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2024-07-11 15:49:37 -07:00
Hi Lean Provers! Curious, I know that is good for referencing the mathlib docs. If I want to see all of the main Lean4 syntax/constructs e.g., building types, strucs, functions, what is the recommended website? Similarly is there a cheat sheet/table for this?
1 reply
Jibiana Jakpor
22 minutes ago
Functional Programming in Lean is a great resource for learning the syntax, especially for general purpose programming: It doesnt have much info on tactics though. Thats where MIL or Theorem Proving in Lean 4 will serve you bette
# Learning to write Lean
[Opening a lean project in VSCODE.](
We start of the bat recommending good sources for learning Lean 4:
- [Theorem proving in Lean](
- []
The goal will be to give an overview of useful tips for proving in Lean
## Unicode
For unicode use `\` backslash so that `\to` becomes an arrow.
- `\^-1` for inverse e.g., `2⁻¹`
- `\l` for back arrow e.g., in rewrite
- `to` for arrow/implication
- TODO: iff
- `\R` for ``
## Tactics
tip: seems mathlib_4 documentation (& Moogle) are the best to find tactic docs.
### Entering tactic mode
- use `by` afte thm declaration e.g., `theorem thm_name : \forall n, n = n := by sorry` I think it works since `:=` expects you to write a function/proof term and then `by ...` enters tactic mode. `#print thm_name` TODO or something prints the proof term.
## Intro & Intros tactic
- TODO: intro intros
- `intro` introduces one or more hypotheses, optionally naming and/or pattern-matching them. For each hypothesis to be introduced, the remaining main goal's target type must be a let or function type.
- it seems it also unfolds definitions for you (and yes introduces hypothesis.)
ref: [intro](
- `intros` Introduces zero or more hypotheses, optionally naming them.
- intros is equivalent to repeatedly applying intro until the goal is not an obvious candidate for intro, ...
ref: [intros](
### Rewrite Tactic
My understanding is that rewrites is the substitution (rewrite a term) tactic when we have an equality.
How tactic `rw` works:
- `rw [t]` applies from left to right on first term wrt to equality term `t` on goal
- rw tactic closes/discharges any goals of the form `t = t`.
- rw [ <- t] or rw [ \l t ] to apply equality form left to right (on 1st term) on goal
- rw to rewrite hypothesis `h` do `rw [t] at h`
- (rw to rewrite everything I assume rw [*] but then proof harder to read!)
- to apply tactic at specific loc do rw `[Nat.add_comm b]` if `a + (b + c)` --> `a + (c + b)`
- tip: hover over Nat.add_comm to see how tactic and arg interact.
- rewrite using compund expression `rw [h1 h2]` <--> `rw [h1]; rw [h2]`
- rewrite can also rewrite terms that aren't equalities
- e.g., if `h_k_eq_0: k = 0` then `t : Pair 1 k` --> `t : Pair 1 0` with `rw [h_k_eq_0] at t`
- `rwa` calls `rw`, then closes any remaining goals using `assumption`. Note: found by writing `rwa` in tactic mode then using vscode to get to it's def. Mathlib4 search, Moogle, didn't help surprisingly.
### Constructor tactic
- `constructor` If the main goal's target type is an inductive type, constructor solves it with the first matching constructor, or else fails.
-tactic introduces a certain number of new proof obligations/goals to discharge/close according to each term in the constructor of the goal.
- e.g., if we have `... |- a \and k = 0 -> c` the constructor will open two goals where you need to prove `a` and `k = 0`. i.e., to have arrived at that goal you must have had a proof/evidence that `a` and `k=0` had proves e.g., `k = 0` might be a simple assumption in your "local context"/hypothesis space (TODO lean official lingo)
### Have
- `have : t := e` := "introduces theorem with proof `e` e.g., `e` can be `by tactics...` or the exact `proof term`
have h_pos : 0 < x¹ := inv_pos.mpr h_x_pos
### Dot deperator for cases
Do `.` to handle each case e.g., in induction.
### Tacticals
Note: `;` is not a tactical. TODO what is?
### Expressions
TODO: `\forall x : R, x < 0'
### Mathlib tips
- use less than (lt) in terms (e.g., thms) so it's easier to prove things.
- `m_lt_m_right` TODO: what is tip?
### Seeing Propositional Constructors
ref: [How do I explicitly see the propositional or logical constructors in Lean 4?](
TODO: precedence of exists, forall vs And, implicaiton.
And < (less precedence than) Implcation <==> `A /\ B -> B` means `(A /\ B) -> B`.
Exists delta, P delta -> P' delta <==>
### Terminology
- argument vs parameter -> argument (calling) the argument of f is 2, parameter (declaration) of f is n: Nat
- elaboration
- proof term
- proof obligation
- discharge
### Questions:
Q: what is a macro again?
Q: why is there this Init.Tactics vs Std.Tactic.Rcases
Q: destructing patterns, rcases, rintro & rcases vs constructor