Compare commits
No commits in common. "9119f47a8f2d1d281975c30a7301a734fbd4eecf" and "22ddfaaf2124d323dec59220f567273f01623458" have entirely different histories.
@ -10,12 +10,16 @@ namespace Pantograph.Environment
@[export pantograph_is_name_internal]
def isNameInternal (n: Name): Bool :=
-- Returns true if the name is an implementation detail which should not be shown to the user.
n.isAuxLemma ∨ n.hasMacroScopes
isLeanSymbol n ∨ (Lean.privateToUserName? n |>.map isLeanSymbol |>.getD false) ∨ n.isAuxLemma ∨ n.hasMacroScopes
isLeanSymbol (name: Name): Bool := match name.getRoot with
| .str _ name => name == "Lean"
| _ => true
/-- Catalog all the non-internal and safe names -/
@[export pantograph_environment_catalog]
def env_catalog (env: Environment): Array Name := env.constants.fold (init := #[]) (λ acc name _ =>
match isNameInternal name with
def env_catalog (env: Environment): Array Name := env.constants.fold (init := #[]) (λ acc name info =>
match isNameInternal name || info.isUnsafe with
| false => acc.push name
| true => acc)
@ -24,6 +28,14 @@ def module_of_name (env: Environment) (name: Name): Option Name := do
let moduleId ← env.getModuleIdxFor? name
return env.allImportedModuleNames.get! moduleId.toNat
@[export pantograph_constant_info_is_unsafe_or_partial]
def constantInfoIsUnsafeOrPartial (info: ConstantInfo): Bool := info.isUnsafe || info.isPartial
@[export pantograph_constant_info_type]
def constantInfoType (info: ConstantInfo): CoreM Expr := unfoldAuxLemmas info.type
@[export pantograph_constant_info_value]
def constantInfoValue (info: ConstantInfo): CoreM (Option Expr) := info.value?.mapM unfoldAuxLemmas
def toCompactSymbolName (n: Name) (info: ConstantInfo): String :=
let pref := match info with
| .axiomInfo _ => "a"
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def test_catalog: IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
def test_symbol_visibility: IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let entries: List (Name × Bool) := [
("Nat.add_comm".toName, false),
("foo.bla.Init.Data.List.Basic.2.1.Init.Lean.Expr._hyg.4".toName, true),
("Lean.Name".toName, true),
("Init.Data.Nat.Basic._auxLemma.4".toName, true),
let suite := entries.foldl (λ suites (symbol, target) =>
Reference in New Issue