57 lines
1.5 KiB
57 lines
1.5 KiB
import LSpec
import Test.Common
import Lean
import Pantograph.Library
open Lean
namespace Pantograph.Test.Serial
structure MultiState where
coreContext : Core.Context
coreStates : Array Core.State
abbrev TestM := StateRefT MultiState $ TestT $ EIO LSpec.TestSeq
def runCoreM { α } (id : Nat) (testCoreM: TestT CoreM α) : TestM α := do
let multiState ← get
let state ← match multiState.coreStates[id]? with
| .some state => pure state
| .none =>
let test := LSpec.test "Invalid index" (id < multiState.coreStates.size)
throw test
let coreM := runTestWithResult testCoreM
match ← (coreM.run' multiState.coreContext state).toBaseIO with
| .error _ => do
let test := LSpec.test "Exception" false
throw test
| .ok (a, tests) => do
set $ (← getThe LSpec.TestSeq) ++ tests
return a
def simple : TestM Unit := do
structure Test where
name : String
nInstances : Nat
routine: TestM Unit
protected def Test.run (test: Test) (env: Lean.Environment) : IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
-- Create the state
let state : MultiState := {
coreContext := ← createCoreContext #[],
coreStates := Array.range test.nInstances |>.map λ _ => { env },
match ← (runTest $ test.routine.run' state).toBaseIO with
| .ok e => return e
| .error e => return e
def suite (env : Lean.Environment): List (String × IO LSpec.TestSeq) :=
let tests: List Test := [
{ name := "simple", nInstances := 2, routine := simple }
tests.map (fun test => (test.name, test.run env))
end Pantograph.Test.Serial