilize (goal: Goal): Goal :=
goal.devolatilizeVars with
name := "",
2024-05-20 11:51:35 -07:00
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Name
2023-11-04 15:00:51 -07:00
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Expression
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Variable
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Goal
2024-03-31 16:43:30 -07:00
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for ExprEchoResult
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for InteractionError
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Option
2023-10-25 22:18:59 -07:00
end Protocol
2024-06-25 13:18:31 -07:00
namespace Condensed
deriving instance BEq, Repr for LocalDecl
deriving instance BEq, Repr for Goal
2025-01-13 12:28:16 -08:00
-- Enable string interpolation
instance : ToString FVarId where
toString id := id.name.toString
instance : ToString MVarId where
toString id := id.name.toString
2024-06-25 13:18:31 -07:00
protected def LocalDecl.devolatilize (decl: LocalDecl): LocalDecl :=
decl with fvarId := { name := .anonymous }
protected def Goal.devolatilize (goal: Goal): Goal :=
goal with
mvarId := { name := .anonymous },
context := goal.context.map LocalDecl.devolatilize
end Condensed
2024-09-06 21:07:12 -07:00
def GoalState.get! (state: GoalState) (i: Nat): MVarId := state.goals.get! i
def GoalState.tacticOn (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (tactic: String) := state.tryTactic (state.goals.get! goalId) tactic
2023-11-04 15:00:51 -07:00
def TacticResult.toString : TacticResult → String
| .success state => s!".success ({state.goals.length} goals)"
| .failure messages =>
let messages := "\n".intercalate messages.toList
s!".failure {messages}"
| .parseError error => s!".parseError {error}"
2024-04-08 12:26:22 -07:00
| .invalidAction error => s!".invalidAction {error}"
2023-11-04 15:00:51 -07:00
2024-04-06 14:07:13 -07:00
namespace Test
2023-11-04 15:00:51 -07:00
2024-04-06 14:07:13 -07:00
def expectationFailure (desc: String) (error: String): LSpec.TestSeq := LSpec.test desc (LSpec.ExpectationFailure "ok _" error)
def assertUnreachable (message: String): LSpec.TestSeq := LSpec.check message false
2024-01-07 14:14:20 -08:00
2024-04-06 17:45:36 -07:00
def parseFailure (error: String) := expectationFailure "parse" error
def elabFailure (error: String) := expectationFailure "elab" error
2024-03-31 16:43:30 -07:00
def runCoreMSeq (env: Environment) (coreM: CoreM LSpec.TestSeq) (options: Array String := #[]): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let coreContext: Core.Context ← createCoreContext options
2024-01-07 14:14:20 -08:00
match ← (coreM.run' coreContext { env := env }).toBaseIO with
| .error exception =>
return LSpec.test "Exception" (s!"internal exception #{← exception.toMessageData.toString}" = "")
| .ok a => return a
def runMetaMSeq (env: Environment) (metaM: MetaM LSpec.TestSeq): IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
runCoreMSeq env metaM.run'
def runTermElabMInMeta { α } (termElabM: Lean.Elab.TermElabM α): Lean.MetaM α :=
2024-11-08 14:41:24 -08:00
termElabM.run' (ctx := defaultElabContext)
2024-06-27 11:34:21 -07:00
def runTermElabMSeq (env: Environment) (termElabM: Elab.TermElabM LSpec.TestSeq): IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
2024-11-08 14:41:24 -08:00
runMetaMSeq env $ termElabM.run' (ctx := defaultElabContext)
