fix: Extracting sorrys from sketches

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Leni Aniva 2024-10-02 22:22:20 -07:00
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GPG Key ID: 4D9B1C8D10EA4C50
3 changed files with 142 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -159,26 +159,100 @@ def collectTacticsFromCompilationStep (step : CompilationStep) : IO (List Protoc
return t.pretty
return { goalBefore, goalAfter, tactic }
private def collectSorrysInTree (t : Elab.InfoTree) : List Elab.TermInfo :=
private def collectSorrysInTree (t : Elab.InfoTree) : List Elab.Info :=
let infos := findAllInfo t none fun i => match i with
| .ofTermInfo { expectedType?, expr, stx, .. } =>
expr.isSorry ∧ expectedType?.isSome ∧ stx.isOfKind `Lean.Parser.Term.sorry
expr.isSorry ∧ expectedType?.isSome ∧ stx.isOfKind `Lean.Parser.Term.sorry
| .ofTacticInfo { stx, .. } =>
-- The `sorry` term is distinct from the `sorry` tactic
stx.isOfKind `Lean.Parser.Tactic.tacticSorry
| _ => false
infos.filterMap fun p => match p with
| (.ofTermInfo i, _, _) => .some i
| _ => none fun (i, _, _) => i
-- NOTE: Plural deliberately not spelled "sorries"
@[export pantograph_frontend_collect_sorrys_m]
def collectSorrys (step: CompilationStep) : List Elab.TermInfo :=
def collectSorrys (step: CompilationStep) : List Elab.Info :=
step.trees.bind collectSorrysInTree
@[export pantograph_frontend_sorrys_to_goal_state]
def sorrysToGoalState (sorrys : List Elab.TermInfo) : MetaM GoalState := do
assert! !sorrys.isEmpty
let goals ← sorrys.mapM λ termInfo => Meta.withLCtx termInfo.lctx #[] do
namespace MetaTranslate
structure Context where
sourceMCtx : MetavarContext := {}
sourceLCtx : LocalContext := {}
Monadic state for translating a frozen meta state. The underlying `MetaM`
operates in the "target" context and state.
abbrev MetaTranslateM := ReaderT Context MetaM
def getSourceLCtx : MetaTranslateM LocalContext := do pure (← read).sourceLCtx
def getSourceMCtx : MetaTranslateM MetavarContext := do pure (← read).sourceMCtx
private def translateExpr (expr: Expr) : MetaTranslateM Expr := do
let (expr, _) := instantiateMVarsCore (mctx := ← getSourceMCtx) expr
return expr
def translateLocalDecl (frozenLocalDecl: LocalDecl) : MetaTranslateM LocalDecl := do
let fvarId ← mkFreshFVarId
match frozenLocalDecl with
| .cdecl index _ userName type bi kind =>
return .cdecl index fvarId userName type bi kind
| .ldecl index _ userName type value nonDep kind =>
return .ldecl index fvarId userName type value nonDep kind
def translateMVarId (mvarId: MVarId) : MetaTranslateM MVarId := do
let shadowDecl := (← getSourceMCtx).findDecl? mvarId |>.get!
let target ← translateExpr shadowDecl.type
let mvar ← withTheReader Context (λ ctx => { ctx with sourceLCtx := shadowDecl.lctx }) do
let lctx ← MonadLCtx.getLCtx
let lctx ← (← getSourceLCtx).foldlM (λ lctx frozenLocalDecl => do
let localDecl ← translateLocalDecl frozenLocalDecl
let lctx := lctx.addDecl localDecl
pure lctx
) lctx
withTheReader Meta.Context (fun ctx => { ctx with lctx }) do
Meta.mkFreshExprSyntheticOpaqueMVar target
return mvar.mvarId!
def translateTermInfo (termInfo: Elab.TermInfo) : MetaM MVarId := do
let trM : MetaTranslateM MVarId := do
let type := termInfo.expectedType?.get!
let mvar ← Meta.mkFreshExprSyntheticOpaqueMVar type
let lctx ← getSourceLCtx
let mvar ← withTheReader Meta.Context (fun ctx => { ctx with lctx }) do
Meta.mkFreshExprSyntheticOpaqueMVar type
return mvar.mvarId! { sourceLCtx := termInfo.lctx }
def translateTacticInfoBefore (tacticInfo: Elab.TacticInfo) : MetaM (List MVarId) := do
let trM : MetaTranslateM (List MVarId) := do
tacticInfo.goalsBefore.mapM translateMVarId { sourceMCtx := tacticInfo.mctxBefore }
end MetaTranslate
export MetaTranslate (MetaTranslateM)
Since we cannot directly merge `MetavarContext`s, we have to get creative. This
function duplicates frozen mvars in term and tactic info nodes, and add them to
the current `MetavarContext`.
@[export pantograph_frontend_sorrys_to_goal_state]
def sorrysToGoalState (sorrys : List Elab.Info) : MetaM GoalState := do
assert! !sorrys.isEmpty
let goals ← sorrys.mapM λ info => Meta.withLCtx info.lctx #[] do
match info with
| .ofTermInfo termInfo => do
let mvarId ← MetaTranslate.translateTermInfo termInfo
return [mvarId]
| .ofTacticInfo tacticInfo => do
MetaTranslate.translateTacticInfoBefore tacticInfo
| _ => panic! "Invalid info"
let goals := goals.bind id
let root := match goals with
| [] => panic! "This function cannot be called on an empty list"
| [g] => g

