Compare commits
No commits in common. "7160f8aa610b359833462806b20f7555204f357b" and "e63f7c9afaaa127273210a61be016dfd4e90ed31" have entirely different histories.
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ unsafe def loop : MainM Unit := do
if command.trim.length = 0 then return ()
match parse_command command with
| .error error =>
let error := Lean.toJson ({ error := "command", desc := error }: Commands.InteractionError)
let error := Lean.toJson ({ error := "json", desc := error }: Commands.InteractionError)
-- Using `Lean.Json.compress` here to prevent newline
IO.println error.compress
| .ok command =>
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def execute (command: Commands.Command): MainM Lean.Json := do
| "proof.printTree" => run proof_print_tree
| cmd =>
let error: Commands.InteractionError :=
{ error := "command", desc := s!"Unknown command {cmd}" }
{ error := "unknown", desc := s!"Unknown command {cmd}" }
return Lean.toJson error
errorI (type desc: String): Commands.InteractionError := { error := type, desc := desc }
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ def subroutine_runner (steps: List (MainM LSpec.TestSeq)): IO LSpec.TestSeq := d
catch ex =>
return LSpec.check s!"Uncaught IO exception: {ex.toString}" false
def test_option_modify : IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
def test_option_print : IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
let pp? := Option.some "∀ (n : Nat), n + 1 = Nat.succ n"
let sexp? := Option.some "(:forall n (:c Nat) ((((:c Eq) (:c Nat)) (((((((:c HAdd.hAdd) (:c Nat)) (:c Nat)) (:c Nat)) (((:c instHAdd) (:c Nat)) (:c instAddNat))) 0) ((((:c OfNat.ofNat) (:c Nat)) (:lit 1)) ((:c instOfNatNat) (:lit 1))))) ((:c Nat.succ) 0)))"
let module? := Option.some "Init.Data.Nat.Basic"
@ -66,21 +66,11 @@ def test_option_modify : IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
(Lean.toJson ({ options with printExprAST := true }:
def test_malformed_command : IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
let invalid := "invalid"
subroutine_runner [
subroutine_step invalid
[("name", .str "Nat.add_one")]
(Lean.toJson ({
error := "command", desc := s!"Unknown command {invalid}"}:
def test_integration: IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
return "Integration" $
( "Option modify" (← test_option_modify)) ++
( "Malformed command" (← test_malformed_command))
( "Option modify" (← test_option_print))
end Pantograph.Test
Reference in New Issue