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@ -1,195 +1,37 @@
import Lean.Data.Json
import Lean.Environment
import Pantograph.Commands
import Pantograph.Serial
import Pantograph.Meta
import Pantograph.Symbols
namespace Pantograph
structure Context where
/-- Stores state of the REPL -/
structure State where
--environments: Array Lean.Environment := #[]
proofTrees: Array ProofTree := #[]
-- State monad
abbrev Subroutine := ReaderT Context (StateT State Lean.Elab.TermElabM)
open Commands
/-- Parse a command either in `{ "cmd": ..., "payload": ... }` form or `cmd { ... }` form. -/
def parse_command (s: String): Except String Command := do
let s := s.trim
match s.get? 0 with
| .some '{' => -- Parse in Json mode
Lean.fromJson? (← Lean.Json.parse s)
| .some _ => -- Parse in line mode
let offset := s.posOf ' ' |> s.offsetOfPos
if offset = s.length then
return { cmd := s.take offset, payload := Lean.Json.null }
let payload ← s.drop offset |> Lean.Json.parse
return { cmd := s.take offset, payload := payload }
| .none => throw "Command is empty"
def execute (command: Command): Subroutine Lean.Json := do
match command.cmd with
| "catalog" =>
match Lean.fromJson? command.payload with
| .ok args => catalog args
| .error x => return errorJson x
| "inspect" =>
match Lean.fromJson? command.payload with
| .ok args => inspect args
| .error x => return errorJson x
| "clear" => clear
| "expr.type" =>
match Lean.fromJson? command.payload with
| .ok args => expr_type args
| .error x => return errorJson x
| "proof.start" =>
match Lean.fromJson? command.payload with
| .ok args => proof_start args
| .error x => return errorJson x
| "proof.tactic" =>
match Lean.fromJson? command.payload with
| .ok args => proof_tactic args
| .error x => return errorJson x
| "proof.printTree" =>
match Lean.fromJson? command.payload with
| .ok args => proof_print_tree args
| .error x => return errorJson x
| cmd =>
let error: InteractionError := { error := "unknown", desc := s!"Unknown command {cmd}" }
return Lean.toJson error
errorI (type desc: String) := Lean.toJson ({ error := type, desc := desc }: InteractionError)
errorJson := errorI "json"
errorIndex := errorI "index"
catalog (_: Catalog): Subroutine Lean.Json := do
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
let names := env.constants.fold (init := #[]) (λ acc name info =>
match to_filtered_symbol name info with
| .some x => acc.push x
| .none => acc)
return Lean.toJson <| ({ symbols := names }: CatalogResult)
inspect (args: Inspect): Subroutine Lean.Json := do
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
let name := str_to_name
let info? := env.find? name
match info? with
| none => return errorIndex s!"Symbol not found {}"
| some info =>
let format ← Lean.Meta.ppExpr info.toConstantVal.type
let module? := env.getModuleIdxFor? name >>=
(λ idx => env.allImportedModuleNames.get? idx.toNat) |>.map toString
let boundExpr? ← (match info.toConstantVal.type with
| .forallE _ _ _ _ => return .some (← type_expr_to_bound info.toConstantVal.type)
| _ => return Option.none)
return Lean.toJson ({
type := toString format,
boundExpr? := boundExpr?,
module? := module?
}: InspectResult)
clear : Subroutine Lean.Json := do
let state ← get
let nTrees := state.proofTrees.size
set { state with proofTrees := #[] }
return Lean.toJson ({ nTrees := nTrees }: ClearResult)
expr_type (args: ExprType): Subroutine Lean.Json := do
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
match syntax_from_str env args.expr with
| .error str => return errorI "parsing" str
| .ok syn => do
match (← syntax_to_expr syn) with
| .error str => return errorI "elab" str
| .ok expr => do
let format ← Lean.Meta.ppExpr (← Lean.Meta.inferType expr)
return Lean.toJson <| ({
type := toString format,
roundTrip := toString <| (← Lean.Meta.ppExpr expr)
}: ExprTypeResult)
catch exception =>
return errorI "typing" (← exception.toMessageData.toString)
proof_start (args: ProofStart): Subroutine Lean.Json := do
let state ← get
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
let expr?: Except Lean.Json Lean.Expr ← (match args.expr, args.copyFrom with
| .some expr, .none =>
(match syntax_from_str env expr with
| .error str => return .error <| errorI "parsing" str
| .ok syn => do
(match (← syntax_to_expr syn) with
| .error str => return .error <| errorI "elab" str
| .ok expr => return .ok expr))
| .none, .some copyFrom =>
(match env.find? <| str_to_name copyFrom with
| .none => return .error <| errorIndex s!"Symbol not found: {copyFrom}"
| .some cInfo => return .ok cInfo.type)
| .none, .none =>
return .error <| errorI "arguments" "At least one of {expr, copyFrom} must be supplied"
| _, _ => return .error <| errorI "arguments" "Cannot populate both of {expr, copyFrom}")
match expr? with
| .error error => return error
| .ok expr =>
let tree ← ProofTree.create (str_to_name <| "Untitled") expr
-- Put the new tree in the environment