2024-01-07 14:14:20 -08:00
2024-04-22 00:11:41 -07:00
def exprToStr (e: Expr): Lean.MetaM String := toString <$> Meta.ppExpr e
2024-12-05 22:11:37 -08:00
def strToTermSyntax (s: String): CoreM Syntax := do
2024-09-03 14:15:52 -07:00
let .ok stx := Parser.runParserCategory
(env := ← MonadEnv.getEnv)
(catName := `term)
(input := s)
2024-12-05 22:11:37 -08:00
(fileName := ← getFileName) | panic! s!"Failed to parse {s}"
2024-09-03 14:15:52 -07:00
return stx
2024-06-27 11:34:21 -07:00
def parseSentence (s: String): Elab.TermElabM Expr := do
2024-09-03 14:15:52 -07:00
let stx ← match Parser.runParserCategory
2024-05-20 11:51:35 -07:00
(env := ← MonadEnv.getEnv)
(catName := `term)
(input := s)
2024-12-05 22:11:37 -08:00
(fileName := ← getFileName) with
2024-05-20 11:51:35 -07:00
| .ok syn => pure syn
| .error error => throwError "Failed to parse: {error}"
2024-09-03 14:15:52 -07:00
Elab.Term.elabTerm (stx := stx) .none
2024-05-20 11:51:35 -07:00
2024-04-22 00:11:41 -07:00
def runTacticOnMVar (tacticM: Elab.Tactic.TacticM Unit) (goal: MVarId): Elab.TermElabM (List MVarId) := do
let (_, newGoals) ← tacticM { elaborator := .anonymous } |>.run { goals := [goal] }
return newGoals.goals
2024-05-20 11:51:35 -07:00
def mvarUserNameAndType (mvarId: MVarId): MetaM (Name × String) := do
let name := (← mvarId.getDecl).userName
let t ← exprToStr (← mvarId.getType)
return (name, t)
2024-04-22 00:11:41 -07:00
2024-06-27 11:34:21 -07:00
-- Monadic testing
2024-12-05 22:07:21 -08:00
abbrev TestT := StateRefT' IO.RealWorld LSpec.TestSeq
2024-06-27 11:34:21 -07:00
2024-12-05 22:07:21 -08:00
section Monadic
variable [Monad m] [MonadLiftT (ST IO.RealWorld) m]
def addTest (test: LSpec.TestSeq) : TestT m Unit := do
2024-06-27 11:34:21 -07:00
set $ (← get) ++ test
2024-12-05 22:07:21 -08:00
def checkEq [DecidableEq α] [Repr α] (desc : String) (lhs rhs : α) : TestT m Unit := do
addTest $ LSpec.check desc (lhs = rhs)
def checkTrue (desc : String) (flag : Bool) : TestT m Unit := do
2024-12-04 10:44:33 -08:00
addTest $ LSpec.check desc flag
2024-12-05 22:07:21 -08:00
def fail (desc : String) : TestT m Unit := do
2024-12-04 10:44:33 -08:00
addTest $ LSpec.check desc false
2024-12-05 22:07:21 -08:00
def runTest (t: TestT m Unit): m LSpec.TestSeq :=
2024-06-27 11:34:21 -07:00
Prod.snd <$> t.run LSpec.TestSeq.done
2024-12-05 22:07:21 -08:00
def runTestWithResult { α } (t: TestT m α): m (α × LSpec.TestSeq) :=
2024-11-30 23:21:16 -08:00
t.run LSpec.TestSeq.done
2025-01-10 12:47:13 -08:00
def runTestCoreM (env: Environment) (coreM: TestT CoreM Unit) (options: Array String := #[]): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
runCoreMSeq env (runTest coreM) options
2024-06-27 11:34:21 -07:00
2024-12-05 22:07:21 -08:00
end Monadic
2024-06-27 11:34:21 -07:00
def runTestTermElabM (env: Environment) (t: TestT Elab.TermElabM Unit):
IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
runTermElabMSeq env $ runTest t
def cdeclOf (userName: Name) (type: Expr): Condensed.LocalDecl :=
{ userName, type }
def buildGoal (nameType: List (String × String)) (target: String) (userName?: Option String := .none):
Protocol.Goal :=
target := { pp? := .some target},
vars := (nameType.map fun x => ({
userName := x.fst,
type? := .some { pp? := .some x.snd },
2024-04-06 14:07:13 -07:00
end Test
2024-03-28 00:06:35 -07:00
2023-10-25 22:18:59 -07:00
end Pantograph