chore: Version 0.3 #136

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/- Adapted from lean-training-data by semorrison -/
import Pantograph.Frontend.Basic
import Pantograph.Frontend.Elab
import Pantograph.Frontend.InfoTree
import Pantograph.Frontend.MetaTranslate

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@ -30,6 +30,13 @@ end Lean.PersistentArray
namespace Pantograph.Frontend
@[export pantograph_frontend_stx_byte_range]
def stxByteRange (stx : Syntax) : String.Pos × String.Pos :=
let pos := stx.getPos?.getD 0
let endPos := stx.getTailPos?.getD 0
(pos, endPos)
abbrev FrontendM := Elab.Frontend.FrontendM
structure CompilationStep where

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@ -1,87 +1,21 @@
/- Adapted from -/
import Lean.Elab.Import
import Lean.Elab.Command
import Lean.Elab.InfoTree
import Lean.DeclarationRange
import Pantograph.Frontend.Basic
import Pantograph.Frontend.MetaTranslate
import Pantograph.Goal
import Pantograph.Protocol
import Pantograph.Frontend.InfoTree
open Lean
namespace Lean.Elab.Info
/-- The `Syntax` for a `Lean.Elab.Info`, if there is one. -/
protected def stx? : Info → Option Syntax
| .ofTacticInfo info => info.stx
| .ofTermInfo info => info.stx
| .ofCommandInfo info => info.stx
| .ofMacroExpansionInfo info => info.stx
| .ofOptionInfo info => info.stx
| .ofFieldInfo info => info.stx
| .ofCompletionInfo info => info.stx
| .ofUserWidgetInfo info => info.stx
| .ofCustomInfo info => info.stx
| .ofFVarAliasInfo _ => none
| .ofFieldRedeclInfo info => info.stx
| .ofOmissionInfo info => info.stx
/-- Is the `Syntax` for this `Lean.Elab.Info` original, or synthetic? -/
protected def isOriginal (i : Info) : Bool :=
match i.stx? with
| none => true -- Somewhat unclear what to do with `FVarAliasInfo`, so be conservative.
| some stx => match stx.getHeadInfo with
| .original .. => true
| _ => false
end Lean.Elab.Info
namespace Lean.Elab.TacticInfo
/-- Find the name for the outermost `Syntax` in this `TacticInfo`. -/
def name? (t : TacticInfo) : Option Name :=
match t.stx with
| Syntax.node _ n _ => some n
| _ => none
/-- Decide whether a tactic is "substantive",
or is merely a tactic combinator (e.g. `by`, `;`, multiline tactics, parenthesized tactics). -/
def isSubstantive (t : TacticInfo) : Bool :=
match with
| none => false
| some `null => false
| some ``cdot => false
| some ``cdotTk => false
| some ``Lean.Parser.Term.byTactic => false
| some ``Lean.Parser.Tactic.tacticSeq => false
| some ``Lean.Parser.Tactic.tacticSeq1Indented => false
| some ``Lean.Parser.Tactic.«tactic_<;>_» => false
| some ``Lean.Parser.Tactic.paren => false
| _ => true
end Lean.Elab.TacticInfo
namespace Lean.Elab.InfoTree
Keep `.node` nodes and `.hole` nodes satisfying predicates.
Returns a `List InfoTree`, although in most situations this will be a singleton.
partial def filter (p : Info → Bool) (m : MVarId → Bool := fun _ => false) :
InfoTree → List InfoTree
| .context ctx tree => tree.filter p m |>.map (.context ctx)
| .node info children =>
if p info then
[.node info ( (filter p m)).join.toPArray']
( (filter p m)).join
| .hole mvar => if m mvar then [.hole mvar] else []
end Lean.Elab.InfoTree
namespace Pantograph.Frontend
-- Info tree filtering functions
/- Adapted from lean-training-data -/
structure TacticInvocation where
info : Elab.TacticInfo
ctx : Elab.ContextInfo
@ -131,19 +65,10 @@ protected def usedConstants (t: TacticInvocation) : NameSet :=
end TacticInvocation
/-- Analogue of `Lean.Elab.InfoTree.findInfo?`, but that returns a list of all results. -/
partial def findAllInfo (t : Elab.InfoTree) (context?: Option Elab.ContextInfo) (pred : Elab.Info → Bool) :
List (Elab.Info × Option Elab.ContextInfo × PersistentArray Elab.InfoTree) :=
match t with
| .context inner t => findAllInfo t (inner.mergeIntoOuter? context?) pred
| .node i children =>
(if pred i then [(i, context?, children)] else []) ++ children.toList.bind (fun t => findAllInfo t context? pred)
| _ => []
/-- Return all `TacticInfo` nodes in an `InfoTree` corresponding to tactics,
each equipped with its relevant `ContextInfo`, and any children info trees. -/
private def collectTacticNodes (t : Elab.InfoTree) : List TacticInvocation :=
let infos := findAllInfo t none fun i => match i with
let infos := t.findAllInfo none false fun i => match i with
| .ofTacticInfo _ => true
| _ => false
infos.filterMap fun p => match p with
@ -162,9 +87,11 @@ def collectTacticsFromCompilationStep (step : CompilationStep) : IO (List Protoc
tactics.mapM λ invocation => do
