Compare commits
No commits in common. "c4a97d8a765cea4c9edf21b5d96ceafdbc9f0c4e" and "71327d2d55f541c532d74c9e4563f47a23b2f458" have entirely different histories.
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import Pantograph.Commands
import Pantograph.Serial
import Pantograph.Serial
import Pantograph.Symbols
import Pantograph.Symbols
import Pantograph.Tactic
import Pantograph.Tactic
import Pantograph.SemihashMap
namespace Pantograph
namespace Pantograph
@ -12,7 +11,8 @@ structure Context where
/-- Stores state of the REPL -/
/-- Stores state of the REPL -/
structure State where
structure State where
options: Commands.Options := {}
options: Commands.Options := {}
goalStates: SemihashMap GoalState := SemihashMap.empty
--environments: Array Lean.Environment := #[]
proofTrees: Array ProofTree := #[]
-- State monad
-- State monad
abbrev MainM := ReaderT Context (StateT State Lean.Elab.TermElabM)
abbrev MainM := ReaderT Context (StateT State Lean.Elab.TermElabM)
@ -30,15 +30,14 @@ def execute (command: Commands.Command): MainM Lean.Json := do
| .error error => return Lean.toJson $ errorCommand s!"Unable to parse json: {error}"
| .error error => return Lean.toJson $ errorCommand s!"Unable to parse json: {error}"
match command.cmd with
match command.cmd with
| "reset" => run reset
| "reset" => run reset
| "stat" => run stat
| "expr.echo" => run expr_echo
| "expr.echo" => run expr_echo
| "lib.catalog" => run lib_catalog
| "lib.catalog" => run lib_catalog
| "lib.inspect" => run lib_inspect
| "lib.inspect" => run lib_inspect
| "options.set" => run options_set
| "options.set" => run options_set
| "options.print" => run options_print
| "options.print" => run options_print
| "goal.start" => run goal_start
| "proof.start" => run proof_start
| "goal.tactic" => run goal_tactic
| "proof.tactic" => run proof_tactic
| "goal.delete" => run goal_delete
| "proof.printTree" => run proof_print_tree
| cmd =>
| cmd =>
let error: Commands.InteractionError :=
let error: Commands.InteractionError :=
errorCommand s!"Unknown command {cmd}"
errorCommand s!"Unknown command {cmd}"
@ -48,15 +47,11 @@ def execute (command: Commands.Command): MainM Lean.Json := do
errorCommand := errorI "command"
errorCommand := errorI "command"
errorIndex := errorI "index"
errorIndex := errorI "index"
-- Command Functions
-- Command Functions
reset (_: Commands.Reset): MainM (CR Commands.StatResult) := do
reset (_: Commands.Reset): MainM (CR Commands.ResetResult) := do
let state ← get
let state ← get
let nGoals := state.goalStates.size
let nTrees := state.proofTrees.size
set { state with goalStates := SemihashMap.empty }
set { state with proofTrees := #[] }
return .ok { nGoals }
return .ok { nTrees := nTrees }
stat (_: Commands.Stat): MainM (CR Commands.StatResult) := do
let state ← get
let nGoals := state.goalStates.size
return .ok { nGoals }
lib_catalog (_: Commands.LibCatalog): MainM (CR Commands.LibCatalogResult) := do
lib_catalog (_: Commands.LibCatalog): MainM (CR Commands.LibCatalogResult) := do
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
let names := env.constants.fold (init := #[]) (λ acc name info =>
let names := env.constants.fold (init := #[]) (λ acc name info =>
@ -118,7 +113,7 @@ def execute (command: Commands.Command): MainM Lean.Json := do
return .ok { }
return .ok { }
options_print (_: Commands.OptionsPrint): MainM (CR Commands.OptionsPrintResult) := do
options_print (_: Commands.OptionsPrint): MainM (CR Commands.OptionsPrintResult) := do
return .ok (← get).options
return .ok (← get).options
goal_start (args: Commands.GoalStart): MainM (CR Commands.GoalStartResult) := do
proof_start (args: Commands.ProofStart): MainM (CR Commands.ProofStartResult) := do
let state ← get
let state ← get
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
let expr?: Except _ Lean.Expr ← (match args.expr, args.copyFrom with
let expr?: Except _ Lean.Expr ← (match args.expr, args.copyFrom with
@ -139,36 +134,32 @@ def execute (command: Commands.Command): MainM Lean.Json := do
match expr? with
match expr? with
| .error error => return .error error
| .error error => return .error error
| .ok expr =>
| .ok expr =>
let goalState ← GoalState.create expr
let tree ← ProofTree.create expr
let (goalStates, goalId) := state.goalStates.insert goalState
-- Put the new tree in the environment
