pushing dsp to my branch
This commit is contained in:
@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ lake
# - Init the git submodules (i.e., make git aware of them/track them) + fetch/clone/update (and double check submodule is inited)
# - Init the git submodules (i.e., make git aware of them/track them) + fetch/clone/update (and double check submodule is inited)
git submodule init
git submodule init
git submodule update --init
git submodule update --init --recursive
git clone git@github.com:lenianiva/PyPantograph.git --recurse-submodules
# - For snap make sure the repo is sym linked you're using your
# - For snap make sure the repo is sym linked you're using your
git clone git@github.com:lenianiva/PyPantograph.git
git clone git@github.com:lenianiva/PyPantograph.git
@ -120,6 +121,7 @@ poetry
# poetry build
# poetry build
# - Install pypantograph in editable mode with poetry
# - Install pypantograph in editable mode with poetry
cd $HOME/PyPantograph
#Installs the project and its dependencies into the virtual environment, creating the environment if it doesn't exist, in editable mode. This will run our custom build for Lean already (the build.py file!)
#Installs the project and its dependencies into the virtual environment, creating the environment if it doesn't exist, in editable mode. This will run our custom build for Lean already (the build.py file!)
poetry install
poetry install
# if it create a new python env, check it out
# if it create a new python env, check it out
@ -132,13 +134,9 @@ poetry shell
poetry show | grep vllm
poetry show | grep vllm
poetry show | grep torch
poetry show | grep torch
# - Select freeiest GPU wrt vRAM
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$(nvidia-smi --query-gpu=memory.used --format=csv,nounits,noheader | awk '{print NR-1 " " $1}' | sort -nk2 | head -n1 | cut -d' ' -f1)
# - Make sure the PyPantrograph server tests by Leni work
# - Make sure the PyPantrograph server tests by Leni work
cd ~/PyPantograph
cd ~/PyPantograph
# python -m pantograph.server
python -m pantograph.server
python $HOME/PyPantograph/pantograph/server.py
# python $HOME/PyPantograph/pantograph/server.py
python $HOME/PyPantograph/test_vllm.py
# python $HOME/PyPantograph/test_vllm.py
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"problem": "For any natural number n, n + 0 = n.",
"level": "SF foundations level 1",
"type": "Algebra",
"solution": [
"Consider some natural number n. The proof will be by induction. Consider the base case n=0. We have 0 + 0 = 0 which holds by the definition of addion.",
"Now the inductive case we want to show n'+1 + 0 = n'+1. Assume it holds for n i.e., n' + 0 = n. So now by the we know the LHS is equal to (n'+0) + 1.",
"Then by the induction hypothesis we know the LHS simplifies to n'+1 completing the proof. Qed."
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"problem": "For any natural number n, 0 + n = n.",
"level": "SF foundations level 1",
"type": "Algebra",
"solution": "Consider some natural number n. We now want to show 0 + n = n. Using addition both sides are equal."
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"problem": "For any natural number n, 0 + n = n.",
"level": "SF foundations level 1",
"type": "Algebra",
"solution": "Consider some natural number n. We now want to show 0 + n = n. For that we use the definition of addition to get n = n and conclude both sides are equal (by reflexity)."
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
"problem": "For any natural number n, 0 + n = n.",
"level": "SF foundations level 1",
"type": "Logical Foundations",
"solution": [
"Consider some natural number n. We want to show 0 + n = n. ",
"By using definition of addition on both sides, LHS and RHS are now equal, done."
"problem": "For any natural number n, n + 0 = n.",
"level": "SF foundations level 1",
"type": "Logical Foundations",
"solution": [
"Consider some natural number n. The proof will be by induction. ",
"The base case n=0, so we have 0 + 0 = 0, which holds by the definition of addion. ",
"Consider the inductive case, so we want to show (k + 1) + 0 = (k + 1) for any k < n assuming the IH holds for such k (IH: k + 0 = k). ",
"By the IH we have (k + 1) + 0 = (k + 1). ",
"By def of addition we have (k + 0) + 1 = (k + 1). ",
"By the induction hypothesis (IH) we have k + 0 = k. ",
"LHS and RHS are equal so proof is complete."
@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
"nl_problem": "For any natural number n, n + 0 = n.",
"nl_solution": [
"Consider some natural number n. We want to show n + 0 = n. ",
"By using fats of addition on both sides, LHS and RHS are now equal, done."
"fl_problem": "theorem n_plus_zero : ∀ n : ℕ, n + 0 = n := by",
"fl_solution": [
"-- Prove that n + 0 = n.\n",
"theorem n_plus_zero : ∀ n : ℕ, n + 0 = n := by\n",
" -- Consider some n in Nats.\n",
" intro n",
"-- Using facts of addition simplify n + 0 to n.\n",
" rw [Nat.add_zero]"
"src_header_fl_solution": [
"import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic"
"nl_problem_proved_sketch": "For any natural number n, n + 0 = n.",
"nl_solution_proved_sketch": [
"We want to show n + 0 = n. ",
"We have the fact of addition that, n + 0 = n. ",
"Thus, the left-hand side and right-hand side are equal, which completes the proof."
"fl_problem_proved_sketch": "theorem n_plus_zero_proved_formal_sketch : ∀ n : ℕ, n + 0 = n := by",
"fl_solution_proved_sketch": [
"-- Prove that n + 0 = n via a formal proof sketch",
"theorem n_plus_zero_proved_formal_sketch : ∀ n : ℕ, n + 0 = n := by",
" -- We have the fact of addition n + 0 = n, use it to show left and right are equal.",
" have h_nat_add_zero: ∀ n : ℕ, n + 0 = n := Nat.add_zero",
" exact h_nat_add_zero"
"src_header_fl_solution_proved_sketch": ["import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic"],
"nl_problem_proved_sketch_aesop": "For any natural number n, n + 0 = n.",
"nl_solution_proved_sketch_aesop": [
"We want to show n + 0 = n. ",
"We have the fact of addition that, n + 0 = n. ",
"Thus, the left-hand side and right-hand side are equal, which completes the proof."
"fl_problem_proved_sketch_aesop": "theorem n_plus_zero_proved_formal_sketch' : ∀ n : ℕ, n + 0 = n := by",
"fl_solution_proved_sketch_aesop": [
"-- Prove that n + 0 = n via a formal proof sketch with aesop. ",
"theorem n_plus_zero_proved_formal_sketch' : ∀ n : ℕ, n + 0 = n := by",
" -- We have the fact of addition n + 0 = n, use it to show left and right are equal. ",
" have h_nat_add_zero: ∀ n : ℕ, n + 0 = n := by aesop",
" exact h_nat_add_zero"
"src_header_fl_solution_proved_sketch_aesop": [
"import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic",
"import Aesop"
"nl_problem": "For any natural number n, 0 + n = n.",
"nl_solution": [
"Consider some natural number n. We want to show 0 + n = n.",
"By using facts of addition and induction on n, we can prove the statement for both the base case and the inductive step."
"fl_problem": "theorem zero_plus_n : ∀ n : ℕ, 0 + n = n := by",
"fl_solution": [
"-- Prove that 0 + n = n by induction",
"theorem zero_plus_n : ∀ n : ℕ, 0 + n = n := by",
"-- Consider some n in Nats.",
"intro n",
"-- Perform induction on n.",
"induction n with",
"| zero =>",
"-- Base case: 0 + 0 = 0",
"rw [Nat.add_zero]",
"| succ n ih =>",
"-- Inductive step: assume 0 + n = n, prove 0 + succ n = succ n",
"rw [Nat.add_succ]",
"rw [ih]"
"src_header_fl_solution": [
"import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic"
"nl_problem_proved_sketch": "For any natural number n, 0 + n = n.",
"nl_solution_proved_sketch": [
"We want to show 0 + n = n.",
"By using the fact of addition and performing induction on n, we can prove the statement for both the base case and the inductive step."
"fl_problem_proved_sketch": "theorem zero_plus_n_proved_formal_sketch : ∀ n : ℕ, 0 + n = n := by",
"fl_solution_proved_sketch": [
"-- Prove that 0 + n = n by induction via a formal proof sketch",
"theorem zero_plus_n_proved_formal_sketch : ∀ n : ℕ, 0 + n = n := by",
"-- Consider some n in Nats.",
"intro n",
"-- Perform induction on n.",
"induction n with",
"| zero =>",
"-- Base case: 0 + 0 = 0",
"have h_base: 0 + 0 = 0 := by rw [Nat.add_zero]",
"exact h_base",
"| succ n ih =>",
"-- Inductive step: assume 0 + n = n, prove 0 + succ n = succ n",
"have h_inductive: 0 + Nat.succ n = Nat.succ n := by",
"rw [Nat.add_succ]",
"rw [ih]",
"exact h_inductive"
"src_header_fl_solution_proved_sketch": [
"import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic"
"nl_problem_proved_sketch_aesop": "For any natural number n, 0 + n = n.",
"nl_solution_proved_sketch_aesop": [
"We want to show 0 + n = n.",
"By using the fact of addition and performing induction on n, we can prove the statement for both the base case and the inductive step using aesop."
"fl_problem_proved_sketch_aesop": "theorem zero_plus_n_proved_formal_sketch' : ∀ n : ℕ, 0 + n = n := by",
"fl_solution_proved_sketch_aesop": [
"-- Prove that 0 + n = n by induction via a formal proof sketch with aesop.",
"theorem zero_plus_n_proved_formal_sketch' : ∀ n : ℕ, 0 + n = n := by",
"-- Consider some n in Nats.",
"intro n",
"-- Perform induction on n.",
"induction n with",
"| zero =>",
"-- Base case: 0 + 0 = 0",
"have h_base: 0 + 0 = 0 := by aesop",
"exact h_base",
"| succ n ih =>",
"-- Inductive step: assume 0 + n = n, prove 0 + succ n = succ n",
"have h_inductive: 0 + Nat.succ n = Nat.succ n := by aesop",
"exact h_inductive"
"src_header_fl_solution_proved_sketch_aesop": [
"import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic",
"import Aesop"
"nl_problem": "For any natural numbers n and m we have commutativity, n + m = m + n.",
"nl_solution": [
"Consider some natural numbers n and m. We want to show n + m = m + n.",
"By using facts of addition and induction on n, we can prove the statement for both the base case and the inductive step."
"fl_problem": "theorem add_comm_normal : ∀ n m : ℕ, n + m = m + n := by",
"fl_solution": [
"-- Prove that n + m = m + n",
"theorem add_comm_normal : ∀ n m : ℕ, n + m = m + n := by",
"-- Consider some n and m in Nats.",
"intros n m",
"-- Perform induction on n.",
"induction n with",
"| zero =>",
"-- Base case: When n = 0, we need to show 0 + m = m + 0.",
"-- Using the definition of addition, 0 + m = m and m + 0 = m.",
"rw [Nat.zero_add, Nat.add_zero]",
"| succ n ih =>",
"-- Inductive step: Assume n + m = m + n, we need to show succ n + m = m + succ n.",
"-- We use the fact n + (m + 1) = (n + m) + 1.",
"have plus_n_Sm_normal: ∀ n m : ℕ, n + (m + 1) = (n + m) + 1 := by",
" intros n m",
" rw [Nat.add_succ]",
"-- Apply the fact to rewrite succ n + m = (n + m) + 1.",
"rw [Nat.add_succ, Nat.add_zero]",
"rw [← ih]",
"rw [Nat.succ_add]"
"src_header_fl_solution": [
"import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic"
"nl_problem": "For any natural numbers n and m, n + m = m + n.",
"nl_solution": [
"Consider some natural numbers n and m. We want to show n + m = m + n.",
"By using the fact of addition and performing induction on n, we can prove the statement for both the base case and the inductive step."
"fl_problem": "theorem add_comm_proved_formal_sketch : ∀ n m : ℕ, n + m = m + n := by",
"fl_solution": [
"-- Prove that n + m = m + n via a formal proof sketch",
"theorem add_comm_proved_formal_sketch : ∀ n m : ℕ, n + m = m + n := by",
"-- Consider some n and m in Nats.",
"intros n m",
"-- Perform induction on n.",
"induction n with",
"| zero =>",
"-- Base case: When n = 0, we need to show 0 + m = m + 0.",
"-- We have the fact 0 + m = m by the definition of addition.",
"have h_base: 0 + m = m := Nat.zero_add m",
"-- We also have the fact m + 0 = m by the definition of addition.",
"have h_symm: m + 0 = m := Nat.add_zero m",
"-- Combining these, we get 0 + m = m + 0.",
"rw [h_base, h_symm]",
"| succ n ih =>",
"-- Inductive step: Assume n + m = m + n, we need to show succ n + m = m + succ n.",
"-- By the inductive hypothesis, we have n + m = m + n.",
"have h_inductive: n + m = m + n := ih",
"-- proof is:",
"-- We eventually want to flip n + m and simplify to make both sides the same. Thus,",
"-- 1. Note we start with: Nat.succ n + m = m + Nat.succ n, so, pull the succ out from m + Nat.succ n on the right side from the addition using addition facts Nat.add_succ.",
"have h_pull_succ_out_from_right: m + Nat.succ n = Nat.succ (m + n) := by rw [Nat.add_succ]",
"-- 2. then to flip m + S n to something like S (n + m) we need to use the IH.",
"have h_flip_n_plus_m: Nat.succ (n + m) = Nat.succ (m + n) := by rw [h_inductive]",
"-- 3. Now the n & m are on the correct sides Nat.succ n + m = Nat.succ (n + m), so let's use the def of addition to pull out the succ from the addition on the left using Nat.succ_add.",
"have h_pull_succ_out_from_left: Nat.succ n + m = Nat.succ (n + m) := by rw [Nat.succ_add]",
"-- Combining these, we get succ n + m = m + succ n.",
"rw [h_pull_succ_out_from_right, ←h_flip_n_plus_m, h_pull_succ_out_from_left]"
"src_header_fl_solution": [
"import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic"
"nl_problem": "For any natural numbers n and m, n + m = m + n.",
"nl_solution": [
"Consider some natural numbers n and m. We want to show n + m = m + n.",
"By using the fact of addition and performing induction on n, we can prove the statement for both the base case and the inductive step."
"fl_problem": "theorem add_comm_proved_formal_sketch_aesop : ∀ n m : ℕ, n + m = m + n := by",
"fl_solution": [
"-- Prove that n + m = m + n via a formal proof sketch with aesop.",
"theorem add_comm_proved_formal_sketch_aesop : ∀ n m : ℕ, n + m = m + n := by",
"-- Consider some n and m in Nats.",
"intros n m",
"-- Perform induction on n.",
"induction n with",
"| zero =>",
"-- Base case: When n = 0, we need to show 0 + m = m + 0.",
"-- We have the fact 0 + m = m by the definition of addition.",
"have h_base: 0 + m = m := by aesop",
"-- We also have the fact m + 0 = m by the definition of addition.",
"have h_symm: m + 0 = m := by aesop",
"-- Combining these, we get 0 + m = m + 0.",
"rw [h_base, h_symm]",
"| succ n ih =>",
"-- Inductive step: Assume n + m = m + n, we need to show succ n + m = m + succ n.",
"-- By the inductive hypothesis, we have n + m = m + n.",
"have h_inductive: n + m = m + n := by aesop",
"-- proof is:",
"-- We eventually want to flip n + m and simplify to make both sides the same. Thus,",
"-- 1. Note we start with: Nat.succ n + m = m + Nat.succ n, so, pull the succ out from m + Nat.succ n on the right side from the addition using addition facts Nat.add_succ.",
"have h_pull_succ_out_from_right: m + Nat.succ n = Nat.succ (m + n) := by aesop",
"-- 2. then to flip m + S n to something like S (n + m) we need to use the IH.",
"have h_flip_n_plus_m: Nat.succ (n + m) = Nat.succ (m + n) := by aesop",
"-- 3. Now the n & m are on the correct sides Nat.succ n + m = Nat.succ (n + m), so let's use the def of addition to pull out the succ from the addition on the left using Nat.succ_add.",
"have h_pull_succ_out_from_left: Nat.succ n + m = Nat.succ (n + m) := by rw [Nat.succ_add]",
"-- Combining these, we get succ n + m = m + succ n.",
"rw [h_pull_succ_out_from_right, ←h_flip_n_plus_m, h_pull_succ_out_from_left]"
"src_header_fl_solution": [
"import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic",
"import Aesop"
"nl_problem": "Prove that for any natural numbers n, m, and p, n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.",
"nl_solution": [
"Consider some natural numbers n, m, and p. We want to show n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.",
"By using facts of addition and induction on n, we can prove the statement for both the base case and the inductive step."
"fl_problem": "theorem add_assoc_normal : ∀ n m p : ℕ, n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p := by",
"fl_solution": [
"-- Prove that n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p",
"theorem add_assoc_normal : ∀ n m p : ℕ, n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p := by",
"-- Consider some n, m, and p in Nats.",
"intros n m p",
"-- Perform induction on n.",
"induction n with",
"| zero =>",
"-- Base case: When n = 0, we need to show 0 + (m + p) = (0 + m) + p.",
"-- Using the definition of addition, 0 + (m + p) = m + p and (0 + m) + p = m + p.",
"rw [Nat.zero_add, Nat.zero_add]",
"| succ n ih =>",
"-- Inductive step: Assume n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p, we need to show succ n + (m + p) = (succ n + m) + p.",
"-- proof strategy is, we move succ n out (or in) enough times then use the IH until both sides are the same.",
"-- 1. let's start by pulling out the succ from the left side and have the entire addition inside the succ.",
"rw [Nat.succ_add]",
"-- 2. Now that we have the IH hypothesis appearing inside the left, let's apply it so we have n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.",
"rw [ih]",
"-- 3. Now that the parentheses (apps of plus) are in the right place for both sides, push the succ on the left twice so both terms are the same.",
"rw [← Nat.succ_add, ← Nat.succ_add]"
"src_header_fl_solution": [
"import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic"
"nl_problem": "Prove that for any natural numbers n, m, and p, n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.",
"nl_solution": [
"Consider some natural numbers n, m, and p. We want to show n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.",
"By using facts of addition and induction on n, we can prove the statement for both the base case and the inductive step."
"fl_problem": "theorem add_assoc_proved_formal_sketch : ∀ n m p : ℕ, n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p := by",
"fl_solution": [
"-- Prove that n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p",
"theorem add_assoc_proved_formal_sketch : ∀ n m p : ℕ, n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p := by",
"-- Consider some n, m, and p in Nats.",
"intros n m p",
"-- Perform induction on n.",
"induction n with",
"| zero =>",
"-- Base case: When n = 0, we need to show 0 + (m + p) = (0 + m) + p.",
"-- Using the definition of addition, 0 + (m + p) = m + p and (0 + m) + p = m + p.",
"rw [Nat.zero_add, Nat.zero_add]",
"| succ n ih =>",
"-- Inductive step: Assume n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p, we need to show succ n + (m + p) = (succ n + m) + p.",
"-- proof strategy is, we move succ n out (or in) enough times then use the IH until both sides are the same.",
"-- 1. let's start by pulling out the succ from the left side and have the entire addition inside the succ.",
"have h_pull_add_succ_out_from_left: Nat.succ n + (m + p) = Nat.succ (n + (m + p)) := by rw [Nat.succ_add]",
"-- 2. Now that we have the IH hypothesis appearing inside the left, let's apply it so we have n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.",
"have h_inside_left_associates: Nat.succ (n + (m + p)) = Nat.succ ((n + m) + p) := by rw [ih]",
"-- 3. Now that the parentheses (apps of plus) are in the right place for both sides, push the succ on the left twice so both terms are the same.",
"have h_push_succ_in_left_twice: Nat.succ ((n + m) + p) = ((Nat.succ n) + m) + p := by rw [← Nat.succ_add, ← Nat.succ_add]",
"-- Combining these, we get succ n + (m + p) = (succ n + m) + p.",
"rw [h_pull_add_succ_out_from_left, h_inside_left_associates, h_push_succ_in_left_twice]"
"src_header_fl_solution": [
"import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic"
"nl_problem": "Prove that for any natural numbers n, m, and p, n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.",
"nl_solution": [
"Consider some natural numbers n, m, and p. We want to show n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.",
"By using facts of addition and induction on n, we can prove the statement for both the base case and the inductive step."
"fl_problem": "theorem add_assoc_proved_formal_sketch_aesop : ∀ n m p : ℕ, n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p := by",
"fl_solution": [
"-- Prove that n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p via a formal proof sketch with aesop",
"theorem add_assoc_proved_formal_sketch_aesop : ∀ n m p : ℕ, n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p := by",
"-- Consider some n, m, and p in Nats.",
"intros n m p",
"-- Perform induction on n.",
"induction n with",
"| zero =>",
"-- Base case: When n = 0, we need to show 0 + (m + p) = (0 + m) + p.",
"-- Using the definition of addition, 0 + (m + p) = m + p and (0 + m) + p = m + p.",
"rw [Nat.zero_add, Nat.zero_add]",
"| succ n ih =>",
"-- Inductive step: Assume n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p, we need to show succ n + (m + p) = (succ n + m) + p.",
"-- proof strategy is, we move succ n out (or in) enough times then use the IH until both sides are the same.",
"-- 1. let's start by pulling out the succ from the left side and have the entire addition inside the succ.",
"have h_pull_add_succ_out_from_left: Nat.succ n + (m + p) = Nat.succ (n + (m + p)) := by rw [Nat.succ_add]",
"-- 2. Now that we have the IH hypothesis appearing inside the left, let's apply it so we have n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.",
"have h_inside_left_associates: Nat.succ (n + (m + p)) = Nat.succ ((n + m) + p) := by aesop",
"-- 3. Now that the parentheses (apps of plus) are in the right place for both sides, push the succ on the left twice so both terms are the same.",
"have h_push_succ_in_left_twice: Nat.succ ((n + m) + p) = ((Nat.succ n) + m) + p := by rw [← Nat.succ_add, ← Nat.succ_add]",
"-- Combining these, we get succ n + (m + p) = (succ n + m) + p.",
"rw [h_pull_add_succ_out_from_left, h_inside_left_associates, h_push_succ_in_left_twice]"
"src_header_fl_solution": [
"import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic",
"import Aesop"
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
"nl_problem": ["Prove that for any natural number n, 0 + n = n."],
"nl_solution": [
"Consider any natural number n. We will prove the statement by induction on n.",
"Base case: When n = 0, we need to show that 0 + 0 = 0. This is true by the definition of addition.",
"Inductive step: Assume that for some natural number n, 0 + n = n. We need to show that 0 + (n + 1) = (n + 1). By the definition of addition and the inductive hypothesis, we have 0 + (n + 1) = (0 + n) + 1 = n + 1. Therefore, the statement holds for n + 1.",
"Thus, by induction, we have proved that for any natural number n, 0 + n = n."
"nl_solution_sketch": [
"Consider any natural number n, and do induction on n.",
"Base case: 0 + 0 = 0 by properties of addition.",
"Inductive step we have 0 + n = n. Then 0 + (n + 1) = (0 + n) + 1 = n + 1.",
"Where, 0 + n = n by assumption,qed."
"fl_problem": ["theorem zero_plus_n_proved_formal_sketch : ∀ n : ℕ, 0 + n = n := "],
"fl_partial_sketch": [
" -- Consider some n in Nats.\n",
" intro n\n",
" -- Perform induction on n.\n",
" induction n with\n",
" | zero =>\n",
" -- Base case: 0 + 0 = 0\n",
" have h_base: 0 + 0 = 0 := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\n",
" -- Combine facts to close goal\n",
" | succ n ih =>\n",
" -- Inductive step: assume 0 + n = n, prove 0 + succ n = succ n\n",
" have h_inductive: 0 + Nat.succ n = Nat.succ n := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\\n",
" -- Combine facts to close goal\n",
"src_header_fl_problem": ["import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic"],
"fl_header_sketch": [
"import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic",
"import Aesop"
"path_2_file": "~/gold-ai-olympiad/lean_src_proj/lean_basics/basic_nats_using_mathlib_nats2_simp_no_rw.lean",
"fl_statement_idx": "1"
"nl_problem": ["Prove that for any natural number n, m, and p, n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p."],
"nl_solution": [
"Consider any natural numbers n, m, and p. We will prove the statement by induction on n.",
"Base case: When n = 0, we need to show that 0 + (m + p) = (0 + m) + p. By the definition of addition, we have 0 + (m + p) = m + p and (0 + m) + p = m + p. Therefore, 0 + (m + p) = (0 + m) + p.",
"Inductive step: Assume that for some natural number n, n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p. We need to show that (n + 1) + (m + p) = ((n + 1) + m) + p.",
"1. First, pull out the successor from the left side to have the entire addition inside the successor: (n + 1) + (m + p) = (n + (m + p)) + 1.",
"2. By the inductive hypothesis, we know that n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p. So we can replace n + (m + p) with (n + m) + p inside the successor: (n + (m + p)) + 1 = ((n + m) + p) + 1.",
"3. Finally, push the successor on the left twice to align both sides: ((n + m) + p) + 1 = (n + 1) + (m + p) = ((n + 1) + m) + p.",
"Thus, by induction, we have proved that for any natural numbers n, m, and p, n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p."
"nl_solution_sketch": [
"Consider any natural numbers n, m, and p. We will do induction on n.",
"Base case: 0 + (m + p) = (0 + m) + p by properties of addition.",
"Inductive step, we have n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p. Then (n + 1) + (m + p) = (n + (m + p)) + 1 = ((n + m) + p) + 1.",
"Thus, (n + 1) + (m + p) = ((n + 1) + m) + p, qed."
"fl_problem": ["theorem add_assoc_proved_formal_sketch : ∀ n m p : ℕ, n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p := "],
"fl_partial_sketch": [
" -- Consider some n, m, and p in Nats.\n",
" intros n m p\n",
" -- Perform induction on n.\n",
" induction n with\n",
" | zero =>\n",
" -- Base case: When n = 0, we need to show 0 + (m + p) = (0 + m) + p.\n",
" -- We have the fact 0 + (m + p) = m + p by the definition of addition.\n",
" have h_base: 0 + (m + p) = m + p := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\n",
" -- We also have the fact (0 + m) + p = m + p by the definition of addition.\n",
" have h_symm: (0 + m) + p = m + p := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\n",
" -- Combine facts to close goal\n",
" | succ n ih =>\n",
" -- Inductive step: Assume n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p, we need to show succ n + (m + p) = (succ n + m) + p.\n",
" -- By the inductive hypothesis, we have n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.\n",
" have h_inductive: n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\n",
" -- 1. Let's start by pulling out the succ from left side and have the entire addition inside the succ.\n",
" have h_pull_succ_out_from_left: Nat.succ n + (m + p) = Nat.succ (n + (m + p)) := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\n",
" -- 2. Now that we have the IH hypothesis appearing inside the left, let's apply it so we have n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.\n",
" have h_inside_left_associates: Nat.succ (n + (m + p)) = Nat.succ ((n + m) + p) := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\n",
" -- 3. Now that the parentheses (apps of plus) are in the right place for both sides, push the succ on the left twice so both terms are the same.\n",
" have h_push_succ_in_left_twice: Nat.succ ((n + m) + p) = ((Nat.succ n) + m) + p := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\n",
" -- Combine facts to close goal\n",
"src_header_fl_problem": ["import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic"],
"fl_header_sketch": [
"import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic",
"import Aesop"
"path_2_file": "~/gold-ai-olympiad/lean_src_proj/lean_basics/basic_nats_using_mathlib_nats2_simp_no_rw.lean",
"fl_statement_idx": "4"
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
"nl_problem": ["Prove that for any natural number n, n + 0 = n."],
"nl_solution": [
"Consider any natural number n.",
"Using the properties of addition, we know that adding zero to any number does not change the value of that number.",
"Therefore, we can conclude that n + 0 = n."
"nl_solution_sketch": [
"Consider any natural number n.",
"From properties of addition, adding zero does not change its values.",
"Thus, n + 0 = n."
"fl_problem": ["theorem n_plus_zero_normal : ∀ n : ℕ, n + 0 = n := "],
"fl_partial_sketch": [
" -- We have the fact of addition n + 0 = n, use it to show left and right are equal.\n",
" have h_nat_add_zero: ∀ n : ℕ, n + 0 = n := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\n",
" -- Combine facts with to close goal\n",
"src_header_fl_problem": ["import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic"],
"fl_header_sketch": [
"import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic",
"import Aesop"
"path_2_file": "~/gold-ai-olympiad/lean_src_proj/lean_basics/basic_nats_using_mathlib_nats2_simp_no_rw.lean",
"fl_statement_idx": "0"
"nl_problem": ["Prove that for any natural number n, n + (m + 1) = (n + m) + 1."],
"nl_solution": [
"Consider any natural numbers n and m. We want to show that n + (m + 1) = (n + m) + 1.",
"Using the properties of addition, we know that adding 1 to the sum of n and m is the same as first adding m to n and then adding 1.",
"Therefore, we can conclude that n + (m + 1) = (n + m) + 1."
"nl_solution_sketch": [
"Consider any natural numbers n and m.",
"From properties of addition, adding 1 to the sum of n and m is the same as first adding m to n and then adding 1.",
"Thus, n + (m + 1) = (n + m) + 1."
"fl_problem": ["theorem plus_n_Sm_proved_formal_sketch : ∀ n m : ℕ, n + (m + 1) = (n + m) + 1 := "],
"fl_partial_sketch": [
" -- We have the fact of addition n + (m + 1) = (n + m) + 1, use it to show left and right are equal.\n",
" have h_nat_add_succ: ∀ n m : ℕ, n + (m + 1) = (n + m) + 1 := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\n",
" -- Combine facts to close goal\n",
"src_header_fl_problem": ["import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic"],
"fl_header_sketch": [
"import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic",
"import Aesop"
"path_2_file": "~/gold-ai-olympiad/lean_src_proj/lean_basics/basic_nats_using_mathlib_nats2_simp_no_rw.lean",
"fl_statement_idx": "2"
"nl_problem": ["Prove that for any natural number n and m, n + m = m + n."],
"nl_solution": [
"Consider any natural numbers n and m. We will prove the statement by induction on n.",
"Base case: When n = 0, we need to show that 0 + m = m + 0. By the definition of addition, we have 0 + m = m and m + 0 = m. Therefore, 0 + m = m + 0.",
"Inductive step: Assume that for some natural number n, n + m = m + n. We need to show that (n + 1) + m = m + (n + 1).",
"1. Start by using the fact that (n + 1) + m = n + (m + 1) and m + (n + 1) = (m + n) + 1.",
"2. By the inductive hypothesis, we have n + m = m + n. So we can replace n + (m + 1) with (m + n) + 1.",
"3. Now, both sides have the same structure, showing that (n + 1) + m = m + (n + 1).",
"Thus, by induction, we have proved that for any natural numbers n and m, n + m = m + n."
"nl_solution_sketch": [
"Consider any natural numbers n and m. We will do induction on n.",
"Base case: 0 + m = m + 0 by properties of addition.",
"Inductive step, we have n + m = m + n. Then (n + 1) + m = (n + m) + 1 = (m + n) + 1 = m + (n + 1).",
"Thus, by induction, n + m = m + n, qed."
"fl_problem": ["theorem add_comm_proved_formal_sketch : ∀ n m : ℕ, n + m = m + n := "],
"fl_partial_sketch": [
" -- Consider some n and m in Nats.\n",
" intros n m\n",
" -- Perform induction on n.\n",
" induction n with\n",
" | zero =>\n",
" -- Base case: When n = 0, we need to show 0 + m = m + 0.\n",
" -- We have the fact 0 + m = m by the definition of addition.\n",
" have h_base: 0 + m = m := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\n",
" -- We also have the fact m + 0 = m by the definition of addition.\n",
" have h_symm: m + 0 = m := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\n",
" -- Combine facts to close goal\n",
" | succ n ih =>\n",
" -- Inductive step: Assume n + m = m + n, we need to show succ n + m = m + succ n.\n",
" -- By the inductive hypothesis, we have n + m = m + n.\n",
" have h_inductive: n + m = m + n := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\n",
" -- 1. Note we start with: Nat.succ n + m = m + Nat.succ n, so, pull the succ out from m + Nat.succ n on the right side from the addition using addition facts Nat.add_succ.\n",
" have h_pull_succ_out_from_right: m + Nat.succ n = Nat.succ (m + n) := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\n",
" -- 2. then to flip m + S n to something like S (n + m) we need to use the IH.\n",
" have h_flip_n_plus_m: Nat.succ (n + m) = Nat.succ (m + n) := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\n",
" -- 3. Now the n & m are on the correct sides Nat.succ n + m = Nat.succ (n + m), so let's use the def of addition to pull out the succ from the addition on the left using Nat.succ_add.\n",
" have h_pull_succ_out_from_left: Nat.succ n + m = Nat.succ (n + m) := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\n",
" -- Combine facts to close goal\n",
"src_header_fl_problem": ["import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic"],
"fl_header_sketch": [
"import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic",
"import Aesop"
"path_2_file": "~/gold-ai-olympiad/lean_src_proj/lean_basics/basic_nats_using_mathlib_nats2_simp_no_rw.lean",
"fl_statement_idx": "3"
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
I want all final responses in this format:
"nl_problem": ["Prove that for any natural number n, n + 0 = n."],
"nl_solution": [
"Consider any natural number n.",
"Using the properties of addition, we know that adding zero to any number does not change the value of that number.",
"Therefore, we can conclude that n + 0 = n."
"nl_solution_sketch": [
"Consider any natural number n.",
"From properties of addition, adding zero does not change its values.",
"Thus, n + 0 = n."
"fl_problem": ["theorem n_plus_zero_normal : ∀ n : ℕ, n + 0 = n :="],
"fl_partial_sketch": [
"-- Prove that n + 0 = n via a formal proof sketch with holes to be filled\n",
"theorem n_plus_zero_proved_formal_sketch'' : ∀ n : ℕ, n + 0 = n := by\n",
" -- We have the fact of addition n + 0 = n, use it to show left and right are equal.\n",
" have h_nat_add_zero: ∀ n : ℕ, n + 0 = n := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\n",
" -- Combine facts with to close goal\n",
"src_header_fl_problem": ["import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic"],
"fl_header_sketch": [
"import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic",
"import Aesop"
"path_2_file": "~/gold-ai-olympiad/lean_src_proj/lean_basics/basic_nats_using_mathlib_nats2_simp_no_rw.lean",
"fl_statement_idx": "0"
"nl_problem": ["Prove that for any natural number n, 0 + n = n."],
"nl_solution": [
"Consider any natural number n. We will prove the statement by induction on n.",
"Base case: When n = 0, we need to show that 0 + 0 = 0. This is true by the definition of addition.",
"Inductive step: Assume that for some natural number n, 0 + n = n. We need to show that 0 + (n + 1) = (n + 1). By the definition of addition and the inductive hypothesis, we have 0 + (n + 1) = (0 + n) + 1 = n + 1. Therefore, the statement holds for n + 1.",
"Thus, by induction, we have proved that for any natural number n, 0 + n = n."
"nl_solution_sketch": [
"Consider any natural number n, and do induction on n.",
"Base case: 0 + 0 = 0 by properties of addition.",
"Inductive step we have 0 + n = n. Then 0 + (n + 1) = (0 + n) + 1 = n + 1.",
"Where, 0 + n = n by assumption,qed."
"fl_problem": ["theorem zero_plus_n_proved_formal_sketch : ∀ n : ℕ, 0 + n = n :="],
"fl_partial_sketch": [
"-- Prove that 0 + n = n by induction via a formal proof sketch with holes to be filled\n",
"theorem zero_plus_n_proved_formal_sketch'' : ∀ n : ℕ, 0 + n = n := by\n",
" -- Consider some n in Nats.\n",
" intro n\n",
" -- Perform induction on n.\n",
" induction n with\n",
" | zero =>\n",
" -- Base case: 0 + 0 = 0\n",
" have h_base: 0 + 0 = 0 := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\n",
" -- Combine facts to close goal\n",
" | succ n ih =>\n",
" -- Inductive step: assume 0 + n = n, prove 0 + succ n = succ n\n",
" have h_inductive: 0 + Nat.succ n = Nat.succ n := <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER>\\n",
" -- Combine facts to close goal\n",
"src_header_fl_problem": ["import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic"],
"fl_header_sketch": [
"import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic",
"import Aesop"
I want to translate the following formal proof (solution) in lean 4 to a natural language proof (solution) that a human would write (without lean code in it) and eventually make it into a concise nl_solution_sketch, like the following one:
"nl_problem": ["Let \\[f(x) = \\left\\{\n\\begin{array}{cl} ax+3, &\\text{ if }x>2, \\\\\nx-5 &\\text{ if } -2 \\le x \\le 2, \\\\\n2x-b &\\text{ if } x <-2.\n\\end{array}\n\\right.\\]Find $a+b$ if the piecewise function is continuous (which means that its graph can be drawn without lifting your pencil from the paper)."],
"nl_solution_sketch": ["For the piecewise function to be continuous, the cases must \"meet\" at $2$ and $-2$. For example, $ax+3$ and $x-5$ must be equal when $x=2$. This implies $a(2)+3=2-5$, which we solve to get $2a=-6 \\Rightarrow a=-3$. Similarly, $x-5$ and $2x-b$ must be equal when $x=-2$. Substituting, we get $-2-5=2(-2)-b$, which implies $b=3$. So $a+b=-3+3=\\boxed{0}$."]
This is my lean 4 fl theorem (fl problem) and fl proof (fl solution):
-- Prove that n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p
theorem add_assoc_proved_formal_sketch : ∀ n m p : ℕ, n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p := by
-- Consider some n, m, and p in Nats.
intros n m p
-- Perform induction on n.
induction n with
| zero =>
-- Base case: When n = 0, we need to show 0 + (m + p) = (0 + m) + p.
-- Using the definition of addition, 0 + (m + p) = m + p and (0 + m) + p = m + p.
simp [Nat.zero_add, Nat.zero_add]
| succ n ih =>
-- Inductive step: Assume n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p, we need to show succ n + (m + p) = (succ n + m) + p.
-- proof strategy is, we move succ n out (or in) enough times then use the IH until both sides are the same.
-- 1. let's start by pulling out the scc from left side and have the entire addition inside the succ.
have h_pull_add_succ_out_from_left: Nat.succ n + (m + p) = Nat.succ (n + (m + p)) := by simp [Nat.succ_add]
-- 2. Now that we have the IH hypothesis appearing inside the left, let's apply it so we have n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p.
have h_inside_left_associates: Nat.succ (n + (m + p)) = Nat.succ ((n + m) + p) := by simp [ih]
-- 3. Now that the parenthesis (apps of plus) are on the right place for both side, push the succ on the left twice so both terms are the same.
have h_push_succ_in_left_twice: Nat.succ ((n + m) + p) = ((Nat.succ n) + m) + p := by simp [Nat.succ_add, Nat.succ_add]
-- Combining these, we get succ n + (m + p) = (succ n + m) + p.
simp [h_pull_add_succ_out_from_left, h_inside_left_associates, h_push_succ_in_left_twice]
use the comments to translate the fl proof (solution) to natural language solution then use that to output a natural language concise sketch. Make the natural language proof (solution) sketch concise with the core elements of the solution proof. Do this by first outputting the natural language solution, distill it into a very concise proof sketch in natural language with only the core components. Output everything in a json code block please:
@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
DSP (Draft Sketch Prove) for Lean 4
import fire
from pathlib import Path
from tqdm import tqdm
from typing import Union, Any
import json
import os
import wandb
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_exponential
from solve.dsp_lean_prompts import SYSTEM_PROMPT_DRAFT_V0, prompt_draft_template_lean4_v0, STOP_TOKENS_DRAFT_V0
from solve.dsp_lean_prompts import SYSTEM_PROMPT_SKETCH_V0, prompt_sketch_template_lean4_v0, STOP_TOKENS_SKETCH_V0
class Engine:
def __init__(self):
def __call__(self, *args, **kwards):
class OpenAI_DSP_Engine(Engine):
def __init__(
model: str,
api_key: str = None,
base_url: str = None, # e.g., Mistral-7B-Instrcut-v0.2 on
# Draft Params
draft_system_prompt: str = SYSTEM_PROMPT_DRAFT_V0, # 'You are an expert mathematician and an expert in the Lean 4 Proof Assistant.' (goal do draft)
draft_prompt_template: str = prompt_draft_template_lean4_v0,
draft_sampling_params: SamplingParams = SamplingParams(n=1, max_tokens=2048, top_p=0.95, temperature=0.8),
draft_stop_tokens: list[str] = STOP_TOKENS_DRAFT_V0,
# Sketch Params
sketch_system_prompt: str = SYSTEM_PROMPT_SKETCH_V0,
sketch_prompt_template: str = prompt_sketch_template_lean4_v0,
sketch_sampling_params: SamplingParams = SamplingParams(n=1, max_tokens=2048, top_p=0.95, temperature=0.8, stop=STOP_TOKENS_DSP_V0),
sketch_stop_tokens: list[str] = STOP_TOKENS_SKETCH_V0,
# Prove Params
# ...TODO not sure if needed right now...
# Misc
verbose_init: bool = True,
print(f'{api_key=}, {base_url=}') if verbose_init else None
self.model = model
self.api_key = api_key
self.llm = OpenAI(api_key=self.api_key, base_url=base_url)
# Draft params
self.draft_system_prompt = draft_system_prompt
self.draft_prompt_template = draft_prompt_template
self.draft_sampling_params = draft_sampling_params
self.draft_sampling_params.stop = draft_stop_tokens
# Sketch params
self.sketch_system_prompt = sketch_system_prompt
self.sketch_prompt_template = sketch_prompt_template
self.sketch_sampling_params = sketch_sampling_params
self.sketch_sampling_params.stop = sketch_stop_tokens
# Prove params
# ...TODO not sure if needed right now...
@retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(15), wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=2, max=128))
def autoformalize_prob(
data_pt: dict,
verbose: bool = False,
""" Autoformalize natural language problem to formal language problem. """
@retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(15), wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=2, max=128))
def draft(
data_pt: dict,
verbose: bool = False,
) -> list:
Creates (informal nl) draft (nl soln, nl proof sketch) for latter use in a formal proof sketch.
y_pred_nl ~ draft(eng, x_nl_prob, P_draft)
# Make prompt from template
nl_problem: str = data_pt['nl_problem']
prompt = eng.draft_prompt_template.replace('{nl_problem}', nl_problem)
# Get all **completions** to single prompt, one (in) -> many (out)
# ref: https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/object
response: Any = eng.llm.chat.completions.create(
{"role": "system", "content": eng.draft_system_prompt},
{"role": "user", "content": prompt},
# Get all completions for single prompt
completions: list[str] = [completion.message.content for completion in response.choices] # response.choices[i].message
drafts: list[str] = completions
return drafts
@retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(15), wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=2, max=128))
def sketch(
data_pt: dict,
drafts: list,
autoformalize_prob_in_prompt: bool = False,
verbose: bool = False,
) -> list:
Creates (formal fl) sketch (fl proof sketch) for latter use in a formal proof sketch.
z_pred_fl ~ sketch(eng, x_nl_prob, y_pred_nl, x_fl_prob, P_sketch)
assert len(drafts) == 1, f"For now only 1 draft."
# Make prompt from template
x_nl_problem: str = data_pt['nl_problem']
y_nl_solution: str = drafts[0]
if autoformalize_prob_in_prompt:
prompt = eng.sketch_prompt_template.replace('{nl_problem}', x_nl_problem).replace('{nl_solution}', y_nl_solution)
x_fl_problem = data_pt['fl_problem'] if 'fl_problem' in data_pt else autoformalize_prob(eng, data_pt)
prompt = eng.sketch_prompt_template.replace('{nl_problem}', x_nl_problem).replace('{nl_solution}', y_nl_solution)
# Get all **completions** to single prompt, one (in) -> many (out)
# ref: https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/object
response: Any = eng.llm.chat.completions.create(
{"role": "system", "content": eng.sketch_system_prompt},
{"role": "user", "content": prompt},
# Get all completions for single prompt
completions: list[str] = [completion.message.content for completion in response.choices] # response.choices[i].message
sketches: list[str] = completions
# Return
return sketches, x_fl_problem
def prove(
fl_prob: str,
fl_sketch: list[str],
""" Complete formal sketch and check if it proves the theorem. """
from pantograph.server import Server
server = Server()
state0 = server.goal_start(fl_prob)
# -- Prove
correct: bool = False
# -- Return
return correct
# -- DSP for Lean
def single_proof_search_dsp_lean(
eng: Engine,
data_pt: dict,
) -> bool:
# -- Draft: [y_nl_pred_draft]_n ~ draft(eng, x_nl_prob, P_draft)
y_nl_pred_drafts = draft(eng, data_pt)
# -- Sketch: z_fl_pred_sketch ~ sketch(eng, x_nl_prob, [y_nl_pred_draft]_n, x_fl_prob, P_sketch)
z_fl_pred_sketches, x_fl_prob = sketch(eng, data_pt, y_nl_pred_drafts)
# -- Prove: y_fl = prove(eng, x_fl_prob, z_fl_pred_sketches)
correct: bool = prove(eng, x_fl_prob, z_fl_pred_sketches)
# -- Return
def full_proof_search_dsp_lean(
eng: Engine,
path_2_eval_dataset: Union[str, Path],
# -- Get eval data
path_2_eval_dataset = Path(path_2_eval_dataset).expanduser()
eval_dataset: list[dict] = json.load(open(path_2_eval_dataset, 'r'))
# -- Proof search by DSP over all eval data
data_pt: dict
for data_pt in tqdm(eval_dataset, total=len(eval_dataset)):
# -- DSP
single_proof_search_dsp_lean(eng, data_pt)
# -- Return
# -- Main
def main(
path_2_eval_dataset: str = '~/gold-ai-olympiad/data/debug/toy_example1_dsp/dsp_debug5_sf/dsp_debug5_sf_train.json',
# model: str = 'mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1',
# model: str = 'deepseek-ai/deepseek-math-7b-instruct',
# model: str = 'gpt2',
model: str = 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
# model: str = 'gpt-4-turbo',
start: int = 0,
end: int = sys.maxsize,
# end: int = 10, # do 10 so enough boxed qs are there
batch_size: int = 10, # putnam has 348
n: int = 4, # num seqs to return for given prompt
max_tokens: int = 2048,
top_p: float = 0.95,
temperature: float = 0.8,
mode: str = "dryrun",
# mode: str = "online",
path_2_eval_dataset = Path(path_2_eval_dataset).expanduser()
# - Start wandb run
print(f'\n\n-- Setup params')
# num_workers = min(144, cpu_count())
# print(f'{num_workers=} {cpu_count()=}')
current_tmux_session = os.environ.get("TMUX", "").split(",")[-1]
today = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-m%m-d%d-t%Hh_%Mm_%Ss")
config = {'today': today, "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES": CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES, "current_tmux_session": current_tmux_session, "model": model, "path_2_eval_dataset": path_2_eval_dataset}
project: str = 'pypantograph'
run_name = f"{project}: ({config})"
run = wandb.init(mode=mode, project=project, name=run_name, save_code=True, config=config)
print(f'\n Config: \n{config=}')
# - Run DSP for Lean
print(f'\n\n-- Run DSP for Lean')
# stop: list[str] = STOP_TOKENS
dtype: str = get_dtype_for_vllm()
sampling_params: SamplingParams = SamplingParams(n=n, max_tokens=max_tokens, top_p=top_p, temperature=temperature, stop=stop)
if 'gpt-4-' in model or 'gpt-3.5-' in model or 'gpt-4o' in model:
# # api_key = open(Path('~/keys/openai_api_brandos_personal_key.txt').expanduser(), 'r').read().strip()
api_key = open(Path('~/keys/openai_api_key_brandos_koyejolab.txt').expanduser(), 'r').read().strip()
eng: OpenAI_DSP_Engine = OpenAI_DSP_Engine(model=model, api_key=api_key, verbose_init=True)
raise ValueError(f"Model {model=} not supported.")
# - Full proof search with DSP
full_proof_search_dsp_lean(eng, path_2_eval_dataset)
# - End run
if __name__ == "__main__":
import time
start_time = time.time()
print(f"Time taken: {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds, or {(time.time() - start_time) / 60:.2f} minutes, or {(time.time() - start_time) / 3600:.2f} hours.\a")
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
core part of data for prompt for dsp:
"nl_problem": ..., # x*_nl
"nl_solution": ..., # y*_nl = draft*
"fl_problem": ..., # x*_fl
"fl_partial_sketch": ..., # z_fl example = sketch
"src_header_fl_problem": ..., #src_header_x*_fl
"fl_header_sketch": ..., # hz_fl suggested header
import json
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional
# just an example of stop tokens from the MATH eval code
# STOP_TOKENS: list[str] = ["Solution:", "Problem:", "Question:", "USER:", "USER:", "USER", "ASSISTANT:", "ASSISTANT", "Instruction:", "Instruction", "Response:", "Response"]
default_path_2_examples = '~/gold-ai-olympiad/data/debug/toy_example1_dsp/dsp_debug5_sf/dsp_debug5_sf_train.json'
# -- Prompt draft (P_draft) for Lean 4
Draft an informal solution similar to the one below.
The informal solution will be used to sketch a formal proof in the Lean 4 Proof Assistant.
Here are some examples:
(*### Problem\n\n
[...nl/i problem text...]\n\n
### Solution\n\n
[...nl/i solution/draft text...]\n\n
(*### Problem\n\n
### Solution\n\n
[...Model Completion...]
SYSTEM_PROMPT_DRAFT_V0 = 'You are an expert mathematician and an expert in the Lean 4 Proof Assistant.'
STOP_TOKENS_DRAFT_V0: list[str] = ['Informal:', '(*### Problem']
prompt_draft_template_lean4_v0 = ("Draft an informal solution similar to the one below. "
"The informal solution will be used to sketch a formal proof in the Lean 4 Proof Assistant. "
"Here are some examples of informal problem solutions pairs:\n")
def get_prompt_draft_template_4_lean_v0(
path_2_examples: str = default_path_2_examples,
start: int = 0,
end: int = sys.maxsize,
prompt_draft_template_4_lean: Optional[str] = prompt_draft_template_lean4_v0,
verbose: bool = False,
path_2_examples = Path(path_2_examples).expanduser()
# load json file with list of dicts from file in one line
with open(path_2_examples, 'r') as f:
examples: list[dict] = json.load(f)
print(f'{len(examples)=}') if verbose else None
examples = examples[start:end]
# -- Create prompt by appending few shot examples
for example in examples:
nl_problem = example['nl_problem']
new_few_shot_example = "\nInformal:\n(*### Problem\n\n" + ' '.join(nl_problem)
nl_solution_sketch = example['nl_solution_sketch']
new_few_shot_example += "\n\n### Solution\n\n" + ' '.join(nl_solution_sketch) + "*)\n"
prompt_draft_template_4_lean += new_few_shot_example
# Add part to elicit model to do task
prompt_draft_template_4_lean += "\nInformal: \n(*### Problem\n\n{nl_problem}\n\n### Solution\n"
# Return
print(prompt_draft_template_4_lean) if verbose else None
return prompt_draft_template_4_lean
prompt_draft_template_lean4_v0 = get_prompt_draft_template_4_lean_v0()
# -- Prompt sketch (P_sketch) for Lean 4
[... Translate informal draft to a formal sketch in Lean 4. Here are some examples: ...]
(*### Problem\n\n
[...nl/i problem text...]\n\n
### Solution\n\n
[...nl/i solution/draft text...]\n\n
[...fl/i problem text...]
[...fl/i partial sketch text...]
(*### Problem\n\n
### Solution\n\n
[...Model Completion...]
# tasks is mostly writing lean but perhaps making it think it's good at maths is also good? we could later test just focusing system prompting it to be good at Lean 4.
SYSTEM_PROMPT_SKETCH_V0 = 'You are an expert mathematician and an expert in the Lean 4 Proof Assistant.'
STOP_TOKENS_SKETCH_V0: list[str] = ['Informal:', '(*### Problem', '###Solution', 'Formal:']
prompt_sketch_template_lean4_v0 = ("Translate the informal solution into a sketch in the "
"formal Lean 4 proof. Add <TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER> in the formal sketch whenever possible. "
"<TODO_PROOF_OR_HAMMER> will be used to call a automated theorem prover or tactic in Lean 4. "
"Here are some examples:\n"
def get_prompt_sketch_template_4_lean_v0(
path_2_examples: str = default_path_2_examples,
start: int = 0,
end: int = sys.maxsize,
prompt_sketch_template_4_lean: Optional[str] = prompt_sketch_template_lean4_v0,
autoformalize_prob_in_prompt: Optional[bool] = False,
verbose: bool = False,
path_2_examples = Path(path_2_examples).expanduser()
# load json file with list of dicts from file in one line
with open(path_2_examples, 'r') as f:
examples: list[dict] = json.load(f)
print(f'{len(examples)=}') if verbose else None
examples = examples[start:end]
# -- Create prompt by appending few shot examples
for example in examples:
# TODO: might need to figure out the header thing
nl_problem = example['nl_problem']
new_few_shot_example = "\nInformal:\n(*### Problem\n\n" + ' '.join(nl_problem)
nl_solution_sketch = example['nl_solution_sketch']
new_few_shot_example += "\n\n### Solution\n\n" + ' '.join(nl_solution_sketch) + "*)\n"
fl_problem = example['fl_problem']
fl_header_sketch = example['fl_header_sketch']
fl_header_sketch = '\n'.join(fl_header_sketch) + '\n\n'
new_few_shot_example += "\nFormal:\n"+ fl_header_sketch + ' '.join(fl_problem)
fl_partial_sketch = example['fl_partial_sketch']
new_few_shot_example += ' '.join(fl_partial_sketch)
prompt_sketch_template_4_lean += new_few_shot_example
# Add part to elicit model to do task
if autoformalize_prob_in_prompt:
prompt_sketch_template_4_lean += "\nInformal:\n(*### Problem\n\n{nl_problem}\n\n### Solution\n\n{nl_solution}*)\n\nFormal:\n"
prompt_sketch_template_4_lean += "\nInformal:\n(*### Problem\n\n{nl_problem}\n\n### Solution\n\n{nl_solution}*)\n\nFormal:\n{fl_problem}"
# Return
print(prompt_sketch_template_4_lean) if verbose else None
return prompt_sketch_template_4_lean
prompt_sketch_template_lean4_v0 = get_prompt_sketch_template_4_lean_v0()
# -- Main
def main(
verbose: bool = True,
# -- Print Prompt Draft
# print('-- Prompt Draft --')
# print(prompt_draft_template_lean4_v0)
# -- Print Prompt Sketch
print('-- Prompt Sketch --')
sketch_prompt: str = get_prompt_sketch_template_4_lean_v0(verbose=verbose)
# print(prompt_sketch_template_lean4_v0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import time
start = time.time()
# fire.Fire()
end = time.time()
print(f'Time elapsed: {end - start} seconds, or {(end - start) / 60} minutes, or {(end - start) / 3600} hours.')