let goalBefore := (Format.joinSep (← invocation.goalState) "\n").pretty
let goalAfter := (Format.joinSep (← invocation.goalStateAfter) "\n").pretty
let tactic ← invocation.ctx.runMetaM {} do
let t ← PrettyPrinter.ppTactic ⟨⟩
return t.pretty
let tactic ← invocation.ctx.runMetaM {} <| Meta.withMCtx do
return (← invocation.ctx.ppSyntax {}
-- FIXME: Why does this not work? There are problems with `term.pseudo.antiquot`
--PrettyPrinter.ppTactic ⟨⟩
--return t.pretty
let usedConstants := λ n => n.toString
return {
@ -177,47 +104,79 @@ structure InfoWithContext where
info: Elab.Info
context?: Option Elab.ContextInfo := .none
private def collectSorrysInTree (t : Elab.InfoTree) : List InfoWithContext :=
let infos := findAllInfo t none fun i => match i with
| .ofTermInfo { expectedType?, expr, stx, .. } =>
expr.isSorry ∧ expectedType?.isSome ∧ stx.isOfKind `Lean.Parser.Term.sorry
private def collectSorrysInTree (t : Elab.InfoTree) : IO (List InfoWithContext) := do
let infos ← t.findAllInfoM none fun i ctx? => match i with
| .ofTermInfo { expectedType?, expr, stx, lctx, .. } => do
let .some ctx := ctx? | return (false, true)
if expr.isSorry ∧ stx.isOfKind `Lean.Parser.Term.sorry then
if expectedType?.isNone then
throw $ .userError "Sorry of indeterminant type is not allowed"
return (true, false)
let .some expectedType := expectedType? | return (false, true)
let typeMatch ← ctx.runMetaM lctx do
let type ← Meta.inferType expr
Meta.isExprDefEqGuarded type expectedType
return match typeMatch, expr.hasSorry with
| false, true => (true, false) -- Types mismatch but has sorry -> collect, halt
| false, false => (true, false) -- Types mistmatch but no sorry -> collect, halt
| true, true => (false, true) -- Types match but has sorry -> continue
| true, false => (false, false) -- Types match but no sorries -> halt
| .ofTacticInfo { stx, goalsBefore, .. } =>
-- The `sorry` term is distinct from the `sorry` tactic
let isSorry := stx.isOfKind `Lean.Parser.Tactic.tacticSorry
isSorry ∧ !goalsBefore.isEmpty
| _ => false fun (info, context?, _) => { info, context? }
return (isSorry ∧ !goalsBefore.isEmpty, ¬ isSorry)
| _ => return (false, true)
return fun (info, context?, _) => { info, context? }
-- NOTE: Plural deliberately not spelled "sorries"
@[export pantograph_frontend_collect_sorrys_m]
def collectSorrys (step: CompilationStep) : List InfoWithContext :=
step.trees.bind collectSorrysInTree
def collectSorrys (step: CompilationStep) : IO (List InfoWithContext) := do
return (← step.trees.mapM collectSorrysInTree).join
structure AnnotatedGoalState where
state : GoalState
srcBoundaries : List (String.Pos × String.Pos)
Since we cannot directly merge `MetavarContext`s, we have to get creative. This
function duplicates frozen mvars in term and tactic info nodes, and add them to
the current `MetavarContext`.
@[export pantograph_frontend_sorrys_to_goal_state]
def sorrysToGoalState (sorrys : List InfoWithContext) : MetaM GoalState := do
@[export pantograph_frontend_sorrys_to_goal_state_m]
def sorrysToGoalState (sorrys : List InfoWithContext) : MetaM AnnotatedGoalState := do
assert! !sorrys.isEmpty
let goalsM := sorrys.mapM λ i => do
match with
| .ofTermInfo termInfo => do
let mvarId ← MetaTranslate.translateMVarFromTermInfo termInfo i.context?
return [mvarId]
return [(mvarId, stxByteRange termInfo.stx)]
| .ofTacticInfo tacticInfo => do
MetaTranslate.translateMVarFromTacticInfoBefore tacticInfo i.context?
let mvarIds ← MetaTranslate.translateMVarFromTacticInfoBefore tacticInfo i.context?
let range := stxByteRange tacticInfo.stx
return (·, range)
| _ => panic! "Invalid info"
let goals := List.join (← {} |>.run' {})
let annotatedGoals := List.join (← {} |>.run' {})
let goals := Prod.fst
let srcBoundaries := Prod.snd
let root := match goals with
| [] => panic! "No MVars generated"
| [g] => g
| _ => { name := .anonymous }
GoalState.createFromMVars goals root
let state ← GoalState.createFromMVars goals root
return { state, srcBoundaries }
@[export pantograph_frontend_collect_new_defined_constants_m]
def collectNewDefinedConstants (step : CompilationStep) : IO (List Name) := do
step.after.constants.map₂.foldlM (λ acc name _ => do
if step.before.contains name then
return acc
let coreM : CoreM Bool := Option.isSome <$> findDeclarationRanges? name
let hasRange ←' { fileName := step.fileName, fileMap := step.fileMap } { env := step.after } |>.toBaseIO
match hasRange with
| .ok true => return name :: acc
| .ok false => return acc
| .error e => throw $ IO.userError (← e.toMessageData.toString)
) []
end Pantograph.Frontend