Test/Frontend.lean Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
import LSpec
import Pantograph
import Repl
import Test.Common
open Lean Pantograph
namespace Pantograph.Test.Frontend
def collectSorrysFromSource (source: String) : MetaM (List GoalState) := do
let filename := "<anonymous>"
let (context, state) ← do Frontend.createContextStateFromFile source filename (← getEnv) {}
let m := Frontend.mapCompilationSteps λ step => do
return Frontend.collectSorrys step
let li ← context |>.run' state
let goalStates ← li.filterMapM λ sorrys => do
if sorrys.isEmpty then
return .none
let goalState ← Frontend.sorrysToGoalState sorrys
return .some goalState
return goalStates
def test_multiple_sorries_in_proof : TestT MetaM Unit := do
let sketch := "
theorem plus_n_Sm_proved_formal_sketch : ∀ n m : Nat, n + (m + 1) = (n + m) + 1 := by
have h_nat_add_succ: ∀ n m : Nat, n = m := sorry
let goalStates ← (collectSorrysFromSource sketch).run' {}
let [goalState] := goalStates | panic! "Illegal number of states"
addTest $ LSpec.check "plus_n_Sm" ((← goalState.serializeGoals (options := {})) = #[
name := "_uniq.1",
target := { pp? := "∀ (n m : Nat), n = m" },
vars := #[
name := "_uniq.4",
target := { pp? := "∀ (n m : Nat), n + (m + 1) = n + m + 1" },
vars := #[{
name := "_uniq.3",
userName := "h_nat_add_succ",
type? := .some { pp? := "∀ (n m : Nat), n = m" },
def suite (env : Environment): List (String × IO LSpec.TestSeq) :=
let tests := [
("multiple_sorrys_in_proof", test_multiple_sorries_in_proof),
] (fun (name, test) => (name, runMetaMSeq env $ runTest test))
end Pantograph.Test.Frontend

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import LSpec
import Test.Environment
import Test.Frontend
import Test.Integration
import Test.Library
import Test.Metavar
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ def main (args: List String) := do
let suites: List (String × List (String × IO LSpec.TestSeq)) := [
("Environment", Environment.suite),
("Frontend", Frontend.suite env_default),
("Integration", Integration.suite env_default),
("Library", Library.suite env_default),
("Metavar", Metavar.suite env_default),