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@ -12,27 +12,24 @@ open Lean
namespace Pantograph
inductive Projection where
-- Normal field case
| field (projector : Name) (numParams : Nat)
-- Singular inductive case
| singular (recursor : Name) (numParams : Nat)
structure ProjectionApplication where
projector: Name
numParams: Nat
inner: Expr
/-- Converts a `.proj` expression to a form suitable for exporting/transpilation -/
@[export pantograph_analyze_projection]
def analyzeProjection (env: Environment) (e: Expr): Projection :=
let (typeName, idx, _) := match e with
| .proj typeName idx struct => (typeName, idx, struct)
@[export pantograph_expr_proj_to_app]
def exprProjToApp (env: Environment) (e: Expr): ProjectionApplication :=
let (typeName, idx, inner) := match e with
| .proj typeName idx inner => (typeName, idx, inner)
| _ => panic! "Argument must be proj"
if (getStructureInfo? env typeName).isSome then
let ctor := getStructureCtor env typeName
let fieldName := getStructureFields env typeName |>.get! idx
let projector := getProjFnForField? env typeName fieldName |>.get!
.field projector ctor.numParams
let recursor := mkRecOnName typeName
let ctor := getStructureCtor env typeName
.singular recursor ctor.numParams
let ctor := getStructureCtor env typeName
let fieldName := getStructureFields env typeName |>.get! idx
let projector := getProjFnForField? env typeName fieldName |>.get!
numParams := ctor.numParams,
def _root_.Lean.Name.isAuxLemma (n : Lean.Name) : Bool := n matches .num (.str _ "_auxLemma") _
@ -291,7 +288,7 @@ partial def serializeSortLevel (level: Level) : String :=
| _, .zero => s!"{k}"
| _, _ => s!"(+ {u_str} {k})"
#check Exists.recOn
Completely serializes an expression tree. Json not used due to compactness
@ -378,17 +375,12 @@ partial def serializeExpressionSexp (expr: Expr) : MetaM String := do
-- NOTE: Equivalent to expr itself, but mdata influences the prettyprinter
-- It may become necessary to incorporate the metadata.
self inner
| .proj typeName idx inner => do
| .proj _ _ _ => do
let env ← getEnv
match analyzeProjection env e with
| .field projector numParams =>
let autos := String.intercalate " " (List.replicate numParams "_")
let inner' ← self inner
pure s!"((:c {projector}) {autos} {inner'})"
| .singular _ _ =>
let typeName' := serializeName typeName (sanitize := false)
let e' ← self e
pure s!"(:proj {typeName'} {idx} {e'})"
let projApp := exprProjToApp env e
let autos := String.intercalate " " (List.replicate projApp.numParams "_")
let inner ← self projApp.inner
pure s!"((:c {projApp.projector}) {autos} {inner})"
-- Elides all unhygenic names
binderInfoSexp : Lean.BinderInfo → String
| .default => ""

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@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ private partial def translateExpr (srcExpr: Expr) : MetaTranslateM Expr := do
match e with
| .fvar fvarId =>
let .some fvarId' := state.fvarMap[fvarId]? | panic! s!"FVar id not registered: {}"
assert! (← getLCtx).contains fvarId'
-- Delegating this to `Meta.check` later
--assert! (← getLCtx).contains fvarId'
return .done $ .fvar fvarId'
| .mvar mvarId => do
-- Must not be assigned

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@ -207,6 +207,14 @@ protected def GoalState.tryNoConfuse (state: GoalState) (goal: MVarId) (eq: Stri
| .ok syn => pure syn
| .error error => return .parseError error
state.tryTacticM goal (tacticM := Tactic.evalNoConfuse eq)
@[export pantograph_goal_try_draft_m]
protected def GoalState.tryDraft (state: GoalState) (goal: MVarId) (expr: String): CoreM TacticResult := do
let expr ← match (← parseTermM expr) with
| .ok syn => pure syn
| .error error => return .parseError error
runTermElabM do
state.tryTacticM goal (Tactic.evalDraft expr)
@[export pantograph_goal_let_m]
def goalLet (state: GoalState) (goal: MVarId) (binderName: String) (type: String): CoreM TacticResult :=
runTermElabM <| state.tryLet goal binderName type

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@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ structure GoalTactic where
calc?: Option String := .none
-- true to enter `conv`, `false` to exit. In case of exit the `goalId` is ignored.
conv?: Option Bool := .none
draft?: Option String := .none
-- In case of the `have` tactic, the new free variable name is provided here
binderName?: Option String := .none

