chore: Version 0.3 #136

aniva wants to merge 487 commits from dev into main
1 changed files with 1 additions and 6 deletions
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@ -8,10 +8,7 @@ namespace Pantograph.Test.Metavar
open Pantograph
open Lean
abbrev TestM := StateRefT LSpec.TestSeq (ReaderT Protocol.Options Elab.TermElabM)
def addTest (test: LSpec.TestSeq): TestM Unit := do
set $ (← get) ++ test
abbrev TestM := TestT $ ReaderT Protocol.Options Elab.TermElabM
-- Tests that all delay assigned mvars are instantiated
def test_instantiate_mvar: TestM Unit := do
@ -32,8 +29,6 @@ def test_instantiate_mvar: TestM Unit := do
"((:c LE.le) (:c Nat) (:c instLENat) ((:c OfNat.ofNat) (:mv _uniq.2) (:lit 2) (:mv _uniq.3)) ((:c OfNat.ofNat) (:mv _uniq.14) (:lit 5) (:mv _uniq.15)))")
return ()
def startProof (expr: String): TestM (Option GoalState) := do
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
let syn? := parseTerm env expr