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
/- Adapted from lean-training-data -/
import Lean.Elab.InfoTree
import Lean.Parser.Term
import Lean.PrettyPrinter
open Lean
namespace Lean.Elab
private def elaboratorToString : Name → String
| .anonymous => ""
| n => s!"⟨{n}⟩ "
private def indent (s : String) : String := "\n".intercalate $ s.splitOn "\n" |>.map ("\t" ++ .)
/-- The `Syntax` for a `Lean.Elab.Info`, if there is one. -/
protected def Info.stx? : Info → Option Syntax
| .ofTacticInfo info => info.stx
| .ofTermInfo info => info.stx
| .ofCommandInfo info => info.stx
| .ofMacroExpansionInfo info => info.stx
| .ofOptionInfo info => info.stx
| .ofFieldInfo info => info.stx
| .ofCompletionInfo info => info.stx
| .ofUserWidgetInfo info => info.stx
| .ofCustomInfo info => info.stx
| .ofFVarAliasInfo _ => none
| .ofFieldRedeclInfo info => info.stx
| .ofOmissionInfo info => info.stx
/-- Is the `Syntax` for this `Lean.Elab.Info` original, or synthetic? -/
protected def Info.isOriginal (i : Info) : Bool :=
match i.stx? with
| none => true -- Somewhat unclear what to do with `FVarAliasInfo`, so be conservative.
| some stx => match stx.getHeadInfo with
| .original .. => true
| _ => false
def ContextInfo.ppExpr (ctx : ContextInfo) (lctx : LocalContext) (e : Expr) : IO Format :=
ctx.runMetaM lctx (do Meta.ppExpr (← instantiateMVars e))
def CommandInfo.toString (info : CommandInfo) (ctx : ContextInfo) : IO String := do
let stx := (← ctx.ppSyntax {} info.stx).pretty
return s!"{elaboratorToString info.elaborator}\n{stx}"
def TermInfo.toString (info : TermInfo) (ctx : ContextInfo) : IO String := do
let stx := (← ctx.ppSyntax info.lctx info.stx).pretty
let expectedType := (← info.expectedType?.mapM fun ty => do
pure s!": {(← ctx.ppExpr info.lctx ty).pretty}").getD ""
let expr := (← ctx.ppExpr info.lctx info.expr).pretty
return s!"{elaboratorToString info.elaborator}{expr}{expectedType}\n{stx}"
/-- Find the name for the outermost `Syntax` in this `TacticInfo`. -/
def (t : TacticInfo) : Option Name :=
match t.stx with
| Syntax.node _ n _ => some n
| _ => none
/-- Decide whether a tactic is "substantive",
or is merely a tactic combinator (e.g. `by`, `;`, multiline tactics, parenthesized tactics). -/
def TacticInfo.isSubstantive (t : TacticInfo) : Bool :=
match with
| none => false
| some `null => false
| some ``cdot => false
| some ``cdotTk => false
| some ``Lean.Parser.Term.byTactic => false
| some ``Lean.Parser.Tactic.tacticSeq => false
| some ``Lean.Parser.Tactic.tacticSeq1Indented => false
| some ``Lean.Parser.Tactic.«tactic_<;>_» => false
| some ``Lean.Parser.Tactic.paren => false
| _ => true
def TacticInfo.pp (info : TacticInfo) (ctx : ContextInfo) : IO Format :=
ctx.runMetaM {} try
Lean.PrettyPrinter.ppTactic ⟨info.stx⟩
catch _ =>
pure "<failed to pretty print>"
def TacticInfo.toString (i : TacticInfo) (ctx : ContextInfo) : IO String := do
let name :=
let stx := Format.pretty (← i.pp ctx)
return s!"{name}\n{stx}"
Keep `.node` nodes and `.hole` nodes satisfying predicates.