let nextTreeId := state.proofTrees.size
set { state with proofTrees := state.proofTrees.push tree }
return Lean.toJson ({ treeId := nextTreeId }: ProofStartResult)
proof_tactic (args: ProofTactic): Subroutine Lean.Json := do
let state ← get
match state.proofTrees.get? args.treeId with
| .none => return errorIndex "Invalid tree index {args.treeId}"
| .some tree =>
let (result, nextTree) ← ProofTree.execute
(stateId := args.stateId)
(goalId := args.goalId.getD 0)
(tactic := args.tactic) |>.run tree
match result with
| .invalid message => return Lean.toJson <| errorIndex message
| .success nextId? goals =>
set { state with proofTrees := state.proofTrees.set! args.treeId nextTree }
return Lean.toJson ({ nextId? := nextId?, goals := goals }: ProofTacticResultSuccess)
| .failure messages =>
return Lean.toJson ({ tacticErrors := messages }: ProofTacticResultFailure)
proof_print_tree (args: ProofPrintTree): Subroutine Lean.Json := do
let state ← get
match state.proofTrees.get? args.treeId with
| .none => return errorIndex "Invalid tree index {args.treeId}"
| .some tree =>
return Lean.toJson ({parents := tree.structure_array}: ProofPrintTreeResult)
end Pantograph
import Pantograph.Version
import Pantograph
-- Main IO functions
open Pantograph
unsafe def loop : Subroutine Unit := do
unsafe def loop : MainM Unit := do
let state ← get
let command ← (← IO.getStdin).getLine
if command.trim.length = 0 then return ()
match parse_command command with
| .error error =>
let error := Lean.toJson ({ error := "json", desc := error }: Commands.InteractionError)
IO.println (toString error)
-- Using `Lean.Json.compress` here to prevent newline
IO.println error.compress
| .ok command =>
let ret ← execute command
IO.println <| toString <| ret
let str := match state.options.printJsonPretty with
| true => ret.pretty
| false => ret.compress
IO.println str
namespace Lean
-- This is better than the default version since it handles `.`
def setOptionFromString' (opts : Options) (entry : String) : IO Options := do
/-- This is better than the default version since it handles `.` and doesn't
crash the program when it fails. -/
def setOptionFromString' (opts : Options) (entry : String) : ExceptT String IO Options := do
let ps := (entry.splitOn "=").map String.trim
let [key, val] ← pure ps | throw $ IO.userError "invalid configuration option entry, it must be of the form '<key> = <value>'"
let key := str_to_name key
let [key, val] ← pure ps | throw "invalid configuration option entry, it must be of the form '<key> = <value>'"
let key := Pantograph.str_to_name key
let defValue ← getOptionDefaultValue key
match defValue with
| DataValue.ofString _ => pure $ opts.setString key val
@ -197,25 +39,37 @@ def setOptionFromString' (opts : Options) (entry : String) : IO Options := do
match val with
| "true" => pure $ opts.setBool key true
| "false" => pure $ opts.setBool key false
| _ => throw $ IO.userError s!"invalid Bool option value '{val}'"
| _ => throw s!"invalid Bool option value '{val}'"
| DataValue.ofName _ => pure $ opts.setName key val.toName
| DataValue.ofNat _ =>
match val.toNat? with
| none => throw (IO.userError s!"invalid Nat option value '{val}'")
| none => throw s!"invalid Nat option value '{val}'"
| some v => pure $ opts.setNat key v
| DataValue.ofInt _ =>
match val.toInt? with
| none => throw (IO.userError s!"invalid Int option value '{val}'")
| none => throw s!"invalid Int option value '{val}'"
| some v => pure $ opts.setInt key v
| DataValue.ofSyntax _ => throw (IO.userError s!"invalid Syntax option value")
| DataValue.ofSyntax _ => throw s!"invalid Syntax option value"
end Lean
unsafe def main (args: List String): IO Unit := do
-- NOTE: A more sophisticated scheme of command line argument handling is needed.
-- Separate imports and options
if args == ["--version"] then do
println! s!"{version}"
Lean.initSearchPath (← Lean.findSysroot)
-- Separate imports and options
let options := args.filterMap (λ s => if s.startsWith "--" then .some <| s.drop 2 else .none)
let options? ← args.filterMap (λ s => if s.startsWith "--" then .some <| s.drop 2 else .none)
|>.foldlM Lean.setOptionFromString' Lean.Options.empty
let options ← match options? with
| .ok options => pure options
| .error e => throw $ IO.userError s!"Options cannot be parsed: {e}"
let imports:= args.filter (λ s => ¬ (s.startsWith "--"))
let env ← Lean.importModules
@ -223,13 +77,14 @@ unsafe def main (args: List String): IO Unit := do
(opts := {})
(trustLevel := 1)
let context: Context := {
let coreContext: Lean.Core.Context := {
currNamespace := str_to_name "Aniva",
currNamespace := Lean.Name.str .anonymous "Aniva"
openDecls := [], -- No 'open' directives needed
fileName := "<Pantograph>",
fileMap := { source := "", positions := #[0], lines := #[1] },
options := options.foldlM Lean.setOptionFromString' Lean.Options.empty
options := options
let termElabM := context |>.run' {}