@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
examples_for_dsp_draft_prompt_original = [
{"tag": "aimeI_2000_p7", "category": "algebra", "metadata": {}, "prompt": "Informal:\n(*### Problem\n\nSuppose that $x,$ $y,$ and $z$ are three positive numbers that satisfy the equations $xyz = 1,$ $x + \\frac {1}{z} = 5,$ and $y + \\frac {1}{x} = 29.$ Then $z + \\frac {1}{y} = \\frac {m}{n},$ where $m$ and $n$ are [[relatively prime]] positive integers. Find $m + n$. Show that it is 5.\n\n\nnote: this is the type of problem that makes you think symmetry, but actually can be solved easily with substitution, and other normal technniques\n\n### Solution\n\nWe can rewrite $xyz=1$ as $\\frac{1}{z}=xy$.\n\nSubstituting into one of the given equations, we have \n$x+xy=5$\n$x(1+y)=5$\n$\\frac{1}{x}=\\frac{1+y}{5}.$\n\nWe can substitute back into $y+\\frac{1}{x}=29$ to obtain\n$y+\\frac{1+y}{5}=29$\n$5y+1+y=145$\n$y=24.$\n\nWe can then substitute once again to get\n$x=\\frac15$\n$z=\\frac{5}{24}.$\nThus, $z+\\frac1y=\\frac{5}{24}+\\frac{1}{24}=\\frac{1}{4}$, so $m+n=005$.*)\n\nFormal:\ntheorem\n fixes x y z :: real\n and p :: rat\n assumes \"0 < x \\<and> 0 < y \\<and> 0 < z\"\n and \"x * y * z = 1\"\n and \"x + 1 / z = 5\"\n and \"y + 1 / x = 29\"\n and \"z + 1 / y = p\"\n and \"0 < p\" \n shows \"let (m,n) = quotient_of p in m + n = 5\"\nproof -\n (* We can rewrite $xyz=1$ as $\\frac{1}{z}=xy$. *)\n have c0: \"z = 1 / (x*y)\"\n sledgehammer\n (* Substituting into one of the given equations, we have \n $x+xy=5$\n $x(1+y)=5$\n $\\frac{1}{x}=\\frac{1+y}{5}.$ *)\n have c1: \"1 / x = (1+y) / 5\" \n proof -\n have \"x + x * y = 5\" using assms(3) unfolding c0\n sledgehammer\n then have \"x * (1 + y) = 5\"\n sledgehammer\n then have t1: \"x = 5 / (1+y)\"\n sledgehammer\n then show ?thesis\n sledgehammer\n qed\n (* We can substitute back into $y+\\frac{1}{x}=29$ to obtain\n $y+\\frac{1+y}{5}=29$\n $5y+1+y=145$\n $y=24.$ *)\n have \"y + (1+y)/5 = 29\" using assms(4) unfolding c1 sledgehammer\n then have \"5* (y + (1+y)/5) = 5 * 29\" sledgehammer\n also have \"... = 145\" sledgehammer\n finally have c2_1: \"5* (y + (1+y)/5) = 145\" sledgehammer\n have \"5* (y + (1+y)/5) = 5*y + (1+y)\" sledgehammer\n also have \"... = 6*y + 1\" sledgehammer\n finally have c2_2: \"5* (y + (1+y)/5) = 6*y + 1\" sledgehammer\n have \"6*y + 1 = 145\" using c2_1 c2_2 sledgehammer\n then have c2: \"y = 24\" sledgehammer\n (* We can then substitute once again to get\n $x=\\frac15$\n $z=\\frac{5}{24}.$ *)\n have \"1/x = 5\" using c1 unfolding c2 sledgehammer\n then have c3: \"x = 1/5\"\n sledgehammer\n then have c4: \"z = 5/24\"\n sledgehammer\n (* Thus, $z+\\frac1y=\\frac{5}{24}+\\frac{1}{24}=\\frac{1}{4}$, so $m+n=005$. *)\n have \"p = z + 1/y\" using assms(5) sledgehammer\n also have \"... = 5/24 + 1/24\" unfolding c2 c4 sledgehammer\n also have \"... = 1/4\" sledgehammer\n finally have c5: \"p = 1/4\"\n sledgehammer\n have \"quotient_of p = (1, 4)\" unfolding c5 sledgehammer\n then show ?thesis sledgehammer\nqed"},
{"tag": "algebra_2rootsintpoly_am10tap11eqasqpam110", "category": "algebra", "metadata": {}, "prompt": "Informal:\n(*### Problem\n\nShow that for any complex number a, $(a-10)(a+11) = a^2 + a - 110$.\n\n### Solution\n\nWe first expand all terms of the left hand side to get $a^2 - 10a + 11a - 10*11$.\nThis equals $a^2 + a - 10*11 = a^2 + a - 110$.*)\n\nFormal:\ntheorem\n fixes a :: complex\n shows \"(a-10) * (a+11) = a^2 + a -110\"\nproof -\n (* We first expand all terms of the left hand side to get $a^2 - 10a + 11a - 10*11$. *)\n have \"(a-10) * (a+11) = a^2 - 10*a + 11*a - 10 *11\"\n sledgehammer\n (* This equals $a^2 + a - 10*11 = a^2 + a - 110$. *)\n also have \"\\<dots> = a^2 + a - 10 * 11\"\n sledgehammer\n also have \"\\<dots> = a^2 + a - 110\"\n sledgehammer\n finally show ?thesis\n sledgehammer\nqed"},
{"tag": "mathd_numbertheory_335", "category": "number_theory", "metadata": {}, "prompt": "Informal:\n(*### Problem\n\nWhen Rachel divides her favorite number by 7, she gets a remainder of 5. What will the remainder be if she multiplies her favorite number by 5 and then divides by 7? Show that it is 4.\n\n### Solution\n\nLet $n$ be Rachel's favorite number. \nThen $n \\equiv 5 \\pmod{7}$, so $5n \\equiv 5 \\cdot 5 \\equiv 25 \\equiv 4 \\pmod{7}$.\n*)\n\nFormal:\ntheorem\n fixes n :: nat\n assumes h0 : \"n mod 7 = 5\"\n shows \"(5 * n) mod 7 = 4\"\nproof -\n (* Then $n \\equiv 5 \\pmod{7}$, so $5n \\equiv 5 \\cdot 5 \\equiv 25 \\equiv 4 \\pmod{7}$. *)\n have c0:\"(5 * n) mod 7 = (5 * 5) mod 7\" using h0\n sledgehammer\n then have \"\\<dots> = 4\" sledgehammer\n then have \"(5 * n) mod 7 = 4\" using c0 sledgehammer\n then show ?thesis sledgehammer\nqed"}
examples_for_dsp_draft_prompt_template = [
"tag": "aimeI_2000_p7",
"category": "algebra",
"metadata": {},
"prompt": (
"(*### Problem\n\n"
"Suppose that $x,$ $y,$ and $z$ are three positive numbers that satisfy the equations $xyz = 1,$ "
"$x + \\frac {1}{z} = 5,$ and $y + \\frac {1}{x} = 29.$ Then $z + \\frac {1}{y} = \\frac {m}{n},$ "
"where $m$ and $n$ are [[relatively prime]] positive integers. Find $m + n$. Show that it is 5.\n\n"
"note: this is the type of problem that makes you think symmetry, but actually can be solved easily "
"with substitution, and other normal technniques\n\n"
"### Solution\n\n"
"We can rewrite $xyz=1$ as $\\frac{1}{z}=xy$.\n\n"
"Substituting into one of the given equations, we have \n$x+xy=5$\n$x(1+y)=5$\n$\\frac{1}{x}=\\frac{1+y}{5}.$\n\n"
"We can substitute back into $y+\\frac{1}{x}=29$ to obtain\n"
"We can then substitute once again to get\n$x=\\frac15$\n$z=\\frac{5}{24}.$\n"
"Thus, $z+\\frac1y=\\frac{5}{24}+\\frac{1}{24}=\\frac{1}{4}$, so $m+n=005$.*)\n\n"
" fixes x y z :: real\n"
" and p :: rat\n"
" assumes \"0 < x \\<and> 0 < y \\<and> 0 < z\"\n"
" and \"x * y * z = 1\"\n"
" and \"x + 1 / z = 5\"\n"
" and \"y + 1 / x = 29\"\n"
" and \"z + 1 / y = p\"\n"
" and \"0 < p\" \n"
" shows \"let (m,n) = quotient_of p in m + n = 5\"\n"
"proof -\n"
" (* We can rewrite $xyz=1$ as $\\frac{1}{z}=xy$. *)\n"
" have c0: \"z = 1 / (x*y)\"\n"
" sledgehammer\n"
" (* Substituting into one of the given equations, we have \n"
" $x+xy=5$\n"
" $x(1+y)=5$\n"
" $\\frac{1}{x}=\\frac{1+y}{5}.$ *)\n"
" have c1: \"1 / x = (1+y) / 5\" \n"
" proof -\n"
" have \"x + x * y = 5\" using assms(3) unfolding c0\n"
" sledgehammer\n"
" then have \"x * (1 + y) = 5\"\n"
" sledgehammer\n"
" then have t1: \"x = 5 / (1+y)\"\n"
" sledgehammer\n"
" then show ?thesis\n"
" sledgehammer\n"
" qed\n"
" (* We can substitute back into $y+\\frac{1}{x}=29$ to obtain\n"
" $y+\\frac{1+y}{5}=29$\n"
" $5y+1+y=145$\n"
" $y=24.$ *)\n"
" have \"y + (1+y)/5 = 29\" using assms(4) unfolding c1 sledgehammer\n"
" then have \"5* (y + (1+y)/5) = 5 * 29\" sledgehammer\n"
" also have \"... = 145\" sledgehammer\n"
" finally have c2_1: \"5* (y + (1+y)/5) = 145\" sledgehammer\n"
" have \"5* (y + (1+y)/5) = 5*y + (1+y)\" sledgehammer\n"
" also have \"... = 6*y + 1\" sledgehammer\n"
" finally have c2_2: \"5* (y + (1+y)/5) = 6*y + 1\" sledgehammer\n"
" have \"6*y + 1 = 145\" using c2_1 c2_2 sledgehammer\n"
" then have c2: \"y = 24\" sledgehammer\n"
" (* We can then substitute once again to get\n"
" $x=\\frac15$\n"
" $z=\\frac{5}{24}.$ *)\n"
" have \"1/x = 5\" using c1 unfolding c2 sledgehammer\n"
" then have c3: \"x = 1/5\"\n"
" sledgehammer\n"
" then have c4: \"z = 5/24\"\n"
" sledgehammer\n"
" (* Thus, $z+\\frac1y=\\frac{5}{24}+\\frac{1}{24}=\\frac{1}{4}$, so $m+n=005$. *)\n"
" have \"p = z + 1/y\" using assms(5) sledgehammer\n"
" also have \"... = 5/24 + 1/24\" unfolding c2 c4 sledgehammer\n"
" also have \"... = 1/4\" sledgehammer\n"
" finally have c5: \"p = 1/4\"\n"
" sledgehammer\n"
" have \"quotient_of p = (1, 4)\" unfolding c5 sledgehammer\n"
" then show ?thesis sledgehammer\n"
"tag": "algebra_2rootsintpoly_am10tap11eqasqpam110",
"category": "algebra",
"metadata": {},
"prompt": (
"(*### Problem\n\n"
"Show that for any complex number a, $(a-10)(a+11) = a^2 + a - 110$.\n\n"
"### Solution\n\n"
"We first expand all terms of the left hand side to get $a^2 - 10a + 11a - 10*11$.\n"
"This equals $a^2 + a - 10*11 = a^2 + a - 110$.*)\n\n"
" fixes a :: complex\n"
" shows \"(a-10) * (a+11) = a^2 + a -110\"\n"
"proof -\n"
" (* We first expand all terms of the left hand side to get $a^2 - 10a + 11a - 10*11$. *)\n"
" have \"(a-10) * (a+11) = a^2 - 10*a + 11*a - 10 *11\"\n"
" sledgehammer\n"
" (* This equals $a^2 + a - 10*11 = a^2 + a - 110$. *)\n"
" also have \"\\<dots> = a^2 + a - 10 * 11\"\n"
" sledgehammer\n"
" also have \"\\<dots> = a^2 + a - 110\"\n"
" sledgehammer\n"
" finally show ?thesis\n"
" sledgehammer\n"
"tag": "mathd_numbertheory_335",
"category": "number_theory",
"metadata": {},
"prompt": (
"(*### Problem\n\n"
"When Rachel divides her favorite number by 7, she gets a remainder of 5. What will the remainder be if she "
"multiplies her favorite number by 5 and then divides by 7? Show that it is 4.\n\n"
"### Solution\n\n"
"Let $n$ be Rachel's favorite number. \n"
"Then $n \\equiv 5 \\pmod{7}$, so $5n \\equiv 5 \\cdot 5 \\equiv 25 \\equiv 4 \\pmod{7}$.\n*)\n\n"
" fixes n :: nat\n"
" assumes h0 : \"n mod 7 = 5\"\n"
" shows \"(5 * n) mod 7 = 4\"\n"
"proof -\n"
" (* Then $n \\equiv 5 \\pmod{7}$, so $5n \\equiv 5 \\cdot 5 \\equiv 25 \\equiv 4 \\pmod{7}$. *)\n"
" have c0:\"(5 * n) mod 7 = (5 * 5) mod 7\" using h0\n"
" sledgehammer\n"
" then have \"\\<dots> = 4\" sledgehammer\n"
" then have \"(5 * n) mod 7 = 4\" using c0 sledgehammer\n"
" then show ?thesis sledgehammer\n"
# -- Prompts for generating (informal) drafts (basically informal/natural language solution strings, that contain less details than a formal proof, hence why they are called "drafts")
prompt_draft_template_4_isabelle = """Draft an informal solution similar to the one below.
The informal solution will be used to sketch a formal Isabelle proof.
Here are some examples: \n"""
for example in examples_for_dsp_draft_prompt_template:
# P_draft_isa_prompt_template += ("Example:\n" + x['prompt'][:x['prompt'].find('Formal:')] + "\n\n")
# - Extract the 'prompt' field from the current example
prompt_text = example['prompt']
# - Find the index where the 'Formal:' keyword starts
formal_index = prompt_text.find('Formal:')
# - Extract the part of the prompt before the 'Formal:' keyword
nl_prob_soln = prompt_text[:formal_index] # Append nl/i draft examples: prob_nl, soln_nl/draft_nl
# - Append this i draft example our prompt draft/P_draft
prompt_draft_template_4_isabelle += f"Example:\n{informal_part}\n\n"
# append the final part of the prompt template that prompts model to do prediction, we'd need to insert new nl problem text here before using it
prompt_draft_template_4_isabelle += """Informal:
(*### Problem
# P_sketch isabelle, ref: https://github.com/brando90/ntptutorial-II/blob/main/partII_dsp/notebooks/II_dsp__part2_dsp.ipynb
prompt = """Translate the informal solution into a sketch of the
formal Isabelle proof. Add `sledgehammer` in the sketch whenever
possible. `sledgehammer` will be used to call the automated Sledgehammer prover.
Here are some examples:
for x in examples:
prompt += (x['prompt'] + "\n\n")
prompt += """Informal:
(*### Problem
xf = """theorem
fixes x :: int
assumes h0: "even x"
shows "odd (x+5)" """
zi = p.f(prompt, xi + '\n\n' + yi + '\n\n' + xf)
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
inductive UnaryNat : Type
| zero : UnaryNat
| succ : UnaryNat → UnaryNat
deriving Repr
#check UnaryNat
#check UnaryNat.zero
#check UnaryNat.succ
#check UnaryNat.succ UnaryNat.zero
-- 0
#eval UnaryNat.zero
-- 1
#eval (UnaryNat.succ UnaryNat.zero)
-- 2
#eval (UnaryNat.succ (UnaryNat.succ UnaryNat.zero))
-- open the namespace for UnaryNat
open UnaryNat
#check zero
def add_left : UnaryNat → UnaryNat → UnaryNat
| zero, n => n
| succ m', n => succ (add_left m' n)
#check add_left zero
#eval add_left zero zero
#eval add_left zero (succ zero)
#eval add_left (succ zero) zero
def add_right (m n : UnaryNat) : UnaryNat :=
match n with
| zero => m
| succ n' => succ (add_right m n')
#eval add_right zero zero
-- todo add_right == add_left
infixl:65 "+" => add_left
#eval zero + zero -- add(0, 0)
-- a + b + c -> add(add(a, b), c) or add(a, add(b, c))
theorem add_zero_is_zero : zero + zero = zero := rfl
-- 0 + n = n
theorem zero_add_n_eq_n : ∀ n : UnaryNat, zero + n = n := by
intro n
-- simp [add_left]
-- rw [add_left]
-- print the proof term for me please
#print zero_add_n_eq_n
theorem zero_add_n_eq_n' (n : UnaryNat) : zero + n = n := by rfl
#print zero_add_n_eq_n'
-- n + 0 = n
theorem n_add_zero_eq_n : ∀ n : UnaryNat, n + zero = n := by
intro n
induction n with
| zero => apply rfl
-- | succ n' ih => rw [add_left]; rw [ih]
| succ n' ih => rw [add_left, ih]
#print n_add_zero_eq_n
-- comm, assoc, distrib, etc proofs? see software foundations?
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
---- Example: define unary natural numbers
---- define unary nats
-- define unary natural numbers
inductive UnaryNat : Type
| Zero: UnaryNat
| Succ: UnaryNat -> UnaryNat
-- make unary nats printable
deriving Repr
-- define unary natural numbers
inductive MyNat : Type
| O: MyNat
| S: MyNat -> MyNat
-- make unary nats printable
deriving Repr
-- bring contents of unary nat into scope
open UnaryNat
-- bring contents of unary nat into scope
open MyNat
---- check types and evals
-- check type of unary nat, zero and succ
#check UnaryNat
#check UnaryNat.Zero
#check UnaryNat.Succ
#check UnaryNat.Succ UnaryNat.Zero
#check Succ (Succ Zero)
#eval UnaryNat.Zero
#eval UnaryNat.Succ UnaryNat.Zero
#eval UnaryNat.Succ (UnaryNat.Succ UnaryNat.Zero)
#eval Succ (Succ Zero)
#check O
#eval S (S O)
---- define addition for unary natural numbers
-- define addition for unary natural numbers (without explicit names in function declaration)
def add_left : UnaryNat -> UnaryNat -> UnaryNat
| Zero, n => n
| Succ m, n => Succ (add_left m n)
-- define addition for unary natural numbers (with explicit names in function declaration)
def add_left' (m n : UnaryNat) : UnaryNat :=
match m with
| Zero => n
| Succ m' => Succ (add_left' m' n)
-- define addition infix notation
infixl:65 "+l" => add_left'
-- define right addition for unary natural numbers (without explicit names in function declaration)
def add_right : UnaryNat -> UnaryNat -> UnaryNat
| m, Zero => m
| m, Succ n => Succ (add_right m n)
-- define right addition for unary natural numbers (with explicit names in function declaration)
def add_right' (m n : UnaryNat) : UnaryNat :=
match n with
| Zero => m
| Succ n' => Succ (add_right' m n')
-- define right addition infix notation
infixl:65 "+r " => add_right'
---- evals for addition
-- eval addition for unary natural numbers left and right
#eval Zero +l Zero
#eval Zero +l (Succ Zero)
#eval (Succ Zero) +l (Succ Zero)
#eval (Succ (Succ Zero)) +r (Succ Zero)
---- theorem show non inductive case of addition
-- theorem left addition, 0 + n = n (not inductive proof)
theorem add_left_zero_plus_n_eq_n (n : UnaryNat) : Zero +l n = n := by rfl
-- theorem left addition, 0 + n = n (not inductive proof) with forall statements
theorem add_left_zero_plus_n_eq_n' : Zero +l n = n := by intros; rfl
theorem add_left_zero_plus_n_eq_n'' : Zero +l n = n := by
-- theorem right addition, n + 0 = n (not inductive proof)
theorem add_right_n_plus_zero_eq_n (n : UnaryNat) : n +r Zero = n := by rfl
-- theorem right addition, n + 0 = n (not inductive proof) with forall statements
theorem add_right_n_plus_zero_eq_n' : n +r Zero = n := by intros; rfl
theorem add_right_n_plus_zero_eq_n'' : n +r Zero = n := by
---- theorem show inductive case of addition
-- theorem left addition, n + 0 = n (inductive proof)
theorem add_left_n_plus_zero_eq_n (n : UnaryNat) : n +l Zero = n := by
induction n with
| Zero => rfl
| Succ n' ih => simp [add_left', ih]
-- theorem left addition, n + 0 = n (inductive proof) with forall and use inductive hypothesis explicitly
theorem add_left_n_plus_zero_eq_n' : ∀ (n : UnaryNat), n +l Zero = n := by
intros n
induction n with
| Zero => rfl
| Succ n' ih => simp [add_left']; assumption
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
f(x) = m*x + c at x=x' and anything else o.w. (e.g., x)
WTS: lim_{x -> x'} f(x) = m*x' + c
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
-- Define the limit of a function at a point
def limit (f : ℝ → ℝ) (x' : ℝ) (l : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ ε : ℝ, 0 < ε → ∃ δ : ℝ, 0 < δ ∧ ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < abs (x - x') ∧ abs (x - x') < δ → abs (f x - l) < ε
-- Define the target function to reason about f(x) = m*x + c at x=x' and anything else o.w. (e.g., x)
noncomputable def lin (m c : ℝ) (x : ℝ) : ℝ := m*x + c
noncomputable def f (m c hole_x : ℝ) (x : ℝ) : ℝ := if x = hole_x then lin m c x else x
-- Prove the limit of a linear funtion with a hole at the point would be the lin value at the hole i.e., f(x) = m*x + c at x=x' is m*x' + c
theorem limit_of_lin_func_with_hole_eq_lin_func (m c limit_pt_x : ℝ) : limit (f m c hole_x) hole_x (lin m c hole_x) := by
unfold limit
intros ε ε_pos
-- we want 0 < | f(x) - (m*x' + c) | < ε but in format 0 < | x - x' | < δ, so "invert f on both sides and put in δ format"
-- we want 0 < | m*x + c - (m*x' + c) | < ε using def of f not at x'
-- we want 0 < |m| * | x - x' | < ε --> 0 < | x - x' | < ε / |m| so δ = ε / |m|
use ε / abs m
apply And.intro
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-- Define a singly linked list
inductive Singly_Node (α : Type) : Type
| nil : Singly_Node α
| cons : α → Singly_Node α → Singly_Node α
#check Singly_Node
#check Singly_Node.nil
#check Singly_Node.cons
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
## Appendix
### Questions:
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
Task: prove that f(x) = 1/x has a vertical asymptote (unbounded limit) at x = 0 from both sides.
def unbounded_limit (f : ℝ → ℝ) (c : ℝ) : Prop := ∀ M > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x, 0 < |x - c| < δ → M < |f x|
theorem one_over_x_has_vertical_asymptote_both_sides : lim_{x -> c} f(x) = +-∞
consider any M > 0
now show: ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x, 0 < |x - c| < δ → M < |f x|
So show: ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x, 0 < |x| < δ → M < |1/x|, so in particular don't forget you want -δ < x < δ when guessing δ from goal.
-- guess, delta (s.tif antecedent holds goal holds), so use goal M < |f(x)|, which is M < |1/x| ->
1. M < 1/x (so x > 0 since M>0) -> x < M^⁻¹
2. M < -1/x (so x < 0 since M>0 <-> M <-M) -> M * -x < 1 -> -x < M^⁻¹ -> -M^⁻¹ < -x
1 & 2 means -M^⁻¹ < x < M^⁻¹ <-> |x| < M^⁻¹, so choose δ = M^⁻¹
-- end guess heuristic reasoning
So continue proof by choosing δ = M^⁻¹, and then show that for all x, 0 < |x| < δ -> M < |1/x|
wts: for all x, 0 < |x| < M⁻¹ → M < |1/x|
so consider any x such that 0 < |x| < M⁻¹
I don't really know how to manipulate things freely with abs |.| so I will consider all the cases.
Hypothesis: 0 < |x| < M⁻¹ <-> either 0 < x < M⁻¹ or 0 < -x < M⁻¹ so for both cases we need to show it implies (either because x ∈ ℝ cannot satisfy both)
Goal: M < |1/x| <-> M < 1/x for positives or M < -1/x for negatives (either because 1/x ∈ ℝ cannot satisfy both)
case 1: I conjecture 0 < x < M⁻¹ -> M < 1/x
1. M < 1/x -> x < 1/M = M^⁻¹ (valid since M > 0, so 1/M > 0, x > 0 so 1/x > 0)
2. 0 < x < M^⁻¹ (as currently required)
case 2: I conjecture 0 < -x < M⁻¹ -> M < -1/x
1. M < -1/x -> M * -x < 1 -> -x < 1/M = M^⁻¹ (valid since M > 0, so 1/M > 0, -x > 0 so -1/x > 0)
2. 0 < -x < M^⁻¹ (as currently required)
facts we will need (I think):
identity cancellation (which needs val ≠ 0)
multiply on both sides by some value and inequality doesn't change (or if it does that we show the multiplying val is negative)
simplifying 1 * val = val in either side
perhaps communtativity or/and associativity of multiplication to make sure things cancel simplifying as needed
note: to concluse p ∨ q we only need to show p or q, so we can consider them separately (if one holds you can conclude the disjoncution but also if both hold)
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
-- define f(x) = 1/x = x^⁻¹ for x ≠ 0 latter for mathlib notation (less friction during proofs)
noncomputable def f (x : ℝ) : ℝ := x⁻¹
#check f
-- note evals don't work so for unit tests we will de a theorem, due to ℝ not being "computable"
theorem f_evals_unit_test : f 2 = 1/2 := by simp [f]
#print f_evals_unit_test
-- define unbounded limit (form both sides) as a predicate (proposition)
def unbounded_limit (f : ℝ → ℝ) (c : ℝ) : Prop := ∀ M : ℝ, 0 < M → ∃ δ : ℝ, 0 < δ ∧ ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < |x - c| ∧ |x - c| < δ → M < |f x|
#check unbounded_limit
#print unbounded_limit
-- note: writing everything in terms of lt since gt is written in terms of lt
-- theorem to prove that f(x) = 1/x has a vertical asymptote (unbounded limit) at x = 0 from both sides
theorem one_over_x_has_vertical_asymptote_both_sides : unbounded_limit f 0 := by
unfold unbounded_limit f
-- consider some M > 0
intro M h_zero_lt_M
-- since goal doesn't have zeros, but we want to use it to match the antecedent, let's simplify the zeros by using the fact x - 0 = 0 at the goal
simp only [sub_zero]
-- guess δ = M^⁻¹ using goal i.e. M < |1/x| so M < 1/x so x < 1/M = M^⁻¹ and -M < -1/x so -x < M^⁻¹ as δ = M^⁻¹ should work
use M⁻¹
-- show 0 < δ = M^⁻¹, first deconstruct the ∧ in the goal
apply And.intro
-- show 0 < M^⁻¹
. exact inv_pos.2 h_zero_lt_M
. --introduce x and hypothesis deconstructed by and
intro x ⟨h_zero_lt_abs_x, h_x_lt_δ⟩
-- unfold abs on hypothesis and goal (since I assume it's harder to manipulate abs |.| function)
#check abs -- abs := mabs (a : α) : α := a ⊔ a⁻¹ == a -> a ⊔ -a
unfold abs at h_x_lt_δ h_zero_lt_abs_x; unfold abs
-- want to show (wts) M < |1/x|, so transform the goal to M < 1/x for x > 0 and M < -1/x for x < 0
-- transform the goal M < x⁻¹ ⊔ -x⁻¹ --> M < x⁻¹ ∨ M < -x⁻¹
#check lt_sup_iff -- lt_sup_iff : a < b ⊔ c ↔ a < b ∨ a < c
-- simp only [lt_sup_iff] -- also works
apply lt_sup_iff.mpr
-- transform hypothesis 0 < x ⊔ -x --> 0 < x ∨ 0 < -x
apply lt_sup_iff.mp at h_zero_lt_abs_x
-- transform hypothesis x ⊔ -x < M⁻¹ --> x < M⁻¹ ∧ -x < M⁻¹
#check sup_lt_iff -- sup_lt_iff : a ⊔ b < c ↔ a < c ∧ b < c
apply sup_lt_iff.mp at h_x_lt_δ
-- to try to close goal M < |1/x|, let's consider both cases by break h_zero_lt_abs_x into both cases 0 < x and 0 < -x and close goals with both cases
#check Or
#check Or.inl
cases h_zero_lt_abs_x with -- TODO: how to name hypothesis with cases in lean4
| inl h_x_pos =>
-- focus on positive target M < x⁻¹ given we are on the x > 0 case x, so also use positive hypothesis x < M⁻¹, simplify any 1 * val = val or val * 1 = val
apply Or.inl
apply And.left at h_x_lt_δ
-- on goal: mul right goal both sides by x (x > 0), then cancel x⁻¹ with mul x (needs x⁻¹ ≠ 0)
have h_x_ne_zero : x ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt h_x_pos
-- mul both sides by M right
#check mul_lt_mul_right -- (a0 : 0 < a) : b * a < c * a ↔ b < c
-- exact (lt_inv h_zero_lt_M h_x_pos).mpr h_x_lt_δ -- also worked!
rw [← mul_lt_mul_right h_x_pos]
nth_rewrite 2 [mul_comm]
#check mul_inv_cancel -- (h : a ≠ 0) : a * a⁻¹ = 1
rw [mul_inv_cancel h_x_ne_zero]
-- move M to the left by mul by M⁻¹ > 0 (needs M⁻¹ ≠ 0 and/or M ≠ 0)
have h_M_inv_lt_zero : 0 < M⁻¹ := inv_pos.2 h_zero_lt_M
rw [← mul_lt_mul_left h_M_inv_lt_zero]
rw [← mul_assoc]
have h_M_ne_zero : M ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt h_zero_lt_M
nth_rewrite 2 [mul_comm]; rewrite [mul_inv_cancel h_M_ne_zero]; simp
| inr h_x_neg =>
-- focus on negative target M < -x⁻¹ given we are on the x < 0 case x, so also use negative hypothesis -x < M⁻¹, simplify any 1 * val = val or val * 1 = val
apply Or.inr
apply And.right at h_x_lt_δ
-- pass -x⁻¹ to the left and pass M to the right
#check neg_lt -- -a < b ↔ -b < a
-- transform expression -(x⁻¹) to (-x)⁻¹
#check neg_inv -- -a⁻¹ = (-a)⁻¹
rw [neg_inv]
-- multiply both sides by -x (needs -x > 0) left
#check mul_lt_mul_left -- (a0 : 0 < a) : a * b < a * c ↔ b < c
rw [← mul_lt_mul_left h_x_neg]
-- simp only [neg_mul, neg_lt_neg_iff]
have h_neg_x_ne_zero : -x ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt h_x_neg
rw [mul_inv_cancel h_neg_x_ne_zero]
-- move M to the right of the lt by mul right by 0 < M⁻¹ (needs M ≠ 0 for inv cancelation)
have h_M_inv_lt_zero : 0 < M⁻¹ := inv_pos.mpr h_zero_lt_M
rw [← mul_lt_mul_right h_M_inv_lt_zero]
rw [mul_assoc]
have h_M_ne_zero : M ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt h_zero_lt_M
simp only [mul_inv_cancel h_M_ne_zero]
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
Task: prove that f(x) = 1/x has a vertical asymptote (unbounded limit) at x = 0 from both sides.
def unbounded_limit (f : ℝ → ℝ) (c : ℝ) : Prop := ∀ M > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x, 0 < |x - c| < δ → M < |f x|
theorem one_over_x_has_vertical_asymptote_both_sides : lim_{x -> c} f(x) = +-∞
consider any M > 0
now show: ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x, 0 < |x - c| < δ → M < |f x|
So show: ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x, 0 < |x| < δ → M < |1/x|, so in particular don't forget you want -δ < x < δ when guessing δ from goal.
-- guess, delta (s.tif antecedent holds goal holds), so use goal M < |f(x)|, which is M < |1/x| ->
1. M < 1/x (so x > 0 since M>0) -> x < M^⁻¹
2. M < -1/x (so x < 0 since M>0 <-> M <-M) -> M * -x < 1 -> -x < M^⁻¹ -> -M^⁻¹ < -x
1 & 2 means -M^⁻¹ < x < M^⁻¹ <-> |x| < M^⁻¹, so choose δ = M^⁻¹
-- end guess heuristic reasoning
So continue proof by choosing δ = M^⁻¹, and then show that for all x, 0 < |x| < δ -> M < |1/x|
wts: for all x, 0 < |x| < M⁻¹ → M < |1/x|
so consider any x such that 0 < |x| < M⁻¹
I don't really know how to manipulate things freely with abs |.| so I will consider all the cases.
Hypothesis: 0 < |x| < M⁻¹ <-> either 0 < x < M⁻¹ or 0 < -x < M⁻¹ so for both cases we need to show it implies (either because x ∈ ℝ cannot satisfy both)
Goal: M < |1/x| <-> M < 1/x for positives or M < -1/x for negatives (either because 1/x ∈ ℝ cannot satisfy both)
case 1: I conjecture 0 < x < M⁻¹ -> M < 1/x
1. M < 1/x -> x < 1/M = M^⁻¹ (valid since M > 0, so 1/M > 0, x > 0 so 1/x > 0)
2. 0 < x < M^⁻¹ (as currently required)
case 2: I conjecture 0 < -x < M⁻¹ -> M < -1/x
1. M < -1/x -> M * -x < 1 -> -x < 1/M = M^⁻¹ (valid since M > 0, so 1/M > 0, -x > 0 so -1/x > 0)
2. 0 < -x < M^⁻¹ (as currently required)
facts we will need (I think):
identity cancellation (which needs val ≠ 0)
multiply on both sides by some value and inequality doesn't change (or if it does that we show the multiplying val is negative)
simplifying 1 * val = val in either side
perhaps communtativity or/and associativity of multiplication to make sure things cancel simplifying as needed
note: to concluse p ∨ q we only need to show p or q, so we can consider them separately (if one holds you can conclude the disjoncution but also if both hold)
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
-- define f(x) = 1/x = x^⁻¹ for x ≠ 0 latter for mathlib notation (less friction during proofs)
noncomputable def f (x : ℝ) : ℝ := x⁻¹
#check f
-- note evals don't work so for unit tests we will de a theorem, due to ℝ not being "computable"
theorem f_evals_unit_test : f 2 = 1/2 := by simp [f]
#print f_evals_unit_test
-- define unbounded limit (form both sides) as a predicate (proposition)
def unbounded_limit (f : ℝ → ℝ) (c : ℝ) : Prop := ∀ M : ℝ, 0 < M → ∃ δ : ℝ, 0 < δ ∧ ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < |x - c| ∧ |x - c| < δ → M < |f x|
#check unbounded_limit
#print unbounded_limit
-- note: writing everything in terms of lt since gt is written in terms of lt
-- theorem to prove that f(x) = 1/x has a vertical asymptote (unbounded limit) at x = 0 from both sides
theorem one_over_x_has_vertical_asymptote_both_sides : unbounded_limit f 0 := by
unfold unbounded_limit f
-- consider some M > 0
intro M h_zero_lt_M
-- since goal doesn't have zeros, but we want to use it to match the antecedent, let's simplify the zeros by using the fact x - 0 = 0 at the goal
simp only [sub_zero]
-- guess δ = M^⁻¹ using goal i.e. M < |1/x| so M < 1/x so x < 1/M = M^⁻¹ and -M < -1/x so -x < M^⁻¹ as δ = M^⁻¹ should work
use M⁻¹
-- show 0 < δ = M^⁻¹, first deconstruct the ∧ in the goal
apply And.intro
-- show 0 < M^⁻¹
. exact inv_pos.2 h_zero_lt_M
. --introduce x and hypothesis deconstructed by and
intro x ⟨h_zero_lt_abs_x, h_x_lt_δ⟩
-- unfold abs on hypothesis and goal (since I assume it's harder to manipulate abs |.| function)
#check abs -- abs := mabs (a : α) : α := a ⊔ a⁻¹ == a -> a ⊔ -a
unfold abs at h_x_lt_δ h_zero_lt_abs_x; unfold abs
-- want to show (wts) M < |1/x|, so transform the goal to M < 1/x for x > 0 and M < -1/x for x < 0
-- transform the goal M < x⁻¹ ⊔ -x⁻¹ --> M < x⁻¹ ∨ M < -x⁻¹
#check lt_sup_iff -- lt_sup_iff : a < b ⊔ c ↔ a < b ∨ a < c
-- simp only [lt_sup_iff] -- also works
apply lt_sup_iff.mpr
-- transform hypothesis 0 < x ⊔ -x --> 0 < x ∨ 0 < -x
apply lt_sup_iff.mp at h_zero_lt_abs_x
-- transform hypothesis x ⊔ -x < M⁻¹ --> x < M⁻¹ ∧ -x < M⁻¹
#check sup_lt_iff -- sup_lt_iff : a ⊔ b < c ↔ a < c ∧ b < c
apply sup_lt_iff.mp at h_x_lt_δ
-- to try to close goal M < |1/x|, let's consider both cases by break h_zero_lt_abs_x into both cases 0 < x and 0 < -x and close goals with both cases
#check Or
#check Or.inl
cases h_zero_lt_abs_x with -- TODO: how to name hypothesis with cases in lean4
| inl h_x_pos =>
-- focus on positive target M < x⁻¹ given we are on the x > 0 case x, so also use positive hypothesis x < M⁻¹, simplify any 1 * val = val or val * 1 = val
apply Or.inl
apply And.left at h_x_lt_δ
-- on goal: mul right goal both sides by x (x > 0), then cancel x⁻¹ with mul x (needs x⁻¹ ≠ 0)
-- mul both sides by M right
#check mul_lt_mul_right -- (a0 : 0 < a) : b * a < c * a ↔ b < c
#check lt_inv -- (ha : 0 < a) (hb : 0 < b) : a < b⁻¹ ↔ b < a⁻¹
exact (lt_inv h_zero_lt_M h_x_pos).mpr h_x_lt_δ -- also worked!
| inr h_x_neg =>
-- focus on negative target M < -x⁻¹ given we are on the x < 0 case x, so also use negative hypothesis -x < M⁻¹, simplify any 1 * val = val or val * 1 = val
apply Or.inr
apply And.right at h_x_lt_δ
-- on goal: mul right goal both sides by -x (x < 0), then cancel -x⁻¹ with mul -x (needs -x⁻¹ ≠ 0)
#check lt_inv -- (ha : 0 < a) (hb : 0 < b) : a < b⁻¹ ↔ b < a⁻¹
-- rewrite -x⁻¹ --> -(x⁻¹) so swamp sides of inequality using lt_inv works
rw [neg_inv]
-- have h_neg_x_inv_eq_neg_inv_x : -x⁻¹ = -(x⁻¹) := by simp
exact (lt_inv h_zero_lt_M h_x_neg).mpr h_x_lt_δ -- also worked!
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
-- /-
-- Task: prove that f(x) = 1/x has a vertical asymptote (unbounded limit) at x = 0 from both sides.
-- def unbounded_limit (f : ℝ → ℝ) (c : ℝ) : Prop := ∀ M > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x, 0 < |x - c| < δ → M < |f x|
-- theorem one_over_x_has_vertical_asymptote_both_sides : lim_{x -> c} f(x) = +-∞
-- Proof:
-- consider any M > 0
-- now show: ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x, 0 < |x - c| < δ → M < |f x|
-- So show: ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x, 0 < |x| < δ → M < |1/x|, so in particular don't forget you want -δ < x < δ when guessing δ from goal.
-- -- guess, delta (s.tif antecedent holds goal holds), so use goal M < |f(x)|, which is M < |1/x| ->
-- 1. M < 1/x (so x > 0 since M>0) -> x < M^⁻¹
-- 2. M < -1/x (so x < 0 since M>0 <-> M <-M) -> M * -x < 1 -> -x < M^⁻¹ -> -M^⁻¹ < -x
-- 1 & 2 means -M^⁻¹ < x < M^⁻¹ <-> |x| < M^⁻¹, so choose δ = M^⁻¹
-- -- end guess heuristic reasoning
-- So continue proof by choosing δ = M^⁻¹, and then show that for all x, 0 < |x| < δ -> M < |1/x|
-- wts: for all x, 0 < |x| < M⁻¹ → M < |1/x|
-- so consider any x such that 0 < |x| < M⁻¹
-- I don't really know how to manipulate things freely with abs |.| so I will consider all the cases.
-- Hypothesis: 0 < |x| < M⁻¹ <-> either 0 < x < M⁻¹ or 0 < -x < M⁻¹ so for both cases we need to show it implies (either because x ∈ ℝ cannot satisfy both)
-- Goal: M < |1/x| <-> M < 1/x for positives or M < -1/x for negatives (either because 1/x ∈ ℝ cannot satisfy both)
-- case 1: I conjecture 0 < x < M⁻¹ -> M < 1/x
-- 1. M < 1/x -> x < 1/M = M^⁻¹ (valid since M > 0, so 1/M > 0, x > 0 so 1/x > 0)
-- 2. 0 < x < M^⁻¹ (as currently required)
-- case 2: I conjecture 0 < -x < M⁻¹ -> M < -1/x
-- 1. M < -1/x -> M * -x < 1 -> -x < 1/M = M^⁻¹ (valid since M > 0, so 1/M > 0, -x > 0 so -1/x > 0)
-- 2. 0 < -x < M^⁻¹ (as currently required)
-- Qed.
-- facts we will need (I think):
-- identity cancellation (which needs val ≠ 0)
-- multiply on both sides by some value and inequality doesn't change (or if it does that we show the multiplying val is negative)
-- simplifying 1 * val = val in either side
-- perhaps communtativity or/and associativity of multiplication to make sure things cancel simplifying as needed
-- note: to concluse p ∨ q we only need to show p or q, so we can consider them separately (if one holds you can conclude the disjoncution but also if both hold)
-- -/
-- import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
-- -- define f(x) = 1/x = x^⁻¹ for x ≠ 0 latter for mathlib notation (less friction during proofs)
-- noncomputable def f (x : ℝ) : ℝ := x⁻¹
-- #check f
-- -- note evals don't work so for unit tests we will de a theorem, due to ℝ not being "computable"
-- theorem f_evals_unit_test : f 2 = 1/2 := by simp [f]
-- #print f_evals_unit_test
-- -- define unbounded limit (form both sides) as a predicate (proposition)
-- def unbounded_limit (f : ℝ → ℝ) (c : ℝ) : Prop := ∀ M : ℝ, 0 < M → ∃ δ : ℝ, 0 < δ ∧ ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < |x - c| ∧ |x - c| < δ → M < |f x|
-- #check unbounded_limit
-- #print unbounded_limit
-- -- note: writing everything in terms of lt since gt is written in terms of lt
-- -- theorem to prove that f(x) = 1/x has a vertical asymptote (unbounded limit) at x = 0 from both sides
-- theorem one_over_x_has_vertical_asymptote_both_sides : unbounded_limit f 0 := by
-- unfold unbounded_limit f
-- -- consider some M > 0
-- intro M h_zero_lt_M
-- -- since goal doesn't have zeros, but we want to use it to match the antecedent, let's simplify the zeros by using the fact x - 0 = 0 at the goal
-- simp only [sub_zero]
-- -- guess δ = M^⁻¹ using goal i.e. M < |1/x| so M < 1/x so x < 1/M = M^⁻¹ and -M < -1/x so -x < M^⁻¹ as δ = M^⁻¹ should work
-- use M⁻¹
-- -- show 0 < δ = M^⁻¹, first deconstruct the ∧ in the goal
-- apply And.intro
-- -- show 0 < M^⁻¹
-- . exact inv_pos.2 h_zero_lt_M
-- . --introduce x and hypothesis deconstructed by and
-- intro x ⟨h_zero_lt_abs_x, h_x_lt_δ⟩
-- -- unfold abs on hypothesis and goal (since I assume it's harder to manipulate abs |.| function)
-- #check abs -- abs := mabs (a : α) : α := a ⊔ a⁻¹ == a -> a ⊔ -a
-- unfold abs at h_x_lt_δ h_zero_lt_abs_x; unfold abs
-- -- want to show (wts) M < |1/x|, so transform the goal to M < 1/x for x > 0 and M < -1/x for x < 0
-- -- transform the goal M < x⁻¹ ⊔ -x⁻¹ --> M < x⁻¹ ∨ M < -x⁻¹
-- #check lt_sup_iff -- lt_sup_iff : a < b ⊔ c ↔ a < b ∨ a < c
-- -- simp only [lt_sup_iff] -- also works
-- apply lt_sup_iff.mpr
-- -- transform hypothesis 0 < x ⊔ -x --> 0 < x ∨ 0 < -x
-- apply lt_sup_iff.mp at h_zero_lt_abs_x
-- -- transform hypothesis x ⊔ -x < M⁻¹ --> x < M⁻¹ ∧ -x < M⁻¹
-- #check sup_lt_iff -- sup_lt_iff : a ⊔ b < c ↔ a < c ∧ b < c
-- apply sup_lt_iff.mp at h_x_lt_δ
-- -- to try to close goal M < |1/x|, let's consider both cases by break h_zero_lt_abs_x into both cases 0 < x and 0 < -x and close goals with both cases
-- #check Or
-- #check Or.inl
-- cases h_zero_lt_abs_x
-- #check h_zero_lt_M
-- #check h✝
-- rename 0 < x h_x_pos
-- -- cases h_zero_lt_abs_x with -- TODO: how to name hypothesis with cases in lean4
-- -- | inl h_x_pos =>
-- -- -- focus on positive target M < x⁻¹ given we are on the x > 0 case x, so also use positive hypothesis x < M⁻¹, simplify any 1 * val = val or val * 1 = val
-- -- apply Or.inl
-- -- apply And.left at h_x_lt_δ
-- -- -- on goal: mul right goal both sides by x (x > 0), then cancel x⁻¹ with mul x (needs x⁻¹ ≠ 0)
-- -- have h_x_ne_zero : x ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt h_x_pos
-- -- -- mul both sides by M right
-- -- #check mul_lt_mul_right -- (a0 : 0 < a) : b * a < c * a ↔ b < c
-- -- -- exact (lt_inv h_zero_lt_M h_x_pos).mpr h_x_lt_δ -- also worked!
-- -- rw [← mul_lt_mul_right h_x_pos]
-- -- nth_rewrite 2 [mul_comm]
-- -- #check mul_inv_cancel -- (h : a ≠ 0) : a * a⁻¹ = 1
-- -- rw [mul_inv_cancel h_x_ne_zero]
-- -- -- move M to the left by mul by M⁻¹ > 0 (needs M⁻¹ ≠ 0 and/or M ≠ 0)
-- -- have h_M_inv_lt_zero : 0 < M⁻¹ := inv_pos.2 h_zero_lt_M
-- -- rw [← mul_lt_mul_left h_M_inv_lt_zero]
-- -- rw [← mul_assoc]
-- -- have h_M_ne_zero : M ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt h_zero_lt_M
-- -- nth_rewrite 2 [mul_comm]; rewrite [mul_inv_cancel h_M_ne_zero]; simp
-- -- assumption
-- -- | inr h_x_neg =>
-- -- -- focus on negative target M < -x⁻¹ given we are on the x < 0 case x, so also use negative hypothesis -x < M⁻¹, simplify any 1 * val = val or val * 1 = val
-- -- apply Or.inr
-- -- apply And.right at h_x_lt_δ
-- -- -- pass -x⁻¹ to the left and pass M to the right
-- -- #check neg_lt -- -a < b ↔ -b < a
-- -- -- transform expression -(x⁻¹) to (-x)⁻¹
-- -- #check neg_inv -- -a⁻¹ = (-a)⁻¹
-- -- rw [neg_inv]
-- -- -- multiply both sides by -x (needs -x > 0) left
-- -- #check mul_lt_mul_left -- (a0 : 0 < a) : a * b < a * c ↔ b < c
-- -- rw [← mul_lt_mul_left h_x_neg]
-- -- -- simp only [neg_mul, neg_lt_neg_iff]
-- -- have h_neg_x_ne_zero : -x ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt h_x_neg
-- -- rw [mul_inv_cancel h_neg_x_ne_zero]
-- -- -- move M to the right of the lt by mul right by 0 < M⁻¹ (needs M ≠ 0 for inv cancelation)
-- -- have h_M_inv_lt_zero : 0 < M⁻¹ := inv_pos.mpr h_zero_lt_M
-- -- rw [← mul_lt_mul_right h_M_inv_lt_zero]
-- -- rw [mul_assoc]
-- -- have h_M_ne_zero : M ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt h_zero_lt_M
-- -- simp only [mul_inv_cancel h_M_ne_zero]
-- -- simp
-- -- assumption
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"problem": "How many vertical asymptotes does 1/x have around 0 from the right?",
"level": "Level 2",
"type": "Algebra",
"solution": "$1/x$ goes to positive infinity from the right as $x$ goes to zero and nowhere else, so it has $\\boxed{1}$ veritcal asymptote."
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"problem": "Show that 1/x has an unbounded limit from the right as x approaches zero?",
"level": "Level 2",
"type": "Algebra",
"solution": "..."
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
theorem: lim_{x -> c+} f(x) = +infinity
x + infinit = +infinity
lim_{x -> c} f(x) = L
∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, 0 < |x - c| < δ → 0 < |f(x) - L| < ε
L = + infinity
consider some ε > 0
0 < |f(x) - L| < ε
0 < |f(x) - +infinity| < ε
--> this formalization doens't seem promising
theorem limit_of_reciprocal_of_x_is_unbounded: lim_{x -> 0+} 1/x = +infinity
∀ M > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < x - c < δ → f(x) > M
-- unboudned limit := "for any M, there exists a sufficiently close x s.t. f(x) is strictly greater than M"
∀ M: ℝ, 0 < M, ∃ δ : ℝ, 0 < δ, ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < x - c < δ → M < f(x)
consider some M > 0 (intro M)
-- choose delta, M < f(x) --> M < 1/x --> 1/M > x --> x < M⁻¹
δ = M⁻¹
. show 0 < δ
fact M > 0 --> M⁻¹ > 0 (by lemma in lean, division by positive number)
0 < x - c -> rewrite
-> 0 < x
x - c < δ -> rewrite
-> x < M⁻¹
(WTS: M < x⁻¹)
x < M⁻¹
-- multiply both sides by x⁻¹ if x⁻¹ > 0 (lemma, have stmt)
-> 0 < x --> x⁻¹ > 0
x⁻¹ * x < M^⁻¹ * x⁻¹
by identity x⁻¹ * x = 1 of fields (lemma in lean or automation)
1 < M⁻¹ * x⁻¹
-- multiply both sides by M if M > 0
1 < M⁻¹ * x⁻¹
M * 1 < M * M⁻¹ * x⁻¹
-- identity
M < x⁻¹
-- import real numbers form mathlib
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
noncomputable def f (x : ℝ) : ℝ := x⁻¹
#print f
#check f
#check f 1
-- #eval f 1
-- theorem any_R : ℝ -> R := λ x : ℝ, x -- TODO
theorem unit_test_f_1 : f 1 = 1 := by simp [f]
theorem unit_test_f_2 : f 2 = 1/2 := by simp [f]
noncomputable def f' (x : ℝ) : ℝ := 1/x
theorem units_f_eq_f' : ∀ x : ℝ , f x = f' x := by simp [f, f']
#print units_f_eq_f'
-- lim_{x -> c+} f(x) = +infinity := ∀ M > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < x - c < δ → f(x) > M
def unbounded_limit (f : ℝ -> ℝ) (c : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ M : ℝ, 0 < M → ∃ δ : ℝ, 0 < δ ∧ ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < x - c ∧ x - c < δ → M < f x
-- show 1/x is unbounded as x -> 0 (or 1/x has a veritcal asymptote at x = 0)
theorem limit_of_reciprocal_of_x_is_unbounded: unbounded_limit f 0 := by
unfold unbounded_limit f
-- choose M : ℝ and is M > 0
intro M h_M_pos
-- choose delta = M⁻¹ by a tactic
use M⁻¹
-- deconstruct the constructor Left ∧ Right = And(Left, Right) to Left, Right using a tactic
apply And.intro
. exact (by simp [h_M_pos]) -- TODO try to find the lemma in mathlib to prove this
. intro x ⟨h_x_pos, h_x_lt_M⟩
-- rewrite x - 0 to x using a tactic for sub
rw [sub_zero] at h_x_pos h_x_lt_M
-- multiply both sides by x we know 0 < x so it should work, using a tactic rewrite
-- mul_lt_mul_left: (a0 : 0 < a) : a * b < a * c ← b < c
rw [← mul_lt_mul_left h_x_pos]
-- rewrite x * x⁻¹ = 1
-- mul_inv_cancel: a ≠ 0 → a * a⁻¹ = 1
have h_x_neq_zero: x ≠ 0 := by exact ne_of_gt h_x_pos
rw [mul_inv_cancel h_x_neq_zero]
have h_M_inv_pos: 0 < M⁻¹ := by simp [h_M_pos]
-- multiply both sides by M⁻¹ on the right
rw [← mul_lt_mul_right h_M_inv_pos]
-- rewrite 1 * M = M
rw [one_mul]
-- rewrite M * M⁻¹ = 1
-- mul_inv_cancel: a ≠ 0 → a * a⁻¹ = 1
have h_M_neq_zero: M ≠ 0 := by exact ne_of_gt h_M_pos
-- have h_M_inv: M * M⁻¹ = 1 := by rw [mul_inv_cancel h_M_neq_zero]
rw [mul_inv_cancel_right₀ h_M_neq_zero x]
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
-- define 1/x (reciprical) for reals
noncomputable def f (x : ℝ ): ℝ := x⁻¹
#check f
-- unit test that f 1 = 1, f 2 = 1/2
theorem test_f1 : f 1 = 1 := by simp[f]
theorem test_f2 : f 2 = 2⁻¹ := by simp[f]
#print test_f1
#print test_f2
-- set_option pp.notation false
-- The limit of f x as x approaches c+ from the right is +infinity i.e., limit is unbounded from the right
-- i.e., lim_{x -> c+} f(x) = +infinity
def has_unbounded_limit_right (f: ℝ -> ℝ) (c : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ M : ℝ, 0 < M → ∃ δ, 0 < δ ∧ ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < x - c ∧ x - c < δ → M < f x
#print has_unbounded_limit_right
theorem reciprocal_has_unbounded_limit_right : has_unbounded_limit_right f 0 := by
unfold has_unbounded_limit_right
intro M h_0_lt_M
-- select delta that works since func is 1/x then anything less than 1/M will make f x be greater than M (so it should work)
use M⁻¹
-- TODO split (what did scott want with this, read)
. rwa [inv_pos]
. -- consider any x with 0 < x - 0 < M⁻¹ but introduce both hypothesis 0 < x - 0 and x - 0 < M⁻¹
intro x ⟨h_x_pos, h_x_lt_δ⟩
-- rintro x ⟨h_x_pos, h_x_lt_δ⟩ -- TODO tomorrow, why did scott do this?
