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3 changed files with 39 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -129,7 +129,8 @@ def execute (command: Protocol.Command): MainM Lean.Json := do
pure ( Except.ok (← goalConv goalState args.goalId))
| .none, .none, .none, .none, .some false => do
pure ( Except.ok (← goalConvExit goalState))
| _, _, _, _, _ => pure (Except.error <| errorI "arguments" "Exactly one of {tactic, expr, have} must be supplied")
| _, _, _, _, _ => pure (Except.error <|
errorI "arguments" "Exactly one of {tactic, expr, have, calc, conv} must be supplied")
match nextGoalState? with
| .error error => return .error error
| .ok (.success nextGoalState) =>

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@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ protected def GoalState.create (expr: Expr): Elab.TermElabM GoalState := do
let root := goal.mvarId!
let savedState ← savedStateMonad { elaborator := .anonymous } |>.run' { goals := [root]}
return {
newMVars := SSet.insert .empty root,
parentMVar? := .none,
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ protected def GoalState.tryTactic (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (tactic: Stri
(fileName := filename) with
| .ok stx => pure $ stx
| .error error => return .parseError error
match (← executeTactic (state := state.savedState) (goal := goal) (tactic := tactic)) with
match ← executeTactic (state := state.savedState) (goal := goal) (tactic := tactic) with
| .error errors =>
return .failure errors
| .ok nextSavedState =>
@ -149,13 +149,12 @@ protected def GoalState.assign (state: GoalState) (goal: MVarId) (expr: Expr):
let goalType ← goal.getType
-- For some reason this is needed. One of the unit tests will fail if this isn't here
let error?: Option String ← goal.withContext (do
let error?: Option String ← goal.withContext do
let exprType ← Meta.inferType expr
if ← Meta.isDefEq goalType exprType then
pure .none
else do
return .some s!"{← Meta.ppExpr expr} : {← Meta.ppExpr exprType} != {← Meta.ppExpr goalType}"
if let .some error := error? then
return .parseError error
goal.checkNotAssigned `GoalState.assign
@ -164,22 +163,21 @@ protected def GoalState.assign (state: GoalState) (goal: MVarId) (expr: Expr):
let messages := (← getThe Core.State).messages.getErrorMessages |>.toList.toArray
let errors ← ( fun md => md.toString
return .failure errors
let prevMCtx := state.savedState.term.meta.meta.mctx
let nextMCtx ← getMCtx
-- Generate a list of mvarIds that exist in the parent state; Also test the
-- assertion that the types have not changed on any mvars.
let newMVars := newMVarSet prevMCtx nextMCtx
let nextGoals ← newMVars.toList.filterM (λ mvar => do pure !(← mvar.isAssigned))
return .success {
root := state.root,
savedState := {
term := ← MonadBacktrack.saveState,
tactic := { goals := nextGoals }
parentMVar? := .some goal,
let prevMCtx := state.savedState.term.meta.meta.mctx
let nextMCtx ← getMCtx
-- Generate a list of mvarIds that exist in the parent state; Also test the
-- assertion that the types have not changed on any mvars.
let newMVars := newMVarSet prevMCtx nextMCtx
let nextGoals ← newMVars.toList.filterM (λ mvar => do pure !(← mvar.isAssigned))
return .success {
root := state.root,
savedState := {
term := ← MonadBacktrack.saveState,
tactic := { goals := nextGoals }
parentMVar? := .some goal,
catch exception =>
return .failure #[← exception.toMessageData.toString]
@ -222,7 +220,7 @@ protected def GoalState.tryHave (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (binderName: St
let binderName := binderName.toName
-- Implemented similarly to the intro tactic
let nextGoals: List MVarId ← goal.withContext $ (do
let nextGoals: List MVarId ← goal.withContext do
let type ← Elab.Term.elabType (stx := type)
let lctx ← MonadLCtx.getLCtx
@ -235,15 +233,14 @@ protected def GoalState.tryHave (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (binderName: St
let fvar := mkFVar fvarId
let mvarUpstream ←
withTheReader Meta.Context (fun ctx => { ctx with lctx := lctxUpstream }) do
Meta.withNewLocalInstances #[fvar] 0 (do
Meta.withNewLocalInstances #[fvar] 0 do
let mvarUpstream ← Meta.mkFreshExprMVarAt (← getLCtx) (← Meta.getLocalInstances)
(← goal.getType) (kind := MetavarKind.synthetic) (userName := .anonymous)
let expr: Expr := .app (.lam binderName type mvarBranch .default) mvarUpstream
goal.assign expr
pure mvarUpstream)
pure mvarUpstream
pure [mvarBranch.mvarId!, mvarUpstream.mvarId!]