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@ -1,2 +1,179 @@
import Pantograph.Commands
import Pantograph.Serial
import Pantograph.Symbols
import Pantograph.Tactic
namespace Pantograph
structure Context where
imports: List String
/-- Stores state of the REPL -/
structure State where
options: Commands.Options := {}
--environments: Array Lean.Environment := #[]
proofTrees: Array ProofTree := #[]
-- State monad
abbrev MainM := ReaderT Context (StateT State Lean.Elab.TermElabM)
-- For some reason writing `CommandM α := MainM (Except ... α)` disables certain
-- monadic features in `MainM`
abbrev CR α := Except Commands.InteractionError α
/-- Parse a command either in `{ "cmd": ..., "payload": ... }` form or `cmd { ... }` form. -/
def parse_command (s: String): Except String Commands.Command := do
let s := s.trim
match s.get? 0 with
| .some '{' => -- Parse in Json mode
Lean.fromJson? (← Lean.Json.parse s)
| .some _ => -- Parse in line mode
let offset := s.posOf ' ' |> s.offsetOfPos
if offset = s.length then
return { cmd := s.take offset, payload := Lean.Json.null }
let payload ← s.drop offset |> Lean.Json.parse
return { cmd := s.take offset, payload := payload }
| .none => throw "Command is empty"
def execute (command: Commands.Command): MainM Lean.Json := do
let run { α β: Type } [Lean.FromJson α] [Lean.ToJson β] (comm: α → MainM (CR β)): MainM Lean.Json :=
match Lean.fromJson? command.payload with
| .ok args => do
match (← comm args) with
| .ok result => return Lean.toJson result
| .error ierror => return Lean.toJson ierror
| .error error => pure $ error
match command.cmd with
| "reset" => run reset
| "expr.echo" => run expr_echo
| "lib.catalog" => run lib_catalog
| "lib.inspect" => run lib_inspect
| "options.set" => run options_set
| "options.print" => run options_print
| "proof.start" => run proof_start
| "proof.tactic" => run proof_tactic
| "proof.printTree" => run proof_print_tree
| cmd =>
let error: Commands.InteractionError :=
{ error := "unknown", desc := s!"Unknown command {cmd}" }
return Lean.toJson error
errorI (type desc: String): Commands.InteractionError := { error := type, desc := desc }
errorIndex := errorI "index"
-- Command Functions
reset (_: Commands.Reset): MainM (CR Commands.ResetResult) := do
let state ← get
let nTrees := state.proofTrees.size
set { state with proofTrees := #[] }
return .ok { nTrees := nTrees }
lib_catalog (_: Commands.LibCatalog): MainM (CR Commands.LibCatalogResult) := do
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
let names := env.constants.fold (init := #[]) (λ acc name info =>
match to_filtered_symbol name info with
| .some x => acc.push x
| .none => acc)
return .ok { symbols := names }
lib_inspect (args: Commands.LibInspect): MainM (CR Commands.LibInspectResult) := do
let state ← get
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
let name := str_to_name
let info? := env.find? name
match info? with
| none => return .error $ errorIndex s!"Symbol not found {}"
| some info =>
let module? := env.getModuleIdxFor? name >>=
(λ idx => env.allImportedModuleNames.get? idx.toNat) |>.map toString
let value? := match args.value?, info with
| .some true, _ => info.value?
| .some false, _ => .none
| .none, .defnInfo _ => info.value?
| .none, _ => .none
return .ok {
type := ← serialize_expression state.options info.type,
value? := ← value?.mapM (λ v => serialize_expression state.options v),
module? := module?
expr_echo (args: Commands.ExprEcho): MainM (CR Commands.ExprEchoResult) := do
let state ← get
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
match syntax_from_str env args.expr with
| .error str => return .error $ errorI "parsing" str
| .ok syn => do
match (← syntax_to_expr syn) with
| .error str => return .error $ errorI "elab" str
| .ok expr => do
let type ← Lean.Meta.inferType expr
return .ok {
type := (← serialize_expression (options := state.options) type),
expr := (← serialize_expression (options := state.options) expr)
catch exception =>
return .error $ errorI "typing" (← exception.toMessageData.toString)
options_set (args: Commands.OptionsSet): MainM (CR Commands.OptionsSetResult) := do
let state ← get
let options := state.options
set { state with
options := {
-- FIXME: This should be replaced with something more elegant
printJsonPretty := args.printJsonPretty?.getD options.printJsonPretty,
printExprPretty := args.printExprPretty?.getD options.printExprPretty,
printExprAST := args.printExprAST?.getD options.printExprAST,
proofVariableDelta := args.proofVariableDelta?.getD options.proofVariableDelta,
printAuxDecls := args.printAuxDecls?.getD options.printAuxDecls,
printImplementationDetailHyps := args.printImplementationDetailHyps?.getD options.printImplementationDetailHyps
return .ok { }
options_print (_: Commands.OptionsPrint): MainM (CR Commands.OptionsPrintResult) := do
return .ok (← get).options
proof_start (args: Commands.ProofStart): MainM (CR Commands.ProofStartResult) := do
let state ← get
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
let expr?: Except _ Lean.Expr ← (match args.expr, args.copyFrom with
| .some expr, .none =>
(match syntax_from_str env expr with
| .error str => return .error <| errorI "parsing" str
| .ok syn => do
(match (← syntax_to_expr syn) with
| .error str => return .error <| errorI "elab" str
| .ok expr => return .ok expr))
| .none, .some copyFrom =>
(match env.find? <| str_to_name copyFrom with
| .none => return .error <| errorIndex s!"Symbol not found: {copyFrom}"
| .some cInfo => return .ok cInfo.type)
| .none, .none =>
return .error <| errorI "arguments" "At least one of {expr, copyFrom} must be supplied"
| _, _ => return .error <| errorI "arguments" "Cannot populate both of {expr, copyFrom}")
match expr? with
| .error error => return .error error
| .ok expr =>
let tree ← ProofTree.create (str_to_name <| "Untitled") expr
-- Put the new tree in the environment
let nextTreeId := state.proofTrees.size
set { state with proofTrees := state.proofTrees.push tree }
return .ok { treeId := nextTreeId }
proof_tactic (args: Commands.ProofTactic): MainM (CR Commands.ProofTacticResult) := do
let state ← get
match state.proofTrees.get? args.treeId with
| .none => return .error $ errorIndex "Invalid tree index {args.treeId}"
| .some tree =>
let (result, nextTree) ← ProofTree.execute
(stateId := args.stateId)
(goalId := args.goalId.getD 0)
(tactic := args.tactic) |>.run state.options |>.run tree
match result with
| .invalid message => return .error $ errorIndex message
| .success nextId? goals =>
set { state with proofTrees := state.proofTrees.set! args.treeId nextTree }
return .ok { nextId? := nextId?, goals? := .some goals }
| .failure messages =>
return .ok { tacticErrors? := .some messages }
proof_print_tree (args: Commands.ProofPrintTree): MainM (CR Commands.ProofPrintTreeResult) := do
let state ← get
match state.proofTrees.get? args.treeId with
| .none => return .error $ errorIndex "Invalid tree index {args.treeId}"
| .some tree =>
return .ok { parents := tree.structure_array }
end Pantograph