-- rewrite both hypothesis using fact m - 0 = m
rw [sub_zero] at h_x_pos h_x_lt_δ
unfold f
-- multiply both sides of h_x_lt_δ by x⁻¹ on the left using mul_lt_mul_right
rwa [propext (lt_inv h_0_lt_M h_x_pos)]
-- state p f = 1 todo: https://proofassistants.stackexchange.com/questions/3800/given-some-proposition-in-lean-4-how-do-we-state-a-theorem-saying-that-we-want
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
theorem: lim_{x -> c+} f(x) = +infinity
x + infinit = +infinity
lim_{x -> c} f(x) = L
∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, 0 < |x - c| < δ → 0 < |f(x) - L| < ε
L = + infinity
consider some ε > 0
0 < |f(x) - L| < ε
0 < |f(x) - +infinity| < ε
--> this formalization doens't seem promising
theorem limit_of_reciprocal_of_x_is_unbounded: lim_{x -> 0+} 1/x = +infinity
∀ M > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < x - c < δ → f(x) > M
-- unboudned limit := "for any M, there exists a sufficiently close x s.t. f(x) is strictly greater than M"
∀ M: ℝ, 0 < M, ∃ δ : ℝ, 0 < δ, ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < x - c < δ → M < f(x)
consider some M > 0 (intro M)
-- choose delta, M < f(x) --> M < 1/x --> 1/M > x --> x < M⁻¹
δ = M⁻¹
. show 0 < δ
fact M > 0 --> M⁻¹ > 0 (by lemma in lean, division by positive number)
0 < x - c -> rewrite
-> 0 < x
x - c < δ -> rewrite
-> x < M⁻¹
(WTS: M < x⁻¹)
x < M⁻¹
-- multiply both sides by x⁻¹ if x⁻¹ > 0 (lemma, have stmt)
-> 0 < x --> x⁻¹ > 0
x⁻¹ * x < M^⁻¹ * x⁻¹
by identity x⁻¹ * x = 1 of fields (lemma in lean or automation)
1 < M⁻¹ * x⁻¹
-- multiply both sides by M if M > 0
1 < M⁻¹ * x⁻¹
M * 1 < M * M⁻¹ * x⁻¹
-- identity
M < x⁻¹
-- import real numbers form mathlib
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
noncomputable def f (x : ℝ) : ℝ := x⁻¹
#print f
#check f
#check f 1
-- #eval f 1
-- theorem any_R : ℝ -> R := λ x : ℝ, x -- TODO
theorem unit_test_f_1 : f 1 = 1 := by simp [f]
theorem unit_test_f_2 : f 2 = 1/2 := by simp [f]
noncomputable def f' (x : ℝ) : ℝ := 1/x
theorem units_f_eq_f' : ∀ x : ℝ , f x = f' x := by simp [f, f']
#print units_f_eq_f'
-- lim_{x -> c+} f(x) = +infinity := ∀ M > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < x - c < δ → f(x) > M
def unbounded_limit (f : ℝ -> ℝ) (c : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ M : ℝ, 0 < M → ∃ δ : ℝ, 0 < δ ∧ ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < x - c ∧ x - c < δ → M < f x
-- show 1/x is unbounded as x -> 0 (or 1/x has a veritcal asymptote at x = 0)
theorem limit_of_reciprocal_of_x_is_unbounded: unbounded_limit f 0 := by
unfold unbounded_limit f
-- choose M : ℝ and is M > 0
intro M h_M_pos
-- choose delta = M⁻¹ by a tactic
use M⁻¹
-- deconstruct the constructor Left ∧ Right = And(Left, Right) to Left, Right using a tactic
apply And.intro
. exact (by simp [h_M_pos]) -- TODO try to find the lemma in mathlib to prove this
. intro x ⟨h_x_pos, h_x_lt_M⟩
-- rewrite x - 0 to x using a tactic for sub
rw [sub_zero] at h_x_pos h_x_lt_M
-- using rewrite do M < x⁻¹ → M * x < x⁻¹ * x by mulitpling both sides by x on the right
-- #print mul_lt_mul_right -- (a0 : 0 < a) : b * a < c * a ↔ b < c
rw [← mul_lt_mul_right h_x_pos]
-- using rewrite let's cancel the x's i.e. x * x⁻¹ = 1 or use the multiplicatitve identity lemma
-- apply commutativity of multiplication to the end part of the equation, to goal part 2
nth_rewrite 2 [mul_comm]
-- (h : a ≠ 0) : a * a⁻¹ = 1 let define a lemma for x ≠ 0
have h_x_neq_zero: x ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt h_x_pos
rw [mul_inv_cancel h_x_neq_zero]
-- let's (left) multiply both sides by M⁻¹ then cancel the M's then simplify M⁻¹*1 = M⁻¹ the close proof
have h_M_inv_pos: 0 < M⁻¹ := by simp [h_M_pos]
rw [← mul_lt_mul_left h_M_inv_pos]
rw [mul_one]
-- rewrite M⁻¹ * M * x = M * M⁻¹ * x via associativity of multiplication
-- (a b c : G) : a * b * c = a * (b * c)
rw [← mul_assoc]
-- cancel the M's then simplify M⁻¹*1 = M⁻¹ the close proof
have h_M_neq_zero: M ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt h_M_pos
-- mul_inv_cancel : (h : a ≠ 0) : a * a⁻¹ = 1
simp [h_M_neq_zero]
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
theorem: lim_{x -> c+} f(x) = +infinity
x + infinit = +infinity
lim_{x -> c} f(x) = L
∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, 0 < |x - c| < δ → 0 < |f(x) - L| < ε
L = + infinity
consider some ε > 0
0 < |f(x) - L| < ε
0 < |f(x) - +infinity| < ε
--> this formalization doens't seem promising
theorem limit_of_reciprocal_of_x_is_unbounded: lim_{x -> 0+} 1/x = +infinity
∀ M > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < x - c < δ → f(x) > M
-- unboudned limit := "for any M, there exists a sufficiently close x s.t. f(x) is strictly greater than M"
∀ M: ℝ, 0 < M, ∃ δ : ℝ, 0 < δ, ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < x - c < δ → M < f(x)
consider some M > 0 (intro M)
-- choose delta, M < f(x) --> M < 1/x --> 1/M > x --> x < M⁻¹
δ = M⁻¹
. show 0 < δ
fact M > 0 --> M⁻¹ > 0 (by lemma in lean, division by positive number)
0 < x - c -> rewrite
-> 0 < x
x - c < δ -> rewrite
-> x < M⁻¹
(WTS: M < x⁻¹)
x < M⁻¹
-- multiply both sides by x⁻¹ if x⁻¹ > 0 (lemma, have stmt)
-> 0 < x --> x⁻¹ > 0
x⁻¹ * x < M^⁻¹ * x⁻¹
by identity x⁻¹ * x = 1 of fields (lemma in lean or automation)
1 < M⁻¹ * x⁻¹
-- multiply both sides by M if M > 0
1 < M⁻¹ * x⁻¹
M * 1 < M * M⁻¹ * x⁻¹
-- identity
M < x⁻¹
-- import real numbers form mathlib
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
noncomputable def f (x : ℝ) : ℝ := x⁻¹
#print f
#check f
#check f 1
-- #eval f 1
-- theorem any_R : ℝ -> R := λ x : ℝ, x -- TODO
theorem unit_test_f_1 : f 1 = 1 := by simp [f]
theorem unit_test_f_2 : f 2 = 1/2 := by simp [f]
noncomputable def f' (x : ℝ) : ℝ := 1/x
theorem units_f_eq_f' : ∀ x : ℝ , f x = f' x := by simp [f, f']
#print units_f_eq_f'
-- lim_{x -> c+} f(x) = +infinity := ∀ M > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < x - c < δ → f(x) > M
def unbounded_limit (f : ℝ -> ℝ) (c : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ M : ℝ, 0 < M → ∃ δ : ℝ, 0 < δ ∧ ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < x - c ∧ x - c < δ → M < f x
-- show 1/x is unbounded as x -> 0 (or 1/x has a veritcal asymptote at x = 0)
theorem limit_of_reciprocal_of_x_is_unbounded: unbounded_limit f 0 := by
unfold unbounded_limit f
-- choose M : ℝ and is M > 0
intro M h_M_pos
-- choose delta = M⁻¹ by a tactic
use M⁻¹
-- deconstruct the constructor Left ∧ Right = And(Left, Right) to Left, Right using a tactic
apply And.intro
. exact (by simp [h_M_pos]) -- TODO try to find the lemma in mathlib to prove this
. intro x ⟨h_x_pos, h_x_lt_M⟩
-- rewrite x - 0 to x using a tactic for sub
rw [sub_zero] at h_x_pos h_x_lt_M
-- using rewrite do M < x⁻¹ → M * x < x⁻¹ * x by mulitpling both sides by x on the right
-- #print mul_lt_mul_right -- (a0 : 0 < a) : b * a < c * a ↔ b < c
rw [← mul_lt_mul_right h_x_pos]
-- using rewrite let's cancel the x's i.e. x * x⁻¹ = 1 or use the multiplicatitve identity lemma
-- apply commutativity of multiplication to the end part of the equation, to goal part 2
nth_rewrite 2 [mul_comm]
-- (h : a ≠ 0) : a * a⁻¹ = 1 let define a lemma for x ≠ 0
have h_x_neq_zero: x ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt h_x_pos
rw [mul_inv_cancel h_x_neq_zero]
-- let's (left) multiply both sides by M⁻¹ then cancel the M's then simplify M⁻¹*1 = M⁻¹ the close proof
have h_M_inv_pos: 0 < M⁻¹ := by simp [h_M_pos]
rw [← mul_lt_mul_left h_M_inv_pos]
rw [mul_one]
-- rewrite M⁻¹ * M * x = M * M⁻¹ * x via associativity of multiplication
-- (a b c : G) : a * b * c = a * (b * c)
rw [← mul_assoc]
-- cancel the M's then simplify M⁻¹*1 = M⁻¹ the close proof
have h_M_neq_zero: M ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt h_M_pos
-- mul_inv_cancel : (h : a ≠ 0) : a * a⁻¹ = 1
nth_rewrite 2 [mul_comm]
-- -- use mul identity (h : a ≠ 0) : a * a⁻¹ = 1 to cancel the M's
rw [mul_inv_cancel h_M_neq_zero]
rw [mul_comm]
rw [mul_one]
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
theorem: lim_{x -> c+} f(x) = +infinity
x + infinit = +infinity
lim_{x -> c} f(x) = L
∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, 0 < |x - c| < δ → 0 < |f(x) - L| < ε
L = + infinity
consider some ε > 0
0 < |f(x) - L| < ε
0 < |f(x) - +infinity| < ε
--> this formalization doens't seem promising
theorem limit_of_reciprocal_of_x_is_unbounded: lim_{x -> 0+} 1/x = +infinity
∀ M > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < x - c < δ → f(x) > M
-- unboudned limit := "for any M, there exists a sufficiently close x s.t. f(x) is strictly greater than M"
∀ M: ℝ, 0 < M, ∃ δ : ℝ, 0 < δ, ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < x - c < δ → M < f(x)
consider some M > 0 (intro M)
-- choose delta, M < f(x) --> M < 1/x --> 1/M > x --> x < M⁻¹
δ = M⁻¹
. show 0 < δ
fact M > 0 --> M⁻¹ > 0 (by lemma in lean, division by positive number)
0 < x - c -> rewrite
-> 0 < x
x - c < δ -> rewrite
-> x < M⁻¹
(WTS: M < x⁻¹)
x < M⁻¹
-- multiply both sides by x⁻¹ if x⁻¹ > 0 (lemma, have stmt)
-> 0 < x --> x⁻¹ > 0
x⁻¹ * x < M^⁻¹ * x⁻¹
by identity x⁻¹ * x = 1 of fields (lemma in lean or automation)
1 < M⁻¹ * x⁻¹
-- multiply both sides by M if M > 0
1 < M⁻¹ * x⁻¹
M * 1 < M * M⁻¹ * x⁻¹
-- identity
M < x⁻¹
-- import real numbers form mathlib
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
noncomputable def f (x : ℝ) : ℝ := x⁻¹
#print f
#check f
#check f 1
-- #eval f 1
-- theorem any_R : ℝ -> R := λ x : ℝ, x -- TODO
theorem unit_test_f_1 : f 1 = 1 := by simp [f]
theorem unit_test_f_2 : f 2 = 1/2 := by simp [f]
noncomputable def f' (x : ℝ) : ℝ := 1/x
theorem units_f_eq_f' : ∀ x : ℝ , f x = f' x := by simp [f, f']
#print units_f_eq_f'
-- lim_{x -> c+} f(x) = +infinity := ∀ M > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < x - c < δ → f(x) > M
def unbounded_limit (f : ℝ -> ℝ) (c : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ M : ℝ, 0 < M → ∃ δ : ℝ, 0 < δ ∧ ∀ x : ℝ, 0 < x - c ∧ x - c < δ → M < f x
-- show 1/x is unbounded as x -> 0 (or 1/x has a veritcal asymptote at x = 0)
theorem limit_of_reciprocal_of_x_is_unbounded: unbounded_limit f 0 := by
unfold unbounded_limit f
-- choose M : ℝ and is M > 0
intro M h_M_pos
-- choose delta = M⁻¹ by a tactic
use M⁻¹
-- deconstruct the constructor Left ∧ Right = And(Left, Right) to Left, Right using a tactic
apply And.intro
. exact (by simp [h_M_pos]) -- TODO try to find the lemma in mathlib to prove this
. intro x ⟨h_x_pos, h_x_lt_M⟩
-- rewrite x - 0 to x using a tactic for sub
rw [sub_zero] at h_x_pos h_x_lt_M
-- using rewrite do M < x⁻¹ → M * x < x⁻¹ * x by mulitpling both sides by x on the right
-- #print mul_lt_mul_right -- (a0 : 0 < a) : b * a < c * a ↔ b < c
rw [←mul_lt_mul_right h_M_pos] at h_x_lt_M
-- #print mul_inv_cancel
-- mul_inv_cancel: a ≠ 0 → a * a⁻¹ = 1
nth_rewrite 2 [mul_comm] at h_x_lt_M
have h_M_neq_zero : M ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt h_M_pos
rw [mul_inv_cancel h_M_neq_zero] at h_x_lt_M
-- multiply both sides by x⁻¹ on the left
have h_x_inv_pos : 0 < x⁻¹ := inv_pos.mpr h_x_pos
rw [← mul_lt_mul_left h_x_inv_pos] at h_x_lt_M
-- apply associativity of mul
rw [← mul_assoc] at h_x_lt_M
-- mul_inv_cancel: a ≠ 0 → a * a⁻¹ = 1
nth_rewrite 2 [mul_comm] at h_x_lt_M
-- cancel the x * x⁻¹ to 1
have h_x_neq_zero : x ≠ 0 := ne_of_gt h_x_pos
rw [mul_inv_cancel h_x_neq_zero] at h_x_lt_M
-- apply 1 * M = M
rw [one_mul] at h_x_lt_M
rw [mul_comm] at h_x_lt_M
rw [one_mul] at h_x_lt_M
@ -0,0 +1 @@
def hello := "world"
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
-- {
-- "problem": "Let $t(x) = \\sqrt{3x+1}$ and $f(x)=5-t(x)$. What is $t(f(5))$?",
-- "level": "Level 4",
-- "type": "Algebra",
-- "solution": "We first evaluate $f(5) = 5 -t(5) = 5-\\sqrt{5\\cdot3+1}=1$. Thus $t(f(5))=t(1)=\\sqrt{3\\cdot1 + 1}=\\boxed{2}$."
-- }
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Sqrt
import Mathlib.Algebra.GroupPower.Order
noncomputable def t (x : ℝ) : ℝ := Real.sqrt (3 * x + 1)
noncomputable def f (x : ℝ) : ℝ := 5 - t x
theorem solve_t_at_5: t 5 = 4 := by
have h0 : Real.sqrt 4 ^ 2 = 4 := Real.sq_sqrt (Nat.ofNat_nonneg _)
have h1 : 3 * 5 + 1 = 4^2 := by rfl
have h2 : Real.sqrt (3 * 5 + 1) = Real.sqrt 4^2:= by sorry
unfold t
rw[h2, h0]
theorem solve_f_at_5: f 5 = 1 := by
unfold f
have h: t 5 = 4 := by apply solve_t_at_5
theorem solve_t_f_at_5: t (f 5) = 2 := by
unfold t
have h0: f 5 = 1 := by apply solve_f_at_5
have h1: 3 * 1 + 1 = 2^2 := by rfl
have h2: Real.sqrt (3 * 1 + 1) = Real.sqrt 2^2 := by sorry
have h3: Real.sqrt 2^2 = 2 := Real.sq_sqrt (Nat.ofNat_nonneg _)
rw[h0, h2, h3]
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
-- {
-- "problem": "The perimeter of a rectangle is 24 inches. What is the number of square inches in the maximum possible area for this rectangle?",
-- "level": "Level 3",
-- "type": "Algebra",
-- "solution": "Let one pair of parallel sides have length $x$ and the other pair of parallel sides have length $12-x$. This means that the perimeter of the rectangle is $x+x+12-x+12-x=24$ as the problem states. The area of this rectangle is $12x-x^2$. Completing the square results in $-(x-6)^2+36\\le 36$ since $(x-6)^2\\ge 0$, so the maximum area of $\\boxed{36}$ is obtained when the rectangle is a square of side length 6 inches."
-- }
-- Note: translating this to 2x + 2y = 24, what is xy?
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Defs
import Mathlib.Algebra.Ring.Defs
import Mathlib.Tactic.Linarith.Frontend
def valid_perimeter (x y : ℕ) : Prop :=
2 * x + 2 * y = 24
def area (x y : ℝ) := x * y
theorem rewrite_y_as_x: valid_perimeter x y → y = 12 - x := by
unfold valid_perimeter
intro p
have h0 : 24 = 2 * 12 := by rfl
have h1 : 2 * x + 2 * y = 2 * (x + y) := by ring
have h2 : 2 * (x + y) = 2 * 12 → x + y = 12 := by sorry
have h3 : x + y = 12 → y = 12 - x := by sorry
rw[h0, h1, h2] at p
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
-- {
-- "problem": "If $\\sqrt{2\\sqrt{t-2}} = \\sqrt[4]{7 - t}$, then find $t$.",
-- "level": "Level 4",
-- "type": "Algebra",
-- "solution": "We raise both sides to the fourth power, which is equivalent to squaring twice, in order to get rid of the radicals. The left-hand side becomes $$\\left(\\sqrt{2\\sqrt{t-2}}\\right)^4 = \\left(2\\sqrt{t-2}\\right)^2 = 4 \\cdot (t-2) = 4t-8.$$The right-hand side becomes $\\left(\\sqrt[4]{7-t}\\right)^4 = 7-t$. Setting them equal, $$4t-8 = 7-t \\quad\\Longrightarrow\\quad 5t = 15,$$and $t = \\boxed{3}$. Checking, we find that this value does indeed satisfy the original equation."
-- }
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Pow
noncomputable def a (t : ℝ) : ℝ := (2 * (t - 2) ^ (1 / 2)) ^ (1/2)
noncomputable def b (t : ℝ) : ℝ := (7 - t)^(1/4)
def valid_t (t : ℝ) : Prop :=
a t = b t
theorem LHS_to_4 : ∀ t : ℝ, (a t) ^ 4 = 4 * t - 8 := by sorry
theorem RHS_to_4 : ∀ t : ℝ, (b t) ^ 4 = 7 - t := by sorry
theorem solution : valid_t 3 := by sorry
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
Theorem: lim_{x -> 3} f(x) = 6, f(x) = 2x if x ≠ 3 else x if x = 3
WTS: ∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x, 0 < |x - 3| < δ → 0 < |f(x) - 6| < ε.
Consider any ε > 0.
Then let's start from what we want 0 < |f(x) - 6| < ε.
We want to have that be of the form 0 < |x - 3| < δ, and construct delta > 0.
Unfold the definition of f(x) when x ≠ 3:
0 < |f(x) - 6| < ε
0 < |2x - 6| < ε
0 < |2(x - 3)| < ε
0 < |2|*|x - 3| < ε
0 < 2*|x - 3| < ε
0 < |x - 3| < ε/2
So we can choose δ = ε/2.
Since ε > 0, δ > 0.
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
-- define f, f(x) = 2x if x ≠ 3 else x if x = 3
def c : ℝ := 3
#eval c
def L : ℝ := 6
noncomputable def f (x : ℝ) : ℝ :=
if x = 3.0 then x else 2.0 * x
-- Epsilon-delta definition of a limit for a function f at a point c approaching L
def has_limit_at (f : ℝ → ℝ) (L c : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x, 0 < abs (x - c) ∧ abs (x - c) < δ → abs (f x - L) < ε
#check abs
#eval abs 3
-- theorem: lim_{x -> 3} f(x) = 6
theorem lim_x_3_f_x_eq_6 : has_limit_at f L c := by
intros ε ε_pos
let δ := ε / 2
have δ_pos : δ > 0 := div_pos ε_pos (by norm_num)
use δ
intro x
intro h
cases h with h1 h2
cases (em (x = 3)) with x_eq_3 x_ne_3
case inl =>
rw [x_eq_3]
exact ε_pos
case inr =>
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
"problem": "How many vertical asymptotes does the graph of $y=\\frac{2}{x^2+x-6}$ have?",
"level": "Level 3",
"type": "Algebra",
"solution": "The denominator of the rational function factors into $x^2+x-6=(x-2)(x+3)$. Since the numerator is always nonzero, there is a vertical asymptote whenever the denominator is $0$, which occurs for $x = 2$ and $x = -3$. Therefore, the graph has $\\boxed{2}$ vertical asymptotes."
theorem:the graph of y=2/(x^2+x-6) has 2 vertical asymptotes.
Define vertical asymptote as lim_{x->c} f(x) = ∞ or -∞.
The denominator of the rational function factors into x^2+x-6=(x-2)(x+3).
Since the numerator is always nonzero, there is a vertical asymptote whenever the denominator is 0,
which occurs for x = 2 and x = -3.
Therefore, the graph has 2 vertical asymptotes.
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
-- noncomputable def f (x : ℝ) : ℝ := 2 / (x^2 + x - 6)
noncomputable def f (x : ℝ) : ℝ := 2 / (x^2 + x - 6)
#check f
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
#eval "Hello, World!"
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Parity
import MIL.Common
open Nat
-- These are pieces of data.
#check 2 + 2
def f (x : ℕ) :=
x + 3
#check f
-- These are propositions, of type `Prop`.
#check 2 + 2 = 4
def FermatLastTheorem :=
∀ x y z n : ℕ, n > 2 ∧ x * y * z ≠ 0 → x ^ n + y ^ n ≠ z ^ n
#check FermatLastTheorem
-- These are proofs of propositions.
theorem easy : 2 + 2 = 4 :=
#check easy
theorem hard : FermatLastTheorem :=
#check hard
-- Here are some proofs.
example : ∀ m n : Nat, Even n → Even (m * n) := fun m n ⟨k, (hk : n = k + k)⟩ ↦
have hmn : m * n = m * k + m * k := by rw [hk, mul_add]
show ∃ l, m * n = l + l from ⟨_, hmn⟩
example : ∀ m n : Nat, Even n → Even (m * n) :=
fun m n ⟨k, hk⟩ ↦ ⟨m * k, by rw [hk, mul_add]⟩
example : ∀ m n : Nat, Even n → Even (m * n) := by
-- Say m and n are natural numbers, and assume n=2*k.
rintro m n ⟨k, hk⟩
-- We need to prove m*n is twice a natural number. Let's show it's twice m*k.
use m * k
-- Substitute for n,
rw [hk]
-- and now it's obvious.
example : ∀ m n : Nat, Even n → Even (m * n) := by
rintro m n ⟨k, hk⟩; use m * k; rw [hk]; ring
example : ∀ m n : Nat, Even n → Even (m * n) := by
intros; simp [*, parity_simps]
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Parity
import MIL.Common
open Nat
-- There are no exercises in this section.
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
-- An example.
example (a b c : ℝ) : a * b * c = b * (a * c) := by
rw [mul_comm a b]
rw [mul_assoc b a c]
-- Try these.
example (a b c : ℝ) : c * b * a = b * (a * c) := by
example (a b c : ℝ) : a * (b * c) = b * (a * c) := by
-- An example.
example (a b c : ℝ) : a * b * c = b * c * a := by
rw [mul_assoc]
rw [mul_comm]
/- Try doing the first of these without providing any arguments at all,
and the second with only one argument. -/
example (a b c : ℝ) : a * (b * c) = b * (c * a) := by
example (a b c : ℝ) : a * (b * c) = b * (a * c) := by
-- Using facts from the local context.
example (a b c d e f : ℝ) (h : a * b = c * d) (h' : e = f) : a * (b * e) = c * (d * f) := by
rw [h']
rw [← mul_assoc]
rw [h]
rw [mul_assoc]
example (a b c d e f : ℝ) (h : b * c = e * f) : a * b * c * d = a * e * f * d := by
example (a b c d : ℝ) (hyp : c = b * a - d) (hyp' : d = a * b) : c = 0 := by
example (a b c d e f : ℝ) (h : a * b = c * d) (h' : e = f) : a * (b * e) = c * (d * f) := by
rw [h', ← mul_assoc, h, mul_assoc]
variable (a b c d e f : ℝ)
example (h : a * b = c * d) (h' : e = f) : a * (b * e) = c * (d * f) := by
rw [h', ← mul_assoc, h, mul_assoc]
variable (a b c : ℝ)
#check a
#check a + b
#check (a : ℝ)
#check mul_comm a b
#check (mul_comm a b : a * b = b * a)
#check mul_assoc c a b
#check mul_comm a
#check mul_comm
variable (a b : ℝ)
example : (a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + 2 * (a * b) + b * b := by
rw [mul_add, add_mul, add_mul]
rw [← add_assoc, add_assoc (a * a)]
rw [mul_comm b a, ← two_mul]
example : (a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + 2 * (a * b) + b * b :=
(a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + b * a + (a * b + b * b) := by
rw [mul_add, add_mul, add_mul]
_ = a * a + (b * a + a * b) + b * b := by
rw [← add_assoc, add_assoc (a * a)]
_ = a * a + 2 * (a * b) + b * b := by
rw [mul_comm b a, ← two_mul]
example : (a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + 2 * (a * b) + b * b :=
(a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + b * a + (a * b + b * b) := by
_ = a * a + (b * a + a * b) + b * b := by
_ = a * a + 2 * (a * b) + b * b := by
-- Try these. For the second, use the theorems listed underneath.
variable (a b c d : ℝ)
example : (a + b) * (c + d) = a * c + a * d + b * c + b * d := by
example (a b : ℝ) : (a + b) * (a - b) = a ^ 2 - b ^ 2 := by
#check pow_two a
#check mul_sub a b c
#check add_mul a b c
#check add_sub a b c
#check sub_sub a b c
#check add_zero a
-- Examples.
variable (a b c d : ℝ)
example (a b c d : ℝ) (hyp : c = d * a + b) (hyp' : b = a * d) : c = 2 * a * d := by
rw [hyp'] at hyp
rw [mul_comm d a] at hyp
rw [← two_mul (a * d)] at hyp
rw [← mul_assoc 2 a d] at hyp
exact hyp
example : c * b * a = b * (a * c) := by
example : (a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + 2 * (a * b) + b * b := by
example : (a + b) * (a - b) = a ^ 2 - b ^ 2 := by
example (hyp : c = d * a + b) (hyp' : b = a * d) : c = 2 * a * d := by
rw [hyp, hyp']
example (a b c : ℕ) (h : a + b = c) : (a + b) * (a + b) = a * c + b * c := by
nth_rw 2 [h]
rw [add_mul]
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
import Mathlib.Algebra.Ring.Defs
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
import MIL.Common
variable (R : Type*) [Ring R]
#check (add_assoc : ∀ a b c : R, a + b + c = a + (b + c))
#check (add_comm : ∀ a b : R, a + b = b + a)
#check (zero_add : ∀ a : R, 0 + a = a)
#check (add_left_neg : ∀ a : R, -a + a = 0)
#check (mul_assoc : ∀ a b c : R, a * b * c = a * (b * c))
#check (mul_one : ∀ a : R, a * 1 = a)
#check (one_mul : ∀ a : R, 1 * a = a)
#check (mul_add : ∀ a b c : R, a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c)
#check (add_mul : ∀ a b c : R, (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c)
variable (R : Type*) [CommRing R]
variable (a b c d : R)
example : c * b * a = b * (a * c) := by ring
example : (a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + 2 * (a * b) + b * b := by ring
example : (a + b) * (a - b) = a ^ 2 - b ^ 2 := by ring
example (hyp : c = d * a + b) (hyp' : b = a * d) : c = 2 * a * d := by
rw [hyp, hyp']
namespace MyRing
variable {R : Type*} [Ring R]
theorem add_zero (a : R) : a + 0 = a := by rw [add_comm, zero_add]
theorem add_right_neg (a : R) : a + -a = 0 := by rw [add_comm, add_left_neg]
#check MyRing.add_zero
#check add_zero
end MyRing
namespace MyRing
variable {R : Type*} [Ring R]
theorem neg_add_cancel_left (a b : R) : -a + (a + b) = b := by
rw [← add_assoc, add_left_neg, zero_add]
-- Prove these:
theorem add_neg_cancel_right (a b : R) : a + b + -b = a := by
theorem add_left_cancel {a b c : R} (h : a + b = a + c) : b = c := by
theorem add_right_cancel {a b c : R} (h : a + b = c + b) : a = c := by
theorem mul_zero (a : R) : a * 0 = 0 := by
have h : a * 0 + a * 0 = a * 0 + 0 := by
rw [← mul_add, add_zero, add_zero]
rw [add_left_cancel h]
theorem zero_mul (a : R) : 0 * a = 0 := by
theorem neg_eq_of_add_eq_zero {a b : R} (h : a + b = 0) : -a = b := by
theorem eq_neg_of_add_eq_zero {a b : R} (h : a + b = 0) : a = -b := by
theorem neg_zero : (-0 : R) = 0 := by
apply neg_eq_of_add_eq_zero
rw [add_zero]
theorem neg_neg (a : R) : - -a = a := by
end MyRing
-- Examples.
variable {R : Type*} [Ring R]
example (a b : R) : a - b = a + -b :=
sub_eq_add_neg a b
example (a b : ℝ) : a - b = a + -b :=
example (a b : ℝ) : a - b = a + -b := by
namespace MyRing
variable {R : Type*} [Ring R]
theorem self_sub (a : R) : a - a = 0 := by
theorem one_add_one_eq_two : 1 + 1 = (2 : R) := by
theorem two_mul (a : R) : 2 * a = a + a := by
end MyRing
variable (A : Type*) [AddGroup A]
#check (add_assoc : ∀ a b c : A, a + b + c = a + (b + c))
#check (zero_add : ∀ a : A, 0 + a = a)
#check (add_left_neg : ∀ a : A, -a + a = 0)
variable {G : Type*} [Group G]
#check (mul_assoc : ∀ a b c : G, a * b * c = a * (b * c))
#check (one_mul : ∀ a : G, 1 * a = a)
#check (mul_left_inv : ∀ a : G, a⁻¹ * a = 1)
namespace MyGroup
theorem mul_right_inv (a : G) : a * a⁻¹ = 1 := by
theorem mul_one (a : G) : a * 1 = a := by
theorem mul_inv_rev (a b : G) : (a * b)⁻¹ = b⁻¹ * a⁻¹ := by
end MyGroup
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Log.Basic
import MIL.Common
variable (a b c d e : ℝ)
open Real
#check (le_refl : ∀ a : ℝ, a ≤ a)
#check (le_trans : a ≤ b → b ≤ c → a ≤ c)
variable (h : a ≤ b) (h' : b ≤ c)
#check (le_refl : ∀ a : Real, a ≤ a)
#check (le_refl a : a ≤ a)
#check (le_trans : a ≤ b → b ≤ c → a ≤ c)
#check (le_trans h : b ≤ c → a ≤ c)
#check (le_trans h h' : a ≤ c)
example (x y z : ℝ) (h₀ : x ≤ y) (h₁ : y ≤ z) : x ≤ z := by
apply le_trans
· apply h₀
. apply h₁
example (x y z : ℝ) (h₀ : x ≤ y) (h₁ : y ≤ z) : x ≤ z := by
apply le_trans h₀
apply h₁
example (x y z : ℝ) (h₀ : x ≤ y) (h₁ : y ≤ z) : x ≤ z :=
le_trans h₀ h₁
example (x : ℝ) : x ≤ x := by
apply le_refl
example (x : ℝ) : x ≤ x :=
le_refl x
#check (le_refl : ∀ a, a ≤ a)
#check (le_trans : a ≤ b → b ≤ c → a ≤ c)
#check (lt_of_le_of_lt : a ≤ b → b < c → a < c)
#check (lt_of_lt_of_le : a < b → b ≤ c → a < c)
#check (lt_trans : a < b → b < c → a < c)
-- Try this.
example (h₀ : a ≤ b) (h₁ : b < c) (h₂ : c ≤ d) (h₃ : d < e) : a < e := by
example (h₀ : a ≤ b) (h₁ : b < c) (h₂ : c ≤ d) (h₃ : d < e) : a < e := by
example (h : 2 * a ≤ 3 * b) (h' : 1 ≤ a) (h'' : d = 2) : d + a ≤ 5 * b := by
example (h : 1 ≤ a) (h' : b ≤ c) : 2 + a + exp b ≤ 3 * a + exp c := by
linarith [exp_le_exp.mpr h']
#check (exp_le_exp : exp a ≤ exp b ↔ a ≤ b)
#check (exp_lt_exp : exp a < exp b ↔ a < b)
#check (log_le_log : 0 < a → 0 < b → (log a ≤ log b ↔ a ≤ b))
#check (log_lt_log : 0 < a → a < b → log a < log b)
#check (add_le_add : a ≤ b → c ≤ d → a + c ≤ b + d)
#check (add_le_add_left : a ≤ b → ∀ c, c + a ≤ c + b)
#check (add_le_add_right : a ≤ b → ∀ c, a + c ≤ b + c)
#check (add_lt_add_of_le_of_lt : a ≤ b → c < d → a + c < b + d)
#check (add_lt_add_of_lt_of_le : a < b → c ≤ d → a + c < b + d)
#check (add_lt_add_left : a < b → ∀ c, c + a < c + b)
#check (add_lt_add_right : a < b → ∀ c, a + c < b + c)
#check (add_nonneg : 0 ≤ a → 0 ≤ b → 0 ≤ a + b)
#check (add_pos : 0 < a → 0 < b → 0 < a + b)
#check (add_pos_of_pos_of_nonneg : 0 < a → 0 ≤ b → 0 < a + b)
#check (exp_pos : ∀ a, 0 < exp a)
#check add_le_add_left
example (h : a ≤ b) : exp a ≤ exp b := by
rw [exp_le_exp]
exact h
example (h₀ : a ≤ b) (h₁ : c < d) : a + exp c + e < b + exp d + e := by
apply add_lt_add_of_lt_of_le
· apply add_lt_add_of_le_of_lt h₀
apply exp_lt_exp.mpr h₁
apply le_refl
example (h₀ : d ≤ e) : c + exp (a + d) ≤ c + exp (a + e) := by sorry
example : (0 : ℝ) < 1 := by norm_num
example (h : a ≤ b) : log (1 + exp a) ≤ log (1 + exp b) := by
have h₀ : 0 < 1 + exp a := by sorry
have h₁ : 0 < 1 + exp b := by sorry
apply (log_le_log h₀ h₁).mpr
example : 0 ≤ a ^ 2 := by
-- apply?
exact sq_nonneg a
example (h : a ≤ b) : c - exp b ≤ c - exp a := by
example : 2 * a * b ≤ a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 := by
have h : 0 ≤ a ^ 2 - 2 * a * b + b ^ 2
a ^ 2 - 2 * a * b + b ^ 2 = (a - b) ^ 2 := by ring
_ ≥ 0 := by apply pow_two_nonneg
2 * a * b = 2 * a * b + 0 := by ring
_ ≤ 2 * a * b + (a ^ 2 - 2 * a * b + b ^ 2) :=
add_le_add (le_refl _) h
_ = a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 := by ring
example : 2 * a * b ≤ a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 := by
have h : 0 ≤ a ^ 2 - 2 * a * b + b ^ 2
a ^ 2 - 2 * a * b + b ^ 2 = (a - b) ^ 2 := by ring
_ ≥ 0 := by apply pow_two_nonneg
example : |a * b| ≤ (a ^ 2 + b ^ 2) / 2 := by
#check abs_le'.mpr
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
namespace C02S04
variable (a b c d : ℝ)
#check (min_le_left a b : min a b ≤ a)
#check (min_le_right a b : min a b ≤ b)
#check (le_min : c ≤ a → c ≤ b → c ≤ min a b)
example : min a b = min b a := by
apply le_antisymm
· show min a b ≤ min b a
apply le_min
· apply min_le_right
apply min_le_left
· show min b a ≤ min a b
apply le_min
· apply min_le_right
apply min_le_left
example : min a b = min b a := by
have h : ∀ x y : ℝ, min x y ≤ min y x := by
intro x y
apply le_min
apply min_le_right
apply min_le_left
apply le_antisymm
apply h
apply h
example : min a b = min b a := by
apply le_antisymm
apply le_min
apply min_le_right
apply min_le_left
example : max a b = max b a := by
example : min (min a b) c = min a (min b c) := by
theorem aux : min a b + c ≤ min (a + c) (b + c) := by
example : min a b + c = min (a + c) (b + c) := by
#check (abs_add : ∀ a b : ℝ, |a + b| ≤ |a| + |b|)
example : |a| - |b| ≤ |a - b| :=
variable (w x y z : ℕ)
example (h₀ : x ∣ y) (h₁ : y ∣ z) : x ∣ z :=
dvd_trans h₀ h₁
example : x ∣ y * x * z := by
apply dvd_mul_of_dvd_left
apply dvd_mul_left
example : x ∣ x ^ 2 := by
apply dvd_mul_left
example (h : x ∣ w) : x ∣ y * (x * z) + x ^ 2 + w ^ 2 := by
variable (m n : ℕ)
#check (Nat.gcd_zero_right n : Nat.gcd n 0 = n)
#check (Nat.gcd_zero_left n : Nat.gcd 0 n = n)
#check (Nat.lcm_zero_right n : Nat.lcm n 0 = 0)
#check (Nat.lcm_zero_left n : Nat.lcm 0 n = 0)
example : Nat.gcd m n = Nat.gcd n m := by
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Topology.MetricSpace.Basic
variable {α : Type*} [PartialOrder α]
variable (x y z : α)
#check x ≤ y
#check (le_refl x : x ≤ x)
#check (le_trans : x ≤ y → y ≤ z → x ≤ z)
#check x < y
#check (lt_irrefl x : ¬x < x)
#check (lt_trans : x < y → y < z → x < z)
#check (lt_of_le_of_lt : x ≤ y → y < z → x < z)
#check (lt_of_lt_of_le : x < y → y ≤ z → x < z)
example : x < y ↔ x ≤ y ∧ x ≠ y :=
variable {α : Type*} [Lattice α]
variable (x y z : α)
#check x ⊓ y
#check (inf_le_left : x ⊓ y ≤ x)
#check (inf_le_right : x ⊓ y ≤ y)
#check (le_inf : z ≤ x → z ≤ y → z ≤ x ⊓ y)
#check x ⊔ y
#check (le_sup_left : x ≤ x ⊔ y)
#check (le_sup_right : y ≤ x ⊔ y)
#check (sup_le : x ≤ z → y ≤ z → x ⊔ y ≤ z)
example : x ⊓ y = y ⊓ x := by
example : x ⊓ y ⊓ z = x ⊓ (y ⊓ z) := by
example : x ⊔ y = y ⊔ x := by
example : x ⊔ y ⊔ z = x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) := by
theorem absorb1 : x ⊓ (x ⊔ y) = x := by
theorem absorb2 : x ⊔ x ⊓ y = x := by
variable {α : Type*} [DistribLattice α]
variable (x y z : α)
#check (inf_sup_left : x ⊓ (y ⊔ z) = x ⊓ y ⊔ x ⊓ z)
#check (inf_sup_right : (x ⊔ y) ⊓ z = x ⊓ z ⊔ y ⊓ z)
#check (sup_inf_left : x ⊔ y ⊓ z = (x ⊔ y) ⊓ (x ⊔ z))
#check (sup_inf_right : x ⊓ y ⊔ z = (x ⊔ z) ⊓ (y ⊔ z))
variable {α : Type*} [Lattice α]
variable (a b c : α)
example (h : ∀ x y z : α, x ⊓ (y ⊔ z) = x ⊓ y ⊔ x ⊓ z) : a ⊔ b ⊓ c = (a ⊔ b) ⊓ (a ⊔ c) := by
example (h : ∀ x y z : α, x ⊔ y ⊓ z = (x ⊔ y) ⊓ (x ⊔ z)) : a ⊓ (b ⊔ c) = a ⊓ b ⊔ a ⊓ c := by
variable {R : Type*} [StrictOrderedRing R]
variable (a b c : R)
#check (add_le_add_left : a ≤ b → ∀ c, c + a ≤ c + b)
#check (mul_pos : 0 < a → 0 < b → 0 < a * b)
#check (mul_nonneg : 0 ≤ a → 0 ≤ b → 0 ≤ a * b)
example (h : a ≤ b) : 0 ≤ b - a := by
example (h: 0 ≤ b - a) : a ≤ b := by
example (h : a ≤ b) (h' : 0 ≤ c) : a * c ≤ b * c := by
variable {X : Type*} [MetricSpace X]
variable (x y z : X)
#check (dist_self x : dist x x = 0)
#check (dist_comm x y : dist x y = dist y x)
#check (dist_triangle x y z : dist x z ≤ dist x y + dist y z)
example (x y : X) : 0 ≤ dist x y := by
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
example (a b c : ℝ) : c * b * a = b * (a * c) := by
rw [mul_comm c b]
rw [mul_assoc b c a]
rw [mul_comm c a]
example (a b c : ℝ) : a * (b * c) = b * (a * c) := by
rw [← mul_assoc a b c]
rw [mul_comm a b]
rw [mul_assoc b a c]
example (a b c : ℝ) : a * (b * c) = b * (c * a) := by
rw [mul_comm]
rw [mul_assoc]
example (a b c : ℝ) : a * (b * c) = b * (a * c) := by
rw [← mul_assoc]
rw [mul_comm a]
rw [mul_assoc]
example (a b c d e f : ℝ) (h : b * c = e * f) : a * b * c * d = a * e * f * d := by
rw [mul_assoc a]
rw [h]
rw [← mul_assoc]
example (a b c d : ℝ) (hyp : c = b * a - d) (hyp' : d = a * b) : c = 0 := by
rw [hyp]
rw [hyp']
rw [mul_comm]
rw [sub_self]
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
import Mathlib.Algebra.Ring.Defs
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
import MIL.Common
namespace MyRing
variable {R : Type*} [Ring R]
theorem add_neg_cancel_right (a b : R) : a + b + -b = a := by
rw [add_assoc, add_right_neg, add_zero]
theorem add_left_cancel {a b c : R} (h : a + b = a + c) : b = c := by
rw [← neg_add_cancel_left a b, h, neg_add_cancel_left]
theorem add_right_cancel {a b c : R} (h : a + b = c + b) : a = c := by
rw [← add_neg_cancel_right a b, h, add_neg_cancel_right]
theorem zero_mul (a : R) : 0 * a = 0 := by
have h : 0 * a + 0 * a = 0 * a + 0 := by rw [← add_mul, add_zero, add_zero]
rw [add_left_cancel h]
theorem neg_eq_of_add_eq_zero {a b : R} (h : a + b = 0) : -a = b := by
rw [← neg_add_cancel_left a b, h, add_zero]
theorem eq_neg_of_add_eq_zero {a b : R} (h : a + b = 0) : a = -b := by
apply neg_eq_of_add_eq_zero
rw [add_comm, h]
theorem neg_zero : (-0 : R) = 0 := by
apply neg_eq_of_add_eq_zero
rw [add_zero]
theorem neg_neg (a : R) : - -a = a := by
apply neg_eq_of_add_eq_zero
rw [add_left_neg]
end MyRing
namespace MyRing
variable {R : Type*} [Ring R]
theorem self_sub (a : R) : a - a = 0 := by
rw [sub_eq_add_neg, add_right_neg]
theorem one_add_one_eq_two : 1 + 1 = (2 : R) := by
theorem two_mul (a : R) : 2 * a = a + a := by
rw [← one_add_one_eq_two, add_mul, one_mul]
end MyRing
variable {G : Type*} [Group G]
namespace MyGroup
theorem mul_right_inv (a : G) : a * a⁻¹ = 1 := by
have h : (a * a⁻¹)⁻¹ * (a * a⁻¹ * (a * a⁻¹)) = 1 := by
rw [mul_assoc, ← mul_assoc a⁻¹ a, mul_left_inv, one_mul, mul_left_inv]
rw [← h, ← mul_assoc, mul_left_inv, one_mul]
theorem mul_one (a : G) : a * 1 = a := by
rw [← mul_left_inv a, ← mul_assoc, mul_right_inv, one_mul]
theorem mul_inv_rev (a b : G) : (a * b)⁻¹ = b⁻¹ * a⁻¹ := by
rw [← one_mul (b⁻¹ * a⁻¹), ← mul_left_inv (a * b), mul_assoc, mul_assoc, ← mul_assoc b b⁻¹,
mul_right_inv, one_mul, mul_right_inv, mul_one]
end MyGroup
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Log.Basic
import MIL.Common
variable (a b c d e : ℝ)
open Real
example (h₀ : a ≤ b) (h₁ : b < c) (h₂ : c ≤ d) (h₃ : d < e) : a < e := by
apply lt_of_le_of_lt h₀
apply lt_trans h₁
exact lt_of_le_of_lt h₂ h₃
example (h₀ : d ≤ e) : c + exp (a + d) ≤ c + exp (a + e) := by
apply add_le_add_left
rw [exp_le_exp]
apply add_le_add_left h₀
-- an alternative using `linarith`.
example (h₀ : d ≤ e) : c + exp (a + d) ≤ c + exp (a + e) := by
have : exp (a + d) ≤ exp (a + e) := by
rw [exp_le_exp]
linarith [this]
example (h : a ≤ b) : log (1 + exp a) ≤ log (1 + exp b) := by
have h₀ : 0 < 1 + exp a := by linarith [exp_pos a]
have h₁ : 0 < 1 + exp b := by linarith [exp_pos b]
apply (log_le_log h₀ h₁).mpr
apply add_le_add_left (exp_le_exp.mpr h)
example (h : a ≤ b) : c - exp b ≤ c - exp a := by
apply sub_le_sub_left
exact exp_le_exp.mpr h
-- alternatively:
example (h : a ≤ b) : c - exp b ≤ c - exp a := by
linarith [exp_le_exp.mpr h]
theorem fact1 : a * b * 2 ≤ a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 := by
have h : 0 ≤ a ^ 2 - 2 * a * b + b ^ 2
a ^ 2 - 2 * a * b + b ^ 2 = (a - b) ^ 2 := by ring
_ ≥ 0 := by apply pow_two_nonneg
theorem fact2 : -(a * b) * 2 ≤ a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 := by
have h : 0 ≤ a ^ 2 + 2 * a * b + b ^ 2
a ^ 2 + 2 * a * b + b ^ 2 = (a + b) ^ 2 := by ring
_ ≥ 0 := by apply pow_two_nonneg
example : |a * b| ≤ (a ^ 2 + b ^ 2) / 2 := by
have h : (0 : ℝ) < 2 := by norm_num
apply abs_le'.mpr
· rw [le_div_iff h]
apply fact1
rw [le_div_iff h]
apply fact2
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
namespace C02S04
variable (a b c d : ℝ)
#check (min_le_left a b : min a b ≤ a)
#check (min_le_right a b : min a b ≤ b)
#check (le_min : c ≤ a → c ≤ b → c ≤ min a b)
example : max a b = max b a := by
apply le_antisymm
apply max_le
apply le_max_right
apply le_max_left
example : min (min a b) c = min a (min b c) := by
apply le_antisymm
· apply le_min
· apply le_trans
apply min_le_left
apply min_le_left
apply le_min
· apply le_trans
apply min_le_left
apply min_le_right
apply min_le_right
apply le_min
· apply le_min
· apply min_le_left
apply le_trans
apply min_le_right
apply min_le_left
apply le_trans
apply min_le_right
apply min_le_right
theorem aux : min a b + c ≤ min (a + c) (b + c) := by
apply le_min
· apply add_le_add_right
apply min_le_left
apply add_le_add_right
apply min_le_right
example : min a b + c = min (a + c) (b + c) := by
apply le_antisymm
· apply aux
have h : min (a + c) (b + c) = min (a + c) (b + c) - c + c := by rw [sub_add_cancel]
rw [h]
apply add_le_add_right
rw [sub_eq_add_neg]
apply le_trans
apply aux
rw [add_neg_cancel_right, add_neg_cancel_right]
example : |a| - |b| ≤ |a - b| :=
|a| - |b| = |a - b + b| - |b| := by rw [sub_add_cancel]
_ ≤ |a - b| + |b| - |b| := by
apply sub_le_sub_right
apply abs_add
_ ≤ |a - b| := by rw [add_sub_cancel]
-- alternatively
example : |a| - |b| ≤ |a - b| := by
have h := abs_add (a - b) b
rw [sub_add_cancel] at h
variable (w x y z : ℕ)
example (h₀ : x ∣ y) (h₁ : y ∣ z) : x ∣ z :=
dvd_trans h₀ h₁
example : x ∣ y * x * z := by
apply dvd_mul_of_dvd_left
apply dvd_mul_left
example : x ∣ x ^ 2 := by
apply dvd_mul_left
example (h : x ∣ w) : x ∣ y * (x * z) + x ^ 2 + w ^ 2 := by
apply dvd_add
· apply dvd_add
· apply dvd_mul_of_dvd_right
apply dvd_mul_right
apply dvd_mul_left
rw [pow_two]
apply dvd_mul_of_dvd_right
exact h
variable (m n : ℕ)
#check (Nat.gcd_zero_right n : Nat.gcd n 0 = n)
#check (Nat.gcd_zero_left n : Nat.gcd 0 n = n)
#check (Nat.lcm_zero_right n : Nat.lcm n 0 = 0)
#check (Nat.lcm_zero_left n : Nat.lcm 0 n = 0)
example : Nat.gcd m n = Nat.gcd n m := by
apply Nat.dvd_antisymm
apply Nat.dvd_gcd
apply Nat.gcd_dvd_right
apply Nat.gcd_dvd_left
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Topology.MetricSpace.Basic
variable {α : Type*} [Lattice α]
variable (x y z : α)
example : x ⊓ y = y ⊓ x := by
apply le_antisymm
apply le_inf
· apply inf_le_right
apply inf_le_left
example : x ⊓ y ⊓ z = x ⊓ (y ⊓ z) := by
apply le_antisymm
· apply le_inf
· apply le_trans
apply inf_le_left
apply inf_le_left
apply le_inf
· apply le_trans
apply inf_le_left
apply inf_le_right
apply inf_le_right
apply le_inf
· apply le_inf
· apply inf_le_left
apply le_trans
apply inf_le_right
apply inf_le_left
apply le_trans
apply inf_le_right
apply inf_le_right
example : x ⊔ y = y ⊔ x := by
apply le_antisymm
apply sup_le
· apply le_sup_right
apply le_sup_left
example : x ⊔ y ⊔ z = x ⊔ (y ⊔ z) := by
apply le_antisymm
· apply sup_le
· apply sup_le
apply le_sup_left
· apply le_trans
apply @le_sup_left _ _ y z
apply le_sup_right
apply le_trans
apply @le_sup_right _ _ y z
apply le_sup_right
apply sup_le
· apply le_trans
apply @le_sup_left _ _ x y
apply le_sup_left
apply sup_le
· apply le_trans
apply @le_sup_right _ _ x y
apply le_sup_left
apply le_sup_right
theorem absorb1 : x ⊓ (x ⊔ y) = x := by
apply le_antisymm
· apply inf_le_left
apply le_inf
· apply le_refl
apply le_sup_left
theorem absorb2 : x ⊔ x ⊓ y = x := by
apply le_antisymm
· apply sup_le
· apply le_refl
apply inf_le_left
apply le_sup_left
variable {α : Type*} [DistribLattice α]
variable (x y z : α)
#check (inf_sup_left : x ⊓ (y ⊔ z) = x ⊓ y ⊔ x ⊓ z)
#check (inf_sup_right : (x ⊔ y) ⊓ z = x ⊓ z ⊔ y ⊓ z)
#check (sup_inf_left : x ⊔ y ⊓ z = (x ⊔ y) ⊓ (x ⊔ z))
#check (sup_inf_right : x ⊓ y ⊔ z = (x ⊔ z) ⊓ (y ⊔ z))
variable {α : Type*} [Lattice α]
variable (a b c : α)
example (h : ∀ x y z : α, x ⊓ (y ⊔ z) = x ⊓ y ⊔ x ⊓ z) : a ⊔ b ⊓ c = (a ⊔ b) ⊓ (a ⊔ c) := by
rw [h, @inf_comm _ _ (a ⊔ b), absorb1, @inf_comm _ _ (a ⊔ b), h, ← sup_assoc, @inf_comm _ _ c a,
absorb2, inf_comm]
example (h : ∀ x y z : α, x ⊔ y ⊓ z = (x ⊔ y) ⊓ (x ⊔ z)) : a ⊓ (b ⊔ c) = a ⊓ b ⊔ a ⊓ c := by
rw [h, @sup_comm _ _ (a ⊓ b), absorb2, @sup_comm _ _ (a ⊓ b), h, ← inf_assoc, @sup_comm _ _ c a,
absorb1, sup_comm]
variable {R : Type*} [StrictOrderedRing R]
variable (a b c : R)
theorem aux1 (h : a ≤ b) : 0 ≤ b - a := by
rw [← sub_self a, sub_eq_add_neg, sub_eq_add_neg, add_comm, add_comm b]
apply add_le_add_left h
theorem aux2 (h : 0 ≤ b - a) : a ≤ b := by
rw [← add_zero a, ← sub_add_cancel b a, add_comm (b - a)]
apply add_le_add_left h
example (h : a ≤ b) (h' : 0 ≤ c) : a * c ≤ b * c := by
have h1 : 0 ≤ (b - a) * c := mul_nonneg (aux1 _ _ h) h'
rw [sub_mul] at h1
exact aux2 _ _ h1
variable {X : Type*} [MetricSpace X]
variable (x y z : X)
example (x y : X) : 0 ≤ dist x y :=by
have : 0 ≤ dist x y + dist y x := by
rw [← dist_self x]
apply dist_triangle
linarith [dist_comm x y]
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
namespace C03S01
#check ∀ x : ℝ, 0 ≤ x → |x| = x
#check ∀ x y ε : ℝ, 0 < ε → ε ≤ 1 → |x| < ε → |y| < ε → |x * y| < ε
theorem my_lemma : ∀ x y ε : ℝ, 0 < ε → ε ≤ 1 → |x| < ε → |y| < ε → |x * y| < ε :=
variable (a b δ : ℝ)
variable (h₀ : 0 < δ) (h₁ : δ ≤ 1)
variable (ha : |a| < δ) (hb : |b| < δ)
#check my_lemma a b δ
#check my_lemma a b δ h₀ h₁
#check my_lemma a b δ h₀ h₁ ha hb
theorem my_lemma2 : ∀ {x y ε : ℝ}, 0 < ε → ε ≤ 1 → |x| < ε → |y| < ε → |x * y| < ε :=
variable (a b δ : ℝ)
variable (h₀ : 0 < δ) (h₁ : δ ≤ 1)
variable (ha : |a| < δ) (hb : |b| < δ)
#check my_lemma2 h₀ h₁ ha hb
theorem my_lemma3 :
∀ {x y ε : ℝ}, 0 < ε → ε ≤ 1 → |x| < ε → |y| < ε → |x * y| < ε := by
intro x y ε epos ele1 xlt ylt
theorem my_lemma4 :
∀ {x y ε : ℝ}, 0 < ε → ε ≤ 1 → |x| < ε → |y| < ε → |x * y| < ε := by
intro x y ε epos ele1 xlt ylt
|x * y| = |x| * |y| := sorry
_ ≤ |x| * ε := sorry
_ < 1 * ε := sorry
_ = ε := sorry
def FnUb (f : ℝ → ℝ) (a : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ x, f x ≤ a
def FnLb (f : ℝ → ℝ) (a : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ x, a ≤ f x
variable (f g : ℝ → ℝ) (a b : ℝ)
example (hfa : FnUb f a) (hgb : FnUb g b) : FnUb (fun x ↦ f x + g x) (a + b) := by
intro x
apply add_le_add
apply hfa
apply hgb
example (hfa : FnLb f a) (hgb : FnLb g b) : FnLb (fun x ↦ f x + g x) (a + b) :=
example (nnf : FnLb f 0) (nng : FnLb g 0) : FnLb (fun x ↦ f x * g x) 0 :=
example (hfa : FnUb f a) (hgb : FnUb g b) (nng : FnLb g 0) (nna : 0 ≤ a) :
FnUb (fun x ↦ f x * g x) (a * b) :=
variable {α : Type*} {R : Type*} [OrderedCancelAddCommMonoid R]
#check add_le_add
def FnUb' (f : α → R) (a : R) : Prop :=
∀ x, f x ≤ a
theorem fnUb_add {f g : α → R} {a b : R} (hfa : FnUb' f a) (hgb : FnUb' g b) :
FnUb' (fun x ↦ f x + g x) (a + b) := fun x ↦ add_le_add (hfa x) (hgb x)
example (f : ℝ → ℝ) (h : Monotone f) : ∀ {a b}, a ≤ b → f a ≤ f b :=
variable (f g : ℝ → ℝ)
example (mf : Monotone f) (mg : Monotone g) : Monotone fun x ↦ f x + g x := by
intro a b aleb
apply add_le_add
apply mf aleb
apply mg aleb
example (mf : Monotone f) (mg : Monotone g) : Monotone fun x ↦ f x + g x :=
fun a b aleb ↦ add_le_add (mf aleb) (mg aleb)
example {c : ℝ} (mf : Monotone f) (nnc : 0 ≤ c) : Monotone fun x ↦ c * f x :=
example (mf : Monotone f) (mg : Monotone g) : Monotone fun x ↦ f (g x) :=
def FnEven (f : ℝ → ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ x, f x = f (-x)
def FnOdd (f : ℝ → ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ x, f x = -f (-x)
example (ef : FnEven f) (eg : FnEven g) : FnEven fun x ↦ f x + g x := by
intro x
(fun x ↦ f x + g x) x = f x + g x := rfl
_ = f (-x) + g (-x) := by rw [ef, eg]
example (of : FnOdd f) (og : FnOdd g) : FnEven fun x ↦ f x * g x := by
example (ef : FnEven f) (og : FnOdd g) : FnOdd fun x ↦ f x * g x := by
example (ef : FnEven f) (og : FnOdd g) : FnEven fun x ↦ f (g x) := by
variable {α : Type*} (r s t : Set α)
example : s ⊆ s := by
intro x xs
exact xs
theorem Subset.refl : s ⊆ s := fun x xs ↦ xs
theorem Subset.trans : r ⊆ s → s ⊆ t → r ⊆ t := by
variable {α : Type*} [PartialOrder α]
variable (s : Set α) (a b : α)
def SetUb (s : Set α) (a : α) :=
∀ x, x ∈ s → x ≤ a
example (h : SetUb s a) (h' : a ≤ b) : SetUb s b :=
open Function
example (c : ℝ) : Injective fun x ↦ x + c := by
intro x₁ x₂ h'
exact (add_left_inj c).mp h'
example {c : ℝ} (h : c ≠ 0) : Injective fun x ↦ c * x := by
variable {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*}
variable {g : β → γ} {f : α → β}
example (injg : Injective g) (injf : Injective f) : Injective fun x ↦ g (f x) := by
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
set_option autoImplicit true
namespace C03S02
example : ∃ x : ℝ, 2 < x ∧ x < 3 := by
use 5 / 2
example : ∃ x : ℝ, 2 < x ∧ x < 3 := by
have h1 : 2 < (5 : ℝ) / 2 := by norm_num
have h2 : (5 : ℝ) / 2 < 3 := by norm_num
use 5 / 2, h1, h2
example : ∃ x : ℝ, 2 < x ∧ x < 3 := by
have h : 2 < (5 : ℝ) / 2 ∧ (5 : ℝ) / 2 < 3 := by norm_num
use 5 / 2
example : ∃ x : ℝ, 2 < x ∧ x < 3 :=
have h : 2 < (5 : ℝ) / 2 ∧ (5 : ℝ) / 2 < 3 := by norm_num
⟨5 / 2, h⟩
example : ∃ x : ℝ, 2 < x ∧ x < 3 :=
⟨5 / 2, by norm_num⟩
def FnUb (f : ℝ → ℝ) (a : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ x, f x ≤ a
def FnLb (f : ℝ → ℝ) (a : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ x, a ≤ f x
def FnHasUb (f : ℝ → ℝ) :=
∃ a, FnUb f a
def FnHasLb (f : ℝ → ℝ) :=
∃ a, FnLb f a
theorem fnUb_add {f g : ℝ → ℝ} {a b : ℝ} (hfa : FnUb f a) (hgb : FnUb g b) :
FnUb (fun x ↦ f x + g x) (a + b) :=
fun x ↦ add_le_add (hfa x) (hgb x)
variable {f g : ℝ → ℝ}
example (ubf : FnHasUb f) (ubg : FnHasUb g) : FnHasUb fun x ↦ f x + g x := by
rcases ubf with ⟨a, ubfa⟩
rcases ubg with ⟨b, ubgb⟩
use a + b
apply fnUb_add ubfa ubgb
example (lbf : FnHasLb f) (lbg : FnHasLb g) : FnHasLb fun x ↦ f x + g x := by
example {c : ℝ} (ubf : FnHasUb f) (h : c ≥ 0) : FnHasUb fun x ↦ c * f x := by
example : FnHasUb f → FnHasUb g → FnHasUb fun x ↦ f x + g x := by
rintro ⟨a, ubfa⟩ ⟨b, ubgb⟩
exact ⟨a + b, fnUb_add ubfa ubgb⟩
example : FnHasUb f → FnHasUb g → FnHasUb fun x ↦ f x + g x :=
fun ⟨a, ubfa⟩ ⟨b, ubgb⟩ ↦ ⟨a + b, fnUb_add ubfa ubgb⟩
example (ubf : FnHasUb f) (ubg : FnHasUb g) : FnHasUb fun x ↦ f x + g x := by
obtain ⟨a, ubfa⟩ := ubf
obtain ⟨b, ubgb⟩ := ubg
exact ⟨a + b, fnUb_add ubfa ubgb⟩
example (ubf : FnHasUb f) (ubg : FnHasUb g) : FnHasUb fun x ↦ f x + g x := by
cases ubf
case intro a ubfa =>
cases ubg
case intro b ubgb =>
exact ⟨a + b, fnUb_add ubfa ubgb⟩
example (ubf : FnHasUb f) (ubg : FnHasUb g) : FnHasUb fun x ↦ f x + g x := by
cases ubf
next a ubfa =>
cases ubg
next b ubgb =>
exact ⟨a + b, fnUb_add ubfa ubgb⟩
example (ubf : FnHasUb f) (ubg : FnHasUb g) : FnHasUb fun x ↦ f x + g x := by
match ubf, ubg with
| ⟨a, ubfa⟩, ⟨b, ubgb⟩ =>
exact ⟨a + b, fnUb_add ubfa ubgb⟩
example (ubf : FnHasUb f) (ubg : FnHasUb g) : FnHasUb fun x ↦ f x + g x :=
match ubf, ubg with
| ⟨a, ubfa⟩, ⟨b, ubgb⟩ =>
⟨a + b, fnUb_add ubfa ubgb⟩
variable {α : Type*} [CommRing α]
def SumOfSquares (x : α) :=
∃ a b, x = a ^ 2 + b ^ 2
theorem sumOfSquares_mul {x y : α} (sosx : SumOfSquares x) (sosy : SumOfSquares y) :
SumOfSquares (x * y) := by
rcases sosx with ⟨a, b, xeq⟩
rcases sosy with ⟨c, d, yeq⟩
rw [xeq, yeq]
use a * c - b * d, a * d + b * c
theorem sumOfSquares_mul' {x y : α} (sosx : SumOfSquares x) (sosy : SumOfSquares y) :
SumOfSquares (x * y) := by
rcases sosx with ⟨a, b, rfl⟩
rcases sosy with ⟨c, d, rfl⟩
use a * c - b * d, a * d + b * c
variable {a b c : ℕ}
example (divab : a ∣ b) (divbc : b ∣ c) : a ∣ c := by
rcases divab with ⟨d, beq⟩
rcases divbc with ⟨e, ceq⟩
rw [ceq, beq]
use d * e; ring
example (divab : a ∣ b) (divac : a ∣ c) : a ∣ b + c := by
open Function
example {c : ℝ} : Surjective fun x ↦ x + c := by
intro x
use x - c
dsimp; ring
example {c : ℝ} (h : c ≠ 0) : Surjective fun x ↦ c * x := by
example (x y : ℝ) (h : x - y ≠ 0) : (x ^ 2 - y ^ 2) / (x - y) = x + y := by
field_simp [h]
example {f : ℝ → ℝ} (h : Surjective f) : ∃ x, f x ^ 2 = 4 := by
rcases h 2 with ⟨x, hx⟩
use x
rw [hx]
open Function
variable {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*}
variable {g : β → γ} {f : α → β}
example (surjg : Surjective g) (surjf : Surjective f) : Surjective fun x ↦ g (f x) := by
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
namespace C03S03
variable (a b : ℝ)
example (h : a < b) : ¬b < a := by
intro h'
have : a < a := lt_trans h h'
apply lt_irrefl a this
def FnUb (f : ℝ → ℝ) (a : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ x, f x ≤ a
def FnLb (f : ℝ → ℝ) (a : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ x, a ≤ f x
def FnHasUb (f : ℝ → ℝ) :=
∃ a, FnUb f a
def FnHasLb (f : ℝ → ℝ) :=
∃ a, FnLb f a
variable (f : ℝ → ℝ)
example (h : ∀ a, ∃ x, f x > a) : ¬FnHasUb f := by
intro fnub
rcases fnub with ⟨a, fnuba⟩
rcases h a with ⟨x, hx⟩
have : f x ≤ a := fnuba x
example (h : ∀ a, ∃ x, f x < a) : ¬FnHasLb f :=
example : ¬FnHasUb fun x ↦ x :=
#check (not_le_of_gt : a > b → ¬a ≤ b)
#check (not_lt_of_ge : a ≥ b → ¬a < b)
#check (lt_of_not_ge : ¬a ≥ b → a < b)
#check (le_of_not_gt : ¬a > b → a ≤ b)
example (h : Monotone f) (h' : f a < f b) : a < b := by
example (h : a ≤ b) (h' : f b < f a) : ¬Monotone f := by
example : ¬∀ {f : ℝ → ℝ}, Monotone f → ∀ {a b}, f a ≤ f b → a ≤ b := by
intro h
let f := fun x : ℝ ↦ (0 : ℝ)
have monof : Monotone f := by sorry
have h' : f 1 ≤ f 0 := le_refl _
example (x : ℝ) (h : ∀ ε > 0, x < ε) : x ≤ 0 := by
variable {α : Type*} (P : α → Prop) (Q : Prop)
example (h : ¬∃ x, P x) : ∀ x, ¬P x := by
example (h : ∀ x, ¬P x) : ¬∃ x, P x := by
example (h : ¬∀ x, P x) : ∃ x, ¬P x := by
example (h : ∃ x, ¬P x) : ¬∀ x, P x := by
example (h : ¬∀ x, P x) : ∃ x, ¬P x := by
by_contra h'
apply h
intro x
show P x
by_contra h''
exact h' ⟨x, h''⟩
example (h : ¬¬Q) : Q := by
example (h : Q) : ¬¬Q := by
variable (f : ℝ → ℝ)
example (h : ¬FnHasUb f) : ∀ a, ∃ x, f x > a := by
example (h : ¬∀ a, ∃ x, f x > a) : FnHasUb f := by
push_neg at h
exact h
example (h : ¬FnHasUb f) : ∀ a, ∃ x, f x > a := by
dsimp only [FnHasUb, FnUb] at h
push_neg at h
exact h
example (h : ¬Monotone f) : ∃ x y, x ≤ y ∧ f y < f x := by
example (h : ¬FnHasUb f) : ∀ a, ∃ x, f x > a := by
contrapose! h
exact h
example (x : ℝ) (h : ∀ ε > 0, x ≤ ε) : x ≤ 0 := by
contrapose! h
use x / 2
constructor <;> linarith
variable (a : ℕ)
example (h : 0 < 0) : a > 37 := by
apply lt_irrefl 0 h
example (h : 0 < 0) : a > 37 :=
absurd h (lt_irrefl 0)
example (h : 0 < 0) : a > 37 := by
have h' : ¬0 < 0 := lt_irrefl 0
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Prime
namespace C03S04
example {x y : ℝ} (h₀ : x ≤ y) (h₁ : ¬y ≤ x) : x ≤ y ∧ x ≠ y := by
· assumption
intro h
apply h₁
rw [h]
example {x y : ℝ} (h₀ : x ≤ y) (h₁ : ¬y ≤ x) : x ≤ y ∧ x ≠ y :=
⟨h₀, fun h ↦ h₁ (by rw [h])⟩
example {x y : ℝ} (h₀ : x ≤ y) (h₁ : ¬y ≤ x) : x ≤ y ∧ x ≠ y :=
have h : x ≠ y := by
contrapose! h₁
rw [h₁]
⟨h₀, h⟩
example {x y : ℝ} (h : x ≤ y ∧ x ≠ y) : ¬y ≤ x := by
rcases h with ⟨h₀, h₁⟩
contrapose! h₁
exact le_antisymm h₀ h₁
example {x y : ℝ} : x ≤ y ∧ x ≠ y → ¬y ≤ x := by
rintro ⟨h₀, h₁⟩ h'
exact h₁ (le_antisymm h₀ h')
example {x y : ℝ} : x ≤ y ∧ x ≠ y → ¬y ≤ x :=
fun ⟨h₀, h₁⟩ h' ↦ h₁ (le_antisymm h₀ h')
example {x y : ℝ} (h : x ≤ y ∧ x ≠ y) : ¬y ≤ x := by
have ⟨h₀, h₁⟩ := h
contrapose! h₁
exact le_antisymm h₀ h₁
example {x y : ℝ} (h : x ≤ y ∧ x ≠ y) : ¬y ≤ x := by
cases h
case intro h₀ h₁ =>
contrapose! h₁
exact le_antisymm h₀ h₁
example {x y : ℝ} (h : x ≤ y ∧ x ≠ y) : ¬y ≤ x := by
cases h
next h₀ h₁ =>
contrapose! h₁
exact le_antisymm h₀ h₁
example {x y : ℝ} (h : x ≤ y ∧ x ≠ y) : ¬y ≤ x := by
match h with
| ⟨h₀, h₁⟩ =>
contrapose! h₁
exact le_antisymm h₀ h₁
example {x y : ℝ} (h : x ≤ y ∧ x ≠ y) : ¬y ≤ x := by
intro h'
apply h.right
exact le_antisymm h.left h'
example {x y : ℝ} (h : x ≤ y ∧ x ≠ y) : ¬y ≤ x :=
fun h' ↦ h.right (le_antisymm h.left h')
example {m n : ℕ} (h : m ∣ n ∧ m ≠ n) : m ∣ n ∧ ¬n ∣ m :=
example : ∃ x : ℝ, 2 < x ∧ x < 4 :=
⟨5 / 2, by norm_num, by norm_num⟩
example (x y : ℝ) : (∃ z : ℝ, x < z ∧ z < y) → x < y := by
rintro ⟨z, xltz, zlty⟩
exact lt_trans xltz zlty
example (x y : ℝ) : (∃ z : ℝ, x < z ∧ z < y) → x < y :=
fun ⟨z, xltz, zlty⟩ ↦ lt_trans xltz zlty
example : ∃ x : ℝ, 2 < x ∧ x < 4 := by
use 5 / 2
constructor <;> norm_num
example : ∃ m n : ℕ, 4 < m ∧ m < n ∧ n < 10 ∧ Nat.Prime m ∧ Nat.Prime n := by
use 5
use 7
example {x y : ℝ} : x ≤ y ∧ x ≠ y → x ≤ y ∧ ¬y ≤ x := by
rintro ⟨h₀, h₁⟩
use h₀
exact fun h' ↦ h₁ (le_antisymm h₀ h')
example {x y : ℝ} (h : x ≤ y) : ¬y ≤ x ↔ x ≠ y := by
· contrapose!