return .success {
root := state.root,
savedState := {
@ -325,6 +322,11 @@ protected def GoalState.convExit (state: GoalState):
catch exception =>
return .failure #[← exception.toMessageData.toString]
protected def GoalState.calcPrevRhsOf? (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) :=
if goalId == 1 then
protected def GoalState.tryCalc (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (pred: String):
Elab.TermElabM TacticResult := do
@ -340,21 +342,22 @@ protected def GoalState.tryCalc (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (pred: String):
(fileName := filename) with
| .ok syn => pure syn
| .error error => return .parseError error
let calcPrevRhs? := state.calcPrevRhsOf? goalId
let target ← instantiateMVars (← goal.getDecl).type
let tag := (← goal.getDecl).userName
goal.withContext do
let target ← instantiateMVars (← goal.getDecl).type
let tag := (← goal.getDecl).userName
let mut step ← Elab.Term.elabType <| ← do
if let some prevRhs := state.calcPrevRhs? then
if let some prevRhs := calcPrevRhs? then
Elab.Term.annotateFirstHoleWithType pred (← Meta.inferType prevRhs)
pure pred
let some (_, lhs, rhs) ← Elab.Term.getCalcRelation? step |
throwErrorAt pred "invalid 'calc' step, relation expected{indentExpr step}"
if let some prevRhs := state.calcPrevRhs? then
unless (← Meta.isDefEqGuarded lhs prevRhs) do
if let some prevRhs := calcPrevRhs? then
unless ← Meta.isDefEqGuarded lhs prevRhs do
throwErrorAt pred "invalid 'calc' step, left-hand-side is{indentD m!"{lhs} : {← Meta.inferType lhs}"}\nprevious right-hand-side is{indentD m!"{prevRhs} : {← Meta.inferType prevRhs}"}" -- "
-- Creates a mvar to represent the proof that the calc tactic solves the
@ -371,7 +374,7 @@ protected def GoalState.tryCalc (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (pred: String):
-- The calc tactic either solves the main goal or leaves another relation.
-- Replace the main goal, and save the new goal if necessary
if ¬(← Meta.isDefEq proofType target) then
unless ← Meta.isDefEq proofType target do
let rec throwFailed :=
throwError "'calc' tactic failed, has type{indentExpr proofType}\nbut it is expected to have type{indentExpr target}"
let some (_, _, rhs) ← Elab.Term.getCalcRelation? proofType | throwFailed
@ -379,7 +382,7 @@ protected def GoalState.tryCalc (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (pred: String):
let lastStep := mkApp2 r rhs rhs'
let lastStepGoal ← Meta.mkFreshExprSyntheticOpaqueMVar lastStep tag
(proof, proofType) ← Elab.Term.mkCalcTrans proof proofType lastStepGoal lastStep
unless (← Meta.isDefEq proofType target) do throwFailed
unless ← Meta.isDefEq proofType target do throwFailed
remainder := .some lastStepGoal.mvarId!
goal.assign proof

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@ -510,6 +510,8 @@ def test_calc: TestM Unit := do
interiorGoal [] "a + b = b + c" (.some "calc"),
interiorGoal [] "b + c = c + d"
addTest $ LSpec.test "(2.0 prev rhs)" (state2.calcPrevRhsOf? 0 |>.isNone)
addTest $ LSpec.test "(2.1 prev rhs)" (state2.calcPrevRhsOf? 1 |>.isSome)
let tactic := "apply h1"
let state2m ← match ← state2.tryTactic (goalId := 0) (tactic := tactic) with
@ -532,6 +534,7 @@ def test_calc: TestM Unit := do
interiorGoal [] "b + c = c + d" (.some "calc")
addTest $ LSpec.test "(4.0 prev rhs)" (state4.calcPrevRhsOf? 0 |>.isNone)
let tactic := "apply h2"
let state4m ← match ← state4.tryTactic (goalId := 0) (tactic := tactic) with
| .success state => pure state