set { state with goalStates }
let nextTreeId := state.proofTrees.size
return .ok { goalId }
set { state with proofTrees := state.proofTrees.push tree }
goal_tactic (args: Commands.GoalTactic): MainM (CR Commands.GoalTacticResult) := do
return .ok { treeId := nextTreeId }
proof_tactic (args: Commands.ProofTactic): MainM (CR Commands.ProofTacticResult) := do
let state ← get
let state ← get
match state.goalStates.get? args.goalId with
match state.proofTrees.get? args.treeId with
| .none => return .error $ errorIndex s!"Invalid goal index {args.goalId}"
| .none => return .error $ errorIndex "Invalid tree index {args.treeId}"
| .some goalState =>
| .some tree =>
let result ← GoalState.execute goalState args.tactic |>.run state.options
let (result, nextTree) ← ProofTree.execute
(stateId := args.stateId)
(goalId := args.goalId.getD 0)
(tactic := args.tactic) |>.run state.options |>.run tree
match result with
match result with
| .success goals =>
| .invalid message => return .error $ errorIndex message
if goals.isEmpty then
| .success nextId? goals =>
return .ok {}
set { state with proofTrees := state.proofTrees.set! args.treeId nextTree }
return .ok { nextId? := nextId?, goals? := .some goals }
-- Append all goals
let (goalStates, goalIds, sGoals) := Array.foldl (λ acc itr =>
let (map, indices, serializedGoals) := acc
let (goalState, sGoal) := itr
let (map, index) := map.insert goalState
(map, index :: indices, sGoal :: serializedGoals)
) (state.goalStates, [], []) goals
set { state with goalStates }
return .ok { goals? := .some sGoals.reverse.toArray, goalIds? := .some goalIds.reverse.toArray }
| .failure messages =>
| .failure messages =>
return .ok { tacticErrors? := .some messages }
return .ok { tacticErrors? := .some messages }
goal_delete (args: Commands.GoalDelete): MainM (CR Commands.GoalDeleteResult) := do
proof_print_tree (args: Commands.ProofPrintTree): MainM (CR Commands.ProofPrintTreeResult) := do
let state ← get
let state ← get
let goalStates := args.goalIds.foldl (λ map id => map.remove id) state.goalStates
match state.proofTrees.get? args.treeId with
set { state with goalStates }
| .none => return .error $ errorIndex "Invalid tree index {args.treeId}"
return .ok {}
| .some tree =>
return .ok { parents := tree.structure_array }
end Pantograph
end Pantograph
@ -80,11 +80,8 @@ structure InteractionError where
structure Reset where
structure Reset where
deriving Lean.FromJson
deriving Lean.FromJson
structure Stat where
structure ResetResult where
deriving Lean.FromJson
nTrees: Nat
structure StatResult where
-- Number of goals states
nGoals: Nat
deriving Lean.ToJson
deriving Lean.ToJson
-- Return the type of an expression
-- Return the type of an expression
@ -130,34 +127,35 @@ structure OptionsPrint where
deriving Lean.FromJson
deriving Lean.FromJson
abbrev OptionsPrintResult := Options
abbrev OptionsPrintResult := Options
structure GoalStart where
structure ProofStart where
-- Only one of the fields below may be populated.
-- Only one of the fields below may be populated.
expr: Option String -- Proof expression
expr: Option String -- Proof expression
copyFrom: Option String -- Theorem name
copyFrom: Option String -- Theorem name
deriving Lean.FromJson
deriving Lean.FromJson
structure GoalStartResult where
structure ProofStartResult where
goalId: Nat := 0 -- Proof tree id
treeId: Nat := 0 -- Proof tree id
deriving Lean.ToJson
deriving Lean.ToJson
structure GoalTactic where
structure ProofTactic where
-- Identifiers for tree, state, and goal
-- Identifiers for tree, state, and goal
goalId: Nat
treeId: Nat
stateId: Nat
goalId: Option Nat -- Defaults to 0
tactic: String
tactic: String
deriving Lean.FromJson
deriving Lean.FromJson
structure GoalTacticResult where
structure ProofTacticResult where
-- Existence of this field shows success
-- Existence of this field shows success
goals?: Option (Array Goal) := .none
goals?: Option (Array Goal) := .none
-- Next proof state id, if successful
-- Next proof state id, if successful
goalIds?: Option (Array Nat) := .none
nextId?: Option Nat := .none
-- Existence of this field shows failure
-- Existence of this field shows failure
tacticErrors?: Option (Array String) := .none
tacticErrors?: Option (Array String) := .none
deriving Lean.ToJson
deriving Lean.ToJson
structure ProofPrintTree where
-- Remove a bunch of goals.