rintro rfl
exact le_antisymm h
example {x y : ℝ} (h : x ≤ y) : ¬y ≤ x ↔ x ≠ y :=
⟨fun h₀ h₁ ↦ h₀ (by rw [h₁]), fun h₀ h₁ ↦ h₀ (le_antisymm h h₁)⟩
example {x y : ℝ} : x ≤ y ∧ ¬y ≤ x ↔ x ≤ y ∧ x ≠ y :=
theorem aux {x y : ℝ} (h : x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 0) : x = 0 :=
have h' : x ^ 2 = 0 := by sorry
pow_eq_zero h'
example (x y : ℝ) : x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 0 ↔ x = 0 ∧ y = 0 :=
example (x : ℝ) : |x + 3| < 5 → -8 < x ∧ x < 2 := by
rw [abs_lt]
intro h
constructor <;> linarith
example : 3 ∣ Nat.gcd 6 15 := by
rw [Nat.dvd_gcd_iff]
constructor <;> norm_num
theorem not_monotone_iff {f : ℝ → ℝ} : ¬Monotone f ↔ ∃ x y, x ≤ y ∧ f x > f y := by
rw [Monotone]
example : ¬Monotone fun x : ℝ ↦ -x := by
variable {α : Type*} [PartialOrder α]
variable (a b : α)
example : a < b ↔ a ≤ b ∧ a ≠ b := by
rw [lt_iff_le_not_le]
variable {α : Type*} [Preorder α]
variable (a b c : α)
example : ¬a < a := by
rw [lt_iff_le_not_le]
example : a < b → b < c → a < c := by
simp only [lt_iff_le_not_le]
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
namespace C03S05
variable {x y : ℝ}
example (h : y > x ^ 2) : y > 0 ∨ y < -1 := by
linarith [pow_two_nonneg x]
example (h : -y > x ^ 2 + 1) : y > 0 ∨ y < -1 := by
linarith [pow_two_nonneg x]
example (h : y > 0) : y > 0 ∨ y < -1 :=
Or.inl h
example (h : y < -1) : y > 0 ∨ y < -1 :=
Or.inr h
example : x < |y| → x < y ∨ x < -y := by
rcases le_or_gt 0 y with h | h
· rw [abs_of_nonneg h]
intro h; left; exact h
. rw [abs_of_neg h]
intro h; right; exact h
example : x < |y| → x < y ∨ x < -y := by
cases le_or_gt 0 y
case inl h =>
rw [abs_of_nonneg h]
intro h; left; exact h
case inr h =>
rw [abs_of_neg h]
intro h; right; exact h
example : x < |y| → x < y ∨ x < -y := by
cases le_or_gt 0 y
next h =>
rw [abs_of_nonneg h]
intro h; left; exact h
next h =>
rw [abs_of_neg h]
intro h; right; exact h
example : x < |y| → x < y ∨ x < -y := by
match le_or_gt 0 y with
| Or.inl h =>
rw [abs_of_nonneg h]
intro h; left; exact h
| Or.inr h =>
rw [abs_of_neg h]
intro h; right; exact h
namespace MyAbs
theorem le_abs_self (x : ℝ) : x ≤ |x| := by
theorem neg_le_abs_self (x : ℝ) : -x ≤ |x| := by
theorem abs_add (x y : ℝ) : |x + y| ≤ |x| + |y| := by
theorem lt_abs : x < |y| ↔ x < y ∨ x < -y := by
theorem abs_lt : |x| < y ↔ -y < x ∧ x < y := by
end MyAbs
example {x : ℝ} (h : x ≠ 0) : x < 0 ∨ x > 0 := by
rcases lt_trichotomy x 0 with xlt | xeq | xgt
· left
exact xlt
· contradiction
. right; exact xgt
example {m n k : ℕ} (h : m ∣ n ∨ m ∣ k) : m ∣ n * k := by
rcases h with ⟨a, rfl⟩ | ⟨b, rfl⟩
· rw [mul_assoc]
apply dvd_mul_right
. rw [mul_comm, mul_assoc]
apply dvd_mul_right
example {z : ℝ} (h : ∃ x y, z = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 ∨ z = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + 1) : z ≥ 0 := by
example {x : ℝ} (h : x ^ 2 = 1) : x = 1 ∨ x = -1 := by
example {x y : ℝ} (h : x ^ 2 = y ^ 2) : x = y ∨ x = -y := by
variable {R : Type*} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R]
variable (x y : R)
example (h : x ^ 2 = 1) : x = 1 ∨ x = -1 := by
example (h : x ^ 2 = y ^ 2) : x = y ∨ x = -y := by
example (P : Prop) : ¬¬P → P := by
intro h
cases em P
· assumption
. contradiction
example (P : Prop) : ¬¬P → P := by
intro h
by_cases h' : P
· assumption
example (P Q : Prop) : P → Q ↔ ¬P ∨ Q := by
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
namespace C03S06
def ConvergesTo (s : ℕ → ℝ) (a : ℝ) :=
∀ ε > 0, ∃ N, ∀ n ≥ N, |s n - a| < ε
example : (fun x y : ℝ ↦ (x + y) ^ 2) = fun x y : ℝ ↦ x ^ 2 + 2 * x * y + y ^ 2 := by
example (a b : ℝ) : |a| = |a - b + b| := by
example {a : ℝ} (h : 1 < a) : a < a * a := by
convert (mul_lt_mul_right _).2 h
· rw [one_mul]
exact lt_trans zero_lt_one h
theorem convergesTo_const (a : ℝ) : ConvergesTo (fun x : ℕ ↦ a) a := by
intro ε εpos
use 0
intro n nge
rw [sub_self, abs_zero]
apply εpos
theorem convergesTo_add {s t : ℕ → ℝ} {a b : ℝ}
(cs : ConvergesTo s a) (ct : ConvergesTo t b) :
ConvergesTo (fun n ↦ s n + t n) (a + b) := by
intro ε εpos
dsimp -- this line is not needed but cleans up the goal a bit.
have ε2pos : 0 < ε / 2 := by linarith
rcases cs (ε / 2) ε2pos with ⟨Ns, hs⟩
rcases ct (ε / 2) ε2pos with ⟨Nt, ht⟩
use max Ns Nt
theorem convergesTo_mul_const {s : ℕ → ℝ} {a : ℝ} (c : ℝ) (cs : ConvergesTo s a) :
ConvergesTo (fun n ↦ c * s n) (c * a) := by
by_cases h : c = 0
· convert convergesTo_const 0
· rw [h]
rw [h]
have acpos : 0 < |c| := abs_pos.mpr h
theorem exists_abs_le_of_convergesTo {s : ℕ → ℝ} {a : ℝ} (cs : ConvergesTo s a) :
∃ N b, ∀ n, N ≤ n → |s n| < b := by
rcases cs 1 zero_lt_one with ⟨N, h⟩
use N, |a| + 1
theorem aux {s t : ℕ → ℝ} {a : ℝ} (cs : ConvergesTo s a) (ct : ConvergesTo t 0) :
ConvergesTo (fun n ↦ s n * t n) 0 := by
intro ε εpos
rcases exists_abs_le_of_convergesTo cs with ⟨N₀, B, h₀⟩
have Bpos : 0 < B := lt_of_le_of_lt (abs_nonneg _) (h₀ N₀ (le_refl _))
have pos₀ : ε / B > 0 := div_pos εpos Bpos
rcases ct _ pos₀ with ⟨N₁, h₁⟩
theorem convergesTo_mul {s t : ℕ → ℝ} {a b : ℝ}
(cs : ConvergesTo s a) (ct : ConvergesTo t b) :
ConvergesTo (fun n ↦ s n * t n) (a * b) := by
have h₁ : ConvergesTo (fun n ↦ s n * (t n + -b)) 0 := by
apply aux cs
convert convergesTo_add ct (convergesTo_const (-b))
have := convergesTo_add h₁ (convergesTo_mul_const b cs)
convert convergesTo_add h₁ (convergesTo_mul_const b cs) using 1
· ext; ring
theorem convergesTo_unique {s : ℕ → ℝ} {a b : ℝ}
(sa : ConvergesTo s a) (sb : ConvergesTo s b) :
a = b := by
by_contra abne
have : |a - b| > 0 := by sorry
let ε := |a - b| / 2
have εpos : ε > 0 := by
change |a - b| / 2 > 0
rcases sa ε εpos with ⟨Na, hNa⟩
rcases sb ε εpos with ⟨Nb, hNb⟩
let N := max Na Nb
have absa : |s N - a| < ε := by sorry
have absb : |s N - b| < ε := by sorry
have : |a - b| < |a - b| := by sorry
exact lt_irrefl _ this
variable {α : Type*} [LinearOrder α]
def ConvergesTo' (s : α → ℝ) (a : ℝ) :=
∀ ε > 0, ∃ N, ∀ n ≥ N, |s n - a| < ε
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
namespace C03S01
theorem my_lemma4 :
∀ {x y ε : ℝ}, 0 < ε → ε ≤ 1 → |x| < ε → |y| < ε → |x * y| < ε := by
intro x y ε epos ele1 xlt ylt
|x * y| = |x| * |y| := by apply abs_mul
_ ≤ |x| * ε := by apply mul_le_mul; linarith; linarith; apply abs_nonneg; apply abs_nonneg;
_ < 1 * ε := by rw [mul_lt_mul_right epos]; linarith
_ = ε := by apply one_mul
def FnUb (f : ℝ → ℝ) (a : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ x, f x ≤ a
def FnLb (f : ℝ → ℝ) (a : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ x, a ≤ f x
variable (f g : ℝ → ℝ) (a b : ℝ)
example (hfa : FnLb f a) (hgb : FnLb g b) : FnLb (fun x ↦ f x + g x) (a + b) := by
intro x
apply add_le_add
apply hfa
apply hgb
example (nnf : FnLb f 0) (nng : FnLb g 0) : FnLb (fun x ↦ f x * g x) 0 := by
intro x
apply mul_nonneg
apply nnf
apply nng
example (hfa : FnUb f a) (hgb : FnUb g b) (nng : FnLb g 0) (nna : 0 ≤ a) :
FnUb (fun x ↦ f x * g x) (a * b) := by
intro x
apply mul_le_mul
apply hfa
apply hgb
apply nng
apply nna
variable (f g : ℝ → ℝ)
example {c : ℝ} (mf : Monotone f) (nnc : 0 ≤ c) : Monotone fun x ↦ c * f x := by
intro a b aleb
apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left _ nnc
apply mf aleb
example {c : ℝ} (mf : Monotone f) (nnc : 0 ≤ c) : Monotone fun x ↦ c * f x :=
fun a b aleb ↦ mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (mf aleb) nnc
example (mf : Monotone f) (mg : Monotone g) : Monotone fun x ↦ f (g x) := by
intro a b aleb
apply mf
apply mg
apply aleb
example (mf : Monotone f) (mg : Monotone g) : Monotone fun x ↦ f (g x) :=
fun a b aleb ↦ mf (mg aleb)
def FnEven (f : ℝ → ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ x, f x = f (-x)
def FnOdd (f : ℝ → ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ x, f x = -f (-x)
example (of : FnOdd f) (og : FnOdd g) : FnEven fun x ↦ f x * g x := by
intro x
(fun x ↦ f x * g x) x = f x * g x := rfl
_ = f (-x) * g (-x) := by rw [of, og, neg_mul_neg]
example (ef : FnEven f) (og : FnOdd g) : FnOdd fun x ↦ f x * g x := by
intro x
rw [ef, og, neg_mul_eq_mul_neg]
example (ef : FnEven f) (og : FnOdd g) : FnEven fun x ↦ f (g x) := by
intro x
rw [og, ← ef]
variable {α : Type*} (r s t : Set α)
example : r ⊆ s → s ⊆ t → r ⊆ t := by
intro rsubs ssubt x xr
apply ssubt
apply rsubs
apply xr
theorem Subset.trans : r ⊆ s → s ⊆ t → r ⊆ t :=
fun rsubs ssubt x xr ↦ ssubt (rsubs xr)
variable {α : Type*} [PartialOrder α]
variable (s : Set α) (a b : α)
def SetUb (s : Set α) (a : α) :=
∀ x, x ∈ s → x ≤ a
example (h : SetUb s a) (h' : a ≤ b) : SetUb s b := by
intro x xs
apply le_trans (h x xs) h'
example (h : SetUb s a) (h' : a ≤ b) : SetUb s b :=
fun x xs ↦ le_trans (h x xs) h'
open Function
example {c : ℝ} (h : c ≠ 0) : Injective fun x ↦ c * x := by
intro x₁ x₂ h'
apply (mul_right_inj' h).mp h'
variable {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*}
variable {g : β → γ} {f : α → β}
example (injg : Injective g) (injf : Injective f) : Injective fun x ↦ g (f x) := by
intro x₁ x₂ h
apply injf
apply injg
apply h
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
set_option autoImplicit true
namespace C03S02
def FnUb (f : ℝ → ℝ) (a : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ x, f x ≤ a
def FnLb (f : ℝ → ℝ) (a : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ x, a ≤ f x
def FnHasUb (f : ℝ → ℝ) :=
∃ a, FnUb f a
def FnHasLb (f : ℝ → ℝ) :=
∃ a, FnLb f a
theorem fnUb_add {f g : ℝ → ℝ} {a b : ℝ} (hfa : FnUb f a) (hgb : FnUb g b) :
FnUb (fun x ↦ f x + g x) (a + b) :=
fun x ↦ add_le_add (hfa x) (hgb x)
variable {f g : ℝ → ℝ}
example (lbf : FnHasLb f) (lbg : FnHasLb g) : FnHasLb fun x ↦ f x + g x := by
rcases lbf with ⟨a, lbfa⟩
rcases lbg with ⟨b, lbgb⟩
use a + b
intro x
exact add_le_add (lbfa x) (lbgb x)
example {c : ℝ} (ubf : FnHasUb f) (h : c ≥ 0) : FnHasUb fun x ↦ c * f x := by
rcases ubf with ⟨a, lbfa⟩
use c * a
intro x
exact mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (lbfa x) h
variable {a b c : ℕ}
example (divab : a ∣ b) (divbc : b ∣ c) : a ∣ c := by
rcases divab with ⟨d, rfl⟩
rcases divbc with ⟨e, rfl⟩
use d * e; ring
example (divab : a ∣ b) (divac : a ∣ c) : a ∣ b + c := by
rcases divab with ⟨d, rfl⟩
rcases divac with ⟨e, rfl⟩
use d + e; ring
open Function
example {c : ℝ} (h : c ≠ 0) : Surjective fun x ↦ c * x := by
intro x
use x / c
dsimp; rw [mul_div_cancel' _ h]
example {c : ℝ} (h : c ≠ 0) : Surjective fun x ↦ c * x := by
intro x
use x / c
field_simp [h] ; ring
open Function
variable {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*}
variable {g : β → γ} {f : α → β}
example (surjg : Surjective g) (surjf : Surjective f) : Surjective fun x ↦ g (f x) := by
intro z
rcases surjg z with ⟨y, rfl⟩
rcases surjf y with ⟨x, rfl⟩
use x
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
namespace C03S03
variable (a b : ℝ)
def FnUb (f : ℝ → ℝ) (a : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ x, f x ≤ a
def FnLb (f : ℝ → ℝ) (a : ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ x, a ≤ f x
def FnHasUb (f : ℝ → ℝ) :=
∃ a, FnUb f a
def FnHasLb (f : ℝ → ℝ) :=
∃ a, FnLb f a
variable (f : ℝ → ℝ)
example (h : ∀ a, ∃ x, f x < a) : ¬FnHasLb f := by
rintro ⟨a, ha⟩
rcases h a with ⟨x, hx⟩
have := ha x
example : ¬FnHasUb fun x ↦ x := by
rintro ⟨a, ha⟩
have : a + 1 ≤ a := ha (a + 1)
example (h : Monotone f) (h' : f a < f b) : a < b := by
apply lt_of_not_ge
intro h''
apply absurd h'
apply not_lt_of_ge (h h'')
example (h : a ≤ b) (h' : f b < f a) : ¬Monotone f := by
intro h''
apply absurd h'
apply not_lt_of_ge
apply h'' h
example : ¬∀ {f : ℝ → ℝ}, Monotone f → ∀ {a b}, f a ≤ f b → a ≤ b := by
intro h
let f := fun x : ℝ ↦ (0 : ℝ)
have monof : Monotone f := by
intro a b leab
have h' : f 1 ≤ f 0 := le_refl _
have : (1 : ℝ) ≤ 0 := h monof h'
example (x : ℝ) (h : ∀ ε > 0, x < ε) : x ≤ 0 := by
apply le_of_not_gt
intro h'
linarith [h _ h']
variable {α : Type*} (P : α → Prop) (Q : Prop)
example (h : ¬∃ x, P x) : ∀ x, ¬P x := by
intro x Px
apply h
use x
example (h : ∀ x, ¬P x) : ¬∃ x, P x := by
rintro ⟨x, Px⟩
exact h x Px
example (h : ∃ x, ¬P x) : ¬∀ x, P x := by
intro h'
rcases h with ⟨x, nPx⟩
apply nPx
apply h'
example (h : ¬¬Q) : Q := by
by_contra h'
exact h h'
example (h : Q) : ¬¬Q := by
intro h'
exact h' h
variable (f : ℝ → ℝ)
example (h : ¬FnHasUb f) : ∀ a, ∃ x, f x > a := by
intro a
by_contra h'
apply h
use a
intro x
apply le_of_not_gt
intro h''
apply h'
use x
example (h : ¬Monotone f) : ∃ x y, x ≤ y ∧ f y < f x := by
rw [Monotone] at h
push_neg at h
exact h
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Prime
namespace C03S04
example {m n : ℕ} (h : m ∣ n ∧ m ≠ n) : m ∣ n ∧ ¬n ∣ m := by
rcases h with ⟨h0, h1⟩
· exact h0
intro h2
apply h1
apply Nat.dvd_antisymm h0 h2
example {x y : ℝ} : x ≤ y ∧ ¬y ≤ x ↔ x ≤ y ∧ x ≠ y := by
· rintro ⟨h0, h1⟩
· exact h0
intro h2
apply h1
rw [h2]
rintro ⟨h0, h1⟩
· exact h0
intro h2
apply h1
apply le_antisymm h0 h2
theorem aux {x y : ℝ} (h : x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 0) : x = 0 :=
have h' : x ^ 2 = 0 := by linarith [pow_two_nonneg x, pow_two_nonneg y]
pow_eq_zero h'
example (x y : ℝ) : x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 0 ↔ x = 0 ∧ y = 0 := by
· intro h
· exact aux h
rw [add_comm] at h
exact aux h
rintro ⟨rfl, rfl⟩
theorem not_monotone_iff {f : ℝ → ℝ} : ¬Monotone f ↔ ∃ x y, x ≤ y ∧ f x > f y := by
rw [Monotone]
example : ¬Monotone fun x : ℝ ↦ -x := by
rw [not_monotone_iff]
use 0, 1
variable {α : Type*} [PartialOrder α]
variable (a b : α)
example : a < b ↔ a ≤ b ∧ a ≠ b := by
rw [lt_iff_le_not_le]
· rintro ⟨h0, h1⟩
· exact h0
intro h2
apply h1
rw [h2]
rintro ⟨h0, h1⟩
· exact h0
intro h2
apply h1
apply le_antisymm h0 h2
variable {α : Type*} [Preorder α]
variable (a b c : α)
example : ¬a < a := by
rw [lt_iff_le_not_le]
rintro ⟨h0, h1⟩
exact h1 h0
example : a < b → b < c → a < c := by
simp only [lt_iff_le_not_le]
rintro ⟨h0, h1⟩ ⟨h2, h3⟩
· apply le_trans h0 h2
intro h4
apply h1
apply le_trans h2 h4
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
namespace C03S05
variable {x y : ℝ}
namespace MyAbs
theorem le_abs_self (x : ℝ) : x ≤ |x| := by
rcases le_or_gt 0 x with h | h
· rw [abs_of_nonneg h]
. rw [abs_of_neg h]
theorem neg_le_abs_self (x : ℝ) : -x ≤ |x| := by
rcases le_or_gt 0 x with h | h
· rw [abs_of_nonneg h]
. rw [abs_of_neg h]
theorem abs_add (x y : ℝ) : |x + y| ≤ |x| + |y| := by
rcases le_or_gt 0 (x + y) with h | h
· rw [abs_of_nonneg h]
linarith [le_abs_self x, le_abs_self y]
. rw [abs_of_neg h]
linarith [neg_le_abs_self x, neg_le_abs_self y]
theorem lt_abs : x < |y| ↔ x < y ∨ x < -y := by
rcases le_or_gt 0 y with h | h
· rw [abs_of_nonneg h]
· intro h'
exact h'
. intro h'
rcases h' with h' | h'
· exact h'
. linarith
rw [abs_of_neg h]
· intro h'
exact h'
. intro h'
rcases h' with h' | h'
· linarith
. exact h'
theorem abs_lt : |x| < y ↔ -y < x ∧ x < y := by
rcases le_or_gt 0 x with h | h
· rw [abs_of_nonneg h]
· intro h'
· linarith
exact h'
. intro h'
rcases h' with ⟨h1, h2⟩
exact h2
. rw [abs_of_neg h]
· intro h'
· linarith
. linarith
. intro h'
end MyAbs
example {z : ℝ} (h : ∃ x y, z = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 ∨ z = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + 1) : z ≥ 0 := by
rcases h with ⟨x, y, rfl | rfl⟩ <;> linarith [sq_nonneg x, sq_nonneg y]
example {x : ℝ} (h : x ^ 2 = 1) : x = 1 ∨ x = -1 := by
have h' : x ^ 2 - 1 = 0 := by rw [h, sub_self]
have h'' : (x + 1) * (x - 1) = 0 := by
rw [← h']
rcases eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero h'' with h1 | h1
· right
exact eq_neg_iff_add_eq_zero.mpr h1
. left
exact eq_of_sub_eq_zero h1
example {x y : ℝ} (h : x ^ 2 = y ^ 2) : x = y ∨ x = -y := by
have h' : x ^ 2 - y ^ 2 = 0 := by rw [h, sub_self]
have h'' : (x + y) * (x - y) = 0 := by
rw [← h']
rcases eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero h'' with h1 | h1
· right
exact eq_neg_iff_add_eq_zero.mpr h1
. left
exact eq_of_sub_eq_zero h1
variable {R : Type*} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R]
variable (x y : R)
example (h : x ^ 2 = 1) : x = 1 ∨ x = -1 := by
have h' : x ^ 2 - 1 = 0 := by rw [h, sub_self]
have h'' : (x + 1) * (x - 1) = 0 := by
rw [← h']
rcases eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero h'' with h1 | h1
· right
exact eq_neg_iff_add_eq_zero.mpr h1
. left
exact eq_of_sub_eq_zero h1
example (h : x ^ 2 = y ^ 2) : x = y ∨ x = -y := by
have h' : x ^ 2 - y ^ 2 = 0 := by rw [h, sub_self]
have h'' : (x + y) * (x - y) = 0 := by
rw [← h']
rcases eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero h'' with h1 | h1
· right
exact eq_neg_iff_add_eq_zero.mpr h1
. left
exact eq_of_sub_eq_zero h1
example (P Q : Prop) : P → Q ↔ ¬P ∨ Q := by
· intro h
by_cases h' : P
· right
exact h h'
. left
exact h'
rintro (h | h)
· intro h'
exact absurd h' h
. intro
exact h
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
namespace C03S06
def ConvergesTo (s : ℕ → ℝ) (a : ℝ) :=
∀ ε > 0, ∃ N, ∀ n ≥ N, |s n - a| < ε
theorem convergesTo_const (a : ℝ) : ConvergesTo (fun x : ℕ ↦ a) a := by
intro ε εpos
use 0
intro n nge
rw [sub_self, abs_zero]
apply εpos
theorem convergesTo_add {s t : ℕ → ℝ} {a b : ℝ}
(cs : ConvergesTo s a) (ct : ConvergesTo t b) :
ConvergesTo (fun n ↦ s n + t n) (a + b) := by
intro ε εpos
have ε2pos : 0 < ε / 2 := by linarith
rcases cs (ε / 2) ε2pos with ⟨Ns, hs⟩
rcases ct (ε / 2) ε2pos with ⟨Nt, ht⟩
use max Ns Nt
intro n hn
have ngeNs : n ≥ Ns := le_of_max_le_left hn
have ngeNt : n ≥ Nt := le_of_max_le_right hn
|s n + t n - (a + b)| = |s n - a + (t n - b)| := by
_ ≤ |s n - a| + |t n - b| := (abs_add _ _)
_ < ε / 2 + ε / 2 := (add_lt_add (hs n ngeNs) (ht n ngeNt))
_ = ε := by norm_num
theorem convergesTo_mul_const {s : ℕ → ℝ} {a : ℝ} (c : ℝ) (cs : ConvergesTo s a) :
ConvergesTo (fun n ↦ c * s n) (c * a) := by
by_cases h : c = 0
· convert convergesTo_const 0
· rw [h]
rw [h]
have acpos : 0 < |c| := abs_pos.mpr h
intro ε εpos
have εcpos : 0 < ε / |c| := by apply div_pos εpos acpos
rcases cs (ε / |c|) εcpos with ⟨Ns, hs⟩
use Ns
intro n ngt
|c * s n - c * a| = |c| * |s n - a| := by rw [← abs_mul, mul_sub]
_ < |c| * (ε / |c|) := (mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left (hs n ngt) acpos)
_ = ε := mul_div_cancel' _ (ne_of_lt acpos).symm
theorem exists_abs_le_of_convergesTo {s : ℕ → ℝ} {a : ℝ} (cs : ConvergesTo s a) :
∃ N b, ∀ n, N ≤ n → |s n| < b := by
rcases cs 1 zero_lt_one with ⟨N, h⟩
use N, |a| + 1
intro n ngt
|s n| = |s n - a + a| := by
_ ≤ |s n - a| + |a| := (abs_add _ _)
_ < |a| + 1 := by linarith [h n ngt]
theorem aux {s t : ℕ → ℝ} {a : ℝ} (cs : ConvergesTo s a) (ct : ConvergesTo t 0) :
ConvergesTo (fun n ↦ s n * t n) 0 := by
intro ε εpos
rcases exists_abs_le_of_convergesTo cs with ⟨N₀, B, h₀⟩
have Bpos : 0 < B := lt_of_le_of_lt (abs_nonneg _) (h₀ N₀ (le_refl _))
have pos₀ : ε / B > 0 := div_pos εpos Bpos
rcases ct _ pos₀ with ⟨N₁, h₁⟩
use max N₀ N₁
intro n ngt
have ngeN₀ : n ≥ N₀ := le_of_max_le_left ngt
have ngeN₁ : n ≥ N₁ := le_of_max_le_right ngt
|s n * t n - 0| = |s n| * |t n - 0| := by rw [sub_zero, abs_mul, sub_zero]
_ < B * (ε / B) := (mul_lt_mul'' (h₀ n ngeN₀) (h₁ n ngeN₁) (abs_nonneg _) (abs_nonneg _))
_ = ε := mul_div_cancel' _ (ne_of_lt Bpos).symm
theorem convergesTo_mul {s t : ℕ → ℝ} {a b : ℝ}
(cs : ConvergesTo s a) (ct : ConvergesTo t b) :
ConvergesTo (fun n ↦ s n * t n) (a * b) := by
have h₁ : ConvergesTo (fun n ↦ s n * (t n + -b)) 0 := by
apply aux cs
convert convergesTo_add ct (convergesTo_const (-b))
have := convergesTo_add h₁ (convergesTo_mul_const b cs)
convert convergesTo_add h₁ (convergesTo_mul_const b cs) using 1
· ext; ring
theorem convergesTo_unique {s : ℕ → ℝ} {a b : ℝ}
(sa : ConvergesTo s a) (sb : ConvergesTo s b) :
a = b := by
by_contra abne
have : |a - b| > 0 := by
apply lt_of_le_of_ne
· apply abs_nonneg
intro h''
apply abne
apply eq_of_abs_sub_eq_zero h''.symm
let ε := |a - b| / 2
have εpos : ε > 0 := by
change |a - b| / 2 > 0
rcases sa ε εpos with ⟨Na, hNa⟩
rcases sb ε εpos with ⟨Nb, hNb⟩
let N := max Na Nb
have absa : |s N - a| < ε := by
apply hNa
apply le_max_left
have absb : |s N - b| < ε := by
apply hNb
apply le_max_right
have : |a - b| < |a - b|
|a - b| = |(-(s N - a)) + (s N - b)| := by
_ ≤ |(-(s N - a))| + |s N - b| := (abs_add _ _)
_ = |s N - a| + |s N - b| := by rw [abs_neg]
_ < ε + ε := (add_lt_add absa absb)
_ = |a - b| := by norm_num
exact lt_irrefl _ this
@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Lattice
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Prime
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Parity
import MIL.Common
variable {α : Type*}
variable (s t u : Set α)
open Set
example (h : s ⊆ t) : s ∩ u ⊆ t ∩ u := by
rw [subset_def, inter_def, inter_def]
rw [subset_def] at h
simp only [mem_setOf]
rintro x ⟨xs, xu⟩
exact ⟨h _ xs, xu⟩
example (h : s ⊆ t) : s ∩ u ⊆ t ∩ u := by
simp only [subset_def, mem_inter_iff] at *
rintro x ⟨xs, xu⟩
exact ⟨h _ xs, xu⟩
example (h : s ⊆ t) : s ∩ u ⊆ t ∩ u := by
intro x xsu
exact ⟨h xsu.1, xsu.2⟩
theorem foo (h : s ⊆ t) : s ∩ u ⊆ t ∩ u :=
fun x ⟨xs, xu⟩ ↦ ⟨h xs, xu⟩
example (h : s ⊆ t) : s ∩ u ⊆ t ∩ u :=
fun x ⟨xs, xu⟩ ↦ ⟨h xs, xu⟩
example : s ∩ (t ∪ u) ⊆ s ∩ t ∪ s ∩ u := by
intro x hx
have xs : x ∈ s := hx.1
have xtu : x ∈ t ∪ u := hx.2
rcases xtu with xt | xu
· left
show x ∈ s ∩ t
exact ⟨xs, xt⟩
. right
show x ∈ s ∩ u
exact ⟨xs, xu⟩
example : s ∩ (t ∪ u) ⊆ s ∩ t ∪ s ∩ u := by
rintro x ⟨xs, xt | xu⟩
· left; exact ⟨xs, xt⟩
. right; exact ⟨xs, xu⟩
example : s ∩ t ∪ s ∩ u ⊆ s ∩ (t ∪ u) := by
example : (s \ t) \ u ⊆ s \ (t ∪ u) := by
intro x xstu
have xs : x ∈ s := xstu.1.1
have xnt : x ∉ t := xstu.1.2
have xnu : x ∉ u := xstu.2
· exact xs
intro xtu
-- x ∈ t ∨ x ∈ u
rcases xtu with xt | xu
· show False; exact xnt xt
. show False; exact xnu xu
example : (s \ t) \ u ⊆ s \ (t ∪ u) := by
rintro x ⟨⟨xs, xnt⟩, xnu⟩
use xs
rintro (xt | xu) <;> contradiction
example : s \ (t ∪ u) ⊆ (s \ t) \ u := by
example : s ∩ t = t ∩ s := by
ext x
simp only [mem_inter_iff]
· rintro ⟨xs, xt⟩; exact ⟨xt, xs⟩
. rintro ⟨xt, xs⟩; exact ⟨xs, xt⟩
example : s ∩ t = t ∩ s :=
Set.ext fun x ↦ ⟨fun ⟨xs, xt⟩ ↦ ⟨xt, xs⟩, fun ⟨xt, xs⟩ ↦ ⟨xs, xt⟩⟩
example : s ∩ t = t ∩ s := by ext x; simp [and_comm]
example : s ∩ t = t ∩ s := by
apply Subset.antisymm
· rintro x ⟨xs, xt⟩; exact ⟨xt, xs⟩
. rintro x ⟨xt, xs⟩; exact ⟨xs, xt⟩
example : s ∩ t = t ∩ s :=
Subset.antisymm sorry sorry
example : s ∩ (s ∪ t) = s := by
example : s ∪ s ∩ t = s := by
example : s \ t ∪ t = s ∪ t := by
example : s \ t ∪ t \ s = (s ∪ t) \ (s ∩ t) := by
def evens : Set ℕ :=
{ n | Even n }
def odds : Set ℕ :=
{ n | ¬Even n }
example : evens ∪ odds = univ := by
rw [evens, odds]
ext n
apply Classical.em
example (x : ℕ) (h : x ∈ (∅ : Set ℕ)) : False :=
example (x : ℕ) : x ∈ (univ : Set ℕ) :=
example : { n | Nat.Prime n } ∩ { n | n > 2 } ⊆ { n | ¬Even n } := by
#print Prime
#print Nat.Prime
example (n : ℕ) : Prime n ↔ Nat.Prime n :=
example (n : ℕ) (h : Prime n) : Nat.Prime n := by
rw [Nat.prime_iff]
exact h
example (n : ℕ) (h : Prime n) : Nat.Prime n := by
rwa [Nat.prime_iff]
variable (s t : Set ℕ)
example (h₀ : ∀ x ∈ s, ¬Even x) (h₁ : ∀ x ∈ s, Prime x) : ∀ x ∈ s, ¬Even x ∧ Prime x := by
intro x xs
· apply h₀ x xs
apply h₁ x xs
example (h : ∃ x ∈ s, ¬Even x ∧ Prime x) : ∃ x ∈ s, Prime x := by
rcases h with ⟨x, xs, _, prime_x⟩
use x, xs
variable (ssubt : s ⊆ t)
example (h₀ : ∀ x ∈ t, ¬Even x) (h₁ : ∀ x ∈ t, Prime x) : ∀ x ∈ s, ¬Even x ∧ Prime x := by
example (h : ∃ x ∈ s, ¬Even x ∧ Prime x) : ∃ x ∈ t, Prime x := by
variable {α I : Type*}
variable (A B : I → Set α)
variable (s : Set α)
open Set
example : (s ∩ ⋃ i, A i) = ⋃ i, A i ∩ s := by
ext x
simp only [mem_inter_iff, mem_iUnion]
· rintro ⟨xs, ⟨i, xAi⟩⟩
exact ⟨i, xAi, xs⟩
rintro ⟨i, xAi, xs⟩
exact ⟨xs, ⟨i, xAi⟩⟩
example : (⋂ i, A i ∩ B i) = (⋂ i, A i) ∩ ⋂ i, B i := by
ext x
simp only [mem_inter_iff, mem_iInter]
· intro h
· intro i
exact (h i).1
intro i
exact (h i).2
rintro ⟨h1, h2⟩ i
· exact h1 i
exact h2 i
example : (s ∪ ⋂ i, A i) = ⋂ i, A i ∪ s := by
def primes : Set ℕ :=
{ x | Nat.Prime x }
example : (⋃ p ∈ primes, { x | p ^ 2 ∣ x }) = { x | ∃ p ∈ primes, p ^ 2 ∣ x } :=by
rw [mem_iUnion₂]
example : (⋃ p ∈ primes, { x | p ^ 2 ∣ x }) = { x | ∃ p ∈ primes, p ^ 2 ∣ x } := by
example : (⋂ p ∈ primes, { x | ¬p ∣ x }) ⊆ { x | x = 1 } := by
intro x
apply Nat.exists_prime_and_dvd
example : (⋃ p ∈ primes, { x | x ≤ p }) = univ := by
open Set
variable {α : Type*} (s : Set (Set α))
example : ⋃₀ s = ⋃ t ∈ s, t := by
ext x
rw [mem_iUnion₂]
example : ⋂₀ s = ⋂ t ∈ s, t := by
ext x
rw [mem_iInter₂]
@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Lattice
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Function
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Log.Basic
variable {α β : Type*}
variable (f : α → β)
variable (s t : Set α)
variable (u v : Set β)
open Function
open Set
example : f ⁻¹' (u ∩ v) = f ⁻¹' u ∩ f ⁻¹' v := by
example : f '' (s ∪ t) = f '' s ∪ f '' t := by
ext y; constructor
· rintro ⟨x, xs | xt, rfl⟩
· left
use x, xs
use x, xt
rintro (⟨x, xs, rfl⟩ | ⟨x, xt, rfl⟩)
· use x, Or.inl xs
use x, Or.inr xt
example : s ⊆ f ⁻¹' (f '' s) := by
intro x xs
show f x ∈ f '' s
use x, xs
example : f '' s ⊆ v ↔ s ⊆ f ⁻¹' v := by
example (h : Injective f) : f ⁻¹' (f '' s) ⊆ s := by
example : f '' (f ⁻¹' u) ⊆ u := by
example (h : Surjective f) : u ⊆ f '' (f ⁻¹' u) := by
example (h : s ⊆ t) : f '' s ⊆ f '' t := by
example (h : u ⊆ v) : f ⁻¹' u ⊆ f ⁻¹' v := by
example : f ⁻¹' (u ∪ v) = f ⁻¹' u ∪ f ⁻¹' v := by
example : f '' (s ∩ t) ⊆ f '' s ∩ f '' t := by
example (h : Injective f) : f '' s ∩ f '' t ⊆ f '' (s ∩ t) := by
example : f '' s \ f '' t ⊆ f '' (s \ t) := by
example : f ⁻¹' u \ f ⁻¹' v ⊆ f ⁻¹' (u \ v) := by
example : f '' s ∩ v = f '' (s ∩ f ⁻¹' v) := by
example : f '' (s ∩ f ⁻¹' u) ⊆ f '' s ∩ u := by
example : s ∩ f ⁻¹' u ⊆ f ⁻¹' (f '' s ∩ u) := by
example : s ∪ f ⁻¹' u ⊆ f ⁻¹' (f '' s ∪ u) := by
variable {I : Type*} (A : I → Set α) (B : I → Set β)
example : (f '' ⋃ i, A i) = ⋃ i, f '' A i := by
ext y; simp
· rintro ⟨x, ⟨i, xAi⟩, fxeq⟩
use i, x
rintro ⟨i, x, xAi, fxeq⟩
exact ⟨x, ⟨i, xAi⟩, fxeq⟩
example : (f '' ⋂ i, A i) ⊆ ⋂ i, f '' A i := by
intro y; simp
intro x h fxeq i
use x
exact ⟨h i, fxeq⟩
example (i : I) (injf : Injective f) : (⋂ i, f '' A i) ⊆ f '' ⋂ i, A i := by
intro y; simp
intro h
rcases h i with ⟨x, xAi, fxeq⟩
use x; constructor
· intro i'
rcases h i' with ⟨x', x'Ai, fx'eq⟩
have : f x = f x' := by rw [fxeq, fx'eq]
have : x = x' := injf this
rw [this]
exact x'Ai
exact fxeq
example : (f ⁻¹' ⋃ i, B i) = ⋃ i, f ⁻¹' B i := by
ext x
example : (f ⁻¹' ⋂ i, B i) = ⋂ i, f ⁻¹' B i := by
ext x
example : InjOn f s ↔ ∀ x₁ ∈ s, ∀ x₂ ∈ s, f x₁ = f x₂ → x₁ = x₂ :=
Iff.refl _
open Set Real
example : InjOn log { x | x > 0 } := by
intro x xpos y ypos
intro e
-- log x = log y
x = exp (log x) := by rw [exp_log xpos]
_ = exp (log y) := by rw [e]
_ = y := by rw [exp_log ypos]
example : range exp = { y | y > 0 } := by
ext y; constructor
· rintro ⟨x, rfl⟩
apply exp_pos
intro ypos
use log y
rw [exp_log ypos]
example : InjOn sqrt { x | x ≥ 0 } := by
example : InjOn (fun x ↦ x ^ 2) { x : ℝ | x ≥ 0 } := by
example : sqrt '' { x | x ≥ 0 } = { y | y ≥ 0 } := by
example : (range fun x ↦ x ^ 2) = { y : ℝ | y ≥ 0 } := by
variable {α β : Type*} [Inhabited α]
#check (default : α)
variable (P : α → Prop) (h : ∃ x, P x)
#check Classical.choose h
example : P (Classical.choose h) :=
Classical.choose_spec h
noncomputable section
open Classical
def inverse (f : α → β) : β → α := fun y : β ↦
if h : ∃ x, f x = y then Classical.choose h else default
theorem inverse_spec {f : α → β} (y : β) (h : ∃ x, f x = y) : f (inverse f y) = y := by
rw [inverse, dif_pos h]
exact Classical.choose_spec h
variable (f : α → β)
open Function
example : Injective f ↔ LeftInverse (inverse f) f :=
example : Surjective f ↔ RightInverse (inverse f) f :=
variable {α : Type*}
open Function
theorem Cantor : ∀ f : α → Set α, ¬Surjective f := by
intro f surjf
let S := { i | i ∉ f i }
rcases surjf S with ⟨j, h⟩
have h₁ : j ∉ f j := by
intro h'
have : j ∉ f j := by rwa [h] at h'
have h₂ : j ∈ S
have h₃ : j ∉ S
-- COMMENTS: TODO: improve this
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Lattice
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Function
import MIL.Common
open Set
open Function
noncomputable section
open Classical
variable {α β : Type*} [Nonempty β]
variable (f : α → β) (g : β → α)
def sbAux : ℕ → Set α
| 0 => univ \ g '' univ
| n + 1 => g '' (f '' sbAux n)
def sbSet :=
⋃ n, sbAux f g n
def sbFun (x : α) : β :=
if x ∈ sbSet f g then f x else invFun g x
theorem sb_right_inv {x : α} (hx : x ∉ sbSet f g) : g (invFun g x) = x := by
have : x ∈ g '' univ := by
contrapose! hx
rw [sbSet, mem_iUnion]
use 0
rw [sbAux, mem_diff]
have : ∃ y, g y = x := by
theorem sb_injective (hf : Injective f) (hg : Injective g) : Injective (sbFun f g) := by
set A := sbSet f g with A_def
set h := sbFun f g with h_def
intro x₁ x₂
intro (hxeq : h x₁ = h x₂)
show x₁ = x₂
simp only [h_def, sbFun, ← A_def] at hxeq
by_cases xA : x₁ ∈ A ∨ x₂ ∈ A
· wlog x₁A : x₁ ∈ A generalizing x₁ x₂ hxeq xA
· symm
apply this hxeq.symm xA.symm (xA.resolve_left x₁A)
have x₂A : x₂ ∈ A := by
apply not_imp_self.mp
intro (x₂nA : x₂ ∉ A)
rw [if_pos x₁A, if_neg x₂nA] at hxeq
rw [A_def, sbSet, mem_iUnion] at x₁A
have x₂eq : x₂ = g (f x₁) := by
rcases x₁A with ⟨n, hn⟩
rw [A_def, sbSet, mem_iUnion]
use n + 1
simp [sbAux]
exact ⟨x₁, hn, x₂eq.symm⟩
push_neg at xA
theorem sb_surjective (hf : Injective f) (hg : Injective g) : Surjective (sbFun f g) := by
set A := sbSet f g with A_def
set h := sbFun f g with h_def
intro y
by_cases gyA : g y ∈ A
· rw [A_def, sbSet, mem_iUnion] at gyA
rcases gyA with ⟨n, hn⟩
rcases n with _ | n
· simp [sbAux] at hn
simp [sbAux] at hn
rcases hn with ⟨x, xmem, hx⟩
use x
have : x ∈ A := by
rw [A_def, sbSet, mem_iUnion]
exact ⟨n, xmem⟩
simp only [h_def, sbFun, if_pos this]
exact hg hx
theorem schroeder_bernstein {f : α → β} {g : β → α} (hf : Injective f) (hg : Injective g) :
∃ h : α → β, Bijective h :=
⟨sbFun f g, sb_injective f g hf hg, sb_surjective f g hf hg⟩
-- Auxiliary information
variable (g : β → α) (x : α)
#check (invFun g : α → β)
#check (leftInverse_invFun : Injective g → LeftInverse (invFun g) g)
#check (leftInverse_invFun : Injective g → ∀ y, invFun g (g y) = y)
#check (invFun_eq : (∃ y, g y = x) → g (invFun g x) = x)
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Lattice
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Prime
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Parity
import MIL.Common
variable {α : Type*}
variable (s t u : Set α)
open Set
example : s ∩ t ∪ s ∩ u ⊆ s ∩ (t ∪ u) := by
rintro x (⟨xs, xt⟩ | ⟨xs, xu⟩)
· use xs; left; exact xt
. use xs; right; exact xu
example : s \ (t ∪ u) ⊆ (s \ t) \ u := by
rintro x ⟨xs, xntu⟩
use xs
· intro xt
exact xntu (Or.inl xt)
intro xu
apply xntu (Or.inr xu)
example : s ∩ t = t ∩ s :=
(fun x ⟨xs, xt⟩ ↦ ⟨xt, xs⟩) fun x ⟨xt, xs⟩ ↦ ⟨xs, xt⟩
example : s ∩ (s ∪ t) = s := by
ext x; constructor
· rintro ⟨xs, _⟩
exact xs
. intro xs
use xs; left; exact xs
example : s ∪ s ∩ t = s := by
ext x; constructor
· rintro (xs | ⟨xs, xt⟩) <;> exact xs
. intro xs; left; exact xs
example : s \ t ∪ t = s ∪ t := by
ext x; constructor
· rintro (⟨xs, nxt⟩ | xt)
· left
exact xs
. right
exact xt
by_cases h : x ∈ t
· intro
exact h
rintro (xs | xt)
· left
use xs
right; exact xt
example : s \ t ∪ t \ s = (s ∪ t) \ (s ∩ t) := by
ext x; constructor
· rintro (⟨xs, xnt⟩ | ⟨xt, xns⟩)
· constructor
exact xs
rintro ⟨_, xt⟩
. constructor
exact xt
rintro ⟨xs, _⟩
rintro ⟨xs | xt, nxst⟩
· left
use xs
intro xt
apply nxst
constructor <;> assumption
. right; use xt; intro xs
apply nxst
constructor <;> assumption
example : { n | Nat.Prime n } ∩ { n | n > 2 } ⊆ { n | ¬Even n } := by
intro n
intro nprime
rcases Nat.Prime.eq_two_or_odd nprime with h | h
· rw [h]
rw [Nat.even_iff, h]
variable (s t : Set ℕ)
variable (ssubt : s ⊆ t)
example (h₀ : ∀ x ∈ t, ¬Even x) (h₁ : ∀ x ∈ t, Prime x) : ∀ x ∈ s, ¬Even x ∧ Prime x := by
intro x xs
· apply h₀ x (ssubt xs)
apply h₁ x (ssubt xs)
example (h : ∃ x ∈ s, ¬Even x ∧ Prime x) : ∃ x ∈ t, Prime x := by
rcases h with ⟨x, xs, _, px⟩
use x, ssubt xs
variable {α I : Type*}
variable (A B : I → Set α)
variable (s : Set α)
open Set
example : (s ∪ ⋂ i, A i) = ⋂ i, A i ∪ s := by
ext x
simp only [mem_union, mem_iInter]
· rintro (xs | xI)
· intro i
exact xs
intro i
exact xI i
intro h
by_cases xs : x ∈ s
· left
exact xs
intro i
cases h i
· assumption
def primes : Set ℕ :=
{ x | Nat.Prime x }
example : (⋃ p ∈ primes, { x | x ≤ p }) = univ := by
apply eq_univ_of_forall
intro x
rcases Nat.exists_infinite_primes x with ⟨p, primep, pge⟩
use p, pge
@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Lattice
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Function
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Log.Basic
variable {α β : Type*}
variable (f : α → β)
variable (s t : Set α)
variable (u v : Set β)
open Function
open Set
example : f '' s ⊆ v ↔ s ⊆ f ⁻¹' v := by
· intro h x xs
have : f x ∈ f '' s := mem_image_of_mem _ xs
exact h this
intro h y ymem
rcases ymem with ⟨x, xs, fxeq⟩
rw [← fxeq]
apply h xs
example (h : Injective f) : f ⁻¹' (f '' s) ⊆ s := by
rintro x ⟨y, ys, fxeq⟩
rw [← h fxeq]
exact ys
example : f '' (f ⁻¹' u) ⊆ u := by
rintro y ⟨x, xmem, rfl⟩
exact xmem
example (h : Surjective f) : u ⊆ f '' (f ⁻¹' u) := by
intro y yu
rcases h y with ⟨x, fxeq⟩
use x
· show f x ∈ u
rw [fxeq]
exact yu
exact fxeq
example (h : s ⊆ t) : f '' s ⊆ f '' t := by
rintro y ⟨x, xs, fxeq⟩
use x, h xs
example (h : u ⊆ v) : f ⁻¹' u ⊆ f ⁻¹' v := by
intro x; apply h
example : f ⁻¹' (u ∪ v) = f ⁻¹' u ∪ f ⁻¹' v := by
ext x; rfl
example : f '' (s ∩ t) ⊆ f '' s ∩ f '' t := by
rintro y ⟨x, ⟨xs, xt⟩, rfl⟩
. use x, xs
. use x, xt
example (h : Injective f) : f '' s ∩ f '' t ⊆ f '' (s ∩ t) := by
rintro y ⟨⟨x₁, x₁s, rfl⟩, ⟨x₂, x₂t, fx₂eq⟩⟩
use x₁
. use x₁s
rw [← h fx₂eq]
exact x₂t
. rfl
example : f '' s \ f '' t ⊆ f '' (s \ t) := by
rintro y ⟨⟨x₁, x₁s, rfl⟩, h⟩
use x₁
. constructor
. exact x₁s
. intro h'
apply h
use x₁, h'
. rfl
example : f ⁻¹' u \ f ⁻¹' v ⊆ f ⁻¹' (u \ v) :=
fun x ↦ id
example : f '' s ∩ v = f '' (s ∩ f ⁻¹' v) := by
ext y; constructor
· rintro ⟨⟨x, xs, rfl⟩, fxv⟩
use x, ⟨xs, fxv⟩
rintro ⟨x, ⟨⟨xs, fxv⟩, rfl⟩⟩
exact ⟨⟨x, xs, rfl⟩, fxv⟩
example : f '' (s ∩ f ⁻¹' u) ⊆ f '' s ∩ u := by
rintro y ⟨x, ⟨xs, fxu⟩, rfl⟩
exact ⟨⟨x, xs, rfl⟩, fxu⟩
example : s ∩ f ⁻¹' u ⊆ f ⁻¹' (f '' s ∩ u) := by
rintro x ⟨xs, fxu⟩
exact ⟨⟨x, xs, rfl⟩, fxu⟩
example : s ∪ f ⁻¹' u ⊆ f ⁻¹' (f '' s ∪ u) := by
rintro x (xs | fxu)
· left
exact ⟨x, xs, rfl⟩
right; exact fxu
variable {I : Type*} (A : I → Set α) (B : I → Set β)
example : (f '' ⋃ i, A i) = ⋃ i, f '' A i := by
ext y; simp
· rintro ⟨x, ⟨i, xAi⟩, fxeq⟩
use i, x
rintro ⟨i, x, xAi, fxeq⟩
exact ⟨x, ⟨i, xAi⟩, fxeq⟩
example : (f '' ⋂ i, A i) ⊆ ⋂ i, f '' A i := by
intro y; simp
intro x h fxeq i
use x
exact ⟨h i, fxeq⟩
example (i : I) (injf : Injective f) : (⋂ i, f '' A i) ⊆ f '' ⋂ i, A i := by
intro y; simp
intro h
rcases h i with ⟨x, xAi, fxeq⟩
use x; constructor
· intro i'
rcases h i' with ⟨x', x'Ai, fx'eq⟩
have : f x = f x' := by rw [fxeq, fx'eq]
have : x = x' := injf this
rw [this]
exact x'Ai
exact fxeq
example : (f ⁻¹' ⋃ i, B i) = ⋃ i, f ⁻¹' B i := by
ext x
example : (f ⁻¹' ⋂ i, B i) = ⋂ i, f ⁻¹' B i := by
ext x
open Set Real
example : InjOn sqrt { x | x ≥ 0 } := by
intro x xnonneg y ynonneg
intro e
x = sqrt x ^ 2 := by rw [sq_sqrt xnonneg]
_ = sqrt y ^ 2 := by rw [e]
_ = y := by rw [sq_sqrt ynonneg]
example : InjOn (fun x ↦ x ^ 2) { x : ℝ | x ≥ 0 } := by
intro x xnonneg y ynonneg
intro e
dsimp at *
x = sqrt (x ^ 2) := by rw [sqrt_sq xnonneg]
_ = sqrt (y ^ 2) := by rw [e]
_ = y := by rw [sqrt_sq ynonneg]
example : sqrt '' { x | x ≥ 0 } = { y | y ≥ 0 } := by
ext y; constructor
· rintro ⟨x, ⟨xnonneg, rfl⟩⟩
apply sqrt_nonneg
intro ynonneg
use y ^ 2
dsimp at *
apply pow_nonneg ynonneg
apply sqrt_sq
example : (range fun x ↦ x ^ 2) = { y : ℝ | y ≥ 0 } := by
ext y
· rintro ⟨x, rfl⟩
dsimp at *
apply pow_two_nonneg
intro ynonneg
use sqrt y
exact sq_sqrt ynonneg
variable {α β : Type*} [Inhabited α]
noncomputable section
open Classical
def inverse (f : α → β) : β → α := fun y : β ↦
if h : ∃ x, f x = y then Classical.choose h else default
theorem inverse_spec {f : α → β} (y : β) (h : ∃ x, f x = y) : f (inverse f y) = y := by
rw [inverse, dif_pos h]
exact Classical.choose_spec h
variable (f : α → β)
open Function
example : Injective f ↔ LeftInverse (inverse f) f := by
· intro h y
apply h
apply inverse_spec
use y
intro h x1 x2 e
rw [← h x1, ← h x2, e]
example : Injective f ↔ LeftInverse (inverse f) f :=
⟨fun h y ↦ h (inverse_spec _ ⟨y, rfl⟩), fun h x1 x2 e ↦ by rw [← h x1, ← h x2, e]⟩
example : Surjective f ↔ RightInverse (inverse f) f := by
· intro h y
apply inverse_spec
apply h
intro h y
use inverse f y
apply h
example : Surjective f ↔ RightInverse (inverse f) f :=
⟨fun h y ↦ inverse_spec _ (h _), fun h y ↦ ⟨inverse f y, h _⟩⟩
variable {α : Type*}
open Function
theorem Cantor : ∀ f : α → Set α, ¬Surjective f := by
intro f surjf
let S := { i | i ∉ f i }
rcases surjf S with ⟨j, h⟩
have h₁ : j ∉ f j := by
intro h'
have : j ∉ f j := by rwa [h] at h'
have h₂ : j ∈ S := h₁
have h₃ : j ∉ S := by rwa [h] at h₁
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Lattice
