Merge branch 'serial/expr' into tactic/eval

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Leni Aniva 2024-06-25 16:05:20 -04:00
commit c0124b347f
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5 changed files with 143 additions and 15 deletions

Pantograph/Condensed.lean Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
/- structures for FFI based interface -/
import Lean
open Lean
namespace Pantograph.Condensed
These two functions are for user defiend names. For internal names such as
`_uniq`, it is favourable to use `lean_name_hash_exported` and `lean_name_eq` to
construct hash maps for Lean names.
@[export pantograph_str_to_name]
def strToName (s: String) : Name := s.toName
@[export pantograph_name_to_str]
def nameToStr (s: String) : Name := s.toName
@[export pantograph_name_is_inaccessible]
def isInaccessible (n: Name) : Bool := n.isInaccessibleUserName
-- Mirrors Lean's LocalDecl
structure LocalDecl where
-- Default value is for testing
fvarId: FVarId := { name := .anonymous }
userName: Name
-- Normalized expression
type : Expr
value? : Option Expr := .none
structure Goal where
mvarId: MVarId := { name := .anonymous }
userName: Name := .anonymous
context: Array LocalDecl
target: Expr
@[export pantograph_goal_is_lhs]
def isLHS (g: Goal) : Bool := isLHSGoal? |>.isSome
end Pantograph.Condensed

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@ -63,9 +63,16 @@ protected def GoalState.mctx (state: GoalState): MetavarContext :=
protected def GoalState.env (state: GoalState): Environment :=
@[export pantograph_goal_state_meta_context_of_goal]
protected def GoalState.metaContextOfGoal (state: GoalState) (mvarId: MVarId): Option Meta.Context := do
let mvarDecl ← state.mctx.findDecl? mvarId
return { lctx := mvarDecl.lctx, localInstances := mvarDecl.localInstances }
@[export pantograph_goal_state_meta_state]
protected def GoalState.metaState (state: GoalState): Meta.State :=
protected def GoalState.withContext (state: GoalState) (mvarId: MVarId) (m: MetaM α): MetaM α := do
let metaM := mvarId.withContext m' (← read) state.savedState.term.meta.meta
mvarId.withContext m |>.run' (← read) state.metaState
protected def GoalState.withParentContext (state: GoalState) (m: MetaM α): MetaM α := do
state.withContext state.parentMVar?.get! m
@ -82,6 +89,7 @@ private def GoalState.restoreTacticM (state: GoalState) (goal: MVarId): Elab.Tac
Elab.Tactic.setGoals [goal]
private def newMVarSet (mctxOld: @&MetavarContext) (mctxNew: @&MetavarContext): SSet MVarId :=
mctxNew.decls.foldl (fun acc mvarId mvarDecl =>
if let .some prevMVarDecl := mctxOld.decls.find? mvarId then

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@ -204,15 +204,16 @@ def goalMotivatedApply (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (recursor: String): Core
def goalNoConfuse (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (eq: String): CoreM TacticResult :=
runTermElabM <| state.tryNoConfuse goalId eq
inductive TacticExecute where
inductive SyntheticTactic where
| congruenceArg
| congruenceFun
| congruence
@[export pantograph_goal_tactic_execute_m]
def goalTacticExecute (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (tacticExecute: TacticExecute): CoreM TacticResult :=
/-- Executes a synthetic tactic which has no arguments -/
@[export pantograph_goal_synthetic_tactic_m]
def goalSyntheticTactic (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (case: SyntheticTactic): CoreM TacticResult :=
runTermElabM do
state.execute goalId $ match tacticExecute with
state.execute goalId $ match case with
| .congruenceArg => Tactic.congruenceArg
| .congruenceFun => Tactic.congruenceFun
| .congruence => Tactic.congruence