View File

@ -6,10 +6,64 @@ its field names to avoid confusion with error messages generated by the REPL.
import Lean.Data.Json
import Pantograph.Serial
namespace Pantograph.Commands
/-- Main Option structure, placed here to avoid name collision -/
structure Options where
-- When false, suppress newlines in Json objects. Useful for machine-to-machine interaction.
-- This should be false` by default to avoid any surprises with parsing.
printJsonPretty: Bool := false
-- When enabled, pretty print every expression
printExprPretty: Bool := true
-- When enabled, print the raw AST of expressions
printExprAST: Bool := false
-- When enabled, the types and values of persistent variables in a proof goal
-- are not shown unless they are new to the proof step. Reduces overhead
proofVariableDelta: Bool := false
-- See `pp.auxDecls`
printAuxDecls: Bool := false
-- See `pp.implementationDetailHyps`
printImplementationDetailHyps: Bool := false
deriving Lean.ToJson
abbrev OptionsT := ReaderT Options
--- Expression Objects ---
structure BoundExpression where
binders: Array (String × String)
target: String
deriving Lean.ToJson
structure Expression where
-- Pretty printed expression
pp?: Option String := .none
-- AST structure
sexp?: Option String := .none
deriving Lean.ToJson
structure Variable where
name: String
/-- Does the name contain a dagger -/
isInaccessible?: Option Bool := .none
type?: Option Expression := .none
value?: Option Expression := .none
deriving Lean.ToJson
structure Goal where
/-- String case id -/
caseName?: Option String := .none
/-- Is the goal in conversion mode -/
isConversion: Bool := false
/-- target expression type -/
target: Expression
/-- Variables -/
vars: Array Variable := #[]
deriving Lean.ToJson
--- Individual Commands and return types ---
structure Command where
cmd: String
payload: Lean.Json
@ -21,40 +75,58 @@ structure InteractionError where
deriving Lean.ToJson
-- Individual command and return types
--- Individual command and return types ---
-- Print all symbols in environment
structure Catalog where
structure Reset where
deriving Lean.FromJson
structure CatalogResult where
symbols: Array String
deriving Lean.ToJson
-- Print the type of a symbol
structure Inspect where
name: String
deriving Lean.FromJson
structure InspectResult where
type: String
-- Decompose the bound expression when the type is forall.
boundExpr?: Option BoundExpression
module?: Option String
deriving Lean.ToJson
structure ClearResult where
structure ResetResult where
nTrees: Nat
deriving Lean.ToJson
-- Get the type of an expression
structure ExprType where
-- Return the type of an expression
structure ExprEcho where
expr: String
deriving Lean.FromJson
structure ExprTypeResult where
type: String
roundTrip: String
structure ExprEchoResult where
expr: Expression
type: Expression
deriving Lean.ToJson
-- Print all symbols in environment
structure LibCatalog where
deriving Lean.FromJson
structure LibCatalogResult where
symbols: Array String
deriving Lean.ToJson
-- Print the type of a symbol
structure LibInspect where
name: String
-- If true/false, show/hide the value expressions; By default definitions
-- values are shown and theorem values are hidden.
value?: Option Bool := .some false
deriving Lean.FromJson
structure LibInspectResult where
type: Expression
value?: Option Expression := .none
module?: Option String
deriving Lean.ToJson
/-- Set options; See `Options` struct above for meanings -/
structure OptionsSet where
printJsonPretty?: Option Bool
printExprPretty?: Option Bool
printExprAST?: Option Bool
proofVariableDelta?: Option Bool
printAuxDecls?: Option Bool
printImplementationDetailHyps?: Option Bool
deriving Lean.FromJson
structure OptionsSetResult where
deriving Lean.ToJson
structure OptionsPrint where
deriving Lean.FromJson
abbrev OptionsPrintResult := Options
structure ProofStart where
name: Option String -- Identifier of the proof
-- Only one of the fields below may be populated.
@ -64,7 +136,6 @@ structure ProofStart where
structure ProofStartResult where
treeId: Nat := 0 -- Proof tree id
deriving Lean.ToJson
structure ProofTactic where
-- Identifiers for tree, state, and goal
treeId: Nat
@ -72,14 +143,14 @@ structure ProofTactic where
goalId: Option Nat
tactic: String
deriving Lean.FromJson
structure ProofTacticResultSuccess where
goals: Array Goal
nextId?: Option Nat -- Next proof state id
structure ProofTacticResult where
-- Existence of this field shows success
goals?: Option (Array Goal) := .none
-- Next proof state id, if successful
nextId?: Option Nat := .none
-- Existence of this field shows failure
tacticErrors?: Option (Array String) := .none
deriving Lean.ToJson
structure ProofTacticResultFailure where
tacticErrors: Array String -- Error messages generated by tactic
deriving Lean.ToJson
structure ProofPrintTree where
treeId: Nat
deriving Lean.FromJson