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Function
import MIL.Common
open Set
open Function
noncomputable section
open Classical
variable {α β : Type*} [Nonempty β]
variable (f : α → β) (g : β → α)
def sbAux : ℕ → Set α
| 0 => univ \ g '' univ
| n + 1 => g '' (f '' sbAux n)
def sbSet :=
⋃ n, sbAux f g n
def sbFun (x : α) : β :=
if x ∈ sbSet f g then f x else invFun g x
theorem sb_right_inv {x : α} (hx : x ∉ sbSet f g) : g (invFun g x) = x := by
have : x ∈ g '' univ := by
contrapose! hx
rw [sbSet, mem_iUnion]
use 0
rw [sbAux, mem_diff]
exact ⟨mem_univ _, hx⟩
have : ∃ y, g y = x := by
simp at this
exact invFun_eq this
theorem sb_injective (hf : Injective f) (hg : Injective g) : Injective (sbFun f g) := by
set A := sbSet f g with A_def
set h := sbFun f g with h_def
intro x₁ x₂
intro (hxeq : h x₁ = h x₂)
show x₁ = x₂
simp only [h_def, sbFun, ← A_def] at hxeq
by_cases xA : x₁ ∈ A ∨ x₂ ∈ A
· wlog x₁A : x₁ ∈ A generalizing x₁ x₂ hxeq xA
· symm
apply this hxeq.symm xA.symm (xA.resolve_left x₁A)
have x₂A : x₂ ∈ A := by
apply not_imp_self.mp
intro (x₂nA : x₂ ∉ A)
rw [if_pos x₁A, if_neg x₂nA] at hxeq
rw [A_def, sbSet, mem_iUnion] at x₁A
have x₂eq : x₂ = g (f x₁) := by
rw [hxeq, sb_right_inv f g x₂nA]
rcases x₁A with ⟨n, hn⟩
rw [A_def, sbSet, mem_iUnion]
use n + 1
simp [sbAux]
exact ⟨x₁, hn, x₂eq.symm⟩
rw [if_pos x₁A, if_pos x₂A] at hxeq
exact hf hxeq
push_neg at xA
rw [if_neg xA.1, if_neg xA.2] at hxeq
rw [← sb_right_inv f g xA.1, hxeq, sb_right_inv f g xA.2]
theorem sb_surjective (hf : Injective f) (hg : Injective g) : Surjective (sbFun f g) := by
set A := sbSet f g with A_def
set h := sbFun f g with h_def
intro y
by_cases gyA : g y ∈ A
· rw [A_def, sbSet, mem_iUnion] at gyA
rcases gyA with ⟨n, hn⟩
rcases n with _ | n
· simp [sbAux] at hn
simp [sbAux] at hn
rcases hn with ⟨x, xmem, hx⟩
use x
have : x ∈ A := by
rw [A_def, sbSet, mem_iUnion]
exact ⟨n, xmem⟩
simp only [h_def, sbFun, if_pos this]
exact hg hx
use g y
simp only [h_def, sbFun, if_neg gyA]
apply leftInverse_invFun hg
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Factorization.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Prime
#print Nat.Coprime
example (m n : Nat) (h : m.Coprime n) : m.gcd n = 1 :=
example (m n : Nat) (h : m.Coprime n) : m.gcd n = 1 := by
rw [Nat.Coprime] at h
exact h
example : Nat.Coprime 12 7 := by norm_num
example : Nat.gcd 12 8 = 4 := by norm_num
#check Nat.prime_def_lt
example (p : ℕ) (prime_p : Nat.Prime p) : 2 ≤ p ∧ ∀ m : ℕ, m < p → m ∣ p → m = 1 := by
rwa [Nat.prime_def_lt] at prime_p
#check Nat.Prime.eq_one_or_self_of_dvd
example (p : ℕ) (prime_p : Nat.Prime p) : ∀ m : ℕ, m ∣ p → m = 1 ∨ m = p :=
example : Nat.Prime 17 := by norm_num
-- commonly used
example : Nat.Prime 2 :=
example : Nat.Prime 3 :=
#check Nat.Prime.dvd_mul
#check Nat.Prime.dvd_mul Nat.prime_two
#check Nat.prime_two.dvd_mul
theorem even_of_even_sqr {m : ℕ} (h : 2 ∣ m ^ 2) : 2 ∣ m := by
rw [pow_two, Nat.prime_two.dvd_mul] at h
cases h <;> assumption
example {m : ℕ} (h : 2 ∣ m ^ 2) : 2 ∣ m :=
Nat.Prime.dvd_of_dvd_pow Nat.prime_two h
example (a b c : Nat) (h : a * b = a * c) (h' : a ≠ 0) : b = c :=
-- apply? suggests the following:
(mul_right_inj' h').mp h
example {m n : ℕ} (coprime_mn : m.Coprime n) : m ^ 2 ≠ 2 * n ^ 2 := by
intro sqr_eq
have : 2 ∣ m := by
obtain ⟨k, meq⟩ := dvd_iff_exists_eq_mul_left.mp this
have : 2 * (2 * k ^ 2) = 2 * n ^ 2 := by
rw [← sqr_eq, meq]
have : 2 * k ^ 2 = n ^ 2 :=
have : 2 ∣ n := by
have : 2 ∣ m.gcd n := by
have : 2 ∣ 1 := by
norm_num at this
example {m n p : ℕ} (coprime_mn : m.Coprime n) (prime_p : p.Prime) : m ^ 2 ≠ p * n ^ 2 := by
#check Nat.factors
#check Nat.prime_of_mem_factors
#check Nat.prod_factors
#check Nat.factors_unique
theorem factorization_mul' {m n : ℕ} (mnez : m ≠ 0) (nnez : n ≠ 0) (p : ℕ) :
(m * n).factorization p = m.factorization p + n.factorization p := by
rw [Nat.factorization_mul mnez nnez]
theorem factorization_pow' (n k p : ℕ) :
(n ^ k).factorization p = k * n.factorization p := by
rw [Nat.factorization_pow]
theorem Nat.Prime.factorization' {p : ℕ} (prime_p : p.Prime) :
p.factorization p = 1 := by
rw [prime_p.factorization]
example {m n p : ℕ} (nnz : n ≠ 0) (prime_p : p.Prime) : m ^ 2 ≠ p * n ^ 2 := by
intro sqr_eq
have nsqr_nez : n ^ 2 ≠ 0 := by simpa
have eq1 : Nat.factorization (m ^ 2) p = 2 * m.factorization p := by
have eq2 : (p * n ^ 2).factorization p = 2 * n.factorization p + 1 := by
have : 2 * m.factorization p % 2 = (2 * n.factorization p + 1) % 2 := by
rw [← eq1, sqr_eq, eq2]
rw [add_comm, Nat.add_mul_mod_self_left, Nat.mul_mod_right] at this
norm_num at this
example {m n k r : ℕ} (nnz : n ≠ 0) (pow_eq : m ^ k = r * n ^ k) {p : ℕ} (prime_p : p.Prime) :
k ∣ r.factorization p := by
rcases r with _ | r
· simp
have npow_nz : n ^ k ≠ 0 := fun npowz ↦ nnz (pow_eq_zero npowz)
have eq1 : (m ^ k).factorization p = k * m.factorization p := by
have eq2 : (r.succ * n ^ k).factorization p =
k * n.factorization p + r.succ.factorization p := by
have : r.succ.factorization p = k * m.factorization p - k * n.factorization p := by
rw [← eq1, pow_eq, eq2, add_comm, Nat.add_sub_cancel]
rw [this]
#check multiplicity
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.GCD.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.BigOperators.Basic
import MIL.Common
example (n : Nat) : n.succ ≠ Nat.zero :=
Nat.succ_ne_zero n
example (m n : Nat) (h : m.succ = n.succ) : m = n :=
Nat.succ.inj h
def fac : ℕ → ℕ
| 0 => 1
| n + 1 => (n + 1) * fac n
example : fac 0 = 1 :=
example : fac 0 = 1 := by
rw [fac]
example : fac 0 = 1 := by
simp [fac]
example (n : ℕ) : fac (n + 1) = (n + 1) * fac n :=
example (n : ℕ) : fac (n + 1) = (n + 1) * fac n := by
rw [fac]
example (n : ℕ) : fac (n + 1) = (n + 1) * fac n := by
simp [fac]
theorem fac_pos (n : ℕ) : 0 < fac n := by
induction' n with n ih
· rw [fac]
exact zero_lt_one
rw [fac]
exact mul_pos n.succ_pos ih
theorem dvd_fac {i n : ℕ} (ipos : 0 < i) (ile : i ≤ n) : i ∣ fac n := by
induction' n with n ih
· exact absurd ipos (not_lt_of_ge ile)
rw [fac]
rcases Nat.of_le_succ ile with h | h
· apply dvd_mul_of_dvd_right (ih h)
rw [h]
apply dvd_mul_right
theorem pow_two_le_fac (n : ℕ) : 2 ^ (n - 1) ≤ fac n := by
rcases n with _ | n
· simp [fac]
variable {α : Type*} (s : Finset ℕ) (f : ℕ → ℕ) (n : ℕ)
#check Finset.sum s f
#check Finset.prod s f
open BigOperators
open Finset
example : s.sum f = ∑ x in s, f x :=
example : s.prod f = ∏ x in s, f x :=
example : (range n).sum f = ∑ x in range n, f x :=
example : (range n).prod f = ∏ x in range n, f x :=
example (f : ℕ → ℕ) : ∑ x in range 0, f x = 0 :=
Finset.sum_range_zero f
example (f : ℕ → ℕ) (n : ℕ) : ∑ x in range n.succ, f x = ∑ x in range n, f x + f n :=
Finset.sum_range_succ f n
example (f : ℕ → ℕ) : ∏ x in range 0, f x = 1 :=
Finset.prod_range_zero f
example (f : ℕ → ℕ) (n : ℕ) : ∏ x in range n.succ, f x = (∏ x in range n, f x) * f n :=
Finset.prod_range_succ f n
example (n : ℕ) : fac n = ∏ i in range n, (i + 1) := by
induction' n with n ih
· rw [fac, prod_range_zero]
rw [fac, ih, prod_range_succ, mul_comm]
example (a b c d e f : ℕ) : a * (b * c * f * (d * e)) = d * (a * f * e) * (c * b) := by
simp [mul_assoc, mul_comm, mul_left_comm]
theorem sum_id (n : ℕ) : ∑ i in range (n + 1), i = n * (n + 1) / 2 := by
symm; apply Nat.div_eq_of_eq_mul_right (by norm_num : 0 < 2)
induction' n with n ih
· simp
rw [Finset.sum_range_succ, mul_add 2, ← ih, Nat.succ_eq_add_one]
theorem sum_sqr (n : ℕ) : ∑ i in range (n + 1), i ^ 2 = n * (n + 1) * (2 * n + 1) / 6 := by
inductive MyNat
| zero : MyNat
| succ : MyNat → MyNat
namespace MyNat
def add : MyNat → MyNat → MyNat
| x, zero => x
| x, succ y => succ (add x y)
def mul : MyNat → MyNat → MyNat
| x, zero => zero
| x, succ y => add (mul x y) x
theorem zero_add (n : MyNat) : add zero n = n := by
induction' n with n ih
· rfl
rw [add, ih]
theorem succ_add (m n : MyNat) : add (succ m) n = succ (add m n) := by
induction' n with n ih
· rfl
rw [add, ih]
theorem add_comm (m n : MyNat) : add m n = add n m := by
induction' n with n ih
· rw [zero_add]
rw [add, succ_add, ih]
theorem add_assoc (m n k : MyNat) : add (add m n) k = add m (add n k) := by
theorem mul_add (m n k : MyNat) : mul m (add n k) = add (mul m n) (mul m k) := by
theorem zero_mul (n : MyNat) : mul zero n = zero := by
theorem succ_mul (m n : MyNat) : mul (succ m) n = add (mul m n) n := by
theorem mul_comm (m n : MyNat) : mul m n = mul n m := by
end MyNat
@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Prime
import Mathlib.Algebra.BigOperators.Order
import MIL.Common
open BigOperators
namespace C05S03
theorem two_le {m : ℕ} (h0 : m ≠ 0) (h1 : m ≠ 1) : 2 ≤ m := by
cases m; contradiction
case succ m =>
cases m; contradiction
repeat' apply Nat.succ_le_succ
apply zero_le
example {m : ℕ} (h0 : m ≠ 0) (h1 : m ≠ 1) : 2 ≤ m := by
by_contra h
push_neg at h
interval_cases m <;> contradiction
example {m : ℕ} (h0 : m ≠ 0) (h1 : m ≠ 1) : 2 ≤ m := by
by_contra h
push_neg at h
revert h0 h1
revert h m
theorem exists_prime_factor {n : Nat} (h : 2 ≤ n) : ∃ p : Nat, p.Prime ∧ p ∣ n := by
by_cases np : n.Prime
· use n, np
induction' n using Nat.strong_induction_on with n ih
rw [Nat.prime_def_lt] at np
push_neg at np
rcases np h with ⟨m, mltn, mdvdn, mne1⟩
have : m ≠ 0 := by
intro mz
rw [mz, zero_dvd_iff] at mdvdn
have mgt2 : 2 ≤ m := two_le this mne1
by_cases mp : m.Prime
· use m, mp
. rcases ih m mltn mgt2 mp with ⟨p, pp, pdvd⟩
use p, pp
apply pdvd.trans mdvdn
theorem primes_infinite : ∀ n, ∃ p > n, Nat.Prime p := by
intro n
have : 2 ≤ Nat.factorial (n + 1) + 1 := by
rcases exists_prime_factor this with ⟨p, pp, pdvd⟩
refine' ⟨p, _, pp⟩
show p > n
by_contra ple
push_neg at ple
have : p ∣ Nat.factorial (n + 1) := by
have : p ∣ 1 := by
show False
open Finset
variable {α : Type*} [DecidableEq α] (r s t : Finset α)
example : r ∩ (s ∪ t) ⊆ r ∩ s ∪ r ∩ t := by
rw [subset_iff]
intro x
rw [mem_inter, mem_union, mem_union, mem_inter, mem_inter]
example : r ∩ (s ∪ t) ⊆ r ∩ s ∪ r ∩ t := by
simp [subset_iff]
intro x
example : r ∩ s ∪ r ∩ t ⊆ r ∩ (s ∪ t) := by
simp [subset_iff]
intro x
example : r ∩ s ∪ r ∩ t = r ∩ (s ∪ t) := by
ext x
variable {α : Type*} [DecidableEq α] (r s t : Finset α)
example : (r ∪ s) ∩ (r ∪ t) = r ∪ s ∩ t := by
example : (r \ s) \ t = r \ (s ∪ t) := by
example (s : Finset ℕ) (n : ℕ) (h : n ∈ s) : n ∣ ∏ i in s, i :=
Finset.dvd_prod_of_mem _ h
theorem _root_.Nat.Prime.eq_of_dvd_of_prime {p q : ℕ}
(prime_p : Nat.Prime p) (prime_q : Nat.Prime q) (h : p ∣ q) :
p = q := by
theorem mem_of_dvd_prod_primes {s : Finset ℕ} {p : ℕ} (prime_p : p.Prime) :
(∀ n ∈ s, Nat.Prime n) → (p ∣ ∏ n in s, n) → p ∈ s := by
intro h₀ h₁
induction' s using Finset.induction_on with a s ans ih
· simp at h₁
linarith [prime_p.two_le]
simp [Finset.prod_insert ans, prime_p.dvd_mul] at h₀ h₁
rw [mem_insert]
example (s : Finset ℕ) (x : ℕ) : x ∈ s.filter Nat.Prime ↔ x ∈ s ∧ x.Prime :=
theorem primes_infinite' : ∀ s : Finset Nat, ∃ p, Nat.Prime p ∧ p ∉ s := by
intro s
by_contra h
push_neg at h
set s' := s.filter Nat.Prime with s'_def
have mem_s' : ∀ {n : ℕ}, n ∈ s' ↔ n.Prime := by
intro n
simp [s'_def]
apply h
have : 2 ≤ (∏ i in s', i) + 1 := by
rcases exists_prime_factor this with ⟨p, pp, pdvd⟩
have : p ∣ ∏ i in s', i := by
have : p ∣ 1 := by
convert Nat.dvd_sub' pdvd this
show False
theorem bounded_of_ex_finset (Q : ℕ → Prop) :
(∃ s : Finset ℕ, ∀ k, Q k → k ∈ s) → ∃ n, ∀ k, Q k → k < n := by
rintro ⟨s, hs⟩
use s.sup id + 1
intro k Qk
apply Nat.lt_succ_of_le
show id k ≤ s.sup id
apply le_sup (hs k Qk)
theorem ex_finset_of_bounded (Q : ℕ → Prop) [DecidablePred Q] :
(∃ n, ∀ k, Q k → k ≤ n) → ∃ s : Finset ℕ, ∀ k, Q k ↔ k ∈ s := by
rintro ⟨n, hn⟩
use (range (n + 1)).filter Q
intro k
simp [Nat.lt_succ_iff]
exact hn k
example : 27 % 4 = 3 := by norm_num
example (n : ℕ) : (4 * n + 3) % 4 = 3 := by
rw [add_comm, Nat.add_mul_mod_self_left]
theorem mod_4_eq_3_or_mod_4_eq_3 {m n : ℕ} (h : m * n % 4 = 3) : m % 4 = 3 ∨ n % 4 = 3 := by
revert h
rw [Nat.mul_mod]
have : m % 4 < 4 := Nat.mod_lt m (by norm_num)
interval_cases hm : m % 4 <;> simp [hm]
have : n % 4 < 4 := Nat.mod_lt n (by norm_num)
interval_cases hn : n % 4 <;> simp [hn]
theorem two_le_of_mod_4_eq_3 {n : ℕ} (h : n % 4 = 3) : 2 ≤ n := by
apply two_le <;>
· intro neq
rw [neq] at h
norm_num at h
theorem aux {m n : ℕ} (h₀ : m ∣ n) (h₁ : 2 ≤ m) (h₂ : m < n) : n / m ∣ n ∧ n / m < n := by
theorem exists_prime_factor_mod_4_eq_3 {n : Nat} (h : n % 4 = 3) :
∃ p : Nat, p.Prime ∧ p ∣ n ∧ p % 4 = 3 := by
by_cases np : n.Prime
· use n
induction' n using Nat.strong_induction_on with n ih
rw [Nat.prime_def_lt] at np
push_neg at np
rcases np (two_le_of_mod_4_eq_3 h) with ⟨m, mltn, mdvdn, mne1⟩
have mge2 : 2 ≤ m := by
apply two_le _ mne1
intro mz
rw [mz, zero_dvd_iff] at mdvdn
have neq : m * (n / m) = n := Nat.mul_div_cancel' mdvdn
have : m % 4 = 3 ∨ n / m % 4 = 3 := by
apply mod_4_eq_3_or_mod_4_eq_3
rw [neq, h]
rcases this with h1 | h1
. sorry
. sorry
example (m n : ℕ) (s : Finset ℕ) (h : m ∈ erase s n) : m ≠ n ∧ m ∈ s := by
rwa [mem_erase] at h
example (m n : ℕ) (s : Finset ℕ) (h : m ∈ erase s n) : m ≠ n ∧ m ∈ s := by
simp at h
theorem primes_mod_4_eq_3_infinite : ∀ n, ∃ p > n, Nat.Prime p ∧ p % 4 = 3 := by
by_contra h
push_neg at h
rcases h with ⟨n, hn⟩
have : ∃ s : Finset Nat, ∀ p : ℕ, p.Prime ∧ p % 4 = 3 ↔ p ∈ s := by
apply ex_finset_of_bounded
use n
contrapose! hn
rcases hn with ⟨p, ⟨pp, p4⟩, pltn⟩
exact ⟨p, pltn, pp, p4⟩
rcases this with ⟨s, hs⟩
have h₁ : ((4 * ∏ i in erase s 3, i) + 3) % 4 = 3 := by
rcases exists_prime_factor_mod_4_eq_3 h₁ with ⟨p, pp, pdvd, p4eq⟩
have ps : p ∈ s := by
have pne3 : p ≠ 3 := by
have : p ∣ 4 * ∏ i in erase s 3, i := by
have : p ∣ 3 := by
have : p = 3 := by
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Factorization.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Prime
theorem even_of_even_sqr {m : ℕ} (h : 2 ∣ m ^ 2) : 2 ∣ m := by
rw [pow_two, Nat.prime_two.dvd_mul] at h
cases h <;> assumption
example {m n : ℕ} (coprime_mn : m.Coprime n) : m ^ 2 ≠ 2 * n ^ 2 := by
intro sqr_eq
have : 2 ∣ m := by
apply even_of_even_sqr
rw [sqr_eq]
apply dvd_mul_right
obtain ⟨k, meq⟩ := dvd_iff_exists_eq_mul_left.mp this
have : 2 * (2 * k ^ 2) = 2 * n ^ 2 := by
rw [← sqr_eq, meq]
have : 2 * k ^ 2 = n ^ 2 :=
(mul_right_inj' (by norm_num)).mp this
have : 2 ∣ n := by
apply even_of_even_sqr
rw [← this]
apply dvd_mul_right
have : 2 ∣ m.gcd n := by
apply Nat.dvd_gcd <;>
have : 2 ∣ 1 := by
convert this
exact coprime_mn
norm_num at this
example {m n p : ℕ} (coprime_mn : m.Coprime n) (prime_p : p.Prime) : m ^ 2 ≠ p * n ^ 2 := by
intro sqr_eq
have : p ∣ m := by
apply prime_p.dvd_of_dvd_pow
rw [sqr_eq]
apply dvd_mul_right
obtain ⟨k, meq⟩ := dvd_iff_exists_eq_mul_left.mp this
have : p * (p * k ^ 2) = p * n ^ 2 := by
rw [← sqr_eq, meq]
have : p * k ^ 2 = n ^ 2 := by
apply (mul_right_inj' _).mp this
exact prime_p.ne_zero
have : p ∣ n := by
apply prime_p.dvd_of_dvd_pow
rw [← this]
apply dvd_mul_right
have : p ∣ Nat.gcd m n := by apply Nat.dvd_gcd <;> assumption
have : p ∣ 1 := by
convert this
exact coprime_mn
have : 2 ≤ 1 := by
apply prime_p.two_le.trans
exact Nat.le_of_dvd zero_lt_one this
norm_num at this
theorem factorization_mul' {m n : ℕ} (mnez : m ≠ 0) (nnez : n ≠ 0) (p : ℕ) :
(m * n).factorization p = m.factorization p + n.factorization p := by
rw [Nat.factorization_mul mnez nnez]
theorem factorization_pow' (n k p : ℕ) :
(n ^ k).factorization p = k * n.factorization p := by
rw [Nat.factorization_pow]
theorem Nat.Prime.factorization' {p : ℕ} (prime_p : p.Prime) :
p.factorization p = 1 := by
rw [prime_p.factorization]
example {m n p : ℕ} (nnz : n ≠ 0) (prime_p : p.Prime) : m ^ 2 ≠ p * n ^ 2 := by
intro sqr_eq
have nsqr_nez : n ^ 2 ≠ 0 := by simpa
have eq1 : Nat.factorization (m ^ 2) p = 2 * m.factorization p := by
rw [factorization_pow']
have eq2 : (p * n ^ 2).factorization p = 2 * n.factorization p + 1 := by
rw [factorization_mul' prime_p.ne_zero nsqr_nez, prime_p.factorization', factorization_pow',
have : 2 * m.factorization p % 2 = (2 * n.factorization p + 1) % 2 := by
rw [← eq1, sqr_eq, eq2]
rw [add_comm, Nat.add_mul_mod_self_left, Nat.mul_mod_right] at this
norm_num at this
example {m n k r : ℕ} (nnz : n ≠ 0) (pow_eq : m ^ k = r * n ^ k) {p : ℕ} (prime_p : p.Prime) :
k ∣ r.factorization p := by
rcases r with _ | r
· simp
have npow_nz : n ^ k ≠ 0 := fun npowz ↦ nnz (pow_eq_zero npowz)
have eq1 : (m ^ k).factorization p = k * m.factorization p := by
rw [factorization_pow']
have eq2 : (r.succ * n ^ k).factorization p =
k * n.factorization p + r.succ.factorization p := by
rw [factorization_mul' r.succ_ne_zero npow_nz, factorization_pow', add_comm]
have : r.succ.factorization p = k * m.factorization p - k * n.factorization p := by
rw [← eq1, pow_eq, eq2, add_comm, Nat.add_sub_cancel]
rw [this]
apply Nat.dvd_sub' <;>
apply Nat.dvd_mul_right
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.GCD.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.BigOperators.Basic
import MIL.Common
def fac : ℕ → ℕ
| 0 => 1
| n + 1 => (n + 1) * fac n
theorem pow_two_le_fac (n : ℕ) : 2 ^ (n - 1) ≤ fac n := by
rcases n with _ | n
· simp [fac]
induction' n with n ih
· simp [fac]
simp at *
rw [pow_succ, fac]
apply Nat.mul_le_mul _ ih
repeat' apply Nat.succ_le_succ
apply zero_le
variable {α : Type*} (s : Finset ℕ) (f : ℕ → ℕ) (n : ℕ)
open BigOperators
open Finset
theorem sum_sqr (n : ℕ) : ∑ i in range (n + 1), i ^ 2 = n * (n + 1) * (2 * n + 1) / 6 := by
apply Nat.div_eq_of_eq_mul_right (by norm_num : 0 < 6)
induction' n with n ih
· simp
rw [Finset.sum_range_succ, mul_add 6, ← ih, Nat.succ_eq_add_one]
inductive MyNat
| zero : MyNat
| succ : MyNat → MyNat
namespace MyNat
def add : MyNat → MyNat → MyNat
| x, zero => x
| x, succ y => succ (add x y)
def mul : MyNat → MyNat → MyNat
| x, zero => zero
| x, succ y => add (mul x y) x
theorem zero_add (n : MyNat) : add zero n = n := by
induction' n with n ih
· rfl
rw [add, ih]
theorem succ_add (m n : MyNat) : add (succ m) n = succ (add m n) := by
induction' n with n ih
· rfl
rw [add, ih]
theorem add_comm (m n : MyNat) : add m n = add n m := by
induction' n with n ih
· rw [zero_add]
rw [add, succ_add, ih]
theorem add_assoc (m n k : MyNat) : add (add m n) k = add m (add n k) := by
induction' k with k ih
· rfl
rw [add, ih]
theorem mul_add (m n k : MyNat) : mul m (add n k) = add (mul m n) (mul m k) := by
induction' k with k ih
· rfl
rw [add, mul, mul, ih, add_assoc]
theorem zero_mul (n : MyNat) : mul zero n = zero := by
induction' n with n ih
· rfl
rw [mul, ih]
theorem succ_mul (m n : MyNat) : mul (succ m) n = add (mul m n) n := by
induction' n with n ih
· rfl
rw [mul, mul, ih, add_assoc, add_assoc, add_comm n, succ_add]
theorem mul_comm (m n : MyNat) : mul m n = mul n m := by
induction' n with n ih
· rw [zero_mul]
rw [mul, ih, succ_mul]
end MyNat
@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Prime
import Mathlib.Algebra.BigOperators.Order
import MIL.Common
open BigOperators
namespace C05S03
theorem two_le {m : ℕ} (h0 : m ≠ 0) (h1 : m ≠ 1) : 2 ≤ m := by
cases m; contradiction
case succ m =>
cases m; contradiction
repeat' apply Nat.succ_le_succ
apply zero_le
theorem exists_prime_factor {n : Nat} (h : 2 ≤ n) : ∃ p : Nat, p.Prime ∧ p ∣ n := by
by_cases np : n.Prime
· use n, np
induction' n using Nat.strong_induction_on with n ih
rw [Nat.prime_def_lt] at np
push_neg at np
rcases np h with ⟨m, mltn, mdvdn, mne1⟩
have : m ≠ 0 := by
intro mz
rw [mz, zero_dvd_iff] at mdvdn
have mgt2 : 2 ≤ m := two_le this mne1
by_cases mp : m.Prime
· use m, mp
. rcases ih m mltn mgt2 mp with ⟨p, pp, pdvd⟩
use p, pp
apply pdvd.trans mdvdn
theorem primes_infinite : ∀ n, ∃ p > n, Nat.Prime p := by
intro n
have : 2 ≤ Nat.factorial (n + 1) + 1 := by
apply Nat.succ_le_succ
exact Nat.succ_le_of_lt (Nat.factorial_pos _)
rcases exists_prime_factor this with ⟨p, pp, pdvd⟩
refine' ⟨p, _, pp⟩
show p > n
by_contra ple
push_neg at ple
have : p ∣ Nat.factorial (n + 1) := by
apply Nat.dvd_factorial
apply pp.pos
have : p ∣ 1 := by
convert Nat.dvd_sub' pdvd this
show False
have := Nat.le_of_dvd zero_lt_one this
linarith [pp.two_le]
open Finset
variable {α : Type*} [DecidableEq α] (r s t : Finset α)
example : (r ∪ s) ∩ (r ∪ t) = r ∪ s ∩ t := by
ext x
rw [mem_inter, mem_union, mem_union, mem_union, mem_inter]
example : (r ∪ s) ∩ (r ∪ t) = r ∪ s ∩ t := by
ext x
example : (r \ s) \ t = r \ (s ∪ t) := by
ext x
rw [mem_sdiff, mem_sdiff, mem_sdiff, mem_union]
example : (r \ s) \ t = r \ (s ∪ t) := by
ext x
theorem _root_.Nat.Prime.eq_of_dvd_of_prime {p q : ℕ}
(prime_p : Nat.Prime p) (prime_q : Nat.Prime q) (h : p ∣ q) :
p = q := by
cases prime_q.eq_one_or_self_of_dvd _ h
· linarith [prime_p.two_le]
theorem mem_of_dvd_prod_primes {s : Finset ℕ} {p : ℕ} (prime_p : p.Prime) :
(∀ n ∈ s, Nat.Prime n) → (p ∣ ∏ n in s, n) → p ∈ s := by
intro h₀ h₁
induction' s using Finset.induction_on with a s ans ih
· simp at h₁
linarith [prime_p.two_le]
simp [Finset.prod_insert ans, prime_p.dvd_mul] at h₀ h₁
rw [mem_insert]
rcases h₁ with h₁ | h₁
· left
exact prime_p.eq_of_dvd_of_prime h₀.1 h₁
exact ih h₀.2 h₁
theorem primes_infinite' : ∀ s : Finset Nat, ∃ p, Nat.Prime p ∧ p ∉ s := by
intro s
by_contra h
push_neg at h
set s' := s.filter Nat.Prime with s'_def
have mem_s' : ∀ {n : ℕ}, n ∈ s' ↔ n.Prime := by
intro n
simp [s'_def]
apply h
have : 2 ≤ (∏ i in s', i) + 1 := by
apply Nat.succ_le_succ
apply Nat.succ_le_of_lt
apply Finset.prod_pos
intro n ns'
apply (mem_s'.mp ns').pos
rcases exists_prime_factor this with ⟨p, pp, pdvd⟩
have : p ∣ ∏ i in s', i := by
apply dvd_prod_of_mem
rw [mem_s']
apply pp
have : p ∣ 1 := by
convert Nat.dvd_sub' pdvd this
show False
have := Nat.le_of_dvd zero_lt_one this
linarith [pp.two_le]
theorem bounded_of_ex_finset (Q : ℕ → Prop) :
(∃ s : Finset ℕ, ∀ k, Q k → k ∈ s) → ∃ n, ∀ k, Q k → k < n := by
rintro ⟨s, hs⟩
use s.sup id + 1
intro k Qk
apply Nat.lt_succ_of_le
show id k ≤ s.sup id
apply le_sup (hs k Qk)
theorem ex_finset_of_bounded (Q : ℕ → Prop) [DecidablePred Q] :
(∃ n, ∀ k, Q k → k ≤ n) → ∃ s : Finset ℕ, ∀ k, Q k ↔ k ∈ s := by
rintro ⟨n, hn⟩
use (range (n + 1)).filter Q
intro k
simp [Nat.lt_succ_iff]
exact hn k
theorem mod_4_eq_3_or_mod_4_eq_3 {m n : ℕ} (h : m * n % 4 = 3) : m % 4 = 3 ∨ n % 4 = 3 := by
revert h
rw [Nat.mul_mod]
have : m % 4 < 4 := Nat.mod_lt m (by norm_num)
interval_cases hm : m % 4 <;> simp [hm]
have : n % 4 < 4 := Nat.mod_lt n (by norm_num)
interval_cases hn : n % 4 <;> simp [hn]
theorem two_le_of_mod_4_eq_3 {n : ℕ} (h : n % 4 = 3) : 2 ≤ n := by
apply two_le <;>
· intro neq
rw [neq] at h
norm_num at h
theorem aux {m n : ℕ} (h₀ : m ∣ n) (h₁ : 2 ≤ m) (h₂ : m < n) : n / m ∣ n ∧ n / m < n := by
· exact Nat.div_dvd_of_dvd h₀
exact Nat.div_lt_self (lt_of_le_of_lt (zero_le _) h₂) h₁
theorem exists_prime_factor_mod_4_eq_3 {n : Nat} (h : n % 4 = 3) :
∃ p : Nat, p.Prime ∧ p ∣ n ∧ p % 4 = 3 := by
by_cases np : n.Prime
· use n
induction' n using Nat.strong_induction_on with n ih
rw [Nat.prime_def_lt] at np
push_neg at np
rcases np (two_le_of_mod_4_eq_3 h) with ⟨m, mltn, mdvdn, mne1⟩
have mge2 : 2 ≤ m := by
apply two_le _ mne1
intro mz
rw [mz, zero_dvd_iff] at mdvdn
have neq : m * (n / m) = n := Nat.mul_div_cancel' mdvdn
have : m % 4 = 3 ∨ n / m % 4 = 3 := by
apply mod_4_eq_3_or_mod_4_eq_3
rw [neq, h]
rcases this with h1 | h1
· by_cases mp : m.Prime
· use m
rcases ih m mltn h1 mp with ⟨p, pp, pdvd, p4eq⟩
use p
exact ⟨pp, pdvd.trans mdvdn, p4eq⟩
obtain ⟨nmdvdn, nmltn⟩ := aux mdvdn mge2 mltn
by_cases nmp : (n / m).Prime
· use n / m
rcases ih (n / m) nmltn h1 nmp with ⟨p, pp, pdvd, p4eq⟩
use p
exact ⟨pp, pdvd.trans nmdvdn, p4eq⟩
theorem primes_mod_4_eq_3_infinite : ∀ n, ∃ p > n, Nat.Prime p ∧ p % 4 = 3 := by
by_contra h
push_neg at h
rcases h with ⟨n, hn⟩
have : ∃ s : Finset Nat, ∀ p : ℕ, p.Prime ∧ p % 4 = 3 ↔ p ∈ s := by
apply ex_finset_of_bounded
use n
contrapose! hn
rcases hn with ⟨p, ⟨pp, p4⟩, pltn⟩
exact ⟨p, pltn, pp, p4⟩
rcases this with ⟨s, hs⟩
have h₁ : ((4 * ∏ i in erase s 3, i) + 3) % 4 = 3 := by
rw [add_comm, Nat.add_mul_mod_self_left]
rcases exists_prime_factor_mod_4_eq_3 h₁ with ⟨p, pp, pdvd, p4eq⟩
have ps : p ∈ s := by
rw [← hs p]
exact ⟨pp, p4eq⟩
have pne3 : p ≠ 3 := by
intro peq
rw [peq, ← Nat.dvd_add_iff_left (dvd_refl 3)] at pdvd
rw [Nat.prime_three.dvd_mul] at pdvd
norm_num at pdvd
have : 3 ∈ s.erase 3 := by
apply mem_of_dvd_prod_primes Nat.prime_three _ pdvd
intro n
simp [← hs n]
simp at this
have : p ∣ 4 * ∏ i in erase s 3, i := by
apply dvd_trans _ (dvd_mul_left _ _)
apply dvd_prod_of_mem
constructor <;> assumption
have : p ∣ 3 := by
convert Nat.dvd_sub' pdvd this
have : p = 3 := by
apply pp.eq_of_dvd_of_prime Nat.prime_three this
@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Algebra.BigOperators.Ring
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
namespace C06S01
noncomputable section
structure Point where
x : ℝ
y : ℝ
z : ℝ
#check Point.ext
example (a b : Point) (hx : a.x = b.x) (hy : a.y = b.y) (hz : a.z = b.z) : a = b := by
repeat' assumption
def myPoint1 : Point where
x := 2
y := -1
z := 4
def myPoint2 : Point :=
⟨2, -1, 4⟩
def myPoint3 :=
Point.mk 2 (-1) 4
structure Point' where build ::
x : ℝ
y : ℝ
z : ℝ
#check Point'.build 2 (-1) 4
namespace Point
def add (a b : Point) : Point :=
⟨a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z⟩
def add' (a b : Point) : Point where
x := a.x + b.x
y := a.y + b.y
z := a.z + b.z
#check add myPoint1 myPoint2
#check myPoint1.add myPoint2
end Point
#check Point.add myPoint1 myPoint2
#check myPoint1.add myPoint2
namespace Point
protected theorem add_comm (a b : Point) : add a b = add b a := by
rw [add, add]
ext <;> dsimp
repeat' apply add_comm
example (a b : Point) : add a b = add b a := by simp [add, add_comm]
theorem add_x (a b : Point) : (a.add b).x = a.x + b.x :=
def addAlt : Point → Point → Point
| Point.mk x₁ y₁ z₁, Point.mk x₂ y₂ z₂ => ⟨x₁ + x₂, y₁ + y₂, z₁ + z₂⟩
def addAlt' : Point → Point → Point
| ⟨x₁, y₁, z₁⟩, ⟨x₂, y₂, z₂⟩ => ⟨x₁ + x₂, y₁ + y₂, z₁ + z₂⟩
theorem addAlt_x (a b : Point) : (a.addAlt b).x = a.x + b.x := by
theorem addAlt_comm (a b : Point) : addAlt a b = addAlt b a := by
rw [addAlt, addAlt]
-- the same proof still works, but the goal view here is harder to read
ext <;> dsimp
repeat' apply add_comm
protected theorem add_assoc (a b c : Point) : (a.add b).add c = a.add (b.add c) := by
def smul (r : ℝ) (a : Point) : Point :=
theorem smul_distrib (r : ℝ) (a b : Point) :
(smul r a).add (smul r b) = smul r (a.add b) := by
end Point
structure StandardTwoSimplex where
x : ℝ
y : ℝ
z : ℝ
x_nonneg : 0 ≤ x
y_nonneg : 0 ≤ y
z_nonneg : 0 ≤ z
sum_eq : x + y + z = 1
namespace StandardTwoSimplex
def swapXy (a : StandardTwoSimplex) : StandardTwoSimplex
x := a.y
y := a.x
z := a.z
x_nonneg := a.y_nonneg
y_nonneg := a.x_nonneg
z_nonneg := a.z_nonneg
sum_eq := by rw [add_comm a.y a.x, a.sum_eq]
noncomputable section
def midpoint (a b : StandardTwoSimplex) : StandardTwoSimplex
x := (a.x + b.x) / 2
y := (a.y + b.y) / 2
z := (a.z + b.z) / 2
x_nonneg := div_nonneg (add_nonneg a.x_nonneg b.x_nonneg) (by norm_num)
y_nonneg := div_nonneg (add_nonneg a.y_nonneg b.y_nonneg) (by norm_num)
z_nonneg := div_nonneg (add_nonneg a.z_nonneg b.z_nonneg) (by norm_num)
sum_eq := by field_simp; linarith [a.sum_eq, b.sum_eq]
def weightedAverage (lambda : Real) (lambda_nonneg : 0 ≤ lambda) (lambda_le : lambda ≤ 1)
(a b : StandardTwoSimplex) : StandardTwoSimplex :=
end StandardTwoSimplex
open BigOperators
structure StandardSimplex (n : ℕ) where
V : Fin n → ℝ
NonNeg : ∀ i : Fin n, 0 ≤ V i
sum_eq_one : (∑ i, V i) = 1
namespace StandardSimplex
def midpoint (n : ℕ) (a b : StandardSimplex n) : StandardSimplex n
V i := (a.V i + b.V i) / 2
NonNeg := by
intro i
apply div_nonneg
· linarith [a.NonNeg i, b.NonNeg i]
sum_eq_one := by
simp [div_eq_mul_inv, ← Finset.sum_mul, Finset.sum_add_distrib,
a.sum_eq_one, b.sum_eq_one]
end StandardSimplex
structure IsLinear (f : ℝ → ℝ) where
is_additive : ∀ x y, f (x + y) = f x + f y
preserves_mul : ∀ x c, f (c * x) = c * f x
variable (f : ℝ → ℝ) (linf : IsLinear f)
#check linf.is_additive
#check linf.preserves_mul
def Point'' :=
ℝ × ℝ × ℝ
def IsLinear' (f : ℝ → ℝ) :=
(∀ x y, f (x + y) = f x + f y) ∧ ∀ x c, f (c * x) = c * f x
def PReal :=
{ y : ℝ // 0 < y }
variable (x : PReal)
#check x.val
#check x.property
#check x.1
#check x.2
def StandardTwoSimplex' :=
{ p : ℝ × ℝ × ℝ // 0 ≤ p.1 ∧ 0 ≤ p.2.1 ∧ 0 ≤ p.2.2 ∧ p.1 + p.2.1 + p.2.2 = 1 }
def StandardSimplex' (n : ℕ) :=
{ v : Fin n → ℝ // (∀ i : Fin n, 0 ≤ v i) ∧ (∑ i, v i) = 1 }
def StdSimplex := Σ n : ℕ, StandardSimplex n
variable (s : StdSimplex)
#check s.fst
#check s.snd
#check s.1
#check s.2
@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
namespace C06S02
structure Group₁ (α : Type*) where
mul : α → α → α
one : α
inv : α → α
mul_assoc : ∀ x y z : α, mul (mul x y) z = mul x (mul y z)
mul_one : ∀ x : α, mul x one = x
one_mul : ∀ x : α, mul one x = x
mul_left_inv : ∀ x : α, mul (inv x) x = one
structure Group₁Cat where
α : Type*
str : Group₁ α
variable (α β γ : Type*)
variable (f : α ≃ β) (g : β ≃ γ)
#check Equiv α β
#check (f.toFun : α → β)
#check (f.invFun : β → α)
#check (f.right_inv : ∀ x : β, f (f.invFun x) = x)
#check (f.left_inv : ∀ x : α, f.invFun (f x) = x)
#check (Equiv.refl α : α ≃ α)
#check (f.symm : β ≃ α)
#check (f.trans g : α ≃ γ)
example (x : α) : (f.trans g).toFun x = g.toFun (f.toFun x) :=
example (x : α) : (f.trans g) x = g (f x) :=
example : (f.trans g : α → γ) = g ∘ f :=
example (α : Type*) : Equiv.Perm α = (α ≃ α) :=
def permGroup {α : Type*} : Group₁ (Equiv.Perm α)
mul f g := Equiv.trans g f
one := Equiv.refl α
inv := Equiv.symm
mul_assoc f g h := (Equiv.trans_assoc _ _ _).symm
one_mul := Equiv.trans_refl
mul_one := Equiv.refl_trans
mul_left_inv := Equiv.self_trans_symm
structure AddGroup₁ (α : Type*) where
(add : α → α → α)
-- fill in the rest
structure Point where
x : ℝ
y : ℝ
z : ℝ
namespace Point
def add (a b : Point) : Point :=
⟨a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z⟩
def neg (a : Point) : Point := sorry
def zero : Point := sorry
def addGroupPoint : AddGroup₁ Point := sorry
end Point
variable {α : Type*} (f g : Equiv.Perm α) (n : ℕ)
#check f * g
#check mul_assoc f g g⁻¹
-- group power, defined for any group
#check g ^ n
example : f * g * g⁻¹ = f := by rw [mul_assoc, mul_right_inv, mul_one]
example : f * g * g⁻¹ = f :=
mul_inv_cancel_right f g
example {α : Type*} (f g : Equiv.Perm α) : g.symm.trans (g.trans f) = f :=
mul_inv_cancel_right f g
class Group₂ (α : Type*) where
mul : α → α → α
one : α
inv : α → α
mul_assoc : ∀ x y z : α, mul (mul x y) z = mul x (mul y z)
mul_one : ∀ x : α, mul x one = x
one_mul : ∀ x : α, mul one x = x
mul_left_inv : ∀ x : α, mul (inv x) x = one
instance {α : Type*} : Group₂ (Equiv.Perm α) where
mul f g := Equiv.trans g f
one := Equiv.refl α
inv := Equiv.symm
mul_assoc f g h := (Equiv.trans_assoc _ _ _).symm
one_mul := Equiv.trans_refl
mul_one := Equiv.refl_trans
mul_left_inv := Equiv.self_trans_symm
#check Group₂.mul
def mySquare {α : Type*} [Group₂ α] (x : α) :=
Group₂.mul x x
#check mySquare
variable {β : Type*} (f g : Equiv.Perm β)
example : Group₂.mul f g = g.trans f :=
example : mySquare f = f.trans f :=
instance : Inhabited Point where default := ⟨0, 0, 0⟩
#check (default : Point)
example : ([] : List Point).headI = default :=
instance : Add Point where add := Point.add
variable (x y : Point)
#check x + y
example : x + y = Point.add x y :=
instance hasMulGroup₂ {α : Type*} [Group₂ α] : Mul α :=
instance hasOneGroup₂ {α : Type*} [Group₂ α] : One α :=
instance hasInvGroup₂ {α : Type*} [Group₂ α] : Inv α :=
variable {α : Type*} (f g : Equiv.Perm α)
#check f * 1 * g⁻¹
def foo : f * 1 * g⁻¹ = g.symm.trans ((Equiv.refl α).trans f) :=
class AddGroup₂ (α : Type*) where
add : α → α → α
-- fill in the rest
@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Int.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.EuclideanDomain.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.PrincipalIdealDomain
import MIL.Common
structure gaussInt where
re : ℤ
im : ℤ
namespace gaussInt
instance : Zero gaussInt :=
⟨⟨0, 0⟩⟩
instance : One gaussInt :=
⟨⟨1, 0⟩⟩
instance : Add gaussInt :=
⟨fun x y ↦ ⟨x.re + y.re, x.im + y.im⟩⟩
instance : Neg gaussInt :=
⟨fun x ↦ ⟨-x.re, -x.im⟩⟩
instance : Mul gaussInt :=
⟨fun x y ↦ ⟨x.re * y.re - x.im * y.im, x.re * y.im + x.im * y.re⟩⟩
theorem zero_def : (0 : gaussInt) = ⟨0, 0⟩ :=
theorem one_def : (1 : gaussInt) = ⟨1, 0⟩ :=
theorem add_def (x y : gaussInt) : x + y = ⟨x.re + y.re, x.im + y.im⟩ :=
theorem neg_def (x : gaussInt) : -x = ⟨-x.re, -x.im⟩ :=
theorem mul_def (x y : gaussInt) :
x * y = ⟨x.re * y.re - x.im * y.im, x.re * y.im + x.im * y.re⟩ :=
theorem zero_re : (0 : gaussInt).re = 0 :=
theorem zero_im : (0 : gaussInt).im = 0 :=
theorem one_re : (1 : gaussInt).re = 1 :=
theorem one_im : (1 : gaussInt).im = 0 :=
theorem add_re (x y : gaussInt) : (x + y).re = x.re + y.re :=
theorem add_im (x y : gaussInt) : (x + y).im = x.im + y.im :=
theorem neg_re (x : gaussInt) : (-x).re = -x.re :=
theorem neg_im (x : gaussInt) : (-x).im = -x.im :=
theorem mul_re (x y : gaussInt) : (x * y).re = x.re * y.re - x.im * y.im :=
theorem mul_im (x y : gaussInt) : (x * y).im = x.re * y.im + x.im * y.re :=
instance instCommRing : CommRing gaussInt where
zero := 0
one := 1
add := (· + ·)
neg x := -x
mul := (· * ·)
add_assoc := by
ext <;> simp <;> ring
zero_add := by
ext <;> simp
add_zero := by
ext <;> simp
add_left_neg := by
ext <;> simp
add_comm := by
ext <;> simp <;> ring
mul_assoc := by
ext <;> simp <;> ring
one_mul := by
ext <;> simp
mul_one := by
ext <;> simp
left_distrib := by
ext <;> simp <;> ring
right_distrib := by
ext <;> simp <;> ring
mul_comm := by
ext <;> simp <;> ring
zero_mul := sorry
mul_zero := sorry
theorem sub_re (x y : gaussInt) : (x - y).re = x.re - y.re :=
theorem sub_im (x y : gaussInt) : (x - y).im = x.im - y.im :=
instance : Nontrivial gaussInt := by
use 0, 1
rw [Ne, gaussInt.ext_iff]
end gaussInt
example (a b : ℤ) : a = b * (a / b) + a % b :=
Eq.symm (Int.ediv_add_emod a b)
example (a b : ℤ) : b ≠ 0 → 0 ≤ a % b :=
Int.emod_nonneg a
example (a b : ℤ) : b ≠ 0 → a % b < |b| :=
Int.emod_lt a
namespace Int
def div' (a b : ℤ) :=
(a + b / 2) / b
def mod' (a b : ℤ) :=
(a + b / 2) % b - b / 2
theorem div'_add_mod' (a b : ℤ) : b * div' a b + mod' a b = a := by
rw [div', mod']
linarith [Int.ediv_add_emod (a + b / 2) b]
theorem abs_mod'_le (a b : ℤ) (h : 0 < b) : |mod' a b| ≤ b / 2 := by
rw [mod', abs_le]
· linarith [Int.emod_nonneg (a + b / 2) h.ne']
have := Int.emod_lt_of_pos (a + b / 2) h
have := Int.ediv_add_emod b 2
have := Int.emod_lt_of_pos b zero_lt_two
revert this; intro this -- FIXME, this should not be needed
theorem mod'_eq (a b : ℤ) : mod' a b = a - b * div' a b := by linarith [div'_add_mod' a b]
end Int
theorem sq_add_sq_eq_zero {α : Type*} [LinearOrderedRing α] (x y : α) :
x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 0 ↔ x = 0 ∧ y = 0 := by
namespace gaussInt
def norm (x : gaussInt) :=
x.re ^ 2 + x.im ^ 2
theorem norm_nonneg (x : gaussInt) : 0 ≤ norm x := by
theorem norm_eq_zero (x : gaussInt) : norm x = 0 ↔ x = 0 := by
theorem norm_pos (x : gaussInt) : 0 < norm x ↔ x ≠ 0 := by
theorem norm_mul (x y : gaussInt) : norm (x * y) = norm x * norm y := by
def conj (x : gaussInt) : gaussInt :=
⟨x.re, -x.im⟩
theorem conj_re (x : gaussInt) : (conj x).re = x.re :=
theorem conj_im (x : gaussInt) : (conj x).im = -x.im :=
theorem norm_conj (x : gaussInt) : norm (conj x) = norm x := by simp [norm]
instance : Div gaussInt :=
⟨fun x y ↦ ⟨Int.div' (x * conj y).re (norm y), Int.div' (x * conj y).im (norm y)⟩⟩
instance : Mod gaussInt :=
⟨fun x y ↦ x - y * (x / y)⟩
theorem div_def (x y : gaussInt) :
x / y = ⟨Int.div' (x * conj y).re (norm y), Int.div' (x * conj y).im (norm y)⟩ :=
theorem mod_def (x y : gaussInt) : x % y = x - y * (x / y) :=
theorem norm_mod_lt (x : gaussInt) {y : gaussInt} (hy : y ≠ 0) :
(x % y).norm < y.norm := by
have norm_y_pos : 0 < norm y := by rwa [norm_pos]
have H1 : x % y * conj y = ⟨Int.mod' (x * conj y).re (norm y), Int.mod' (x * conj y).im (norm y)⟩
· ext <;> simp [Int.mod'_eq, mod_def, div_def, norm] <;> ring
have H2 : norm (x % y) * norm y ≤ norm y / 2 * norm y
· calc
norm (x % y) * norm y = norm (x % y * conj y) := by simp only [norm_mul, norm_conj]
_ = |Int.mod' (x.re * y.re + x.im * y.im) (norm y)| ^ 2
+ |Int.mod' (-(x.re * y.im) + x.im * y.re) (norm y)| ^ 2 := by simp [H1, norm, sq_abs]
_ ≤ (y.norm / 2) ^ 2 + (y.norm / 2) ^ 2 := by gcongr <;> apply Int.abs_mod'_le _ _ norm_y_pos
_ = norm y / 2 * (norm y / 2 * 2) := by ring
_ ≤ norm y / 2 * norm y := by gcongr; apply Int.ediv_mul_le; norm_num
calc norm (x % y) ≤ norm y / 2 := le_of_mul_le_mul_right H2 norm_y_pos
_ < norm y := by
apply Int.ediv_lt_of_lt_mul
· norm_num
· linarith
theorem coe_natAbs_norm (x : gaussInt) : (x.norm.natAbs : ℤ) = x.norm :=
Int.natAbs_of_nonneg (norm_nonneg _)
theorem natAbs_norm_mod_lt (x y : gaussInt) (hy : y ≠ 0) :
(x % y).norm.natAbs < y.norm.natAbs := by
apply Int.ofNat_lt.1
simp only [Int.coe_natAbs, abs_of_nonneg, norm_nonneg]
apply norm_mod_lt x hy
theorem not_norm_mul_left_lt_norm (x : gaussInt) {y : gaussInt} (hy : y ≠ 0) :
¬(norm (x * y)).natAbs < (norm x).natAbs := by
apply not_lt_of_ge
rw [norm_mul, Int.natAbs_mul]
apply le_mul_of_one_le_right (Nat.zero_le _)