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@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ This replicates the behaviour of `Scope`s in `Lean/Elab/Command.lean` without
using `Scope`s.
import Lean
import Pantograph.Condensed
import Pantograph.Expr
import Pantograph.Protocol
import Pantograph.Goal
import Pantograph.Protocol
open Lean
@ -201,6 +201,55 @@ def serializeExpression (options: @&Protocol.Options) (e: Expr): MetaM Protocol.
@[export pantograph_to_condensed_goal]
def toCondensedGoal (mvarId: MVarId): MetaM Condensed.Goal := do
let options: Protocol.Options := {}
let ppAuxDecls := options.printAuxDecls
let ppImplDetailHyps := options.printImplementationDetailHyps
let mvarDecl ← mvarId.getDecl
let lctx := mvarDecl.lctx
let lctx :=' { options := (← getOptions) }
Meta.withLCtx lctx mvarDecl.localInstances do
let ppVar (localDecl : LocalDecl) : MetaM Condensed.LocalDecl := do
match localDecl with
| .cdecl _ fvarId userName type _ _ =>
let type ← instantiate type
return { fvarId, userName, type }
| .ldecl _ fvarId userName type value _ _ => do
let userName := userName.simpMacroScopes
let type ← instantiate type
let value ← instantiate value
return { fvarId, userName, type, value? := .some value }
let vars ← lctx.foldlM (init := []) fun acc (localDecl : LocalDecl) => do
let skip := !ppAuxDecls && localDecl.isAuxDecl ||
!ppImplDetailHyps && localDecl.isImplementationDetail
if skip then
return acc
let var ← ppVar localDecl
return var::acc
return {
userName := mvarDecl.userName,
context := vars.reverse.toArray,
target := ← instantiate mvarDecl.type
instantiate := instantiateAll
@[export pantograph_goal_state_to_condensed]
protected def GoalState.toCondensed (state: GoalState):
CoreM (Array Condensed.Goal):= do
let metaM := do
let goals := state.goals.toArray
goals.mapM fun goal => do
match state.mctx.findDecl? goal with
| .some _ =>
let serializedGoal ← toCondensedGoal goal
pure serializedGoal
| .none => throwError s!"Metavariable does not exist in context {}"' (s := state.savedState.term.meta.meta)
/-- Adapted from ppGoal -/
def serializeGoal (options: @&Protocol.Options) (goal: MVarId) (mvarDecl: MetavarDecl) (parentDecl?: Option MetavarDecl := .none)
: MetaM Protocol.Goal := do
@ -214,7 +263,6 @@ def serializeGoal (options: @&Protocol.Options) (goal: MVarId) (mvarDecl: Metava
let ppVarNameOnly (localDecl: LocalDecl): MetaM Protocol.Variable := do
match localDecl with
| .cdecl _ fvarId userName _ _ _ =>
let userName := userName.simpMacroScopes
return {
name := ofName,
userName:= ofName userName.simpMacroScopes,
@ -307,11 +355,11 @@ protected def GoalState.diag (goalState: GoalState) (options: Protocol.GoalDiag
let goals := goals.toSSet
let resultOthers ← mctx.decls.toList.filter (λ (mvarId, _) =>
!(goals.contains mvarId || mvarId == root) && options.printAll)
|>.mapM (fun (mvarId, decl) => do
let pref := if goalState.newMVars.contains mvarId then "~" else " "
printMVar pref mvarId decl
pure $ result ++ ( (· ++ "\n") |> String.join) ++ ( (· ++ "\n") |> String.join)
|>.mapM (fun (mvarId, decl) => do
let pref := if goalState.newMVars.contains mvarId then "~" else " "
printMVar pref mvarId decl
pure $ result ++ "\n" ++ ( (· ++ "\n") |> String.join) ++ ( (· ++ "\n") |> String.join)
printMVar (pref: String) (mvarId: MVarId) (decl: MetavarDecl): MetaM String := mvarId.withContext do
let resultFVars: List String ←
@ -337,7 +385,7 @@ protected def GoalState.diag (goalState: GoalState) (options: Protocol.GoalDiag
else pure $ value
pure s!"\n := {← Meta.ppExpr value}"
else if let .some { mvarIdPending, .. } ← getDelayedMVarAssignment? mvarId then
pure s!"\n := $ {}"
pure s!"\n ::= {}"
pure ""

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@ -7,6 +7,34 @@ open Pantograph
namespace Pantograph.Test.Tactic.Congruence
def test_congr_arg_list (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
let expr := "λ {α} (l1 l2 : List α) (h: l1 = l2) => l1.reverse = l2.reverse"
runMetaMSeq env do
let expr ← parseSentence expr
Meta.lambdaTelescope expr $ λ _ body => do
let mut tests := LSpec.TestSeq.done
let target ← Meta.mkFreshExprSyntheticOpaqueMVar body
let (newGoals, test) ← runTermElabMInMeta do
let newGoals ← runTacticOnMVar Tactic.congruenceArg target.mvarId!
let test := LSpec.check "goals" ((← newGoals.mapM (λ x => mvarUserNameAndType x)) =
(`α, "Sort ?u.30"),
(`a₁, "?α"),
(`a₂, "?α"),
(`f, "?α → List α"),
(`h, "?a₁ = ?a₂"),
(`conduit, "(?f ?a₁ = ?f ?a₂) = (l1.reverse = l2.reverse)"),
return (newGoals, test)
tests := tests ++ test
let f := newGoals.get! 3
let h := newGoals.get! 4
let c := newGoals.get! 5
let results ← f.apply (← parseSentence "List.reverse")
tests := tests ++ (LSpec.check "apply" (results.length = 0))
tests := tests ++ (LSpec.check "h" ((← exprToStr $ ← h.getType) = "?a₁ = ?a₂"))
tests := tests ++ (LSpec.check "conduit" ((← exprToStr $ ← c.getType) = "(?a₁.reverse = ?a₂.reverse) = (l1.reverse = l2.reverse)"))
return tests
def test_congr_arg (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
let expr := "λ (n m: Nat) (h: n = m) => n * n = m * m"
runMetaMSeq env do
@ -72,6 +100,7 @@ def test_congr (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
def suite (env: Environment): List (String × IO LSpec.TestSeq) :=
("congrArg List.reverse", test_congr_arg_list env),
("congrArg", test_congr_arg env),
("congrFun", test_congr_fun env),
("congr", test_congr env),