Returns a `List InfoTree`, although in most situations this will be a singleton.
partial def InfoTree.filter (p : Info → Bool) (m : MVarId → Bool := fun _ => false) :
InfoTree → List InfoTree
| .context ctx tree => tree.filter p m |>.map (.context ctx)
| .node info children =>
if p info then
[.node info ( (filter p m)).join.toPArray']
( (filter p m)).join
| .hole mvar => if m mvar then [.hole mvar] else []
/-- Analogue of `Lean.Elab.InfoTree.findInfo?`, but that returns a list of all results. -/
partial def InfoTree.findAllInfo
(t : InfoTree)
(context?: Option Elab.ContextInfo)
(haltOnMatch : Bool := false)
(pred : Elab.Info → Bool)
: List (Elab.Info × Option Elab.ContextInfo × PersistentArray Elab.InfoTree) :=
match t with
| .context inner t => findAllInfo t (inner.mergeIntoOuter? context?) haltOnMatch pred
| .node i children =>
let head := if pred i then [(i, context?, children)] else []
let tail := if haltOnMatch ∧ !head.isEmpty then [] else children.toList.bind (fun t => findAllInfo t context? haltOnMatch pred)
head ++ tail
| _ => []
/-- Monadic analogue of `findAllInfo`, but predicate controls whether to recurse. -/
partial def InfoTree.findAllInfoM [Monad m]
(t : InfoTree)
(context?: Option Elab.ContextInfo)
(pred : Elab.Info → Option Elab.ContextInfo → m (Bool × Bool))
: m (List (Elab.Info × Option Elab.ContextInfo × PersistentArray Elab.InfoTree)) := do
match t with
| .context inner t => t.findAllInfoM (inner.mergeIntoOuter? context?) pred
| .node i children =>
let (flagCollect, flagRecurse) ← pred i context?
let head := if flagCollect then [(i, context?, children)] else []
let tail := if ¬ flagRecurse then pure [] else children.toList.mapM (fun t => t.findAllInfoM context? pred)
return head ++ (← tail).join
| _ => return []
@[export pantograph_infotree_to_string_m]
partial def InfoTree.toString (t : InfoTree) (ctx?: Option Elab.ContextInfo := .none) : IO String := do
match t with
| .context ctx t => t.toString (ctx.mergeIntoOuter? ctx?)
| .node info children =>
if let some ctx := ctx? then
let node : String ← match info with
| .ofTermInfo info => pure s!"[term] {(← info.toString ctx)}"
| .ofCommandInfo info => pure s!"[command] {(← info.toString ctx)}"
| .ofTacticInfo info => pure s!"[tactic] {(← info.toString ctx)}"
| .ofMacroExpansionInfo _ => pure "[macro_exp]"
| .ofOptionInfo _ => pure "[option]"
| .ofFieldInfo _ => pure "[field]"
| .ofCompletionInfo _ => pure "[completion]"
| .ofUserWidgetInfo _ => pure "[user_widget]"
| .ofCustomInfo _ => pure "[custom]"
| .ofFVarAliasInfo _ => pure "[fvar]"
| .ofFieldRedeclInfo _ => pure "[field_redecl]"
| .ofOmissionInfo _ => pure "[omission]"
let children := "\n".intercalate (← children.toList.mapM λ t' => do pure $ indent $ ← t'.toString ctx)
return s!"{node}\n{children}"
else throw <| IO.userError "No `ContextInfo` available."
| .hole mvarId =>
if let some ctx := ctx? then
let payload := (← ctx.runMetaM {} (do Meta.ppGoal mvarId)).pretty
return s!"[hole] {payload}"
else throw <| IO.userError "No `ContextInfo` available."
end Lean.Elab