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@ -3,15 +3,20 @@ All serialisation functions
import Lean
import Pantograph.Commands
namespace Pantograph
open Lean
--- Input Functions ---
/-- Read a theorem from the environment -/
def expr_from_const (env: Environment) (name: Name): Except String Lean.Expr :=
match env.find? name with
| none => throw s!"Symbol not found: {name}"
| some cInfo => return cInfo.type
/-- Read syntax object from string -/
def syntax_from_str (env: Environment) (s: String): Except String Syntax :=
(env := env)
@ -39,82 +44,164 @@ def syntax_to_expr (syn: Syntax): Elab.TermElabM (Except String Expr) := do
return .ok expr
catch ex => return .error (← ex.toMessageData.toString)
structure BoundExpression where
binders: Array (String × String)
target: String
deriving ToJson
def type_expr_to_bound (expr: Expr): MetaM BoundExpression := do
--- Output Functions ---
def type_expr_to_bound (expr: Expr): MetaM Commands.BoundExpression := do
Meta.forallTelescope expr fun arr body => do
let binders ← arr.mapM fun fvar => do
return (toString (← fvar.fvarId!.getUserName), toString (← Meta.ppExpr (← fvar.fvarId!.getType)))
return { binders, target := toString (← Meta.ppExpr body) }
Completely serialises an expression tree. Json not used due to compactness
def serialize_expression_ast (expr: Expr): MetaM String := do
match expr with
| .bvar deBruijnIndex =>
-- This is very common so the index alone is shown. Literals are handled below.
return s!"{deBruijnIndex}"
| .fvar fvarId =>
let name := (← fvarId.getDecl).userName
return s!"(:fv {name})"
| .mvar _ =>
-- mvarId is ignored.
return s!":mv"
| .sort u => return s!"(:sort {u.depth})"
| .const declName _ =>
-- The universe level of the const expression is elided since it should be
-- inferrable from surrounding expression
return s!"(:c {declName})"
| .app fn arg =>
let fn' ← serialize_expression_ast fn
let arg' ← serialize_expression_ast arg
return s!"({fn'} {arg'})"
| .lam binderName binderType body binderInfo =>
let binderName' := nameToAst binderName
let binderType' ← serialize_expression_ast binderType
let body' ← serialize_expression_ast body
let binderInfo' := binderInfoToAst binderInfo
return s!"(:lambda {binderName'} {binderType'} {body'}{binderInfo'})"
| .forallE binderName binderType body binderInfo =>
let binderName' := nameToAst binderName
let binderType' ← serialize_expression_ast binderType
let body' ← serialize_expression_ast body
let binderInfo' := binderInfoToAst binderInfo
return s!"(:forall {binderName'} {binderType'} {body'}{binderInfo'})"
| .letE name type value body _ =>
-- Dependent boolean flag diacarded
let name' := nameToAst name
let type' ← serialize_expression_ast type
let value' ← serialize_expression_ast value
let body' ← serialize_expression_ast body
return s!"(:let {name'} {type'} {value'} {body'})"
| .lit v =>
-- To not burden the downstream parser who needs to handle this, the literal
-- is wrapped in a :lit sexp.
let v' := match v with
| .natVal val => toString val
| .strVal val => s!"\"{val}\""
return s!"(:lit {v'})"
| .mdata _ expr =>
-- NOTE: Equivalent to expr itself, but mdata influences the prettyprinter
-- It may become necessary to incorporate the metadata.
return (← serialize_expression_ast expr)
| .proj typeName idx struct =>
let struct' ← serialize_expression_ast struct
return s!"(:proj {typeName} {idx} {struct'})"
structure Variable where
name: String
/-- Does the name contain a dagger -/
isInaccessible: Bool := false
type: String
value?: Option String := .none
deriving ToJson
structure Goal where
/-- String case id -/
caseName?: Option String := .none
/-- Is the goal in conversion mode -/
isConversion: Bool := false
/-- target expression type -/
target: String
/-- Variables -/
vars: Array Variable := #[]
deriving ToJson
-- Elides all unhygenic names
nameToAst: Lean.Name → String
| .anonymous
| .num _ _ => ":anon"
| n@(.str _ _) => toString n
binderInfoToAst : Lean.BinderInfo → String
| .default => ""
| .implicit => " :implicit"
| .strictImplicit => " :strictImplicit"
| .instImplicit => " :instImplicit"
def serialize_expression (options: Commands.Options) (e: Expr): MetaM Commands.Expression := do
let pp := toString (← Meta.ppExpr e)
let pp?: Option String := match options.printExprPretty with
| true => .some pp
| false => .none
let sexp: String := (← serialize_expression_ast e)
let sexp?: Option String := match options.printExprAST with
| true => .some sexp
| false => .none
return {
/-- Adapted from ppGoal -/
def serialize_goal (mvarDecl: MetavarDecl) : MetaM Goal := do
def serialize_goal (options: Commands.Options) (mvarDecl: MetavarDecl) (parentDecl?: Option MetavarDecl)
: MetaM Commands.Goal := do
-- Options for printing; See Meta.ppGoal for details
let showLetValues := True
let ppAuxDecls := false
let ppImplDetailHyps := false
let showLetValues := true
let ppAuxDecls := options.printAuxDecls
let ppImplDetailHyps := options.printImplementationDetailHyps
let lctx := mvarDecl.lctx
let lctx :=' { options := (← getOptions) }
Meta.withLCtx lctx mvarDecl.localInstances do
let rec ppVars (localDecl : LocalDecl) : MetaM Variable := do
let ppVarNameOnly (localDecl: LocalDecl): MetaM Commands.Variable := do
match localDecl with
| .cdecl _ _ varName _ _ _ =>
let varName := varName.simpMacroScopes
return {
name := toString varName,
| .ldecl _ _ varName _ _ _ _ => do
return {
name := toString varName,
let ppVar (localDecl : LocalDecl) : MetaM Commands.Variable := do
match localDecl with
| .cdecl _ _ varName type _ _ =>
let varName := varName.simpMacroScopes
let type ← instantiateMVars type
return {
name := toString varName,
isInaccessible := varName.isInaccessibleUserName,
type := toString <| ← Meta.ppExpr type
isInaccessible? := .some varName.isInaccessibleUserName
type? := .some (← serialize_expression options type)
| .ldecl _ _ varName type val _ _ => do
let varName := varName.simpMacroScopes
let type ← instantiateMVars type
let value? ← if showLetValues then
let val ← instantiateMVars val
pure $ .some <| toString <| (← Meta.ppExpr val)
pure $ .some (← serialize_expression options val)
pure $ .none
return {
name := toString varName,
isInaccessible := varName.isInaccessibleUserName,
type := toString <| ← Meta.ppExpr type
isInaccessible? := .some varName.isInaccessibleUserName
type? := .some (← serialize_expression options type)
value? := value?
let vars ← lctx.foldlM (init := []) fun acc (localDecl : LocalDecl) => do
let skip := !ppAuxDecls && localDecl.isAuxDecl || !ppImplDetailHyps && localDecl.isImplementationDetail
if skip then
return acc
let var ← ppVars localDecl
return var::acc
let skip := !ppAuxDecls && localDecl.isAuxDecl ||
!ppImplDetailHyps && localDecl.isImplementationDetail
if skip then
return acc
let nameOnly := options.proofVariableDelta && (parentDecl?.map
(λ decl => decl.lctx.find? localDecl.fvarId |>.isSome) |>.getD false)
let var ← match nameOnly with
| true => ppVarNameOnly localDecl
| false => ppVar localDecl
return var::acc
return {
caseName? := match mvarDecl.userName with
| Name.anonymous => .none
| name => .some <| toString name,
isConversion := "| " == (Meta.getGoalPrefix mvarDecl)
target := toString <| (← Meta.ppExpr (← instantiateMVars mvarDecl.type)),
target := (← serialize_expression options (← instantiateMVars mvarDecl.type)),
vars := vars.reverse.toArray
end Pantograph

View File

@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ From this point on, any proof which extends
def Lean.MessageLog.getErrorMessages (log : MessageLog) : MessageLog :=
{ msgs := log.msgs.filter fun m => match m.severity with | MessageSeverity.error => true | _ => false }
msgs := log.msgs.filter fun m => match m.severity with | MessageSeverity.error => true | _ => false
namespace Pantograph
@ -83,12 +85,14 @@ inductive TacticResult where
-- Invalid id
| invalid (message: String): TacticResult
-- Goes to next state
| success (nextId?: Option Nat) (goals: Array Goal)
| success (nextId?: Option Nat) (goals: Array Commands.Goal)
-- Fails with messages
| failure (messages: Array String)
/-- Execute tactic on given state -/
def ProofTree.execute (stateId: Nat) (goalId: Nat) (tactic: String): StateRefT ProofTree M TacticResult := do
def ProofTree.execute (stateId: Nat) (goalId: Nat) (tactic: String):
Commands.OptionsT StateRefT ProofTree M TacticResult := do
let options ← read
let tree ← get
match tree.states.get? stateId with
| .none => return .invalid s!"Invalid state id {stateId}"
@ -111,9 +115,10 @@ def ProofTree.execute (stateId: Nat) (goalId: Nat) (tactic: String): StateRefT P
parentGoalId := goalId
modify fun s => { s with states := s.states.push proofState }
let parentDecl? := (← MonadMCtx.getMCtx).findDecl? goal
let goals ← nextGoals.mapM fun mvarId => do
match (← MonadMCtx.getMCtx).findDecl? mvarId with
| .some mvarDecl => serialize_goal mvarDecl
| .some mvarDecl => serialize_goal options mvarDecl (parentDecl? := parentDecl?)
| .none => throwError mvarId
return .success (.some nextId) goals.toArray