treeId: Nat
structure GoalDelete where
goalIds: List Nat
deriving Lean.FromJson
deriving Lean.FromJson
structure GoalDeleteResult where
structure ProofPrintTreeResult where
-- "" if no parents, otherwise "parentId.goalId"
parents: Array String
deriving Lean.ToJson
deriving Lean.ToJson
end Pantograph.Commands
end Pantograph.Commands
@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
namespace Pantograph.SemihashMap
structure Imp (β: Type u) where
data: Array (Option β)
-- Number of elements currently in use
size: Nat
-- Next index that has never been touched
allocFront: Nat
-- Deallocated indices
deallocs: Array Nat
-- Number of valid entries in `deallocs` array
lastDealloc: Nat
namespace Imp
structure WF (m: Imp β): Prop where
capacity: = m.deallocs.size
front_dealloc: ∀ i: Fin m.deallocs.size, (i < m.allocFront) → (m.deallocs.get i) < m.allocFront
front_data: ∀ i: Fin, (i ≥ m.allocFront) → ( i).isNone
def empty (capacity := 16): Imp β :=
data := mkArray capacity .none,
size := 0,
allocFront := 0,
deallocs := mkArray capacity 0,
lastDealloc := 0,
private theorem list_get_replicate (x: α) (i: Fin (List.replicate n x).length):
List.get (List.replicate n x) i = x := by
theorem empty_wf : WF (empty n: Imp β) := by
unfold empty
case capacity =>
conv =>
conv =>
case front_dealloc =>
intro i
intro a
case front_data =>
intro i
unfold at i
simp at i
conv =>
unfold Array.get
unfold mkArray
simp [List.replicate]
rewrite [list_get_replicate]
-- FIXME: Merge this with the well-formed versions below so proof and code can
-- mesh seamlessly.
@[inline] def insert (map: Imp β) (v: β): (Imp β × Nat) :=
match map.lastDealloc with
| 0 => -- Capacity is full, buffer expansion is required
if map.size == then
let nextIndex :=
let extendCapacity := map.size
let result: Imp β := {
data := ( #[Option.some v]).append (mkArray extendCapacity .none),
size := map.size + 1,
allocFront := map.size + 1,
deallocs := mkArray ( + 1 + extendCapacity) 0,
lastDealloc := 0,
(result, nextIndex)
let nextIndex := map.size
let result: Imp β := {
data := ⟨nextIndex, sorry⟩ (Option.some v),
size := map.size + 1,
allocFront := map.allocFront + 1,
(result, nextIndex)
| (.succ k) => -- Allocation list has space
let nextIndex := map.deallocs.get! k
let result: Imp β := {
map with
data := ⟨nextIndex, sorry⟩ (Option.some v),
size := map.size + 1,
lastDealloc := map.lastDealloc - 1
(result, nextIndex)
@[inline] def remove (map: Imp β) (index: Fin (map.size)): Imp β :=
have h: index.val < := by sorry
match ⟨index.val, h⟩ with
| .none => map
| .some _ =>
map with
data := ⟨index, sorry⟩ .none,
size := map.size - 1,
deallocs := map.deallocs.set ⟨map.lastDealloc, sorry⟩ index,
lastDealloc := map.lastDealloc + 1,
/-- Retrieval is efficient -/
@[inline] def get? (map: Imp β) (index: Fin (map.size)): Option β :=
have h: index.val < := by sorry
|||||| ⟨index.val, h⟩
@[inline] def capacity (map: Imp β): Nat :=
end Imp
This is like a hashmap but you cannot control the keys.
def _root_.Pantograph.SemihashMap β := {m: Imp β // m.WF}
@[inline] def empty (capacity := 16): SemihashMap β :=
⟨ Imp.empty capacity, Imp.empty_wf ⟩
@[inline] def insert (map: SemihashMap β) (v: β): (SemihashMap β × Nat) :=
let ⟨imp, pre⟩ := map
let ⟨result, id⟩ := imp.insert v
( ⟨ result, sorry ⟩, id)
@[inline] def remove (map: SemihashMap β) (index: Nat): SemihashMap β :=
let ⟨imp, pre⟩ := map
let result := imp.remove ⟨index, sorry⟩
⟨ result, sorry ⟩
@[inline] def get? (map: SemihashMap β) (index: Nat): Option β :=
let ⟨imp, _⟩ := map
imp.get? ⟨index, sorry⟩
@[inline] def size (map: SemihashMap β): Nat :=
let ⟨imp, _⟩ := map
end Pantograph.SemihashMap
@ -24,22 +24,35 @@ def Lean.MessageLog.getErrorMessages (log : MessageLog) : MessageLog :=
namespace Pantograph
namespace Pantograph
open Lean
open Lean
structure GoalState where
structure ProofState where
mvarId: MVarId
goals : List MVarId
savedState : Elab.Tactic.SavedState
savedState : Elab.Tactic.SavedState
parent : Option Nat := none
parentGoalId : Nat := 0
structure ProofTree where
-- Set of proof states
states : Array ProofState := #[]
abbrev M := Elab.TermElabM
abbrev M := Elab.TermElabM
def GoalState.create (expr: Expr): M GoalState := do
def ProofTree.create (expr: Expr): M ProofTree := do
let expr ← instantiateMVars expr
let expr ← instantiateMVars expr
let goal := (← Meta.mkFreshExprMVar expr (kind := MetavarKind.synthetic))
let goal := (← Meta.mkFreshExprMVar expr (kind := MetavarKind.synthetic))
let savedStateMonad: Elab.Tactic.TacticM Elab.Tactic.SavedState := MonadBacktrack.saveState
let savedStateMonad: Elab.Tactic.TacticM Elab.Tactic.SavedState := MonadBacktrack.saveState
let savedState ← savedStateMonad { elaborator := .anonymous } |>.run' { goals := [goal.mvarId!]}
let savedState ← savedStateMonad { elaborator := .anonymous } |>.run' { goals := [goal.mvarId!]}
return {
return {
states := #[{
savedState := savedState,
savedState := savedState,
mvarId := goal.mvarId!
goals := [goal.mvarId!]
