chore: Version 0.3 #136

aniva wants to merge 549 commits from dev into main
3 changed files with 79 additions and 1 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 495ea1ac14 - Show all commits

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@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ import Pantograph.Frontend
import Pantograph.Goal
import Pantograph.Library
import Pantograph.Protocol
import Pantograph.Serial
import Pantograph.Version

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@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
import Pantograph.Delate
import Pantograph.Elab
import Pantograph.Protocol
import Lean
import Pantograph.Serial
import Lean.Environment
import Lean.Replay
open Lean
open Pantograph

Pantograph/Serial.lean Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
import Lean.Environment
import Lean.Replay
import Std.Data.HashMap
Input/Output functions
# Pickling and unpickling objects
By abusing `saveModuleData` and `readModuleData` we can pickle and unpickle objects to disk.
open Lean
namespace Pantograph
Save an object to disk.
If you need to write multiple objects from within a single declaration,
you will need to provide a unique `key` for each.
def pickle {α : Type} (path : System.FilePath) (x : α) (key : Name := by exact decl_name%) : IO Unit :=
saveModuleData path key (unsafe unsafeCast x)
Load an object from disk.
Note: The returned `CompactedRegion` can be used to free the memory behind the value
of type `α`, using `` (which is only safe once all references to the `α` are
released). Ignoring the `CompactedRegion` results in the data being leaked.
Use `withUnpickle` to call `` automatically.
This function is unsafe because the data being loaded may not actually have type `α`, and this
may cause crashes or other bad behavior.
unsafe def unpickle (α : Type) (path : System.FilePath) : IO (α × CompactedRegion) := do
let (x, region) ← readModuleData path
pure (unsafeCast x, region)
/-- Load an object from disk and run some continuation on it, freeing memory afterwards. -/
unsafe def withUnpickle [Monad m] [MonadLiftT IO m] {α β : Type}
(path : System.FilePath) (f : α → m β) : m β := do
let (x, region) ← unpickle α path
let r ← f x
pure r
end Pantograph
namespace Lean.Environment
Pickle an `Environment` to disk.
We only store:
* the list of imports
* the new constants from `Environment.constants`
and when unpickling, we build a fresh `Environment` from the imports,
and then add the new constants.
@[export pantograph_env_pickle_m]
def pickle (env : Environment) (path : System.FilePath) : IO Unit :=
Pantograph.pickle path (env.header.imports, env.constants.map₂)
Unpickle an `Environment` from disk.
We construct a fresh `Environment` with the relevant imports,
and then replace the new constants.
@[export pantograph_env_unpickle_m]
def unpickle (path : System.FilePath) : IO (Environment × CompactedRegion) := unsafe do
let ((imports, map₂), region) ← Pantograph.unpickle (Array Import × PHashMap Name ConstantInfo) path
let env ← importModules imports {} 0
return (← env.replay (Std.HashMap.ofList map₂.toList), region)
end Lean.Environment