Pantograph/Version.lean Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
namespace Pantograph
def version := "0.2.2"
end Pantograph

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Note that `lean-toolchain` must be present in the `$PWD` in order to run Pantogr
## Usage
``` sh
build/bin/pantograph OPTIONS|MODULES
build/bin/pantograph MODULES|LEAN_OPTIONS
The REPL loop accepts commands as single-line JSON inputs and outputs either an
@ -33,22 +33,22 @@ result of a command execution. The command can be passed in one of two formats
command { ... }
{ "cmd": command, "payload": ... }
The list of available commands can be found in `Pantograph/Commands.lean`. An
The list of available commands can be found in `Pantograph/Commands.lean` and below. An
empty command aborts the REPL.
The `Pantograph` executable must be run with a list of modules to import. It can
also accept options of the form `--key=value` e.g. `--pp.raw=true`.
also accept lean options of the form `--key=value` e.g. `--pp.raw=true`.
Example: (~5k symbols)
$ build/bin/Pantograph Init
inspect {"name": "Nat.le_add_left"}
lib.inspect {"name": "Nat.le_add_left"}
Example with `mathlib4` (~90k symbols, may stack overflow, see troubleshooting)
$ lake env build/bin/Pantograph Mathlib.Analysis.Seminorm
Example proving a theorem: (alternatively use `proof.start {"copyFrom": "Nat.add_comm"}`) to prime the proof
@ -65,10 +65,15 @@ where the application of `assumption` should lead to a failure.
## Commands
See `Pantograph/Commands.lean` for a description of the parameters and return values in Json.
- `catalog`: Display a list of all safe Lean symbols in the current context
- `inspect {"name": <name>}`: Show the type and package of a given symbol
- `clear`: Delete all cached expressions and proof trees
- `expr.type {"expr": <expr>}`: Determine the type of an expression and round-trip it
- `reset`: Delete all cached expressions and proof trees
- `expr.echo {"expr": <expr>}`: Determine the type of an expression and round-trip it
- `lib.catalog`: Display a list of all safe Lean symbols in the current context
- `lib.inspect {"name": <name>, "value": <bool>}`: Show the type and package of a
given symbol; If value flag is set, the value is printed or hidden. By default
only the values of definitions are printed.
- `options.set { key: value, ... }`: Set one or more options (not Lean options; those
have to be set via command line arguments.), for options, see `Pantograph/Commands.lean`
- `options.print`: Display the current set of options
- `proof.start {["name": <name>], ["expr": <expr>], ["copyFrom": <symbol>]}`: Start a new proof state from a given expression or symbol
- `proof.tactic {"treeId": <id>, "stateId": <id>, "goalId": <id>, "tactic": string}`: Execute a tactic on a given proof state
- `proof.printTree {"treeId": <id>}`: Print the topological structure of a proof tree
@ -86,4 +91,3 @@ The tests are based on `LSpec`. To run tests,
``` sh

Test/Integration.lean Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
/- Integration test for the REPL
import LSpec
import Pantograph
namespace Pantograph.Test
open Pantograph
def subroutine_step (cmd: String) (payload: List (String × Lean.Json))
(expected: Lean.Json): MainM LSpec.TestSeq := do
let result ← execute { cmd := cmd, payload := Lean.Json.mkObj payload }
return LSpec.test s!"{cmd}" (toString result = toString expected)
def subroutine_runner (steps: List (MainM LSpec.TestSeq)): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
-- Setup the environment for execution
let env ← Lean.importModules
(imports := [{module := Lean.Name.str .anonymous "Init", runtimeOnly := false }])
(opts := {})
(trustLevel := 1)
let context: Context := {
imports := ["Init"]
let coreContext: Lean.Core.Context := {
currNamespace := Lean.Name.str .anonymous "Aniva"
openDecls := [],
fileName := "<Test>",
fileMap := { source := "", positions := #[0], lines := #[1] },
options := Lean.Options.empty
let commands: MainM LSpec.TestSeq :=
steps.foldlM (λ suite step => do
let result ← step
return suite ++ result) LSpec.TestSeq.done
let termElabM := context |>.run' {}
let metaM :=' (ctx := {
declName? := some "_pantograph",
errToSorry := false
let coreM :='
return Prod.fst $ (← coreM.toIO coreContext { env := env })
catch ex =>
return LSpec.check s!"Uncaught IO exception: {ex.toString}" false
def test_option_print : IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
let pp? := Option.some "∀ (n : Nat), n + 1 = Nat.succ n"
let sexp? := Option.some "(:forall n (:c Nat) ((((:c Eq) (:c Nat)) (((((((:c HAdd.hAdd) (:c Nat)) (:c Nat)) (:c Nat)) (((:c instHAdd) (:c Nat)) (:c instAddNat))) 0) ((((:c OfNat.ofNat) (:c Nat)) (:lit 1)) ((:c instOfNatNat) (:lit 1))))) ((:c Nat.succ) 0)))"
let module? := Option.some "Init.Data.Nat.Basic"
let options: Commands.Options := {}
subroutine_runner [
subroutine_step "lib.inspect"
[("name", .str "Nat.add_one")]
(Lean.toJson ({
type := { pp? }, module? }:
subroutine_step "options.set"
[("printExprAST", .bool true)]
(Lean.toJson ({ }:
subroutine_step "lib.inspect"
[("name", .str "Nat.add_one")]
(Lean.toJson ({
type := { pp?, sexp? }, module? }:
subroutine_step "options.print"
(Lean.toJson ({ options with printExprAST := true }:
def test_integration: IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
return "Integration" $
( "Option modify" (← test_option_print))
end Pantograph.Test