-- Print the tree structures in readable form
def ProofTree.structure_array (tree: ProofTree): Array String :=
| λ state => match state.parent with
| .none => ""
| .some parent => s!"{parent}.{state.parentGoalId}"
def execute_tactic (state: Elab.Tactic.SavedState) (goal: MVarId) (tactic: String) :
def execute_tactic (state: Elab.Tactic.SavedState) (goal: MVarId) (tactic: String) :
M (Except (Array String) (Elab.Tactic.SavedState × List MVarId)):= do
M (Except (Array String) (Elab.Tactic.SavedState × List MVarId)):= do
let tacticM (stx: Syntax): Elab.Tactic.TacticM (Except (Array String) (Elab.Tactic.SavedState × List MVarId)) := do
let tacticM (stx: Syntax): Elab.Tactic.TacticM (Except (Array String) (Elab.Tactic.SavedState × List MVarId)) := do
@ -65,38 +78,44 @@ def execute_tactic (state: Elab.Tactic.SavedState) (goal: MVarId) (tactic: Strin
/-- Response for executing a tactic -/
/-- Response for executing a tactic -/
inductive TacticResult where
inductive TacticResult where
-- Invalid id
| invalid (message: String): TacticResult
-- Goes to next state
-- Goes to next state
| success (goals: Array (GoalState × Commands.Goal))
| success (nextId?: Option Nat) (goals: Array Commands.Goal)
-- Fails with messages
-- Fails with messages
| failure (messages: Array String)
| failure (messages: Array String)
namespace TacticResult
def is_success: TacticResult → Bool
| .success _ => true
| .failure _ => false
end TacticResult
/-- Execute tactic on given state -/
/-- Execute tactic on given state -/
def GoalState.execute (goal: GoalState) (tactic: String):
def ProofTree.execute (stateId: Nat) (goalId: Nat) (tactic: String):
Commands.OptionsT M TacticResult := do
Commands.OptionsT StateRefT ProofTree M TacticResult := do
let options ← read
let options ← read
match (← execute_tactic (state := goal.savedState) (goal := goal.mvarId) (tactic := tactic)) with
let tree ← get
match tree.states.get? stateId with
| .none => return .invalid s!"Invalid state id {stateId}"
| .some state =>
match state.goals.get? goalId with
| .none => return .invalid s!"Invalid goal id {goalId}"
| .some goal =>
match (← execute_tactic (state := state.savedState) (goal := goal) (tactic := tactic)) with
| .error errors =>
| .error errors =>
return .failure errors
return .failure errors
| .ok (nextState, nextGoals) =>
| .ok (nextState, nextGoals) =>
let nextId := tree.states.size
if nextGoals.isEmpty then
if nextGoals.isEmpty then
return .success #[]
return .success .none #[]
let nextGoals: List GoalState := fun mvarId => { mvarId, savedState := nextState }
let proofState: ProofState := {
let parentDecl? := (← MonadMCtx.getMCtx).findDecl? goal.mvarId
savedState := nextState,
let goals ← nextGoals.mapM fun nextGoal => do
goals := nextGoals,
match (← MonadMCtx.getMCtx).findDecl? nextGoal.mvarId with
parent := stateId,
| .some mvarDecl =>
parentGoalId := goalId
let serializedGoal ← serialize_goal options mvarDecl (parentDecl? := parentDecl?)
return (nextGoal, serializedGoal)
modify fun s => { s with states := s.states.push proofState }
| .none => throwError nextGoal.mvarId
let parentDecl? := (← MonadMCtx.getMCtx).findDecl? goal
return .success goals.toArray
let goals ← nextGoals.mapM fun mvarId => do
match (← MonadMCtx.getMCtx).findDecl? mvarId with
| .some mvarDecl => serialize_goal options mvarDecl (parentDecl? := parentDecl?)
