chore: Version 0.3 #136

aniva wants to merge 549 commits from dev into main
3 changed files with 23 additions and 4 deletions
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@ -19,13 +19,15 @@ def strToName (s: String) : Name := s.toName
@[export pantograph_name_to_str]
def nameToStr (s: Name) : String := s.toString
@[export pantograph_name_is_inaccessible]
def isInaccessible (n: Name) : Bool := n.isInaccessibleUserName
def isInaccessible (n: Name) : Bool := n.isInaccessibleUserName || n.hasMacroScopes
@[export pantograph_mk_app_m]
def mkAppM (constName : Name) (xs : Array Expr) : MetaM Expr := Meta.mkAppM constName xs
@[export pantograph_pp_expr_m]
def ppExpr (e: Expr): MetaM String := toString <$> Meta.ppExpr e
@[export pantograph_get_used_constants]
def getUsedConstants (e: Expr) := e.getUsedConstants
-- Mirrors Lean's LocalDecl

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@ -7,15 +7,31 @@ open Pantograph
namespace Pantograph.Environment
def isNameInternal (n: Lean.Name): Bool :=
@[export pantograph_is_name_internal]
def isNameInternal (n: Name): Bool :=
-- Returns true if the name is an implementation detail which should not be shown to the user.
isLeanSymbol n (Lean.privateToUserName? n |>.map isLeanSymbol |>.getD false) n.isAuxLemma n.hasMacroScopes
isLeanSymbol (name: Lean.Name): Bool := match name.getRoot with
isLeanSymbol (name: Name): Bool := match name.getRoot with
| .str _ name => name == "Lean"
| _ => true
def toCompactSymbolName (n: Lean.Name) (info: Lean.ConstantInfo): String :=
/-- Catalog all the non-internal names -/
@[export pantograph_environment_catalog]
def env_catalog (env: Environment): Array Name := env.constants.fold (init := #[]) (λ acc name _ =>
match isNameInternal name with
| true => acc.push name
| false => acc)
@[export pantograph_environment_module_of_name]
def module_of_name (env: Environment) (name: Name): Option Name := do
let moduleId ← env.getModuleIdxFor? name
return env.allImportedModuleNames.get! moduleId.toNat
@[export pantograph_constant_info_is_unsafe_or_partial]
def constantInfoIsUnsafeOrPartial (info: ConstantInfo): Bool := info.isUnsafe || info.isPartial
def toCompactSymbolName (n: Name) (info: ConstantInfo): String :=
let pref := match info with
| .axiomInfo _ => "a"
| .defnInfo _ => "d"

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ namespace Pantograph
def _root_.Lean.Name.isAuxLemma (n : Lean.Name) : Bool := n matches .num (.str _ "_auxLemma") _
/-- Unfold all lemmas created by `Lean.Meta.mkAuxLemma`. These end in `_auxLemma.nn` where `nn` is a number. -/
@[export pantograph_unfold_aux_lemmas]
def unfoldAuxLemmas (e : Expr) : CoreM Expr := do
Lean.Meta.deltaExpand e Lean.Name.isAuxLemma