apply Int.ofNat_le.1
rw [coe_natAbs_norm]
exact Int.add_one_le_of_lt ((norm_pos _).mpr hy)
instance : EuclideanDomain gaussInt :=
{ gaussInt.instCommRing with
quotient := (· / ·)
remainder := (· % ·)
quotient_mul_add_remainder_eq :=
fun x y ↦ by simp only; rw [mod_def, add_comm, sub_add_cancel]
quotient_zero := fun x ↦ by
simp [div_def, norm, Int.div']
r := (measure (Int.natAbs ∘ norm)).1
r_wellFounded := (measure (Int.natAbs ∘ norm)).2
remainder_lt := natAbs_norm_mod_lt
mul_left_not_lt := not_norm_mul_left_lt_norm }
example (x : gaussInt) : Irreducible x ↔ Prime x :=
end gaussInt
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Algebra.BigOperators.Ring
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
namespace C06S01
noncomputable section
structure Point where
x : ℝ
y : ℝ
z : ℝ
namespace Point
def add (a b : Point) : Point :=
⟨a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z⟩
protected theorem add_assoc (a b c : Point) : (a.add b).add c = a.add (b.add c) := by
simp [add, add_assoc]
def smul (r : ℝ) (a : Point) : Point :=
⟨r * a.x, r * a.y, r * a.z⟩
theorem smul_distrib (r : ℝ) (a b : Point) :
(smul r a).add (smul r b) = smul r (a.add b) := by
simp [add, smul, mul_add]
end Point
structure StandardTwoSimplex where
x : ℝ
y : ℝ
z : ℝ
x_nonneg : 0 ≤ x
y_nonneg : 0 ≤ y
z_nonneg : 0 ≤ z
sum_eq : x + y + z = 1
namespace StandardTwoSimplex
noncomputable section
def weightedAverage (lambda : Real) (lambda_nonneg : 0 ≤ lambda) (lambda_le : lambda ≤ 1)
(a b : StandardTwoSimplex) : StandardTwoSimplex
x := lambda * a.x + (1 - lambda) * b.x
y := lambda * a.y + (1 - lambda) * b.y
z := lambda * a.z + (1 - lambda) * b.z
x_nonneg := add_nonneg (mul_nonneg lambda_nonneg a.x_nonneg) (mul_nonneg (by linarith) b.x_nonneg)
y_nonneg := add_nonneg (mul_nonneg lambda_nonneg a.y_nonneg) (mul_nonneg (by linarith) b.y_nonneg)
z_nonneg := add_nonneg (mul_nonneg lambda_nonneg a.z_nonneg) (mul_nonneg (by linarith) b.z_nonneg)
sum_eq := by
trans (a.x + a.y + a.z) * lambda + (b.x + b.y + b.z) * (1 - lambda)
· ring
simp [a.sum_eq, b.sum_eq]
end StandardTwoSimplex
open BigOperators
structure StandardSimplex (n : ℕ) where
V : Fin n → ℝ
NonNeg : ∀ i : Fin n, 0 ≤ V i
sum_eq_one : (∑ i, V i) = 1
namespace StandardSimplex
def midpoint (n : ℕ) (a b : StandardSimplex n) : StandardSimplex n
V i := (a.V i + b.V i) / 2
NonNeg := by
intro i
apply div_nonneg
· linarith [a.NonNeg i, b.NonNeg i]
sum_eq_one := by
simp [div_eq_mul_inv, ← Finset.sum_mul, Finset.sum_add_distrib,
a.sum_eq_one, b.sum_eq_one]
end StandardSimplex
namespace StandardSimplex
def weightedAverage {n : ℕ} (lambda : Real) (lambda_nonneg : 0 ≤ lambda) (lambda_le : lambda ≤ 1)
(a b : StandardSimplex n) : StandardSimplex n
V i := lambda * a.V i + (1 - lambda) * b.V i
NonNeg i :=
add_nonneg (mul_nonneg lambda_nonneg (a.NonNeg i)) (mul_nonneg (by linarith) (b.NonNeg i))
sum_eq_one := by
trans (lambda * ∑ i, a.V i) + (1 - lambda) * ∑ i, b.V i
· rw [Finset.sum_add_distrib, Finset.mul_sum, Finset.mul_sum]
simp [a.sum_eq_one, b.sum_eq_one]
end StandardSimplex
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
namespace C06S02
structure AddGroup₁ (α : Type*) where
add : α → α → α
zero : α
neg : α → α
add_assoc : ∀ x y z : α, add (add x y) z = add x (add y z)
add_zero : ∀ x : α, add x zero = x
zero_add : ∀ x : α, add x zero = x
add_left_neg : ∀ x : α, add (neg x) x = zero
structure Point where
x : ℝ
y : ℝ
z : ℝ
namespace Point
def add (a b : Point) : Point :=
⟨a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z⟩
def neg (a : Point) : Point :=
⟨-a.x, -a.y, -a.z⟩
def zero : Point :=
⟨0, 0, 0⟩
def addGroupPoint : AddGroup₁ Point where
add := Point.add
zero := Point.zero
neg := Point.neg
add_assoc := by simp [Point.add, add_assoc]
add_zero := by simp [Point.add, Point.zero]
zero_add := by simp [Point.add, Point.zero]
add_left_neg := by simp [Point.add, Point.neg, Point.zero]
end Point
class AddGroup₂ (α : Type*) where
add : α → α → α
zero : α
neg : α → α
add_assoc : ∀ x y z : α, add (add x y) z = add x (add y z)
add_zero : ∀ x : α, add x zero = x
zero_add : ∀ x : α, add x zero = x
add_left_neg : ∀ x : α, add (neg x) x = zero
instance hasAddAddGroup₂ {α : Type*} [AddGroup₂ α] : Add α :=
instance hasZeroAddGroup₂ {α : Type*} [AddGroup₂ α] : Zero α :=
instance hasNegAddGroup₂ {α : Type*} [AddGroup₂ α] : Neg α :=
instance : AddGroup₂ Point where
add := Point.add
zero := Point.zero
neg := Point.neg
add_assoc := by simp [Point.add, add_assoc]
add_zero := by simp [Point.add, Point.zero]
zero_add := by simp [Point.add, Point.zero]
add_left_neg := by simp [Point.add, Point.neg, Point.zero]
variable (x y : Point)
#check x + -y + 0
@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Int.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.EuclideanDomain.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.PrincipalIdealDomain
import MIL.Common
structure gaussInt where
re : ℤ
im : ℤ
namespace gaussInt
instance : Zero gaussInt :=
⟨⟨0, 0⟩⟩
instance : One gaussInt :=
⟨⟨1, 0⟩⟩
instance : Add gaussInt :=
⟨fun x y ↦ ⟨x.re + y.re, x.im + y.im⟩⟩
instance : Neg gaussInt :=
⟨fun x ↦ ⟨-x.re, -x.im⟩⟩
instance : Mul gaussInt :=
⟨fun x y ↦ ⟨x.re * y.re - x.im * y.im, x.re * y.im + x.im * y.re⟩⟩
theorem zero_def : (0 : gaussInt) = ⟨0, 0⟩ :=
theorem one_def : (1 : gaussInt) = ⟨1, 0⟩ :=
theorem add_def (x y : gaussInt) : x + y = ⟨x.re + y.re, x.im + y.im⟩ :=
theorem neg_def (x : gaussInt) : -x = ⟨-x.re, -x.im⟩ :=
theorem mul_def (x y : gaussInt) :
x * y = ⟨x.re * y.re - x.im * y.im, x.re * y.im + x.im * y.re⟩ :=
theorem zero_re : (0 : gaussInt).re = 0 :=
theorem zero_im : (0 : gaussInt).im = 0 :=
theorem one_re : (1 : gaussInt).re = 1 :=
theorem one_im : (1 : gaussInt).im = 0 :=
theorem add_re (x y : gaussInt) : (x + y).re = x.re + y.re :=
theorem add_im (x y : gaussInt) : (x + y).im = x.im + y.im :=
theorem neg_re (x : gaussInt) : (-x).re = -x.re :=
theorem neg_im (x : gaussInt) : (-x).im = -x.im :=
theorem mul_re (x y : gaussInt) : (x * y).re = x.re * y.re - x.im * y.im :=
theorem mul_im (x y : gaussInt) : (x * y).im = x.re * y.im + x.im * y.re :=
instance instCommRing : CommRing gaussInt where
zero := 0
one := 1
add := (· + ·)
neg x := -x
mul := (· * ·)
add_assoc := by
ext <;> simp <;> ring
zero_add := by
ext <;> simp
add_zero := by
ext <;> simp
add_left_neg := by
ext <;> simp
add_comm := by
ext <;> simp <;> ring
mul_assoc := by
ext <;> simp <;> ring
one_mul := by
ext <;> simp
mul_one := by
ext <;> simp
left_distrib := by
ext <;> simp <;> ring
right_distrib := by
ext <;> simp <;> ring
mul_comm := by
ext <;> simp <;> ring
zero_mul := sorry
mul_zero := sorry
theorem sub_re (x y : gaussInt) : (x - y).re = x.re - y.re :=
theorem sub_im (x y : gaussInt) : (x - y).im = x.im - y.im :=
instance : Nontrivial gaussInt := by
use 0, 1
rw [Ne, gaussInt.ext_iff]
end gaussInt
namespace Int
def div' (a b : ℤ) :=
(a + b / 2) / b
def mod' (a b : ℤ) :=
(a + b / 2) % b - b / 2
theorem div'_add_mod' (a b : ℤ) : b * div' a b + mod' a b = a := by
rw [div', mod']
linarith [Int.ediv_add_emod (a + b / 2) b]
theorem abs_mod'_le (a b : ℤ) (h : 0 < b) : |mod' a b| ≤ b / 2 := by
rw [mod', abs_le]
· linarith [Int.emod_nonneg (a + b / 2) h.ne']
have := Int.emod_lt_of_pos (a + b / 2) h
have := Int.ediv_add_emod b 2
have := Int.emod_lt_of_pos b zero_lt_two
revert this; intro this -- FIXME, this should not be needed
theorem mod'_eq (a b : ℤ) : mod' a b = a - b * div' a b := by linarith [div'_add_mod' a b]
end Int
private theorem aux {α : Type*} [LinearOrderedRing α] {x y : α} (h : x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 0) : x = 0 :=
haveI h' : x ^ 2 = 0 := by
apply le_antisymm _ (sq_nonneg x)
rw [← h]
apply le_add_of_nonneg_right (sq_nonneg y)
pow_eq_zero h'
theorem sq_add_sq_eq_zero {α : Type*} [LinearOrderedRing α] (x y : α) :
x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 0 ↔ x = 0 ∧ y = 0 := by
· intro h
· exact aux h
rw [add_comm] at h
exact aux h
rintro ⟨rfl, rfl⟩
namespace gaussInt
def norm (x : gaussInt) :=
x.re ^ 2 + x.im ^ 2
theorem norm_nonneg (x : gaussInt) : 0 ≤ norm x := by
apply add_nonneg <;>
apply sq_nonneg
theorem norm_eq_zero (x : gaussInt) : norm x = 0 ↔ x = 0 := by
rw [norm, sq_add_sq_eq_zero, gaussInt.ext_iff]
theorem norm_pos (x : gaussInt) : 0 < norm x ↔ x ≠ 0 := by
rw [lt_iff_le_and_ne, ne_comm, Ne, norm_eq_zero]
simp [norm_nonneg]
theorem norm_mul (x y : gaussInt) : norm (x * y) = norm x * norm y := by
simp [norm]
def conj (x : gaussInt) : gaussInt :=
⟨x.re, -x.im⟩
theorem conj_re (x : gaussInt) : (conj x).re = x.re :=
theorem conj_im (x : gaussInt) : (conj x).im = -x.im :=
theorem norm_conj (x : gaussInt) : norm (conj x) = norm x := by simp [norm]
instance : Div gaussInt :=
⟨fun x y ↦ ⟨Int.div' (x * conj y).re (norm y), Int.div' (x * conj y).im (norm y)⟩⟩
instance : Mod gaussInt :=
⟨fun x y ↦ x - y * (x / y)⟩
theorem div_def (x y : gaussInt) :
x / y = ⟨Int.div' (x * conj y).re (norm y), Int.div' (x * conj y).im (norm y)⟩ :=
theorem mod_def (x y : gaussInt) : x % y = x - y * (x / y) :=
theorem norm_mod_lt (x : gaussInt) {y : gaussInt} (hy : y ≠ 0) :
(x % y).norm < y.norm := by
have norm_y_pos : 0 < norm y := by rwa [norm_pos]
have H1 : x % y * conj y = ⟨Int.mod' (x * conj y).re (norm y), Int.mod' (x * conj y).im (norm y)⟩
· ext <;> simp [Int.mod'_eq, mod_def, div_def, norm] <;> ring
have H2 : norm (x % y) * norm y ≤ norm y / 2 * norm y
· calc
norm (x % y) * norm y = norm (x % y * conj y) := by simp only [norm_mul, norm_conj]
_ = |Int.mod' (x.re * y.re + x.im * y.im) (norm y)| ^ 2
+ |Int.mod' (-(x.re * y.im) + x.im * y.re) (norm y)| ^ 2 := by simp [H1, norm, sq_abs]
_ ≤ (y.norm / 2) ^ 2 + (y.norm / 2) ^ 2 := by gcongr <;> apply Int.abs_mod'_le _ _ norm_y_pos
_ = norm y / 2 * (norm y / 2 * 2) := by ring
_ ≤ norm y / 2 * norm y := by gcongr; apply Int.ediv_mul_le; norm_num
calc norm (x % y) ≤ norm y / 2 := le_of_mul_le_mul_right H2 norm_y_pos
_ < norm y := by
apply Int.ediv_lt_of_lt_mul
· norm_num
· linarith
theorem coe_natAbs_norm (x : gaussInt) : (x.norm.natAbs : ℤ) = x.norm :=
Int.natAbs_of_nonneg (norm_nonneg _)
theorem natAbs_norm_mod_lt (x y : gaussInt) (hy : y ≠ 0) :
(x % y).norm.natAbs < y.norm.natAbs := by
apply Int.ofNat_lt.1
simp only [Int.coe_natAbs, abs_of_nonneg, norm_nonneg]
apply norm_mod_lt x hy
theorem not_norm_mul_left_lt_norm (x : gaussInt) {y : gaussInt} (hy : y ≠ 0) :
¬(norm (x * y)).natAbs < (norm x).natAbs := by
apply not_lt_of_ge
rw [norm_mul, Int.natAbs_mul]
apply le_mul_of_one_le_right (Nat.zero_le _)
apply Int.ofNat_le.1
rw [coe_natAbs_norm]
exact Int.add_one_le_of_lt ((norm_pos _).mpr hy)
instance : EuclideanDomain gaussInt :=
{ gaussInt.instCommRing with
quotient := (· / ·)
remainder := (· % ·)
quotient_mul_add_remainder_eq :=
fun x y ↦ by simp only; rw [mod_def, add_comm, sub_add_cancel]
quotient_zero := fun x ↦ by
simp [div_def, norm, Int.div']
r := (measure (Int.natAbs ∘ norm)).1
r_wellFounded := (measure (Int.natAbs ∘ norm)).2
remainder_lt := natAbs_norm_mod_lt
mul_left_not_lt := not_norm_mul_left_lt_norm }
example (x : gaussInt) : Irreducible x ↔ Prime x :=
end gaussInt
@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Algebra.BigOperators.Ring
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
set_option autoImplicit true
class One₁ (α : Type) where
/-- The element one -/
one : α
#check One₁.one -- One₁.one {α : Type} [self : One₁ α] : α
@[class] structure One₂ (α : Type) where
/-- The element one -/
one : α
#check One₂.one
example (α : Type) [One₁ α] : α := One₁.one
example (α : Type) [One₁ α] := (One₁.one : α)
notation "𝟙" => One₁.one
example {α : Type} [One₁ α] : α := 𝟙
example {α : Type} [One₁ α] : (𝟙 : α) = 𝟙 := rfl
class Dia₁ (α : Type) where
dia : α → α → α
infixl:70 " ⋄ " => Dia₁.dia
class Semigroup₁ (α : Type) where
toDia₁ : Dia₁ α
/-- Diamond is associative -/
dia_assoc : ∀ a b c : α, a ⋄ b ⋄ c = a ⋄ (b ⋄ c)
attribute [instance] Semigroup₁.toDia₁
example {α : Type} [Semigroup₁ α] (a b : α) : α := a ⋄ b
class Semigroup₂ (α : Type) extends Dia₁ α where
/-- Diamond is associative -/
dia_assoc : ∀ a b c : α, a ⋄ b ⋄ c = a ⋄ (b ⋄ c)
example {α : Type} [Semigroup₂ α] (a b : α) : α := a ⋄ b
class DiaOneClass₁ (α : Type) extends One₁ α, Dia₁ α where
/-- One is a left neutral element for diamond. -/
one_dia : ∀ a : α, 𝟙 ⋄ a = a
/-- One is a right neutral element for diamond -/
dia_one : ∀ a : α, a ⋄ 𝟙 = a
set_option trace.Meta.synthInstance true in
example {α : Type} [DiaOneClass₁ α] (a b : α) : Prop := a ⋄ b = 𝟙
class Monoid₁ (α : Type) extends Semigroup₁ α, DiaOneClass₁ α
class Monoid₂ (α : Type) where
toSemigroup₁ : Semigroup₁ α
toDiaOneClass₁ : DiaOneClass₁ α
example {α : Type} [Monoid₁ α] :
(Monoid₁.toSemigroup₁.toDia₁.dia : α → α → α) = Monoid₁.toDiaOneClass₁.toDia₁.dia := rfl
/- Monoid₂.mk {α : Type} (toSemigroup₁ : Semigroup₁ α) (toDiaOneClass₁ : DiaOneClass₁ α) : Monoid₂ α -/
#check Monoid₂.mk
/- Monoid₁.mk {α : Type} [toSemigroup₁ : Semigroup₁ α] [toOne₁ : One₁ α] (one_dia : ∀ (a : α), 𝟙 ⋄ a = a) (dia_one : ∀ (a : α), a ⋄ 𝟙 = a) : Monoid₁ α -/
#check Monoid₁.mk
#check Monoid₁.toSemigroup₁
#check Monoid₁.toDiaOneClass₁
class Inv₁ (α : Type) where
/-- The inversion function -/
inv : α → α
postfix:max "⁻¹" => Inv₁.inv
class Group₁ (G : Type) extends Monoid₁ G, Inv G where
inv_dia : ∀ a : G, a⁻¹ ⋄ a = 𝟙
lemma left_inv_eq_right_inv₁ {M : Type} [Monoid₁ M] {a b c : M} (hba : b ⋄ a = 𝟙) (hac : a ⋄ c = 𝟙) : b = c := by
rw [← DiaOneClass₁.one_dia c, ← hba, Semigroup₁.dia_assoc, hac, DiaOneClass₁.dia_one b]
export DiaOneClass₁ (one_dia dia_one)
export Semigroup₁ (dia_assoc)
export Group₁ (inv_dia)
example {M : Type} [Monoid₁ M] {a b c : M} (hba : b ⋄ a = 𝟙) (hac : a ⋄ c = 𝟙) : b = c := by
rw [← one_dia c, ← hba, dia_assoc, hac, dia_one b]
lemma inv_eq_of_dia [Group₁ G] {a b : G} (h : a ⋄ b = 𝟙) : a⁻¹ = b :=
lemma dia_inv [Group₁ G] (a : G) : a ⋄ a⁻¹ = 𝟙 :=
class AddSemigroup₃ (α : Type) extends Add α where
/-- Addition is associative -/
add_assoc₃ : ∀ a b c : α, a + b + c = a + (b + c)
@[to_additive AddSemigroup₃]
class Semigroup₃ (α : Type) extends Mul α where
/-- Multiplication is associative -/
mul_assoc₃ : ∀ a b c : α, a * b * c = a * (b * c)
class AddMonoid₃ (α : Type) extends AddSemigroup₃ α, AddZeroClass α
@[to_additive AddMonoid₃]
class Monoid₃ (α : Type) extends Semigroup₃ α, MulOneClass α
attribute [to_additive existing] Monoid₃.toMulOneClass
export Semigroup₃ (mul_assoc₃)
export AddSemigroup₃ (add_assoc₃)
whatsnew in
lemma left_inv_eq_right_inv' {M : Type} [Monoid₃ M] {a b c : M} (hba : b * a = 1) (hac : a * c = 1) : b = c := by
rw [← one_mul c, ← hba, mul_assoc₃, hac, mul_one b]
#check left_neg_eq_right_neg'
class AddCommSemigroup₃ (α : Type) extends AddSemigroup₃ α where
add_comm : ∀ a b : α, a + b = b + a
@[to_additive AddCommSemigroup₃]
class CommSemigroup₃ (α : Type) extends Semigroup₃ α where
mul_comm : ∀ a b : α, a * b = b * a
class AddCommMonoid₃ (α : Type) extends AddMonoid₃ α, AddCommSemigroup₃ α
@[to_additive AddCommMonoid₃]
class CommMonoid₃ (α : Type) extends Monoid₃ α, CommSemigroup₃ α
class AddGroup₃ (G : Type) extends AddMonoid₃ G, Neg G where
neg_add : ∀ a : G, -a + a = 0
@[to_additive AddGroup₃]
class Group₃ (G : Type) extends Monoid₃ G, Inv G where
inv_mul : ∀ a : G, a⁻¹ * a = 1
attribute [simp] Group₃.inv_mul AddGroup₃.neg_add
lemma inv_eq_of_mul [Group₃ G] {a b : G} (h : a * b = 1) : a⁻¹ = b :=
@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
lemma Group₃.mul_inv {G : Type} [Group₃ G] {a : G} : a * a⁻¹ = 1 := by
lemma mul_left_cancel₃ {G : Type} [Group₃ G] {a b c : G} (h : a * b = a * c) : b = c := by
lemma mul_right_cancel₃ {G : Type} [Group₃ G] {a b c : G} (h : b*a = c*a) : b = c := by
class AddCommGroup₃ (G : Type) extends AddGroup₃ G, AddCommMonoid₃ G
@[to_additive AddCommGroup₃]
class CommGroup₃ (G : Type) extends Group₃ G, CommMonoid₃ G
class Ring₃ (R : Type) extends AddGroup₃ R, Monoid₃ R, MulZeroClass R where
/-- Multiplication is left distributive over addition -/
left_distrib : ∀ a b c : R, a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c
/-- Multiplication is right distributive over addition -/
right_distrib : ∀ a b c : R, (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c
instance {R : Type} [Ring₃ R] : AddCommGroup₃ R :=
{ Ring₃.toAddGroup₃ with
add_comm := by
sorry }
instance : Ring₃ ℤ where
add := (· + ·)
add_assoc₃ := add_assoc
zero := 0
zero_add := by simp
add_zero := by simp
neg := (- ·)
neg_add := by simp
mul := (· * ·)
mul_assoc₃ := mul_assoc
one := 1
one_mul := by simp
mul_one := by simp
zero_mul := by simp
mul_zero := by simp
left_distrib := Int.mul_add
right_distrib := Int.add_mul
class LE₁ (α : Type) where
/-- The Less-or-Equal relation. -/
le : α → α → Prop
@[inherit_doc] infix:50 " ≤₁ " => LE₁.le
class Preorder₁ (α : Type)
class PartialOrder₁ (α : Type)
class OrderedCommMonoid₁ (α : Type)
instance : OrderedCommMonoid₁ ℕ where
class SMul₃ (α : Type) (β : Type) where
/-- Scalar multiplication -/
smul : α → β → β
infixr:73 " • " => SMul₃.smul
class Module₁ (R : Type) [Ring₃ R] (M : Type) [AddCommGroup₃ M] extends SMul₃ R M where
zero_smul : ∀ m : M, (0 : R) • m = 0
one_smul : ∀ m : M, (1 : R) • m = m
mul_smul : ∀ (a b : R) (m : M), (a * b) • m = a • b • m
add_smul : ∀ (a b : R) (m : M), (a + b) • m = a • m + b • m
smul_add : ∀ (a : R) (m n : M), a • (m + n) = a • m + a • n
instance selfModule (R : Type) [Ring₃ R] : Module₁ R R where
smul := fun r s ↦ r*s
zero_smul := zero_mul
one_smul := one_mul
mul_smul := mul_assoc₃
add_smul := Ring₃.right_distrib
smul_add := Ring₃.left_distrib
def nsmul₁ [Zero M] [Add M] : ℕ → M → M
| 0, _ => 0
| n + 1, a => a + nsmul₁ n a
def zsmul₁ {M : Type*} [Zero M] [Add M] [Neg M] : ℤ → M → M
| Int.ofNat n, a => nsmul₁ n a
| Int.negSucc n, a => -nsmul₁ n.succ a
instance abGrpModule (A : Type) [AddCommGroup₃ A] : Module₁ ℤ A where
smul := zsmul₁
zero_smul := sorry
one_smul := sorry
mul_smul := sorry
add_smul := sorry
smul_add := sorry
#synth Module₁ ℤ ℤ -- abGrpModule ℤ
class AddMonoid₄ (M : Type) extends AddSemigroup₃ M, AddZeroClass M where
/-- Multiplication by a natural number. -/
nsmul : ℕ → M → M := nsmul₁
/-- Multiplication by `(0 : ℕ)` gives `0`. -/
nsmul_zero : ∀ x, nsmul 0 x = 0 := by intros; rfl
/-- Multiplication by `(n + 1 : ℕ)` behaves as expected. -/
nsmul_succ : ∀ (n : ℕ) (x), nsmul (n + 1) x = x + nsmul n x := by intros; rfl
instance mySMul {M : Type} [AddMonoid₄ M] : SMul ℕ M := ⟨AddMonoid₄.nsmul⟩
instance (M N : Type) [AddMonoid₄ M] [AddMonoid₄ N] : AddMonoid₄ (M × N) where
add := fun p q ↦ (p.1 + q.1, p.2 + q.2)
add_assoc₃ := fun a b c ↦ by ext <;> apply add_assoc₃
zero := (0, 0)
zero_add := fun a ↦ by ext <;> apply zero_add
add_zero := fun a ↦ by ext <;> apply add_zero
instance : AddMonoid₄ ℤ where
add := (· + ·)
add_assoc₃ := Int.add_assoc
zero := 0
zero_add := Int.zero_add
add_zero := Int.add_zero
nsmul := fun n m ↦ (n : ℤ) * m
nsmul_zero := Int.zero_mul
nsmul_succ := fun n m ↦ show (n + 1 : ℤ) * m = m + n * m
by rw [Int.add_mul, Int.add_comm, Int.one_mul]
example (n : ℕ) (m : ℤ) : SMul.smul (self := mySMul) n m = n * m := rfl
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Topology.Instances.Real
set_option autoImplicit true
def isMonoidHom₁ [Monoid G] [Monoid H] (f : G → H) : Prop :=
f 1 = 1 ∧ ∀ g g', f (g * g') = f g * f g'
structure isMonoidHom₂ [Monoid G] [Monoid H] (f : G → H) : Prop where
map_one : f 1 = 1
map_mul : ∀ g g', f (g * g') = f g * f g'
example : Continuous (id : ℝ → ℝ) := continuous_id
structure MonoidHom₁ (G H : Type) [Monoid G] [Monoid H] where
toFun : G → H
map_one : toFun 1 = 1
map_mul : ∀ g g', toFun (g * g') = toFun g * toFun g'
instance [Monoid G] [Monoid H] : CoeFun (MonoidHom₁ G H) (fun _ ↦ G → H) where
coe := MonoidHom₁.toFun
attribute [coe] MonoidHom₁.toFun
example [Monoid G] [Monoid H] (f : MonoidHom₁ G H) : f 1 = 1 := f.map_one
structure AddMonoidHom₁ (G H : Type) [AddMonoid G] [AddMonoid H] where
toFun : G → H
map_zero : toFun 0 = 0
map_add : ∀ g g', toFun (g + g') = toFun g + toFun g'
instance [AddMonoid G] [AddMonoid H] : CoeFun (AddMonoidHom₁ G H) (fun _ ↦ G → H) where
coe := AddMonoidHom₁.toFun
attribute [coe] AddMonoidHom₁.toFun
structure RingHom₁ (R S : Type) [Ring R] [Ring S] extends MonoidHom₁ R S, AddMonoidHom₁ R S
class MonoidHomClass₁ (F : Type) (M N : Type) [Monoid M] [Monoid N] where
toFun : F → M → N
map_one : ∀ f : F, toFun f 1 = 1
map_mul : ∀ f g g', toFun f (g * g') = toFun f g * toFun f g'
def badInst [Monoid M] [Monoid N] [MonoidHomClass₁ F M N] : CoeFun F (fun _ ↦ M → N) where
coe := MonoidHomClass₁.toFun
class MonoidHomClass₂ (F : Type) (M N : outParam Type) [Monoid M] [Monoid N] where
toFun : F → M → N
map_one : ∀ f : F, toFun f 1 = 1
map_mul : ∀ f g g', toFun f (g * g') = toFun f g * toFun f g'
instance [Monoid M] [Monoid N] [MonoidHomClass₂ F M N] : CoeFun F (fun _ ↦ M → N) where
coe := MonoidHomClass₂.toFun
attribute [coe] MonoidHomClass₂.toFun
instance (M N : Type) [Monoid M] [Monoid N] : MonoidHomClass₂ (MonoidHom₁ M N) M N where
toFun := MonoidHom₁.toFun
map_one := fun f ↦ f.map_one
map_mul := fun f ↦ f.map_mul
instance (R S : Type) [Ring R] [Ring S] : MonoidHomClass₂ (RingHom₁ R S) R S where
toFun := fun f ↦ f.toMonoidHom₁.toFun
map_one := fun f ↦ f.toMonoidHom₁.map_one
map_mul := fun f ↦ f.toMonoidHom₁.map_mul
lemma map_inv_of_inv [Monoid M] [Monoid N] [MonoidHomClass₂ F M N] (f : F) {m m' : M} (h : m*m' = 1) :
f m * f m' = 1 := by
rw [← MonoidHomClass₂.map_mul, h, MonoidHomClass₂.map_one]
example [Monoid M] [Monoid N] (f : MonoidHom₁ M N) {m m' : M} (h : m*m' = 1) : f m * f m' = 1 :=
map_inv_of_inv f h
example [Ring R] [Ring S] (f : RingHom₁ R S) {r r' : R} (h : r*r' = 1) : f r * f r' = 1 :=
map_inv_of_inv f h
class MonoidHomClass₃ (F : Type) (M N : outParam Type) [Monoid M] [Monoid N] extends
FunLike F M (fun _ ↦ N) where
map_one : ∀ f : F, f 1 = 1
map_mul : ∀ (f : F) g g', f (g * g') = f g * f g'
instance (M N : Type) [Monoid M] [Monoid N] : MonoidHomClass₃ (MonoidHom₁ M N) M N where
coe := MonoidHom₁.toFun
coe_injective' := MonoidHom₁.ext
map_one := MonoidHom₁.map_one
map_mul := MonoidHom₁.map_mul
structure OrderPresHom (α β : Type) [LE α] [LE β] where
toFun : α → β
le_of_le : ∀ a a', a ≤ a' → toFun a ≤ toFun a'
structure OrderPresMonoidHom (M N : Type) [Monoid M] [LE M] [Monoid N] [LE N] extends
MonoidHom₁ M N, OrderPresHom M N
class OrderPresHomClass (F : Type) (α β : outParam Type) [LE α] [LE β]
instance (α β : Type) [LE α] [LE β] : OrderPresHomClass (OrderPresHom α β) α β where
instance (α β : Type) [LE α] [Monoid α] [LE β] [Monoid β] :
OrderPresHomClass (OrderPresMonoidHom α β) α β where
instance (α β : Type) [LE α] [Monoid α] [LE β] [Monoid β] :
MonoidHomClass₃ (OrderPresMonoidHom α β) α β
:= sorry
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.QuotientGroup
set_option autoImplicit true
structure Submonoid₁ (M : Type) [Monoid M] where
/-- The carrier of a submonoid. -/
carrier : Set M
/-- The product of two elements of a submonoid belongs to the submonoid. -/
mul_mem {a b} : a ∈ carrier → b ∈ carrier → a * b ∈ carrier
/-- The unit element belongs to the submonoid. -/
one_mem : 1 ∈ carrier
/-- Submonoids in `M` can be seen as sets in `M`. -/
instance [Monoid M] : SetLike (Submonoid₁ M) M where
coe := Submonoid₁.carrier
coe_injective' := Submonoid₁.ext
example [Monoid M] (N : Submonoid₁ M) : 1 ∈ N := N.one_mem
example [Monoid M] (N : Submonoid₁ M) (α : Type) (f : M → α) := f '' N
example [Monoid M] (N : Submonoid₁ M) (x : N) : (x : M) ∈ N := x.property
instance SubMonoid₁Monoid [Monoid M] (N : Submonoid₁ M) : Monoid N where
mul := fun x y ↦ ⟨x*y, N.mul_mem x.property y.property⟩
mul_assoc := fun x y z ↦ SetCoe.ext (mul_assoc (x : M) y z)
one := ⟨1, N.one_mem⟩
one_mul := fun x ↦ SetCoe.ext (one_mul (x : M))
mul_one := fun x ↦ SetCoe.ext (mul_one (x : M))
example [Monoid M] (N : Submonoid₁ M) : Monoid N where
mul := fun ⟨x, hx⟩ ⟨y, hy⟩ ↦ ⟨x*y, N.mul_mem hx hy⟩
mul_assoc := fun ⟨x, _⟩ ⟨y, _⟩ ⟨z, _⟩ ↦ SetCoe.ext (mul_assoc x y z)
one := ⟨1, N.one_mem⟩
one_mul := fun ⟨x, _⟩ ↦ SetCoe.ext (one_mul x)
mul_one := fun ⟨x, _⟩ ↦ SetCoe.ext (mul_one x)
class SubmonoidClass₁ (S : Type) (M : Type) [Monoid M] [SetLike S M] : Prop where
mul_mem : ∀ (s : S) {a b : M}, a ∈ s → b ∈ s → a * b ∈ s
one_mem : ∀ s : S, 1 ∈ s
instance [Monoid M] : SubmonoidClass₁ (Submonoid₁ M) M where
mul_mem := Submonoid₁.mul_mem
one_mem := Submonoid₁.one_mem
instance [Monoid M] : Inf (Submonoid₁ M) :=
⟨fun S₁ S₂ ↦
{ carrier := S₁ ∩ S₂
one_mem := ⟨S₁.one_mem, S₂.one_mem⟩
mul_mem := fun ⟨hx, hx'⟩ ⟨hy, hy'⟩ ↦ ⟨S₁.mul_mem hx hy, S₂.mul_mem hx' hy'⟩ }⟩
example [Monoid M] (N P : Submonoid₁ M) : Submonoid₁ M := N ⊓ P
def Submonoid.Setoid [CommMonoid M] (N : Submonoid M) : Setoid M where
r := fun x y ↦ ∃ w ∈ N, ∃ z ∈ N, x*w = y*z
iseqv := {
refl := fun x ↦ ⟨1, N.one_mem, 1, N.one_mem, rfl⟩
symm := fun ⟨w, hw, z, hz, h⟩ ↦ ⟨z, hz, w, hw, h.symm⟩
trans := by
instance [CommMonoid M] : HasQuotient M (Submonoid M) where
quotient' := fun N ↦ Quotient N.Setoid
def QuotientMonoid.mk [CommMonoid M] (N : Submonoid M) : M → M ⧸ N := Quotient.mk N.Setoid
instance [CommMonoid M] (N : Submonoid M) : Monoid (M ⧸ N) where
mul := Quotient.map₂' (· * ·) (by
mul_assoc := by
one := QuotientMonoid.mk N 1
one_mul := by
mul_one := by
@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Algebra.BigOperators.Ring
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
set_option autoImplicit true
class One₁ (α : Type) where
/-- The element one -/
one : α
#check One₁.one -- One₁.one {α : Type} [self : One₁ α] : α
@[class] structure One₂ (α : Type) where
/-- The element one -/
one : α
#check One₂.one
example (α : Type) [One₁ α] : α := One₁.one
example (α : Type) [One₁ α] := (One₁.one : α)
notation "𝟙" => One₁.one
example {α : Type} [One₁ α] : α := 𝟙
example {α : Type} [One₁ α] : (𝟙 : α) = 𝟙 := rfl
class Dia₁ (α : Type) where
dia : α → α → α
infixl:70 " ⋄ " => Dia₁.dia
class Semigroup₁ (α : Type) where
toDia₁ : Dia₁ α
/-- Diamond is associative -/
dia_assoc : ∀ a b c : α, a ⋄ b ⋄ c = a ⋄ (b ⋄ c)
attribute [instance] Semigroup₁.toDia₁
example {α : Type} [Semigroup₁ α] (a b : α) : α := a ⋄ b
class Semigroup₂ (α : Type) extends Dia₁ α where
/-- Diamond is associative -/
dia_assoc : ∀ a b c : α, a ⋄ b ⋄ c = a ⋄ (b ⋄ c)
example {α : Type} [Semigroup₂ α] (a b : α) : α := a ⋄ b
class DiaOneClass₁ (α : Type) extends One₁ α, Dia₁ α where
/-- One is a left neutral element for diamond. -/
one_dia : ∀ a : α, 𝟙 ⋄ a = a
/-- One is a right neutral element for diamond -/
dia_one : ∀ a : α, a ⋄ 𝟙 = a
set_option trace.Meta.synthInstance true in
example {α : Type} [DiaOneClass₁ α] (a b : α) : Prop := a ⋄ b = 𝟙
class Monoid₁ (α : Type) extends Semigroup₁ α, DiaOneClass₁ α
class Monoid₂ (α : Type) where
toSemigroup₁ : Semigroup₁ α
toDiaOneClass₁ : DiaOneClass₁ α
example {α : Type} [Monoid₁ α] :
(Monoid₁.toSemigroup₁.toDia₁.dia : α → α → α) = Monoid₁.toDiaOneClass₁.toDia₁.dia := rfl
/- Monoid₂.mk {α : Type} (toSemigroup₁ : Semigroup₁ α) (toDiaOneClass₁ : DiaOneClass₁ α) : Monoid₂ α -/
#check Monoid₂.mk
/- Monoid₁.mk {α : Type} [toSemigroup₁ : Semigroup₁ α] [toOne₁ : One₁ α] (one_dia : ∀ (a : α), 𝟙 ⋄ a = a) (dia_one : ∀ (a : α), a ⋄ 𝟙 = a) : Monoid₁ α -/
#check Monoid₁.mk
#check Monoid₁.toSemigroup₁
#check Monoid₁.toDiaOneClass₁
class Inv₁ (α : Type) where
/-- The inversion function -/
inv : α → α
postfix:max "⁻¹" => Inv₁.inv
class Group₁ (G : Type) extends Monoid₁ G, Inv G where
inv_dia : ∀ a : G, a⁻¹ ⋄ a = 𝟙
lemma left_inv_eq_right_inv₁ {M : Type} [Monoid₁ M] {a b c : M} (hba : b ⋄ a = 𝟙) (hac : a ⋄ c = 𝟙) : b = c := by
rw [← DiaOneClass₁.one_dia c, ← hba, Semigroup₁.dia_assoc, hac, DiaOneClass₁.dia_one b]
export DiaOneClass₁ (one_dia dia_one)
export Semigroup₁ (dia_assoc)
export Group₁ (inv_dia)
example {M : Type} [Monoid₁ M] {a b c : M} (hba : b ⋄ a = 𝟙) (hac : a ⋄ c = 𝟙) : b = c := by
rw [← one_dia c, ← hba, dia_assoc, hac, dia_one b]
lemma inv_eq_of_dia [Group₁ G] {a b : G} (h : a ⋄ b = 𝟙) : a⁻¹ = b :=
left_inv_eq_right_inv₁ (inv_dia a) h
lemma dia_inv [Group₁ G] (a : G) : a ⋄ a⁻¹ = 𝟙 :=
by rw [← inv_dia a⁻¹, inv_eq_of_dia (inv_dia a)]
class AddSemigroup₃ (α : Type) extends Add α where
/-- Addition is associative -/
add_assoc₃ : ∀ a b c : α, a + b + c = a + (b + c)
@[to_additive AddSemigroup₃]
class Semigroup₃ (α : Type) extends Mul α where
/-- Multiplication is associative -/
mul_assoc₃ : ∀ a b c : α, a * b * c = a * (b * c)
class AddMonoid₃ (α : Type) extends AddSemigroup₃ α, AddZeroClass α
@[to_additive AddMonoid₃]
class Monoid₃ (α : Type) extends Semigroup₃ α, MulOneClass α
attribute [to_additive existing] Monoid₃.toMulOneClass
export Semigroup₃ (mul_assoc₃)
export AddSemigroup₃ (add_assoc₃)
whatsnew in
lemma left_inv_eq_right_inv' {M : Type} [Monoid₃ M] {a b c : M} (hba : b * a = 1) (hac : a * c = 1) : b = c := by
rw [← one_mul c, ← hba, mul_assoc₃, hac, mul_one b]
#check left_neg_eq_right_neg'
class AddCommSemigroup₃ (α : Type) extends AddSemigroup₃ α where
add_comm : ∀ a b : α, a + b = b + a
@[to_additive AddCommSemigroup₃]
class CommSemigroup₃ (α : Type) extends Semigroup₃ α where
mul_comm : ∀ a b : α, a * b = b * a
class AddCommMonoid₃ (α : Type) extends AddMonoid₃ α, AddCommSemigroup₃ α
@[to_additive AddCommMonoid₃]
class CommMonoid₃ (α : Type) extends Monoid₃ α, CommSemigroup₃ α
class AddGroup₃ (G : Type) extends AddMonoid₃ G, Neg G where
neg_add : ∀ a : G, -a + a = 0
@[to_additive AddGroup₃]
class Group₃ (G : Type) extends Monoid₃ G, Inv G where
inv_mul : ∀ a : G, a⁻¹ * a = 1
attribute [simp] Group₃.inv_mul AddGroup₃.neg_add
lemma inv_eq_of_mul [Group₃ G] {a b : G} (h : a * b = 1) : a⁻¹ = b :=
left_inv_eq_right_inv' (Group₃.inv_mul a) h
@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
lemma Group₃.mul_inv {G : Type} [Group₃ G] {a : G} : a * a⁻¹ = 1 := by
rw [← inv_mul a⁻¹, inv_eq_of_mul (inv_mul a)]
lemma mul_left_cancel₃ {G : Type} [Group₃ G] {a b c : G} (h : a * b = a * c) : b = c := by
simpa [← mul_assoc₃] using congr_arg (a⁻¹ * ·) h
lemma mul_right_cancel₃ {G : Type} [Group₃ G] {a b c : G} (h : b*a = c*a) : b = c := by
simpa [mul_assoc₃] using congr_arg (· * a⁻¹) h
class AddCommGroup₃ (G : Type) extends AddGroup₃ G, AddCommMonoid₃ G
@[to_additive AddCommGroup₃]
class CommGroup₃ (G : Type) extends Group₃ G, CommMonoid₃ G
class Ring₃ (R : Type) extends AddGroup₃ R, Monoid₃ R, MulZeroClass R where
/-- Multiplication is left distributive over addition -/
left_distrib : ∀ a b c : R, a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c
/-- Multiplication is right distributive over addition -/
right_distrib : ∀ a b c : R, (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c
instance {R : Type} [Ring₃ R] : AddCommGroup₃ R :=
{ Ring₃.toAddGroup₃ with
add_comm := by
intro a b
have : a + (a + b + b) = a + (b + a + b) := calc
a + (a + b + b) = (a + a) + (b + b) := by simp [add_assoc₃, add_assoc₃]
_ = (1 * a + 1 * a) + (1 * b + 1 * b) := by simp
_ = (1 + 1) * a + (1 + 1) * b := by simp [Ring₃.right_distrib]
_ = (1 + 1) * (a + b) := by simp [Ring₃.left_distrib]
_ = 1 * (a + b) + 1 * (a + b) := by simp [Ring₃.right_distrib]
_ = (a + b) + (a + b) := by simp
_ = a + (b + a + b) := by simp [add_assoc₃]
exact add_right_cancel₃ (add_left_cancel₃ this) }
instance : Ring₃ ℤ where
add := (· + ·)
add_assoc₃ := add_assoc
zero := 0
zero_add := by simp
add_zero := by simp
neg := (- ·)
neg_add := by simp
mul := (· * ·)
mul_assoc₃ := mul_assoc
one := 1
one_mul := by simp
mul_one := by simp
zero_mul := by simp
mul_zero := by simp
left_distrib := Int.mul_add
right_distrib := Int.add_mul
class LE₁ (α : Type) where
/-- The Less-or-Equal relation. -/
le : α → α → Prop
@[inherit_doc] infix:50 " ≤₁ " => LE₁.le
class Preorder₁ (α : Type)
extends LE₁ α where
le_refl : ∀ a : α, a ≤₁ a
le_trans : ∀ a b c : α, a ≤₁ b → b ≤₁ c → a ≤₁ c
class PartialOrder₁ (α : Type)
extends Preorder₁ α where
le_antisymm : ∀ a b : α, a ≤₁ b → b ≤₁ a → a = b
class OrderedCommMonoid₁ (α : Type)
extends PartialOrder₁ α, CommMonoid₃ α where
mul_of_le : ∀ a b : α, a ≤₁ b → ∀ c : α, c * a ≤₁ c * b
instance : OrderedCommMonoid₁ ℕ where
le := (· ≤ ·)
le_refl := fun _ ↦ le_rfl
le_trans := fun _ _ _ ↦ le_trans
le_antisymm := fun _ _ ↦ le_antisymm
mul := (· * ·)
mul_assoc₃ := mul_assoc
one := 1
one_mul := one_mul
mul_one := mul_one
mul_comm := mul_comm
mul_of_le := fun _ _ h c ↦ Nat.mul_le_mul_left c h
class SMul₃ (α : Type) (β : Type) where
/-- Scalar multiplication -/
smul : α → β → β
infixr:73 " • " => SMul₃.smul
class Module₁ (R : Type) [Ring₃ R] (M : Type) [AddCommGroup₃ M] extends SMul₃ R M where
zero_smul : ∀ m : M, (0 : R) • m = 0
one_smul : ∀ m : M, (1 : R) • m = m
mul_smul : ∀ (a b : R) (m : M), (a * b) • m = a • b • m
add_smul : ∀ (a b : R) (m : M), (a + b) • m = a • m + b • m
smul_add : ∀ (a : R) (m n : M), a • (m + n) = a • m + a • n
instance selfModule (R : Type) [Ring₃ R] : Module₁ R R where
smul := fun r s ↦ r*s
zero_smul := zero_mul
one_smul := one_mul
mul_smul := mul_assoc₃
add_smul := Ring₃.right_distrib
smul_add := Ring₃.left_distrib
def nsmul₁ [Zero M] [Add M] : ℕ → M → M
| 0, _ => 0
| n + 1, a => a + nsmul₁ n a
def zsmul₁ {M : Type*} [Zero M] [Add M] [Neg M] : ℤ → M → M
| Int.ofNat n, a => nsmul₁ n a
| Int.negSucc n, a => -nsmul₁ n.succ a
instance abGrpModule (A : Type) [AddCommGroup₃ A] : Module₁ ℤ A where
smul := zsmul₁
zero_smul := sorry
one_smul := sorry
mul_smul := sorry
add_smul := sorry
smul_add := sorry
#synth Module₁ ℤ ℤ -- abGrpModule ℤ
class AddMonoid₄ (M : Type) extends AddSemigroup₃ M, AddZeroClass M where
/-- Multiplication by a natural number. -/
nsmul : ℕ → M → M := nsmul₁
/-- Multiplication by `(0 : ℕ)` gives `0`. -/
nsmul_zero : ∀ x, nsmul 0 x = 0 := by intros; rfl
/-- Multiplication by `(n + 1 : ℕ)` behaves as expected. -/
nsmul_succ : ∀ (n : ℕ) (x), nsmul (n + 1) x = x + nsmul n x := by intros; rfl
instance mySMul {M : Type} [AddMonoid₄ M] : SMul ℕ M := ⟨AddMonoid₄.nsmul⟩
instance (M N : Type) [AddMonoid₄ M] [AddMonoid₄ N] : AddMonoid₄ (M × N) where
add := fun p q ↦ (p.1 + q.1, p.2 + q.2)
add_assoc₃ := fun a b c ↦ by ext <;> apply add_assoc₃
zero := (0, 0)
zero_add := fun a ↦ by ext <;> apply zero_add
add_zero := fun a ↦ by ext <;> apply add_zero
instance : AddMonoid₄ ℤ where
add := (· + ·)
add_assoc₃ := Int.add_assoc
zero := 0
zero_add := Int.zero_add
add_zero := Int.add_zero
nsmul := fun n m ↦ (n : ℤ) * m
nsmul_zero := Int.zero_mul
nsmul_succ := fun n m ↦ show (n + 1 : ℤ) * m = m + n * m
by rw [Int.add_mul, Int.add_comm, Int.one_mul]
example (n : ℕ) (m : ℤ) : SMul.smul (self := mySMul) n m = n * m := rfl
class LT₁ (α : Type) where
/-- The Less-Than relation -/
lt : α → α → Prop
@[inherit_doc] infix:50 " <₁ " => LT₁.lt
class PreOrder₂ (α : Type) extends LE₁ α, LT₁ α where
le_refl : ∀ a : α, a ≤₁ a
le_trans : ∀ a b c : α, a ≤₁ b → b ≤₁ c → a ≤₁ c
lt := fun a b ↦ a ≤₁ b ∧ ¬b ≤₁ a
lt_iff_le_not_le : ∀ a b : α, a <₁ b ↔ a ≤₁ b ∧ ¬b ≤₁ a := by intros; rfl
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Topology.Instances.Real
set_option autoImplicit true
def isMonoidHom₁ [Monoid G] [Monoid H] (f : G → H) : Prop :=
f 1 = 1 ∧ ∀ g g', f (g * g') = f g * f g'
structure isMonoidHom₂ [Monoid G] [Monoid H] (f : G → H) : Prop where
map_one : f 1 = 1
map_mul : ∀ g g', f (g * g') = f g * f g'
example : Continuous (id : ℝ → ℝ) := continuous_id
structure MonoidHom₁ (G H : Type) [Monoid G] [Monoid H] where
toFun : G → H
map_one : toFun 1 = 1
map_mul : ∀ g g', toFun (g * g') = toFun g * toFun g'
instance [Monoid G] [Monoid H] : CoeFun (MonoidHom₁ G H) (fun _ ↦ G → H) where
coe := MonoidHom₁.toFun
attribute [coe] MonoidHom₁.toFun
example [Monoid G] [Monoid H] (f : MonoidHom₁ G H) : f 1 = 1 := f.map_one
structure AddMonoidHom₁ (G H : Type) [AddMonoid G] [AddMonoid H] where
toFun : G → H
map_zero : toFun 0 = 0
map_add : ∀ g g', toFun (g + g') = toFun g + toFun g'
instance [AddMonoid G] [AddMonoid H] : CoeFun (AddMonoidHom₁ G H) (fun _ ↦ G → H) where
coe := AddMonoidHom₁.toFun
attribute [coe] AddMonoidHom₁.toFun
structure RingHom₁ (R S : Type) [Ring R] [Ring S] extends MonoidHom₁ R S, AddMonoidHom₁ R S
class MonoidHomClass₁ (F : Type) (M N : Type) [Monoid M] [Monoid N] where
toFun : F → M → N
map_one : ∀ f : F, toFun f 1 = 1
map_mul : ∀ f g g', toFun f (g * g') = toFun f g * toFun f g'
def badInst [Monoid M] [Monoid N] [MonoidHomClass₁ F M N] : CoeFun F (fun _ ↦ M → N) where
coe := MonoidHomClass₁.toFun
class MonoidHomClass₂ (F : Type) (M N : outParam Type) [Monoid M] [Monoid N] where
toFun : F → M → N
map_one : ∀ f : F, toFun f 1 = 1
map_mul : ∀ f g g', toFun f (g * g') = toFun f g * toFun f g'
instance [Monoid M] [Monoid N] [MonoidHomClass₂ F M N] : CoeFun F (fun _ ↦ M → N) where
coe := MonoidHomClass₂.toFun
attribute [coe] MonoidHomClass₂.toFun
instance (M N : Type) [Monoid M] [Monoid N] : MonoidHomClass₂ (MonoidHom₁ M N) M N where
toFun := MonoidHom₁.toFun
map_one := fun f ↦ f.map_one
map_mul := fun f ↦ f.map_mul
instance (R S : Type) [Ring R] [Ring S] : MonoidHomClass₂ (RingHom₁ R S) R S where
toFun := fun f ↦ f.toMonoidHom₁.toFun
map_one := fun f ↦ f.toMonoidHom₁.map_one
map_mul := fun f ↦ f.toMonoidHom₁.map_mul
lemma map_inv_of_inv [Monoid M] [Monoid N] [MonoidHomClass₂ F M N] (f : F) {m m' : M} (h : m*m' = 1) :
f m * f m' = 1 := by
rw [← MonoidHomClass₂.map_mul, h, MonoidHomClass₂.map_one]