View File

@ -312,6 +312,8 @@ structure FrontendProcess where
invocations: Bool := false
-- If set to true, collect `sorry`s
sorrys: Bool := false
-- If set to true, extract new constants
newConstants: Bool := false
deriving Lean.FromJson
structure InvokedTactic where
goalBefore: String
@ -325,11 +327,16 @@ structure InvokedTactic where
structure CompilationUnit where
-- String boundaries of compilation units
boundary: (Nat × Nat)
messages: Array String := #[]
-- Tactic invocations
invocations?: Option (List InvokedTactic) := .none
goalStateId?: Option Nat := .none
goals: Array Goal := #[]
messages: Array String := #[]
goals?: Option (Array Goal) := .none
-- Code segments which generated the goals
goalSrcBoundaries?: Option (Array (Nat × Nat)) := .none
-- New constants defined in compilation unit
newConstants?: Option (Array String) := .none
deriving Lean.ToJson
structure FrontendProcessResult where
units: List CompilationUnit

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@ -257,27 +257,38 @@ def execute (command: Protocol.Command): MainM Lean.Json := do
pure $ .some invocations
pure .none
let sorrys := if args.sorrys then
let sorrys if args.sorrys then
Frontend.collectSorrys step
pure []
let messages ← step.messageStrings
return (step.before, boundary, invocations?, sorrys, messages)
let newConstants ← if args.newConstants then
Frontend.collectNewDefinedConstants step
pure []
return (step.before, boundary, invocations?, sorrys, messages, newConstants)
let li ← context |>.run' state
let units ← li.mapM λ (env, boundary, invocations?, sorrys, messages) => Lean.withEnv env do
let (goalStateId?, goals) ← if sorrys.isEmpty then do
pure (.none, #[])
let units ← li.mapM λ (env, boundary, invocations?, sorrys, messages, newConstants) => Lean.withEnv env do
let newConstants? := if args.newConstants then
.some $ λ name => name.toString
let (goalStateId?, goals?, goalSrcBoundaries?) ← if sorrys.isEmpty then do
pure (.none, .none, .none)
else do
let goalState ← runMetaInMainM $ Frontend.sorrysToGoalState sorrys
let stateId ← newGoalState goalState
let goals ← goalSerialize goalState options
pure (.some stateId, goals)
let { state, srcBoundaries } ← runMetaInMainM $ Frontend.sorrysToGoalState sorrys
let stateId ← newGoalState state
let goals ← goalSerialize state options
let srcBoundaries := (λ (b, e) => (b.byteIdx, e.byteIdx))
pure (.some stateId, .some goals, .some srcBoundaries)
return {
return .ok { units }
catch e =>