| .none => throwError mvarId
return .success (.some nextId) goals.toArray
end Pantograph
end Pantograph
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
namespace Pantograph
namespace Pantograph
def version := "0.2.4"
def version := "0.2.3"
end Pantograph
end Pantograph
@ -50,16 +50,15 @@ Example with `mathlib4` (~90k symbols, may stack overflow, see troubleshooting)
$ lake env build/bin/Pantograph Mathlib.Analysis.Seminorm
$ lake env build/bin/Pantograph Mathlib.Analysis.Seminorm
Example proving a theorem: (alternatively use `goal.start {"copyFrom": "Nat.add_comm"}`) to prime the proof
Example proving a theorem: (alternatively use `proof.start {"copyFrom": "Nat.add_comm"}`) to prime the proof
$ env build/bin/Pantograph Init
$ env build/bin/Pantograph Init
goal.start {"expr": "∀ (n m : Nat), n + m = m + n"}
proof.start {"expr": "∀ (n m : Nat), n + m = m + n"}
goal.tactic {"goalId": 0, "tactic": "intro n m"}
proof.tactic {"treeId": 0, "stateId": 0, "goalId": 0, "tactic": "intro n m"}
goal.tactic {"goalId": 1, "tactic": "assumption"}
proof.tactic {"treeId": 0, "stateId": 1, "goalId": 0, "tactic": "assumption"}
goal.delete {"goalIds": [0]}
proof.printTree {"treeId": 0}
stat {}
proof.tactic {"treeId": 0, "stateId": 1, "goalId": 0, "tactic": "rw [Nat.add_comm]"}
goal.tactic {"goalId": 1, "tactic": "rw [Nat.add_comm]"}
proof.printTree {"treeId": 0}
where the application of `assumption` should lead to a failure.
where the application of `assumption` should lead to a failure.
@ -75,10 +74,9 @@ See `Pantograph/Commands.lean` for a description of the parameters and return va
- `options.set { key: value, ... }`: Set one or more options (not Lean options; those
- `options.set { key: value, ... }`: Set one or more options (not Lean options; those
have to be set via command line arguments.), for options, see `Pantograph/Commands.lean`
have to be set via command line arguments.), for options, see `Pantograph/Commands.lean`
- `options.print`: Display the current set of options
- `options.print`: Display the current set of options
- `goal.start {["name": <name>], ["expr": <expr>], ["copyFrom": <symbol>]}`: Start a new goal from a given expression or symbol
- `proof.start {["name": <name>], ["expr": <expr>], ["copyFrom": <symbol>]}`: Start a new proof state from a given expression or symbol
- `goal.tactic {"goalId": <id>, "tactic": <tactic>}`: Execute a tactic string on a given goal
- `proof.tactic {"treeId": <id>, "stateId": <id>, "goalId": <id>, "tactic": string}`: Execute a tactic on a given proof state
- `goal.remove {"goalIds": [<id>]}"`: Remove a bunch of stored goals.
- `proof.printTree {"treeId": <id>}`: Print the topological structure of a proof tree
- `stat`: Display resource usage
## Errors
## Errors
@ -10,46 +10,87 @@ inductive Start where
| copy (name: String) -- Start from some name in the environment
| copy (name: String) -- Start from some name in the environment
| expr (expr: String) -- Start from some expression
| expr (expr: String) -- Start from some expression
abbrev TestM := StateRefT LSpec.TestSeq (ReaderT Commands.Options M)
abbrev TestM := ReaderT Commands.Options StateRefT ProofTree M
def start_proof (start: Start): M (LSpec.TestSeq × Option ProofTree) := do
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
let mut testSeq := LSpec.TestSeq.done
match start with
| .copy name =>
let cInfo? := str_to_name name |> env.find?
testSeq := testSeq ++ LSpec.check s!"Symbol exists {name}" cInfo?.isSome
match cInfo? with
| .some cInfo =>
let state ← ProofTree.create
(expr := cInfo.type)
return (testSeq, Option.some state)
| .none =>
return (testSeq, Option.none)
| .expr expr =>
let syn? := syntax_from_str env expr
testSeq := testSeq ++ LSpec.check s!"Parsing {expr}" (syn?.isOk)
match syn? with
| .error error =>
IO.println error
return (testSeq, Option.none)
| .ok syn =>
let expr? ← syntax_to_expr syn
testSeq := testSeq ++ LSpec.check s!"Elaborating" expr?.isOk
match expr? with
| .error error =>
IO.println error
return (testSeq, Option.none)
| .ok expr =>
let state ← ProofTree.create
(expr := expr)
return (testSeq, Option.some state)
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Commands.Expression
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Commands.Expression
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Commands.Variable
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Commands.Variable
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Commands.Goal
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Commands.Goal
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for TacticResult
def add_test (test: LSpec.TestSeq): TestM Unit := do
/-- Check the output of each proof step -/
set $ (← get) ++ test
def proof_step (stateId: Nat) (goalId: Nat) (tactic: String)
(expected: TacticResult) : TestM LSpec.TestSeq := do
let options ← read
let result: TacticResult ← ProofTree.execute stateId goalId tactic |>.run options
match expected, result with
| .success (.some i) #[], .success (.some _) goals =>
-- If the goals are omitted but the next state is specified, we imply that
-- the tactic succeeded.
