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2023-10-20 11:52:09 -07:00
description = "Pantograph";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
flake-parts.url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts";
2024-03-28 11:33:15 -07:00
lean = {
url = "github:leanprover/lean4?ref=b4caee80a3dfc5c9619d88b16c40cc3db90da4e2";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
lspec = {
url = "github:lurk-lab/LSpec?ref=3388be5a1d1390594a74ec469fd54a5d84ff6114";
flake = false;
2023-10-20 11:52:09 -07:00
outputs = inputs @ {
2024-03-28 11:33:15 -07:00
2023-10-20 11:52:09 -07:00
} : flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; } {
flake = {
systems = [
perSystem = { system, pkgs, ... }: let
leanPkgs = lean.packages.${system};
2024-03-28 11:33:15 -07:00
lspecLib = leanPkgs.buildLeanPackage {
name = "LSpec";
roots = [ "Main" "LSpec" ];
src = "${lspec}";
2023-10-20 11:52:09 -07:00
project = leanPkgs.buildLeanPackage {
name = "Pantograph";
roots = [ "Main" "Pantograph" ];
src = pkgs.lib.cleanSourceWith {
src = ./.;
filter = path: type:
!(pkgs.lib.hasInfix "/Test/" path) &&
!(pkgs.lib.hasSuffix ".md" path) &&
!(pkgs.lib.hasSuffix "Makefile" path);
2023-10-20 11:52:09 -07:00
2024-03-28 00:06:35 -07:00
test = leanPkgs.buildLeanPackage {
name = "Test";
2024-03-28 11:33:15 -07:00
# NOTE: The src directory must be ./. since that is where the import
# root begins (e.g. `import Test.Environment` and not `import
# Environment`) and thats where `lakefile.lean` resides.
roots = [ "Test.Main" ];
deps = [ lspecLib project ];
src = pkgs.lib.cleanSourceWith {
src = ./.;
filter = path: type:
!(pkgs.lib.hasInfix "Pantograph" path);
2024-03-28 00:06:35 -07:00
2023-10-20 11:52:09 -07:00
in rec {
2024-03-06 15:26:35 -08:00
packages = {
inherit (leanPkgs) lean lean-all;
inherit (project) sharedLib executable;
default = project.executable;
2023-10-20 11:52:09 -07:00
2024-03-28 00:06:35 -07:00
checks = {
2024-03-28 11:33:15 -07:00
test = pkgs.runCommand "test" {
buildInputs = [ test.executable leanPkgs.lean-all ];
} ''
#export LEAN_SRC_PATH="${./.}"
${test.executable}/bin/test > $out
2024-03-28 00:06:35 -07:00
2024-03-28 22:26:46 -07:00
devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = [ leanPkgs.lean-all leanPkgs.lean ];
2023-10-20 11:52:09 -07:00