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@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ def collectSorrysFromSource (source: String) : MetaM (List GoalState) := do
let filename := "<anonymous>"
let (context, state) ← do Frontend.createContextStateFromFile source filename (← getEnv) {}
let m := Frontend.mapCompilationSteps λ step => do
return (step.before, Frontend.collectSorrys step)
return (step.before, Frontend.collectSorrys step)
let li ← context |>.run' state
let goalStates ← li.filterMapM λ (env, sorrys) => withEnv env do
if sorrys.isEmpty then
return .none
let goalState ← Frontend.sorrysToGoalState sorrys
return .some goalState
let { state, .. } ← Frontend.sorrysToGoalState sorrys
return .some state
return goalStates
def test_multiple_sorrys_in_proof : TestT MetaM Unit := do
@ -177,6 +177,47 @@ example (n: Nat) : mystery n + 1 = n + 2 := sorry
def test_capture_type_mismatch : TestT MetaM Unit := do
let input := "
def mystery (k: Nat) : Nat := true
let goalStates ← (collectSorrysFromSource input).run' {}
let [goalState] := goalStates | panic! s!"Incorrect number of states: {goalStates.length}"
checkEq "goals" ((← goalState.serializeGoals (options := {})).map (·.devolatilize)) #[
target := { pp? := "Nat" },
vars := #[{
userName := "k",
type? := .some { pp? := "Nat" },
def collectNewConstants (source: String) : MetaM (List (List Name)) := do
let filename := "<anonymous>"
let (context, state) ← do Frontend.createContextStateFromFile source filename (← getEnv) {}
let m := Frontend.mapCompilationSteps λ step => do
Frontend.collectNewDefinedConstants step context |>.run' state
def test_collect_one_constant : TestT MetaM Unit := do
let input := "
def mystery : Nat := 123
let names ← collectNewConstants input
checkEq "constants" names [[`mystery]]
def test_collect_one_theorem : TestT MetaM Unit := do
let input := "
theorem mystery [SizeOf α] (as : List α) (i : Fin as.length) : sizeOf (as.get i) < sizeOf as := by
match as, i with
| a::as, ⟨0, _⟩ => simp_arith [get]
| a::as, ⟨i+1, h⟩ =>
have ih := sizeOf_get as ⟨i, Nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h⟩
apply Nat.lt_trans ih
let names ← collectNewConstants input
checkEq "constants" names [[`mystery]]
def suite (env : Environment): List (String × IO LSpec.TestSeq) :=
let tests := [
@ -185,6 +226,9 @@ def suite (env : Environment): List (String × IO LSpec.TestSeq) :=
("sorry_in_induction", test_sorry_in_induction),
("sorry_in_coupled", test_sorry_in_coupled),
("environment_capture", test_environment_capture),
("capture_type_mismatch", test_capture_type_mismatch),
("collect_one_constant", test_collect_one_constant),
("collect_one_theorem", test_collect_one_theorem),
] (fun (name, test) => (name, runMetaMSeq env $ runTest test))

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@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ def test_frontend_process : Test :=
("file", .str file),
("invocations", .bool true),
("sorrys", .bool false),
("newConstants", .bool false),
units := [{
@ -214,6 +215,7 @@ def test_frontend_process_sorry : Test :=
("file", .str file),
("invocations", .bool false),
("sorrys", .bool true),
("newConstants", .bool false),
units := [{
@ -221,7 +223,8 @@ def test_frontend_process_sorry : Test :=
}, {
boundary := (solved.utf8ByteSize, solved.utf8ByteSize + withSorry.utf8ByteSize),
goalStateId? := .some 0,
goals := #[goal1],
goals? := .some #[goal1],
goalSrcBoundaries? := .some #[(57, 62)],
messages := #["<anonymous>:2:0: warning: declaration uses 'sorry'\n"],
}: Protocol.FrontendProcessResult),

View File

@ -44,9 +44,11 @@ See `Pantograph/Protocol.lean` for a description of the parameters and return va
state. The user is responsible to ensure the sender/receiver instances share
the same environment.
* `frontend.process { ["fileName": <fileName>,] ["file": <str>], invocations:
<bool>, sorrys: <bool> }`: Executes the Lean frontend on a file, collecting
either the tactic invocations (`"invocations": true`) or the sorrys into goal
states (`"sorrys": true`)
<bool>, sorrys: <bool>, newConstants: <bool> }`: Executes the Lean frontend on
a file, collecting the tactic invocations (`"invocations": true`), the
sorrys and type errors into goal states (`"sorrys": true`), and new constants
(`"newConstants": true`). In the case of `sorrys`, this command additionally
outputs the position of each captured `sorry`.
## Errors