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import LSpec
import Pantograph.Symbols
import Test.Integration
import Test.Proofs
import Test.Serial
@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ unsafe def main := do
Lean.initSearchPath (← Lean.findSysroot)
let suites := [
let all ← suites.foldlM (λ acc m => do pure $ acc ++ (← m)) LSpec.TestSeq.done
LSpec.lspecIO $ all

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import LSpec
import Pantograph.Meta
import Pantograph.Tactic
import Pantograph.Serial
namespace Pantograph.Test
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ inductive Start where
| copy (name: String) -- Start from some name in the environment
| expr (expr: String) -- Start from some expression
abbrev TestM := StateRefT ProofTree M
abbrev TestM := ReaderT Commands.Options StateRefT ProofTree M
def start_proof (start: Start): M (LSpec.TestSeq × Option ProofTree) := do
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
@ -47,13 +47,16 @@ def start_proof (start: Start): M (LSpec.TestSeq × Option ProofTree) := do
(expr := expr)
return (testSeq, Option.some state)
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Variable
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Goal
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Commands.Expression
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Commands.Variable
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Commands.Goal
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for TacticResult
/-- Check the output of each proof step -/
def proof_step (stateId: Nat) (goalId: Nat) (tactic: String)
(expected: TacticResult) : TestM LSpec.TestSeq := do
let result: TacticResult ← ProofTree.execute stateId goalId tactic
let options ← read
let result: TacticResult ← ProofTree.execute stateId goalId tactic |>.run options
match expected, result with
| .success (.some i) #[], .success (.some _) goals =>
-- If the goals are omitted but the next state is specified, we imply that
@ -63,16 +66,17 @@ def proof_step (stateId: Nat) (goalId: Nat) (tactic: String)
| _, _ =>
return LSpec.test s!"{stateId}.{goalId} {tactic}" (result = expected)
/-- Check that the tree structure is correct -/
def proof_inspect (expected: Array String) : TestM LSpec.TestSeq := do
let result := (← get).structure_array
return LSpec.test s!"tree structure" (result = expected)
def proof_runner (env: Lean.Environment) (start: Start) (steps: List (TestM LSpec.TestSeq)): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
def proof_runner (env: Lean.Environment) (options: Commands.Options) (start: Start) (steps: List (TestM LSpec.TestSeq)): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let termElabM := do
let (testSeq, state?) ← start_proof start
match state? with
| .none => return testSeq
| .some state => steps.foldlM (fun tests m => do pure $ tests ++ (← m)) testSeq |>.run' state
| .some state => steps.foldlM (fun tests m => do pure $ tests ++ (← m)) testSeq |>.run options |>.run' state
let coreContext: Lean.Core.Context := {
currNamespace := str_to_name "Aniva",
@ -90,21 +94,22 @@ def proof_runner (env: Lean.Environment) (start: Start) (steps: List (TestM LSpe
return LSpec.test "Exception" (s!"internal exception #{← exception.toMessageData.toString}" = "")
| .ok a => return a
def build_goal (nameType: List (String × String)) (target: String): Goal :=
def build_goal (nameType: List (String × String)) (target: String): Commands.Goal :=
target := target,
vars := ( fun x => ({ name := x.fst, type := x.snd }: Variable)).toArray
target := { pp? := .some target},
vars := ( fun x => ({
name := x.fst,
type? := .some { pp? := .some x.snd },
isInaccessible? := .some false
example: ∀ (a b: Nat), a + b = b + a := by
intro n m
rw [Nat.add_comm]
def proof_nat_add_comm (env: Lean.Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let goal1: Goal := {
target := "n + m = m + n",
vars := #[{ name := "n", type := "Nat" }, { name := "m", type := "Nat" }]
proof_runner env (.copy "Nat.add_comm") [
let goal1: Commands.Goal := build_goal [("n", "Nat"), ("m", "Nat")] "n + m = m + n"
proof_runner env {} (.copy "Nat.add_comm") [
proof_step 0 0 "intro n m"
(.success (.some 1) #[goal1]),
proof_step 1 0 "assumption"
@ -113,8 +118,8 @@ def proof_nat_add_comm (env: Lean.Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
(.success .none #[])
def proof_nat_add_comm_manual (env: Lean.Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let goal1: Goal := build_goal [("n", "Nat"), ("m", "Nat")] "n + m = m + n"
proof_runner env (.expr "∀ (a b: Nat), a + b = b + a") [
let goal1: Commands.Goal := build_goal [("n", "Nat"), ("m", "Nat")] "n + m = m + n"
proof_runner env {} (.expr "∀ (a b: Nat), a + b = b + a") [
proof_step 0 0 "intro n m"
(.success (.some 1) #[goal1]),
proof_step 1 0 "assumption"
@ -139,16 +144,17 @@ example: ∀ (p q: Prop), p q → q p := by
. apply Or.inl
def proof_or_comm (env: Lean.Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let branchGoal (caseName name: String): Goal := {
let typeProp: Commands.Expression := { pp? := .some "Prop" }
let branchGoal (caseName name: String): Commands.Goal := {
caseName? := .some caseName,
target := "q p",
target := { pp? := .some "q p" },
vars := #[
{ name := "p", type := "Prop" },
{ name := "q", type := "Prop" },
{ name := "h✝", type := name, isInaccessible := true }
{ name := "p", type? := .some typeProp, isInaccessible? := .some false },
{ name := "q", type? := .some typeProp, isInaccessible? := .some false },
{ name := "h✝", type? := .some { pp? := .some name }, isInaccessible? := .some true }
proof_runner env (.expr "∀ (p q: Prop), p q → q p") [
proof_runner env {} (.expr "∀ (p q: Prop), p q → q p") [
proof_step 0 0 "intro p q h"
(.success (.some 1) #[build_goal [("p", "Prop"), ("q", "Prop"), ("h", "p q")] "q p"]),
proof_step 1 0 "cases h"
@ -171,7 +177,7 @@ example (w x y z : Nat) (p : Nat → Prop)
simp [Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm, Nat.add_left_comm, Nat.mul_comm, Nat.mul_assoc, Nat.mul_left_comm] at *
def proof_arith_1 (env: Lean.Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
proof_runner env (.expr "∀ (w x y z : Nat) (p : Nat → Prop) (h : p (x * y + z * w * x)), p (x * w * z + y * x)") [
proof_runner env {} (.expr "∀ (w x y z : Nat) (p : Nat → Prop) (h : p (x * y + z * w * x)), p (x * w * z + y * x)") [
proof_step 0 0 "intros"
(.success (.some 1) #[]),
proof_step 1 0 "simp [Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm, Nat.add_left_comm, Nat.mul_comm, Nat.mul_assoc, Nat.mul_left_comm] at *"
@ -180,6 +186,25 @@ def proof_arith_1 (env: Lean.Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
(.success .none #[])
def build_goal_selective (nameType: List (String × Option String)) (target: String): Commands.Goal :=
target := { pp? := .some target},
vars := ( fun x => ({
name := x.fst,
type? := (λ type => { pp? := type }),
isInaccessible? := (λ _ => false)
def proof_delta_variable (env: Lean.Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let goal1: Commands.Goal := build_goal_selective [("n", .some "Nat")] "∀ (b : Nat), n + b = b + n"
let goal2: Commands.Goal := build_goal_selective [("n", .none), ("m", .some "Nat")] "n + m = m + n"
proof_runner env { proofVariableDelta := true } (.expr "∀ (a b: Nat), a + b = b + a") [
proof_step 0 0 "intro n"
(.success (.some 1) #[goal1]),
proof_step 1 0 "intro m"
(.success (.some 2) #[goal2])
def test_proofs : IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let env: Lean.Environment ← Lean.importModules
(imports := ["Init"].map (λ str => { module := str_to_name str, runtimeOnly := false }))
@ -190,7 +215,8 @@ def test_proofs : IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
( "Nat.add_comm" $ (← proof_nat_add_comm env)) ++
( "Nat.add_comm manual" $ (← proof_nat_add_comm_manual env)) ++
( "Or.comm" $ (← proof_or_comm env)) ++
( "Arithmetic 1" $ (← proof_arith_1 env))
( "Arithmetic 1" $ (← proof_arith_1 env)) ++
( "Delta variable" $ (← proof_delta_variable env))
end Pantograph.Test