let expected := .success (.some i) goals
return LSpec.test s!"{stateId}.{goalId} {tactic}" (result = expected)
| _, _ =>
return LSpec.test s!"{stateId}.{goalId} {tactic}" (result = expected)
def start_proof (start: Start): TestM (Option GoalState) := do
/-- Check that the tree structure is correct -/
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
def proof_inspect (expected: Array String) : TestM LSpec.TestSeq := do
match start with
let result := (← get).structure_array
| .copy name =>
return LSpec.test s!"tree structure" (result = expected)
let cInfo? := str_to_name name |> env.find?
add_test $ LSpec.check s!"Symbol exists {name}" cInfo?.isSome
match cInfo? with
| .some cInfo =>
let goal ← GoalState.create (expr := cInfo.type)
return Option.some goal
| .none =>
return Option.none
| .expr expr =>
let syn? := syntax_from_str env expr
add_test $ LSpec.check s!"Parsing {expr}" (syn?.isOk)
match syn? with
| .error error =>
IO.println error
return Option.none
| .ok syn =>
let expr? ← syntax_to_expr syn
add_test $ LSpec.check s!"Elaborating" expr?.isOk
match expr? with
| .error error =>
IO.println error
return Option.none
| .ok expr =>
let goal ← GoalState.create (expr := expr)
return Option.some goal
def assert_unreachable (message: String): LSpec.TestSeq := LSpec.check message false
def proof_runner (env: Lean.Environment) (options: Commands.Options) (start: Start) (steps: List (TestM LSpec.TestSeq)): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let termElabM := do
let (testSeq, state?) ← start_proof start
match state? with
| .none => return testSeq
| .some state => steps.foldlM (fun tests m => do pure $ tests ++ (← m)) testSeq |>.run options |>.run' state
let coreContext: Lean.Core.Context := {
currNamespace := str_to_name "Aniva",
openDecls := [], -- No 'open' directives needed
fileName := "<Pantograph>",
fileMap := { source := "", positions := #[0], lines := #[1] }
let metaM :=' (ctx := {
declName? := some "_pantograph",
errToSorry := false
let coreM :='
match ← (' coreContext { env := env }).toBaseIO with
| .error exception =>
return LSpec.test "Exception" (s!"internal exception #{← exception.toMessageData.toString}" = "")
| .ok a => return a
def build_goal (nameType: List (String × String)) (target: String): Commands.Goal :=
def build_goal (nameType: List (String × String)) (target: String): Commands.Goal :=
@ -60,61 +101,30 @@ def build_goal (nameType: List (String × String)) (target: String): Commands.Go
isInaccessible? := .some false
isInaccessible? := .some false
-- Like `build_goal` but allow certain variables to be elided.
def build_goal_selective (nameType: List (String × Option String)) (target: String): Commands.Goal :=
target := { pp? := .some target},
vars := ( fun x => ({
name := x.fst,
type? := (λ type => { pp? := type }),
isInaccessible? := (λ _ => false)
-- Individual test cases
example: ∀ (a b: Nat), a + b = b + a := by
example: ∀ (a b: Nat), a + b = b + a := by
intro n m
intro n m
rw [Nat.add_comm]
rw [Nat.add_comm]
def proof_nat_add_comm: TestM Unit := do
def proof_nat_add_comm (env: Lean.Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let goal? ← start_proof (.copy "Nat.add_comm")
let goal1: Commands.Goal := build_goal [("n", "Nat"), ("m", "Nat")] "n + m = m + n"
add_test $ LSpec.check "Start goal" goal?.isSome
proof_runner env {} (.copy "Nat.add_comm") [
if let .some goal := goal? then
proof_step 0 0 "intro n m"
if let .success #[(goal, sGoal)] ← goal.execute "intro n m" then
(.success (.some 1) #[goal1]),
let sGoal1e: Commands.Goal := build_goal [("n", "Nat"), ("m", "Nat")] "n + m = m + n"
proof_step 1 0 "assumption"
add_test $ LSpec.check "intro n m" (sGoal = sGoal1e)
(.failure #[s!"tactic 'assumption' failed\nn m : Nat\n⊢ n + m = m + n"]),
proof_step 1 0 "rw [Nat.add_comm]"
if let .failure #[message] ← goal.execute "assumption" then
(.success .none #[])
add_test $ LSpec.check "assumption" (message = "tactic 'assumption' failed\nn m : Nat\n⊢ n + m = m + n")
def proof_nat_add_comm_manual (env: Lean.Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
add_test $ assert_unreachable "assumption"
let goal1: Commands.Goal := build_goal [("n", "Nat"), ("m", "Nat")] "n + m = m + n"
proof_runner env {} (.expr "∀ (a b: Nat), a + b = b + a") [
if let .success #[] ← goal.execute "rw [Nat.add_comm]" then
proof_step 0 0 "intro n m"
return ()
(.success (.some 1) #[goal1]),
proof_step 1 0 "assumption"
add_test $ assert_unreachable "rw [Nat.add_comm]"
(.failure #[s!"tactic 'assumption' failed\nn m : Nat\n⊢ n + m = m + n"]),
proof_step 1 0 "rw [Nat.add_comm]"
add_test $ assert_unreachable "intro n m"
(.success .none #[])
def proof_nat_add_comm_manual: TestM Unit := do
let goal? ← start_proof (.expr "∀ (a b: Nat), a + b = b + a")
add_test $ LSpec.check "Start goal" goal?.isSome