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@ -145,24 +145,27 @@ def execute (command: Protocol.Command): MainM Lean.Json := do
let .some goal := goalState.goals.get? args.goalId |
return .error $ errorIndex s!"Invalid goal index {args.goalId}"
let nextGoalState?: Except _ TacticResult ← runTermElabInMainM do
match args.tactic?, args.expr?, args.have?, args.let?, args.calc?, args.conv? with
| .some tactic, .none, .none, .none, .none, .none => do
-- NOTE: Should probably use a macro to handle this...
match args.tactic?, args.expr?, args.have?, args.let?, args.calc?, args.conv?, args.draft? with
| .some tactic, .none, .none, .none, .none, .none, .none => do
pure <| Except.ok <| ← goalState.tryTactic goal tactic
| .none, .some expr, .none, .none, .none, .none => do
| .none, .some expr, .none, .none, .none, .none, .none => do
pure <| Except.ok <| ← goalState.tryAssign goal expr
| .none, .none, .some type, .none, .none, .none => do
| .none, .none, .some type, .none, .none, .none, .none => do
let binderName := args.binderName?.getD ""
pure <| Except.ok <| ← goalState.tryHave goal binderName type
| .none, .none, .none, .some type, .none, .none => do
| .none, .none, .none, .some type, .none, .none, .none => do
let binderName := args.binderName?.getD ""
pure <| Except.ok <| ← goalState.tryLet goal binderName type
| .none, .none, .none, .none, .some pred, .none => do
| .none, .none, .none, .none, .some pred, .none, .none => do
pure <| Except.ok <| ← goalState.tryCalc goal pred
| .none, .none, .none, .none, .none, .some true => do
| .none, .none, .none, .none, .none, .some true, .none => do
pure <| Except.ok <| ← goalState.conv goal
| .none, .none, .none, .none, .none, .some false => do
| .none, .none, .none, .none, .none, .some false, .none => do
pure <| Except.ok <| ← goalState.convExit
| _, _, _, _, _, _ =>
| .none, .none, .none, .none, .none, .none, .some draft => do
pure <| Except.ok <| ← goalState.tryDraft goal draft
| _, _, _, _, _, _, _ =>
let error := errorI "arguments" "Exactly one of {tactic, expr, have, calc, conv} must be supplied"
pure $ Except.error $ error
match nextGoalState? with

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@ -96,22 +96,6 @@ def test_instance (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
let _expr := (← runTermElabMInMeta <| elabTerm s) |>.toOption |>.get!
return LSpec.TestSeq.done
def test_projection_prod (env: Environment) : IO LSpec.TestSeq:= runTest do
let struct := .app (.bvar 1) (.bvar 0)
let expr := .proj `Prod 1 struct
let .field projector numParams := analyzeProjection env expr |
fail "`Prod has fields"
checkEq "projector" projector `Prod.snd
checkEq "numParams" numParams 2
def test_projection_exists (env: Environment) : IO LSpec.TestSeq:= runTest do
let struct := .app (.bvar 1) (.bvar 0)
let expr := .proj `Exists 1 struct
let .singular recursor numParams := analyzeProjection env expr |
fail "`Exists has no projectors"
checkEq "recursor" recursor `Exists.recOn
checkEq "numParams" numParams 2
def suite (env: Environment): List (String × IO LSpec.TestSeq) :=
("serializeName", do pure test_serializeName),
@ -120,8 +104,6 @@ def suite (env: Environment): List (String × IO LSpec.TestSeq) :=
("Sexp from elaborated expr", test_sexp_of_elab env),
("Sexp from expr", test_sexp_of_expr env),
("Instance", test_instance env),
("Projection Prod", test_projection_prod env),
("Projection Exists", test_projection_exists env),
end Pantograph.Test.Delate

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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ See `Pantograph/Protocol.lean` for a description of the parameters and return va
to the previous `rhs`.
- `{ "conv": <bool> }`: Enter or exit conversion tactic mode. In the case of
exit, the goal id is ignored.
- `{ "draft": <expr> }`: Draft an expression with `sorry`s, turning them into goals. Coupling is not allowed.
* `goal.continue {"stateId": <id>, ["branch": <id>], ["goals": <names>]}`:
Execute continuation/resumption
- `{ "branch": <id> }`: Continue on branch state. The current state must have no goals.
@ -44,11 +45,12 @@ See `Pantograph/Protocol.lean` for a description of the parameters and return va
state. The user is responsible to ensure the sender/receiver instances share
the same environment.
* `frontend.process { ["fileName": <fileName>,] ["file": <str>], invocations:
<bool>, sorrys: <bool>, newConstants: <bool> }`: Executes the Lean frontend on
a file, collecting the tactic invocations (`"invocations": true`), the
sorrys and type errors into goal states (`"sorrys": true`), and new constants
(`"newConstants": true`). In the case of `sorrys`, this command additionally
outputs the position of each captured `sorry`.
<bool>, sorrys: <bool>, typeErrorsAsGoals: <bool>, newConstants: <bool> }`:
Executes the Lean frontend on a file, collecting the tactic invocations
(`"invocations": true`), the sorrys and type errors into goal states
(`"sorrys": true`), and new constants (`"newConstants": true`). In the case of
`sorrys`, this command additionally outputs the position of each captured
## Errors