example [Monoid M] [Monoid N] (f : MonoidHom₁ M N) {m m' : M} (h : m*m' = 1) : f m * f m' = 1 :=
map_inv_of_inv f h
example [Ring R] [Ring S] (f : RingHom₁ R S) {r r' : R} (h : r*r' = 1) : f r * f r' = 1 :=
map_inv_of_inv f h
class MonoidHomClass₃ (F : Type) (M N : outParam Type) [Monoid M] [Monoid N] extends
FunLike F M (fun _ ↦ N) where
map_one : ∀ f : F, f 1 = 1
map_mul : ∀ (f : F) g g', f (g * g') = f g * f g'
instance (M N : Type) [Monoid M] [Monoid N] : MonoidHomClass₃ (MonoidHom₁ M N) M N where
coe := MonoidHom₁.toFun
coe_injective' := MonoidHom₁.ext
map_one := MonoidHom₁.map_one
map_mul := MonoidHom₁.map_mul
structure OrderPresHom (α β : Type) [LE α] [LE β] where
toFun : α → β
le_of_le : ∀ a a', a ≤ a' → toFun a ≤ toFun a'
structure OrderPresMonoidHom (M N : Type) [Monoid M] [LE M] [Monoid N] [LE N] extends
MonoidHom₁ M N, OrderPresHom M N
class OrderPresHomClass (F : Type) (α β : outParam Type) [LE α] [LE β]
extends FunLike F α (fun _ ↦ β) where
le_of_le : ∀ (f : F) a a', a ≤ a' → f a ≤ f a'
instance (α β : Type) [LE α] [LE β] : OrderPresHomClass (OrderPresHom α β) α β where
coe := OrderPresHom.toFun
coe_injective' := OrderPresHom.ext
le_of_le := OrderPresHom.le_of_le
instance (α β : Type) [LE α] [Monoid α] [LE β] [Monoid β] :
OrderPresHomClass (OrderPresMonoidHom α β) α β where
coe := fun f ↦ f.toOrderPresHom.toFun
coe_injective' := OrderPresMonoidHom.ext
le_of_le := fun f ↦ f.toOrderPresHom.le_of_le
instance (α β : Type) [LE α] [Monoid α] [LE β] [Monoid β] :
MonoidHomClass₃ (OrderPresMonoidHom α β) α β
coe := fun f ↦ f.toOrderPresHom.toFun
coe_injective' := OrderPresMonoidHom.ext
map_one := fun f ↦ f.toMonoidHom₁.map_one
map_mul := fun f ↦ f.toMonoidHom₁.map_mul
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.QuotientGroup
set_option autoImplicit true
structure Submonoid₁ (M : Type) [Monoid M] where
/-- The carrier of a submonoid. -/
carrier : Set M
/-- The product of two elements of a submonoid belongs to the submonoid. -/
mul_mem {a b} : a ∈ carrier → b ∈ carrier → a * b ∈ carrier
/-- The unit element belongs to the submonoid. -/
one_mem : 1 ∈ carrier
/-- Submonoids in `M` can be seen as sets in `M`. -/
instance [Monoid M] : SetLike (Submonoid₁ M) M where
coe := Submonoid₁.carrier
coe_injective' := Submonoid₁.ext
example [Monoid M] (N : Submonoid₁ M) : 1 ∈ N := N.one_mem
example [Monoid M] (N : Submonoid₁ M) (α : Type) (f : M → α) := f '' N
example [Monoid M] (N : Submonoid₁ M) (x : N) : (x : M) ∈ N := x.property
instance SubMonoid₁Monoid [Monoid M] (N : Submonoid₁ M) : Monoid N where
mul := fun x y ↦ ⟨x*y, N.mul_mem x.property y.property⟩
mul_assoc := fun x y z ↦ SetCoe.ext (mul_assoc (x : M) y z)
one := ⟨1, N.one_mem⟩
one_mul := fun x ↦ SetCoe.ext (one_mul (x : M))
mul_one := fun x ↦ SetCoe.ext (mul_one (x : M))
example [Monoid M] (N : Submonoid₁ M) : Monoid N where
mul := fun ⟨x, hx⟩ ⟨y, hy⟩ ↦ ⟨x*y, N.mul_mem hx hy⟩
mul_assoc := fun ⟨x, _⟩ ⟨y, _⟩ ⟨z, _⟩ ↦ SetCoe.ext (mul_assoc x y z)
one := ⟨1, N.one_mem⟩
one_mul := fun ⟨x, _⟩ ↦ SetCoe.ext (one_mul x)
mul_one := fun ⟨x, _⟩ ↦ SetCoe.ext (mul_one x)
class SubmonoidClass₁ (S : Type) (M : Type) [Monoid M] [SetLike S M] : Prop where
mul_mem : ∀ (s : S) {a b : M}, a ∈ s → b ∈ s → a * b ∈ s
one_mem : ∀ s : S, 1 ∈ s
instance [Monoid M] : SubmonoidClass₁ (Submonoid₁ M) M where
mul_mem := Submonoid₁.mul_mem
one_mem := Submonoid₁.one_mem
structure Subgroup₁ (G : Type) [Group G] extends Submonoid₁ G where
/-- The inverse of an element of a subgroup belongs to the subgroup. -/
inv_mem {a} : a ∈ carrier → a⁻¹ ∈ carrier
/-- Subgroups in `M` can be seen as sets in `M`. -/
instance [Group G] : SetLike (Subgroup₁ G) G where
coe := fun H ↦ H.toSubmonoid₁.carrier
coe_injective' := Subgroup₁.ext
instance [Group G] (H : Subgroup₁ G) : Group H :=
{ SubMonoid₁Monoid H.toSubmonoid₁ with
inv := fun x ↦ ⟨x⁻¹, H.inv_mem x.property⟩
mul_left_inv := fun x ↦ SetCoe.ext (mul_left_inv (x : G)) }
class SubgroupClass₁ (S : Type) (G : Type) [Group G] [SetLike S G]
extends SubmonoidClass₁ S G : Prop where
inv_mem : ∀ (s : S) {a : G}, a ∈ s → a⁻¹ ∈ s
instance [Group G] : SubmonoidClass₁ (Subgroup₁ G) G where
mul_mem := fun H ↦ H.toSubmonoid₁.mul_mem
one_mem := fun H ↦ H.toSubmonoid₁.one_mem
instance [Group G] : SubgroupClass₁ (Subgroup₁ G) G :=
{ (inferInstance : SubmonoidClass₁ (Subgroup₁ G) G) with
inv_mem := Subgroup₁.inv_mem }
instance [Monoid M] : Inf (Submonoid₁ M) :=
⟨fun S₁ S₂ ↦
{ carrier := S₁ ∩ S₂
one_mem := ⟨S₁.one_mem, S₂.one_mem⟩
mul_mem := fun ⟨hx, hx'⟩ ⟨hy, hy'⟩ ↦ ⟨S₁.mul_mem hx hy, S₂.mul_mem hx' hy'⟩ }⟩
example [Monoid M] (N P : Submonoid₁ M) : Submonoid₁ M := N ⊓ P
def Submonoid.Setoid [CommMonoid M] (N : Submonoid M) : Setoid M where
r := fun x y ↦ ∃ w ∈ N, ∃ z ∈ N, x*w = y*z
iseqv := {
refl := fun x ↦ ⟨1, N.one_mem, 1, N.one_mem, rfl⟩
symm := fun ⟨w, hw, z, hz, h⟩ ↦ ⟨z, hz, w, hw, h.symm⟩
trans := by
rintro a b c ⟨w, hw, z, hz, h⟩ ⟨w', hw', z', hz', h'⟩
refine ⟨w*w', N.mul_mem hw hw', z*z', N.mul_mem hz hz', ?_⟩
rw [← mul_assoc, h, mul_comm b, mul_assoc, h', ← mul_assoc, mul_comm z, mul_assoc]
instance [CommMonoid M] : HasQuotient M (Submonoid M) where
quotient' := fun N ↦ Quotient N.Setoid
def QuotientMonoid.mk [CommMonoid M] (N : Submonoid M) : M → M ⧸ N := Quotient.mk N.Setoid
instance [CommMonoid M] (N : Submonoid M) : Monoid (M ⧸ N) where
mul := Quotient.map₂' (· * ·) (by
rintro a₁ b₁ ⟨w, hw, z, hz, ha⟩ a₂ b₂ ⟨w', hw', z', hz', hb⟩
refine ⟨w*w', N.mul_mem hw hw', z*z', N.mul_mem hz hz', ?_⟩
rw [mul_comm w, ← mul_assoc, mul_assoc a₁, hb, mul_comm, ← mul_assoc, mul_comm w, ha,
mul_assoc, mul_comm z, mul_assoc b₂, mul_comm z', mul_assoc]
mul_assoc := by
rintro ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩ ⟨c⟩
apply Quotient.sound
dsimp only
rw [mul_assoc]
apply @Setoid.refl M N.Setoid
one := QuotientMonoid.mk N 1
one_mul := by
rintro ⟨a⟩ ; apply Quotient.sound ; dsimp only ; rw [one_mul] ; apply @Setoid.refl M N.Setoid
mul_one := by
rintro ⟨a⟩ ; apply Quotient.sound ; dsimp only ; rw [mul_one] ; apply @Setoid.refl M N.Setoid
@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Sylow
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Perm.Cycle.Concrete
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Perm.Subgroup
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.PresentedGroup
import MIL.Common
example {M : Type*} [Monoid M] (x : M) : x*1 = x := mul_one x
example {M : Type*} [AddCommMonoid M] (x y : M) : x + y = y + x := add_comm x y
example {M N : Type*} [Monoid M] [Monoid N] (x y : M) (f : M →* N) : f (x * y) = f x * f y :=
f.map_mul x y
example {M N : Type*} [AddMonoid M] [AddMonoid N] (f : M →+ N) : f 0 = 0 :=
example {M N P : Type*} [AddMonoid M] [AddMonoid N] [AddMonoid P]
(f : M →+ N) (g : N →+ P) : M →+ P := g.comp f
example {G : Type*} [Group G] (x : G) : x * x⁻¹ = 1 := mul_inv_self x
example {G : Type*} [Group G] (x y z : G) : x * (y * z) * (x*z)⁻¹ * (x * y * x⁻¹)⁻¹ = 1 := by
example {G : Type*} [AddCommGroup G] (x y z : G) : z + x + (y - z - x) = y := by
example {G H : Type*} [Group G] [Group H] (x y : G) (f : G →* H) : f (x * y) = f x * f y :=
f.map_mul x y
example {G H : Type*} [Group G] [Group H] (x : G) (f : G →* H) : f (x⁻¹) = (f x)⁻¹ :=
f.map_inv x
example {G H : Type*} [Group G] [Group H] (f : G → H) (h : ∀ x y, f (x * y) = f x * f y) :
G →* H :=
MonoidHom.mk' f h
example {G H : Type*} [Group G] [Group H] (f : G ≃* H) :
f.trans f.symm = MulEquiv.refl G :=
noncomputable example {G H : Type*} [Group G] [Group H]
(f : G →* H) (h : Function.Bijective f) :
G ≃* H :=
MulEquiv.ofBijective f h
example {G : Type*} [Group G] (H : Subgroup G) {x y : G} (hx : x ∈ H) (hy : y ∈ H) :
x * y ∈ H :=
H.mul_mem hx hy
example {G : Type*} [Group G] (H : Subgroup G) {x : G} (hx : x ∈ H) :
x⁻¹ ∈ H :=
H.inv_mem hx
example : AddSubgroup ℚ where
carrier := Set.range ((↑) : ℤ → ℚ)
add_mem' := by
rintro _ _ ⟨n, rfl⟩ ⟨m, rfl⟩
use n + m
zero_mem' := by
use 0
neg_mem' := by
rintro _ ⟨n, rfl⟩
use -n
example {G : Type*} [Group G] (H : Subgroup G) : Group H := inferInstance
example {G : Type*} [Group G] (H : Subgroup G) : Group {x : G // x ∈ H} := inferInstance
example {G : Type*} [Group G] (H H' : Subgroup G) :
((H ⊓ H' : Subgroup G) : Set G) = (H : Set G) ∩ (H' : Set G) := rfl
example {G : Type*} [Group G] (H H' : Subgroup G) :
((H ⊔ H' : Subgroup G) : Set G) = Subgroup.closure ((H : Set G) ∪ (H' : Set G)) := by
rw [Subgroup.sup_eq_closure]
example {G : Type*} [Group G] (x : G) : x ∈ (⊤ : Subgroup G) := trivial
example {G : Type*} [Group G] (x : G) : x ∈ (⊥ : Subgroup G) ↔ x = 1 := Subgroup.mem_bot
def conjugate {G : Type*} [Group G] (x : G) (H : Subgroup G) : Subgroup G where
carrier := {a : G | ∃ h, h ∈ H ∧ a = x * h * x⁻¹}
one_mem' := by
inv_mem' := by
mul_mem' := by
example {G H : Type*} [Group G] [Group H] (G' : Subgroup G) (f : G →* H) : Subgroup H :=
Subgroup.map f G'
example {G H : Type*} [Group G] [Group H] (H' : Subgroup H) (f : G →* H) : Subgroup G :=
Subgroup.comap f H'
#check Subgroup.mem_map
#check Subgroup.mem_comap
example {G H : Type*} [Group G] [Group H] (f : G →* H) (g : G) :
g ∈ MonoidHom.ker f ↔ f g = 1 :=
example {G H : Type*} [Group G] [Group H] (f : G →* H) (h : H) :
h ∈ MonoidHom.range f ↔ ∃ g : G, f g = h :=
section exercises
variable {G H : Type*} [Group G] [Group H]
open Subgroup
example (φ : G →* H) (S T : Subgroup H) (hST : S ≤ T) : comap φ S ≤ comap φ T :=by
example (φ : G →* H) (S T : Subgroup G) (hST : S ≤ T) : map φ S ≤ map φ T :=by
variable {K : Type*} [Group K]
-- Remember you can use the `ext` tactic to prove an equality of subgroups.
example (φ : G →* H) (ψ : H →* K) (U : Subgroup K) :
comap (ψ.comp φ) U = comap φ (comap ψ U) := by
-- Pushing a subgroup along one homomorphism and then another is equal to
-- pushing it forward along the composite of the homomorphisms.
example (φ : G →* H) (ψ : H →* K) (S : Subgroup G) :
map (ψ.comp φ) S = map ψ (S.map φ) := by
end exercises
attribute [local instance 10] setFintype Classical.propDecidable
open Fintype
example {G : Type*} [Group G] [Fintype G] (G' : Subgroup G) : card G' ∣ card G :=
⟨G'.index, mul_comm G'.index _ ▸ G'.index_mul_card.symm⟩
open Subgroup
example {G : Type*} [Group G] [Fintype G] (p : ℕ) {n : ℕ} [Fact p.Prime]
(hdvd : p ^ n ∣ card G) : ∃ K : Subgroup G, card K = p ^ n :=
Sylow.exists_subgroup_card_pow_prime p hdvd
lemma eq_bot_iff_card {G : Type*} [Group G] {H : Subgroup G} [Fintype H] :
H = ⊥ ↔ card H = 1 := by
suffices (∀ x ∈ H, x = 1) ↔ ∃ x ∈ H, ∀ a ∈ H, a = x by
simpa [eq_bot_iff_forall, card_eq_one_iff]
#check card_dvd_of_le
lemma inf_bot_of_coprime {G : Type*} [Group G] (H K : Subgroup G) [Fintype H] [Fintype K]
(h : (card H).Coprime (card K)) : H ⊓ K = ⊥ := by
open Equiv
example {X : Type*} [Finite X] : Subgroup.closure {σ : Perm X | Perm.IsCycle σ} = ⊤ :=
#simp [mul_assoc] c[1, 2, 3] * c[2, 3, 4]
section FreeGroup
inductive S | a | b | c
open S
def myElement : FreeGroup S := (.of a) * (.of b)⁻¹
def myMorphism : FreeGroup S →* Perm (Fin 5) :=
FreeGroup.lift fun | .a => c[1, 2, 3]
| .b => c[2, 3, 1]
| .c => c[2, 3]
def myGroup := PresentedGroup {.of () ^ 3} deriving Group
def myMap : Unit → Perm (Fin 5)
| () => c[1, 2, 3]
lemma compat_myMap :
∀ r ∈ ({.of () ^ 3} : Set (FreeGroup Unit)), FreeGroup.lift myMap r = 1 := by
rintro _ rfl
def myNewMorphism : myGroup →* Perm (Fin 5) := PresentedGroup.toGroup compat_myMap
end FreeGroup
noncomputable section GroupActions
example {G X : Type*} [Group G] [MulAction G X] (g g': G) (x : X) :
g • (g' • x) = (g * g') • x :=
(mul_smul g g' x).symm
example {G X : Type*} [AddGroup G] [AddAction G X] (g g' : G) (x : X) :
g +ᵥ (g' +ᵥ x) = (g + g') +ᵥ x :=
(add_vadd g g' x).symm
open MulAction
example {G X : Type*} [Group G] [MulAction G X] : G →* Equiv.Perm X :=
toPermHom G X
def CayleyIsoMorphism (G : Type*) [Group G] : G ≃* (toPermHom G G).range :=
Equiv.Perm.subgroupOfMulAction G G
example {G X : Type*} [Group G] [MulAction G X] :
X ≃ (ω : orbitRel.Quotient G X) × (orbit G (Quotient.out' ω)) :=
MulAction.selfEquivSigmaOrbits G X
example {G X : Type*} [Group G] [MulAction G X] (x : X) :
orbit G x ≃ G ⧸ stabilizer G x :=
MulAction.orbitEquivQuotientStabilizer G x
example {G : Type*} [Group G] (H : Subgroup G) : G ≃ (G ⧸ H) × H :=
variable {G : Type*} [Group G]
lemma conjugate_one (H : Subgroup G) : conjugate 1 H = H := by
instance : MulAction G (Subgroup G) where
smul := conjugate
one_smul := by
mul_smul := by
end GroupActions
noncomputable section QuotientGroup
example {G : Type*} [Group G] (H : Subgroup G) [H.Normal] : Group (G ⧸ H) := inferInstance
example {G : Type*} [Group G] (H : Subgroup G) [H.Normal] : G →* G ⧸ H :=
QuotientGroup.mk' H
example {G : Type*} [Group G] (N : Subgroup G) [N.Normal] {M : Type*}
[Group M] (φ : G →* M) (h : N ≤ MonoidHom.ker φ) : G ⧸ N →* M :=
QuotientGroup.lift N φ h
example {G : Type*} [Group G] {M : Type*} [Group M] (φ : G →* M) :
G ⧸ MonoidHom.ker φ →* MonoidHom.range φ :=
QuotientGroup.quotientKerEquivRange φ
example {G G': Type*} [Group G] [Group G']
{N : Subgroup G} [N.Normal] {N' : Subgroup G'} [N'.Normal]
{φ : G →* G'} (h : N ≤ Subgroup.comap φ N') : G ⧸ N →* G' ⧸ N':=
QuotientGroup.map N N' φ h
example {G : Type*} [Group G] {M N : Subgroup G} [M.Normal]
[N.Normal] (h : M = N) : G ⧸ M ≃* G ⧸ N := QuotientGroup.quotientMulEquivOfEq h
variable {G : Type*} [Group G] {H K : Subgroup G}
open MonoidHom
#check card_pos -- The nonempty argument will be automatically inferred for subgroups
#check Subgroup.index_eq_card
#check Subgroup.index_mul_card
#check Nat.eq_of_mul_eq_mul_right
lemma aux_card_eq [Fintype G] (h' : card G = card H * card K) : card (G⧸H) = card K := by
variable [H.Normal] [K.Normal] [Fintype G] (h : Disjoint H K) (h' : card G = card H * card K)
#check bijective_iff_injective_and_card
#check ker_eq_bot_iff
#check restrict
#check ker_restrict
def iso₁ [Fintype G] (h : Disjoint H K) (h' : card G = card H * card K) : K ≃* G⧸H := by
def iso₂ : G ≃* (G⧸K) × (G⧸H) := by
#check MulEquiv.prodCongr
def finalIso : G ≃* H × K :=
@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.QuotientOperations
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.Ideal
import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.Polynomial
import Mathlib.Data.ZMod.Quotient
import MIL.Common
noncomputable section
example {R : Type*} [CommRing R] (x y : R) : (x + y)^2 = x^2 + y^2 + 2*x*y := by ring
example (x y : ℕ) : (x + y)^2 = x^2 + y^2 + 2*x*y := by ring
example (x : ℤˣ) : x = 1 ∨ x = -1 := Int.units_eq_one_or x
example {M : Type*} [Monoid M] (x : Mˣ) : (x : M)*x⁻¹ = 1 := Units.mul_inv x
example {M : Type*} [Monoid M] : Group Mˣ := inferInstance
example {R S : Type*} [Ring R] [Ring S] (f : R →+* S) (x y : R) :
f (x + y) = f x + f y := f.map_add x y
example {R S : Type*} [Ring R] [Ring S] (f : R →+* S) : Rˣ →* Sˣ :=
Units.map f
example {R : Type*} [Ring R] (S : Subring R) : Ring S := inferInstance
example {R : Type*} [CommRing R] (I : Ideal R) : R →+* R⧸I :=
Ideal.Quotient.mk I
example {R : Type*} [CommRing R] {a : R} {I : Ideal R} :
Ideal.Quotient.mk I a = 0 ↔ a ∈ I :=
example {R S : Type*} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] (I : Ideal R) (f : R →+* S)
(H : I ≤ RingHom.ker f) : R ⧸ I →+* S :=
Ideal.Quotient.lift I f H
example {R S : Type*} [CommRing R] [CommRing S](f : R →+* S) :
R ⧸ RingHom.ker f ≃+* f.range :=
RingHom.quotientKerEquivRange f
variable {R : Type*} [CommRing R] {I J : Ideal R}
example : I + J = I ⊔ J := rfl
example {x : R} : x ∈ I + J ↔ ∃ a ∈ I, ∃ b ∈ J, a + b = x := by
simp [Submodule.mem_sup]
example : I * J ≤ J := Ideal.mul_le_left
example : I * J ≤ I := Ideal.mul_le_right
example : I * J ≤ I ⊓ J := Ideal.mul_le_inf
example {R S : Type*} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] (I : Ideal R) (J : Ideal S) (f : R →+* S)
(H : I ≤ Ideal.comap f J) : R ⧸ I →+* S ⧸ J :=
Ideal.quotientMap J f H
example {R : Type*} [CommRing R] {I J : Ideal R} (h : I = J) : R ⧸ I ≃+* R ⧸ J :=
Ideal.quotEquivOfEq h
example {R : Type*} [CommRing R] {ι : Type*} [Fintype ι] (f : ι → Ideal R)
(hf : ∀ i j, i ≠ j → IsCoprime (f i) (f j)) : (R ⧸ ⨅ i, f i) ≃+* Π i, R ⧸ f i :=
Ideal.quotientInfRingEquivPiQuotient f hf
open BigOperators PiNotation
example {ι : Type*} [Fintype ι] (a : ι → ℕ) (coprime : ∀ i j, i ≠ j → (a i).Coprime (a j)) :
ZMod (∏ i, a i) ≃+* ∀ i, ZMod (a i) :=
ZMod.prodEquivPi a coprime
variable {ι R : Type*} [CommRing R]
open Ideal Quotient Function
#check Pi.ringHom
#check ker_Pi_Quotient_mk
/-- The homomorphism from ``R ⧸ ⨅ i, I i`` to ``Π i, R ⧸ I i`` featured in the Chinese
Remainder Theorem. -/
def chineseMap (I : ι → Ideal R) : (R ⧸ ⨅ i, I i) →+* Π i, R ⧸ I i :=
lemma chineseMap_mk (I : ι → Ideal R) (x : R) :
chineseMap I (Quotient.mk _ x) = fun i : ι ↦ Ideal.Quotient.mk (I i) x :=
lemma chineseMap_mk' (I : ι → Ideal R) (x : R) (i : ι) :
chineseMap I (mk _ x) i = mk (I i) x :=
#check injective_lift_iff
lemma chineseMap_inj (I : ι → Ideal R) : Injective (chineseMap I) := by
#check IsCoprime
#check isCoprime_iff_add
#check isCoprime_iff_exists
#check isCoprime_iff_sup_eq
#check isCoprime_iff_codisjoint
#check Finset.mem_insert_of_mem
#check Finset.mem_insert_self
theorem isCoprime_Inf {I : Ideal R} {J : ι → Ideal R} {s : Finset ι}
(hf : ∀ j ∈ s, IsCoprime I (J j)) : IsCoprime I (⨅ j ∈ s, J j) := by
simp_rw [isCoprime_iff_add] at *
induction s using Finset.induction with
| empty =>
| @insert i s _ hs =>
rw [Finset.iInf_insert, inf_comm, one_eq_top, eq_top_iff, ← one_eq_top]
set K := ⨅ j ∈ s, J j
1 = I + K := sorry
_ = I + K*(I + J i) := sorry
_ = (1+K)*I + K*J i := sorry
_ ≤ I + K ⊓ J i := sorry
lemma chineseMap_surj [Fintype ι] {I : ι → Ideal R}
(hI : ∀ i j, i ≠ j → IsCoprime (I i) (I j)) : Surjective (chineseMap I) := by
intro g
choose f hf using fun i ↦ Ideal.Quotient.mk_surjective (g i)
have key : ∀ i, ∃ e : R, mk (I i) e = 1 ∧ ∀ j, j ≠ i → mk (I j) e = 0 := by
intro i
have hI' : ∀ j ∈ ({i} : Finset ι)ᶜ, IsCoprime (I i) (I j) := by
choose e he using key
use mk _ (∑ i, f i*e i)
noncomputable def chineseIso [Fintype ι] (f : ι → Ideal R)
(hf : ∀ i j, i ≠ j → IsCoprime (f i) (f j)) : (R ⧸ ⨅ i, f i) ≃+* ∀ i, R ⧸ f i :=
{ Equiv.ofBijective _ ⟨chineseMap_inj f, chineseMap_surj hf⟩,
chineseMap f with }
example {R A : Type*} [CommRing R] [Ring A] [Algebra R A] (r r' : R) (a : A) :
(r + r') • a = r • a + r' • a :=
add_smul r r' a
example {R A : Type*} [CommRing R] [Ring A] [Algebra R A] (r r' : R) (a : A) :
(r * r') • a = r • r' • a :=
mul_smul r r' a
section Polynomials
open Polynomial
example {R : Type*} [CommRing R] : R[X] := X
example {R : Type*} [CommRing R] (r : R) := X - C r
example {R : Type*} [CommRing R] (r : R) : (X + C r) * (X - C r) = X^2 - C (r ^ 2) := by
rw [C.map_pow]
example {R : Type*} [CommRing R](r:R) : (C r).coeff 0 = r := by simp
example {R : Type*} [CommRing R] : (X^2 + 2*X + C 3 : R[X]).coeff 1 = 2 := by simp
example {R : Type*} [Semiring R] [NoZeroDivisors R] {p q : R[X]} :
degree (p * q) = degree p + degree q :=
example {R : Type*} [Semiring R] [NoZeroDivisors R] {p q : R[X]} (hp : p ≠ 0) (hq : q ≠ 0) :
natDegree (p * q) = natDegree p + natDegree q :=
Polynomial.natDegree_mul hp hq
example {R : Type*} [Semiring R] [NoZeroDivisors R] {p q : R[X]} :
natDegree (comp p q) = natDegree p * natDegree q :=
example {R : Type*} [CommRing R] (P: R[X]) (x : R) := P.eval x
example {R : Type*} [CommRing R] (r : R) : (X - C r).eval r = 0 := by simp
example {R : Type*} [CommRing R] (P : R[X]) (r : R) : IsRoot P r ↔ P.eval r = 0 := Iff.rfl
example {R : Type*} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] (r : R) : (X - C r).roots = {r} :=
roots_X_sub_C r
example {R : Type*} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] (r : R) (n : ℕ):
((X - C r)^n).roots = n • {r} :=
by simp
example : aeval Complex.I (X^2 + 1 : ℝ[X]) = 0 := by simp
open Complex Polynomial
example : aroots (X^2 + 1 : ℝ[X]) ℂ = {Complex.I, -I} := by
suffices roots (X ^ 2 + 1 : ℂ[X]) = {I, -I} by simpa [aroots_def]
have factored : (X ^ 2 + 1 : ℂ[X]) = (X - C I) * (X - C (-I)) := by
rw [C_neg]
linear_combination show (C I * C I : ℂ[X]) = -1 by simp [← C_mul]
have p_ne_zero : (X - C I) * (X - C (-I)) ≠ 0 := by
intro H
apply_fun eval 0 at H
simp [eval] at H
simp only [factored, roots_mul p_ne_zero, roots_X_sub_C]
-- Mathlib knows about D'Alembert-Gauss theorem: ``ℂ`` is algebraically closed.
example : IsAlgClosed ℂ := inferInstance
#check (Complex.ofReal : ℝ →+* ℂ)
example : (X^2 + 1 : ℝ[X]).eval₂ Complex.ofReal Complex.I = 0 := by simp
open MvPolynomial
def circleEquation : MvPolynomial (Fin 2) ℝ := X 0 ^ 2 + X 1 ^ 2 - 1
example : MvPolynomial.eval ![0, 1] circleEquation = 0 := by simp [circleEquation]
end Polynomials
@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Sylow
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Perm.Cycle.Concrete
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Perm.Subgroup
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.PresentedGroup
import MIL.Common
def conjugate {G : Type*} [Group G] (x : G) (H : Subgroup G) : Subgroup G where
carrier := {a : G | ∃ h, h ∈ H ∧ a = x * h * x⁻¹}
one_mem' := by
use 1
exact H.one_mem
inv_mem' := by
rintro - ⟨h, h_in, rfl⟩
use h⁻¹, H.inv_mem h_in
mul_mem' := by
rintro - - ⟨h, h_in, rfl⟩ ⟨k, k_in, rfl⟩
use h*k, H.mul_mem h_in k_in
section exercises
variable {G H : Type*} [Group G] [Group H]
open Subgroup
example (φ : G →* H) (S T : Subgroup H) (hST : S ≤ T) : comap φ S ≤ comap φ T :=by
intro x hx
rw [mem_comap] at * -- Lean does not need this line
exact hST hx
example (φ : G →* H) (S T : Subgroup G) (hST : S ≤ T) : map φ S ≤ map φ T :=by
intro x hx
rw [mem_map] at * -- Lean does not need this line
rcases hx with ⟨y, hy, rfl⟩
use y, hST hy
variable {K : Type*} [Group K]
-- Remember you can use the `ext` tactic to prove an equality of subgroups.
example (φ : G →* H) (ψ : H →* K) (U : Subgroup K) :
comap (ψ.comp φ) U = comap φ (comap ψ U) := by
-- The whole proof could be ``rfl``, but let's decompose it a bit.
ext x
simp only [mem_comap]
-- Pushing a subgroup along one homomorphism and then another is equal to
-- pushing it forward along the composite of the homomorphisms.
example (φ : G →* H) (ψ : H →* K) (S : Subgroup G) :
map (ψ.comp φ) S = map ψ (S.map φ) := by
ext x
simp only [mem_map]
· rintro ⟨y, y_in, hy⟩
exact ⟨φ y, ⟨y, y_in, rfl⟩, hy⟩
· rintro ⟨y, ⟨z, z_in, hz⟩, hy⟩
use z, z_in
calc ψ.comp φ z = ψ (φ z) := rfl
_ = ψ y := by congr
_ = x := hy
end exercises
attribute [local instance 10] setFintype Classical.propDecidable
open Fintype
open Subgroup
lemma eq_bot_iff_card {G : Type*} [Group G] {H : Subgroup G} [Fintype H] :
H = ⊥ ↔ card H = 1 := by
suffices (∀ x ∈ H, x = 1) ↔ ∃ x ∈ H, ∀ a ∈ H, a = x by
simpa [eq_bot_iff_forall, card_eq_one_iff]
· intro h
use 1, H.one_mem
· rintro ⟨y, -, hy'⟩ x hx
calc x = y := hy' x hx
_ = 1 := (hy' 1 H.one_mem).symm
lemma inf_bot_of_coprime {G : Type*} [Group G] (H K : Subgroup G) [Fintype H] [Fintype K]
(h : (card H).Coprime (card K)) : H ⊓ K = ⊥ := by
have D₁ : card (H ⊓ K : Subgroup G) ∣ card H := card_dvd_of_le inf_le_left
have D₂ : card (H ⊓ K : Subgroup G) ∣ card K := card_dvd_of_le inf_le_right
exact eq_bot_iff_card.2 (Nat.eq_one_of_dvd_coprimes h D₁ D₂)
noncomputable section GroupActions
variable {G : Type*} [Group G]
lemma conjugate_one (H : Subgroup G) : conjugate 1 H = H := by
ext x
simp [conjugate]
instance : MulAction G (Subgroup G) where
smul := conjugate
one_smul := by
exact conjugate_one
mul_smul := by
intro x y H
ext z
· rintro ⟨h, h_in, rfl⟩
use y*h*y⁻¹
· use h
· group
· rintro ⟨-, ⟨h, h_in, rfl⟩, rfl⟩
use h, h_in
end GroupActions
noncomputable section QuotientGroup
variable {G : Type*} [Group G] {H K : Subgroup G}
open MonoidHom
#check card_pos -- The nonempty argument will be automatically inferred for subgroups
#check Subgroup.index_eq_card
#check Subgroup.index_mul_card
#check Nat.eq_of_mul_eq_mul_right
lemma aux_card_eq [Fintype G] (h' : card G = card H * card K) : card (G⧸H) = card K := by
have := calc
card (G ⧸ H) * card H = card G := by rw [← H.index_eq_card, H.index_mul_card]
_ = card K * card H := by rw [h', mul_comm]
exact Nat.eq_of_mul_eq_mul_right card_pos this
variable [H.Normal] [K.Normal] [Fintype G] (h : Disjoint H K) (h' : card G = card H * card K)
#check bijective_iff_injective_and_card
#check ker_eq_bot_iff
#check restrict
#check ker_restrict
def iso₁ [Fintype G] (h : Disjoint H K) (h' : card G = card H * card K) : K ≃* G⧸H := by
apply MulEquiv.ofBijective ((QuotientGroup.mk' H).restrict K)
rw [bijective_iff_injective_and_card]
· rw [← ker_eq_bot_iff, (QuotientGroup.mk' H).ker_restrict K]
simp [h]
· symm
exact aux_card_eq h'
def iso₂ : G ≃* (G⧸K) × (G⧸H) := by
apply MulEquiv.ofBijective <| (QuotientGroup.mk' K).prod (QuotientGroup.mk' H)
rw [bijective_iff_injective_and_card]
· rw [← ker_eq_bot_iff, ker_prod]
simp [h.symm.eq_bot]
· rw [card_prod, aux_card_eq h', aux_card_eq (mul_comm (card H) _▸ h'), h']
def finalIso : G ≃* H × K :=
(iso₂ h h').trans ((iso₁ h.symm (mul_comm (card H) _ ▸ h')).prodCongr (iso₁ h h')).symm
end QuotientGroup
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.QuotientOperations
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.Ideal
import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.Polynomial
import Mathlib.Data.ZMod.Quotient
import MIL.Common
noncomputable section
open BigOperators PiNotation
variable {ι R : Type*} [CommRing R]
open Ideal Quotient Function
#check Pi.ringHom
#check ker_Pi_Quotient_mk
/-- The homomorphism from ``R ⧸ ⨅ i, I i`` to ``Π i, R ⧸ I i`` featured in the Chinese
Remainder Theorem. -/
def chineseMap (I : ι → Ideal R) : (R ⧸ ⨅ i, I i) →+* Π i, R ⧸ I i :=
Ideal.Quotient.lift (⨅ i, I i) (Pi.ringHom fun i : ι ↦ Ideal.Quotient.mk (I i))
(by simp [← RingHom.mem_ker, ker_Pi_Quotient_mk])
lemma chineseMap_mk (I : ι → Ideal R) (x : R) :
chineseMap I (Quotient.mk _ x) = fun i : ι ↦ Ideal.Quotient.mk (I i) x :=
lemma chineseMap_mk' (I : ι → Ideal R) (x : R) (i : ι) :
chineseMap I (mk _ x) i = mk (I i) x :=
lemma chineseMap_inj (I : ι → Ideal R) : Injective (chineseMap I) := by
rw [chineseMap, injective_lift_iff, ker_Pi_Quotient_mk]
theorem isCoprime_Inf {I : Ideal R} {J : ι → Ideal R} {s : Finset ι}
(hf : ∀ j ∈ s, IsCoprime I (J j)) : IsCoprime I (⨅ j ∈ s, J j) := by
simp_rw [isCoprime_iff_add] at *
induction s using Finset.induction with
| empty =>
| @insert i s _ hs =>
rw [Finset.iInf_insert, inf_comm, one_eq_top, eq_top_iff, ← one_eq_top]
set K := ⨅ j ∈ s, J j
1 = I + K := (hs fun j hj ↦ hf j (Finset.mem_insert_of_mem hj)).symm
_ = I + K*(I + J i) := by rw [hf i (Finset.mem_insert_self i s), mul_one]
_ = (1+K)*I + K*J i := by ring
_ ≤ I + K ⊓ J i := by gcongr ; apply mul_le_left ; apply mul_le_inf
lemma chineseMap_surj [Fintype ι] {I : ι → Ideal R}
(hI : ∀ i j, i ≠ j → IsCoprime (I i) (I j)) : Surjective (chineseMap I) := by
intro g
choose f hf using fun i ↦ Ideal.Quotient.mk_surjective (g i)
have key : ∀ i, ∃ e : R, mk (I i) e = 1 ∧ ∀ j, j ≠ i → mk (I j) e = 0 := by
intro i
have hI' : ∀ j ∈ ({i} : Finset ι)ᶜ, IsCoprime (I i) (I j) := by
intros j hj
exact hI _ _ (by simpa [ne_comm, isCoprime_iff_add] using hj)
rcases isCoprime_iff_exists.mp (isCoprime_Inf hI') with ⟨u, hu, e, he, hue⟩
replace he : ∀ j, j ≠ i → e ∈ I j := by simpa using he
refine ⟨e, ?_, ?_⟩
· simp [eq_sub_of_add_eq' hue, map_sub, eq_zero_iff_mem.mpr hu]
· exact fun j hj ↦ eq_zero_iff_mem.mpr (he j hj)
choose e he using key
use mk _ (∑ i, f i*e i)
ext i
rw [chineseMap_mk', map_sum, Fintype.sum_eq_single i]
· simp [(he i).1, hf]
· intros j hj
simp [(he j).2 i hj.symm]
noncomputable def chineseIso [Fintype ι] (f : ι → Ideal R)
(hf : ∀ i j, i ≠ j → IsCoprime (f i) (f j)) : (R ⧸ ⨅ i, f i) ≃+* ∀ i, R ⧸ f i :=
{ Equiv.ofBijective _ ⟨chineseMap_inj f, chineseMap_surj hf⟩,
chineseMap f with }
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Topology.Instances.Real
open Set Filter Topology
def principal {α : Type*} (s : Set α) : Filter α
sets := { t | s ⊆ t }
univ_sets := sorry
sets_of_superset := sorry
inter_sets := sorry
example : Filter ℕ :=
{ sets := { s | ∃ a, ∀ b, a ≤ b → b ∈ s }
univ_sets := sorry
sets_of_superset := sorry
inter_sets := sorry }
def Tendsto₁ {X Y : Type*} (f : X → Y) (F : Filter X) (G : Filter Y) :=
∀ V ∈ G, f ⁻¹' V ∈ F
def Tendsto₂ {X Y : Type*} (f : X → Y) (F : Filter X) (G : Filter Y) :=
map f F ≤ G
example {X Y : Type*} (f : X → Y) (F : Filter X) (G : Filter Y) :
Tendsto₂ f F G ↔ Tendsto₁ f F G :=
#check (@Filter.map_mono : ∀ {α β} {m : α → β}, Monotone (map m))
(@Filter.map_map :
∀ {α β γ} {f : Filter α} {m : α → β} {m' : β → γ}, map m' (map m f) = map (m' ∘ m) f)
example {X Y Z : Type*} {F : Filter X} {G : Filter Y} {H : Filter Z} {f : X → Y} {g : Y → Z}
(hf : Tendsto₁ f F G) (hg : Tendsto₁ g G H) : Tendsto₁ (g ∘ f) F H :=
variable (f : ℝ → ℝ) (x₀ y₀ : ℝ)
#check comap ((↑) : ℚ → ℝ) (𝓝 x₀)
#check Tendsto (f ∘ (↑)) (comap ((↑) : ℚ → ℝ) (𝓝 x₀)) (𝓝 y₀)
variable {α β γ : Type*} (F : Filter α) {m : γ → β} {n : β → α}
#check (comap_comap : comap m (comap n F) = comap (n ∘ m) F)
example : 𝓝 (x₀, y₀) = 𝓝 x₀ ×ˢ 𝓝 y₀ :=
#check le_inf_iff
example (f : ℕ → ℝ × ℝ) (x₀ y₀ : ℝ) :
Tendsto f atTop (𝓝 (x₀, y₀)) ↔
Tendsto (Prod.fst ∘ f) atTop (𝓝 x₀) ∧ Tendsto (Prod.snd ∘ f) atTop (𝓝 y₀) :=
example (x₀ : ℝ) : HasBasis (𝓝 x₀) (fun ε : ℝ ↦ 0 < ε) fun ε ↦ Ioo (x₀ - ε) (x₀ + ε) :=
nhds_basis_Ioo_pos x₀
example (u : ℕ → ℝ) (x₀ : ℝ) :
Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 x₀) ↔ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ N, ∀ n ≥ N, u n ∈ Ioo (x₀ - ε) (x₀ + ε) := by
have : atTop.HasBasis (fun _ : ℕ ↦ True) Ici := atTop_basis
rw [this.tendsto_iff (nhds_basis_Ioo_pos x₀)]
example (P Q : ℕ → Prop) (hP : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, P n) (hQ : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, Q n) :
∀ᶠ n in atTop, P n ∧ Q n :=
hP.and hQ
example (u v : ℕ → ℝ) (h : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, u n = v n) (x₀ : ℝ) :
Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 x₀) ↔ Tendsto v atTop (𝓝 x₀) :=
tendsto_congr' h
example (u v : ℕ → ℝ) (h : u =ᶠ[atTop] v) (x₀ : ℝ) :
Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 x₀) ↔ Tendsto v atTop (𝓝 x₀) :=
tendsto_congr' h
#check eventually_of_forall
#check Eventually.mono
#check Eventually.and
example (P Q R : ℕ → Prop) (hP : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, P n) (hQ : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, Q n)
(hR : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, P n ∧ Q n → R n) : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, R n := by
apply (hP.and (hQ.and hR)).mono
rintro n ⟨h, h', h''⟩
exact h'' ⟨h, h'⟩
example (P Q R : ℕ → Prop) (hP : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, P n) (hQ : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, Q n)
(hR : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, P n ∧ Q n → R n) : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, R n := by
filter_upwards [hP, hQ, hR] with n h h' h''
exact h'' ⟨h, h'⟩
#check mem_closure_iff_clusterPt
#check le_principal_iff
#check neBot_of_le
example (u : ℕ → ℝ) (M : Set ℝ) (x : ℝ) (hux : Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 x))
(huM : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, u n ∈ M) : x ∈ closure M :=
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Topology.Instances.Real
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.BanachSteinhaus
open Set Filter
open Topology Filter
variable {X : Type*} [MetricSpace X] (a b c : X)
#check (dist a b : ℝ)
#check (dist_nonneg : 0 ≤ dist a b)
#check (dist_eq_zero : dist a b = 0 ↔ a = b)
#check (dist_comm a b : dist a b = dist b a)
#check (dist_triangle a b c : dist a c ≤ dist a b + dist b c)
-- Note the next three lines are not quoted, their purpose is to make sure those things don't get renamed while we're looking elsewhere.
#check EMetricSpace
#check PseudoMetricSpace
#check PseudoEMetricSpace
example {u : ℕ → X} {a : X} :
Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 a) ↔ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ N, ∀ n ≥ N, dist (u n) a < ε :=
example {X Y : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [MetricSpace Y] {f : X → Y} :
Continuous f ↔
∀ x : X, ∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x', dist x' x < δ → dist (f x') (f x) < ε :=
example {X Y : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [MetricSpace Y] {f : X → Y} (hf : Continuous f) :
Continuous fun p : X × X ↦ dist (f p.1) (f p.2) := by continuity
example {X Y : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [MetricSpace Y] {f : X → Y} (hf : Continuous f) :
Continuous fun p : X × X ↦ dist (f p.1) (f p.2) :=
continuous_dist.comp ((hf.comp continuous_fst).prod_mk (hf.comp continuous_snd))
example {X Y : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [MetricSpace Y] {f : X → Y} (hf : Continuous f) :
Continuous fun p : X × X ↦ dist (f p.1) (f p.2) := by
apply Continuous.dist
exact hf.comp continuous_fst
exact hf.comp continuous_snd
example {X Y : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [MetricSpace Y] {f : X → Y} (hf : Continuous f) :
Continuous fun p : X × X ↦ dist (f p.1) (f p.2) :=
(hf.comp continuous_fst).dist (hf.comp continuous_snd)
example {X Y : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [MetricSpace Y] {f : X → Y} (hf : Continuous f) :
Continuous fun p : X × X ↦ dist (f p.1) (f p.2) :=
hf.fst'.dist hf.snd'
example {f : ℝ → X} (hf : Continuous f) : Continuous fun x : ℝ ↦ f (x ^ 2 + x) :=
example {X Y : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [MetricSpace Y] (f : X → Y) (a : X) :
ContinuousAt f a ↔ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ {x}, dist x a < δ → dist (f x) (f a) < ε :=
variable (r : ℝ)
example : Metric.ball a r = { b | dist b a < r } :=
example : Metric.closedBall a r = { b | dist b a ≤ r } :=
example (hr : 0 < r) : a ∈ Metric.ball a r :=
Metric.mem_ball_self hr
example (hr : 0 ≤ r) : a ∈ Metric.closedBall a r :=
Metric.mem_closedBall_self hr
example (s : Set X) : IsOpen s ↔ ∀ x ∈ s, ∃ ε > 0, Metric.ball x ε ⊆ s :=
example {s : Set X} : IsClosed s ↔ IsOpen (sᶜ) :=
example {s : Set X} (hs : IsClosed s) {u : ℕ → X} (hu : Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 a))
(hus : ∀ n, u n ∈ s) : a ∈ s :=
hs.mem_of_tendsto hu (eventually_of_forall hus)
example {s : Set X} : a ∈ closure s ↔ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ b ∈ s, a ∈ Metric.ball b ε :=
example {u : ℕ → X} (hu : Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 a)) {s : Set X} (hs : ∀ n, u n ∈ s) :
a ∈ closure s :=
example {x : X} {s : Set X} : s ∈ 𝓝 x ↔ ∃ ε > 0, Metric.ball x ε ⊆ s :=
example {x : X} {s : Set X} : s ∈ 𝓝 x ↔ ∃ ε > 0, Metric.closedBall x ε ⊆ s :=
example : IsCompact (Set.Icc 0 1 : Set ℝ) :=
example {s : Set X} (hs : IsCompact s) {u : ℕ → X} (hu : ∀ n, u n ∈ s) :
∃ a ∈ s, ∃ φ : ℕ → ℕ, StrictMono φ ∧ Tendsto (u ∘ φ) atTop (𝓝 a) :=
hs.tendsto_subseq hu
example {s : Set X} (hs : IsCompact s) (hs' : s.Nonempty) {f : X → ℝ}
(hfs : ContinuousOn f s) :
∃ x ∈ s, ∀ y ∈ s, f x ≤ f y :=
hs.exists_forall_le hs' hfs
example {s : Set X} (hs : IsCompact s) (hs' : s.Nonempty) {f : X → ℝ}
(hfs : ContinuousOn f s) :
∃ x ∈ s, ∀ y ∈ s, f y ≤ f x :=
hs.exists_forall_ge hs' hfs
example {s : Set X} (hs : IsCompact s) : IsClosed s :=
example {X : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [CompactSpace X] : IsCompact (univ : Set X) :=
#check IsCompact.isClosed
example {X : Type*} [MetricSpace X] {Y : Type*} [MetricSpace Y] {f : X → Y} :
UniformContinuous f ↔
∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ {a b : X}, dist a b < δ → dist (f a) (f b) < ε :=
example {X : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [CompactSpace X]
{Y : Type*} [MetricSpace Y] {f : X → Y}
(hf : Continuous f) : UniformContinuous f :=
example (u : ℕ → X) :
CauchySeq u ↔ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ N : ℕ, ∀ m ≥ N, ∀ n ≥ N, dist (u m) (u n) < ε :=
example (u : ℕ → X) :
CauchySeq u ↔ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ N : ℕ, ∀ n ≥ N, dist (u n) (u N) < ε :=
example [CompleteSpace X] (u : ℕ → X) (hu : CauchySeq u) :
∃ x, Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 x) :=
cauchySeq_tendsto_of_complete hu
open BigOperators
open Finset
theorem cauchySeq_of_le_geometric_two' {u : ℕ → X}
(hu : ∀ n : ℕ, dist (u n) (u (n + 1)) ≤ (1 / 2) ^ n) : CauchySeq u := by
rw [Metric.cauchySeq_iff']
intro ε ε_pos
obtain ⟨N, hN⟩ : ∃ N : ℕ, 1 / 2 ^ N * 2 < ε := by sorry
use N
intro n hn
obtain ⟨k, rfl : n = N + k⟩ := le_iff_exists_add.mp hn
dist (u (N + k)) (u N) = dist (u (N + 0)) (u (N + k)) := sorry
_ ≤ ∑ i in range k, dist (u (N + i)) (u (N + (i + 1))) := sorry
_ ≤ ∑ i in range k, (1 / 2 : ℝ) ^ (N + i) := sorry
_ = 1 / 2 ^ N * ∑ i in range k, (1 / 2 : ℝ) ^ i := sorry
_ ≤ 1 / 2 ^ N * 2 := sorry
_ < ε := sorry
open Metric
example [CompleteSpace X] (f : ℕ → Set X) (ho : ∀ n, IsOpen (f n)) (hd : ∀ n, Dense (f n)) :
Dense (⋂ n, f n) := by
let B : ℕ → ℝ := fun n ↦ (1 / 2) ^ n
have Bpos : ∀ n, 0 < B n
/- Translate the density assumption into two functions `center` and `radius` associating
to any n, x, δ, δpos a center and a positive radius such that
`closedBall center radius` is included both in `f n` and in `closedBall x δ`.