if let .some goal := goal? then
if let .success #[(goal, sGoal)] ← goal.execute "intro n m" then
let sGoal1e: Commands.Goal := build_goal [("n", "Nat"), ("m", "Nat")] "n + m = m + n"
add_test $ LSpec.check "intro n m" (sGoal = sGoal1e)
if let .failure #[message] ← goal.execute "assumption" then
add_test $ LSpec.check "assumption" (message = "tactic 'assumption' failed\nn m : Nat\n⊢ n + m = m + n")
add_test $ assert_unreachable "assumption"
if let .success #[] ← goal.execute "rw [Nat.add_comm]" then
return ()
add_test $ assert_unreachable "rw [Nat.add_comm]"
add_test $ assert_unreachable "intro n m"
-- Two ways to write the same theorem
-- Two ways to write the same theorem
example: ∀ (p q: Prop), p ∨ q → q ∨ p := by
example: ∀ (p q: Prop), p ∨ q → q ∨ p := by
@ -131,7 +141,7 @@ example: ∀ (p q: Prop), p ∨ q → q ∨ p := by
. apply Or.inl
. apply Or.inl
def proof_or_comm: TestM Unit := do
def proof_or_comm (env: Lean.Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let typeProp: Commands.Expression := { pp? := .some "Prop" }
let typeProp: Commands.Expression := { pp? := .some "Prop" }
let branchGoal (caseName name: String): Commands.Goal := {
let branchGoal (caseName name: String): Commands.Goal := {
caseName? := .some caseName,
caseName? := .some caseName,
@ -142,111 +152,69 @@ def proof_or_comm: TestM Unit := do
{ name := "h✝", type? := .some { pp? := .some name }, isInaccessible? := .some true }
{ name := "h✝", type? := .some { pp? := .some name }, isInaccessible? := .some true }
let goal? ← start_proof (.expr "∀ (p q: Prop), p ∨ q → q ∨ p")
proof_runner env {} (.expr "∀ (p q: Prop), p ∨ q → q ∨ p") [
add_test $ LSpec.check "Start goal" goal?.isSome
proof_step 0 0 "intro p q h"
if let .some goal := goal? then
(.success (.some 1) #[build_goal [("p", "Prop"), ("q", "Prop"), ("h", "p ∨ q")] "q ∨ p"]),
if let .success #[(goal, sGoal)] ← goal.execute "intro p q h" then
proof_step 1 0 "cases h"
let sGoal1e := build_goal [("p", "Prop"), ("q", "Prop"), ("h", "p ∨ q")] "q ∨ p"
(.success (.some 2) #[branchGoal "inl" "p", branchGoal "inr" "q"]),
add_test $ LSpec.check "intro p q h" (sGoal = sGoal1e)
proof_inspect #["", "0.0", "1.0"],
proof_step 2 0 "apply Or.inr"
if let .success #[(goal1, sGoal1), (goal2, sGoal2)] ← goal.execute "cases h" then
(.success (.some 3) #[]),
add_test $ LSpec.check "cases h/1" (sGoal1 = branchGoal "inl" "p")
proof_inspect #["", "0.0", "1.0", "2.0"],
if let .success #[(goal, _)] ← goal1.execute "apply Or.inr" then
proof_step 3 0 "assumption"
if let .success #[] ← goal.execute "assumption" then
(.success .none #[]),
return ()
proof_step 2 1 "apply Or.inl"
(.success (.some 4) #[]),
add_test $ assert_unreachable "assumption"
proof_step 4 0 "assumption"
(.success .none #[]),
add_test $ assert_unreachable "apply Or.inr"
proof_inspect #["", "0.0", "1.0", "2.0", "2.1"]
add_test $ LSpec.check "cases h/2" (sGoal2 = branchGoal "inr" "q")
if let .success #[(goal, _)] ← goal2.execute "apply Or.inl" then
if let .success #[] ← goal.execute "assumption" then
return ()
add_test $ assert_unreachable "assumption"
add_test $ assert_unreachable "apply Or.inl"
add_test $ assert_unreachable "cases h"
add_test $ assert_unreachable "intro p q h"
example (w x y z : Nat) (p : Nat → Prop)
example (w x y z : Nat) (p : Nat → Prop)
(h : p (x * y + z * w * x)) : p (x * w * z + y * x) := by
(h : p (x * y + z * w * x)) : p (x * w * z + y * x) := by
simp [Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm, Nat.add_left_comm, Nat.mul_comm, Nat.mul_assoc, Nat.mul_left_comm] at *
simp [Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm, Nat.add_left_comm, Nat.mul_comm, Nat.mul_assoc, Nat.mul_left_comm] at *
def proof_arith_1: TestM Unit := do
def proof_arith_1 (env: Lean.Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let goal? ← start_proof (.expr "∀ (w x y z : Nat) (p : Nat → Prop) (h : p (x * y + z * w * x)), p (x * w * z + y * x)")
proof_runner env {} (.expr "∀ (w x y z : Nat) (p : Nat → Prop) (h : p (x * y + z * w * x)), p (x * w * z + y * x)") [
add_test $ LSpec.check "Start goal" goal?.isSome
proof_step 0 0 "intros"
if let .some goal := goal? then
(.success (.some 1) #[]),
if let .success #[(goal, _)] ← goal.execute "intros" then
proof_step 1 0 "simp [Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm, Nat.add_left_comm, Nat.mul_comm, Nat.mul_assoc, Nat.mul_left_comm] at *"
if let .success #[(goal, _)] ← goal.execute "simp [Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm, Nat.add_left_comm, Nat.mul_comm, Nat.mul_assoc, Nat.mul_left_comm] at *" then
(.success (.some 2) #[]),
if let .success #[] ← goal.execute "assumption" then
proof_step 2 0 "assumption"
return ()
(.success .none #[])
add_test $ assert_unreachable "assumption"
add_test $ assert_unreachable "simp ..."