View File

@ -7,22 +7,25 @@ namespace Pantograph.Test
open Pantograph
open Lean
deriving instance Repr, DecidableEq for BoundExpression
deriving instance Repr, DecidableEq for Commands.BoundExpression
def test_str_to_name: LSpec.TestSeq :=
LSpec.test "Symbol parsing" (Name.str (.str (.str .anonymous "Lean") "Meta") "run" = Pantograph.str_to_name "")
def test_expr_to_binder (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let cases: List (String × BoundExpression) := [
let entries: List (String × Commands.BoundExpression) := [
("Nat.add_comm", { binders := #[("n", "Nat"), ("m", "Nat")], target := "n + m = m + n" }),
("Nat.le_of_succ_le", { binders := #[("n", "Nat"), ("m", "Nat"), ("h", "Nat.succ n ≤ m")], target := "n ≤ m" })
let coreM := cases.foldlM (λ suites (symbol, target) => do
let coreM := entries.foldlM (λ suites (symbol, target) => do
let env ← MonadEnv.getEnv
let expr := str_to_name symbol |> env.find? |>.get! |>.type
let test := LSpec.check symbol ((← type_expr_to_bound expr) = target)
return LSpec.TestSeq.append suites test) LSpec.TestSeq.done |>.run'
let coreContext: Core.Context := {
currNamespace := str_to_name "Aniva",
currNamespace := Lean.Name.str .anonymous "Aniva"
openDecls := [], -- No 'open' directives needed
fileName := "<Pantograph>",
fileName := "<Pantograph/Test>",
fileMap := { source := "", positions := #[0], lines := #[1] }
match ← (' coreContext { env := env }).toBaseIO with
@ -30,6 +33,32 @@ def test_expr_to_binder (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
return LSpec.test "Exception" (s!"internal exception #{← exception.toMessageData.toString}" = "")
| .ok a => return a
def test_sexp_of_symbol (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let entries: List (String × String) := [
-- This one contains unhygienic variable names which must be suppressed
("Nat.add", "(:forall :anon (:c Nat) (:forall :anon (:c Nat) (:c Nat)))"),
-- These ones are normal and easy
("Nat.add_one", "(:forall n (:c Nat) ((((:c Eq) (:c Nat)) (((((((:c HAdd.hAdd) (:c Nat)) (:c Nat)) (:c Nat)) (((:c instHAdd) (:c Nat)) (:c instAddNat))) 0) ((((:c OfNat.ofNat) (:c Nat)) (:lit 1)) ((:c instOfNatNat) (:lit 1))))) ((:c Nat.succ) 0)))"),
("Nat.le_of_succ_le", "(:forall n (:c Nat) (:forall m (:c Nat) (:forall h (((((:c LE.le) (:c Nat)) (:c instLENat)) ((:c Nat.succ) 1)) 0) (((((:c LE.le) (:c Nat)) (:c instLENat)) 2) 1)) :implicit) :implicit)")
let metaM: MetaM LSpec.TestSeq := entries.foldlM (λ suites (symbol, target) => do
let env ← MonadEnv.getEnv
let expr := str_to_name symbol |> env.find? |>.get! |>.type
let test := LSpec.check symbol ((← serialize_expression_ast expr) = target)
return LSpec.TestSeq.append suites test) LSpec.TestSeq.done |>.run'
let coreM :='
let coreContext: Core.Context := {
currNamespace := Lean.Name.str .anonymous "Aniva"
openDecls := [], -- No 'open' directives needed
fileName := "<Pantograph/Test>",
fileMap := { source := "", positions := #[0], lines := #[1] }
match ← (' coreContext { env := env }).toBaseIO with
| .error exception =>
return LSpec.test "Exception" (s!"internal exception #{← exception.toMessageData.toString}" = "")
| .ok a => return a
def test_serial: IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let env: Environment ← importModules
(imports := ["Init"].map (λ str => { module := str_to_name str, runtimeOnly := false }))
@ -37,7 +66,8 @@ def test_serial: IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
(trustLevel := 1)
return "Serialisation" $
( "str_to_name" test_str_to_name) ++
( "Expression binder" (← test_expr_to_binder env)) ++
LSpec.test "Symbol parsing" (Name.str (.str (.str .anonymous "Lean") "Meta") "run" = Pantograph.str_to_name "")
( "Sexp from symbol" (← test_sexp_of_symbol env))
end Pantograph.Test

View File

@ -1 +1 @@