We can also require `radius ≤ (1/2)^(n+1)`, to ensure we get a Cauchy sequence later. -/
have :
∀ (n : ℕ) (x : X),
∀ δ > 0, ∃ y : X, ∃ r > 0, r ≤ B (n + 1) ∧ closedBall y r ⊆ closedBall x δ ∩ f n :=
by sorry
choose! center radius Hpos HB Hball using this
intro x
rw [mem_closure_iff_nhds_basis nhds_basis_closedBall]
intro ε εpos
/- `ε` is positive. We have to find a point in the ball of radius `ε` around `x`
belonging to all `f n`. For this, we construct inductively a sequence
`F n = (c n, r n)` such that the closed ball `closedBall (c n) (r n)` is included
in the previous ball and in `f n`, and such that `r n` is small enough to ensure
that `c n` is a Cauchy sequence. Then `c n` converges to a limit which belongs
to all the `f n`. -/
let F : ℕ → X × ℝ := fun n ↦
Nat.recOn n (Prod.mk x (min ε (B 0)))
fun n p ↦ Prod.mk (center n p.1 p.2) (radius n p.1 p.2)
let c : ℕ → X := fun n ↦ (F n).1
let r : ℕ → ℝ := fun n ↦ (F n).2
have rpos : ∀ n, 0 < r n := by sorry
have rB : ∀ n, r n ≤ B n := by sorry
have incl : ∀ n, closedBall (c (n + 1)) (r (n + 1)) ⊆ closedBall (c n) (r n) ∩ f n := by
have cdist : ∀ n, dist (c n) (c (n + 1)) ≤ B n := by sorry
have : CauchySeq c := cauchySeq_of_le_geometric_two' cdist
-- as the sequence `c n` is Cauchy in a complete space, it converges to a limit `y`.
rcases cauchySeq_tendsto_of_complete this with ⟨y, ylim⟩
-- this point `y` will be the desired point. We will check that it belongs to all
-- `f n` and to `ball x ε`.
use y
have I : ∀ n, ∀ m ≥ n, closedBall (c m) (r m) ⊆ closedBall (c n) (r n) := by sorry
have yball : ∀ n, y ∈ closedBall (c n) (r n) := by sorry
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Topology.Instances.Real
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.BanachSteinhaus
open Set Filter Topology
variable {X : Type*} [TopologicalSpace X]
example : IsOpen (univ : Set X) :=
example : IsOpen (∅ : Set X) :=
example {ι : Type*} {s : ι → Set X} (hs : ∀ i, IsOpen (s i)) : IsOpen (⋃ i, s i) :=
isOpen_iUnion hs
example {ι : Type*} [Fintype ι] {s : ι → Set X} (hs : ∀ i, IsOpen (s i)) :
IsOpen (⋂ i, s i) :=
isOpen_iInter_of_finite hs
variable {Y : Type*} [TopologicalSpace Y]
example {f : X → Y} : Continuous f ↔ ∀ s, IsOpen s → IsOpen (f ⁻¹' s) :=
example {f : X → Y} {x : X} : ContinuousAt f x ↔ map f (𝓝 x) ≤ 𝓝 (f x) :=
example {f : X → Y} {x : X} : ContinuousAt f x ↔ ∀ U ∈ 𝓝 (f x), ∀ᶠ x in 𝓝 x, f x ∈ U :=
example {x : X} {s : Set X} : s ∈ 𝓝 x ↔ ∃ t, t ⊆ s ∧ IsOpen t ∧ x ∈ t :=
example (x : X) : pure x ≤ 𝓝 x :=
pure_le_nhds x
example (x : X) (P : X → Prop) (h : ∀ᶠ y in 𝓝 x, P y) : P x :=
example {P : X → Prop} {x : X} (h : ∀ᶠ y in 𝓝 x, P y) : ∀ᶠ y in 𝓝 x, ∀ᶠ z in 𝓝 y, P z :=
eventually_eventually_nhds.mpr h
#check TopologicalSpace.mkOfNhds
#check TopologicalSpace.nhds_mkOfNhds
example {α : Type*} (n : α → Filter α) (H₀ : ∀ a, pure a ≤ n a)
(H : ∀ a : α, ∀ p : α → Prop, (∀ᶠ x in n a, p x) → ∀ᶠ y in n a, ∀ᶠ x in n y, p x) :
∀ a, ∀ s ∈ n a, ∃ t ∈ n a, t ⊆ s ∧ ∀ a' ∈ t, s ∈ n a' :=
-- BOTH.
variable {X Y : Type*}
example (f : X → Y) : TopologicalSpace X → TopologicalSpace Y :=
TopologicalSpace.coinduced f
example (f : X → Y) : TopologicalSpace Y → TopologicalSpace X :=
TopologicalSpace.induced f
example (f : X → Y) (T_X : TopologicalSpace X) (T_Y : TopologicalSpace Y) :
TopologicalSpace.coinduced f T_X ≤ T_Y ↔ T_X ≤ TopologicalSpace.induced f T_Y :=
#check coinduced_compose
#check induced_compose
example {T T' : TopologicalSpace X} : T ≤ T' ↔ ∀ s, T'.IsOpen s → T.IsOpen s :=
example (T_X : TopologicalSpace X) (T_Y : TopologicalSpace Y) (f : X → Y) :
Continuous f ↔ TopologicalSpace.coinduced f T_X ≤ T_Y :=
example {Z : Type*} (f : X → Y) (T_X : TopologicalSpace X) (T_Z : TopologicalSpace Z)
(g : Y → Z) :
@Continuous Y Z (TopologicalSpace.coinduced f T_X) T_Z g ↔
@Continuous X Z T_X T_Z (g ∘ f) := by
rw [continuous_iff_coinduced_le, coinduced_compose, continuous_iff_coinduced_le]
example (ι : Type*) (X : ι → Type*) (T_X : ∀ i, TopologicalSpace (X i)) :
(Pi.topologicalSpace : TopologicalSpace (∀ i, X i)) =
⨅ i, TopologicalSpace.induced (fun x ↦ x i) (T_X i) :=
example [TopologicalSpace X] [T2Space X] {u : ℕ → X} {a b : X} (ha : Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 a))
(hb : Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 b)) : a = b :=
tendsto_nhds_unique ha hb
example [TopologicalSpace X] [RegularSpace X] (a : X) :
(𝓝 a).HasBasis (fun s : Set X ↦ s ∈ 𝓝 a ∧ IsClosed s) id :=
closed_nhds_basis a
example [TopologicalSpace X] {x : X} :
(𝓝 x).HasBasis (fun t : Set X ↦ t ∈ 𝓝 x ∧ IsOpen t) id :=
nhds_basis_opens' x
theorem aux {X Y A : Type*} [TopologicalSpace X] {c : A → X}
{f : A → Y} {x : X} {F : Filter Y}
(h : Tendsto f (comap c (𝓝 x)) F) {V' : Set Y} (V'_in : V' ∈ F) :
∃ V ∈ 𝓝 x, IsOpen V ∧ c ⁻¹' V ⊆ f ⁻¹' V' := by
example [TopologicalSpace X] [TopologicalSpace Y] [T3Space Y] {A : Set X}
(hA : ∀ x, x ∈ closure A) {f : A → Y} (f_cont : Continuous f)
(hf : ∀ x : X, ∃ c : Y, Tendsto f (comap (↑) (𝓝 x)) (𝓝 c)) :
∃ φ : X → Y, Continuous φ ∧ ∀ a : A, φ a = f a := by
#check HasBasis.tendsto_right_iff
example [TopologicalSpace X] [TopologicalSpace.FirstCountableTopology X]
{s : Set X} {a : X} :
a ∈ closure s ↔ ∃ u : ℕ → X, (∀ n, u n ∈ s) ∧ Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 a) :=
variable [TopologicalSpace X]
example {F : Filter X} {x : X} : ClusterPt x F ↔ NeBot (𝓝 x ⊓ F) :=
example {s : Set X} :
IsCompact s ↔ ∀ (F : Filter X) [NeBot F], F ≤ 𝓟 s → ∃ a ∈ s, ClusterPt a F :=
example [TopologicalSpace.FirstCountableTopology X] {s : Set X} {u : ℕ → X} (hs : IsCompact s)
(hu : ∀ n, u n ∈ s) : ∃ a ∈ s, ∃ φ : ℕ → ℕ, StrictMono φ ∧ Tendsto (u ∘ φ) atTop (𝓝 a) :=
hs.tendsto_subseq hu
variable [TopologicalSpace Y]
example {x : X} {F : Filter X} {G : Filter Y} (H : ClusterPt x F) {f : X → Y}
(hfx : ContinuousAt f x) (hf : Tendsto f F G) : ClusterPt (f x) G :=
ClusterPt.map H hfx hf
example [TopologicalSpace Y] {f : X → Y} (hf : Continuous f) {s : Set X} (hs : IsCompact s) :
IsCompact (f '' s) := by
intro F F_ne F_le
have map_eq : map f (𝓟 s ⊓ comap f F) = 𝓟 (f '' s) ⊓ F := by sorry
have Hne : (𝓟 s ⊓ comap f F).NeBot := by sorry
have Hle : 𝓟 s ⊓ comap f F ≤ 𝓟 s := inf_le_left
example {ι : Type*} {s : Set X} (hs : IsCompact s) (U : ι → Set X) (hUo : ∀ i, IsOpen (U i))
(hsU : s ⊆ ⋃ i, U i) : ∃ t : Finset ι, s ⊆ ⋃ i ∈ t, U i :=
hs.elim_finite_subcover U hUo hsU
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Topology.Instances.Real
open Set Filter Topology
-- In the next example we could use `tauto` in each proof instead of knowing the lemmas
example {α : Type*} (s : Set α) : Filter α :=
{ sets := { t | s ⊆ t }
univ_sets := subset_univ s
sets_of_superset := fun hU hUV ↦ Subset.trans hU hUV
inter_sets := fun hU hV ↦ subset_inter hU hV }
example : Filter ℕ :=
{ sets := { s | ∃ a, ∀ b, a ≤ b → b ∈ s }
univ_sets := by
use 42
sets_of_superset := by
rintro U V ⟨N, hN⟩ hUV
use N
inter_sets := by
rintro U V ⟨N, hN⟩ ⟨N', hN'⟩
use max N N'
intro b hb
rw [max_le_iff] at hb
constructor <;> tauto }
def Tendsto₁ {X Y : Type*} (f : X → Y) (F : Filter X) (G : Filter Y) :=
∀ V ∈ G, f ⁻¹' V ∈ F
example {X Y Z : Type*} {F : Filter X} {G : Filter Y} {H : Filter Z} {f : X → Y} {g : Y → Z}
(hf : Tendsto₁ f F G) (hg : Tendsto₁ g G H) : Tendsto₁ (g ∘ f) F H :=
map (g ∘ f) F = map g (map f F) := by rw [map_map]
_ ≤ map g G := (map_mono hf)
_ ≤ H := hg
example {X Y Z : Type*} {F : Filter X} {G : Filter Y} {H : Filter Z} {f : X → Y} {g : Y → Z}
(hf : Tendsto₁ f F G) (hg : Tendsto₁ g G H) : Tendsto₁ (g ∘ f) F H := by
intro V hV
rw [preimage_comp]
apply hf
apply hg
exact hV
example (f : ℕ → ℝ × ℝ) (x₀ y₀ : ℝ) :
Tendsto f atTop (𝓝 (x₀, y₀)) ↔
Tendsto (Prod.fst ∘ f) atTop (𝓝 x₀) ∧ Tendsto (Prod.snd ∘ f) atTop (𝓝 y₀) :=
Tendsto f atTop (𝓝 (x₀, y₀)) ↔ map f atTop ≤ 𝓝 (x₀, y₀) := Iff.rfl
_ ↔ map f atTop ≤ 𝓝 x₀ ×ˢ 𝓝 y₀ := by rw [nhds_prod_eq]
_ ↔ map f atTop ≤ comap Prod.fst (𝓝 x₀) ⊓ comap Prod.snd (𝓝 y₀) := Iff.rfl
_ ↔ map f atTop ≤ comap Prod.fst (𝓝 x₀) ∧ map f atTop ≤ comap Prod.snd (𝓝 y₀) := le_inf_iff
_ ↔ map Prod.fst (map f atTop) ≤ 𝓝 x₀ ∧ map Prod.snd (map f atTop) ≤ 𝓝 y₀ := by
rw [← map_le_iff_le_comap, ← map_le_iff_le_comap]
_ ↔ map (Prod.fst ∘ f) atTop ≤ 𝓝 x₀ ∧ map (Prod.snd ∘ f) atTop ≤ 𝓝 y₀ := by
rw [map_map, map_map]
-- an alternative solution
example (f : ℕ → ℝ × ℝ) (x₀ y₀ : ℝ) :
Tendsto f atTop (𝓝 (x₀, y₀)) ↔
Tendsto (Prod.fst ∘ f) atTop (𝓝 x₀) ∧ Tendsto (Prod.snd ∘ f) atTop (𝓝 y₀) := by
rw [nhds_prod_eq]
unfold Tendsto SProd.sprod Filter.instSProd Filter.prod
erw [le_inf_iff, ← map_le_iff_le_comap, map_map, ← map_le_iff_le_comap, map_map]
example (u : ℕ → ℝ) (M : Set ℝ) (x : ℝ) (hux : Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 x))
(huM : ∀ᶠ n in atTop, u n ∈ M) : x ∈ closure M :=
mem_closure_iff_clusterPt.mpr (neBot_of_le <| le_inf hux <| le_principal_iff.mpr huM)
@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Topology.Instances.Real
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.BanachSteinhaus
open Set Filter
open Topology Filter
variable {X : Type*} [MetricSpace X] (a b c : X)
#check (dist a b : ℝ)
#check (dist_nonneg : 0 ≤ dist a b)
#check (dist_eq_zero : dist a b = 0 ↔ a = b)
#check (dist_comm a b : dist a b = dist b a)
#check (dist_triangle a b c : dist a c ≤ dist a b + dist b c)
-- Note the next three lines are not quoted, their purpose is to make sure those things don't get renamed while we're looking elsewhere.
#check EMetricSpace
#check PseudoMetricSpace
#check PseudoEMetricSpace
example {u : ℕ → X} {a : X} :
Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 a) ↔ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ N, ∀ n ≥ N, dist (u n) a < ε :=
example {X Y : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [MetricSpace Y] {f : X → Y} :
Continuous f ↔
∀ x : X, ∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x', dist x' x < δ → dist (f x') (f x) < ε :=
example {X Y : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [MetricSpace Y] {f : X → Y} (hf : Continuous f) :
Continuous fun p : X × X ↦ dist (f p.1) (f p.2) := by continuity
example {X Y : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [MetricSpace Y] {f : X → Y} (hf : Continuous f) :
Continuous fun p : X × X ↦ dist (f p.1) (f p.2) :=
continuous_dist.comp ((hf.comp continuous_fst).prod_mk (hf.comp continuous_snd))
example {X Y : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [MetricSpace Y] {f : X → Y} (hf : Continuous f) :
Continuous fun p : X × X ↦ dist (f p.1) (f p.2) := by
apply Continuous.dist
exact hf.comp continuous_fst
exact hf.comp continuous_snd
example {X Y : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [MetricSpace Y] {f : X → Y} (hf : Continuous f) :
Continuous fun p : X × X ↦ dist (f p.1) (f p.2) :=
(hf.comp continuous_fst).dist (hf.comp continuous_snd)
example {X Y : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [MetricSpace Y] {f : X → Y} (hf : Continuous f) :
Continuous fun p : X × X ↦ dist (f p.1) (f p.2) :=
hf.fst'.dist hf.snd'
example {f : ℝ → X} (hf : Continuous f) : Continuous fun x : ℝ ↦ f (x ^ 2 + x) :=
example {f : ℝ → X} (hf : Continuous f) : Continuous fun x : ℝ ↦ f (x ^ 2 + x) :=
hf.comp <| (continuous_pow 2).add continuous_id
example {X Y : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [MetricSpace Y] (f : X → Y) (a : X) :
ContinuousAt f a ↔ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ {x}, dist x a < δ → dist (f x) (f a) < ε :=
variable (r : ℝ)
example : Metric.ball a r = { b | dist b a < r } :=
example : Metric.closedBall a r = { b | dist b a ≤ r } :=
example (hr : 0 < r) : a ∈ Metric.ball a r :=
Metric.mem_ball_self hr
example (hr : 0 ≤ r) : a ∈ Metric.closedBall a r :=
Metric.mem_closedBall_self hr
example (s : Set X) : IsOpen s ↔ ∀ x ∈ s, ∃ ε > 0, Metric.ball x ε ⊆ s :=
example {s : Set X} : IsClosed s ↔ IsOpen (sᶜ) :=
example {s : Set X} (hs : IsClosed s) {u : ℕ → X} (hu : Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 a))
(hus : ∀ n, u n ∈ s) : a ∈ s :=
hs.mem_of_tendsto hu (eventually_of_forall hus)
example {s : Set X} : a ∈ closure s ↔ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ b ∈ s, a ∈ Metric.ball b ε :=
example {u : ℕ → X} (hu : Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 a)) {s : Set X} (hs : ∀ n, u n ∈ s) :
a ∈ closure s :=
example {u : ℕ → X} (hu : Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 a)) {s : Set X} (hs : ∀ n, u n ∈ s) : a ∈ closure s := by
rw [Metric.tendsto_atTop] at hu
rw [Metric.mem_closure_iff]
intro ε ε_pos
rcases hu ε ε_pos with ⟨N, hN⟩
refine' ⟨u N, hs _, _⟩
rw [dist_comm]
exact hN N le_rfl
example {x : X} {s : Set X} : s ∈ 𝓝 x ↔ ∃ ε > 0, Metric.ball x ε ⊆ s :=
example {x : X} {s : Set X} : s ∈ 𝓝 x ↔ ∃ ε > 0, Metric.closedBall x ε ⊆ s :=
example : IsCompact (Set.Icc 0 1 : Set ℝ) :=
example {s : Set X} (hs : IsCompact s) {u : ℕ → X} (hu : ∀ n, u n ∈ s) :
∃ a ∈ s, ∃ φ : ℕ → ℕ, StrictMono φ ∧ Tendsto (u ∘ φ) atTop (𝓝 a) :=
hs.tendsto_subseq hu
example {s : Set X} (hs : IsCompact s) (hs' : s.Nonempty) {f : X → ℝ}
(hfs : ContinuousOn f s) :
∃ x ∈ s, ∀ y ∈ s, f x ≤ f y :=
hs.exists_forall_le hs' hfs
example {s : Set X} (hs : IsCompact s) (hs' : s.Nonempty) {f : X → ℝ}
(hfs : ContinuousOn f s) :
∃ x ∈ s, ∀ y ∈ s, f y ≤ f x :=
hs.exists_forall_ge hs' hfs
example {s : Set X} (hs : IsCompact s) : IsClosed s :=
example {X : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [CompactSpace X] : IsCompact (univ : Set X) :=
#check IsCompact.isClosed
example {X : Type*} [MetricSpace X] {Y : Type*} [MetricSpace Y] {f : X → Y} :
UniformContinuous f ↔
∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ {a b : X}, dist a b < δ → dist (f a) (f b) < ε :=
example {X : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [CompactSpace X]
{Y : Type*} [MetricSpace Y] {f : X → Y}
(hf : Continuous f) : UniformContinuous f :=
example {X : Type*} [MetricSpace X] [CompactSpace X] {Y : Type*} [MetricSpace Y] {f : X → Y}
(hf : Continuous f) : UniformContinuous f := by
rw [Metric.uniformContinuous_iff]
intro ε ε_pos
let φ : X × X → ℝ := fun p ↦ dist (f p.1) (f p.2)
have φ_cont : Continuous φ := hf.fst'.dist hf.snd'
let K := { p : X × X | ε ≤ φ p }
have K_closed : IsClosed K := isClosed_le continuous_const φ_cont
have K_cpct : IsCompact K := K_closed.isCompact
rcases eq_empty_or_nonempty K with hK | hK
· use 1, by norm_num
intro x y _
have : (x, y) ∉ K := by simp [hK]
simpa using this
· rcases K_cpct.exists_forall_le hK continuous_dist.continuousOn with ⟨⟨x₀, x₁⟩, xx_in, H⟩
use dist x₀ x₁
· change _ < _
rw [dist_pos]
intro h
have : ε ≤ 0 := by simpa [*] using xx_in
· intro x x'
intro hxx'
exact H (x, x') hxx'
example (u : ℕ → X) :
CauchySeq u ↔ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ N : ℕ, ∀ m ≥ N, ∀ n ≥ N, dist (u m) (u n) < ε :=
example (u : ℕ → X) :
CauchySeq u ↔ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ N : ℕ, ∀ n ≥ N, dist (u n) (u N) < ε :=
example [CompleteSpace X] (u : ℕ → X) (hu : CauchySeq u) :
∃ x, Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 x) :=
cauchySeq_tendsto_of_complete hu
open BigOperators
open Finset
theorem cauchySeq_of_le_geometric_two' {u : ℕ → X}
(hu : ∀ n : ℕ, dist (u n) (u (n + 1)) ≤ (1 / 2) ^ n) : CauchySeq u := by
rw [Metric.cauchySeq_iff']
intro ε ε_pos
obtain ⟨N, hN⟩ : ∃ N : ℕ, 1 / 2 ^ N * 2 < ε := by sorry
use N
intro n hn
obtain ⟨k, rfl : n = N + k⟩ := le_iff_exists_add.mp hn
dist (u (N + k)) (u N) = dist (u (N + 0)) (u (N + k)) := sorry
_ ≤ ∑ i in range k, dist (u (N + i)) (u (N + (i + 1))) := sorry
_ ≤ ∑ i in range k, (1 / 2 : ℝ) ^ (N + i) := sorry
_ = 1 / 2 ^ N * ∑ i in range k, (1 / 2 : ℝ) ^ i := sorry
_ ≤ 1 / 2 ^ N * 2 := sorry
_ < ε := sorry
example {u : ℕ → X} (hu : ∀ n : ℕ, dist (u n) (u (n + 1)) ≤ (1 / 2) ^ n) : CauchySeq u := by
rw [Metric.cauchySeq_iff']
intro ε ε_pos
obtain ⟨N, hN⟩ : ∃ N : ℕ, 1 / 2 ^ N * 2 < ε := by
have : Tendsto (fun N : ℕ ↦ (1 / 2 ^ N * 2 : ℝ)) atTop (𝓝 0) := by
rw [← zero_mul (2 : ℝ)]
apply Tendsto.mul
simp_rw [← one_div_pow (2 : ℝ)]
apply tendsto_pow_atTop_nhds_0_of_lt_1 <;> linarith
exact tendsto_const_nhds
rcases(atTop_basis.tendsto_iff (nhds_basis_Ioo_pos (0 : ℝ))).mp this ε ε_pos with ⟨N, _, hN⟩
exact ⟨N, by simpa using (hN N left_mem_Ici).2⟩
use N
intro n hn
obtain ⟨k, rfl : n = N + k⟩ := le_iff_exists_add.mp hn
dist (u (N + k)) (u N) = dist (u (N + 0)) (u (N + k)) := by rw [dist_comm, add_zero]
_ ≤ ∑ i in range k, dist (u (N + i)) (u (N + (i + 1))) :=
(dist_le_range_sum_dist (fun i ↦ u (N + i)) k)
_ ≤ ∑ i in range k, (1 / 2 : ℝ) ^ (N + i) := (sum_le_sum fun i _ ↦ hu <| N + i)
_ = 1 / 2 ^ N * ∑ i in range k, (1 / 2 : ℝ) ^ i := by simp_rw [← one_div_pow, pow_add, ← mul_sum]
_ ≤ 1 / 2 ^ N * 2 :=
(mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (sum_geometric_two_le _)
(one_div_nonneg.mpr (pow_nonneg (zero_le_two : (0 : ℝ) ≤ 2) _)))
_ < ε := hN
open Metric
example [CompleteSpace X] (f : ℕ → Set X) (ho : ∀ n, IsOpen (f n)) (hd : ∀ n, Dense (f n)) :
Dense (⋂ n, f n) := by
let B : ℕ → ℝ := fun n ↦ (1 / 2) ^ n
have Bpos : ∀ n, 0 < B n
/- Translate the density assumption into two functions `center` and `radius` associating
to any n, x, δ, δpos a center and a positive radius such that
`closedBall center radius` is included both in `f n` and in `closedBall x δ`.
We can also require `radius ≤ (1/2)^(n+1)`, to ensure we get a Cauchy sequence later. -/
have :
∀ (n : ℕ) (x : X),
∀ δ > 0, ∃ y : X, ∃ r > 0, r ≤ B (n + 1) ∧ closedBall y r ⊆ closedBall x δ ∩ f n :=
by sorry
choose! center radius Hpos HB Hball using this
intro x
rw [mem_closure_iff_nhds_basis nhds_basis_closedBall]
intro ε εpos
/- `ε` is positive. We have to find a point in the ball of radius `ε` around `x`
belonging to all `f n`. For this, we construct inductively a sequence
`F n = (c n, r n)` such that the closed ball `closedBall (c n) (r n)` is included
in the previous ball and in `f n`, and such that `r n` is small enough to ensure
that `c n` is a Cauchy sequence. Then `c n` converges to a limit which belongs
to all the `f n`. -/
let F : ℕ → X × ℝ := fun n ↦
Nat.recOn n (Prod.mk x (min ε (B 0)))
fun n p ↦ Prod.mk (center n p.1 p.2) (radius n p.1 p.2)
let c : ℕ → X := fun n ↦ (F n).1
let r : ℕ → ℝ := fun n ↦ (F n).2
have rpos : ∀ n, 0 < r n := by sorry
have rB : ∀ n, r n ≤ B n := by sorry
have incl : ∀ n, closedBall (c (n + 1)) (r (n + 1)) ⊆ closedBall (c n) (r n) ∩ f n := by
have cdist : ∀ n, dist (c n) (c (n + 1)) ≤ B n := by sorry
have : CauchySeq c := cauchySeq_of_le_geometric_two' cdist
-- as the sequence `c n` is Cauchy in a complete space, it converges to a limit `y`.
rcases cauchySeq_tendsto_of_complete this with ⟨y, ylim⟩
-- this point `y` will be the desired point. We will check that it belongs to all
-- `f n` and to `ball x ε`.
use y
have I : ∀ n, ∀ m ≥ n, closedBall (c m) (r m) ⊆ closedBall (c n) (r n) := by sorry
have yball : ∀ n, y ∈ closedBall (c n) (r n) := by sorry
example [CompleteSpace X] (f : ℕ → Set X) (ho : ∀ n, IsOpen (f n)) (hd : ∀ n, Dense (f n)) :
Dense (⋂ n, f n) := by
let B : ℕ → ℝ := fun n ↦ (1 / 2) ^ n
have Bpos : ∀ n, 0 < B n := fun n ↦ pow_pos sorry n
/- Translate the density assumption into two functions `center` and `radius` associating
to any n, x, δ, δpos a center and a positive radius such that
`closedBall center radius` is included both in `f n` and in `closedBall x δ`.
We can also require `radius ≤ (1/2)^(n+1)`, to ensure we get a Cauchy sequence later. -/
have :
∀ (n : ℕ) (x : X),
∀ δ > 0, ∃ y : X, ∃ r > 0, r ≤ B (n + 1) ∧ closedBall y r ⊆ closedBall x δ ∩ f n := by
intro n x δ δpos
have : x ∈ closure (f n) := hd n x
rcases Metric.mem_closure_iff.1 this (δ / 2) (half_pos δpos) with ⟨y, ys, xy⟩
rw [dist_comm] at xy
obtain ⟨r, rpos, hr⟩ : ∃ r > 0, closedBall y r ⊆ f n :=
nhds_basis_closedBall.mem_iff.1 (isOpen_iff_mem_nhds.1 (ho n) y ys)
refine' ⟨y, min (min (δ / 2) r) (B (n + 1)), _, _, fun z hz ↦ ⟨_, _⟩⟩
show 0 < min (min (δ / 2) r) (B (n + 1))
exact lt_min (lt_min (half_pos δpos) rpos) (Bpos (n + 1))
show min (min (δ / 2) r) (B (n + 1)) ≤ B (n + 1)
exact min_le_right _ _
show z ∈ closedBall x δ
dist z x ≤ dist z y + dist y x := dist_triangle _ _ _
_ ≤ min (min (δ / 2) r) (B (n + 1)) + δ / 2 := (add_le_add hz xy.le)
_ ≤ δ / 2 + δ / 2 := (add_le_add_right ((min_le_left _ _).trans (min_le_left _ _)) _)
_ = δ := add_halves δ
show z ∈ f n
dist z y ≤ min (min (δ / 2) r) (B (n + 1)) := hz
_ ≤ r := (min_le_left _ _).trans (min_le_right _ _)
choose! center radius Hpos HB Hball using this
refine' fun x ↦ (mem_closure_iff_nhds_basis nhds_basis_closedBall).2 fun ε εpos ↦ _
/- `ε` is positive. We have to find a point in the ball of radius `ε` around `x` belonging to all
`f n`. For this, we construct inductively a sequence `F n = (c n, r n)` such that the closed ball
`closedBall (c n) (r n)` is included in the previous ball and in `f n`, and such that
`r n` is small enough to ensure that `c n` is a Cauchy sequence. Then `c n` converges to a
limit which belongs to all the `f n`. -/
let F : ℕ → X × ℝ := fun n ↦
Nat.recOn n (Prod.mk x (min ε (B 0))) fun n p ↦ Prod.mk (center n p.1 p.2) (radius n p.1 p.2)
let c : ℕ → X := fun n ↦ (F n).1
let r : ℕ → ℝ := fun n ↦ (F n).2
have rpos : ∀ n, 0 < r n := by
intro n
induction' n with n hn
exact lt_min εpos (Bpos 0)
exact Hpos n (c n) (r n) hn
have rB : ∀ n, r n ≤ B n := by
intro n
induction' n with n hn
exact min_le_right _ _
exact HB n (c n) (r n) (rpos n)
have incl : ∀ n, closedBall (c (n + 1)) (r (n + 1)) ⊆ closedBall (c n) (r n) ∩ f n := fun n ↦
Hball n (c n) (r n) (rpos n)
have cdist : ∀ n, dist (c n) (c (n + 1)) ≤ B n := by
intro n
rw [dist_comm]
have A : c (n + 1) ∈ closedBall (c (n + 1)) (r (n + 1)) :=
mem_closedBall_self (rpos <| n + 1).le
have I :=
closedBall (c (n + 1)) (r (n + 1)) ⊆ closedBall (c n) (r n) :=
(incl n).trans (inter_subset_left _ _)
_ ⊆ closedBall (c n) (B n) := closedBall_subset_closedBall (rB n)
exact I A
have : CauchySeq c := cauchySeq_of_le_geometric_two' cdist
-- as the sequence `c n` is Cauchy in a complete space, it converges to a limit `y`.
rcases cauchySeq_tendsto_of_complete this with ⟨y, ylim⟩
-- this point `y` will be the desired point. We will check that it belongs to all
-- `f n` and to `ball x ε`.
use y
have I : ∀ n, ∀ m ≥ n, closedBall (c m) (r m) ⊆ closedBall (c n) (r n) := by
intro n
refine' Nat.le_induction _ fun m hnm h ↦ _
· exact Subset.rfl
· exact (incl m).trans ((Set.inter_subset_left _ _).trans h)
have yball : ∀ n, y ∈ closedBall (c n) (r n) := by
intro n
refine' isClosed_ball.mem_of_tendsto ylim _
refine' (Filter.eventually_ge_atTop n).mono fun m hm ↦ _
exact I n m hm (mem_closedBall_self (rpos _).le)
· suffices ∀ n, y ∈ f n by rwa [Set.mem_iInter]
intro n
have : closedBall (c (n + 1)) (r (n + 1)) ⊆ f n :=
Subset.trans (incl n) (inter_subset_right _ _)
exact this (yball (n + 1))
dist y x ≤ r 0 := yball 0
_ ≤ ε := min_le_left _ _
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Topology.Instances.Real
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.BanachSteinhaus
open Set Filter Topology
variable {X : Type*} [TopologicalSpace X]
example : IsOpen (univ : Set X) :=
example : IsOpen (∅ : Set X) :=
example {ι : Type*} {s : ι → Set X} (hs : ∀ i, IsOpen (s i)) : IsOpen (⋃ i, s i) :=
isOpen_iUnion hs
example {ι : Type*} [Fintype ι] {s : ι → Set X} (hs : ∀ i, IsOpen (s i)) :
IsOpen (⋂ i, s i) :=
isOpen_iInter_of_finite hs
variable {Y : Type*} [TopologicalSpace Y]
example {f : X → Y} : Continuous f ↔ ∀ s, IsOpen s → IsOpen (f ⁻¹' s) :=
example {f : X → Y} {x : X} : ContinuousAt f x ↔ map f (𝓝 x) ≤ 𝓝 (f x) :=
example {f : X → Y} {x : X} : ContinuousAt f x ↔ ∀ U ∈ 𝓝 (f x), ∀ᶠ x in 𝓝 x, f x ∈ U :=
example {x : X} {s : Set X} : s ∈ 𝓝 x ↔ ∃ t, t ⊆ s ∧ IsOpen t ∧ x ∈ t :=
example (x : X) : pure x ≤ 𝓝 x :=
pure_le_nhds x
example (x : X) (P : X → Prop) (h : ∀ᶠ y in 𝓝 x, P y) : P x :=
example {P : X → Prop} {x : X} (h : ∀ᶠ y in 𝓝 x, P y) : ∀ᶠ y in 𝓝 x, ∀ᶠ z in 𝓝 y, P z :=
eventually_eventually_nhds.mpr h
#check TopologicalSpace.mkOfNhds
#check TopologicalSpace.nhds_mkOfNhds
example {α : Type*} (n : α → Filter α) (H₀ : ∀ a, pure a ≤ n a)
(H : ∀ a : α, ∀ p : α → Prop, (∀ᶠ x in n a, p x) → ∀ᶠ y in n a, ∀ᶠ x in n y, p x) :
∀ a, ∀ s ∈ n a, ∃ t ∈ n a, t ⊆ s ∧ ∀ a' ∈ t, s ∈ n a' :=
example {α : Type*} (n : α → Filter α) (H₀ : ∀ a, pure a ≤ n a)
(H : ∀ a : α, ∀ p : α → Prop, (∀ᶠ x in n a, p x) → ∀ᶠ y in n a, ∀ᶠ x in n y, p x) :
∀ a, ∀ s ∈ n a, ∃ t ∈ n a, t ⊆ s ∧ ∀ a' ∈ t, s ∈ n a' := by
intro a s s_in
refine' ⟨{ y | s ∈ n y }, H a (fun x ↦ x ∈ s) s_in, _, by tauto⟩
rintro y (hy : s ∈ n y)
exact H₀ y hy
-- BOTH.
variable {X Y : Type*}
example (f : X → Y) : TopologicalSpace X → TopologicalSpace Y :=
TopologicalSpace.coinduced f
example (f : X → Y) : TopologicalSpace Y → TopologicalSpace X :=
TopologicalSpace.induced f
example (f : X → Y) (T_X : TopologicalSpace X) (T_Y : TopologicalSpace Y) :
TopologicalSpace.coinduced f T_X ≤ T_Y ↔ T_X ≤ TopologicalSpace.induced f T_Y :=
#check coinduced_compose
#check induced_compose
example {T T' : TopologicalSpace X} : T ≤ T' ↔ ∀ s, T'.IsOpen s → T.IsOpen s :=
example (T_X : TopologicalSpace X) (T_Y : TopologicalSpace Y) (f : X → Y) :
Continuous f ↔ TopologicalSpace.coinduced f T_X ≤ T_Y :=
example {Z : Type*} (f : X → Y) (T_X : TopologicalSpace X) (T_Z : TopologicalSpace Z)
(g : Y → Z) :
@Continuous Y Z (TopologicalSpace.coinduced f T_X) T_Z g ↔
@Continuous X Z T_X T_Z (g ∘ f) := by
rw [continuous_iff_coinduced_le, coinduced_compose, continuous_iff_coinduced_le]
example (ι : Type*) (X : ι → Type*) (T_X : ∀ i, TopologicalSpace (X i)) :
(Pi.topologicalSpace : TopologicalSpace (∀ i, X i)) =
⨅ i, TopologicalSpace.induced (fun x ↦ x i) (T_X i) :=
example [TopologicalSpace X] [T2Space X] {u : ℕ → X} {a b : X} (ha : Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 a))
(hb : Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 b)) : a = b :=
tendsto_nhds_unique ha hb
example [TopologicalSpace X] [RegularSpace X] (a : X) :
(𝓝 a).HasBasis (fun s : Set X ↦ s ∈ 𝓝 a ∧ IsClosed s) id :=
closed_nhds_basis a
example [TopologicalSpace X] {x : X} :
(𝓝 x).HasBasis (fun t : Set X ↦ t ∈ 𝓝 x ∧ IsOpen t) id :=
nhds_basis_opens' x
theorem aux {X Y A : Type*} [TopologicalSpace X] {c : A → X}
{f : A → Y} {x : X} {F : Filter Y}
(h : Tendsto f (comap c (𝓝 x)) F) {V' : Set Y} (V'_in : V' ∈ F) :
∃ V ∈ 𝓝 x, IsOpen V ∧ c ⁻¹' V ⊆ f ⁻¹' V' := by
simpa [and_assoc] using ((nhds_basis_opens' x).comap c).tendsto_left_iff.mp h V' V'_in
example [TopologicalSpace X] [TopologicalSpace Y] [T3Space Y] {A : Set X}
(hA : ∀ x, x ∈ closure A) {f : A → Y} (f_cont : Continuous f)
(hf : ∀ x : X, ∃ c : Y, Tendsto f (comap (↑) (𝓝 x)) (𝓝 c)) :
∃ φ : X → Y, Continuous φ ∧ ∀ a : A, φ a = f a := by
choose φ hφ using hf
use φ
· rw [continuous_iff_continuousAt]
intro x
suffices ∀ V' ∈ 𝓝 (φ x), IsClosed V' → φ ⁻¹' V' ∈ 𝓝 x by
simpa [ContinuousAt, (closed_nhds_basis (φ x)).tendsto_right_iff]
intro V' V'_in V'_closed
obtain ⟨V, V_in, V_op, hV⟩ : ∃ V ∈ 𝓝 x, IsOpen V ∧ (↑) ⁻¹' V ⊆ f ⁻¹' V' := aux (hφ x) V'_in
suffices : ∀ y ∈ V, φ y ∈ V'
exact mem_of_superset V_in this
intro y y_in
have hVx : V ∈ 𝓝 y := V_op.mem_nhds y_in
haveI : (comap ((↑) : A → X) (𝓝 y)).NeBot := by simpa [mem_closure_iff_comap_neBot] using hA y
apply V'_closed.mem_of_tendsto (hφ y)
exact mem_of_superset (preimage_mem_comap hVx) hV
· intro a
have lim : Tendsto f (𝓝 a) (𝓝 (φ a)) := by simpa [nhds_induced] using hφ a
exact tendsto_nhds_unique lim f_cont.continuousAt
example [TopologicalSpace X] [TopologicalSpace.FirstCountableTopology X]
{s : Set X} {a : X} :
a ∈ closure s ↔ ∃ u : ℕ → X, (∀ n, u n ∈ s) ∧ Tendsto u atTop (𝓝 a) :=
variable [TopologicalSpace X]
example {F : Filter X} {x : X} : ClusterPt x F ↔ NeBot (𝓝 x ⊓ F) :=
example {s : Set X} :
IsCompact s ↔ ∀ (F : Filter X) [NeBot F], F ≤ 𝓟 s → ∃ a ∈ s, ClusterPt a F :=
example [TopologicalSpace.FirstCountableTopology X] {s : Set X} {u : ℕ → X} (hs : IsCompact s)
(hu : ∀ n, u n ∈ s) : ∃ a ∈ s, ∃ φ : ℕ → ℕ, StrictMono φ ∧ Tendsto (u ∘ φ) atTop (𝓝 a) :=
hs.tendsto_subseq hu
variable [TopologicalSpace Y]
example {x : X} {F : Filter X} {G : Filter Y} (H : ClusterPt x F) {f : X → Y}
(hfx : ContinuousAt f x) (hf : Tendsto f F G) : ClusterPt (f x) G :=
ClusterPt.map H hfx hf
example [TopologicalSpace Y] {f : X → Y} (hf : Continuous f) {s : Set X} (hs : IsCompact s) :
IsCompact (f '' s) := by
intro F F_ne F_le
have map_eq : map f (𝓟 s ⊓ comap f F) = 𝓟 (f '' s) ⊓ F := by rw [Filter.push_pull, map_principal]
have Hne : (𝓟 s ⊓ comap f F).NeBot := by
apply NeBot.of_map
rwa [map_eq, inf_of_le_right F_le]
have Hle : 𝓟 s ⊓ comap f F ≤ 𝓟 s := inf_le_left
rcases hs Hle with ⟨x, x_in, hx⟩
refine' ⟨f x, mem_image_of_mem f x_in, _⟩
apply hx.map hf.continuousAt
rw [Tendsto, map_eq]
exact inf_le_right
example {ι : Type*} {s : Set X} (hs : IsCompact s) (U : ι → Set X) (hUo : ∀ i, IsOpen (U i))
(hsU : s ⊆ ⋃ i, U i) : ∃ t : Finset ι, s ⊆ ⋃ i ∈ t, U i :=
hs.elim_finite_subcover U hUo hsU
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Deriv
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.Deriv.Pow
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.MeanValue
open Set Filter
open Topology Filter Classical Real
noncomputable section
open Real
/-- The sin function has derivative 1 at 0. -/
example : HasDerivAt sin 1 0 := by simpa using hasDerivAt_sin 0
example (x : ℝ) : DifferentiableAt ℝ sin x :=
(hasDerivAt_sin x).differentiableAt
example {f : ℝ → ℝ} {x a : ℝ} (h : HasDerivAt f a x) : deriv f x = a :=
example {f : ℝ → ℝ} {x : ℝ} (h : ¬DifferentiableAt ℝ f x) : deriv f x = 0 :=
deriv_zero_of_not_differentiableAt h
example {f g : ℝ → ℝ} {x : ℝ} (hf : DifferentiableAt ℝ f x) (hg : DifferentiableAt ℝ g x) :
deriv (f + g) x = deriv f x + deriv g x :=
deriv_add hf hg
example {f : ℝ → ℝ} {a : ℝ} (h : IsLocalMin f a) : deriv f a = 0 :=
open Set
example {f : ℝ → ℝ} {a b : ℝ} (hab : a < b) (hfc : ContinuousOn f (Icc a b)) (hfI : f a = f b) :
∃ c ∈ Ioo a b, deriv f c = 0 :=
exists_deriv_eq_zero hab hfc hfI
example (f : ℝ → ℝ) {a b : ℝ} (hab : a < b) (hf : ContinuousOn f (Icc a b))
(hf' : DifferentiableOn ℝ f (Ioo a b)) : ∃ c ∈ Ioo a b, deriv f c = (f b - f a) / (b - a) :=
exists_deriv_eq_slope f hab hf hf'
example : deriv (fun x : ℝ ↦ x ^ 5) 6 = 5 * 6 ^ 4 := by simp
example : deriv sin π = -1 := by simp
@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.BanachSteinhaus
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.FiniteDimension
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.Inverse
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.ContDiff
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.FDeriv.Prod
open Set Filter
open Topology Filter
noncomputable section
variable {E : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E]
example (x : E) : 0 ≤ ‖x‖ :=
norm_nonneg x
example {x : E} : ‖x‖ = 0 ↔ x = 0 :=
example (x y : E) : ‖x + y‖ ≤ ‖x‖ + ‖y‖ :=
norm_add_le x y
example : MetricSpace E := by infer_instance
example {X : Type*} [TopologicalSpace X] {f : X → E} (hf : Continuous f) :
Continuous fun x ↦ ‖f x‖ :=
variable [NormedSpace ℝ E]
example (a : ℝ) (x : E) : ‖a • x‖ = |a| * ‖x‖ :=
norm_smul a x
example [FiniteDimensional ℝ E] : CompleteSpace E := by infer_instance
example (𝕜 : Type*) [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] (x y : 𝕜) : ‖x * y‖ = ‖x‖ * ‖y‖ :=
norm_mul x y
example (𝕜 : Type*) [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] : ∃ x : 𝕜, 1 < ‖x‖ :=
NormedField.exists_one_lt_norm 𝕜
example (𝕜 : Type*) [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] (E : Type*) [NormedAddCommGroup E]
[NormedSpace 𝕜 E] [CompleteSpace 𝕜] [FiniteDimensional 𝕜 E] : CompleteSpace E :=
FiniteDimensional.complete 𝕜 E
variable {𝕜 : Type*} [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] {E : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E]
[NormedSpace 𝕜 E] {F : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace 𝕜 F]
example : E →L[𝕜] E :=
ContinuousLinearMap.id 𝕜 E
example (f : E →L[𝕜] F) : E → F :=
example (f : E →L[𝕜] F) : Continuous f :=
example (f : E →L[𝕜] F) (x y : E) : f (x + y) = f x + f y :=
f.map_add x y
example (f : E →L[𝕜] F) (a : 𝕜) (x : E) : f (a • x) = a • f x :=
f.map_smul a x
variable (f : E →L[𝕜] F)
example (x : E) : ‖f x‖ ≤ ‖f‖ * ‖x‖ :=
f.le_op_norm x
example {M : ℝ} (hMp : 0 ≤ M) (hM : ∀ x, ‖f x‖ ≤ M * ‖x‖) : ‖f‖ ≤ M :=
f.op_norm_le_bound hMp hM
variable {𝕜 : Type*} [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] {E : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E]
[NormedSpace 𝕜 E] {F : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace 𝕜 F]
open Metric
example {ι : Type*} [CompleteSpace E] {g : ι → E →L[𝕜] F} (h : ∀ x, ∃ C, ∀ i, ‖g i x‖ ≤ C) :
∃ C', ∀ i, ‖g i‖ ≤ C' := by
-- sequence of subsets consisting of those `x : E` with norms `‖g i x‖` bounded by `n`
let e : ℕ → Set E := fun n ↦ ⋂ i : ι, { x : E | ‖g i x‖ ≤ n }
-- each of these sets is closed
have hc : ∀ n : ℕ, IsClosed (e n)
-- the union is the entire space; this is where we use `h`
have hU : (⋃ n : ℕ, e n) = univ
/- apply the Baire category theorem to conclude that for some `m : ℕ`,
`e m` contains some `x` -/
obtain ⟨m, x, hx⟩ : ∃ m, ∃ x, x ∈ interior (e m) := sorry
obtain ⟨ε, ε_pos, hε⟩ : ∃ ε > 0, ball x ε ⊆ interior (e m) := sorry
obtain ⟨k, hk⟩ : ∃ k : 𝕜, 1 < ‖k‖ := sorry
-- show all elements in the ball have norm bounded by `m` after applying any `g i`
have real_norm_le : ∀ z ∈ ball x ε, ∀ (i : ι), ‖g i z‖ ≤ m
have εk_pos : 0 < ε / ‖k‖ := sorry
refine' ⟨(m + m : ℕ) / (ε / ‖k‖), fun i ↦ ContinuousLinearMap.op_norm_le_of_shell ε_pos _ hk _⟩
open Asymptotics
example {α : Type*} {E : Type*} [NormedGroup E] {F : Type*} [NormedGroup F] (c : ℝ)
(l : Filter α) (f : α → E) (g : α → F) : IsBigOWith c l f g ↔ ∀ᶠ x in l, ‖f x‖ ≤ c * ‖g x‖ :=
example {α : Type*} {E : Type*} [NormedGroup E] {F : Type*} [NormedGroup F]
(l : Filter α) (f : α → E) (g : α → F) : f =O[l] g ↔ ∃ C, IsBigOWith C l f g :=
example {α : Type*} {E : Type*} [NormedGroup E] {F : Type*} [NormedGroup F]
(l : Filter α) (f : α → E) (g : α → F) : f =o[l] g ↔ ∀ C > 0, IsBigOWith C l f g :=
example {α : Type*} {E : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E] (l : Filter α) (f g : α → E) :
f ~[l] g ↔ (f - g) =o[l] g :=
open Topology
variable {𝕜 : Type*} [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] {E : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E]
[NormedSpace 𝕜 E] {F : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace 𝕜 F]
example (f : E → F) (f' : E →L[𝕜] F) (x₀ : E) :
HasFDerivAt f f' x₀ ↔ (fun x ↦ f x - f x₀ - f' (x - x₀)) =o[𝓝 x₀] fun x ↦ x - x₀ :=
example (f : E → F) (f' : E →L[𝕜] F) (x₀ : E) (hff' : HasFDerivAt f f' x₀) : fderiv 𝕜 f x₀ = f' :=
example (n : ℕ) (f : E → F) : E → E[×n]→L[𝕜] F :=
iteratedFDeriv 𝕜 n f
example (n : WithTop ℕ) {f : E → F} :
ContDiff 𝕜 n f ↔
(∀ m : ℕ, (m : WithTop ℕ) ≤ n → Continuous fun x ↦ iteratedFDeriv 𝕜 m f x) ∧
∀ m : ℕ, (m : WithTop ℕ) < n → Differentiable 𝕜 fun x ↦ iteratedFDeriv 𝕜 m f x :=
example {𝕂 : Type*} [IsROrC 𝕂] {E : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace 𝕂 E] {F : Type*}
[NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace 𝕂 F] {f : E → F} {x : E} {n : WithTop ℕ}
(hf : ContDiffAt 𝕂 n f x) (hn : 1 ≤ n) : HasStrictFDerivAt f (fderiv 𝕂 f x) x :=
hf.hasStrictFDerivAt hn
section LocalInverse
variable [CompleteSpace E] {f : E → F} {f' : E ≃L[𝕜] F} {a : E}
example (hf : HasStrictFDerivAt f (f' : E →L[𝕜] F) a) : F → E :=
HasStrictFDerivAt.localInverse f f' a hf
example (hf : HasStrictFDerivAt f (f' : E →L[𝕜] F) a) :
∀ᶠ x in 𝓝 a, hf.localInverse f f' a (f x) = x :=
example (hf : HasStrictFDerivAt f (f' : E →L[𝕜] F) a) :
∀ᶠ x in 𝓝 (f a), f (hf.localInverse f f' a x) = x :=
example {f : E → F} {f' : E ≃L[𝕜] F} {a : E}
(hf : HasStrictFDerivAt f (f' : E →L[𝕜] F) a) :
HasStrictFDerivAt (HasStrictFDerivAt.localInverse f f' a hf) (f'.symm : F →L[𝕜] E) (f a) :=
HasStrictFDerivAt.to_localInverse hf
end LocalInverse
#check HasFDerivWithinAt
#check HasFDerivAtFilter
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Trigonometric.Deriv
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.Deriv.Pow
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.MeanValue
open Set Filter
open Topology Filter Classical Real
noncomputable section
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.BanachSteinhaus
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.FiniteDimension
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.Inverse
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.ContDiff
import Mathlib.Analysis.Calculus.FDeriv.Prod
open Set Filter
open Topology Filter
noncomputable section
variable {𝕜 : Type*} [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] {E : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup E]
[NormedSpace 𝕜 E] {F : Type*} [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedSpace 𝕜 F]
open Metric
example {ι : Type*} [CompleteSpace E] {g : ι → E →L[𝕜] F} (h : ∀ x, ∃ C, ∀ i, ‖g i x‖ ≤ C) :
∃ C', ∀ i, ‖g i‖ ≤ C' := by
-- sequence of subsets consisting of those `x : E` with norms `‖g i x‖` bounded by `n`
let e : ℕ → Set E := fun n ↦ ⋂ i : ι, { x : E | ‖g i x‖ ≤ n }
-- each of these sets is closed
have hc : ∀ n : ℕ, IsClosed (e n) := fun i ↦
isClosed_iInter fun i ↦ isClosed_le (g i).cont.norm continuous_const
-- the union is the entire space; this is where we use `h`
have hU : (⋃ n : ℕ, e n) = univ := by
refine' eq_univ_of_forall fun x ↦ _
rcases h x with ⟨C, hC⟩
obtain ⟨m, hm⟩ := exists_nat_ge C
exact ⟨e m, mem_range_self m, mem_iInter.mpr fun i ↦ le_trans (hC i) hm⟩
/- apply the Baire category theorem to conclude that for some `m : ℕ`,
`e m` contains some `x` -/
obtain ⟨m : ℕ, x : E, hx : x ∈ interior (e m)⟩ := nonempty_interior_of_iUnion_of_closed hc hU
obtain ⟨ε, ε_pos, hε : ball x ε ⊆ interior (e m)⟩ := isOpen_iff.mp isOpen_interior x hx
obtain ⟨k : 𝕜, hk : 1 < ‖k‖⟩ := NormedField.exists_one_lt_norm 𝕜
-- show all elements in the ball have norm bounded by `m` after applying any `g i`
have real_norm_le : ∀ z ∈ ball x ε, ∀ (i : ι), ‖g i z‖ ≤ m := by
intro z hz i
replace hz := mem_iInter.mp (interior_iInter_subset _ (hε hz)) i
apply interior_subset hz
have εk_pos : 0 < ε / ‖k‖ := div_pos ε_pos (zero_lt_one.trans hk)
refine' ⟨(m + m : ℕ) / (ε / ‖k‖), fun i ↦ ContinuousLinearMap.op_norm_le_of_shell ε_pos _ hk _⟩
· exact div_nonneg (Nat.cast_nonneg _) εk_pos.le
intro y le_y y_lt
‖g i y‖ = ‖g i (y + x) - g i x‖ := by rw [(g i).map_add, add_sub_cancel]
_ ≤ ‖g i (y + x)‖ + ‖g i x‖ := (norm_sub_le _ _)
_ ≤ m + m :=
(add_le_add (real_norm_le (y + x) (by rwa [add_comm, add_mem_ball_iff_norm]) i)
(real_norm_le x (mem_ball_self ε_pos) i))
_ = (m + m : ℕ) := by norm_cast
_ ≤ (m + m : ℕ) * (‖y‖ / (ε / ‖k‖)) :=
(le_mul_of_one_le_right (Nat.cast_nonneg _)
((one_le_div <| div_pos ε_pos (zero_lt_one.trans hk)).2 le_y))
_ = (m + m : ℕ) / (ε / ‖k‖) * ‖y‖ := (mul_comm_div _ _ _).symm
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Integral.IntervalIntegral
import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Integrals
import Mathlib.Analysis.Convolution
local macro_rules | `($x ^ $y) => `(HPow.hPow $x $y)
open Set Filter
open Topology Filter
noncomputable section
open MeasureTheory intervalIntegral
open Interval
-- this introduces the notation `[[a, b]]` for the segment from `min a b` to `max a b`
example (a b : ℝ) : (∫ x in a..b, x) = (b ^ 2 - a ^ 2) / 2 :=
example {a b : ℝ} (h : (0 : ℝ) ∉ [[a, b]]) : (∫ x in a..b, 1 / x) = Real.log (b / a) :=
integral_one_div h
example (f : ℝ → ℝ) (hf : Continuous f) (a b : ℝ) : deriv (fun u ↦ ∫ x : ℝ in a..u, f x) b = f b :=
(integral_hasStrictDerivAt_right (hf.intervalIntegrable _ _) (hf.stronglyMeasurableAtFilter _ _)
example {f : ℝ → ℝ} {a b : ℝ} {f' : ℝ → ℝ} (h : ∀ x ∈ [[a, b]], HasDerivAt f (f' x) x)
(h' : IntervalIntegrable f' volume a b) : (∫ y in a..b, f' y) = f b - f a :=
integral_eq_sub_of_hasDerivAt h h'
open Convolution
example (f : ℝ → ℝ) (g : ℝ → ℝ) : f ⋆ g = fun x ↦ ∫ t, f t * g (x - t) :=
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
import MIL.Common
import Mathlib.Analysis.NormedSpace.FiniteDimension
import Mathlib.Analysis.Convolution
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Function.Jacobian
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Integral.Bochner
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Measure.Lebesgue.Basic
open Set Filter
noncomputable section
variable {α : Type*} [MeasurableSpace α]
example : MeasurableSet (∅ : Set α) :=
example : MeasurableSet (univ : Set α) :=
example {s : Set α} (hs : MeasurableSet s) : MeasurableSet (sᶜ) :=
example : Encodable ℕ := by infer_instance
example (n : ℕ) : Encodable (Fin n) := by infer_instance
variable {ι : Type*} [Encodable ι]
example {f : ι → Set α} (h : ∀ b, MeasurableSet (f b)) : MeasurableSet (⋃ b, f b) :=
MeasurableSet.iUnion h
example {f : ι → Set α} (h : ∀ b, MeasurableSet (f b)) : MeasurableSet (⋂ b, f b) :=
MeasurableSet.iInter h
open MeasureTheory
variable {μ : Measure α}
example (s : Set α) : μ s = ⨅ (t : Set α) (_ : s ⊆ t) (_ : MeasurableSet t), μ t :=
measure_eq_iInf s
example (s : ι → Set α) : μ (⋃ i, s i) ≤ ∑' i, μ (s i) :=
measure_iUnion_le s
example {f : ℕ → Set α} (hmeas : ∀ i, MeasurableSet (f i)) (hdis : Pairwise (Disjoint on f)) :
μ (⋃ i, f i) = ∑' i, μ (f i) :=
μ.m_iUnion hmeas hdis
example {P : α → Prop} : (∀ᵐ x ∂μ, P x) ↔ ∀ᶠ x in μ.ae, P x :=
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