add_test $ assert_unreachable "intros"
def proof_delta_variable: TestM Unit := withReader (fun _ => {proofVariableDelta := true}) do
def build_goal_selective (nameType: List (String × Option String)) (target: String): Commands.Goal :=
let goal? ← start_proof (.expr "∀ (a b: Nat), a + b = b + a")
add_test $ LSpec.check "Start goal" goal?.isSome
target := { pp? := .some target},
if let .some goal := goal? then
vars := ( fun x => ({
if let .success #[(goal, sGoal)] ← goal.execute "intro n" then
name := x.fst,
let sGoal1e: Commands.Goal := build_goal_selective [("n", .some "Nat")] "∀ (b : Nat), n + b = b + n"
type? := (λ type => { pp? := type }),
add_test $ LSpec.check "intro n" (sGoal = sGoal1e)
isInaccessible? := (λ _ => false)
if let .success #[(_, sGoal)] ← goal.execute "intro m" then
let sGoal2e: Commands.Goal := build_goal_selective [("n", .none), ("m", .some "Nat")] "n + m = m + n"
add_test $ LSpec.check "intro m" (sGoal = sGoal2e)
add_test $ assert_unreachable "intro m"
add_test $ assert_unreachable "intro n"
def proof_runner (env: Lean.Environment) (tests: TestM Unit): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let termElabM := LSpec.TestSeq.done |>.run {} -- with default options
let coreContext: Lean.Core.Context := {
currNamespace := str_to_name "Aniva",
openDecls := [], -- No 'open' directives needed
fileName := "<Pantograph>",
fileMap := { source := "", positions := #[0], lines := #[1] }
let metaM :=' (ctx := {
def proof_delta_variable (env: Lean.Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
declName? := some "_pantograph",
let goal1: Commands.Goal := build_goal_selective [("n", .some "Nat")] "∀ (b : Nat), n + b = b + n"
errToSorry := false
let goal2: Commands.Goal := build_goal_selective [("n", .none), ("m", .some "Nat")] "n + m = m + n"
proof_runner env { proofVariableDelta := true } (.expr "∀ (a b: Nat), a + b = b + a") [
let coreM :='
proof_step 0 0 "intro n"
match ← (' coreContext { env := env }).toBaseIO with
(.success (.some 1) #[goal1]),
| .error exception =>
proof_step 1 0 "intro m"
return LSpec.test "Exception" (s!"internal exception #{← exception.toMessageData.toString}" = "")
(.success (.some 2) #[goal2])
| .ok (_, a) =>
return a
def test_proofs : IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
def test_proofs : IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let env: Lean.Environment ← Lean.importModules
let env: Lean.Environment ← Lean.importModules
(imports := ["Init"].map (λ str => { module := str_to_name str, runtimeOnly := false }))
(imports := ["Init"].map (λ str => { module := str_to_name str, runtimeOnly := false }))
(opts := {})
(opts := {})
(trustLevel := 1)
(trustLevel := 1)
let tests := [
("Nat.add_comm", proof_nat_add_comm),
("nat.add_comm manual", proof_nat_add_comm_manual),
("Or.comm", proof_or_comm),
("arithmetic 1", proof_arith_1),
("delta variable", proof_delta_variable)
let tests ← tests.foldlM (fun acc tests => do
let (name, tests) := tests
let tests ← proof_runner env tests
return acc ++ ( name tests)) LSpec.TestSeq.done
return "Proofs" tests
return "Proofs" $
( "Nat.add_comm" $ (← proof_nat_add_comm env)) ++
( "Nat.add_comm manual" $ (← proof_nat_add_comm_manual env)) ++
( "Or.comm" $ (← proof_or_comm env)) ++
( "Arithmetic 1" $ (← proof_arith_1 env)) ++
( "Delta variable" $ (← proof_delta_variable env))
end Pantograph.Test
end Pantograph.Test
Reference in New Issue