chore: Version 0.3 #136

aniva wants to merge 549 commits from dev into main
13 changed files with 109 additions and 45 deletions
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@ -264,25 +264,24 @@ def serializeName (name: Name) (sanitize: Bool := true): String :=
if n.contains Lean.idBeginEscape then s!"{quote}{n}{quote}" else n
/-- serialize a sort level. Expression is optimized to be compact e.g. `(+ u 2)` -/
partial def serializeSortLevel (level: Level) (sanitize: Bool): String :=
partial def serializeSortLevel (level: Level) : String :=
let k := level.getOffset
let u := level.getLevelOffset
let u_str := match u with
| .zero => "0"
| .succ _ => panic! "getLevelOffset should not return .succ"
| .max v w =>
let v := serializeSortLevel v sanitize
let w := serializeSortLevel w sanitize
let v := serializeSortLevel v
let w := serializeSortLevel w
s!"(:max {v} {w})"
| .imax v w =>
let v := serializeSortLevel v sanitize
let w := serializeSortLevel w sanitize
let v := serializeSortLevel v
let w := serializeSortLevel w
s!"(:imax {v} {w})"
| .param name =>
let name := serializeName name sanitize
| .mvar id =>
let name := serializeName sanitize
let name :=
s!"(:mv {name})"
match k, u with
| 0, _ => u_str
@ -295,7 +294,7 @@ partial def serializeSortLevel (level: Level) (sanitize: Bool): String :=
A `_` symbol in the AST indicates automatic deductions not present in the original expression.
partial def serializeExpressionSexp (expr: Expr) (sanitize: Bool := true): MetaM String := do
partial def serializeExpressionSexp (expr: Expr) : MetaM String := do
self expr
delayedMVarToSexp (e: Expr): MetaM (Option String) := do
@ -334,9 +333,10 @@ partial def serializeExpressionSexp (expr: Expr) (sanitize: Bool := true): MetaM
let name :=
pure s!"(:{pref} {name})"
| .sort level =>
let level := serializeSortLevel level sanitize
let level := serializeSortLevel level
pure s!"(:sort {level})"
| .const declName _ =>
let declName := serializeName declName (sanitize := false)
-- The universe level of the const expression is elided since it should be
-- inferrable from surrounding expression
pure s!"(:c {declName})"
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ partial def serializeExpressionSexp (expr: Expr) (sanitize: Bool := true): MetaM
-- is wrapped in a :lit sexp.
let v' := match v with
| .natVal val => toString val
| .strVal val => s!"\"{val}\""
| .strVal val => IR.EmitC.quoteString val
pure s!"(:lit {v'})"
| .mdata _ inner =>
-- NOTE: Equivalent to expr itself, but mdata influences the prettyprinter
@ -384,9 +384,9 @@ partial def serializeExpressionSexp (expr: Expr) (sanitize: Bool := true): MetaM
-- Elides all unhygenic names
binderInfoSexp : Lean.BinderInfo → String
| .default => ""
| .implicit => " :implicit"
| .strictImplicit => " :strictImplicit"
| .instImplicit => " :instImplicit"
| .implicit => " :i"
| .strictImplicit => " :si"
| .instImplicit => " :ii"
def serializeExpression (options: @&Protocol.Options) (e: Expr): MetaM Protocol.Expression := do
let pp?: Option String ← match options.printExprPretty with
@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ protected def GoalState.diag (goalState: GoalState) (parent?: Option GoalState :
then instantiateAll decl.type
else pure $ decl.type
let type_sexp ← if options.printSexp then
let sexp ← serializeExpressionSexp type (sanitize := false)
let sexp ← serializeExpressionSexp type
pure <| " " ++ sexp
pure ""

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@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def inspect (args: Protocol.EnvInspect) (options: @&Protocol.Options): CoreM (Pr
| none => return .error $ Protocol.errorIndex s!"Symbol not found {}"
| some info => pure info
let module? := env.getModuleIdxFor? name >>=
(λ idx => env.allImportedModuleNames.get? idx.toNat) |>.map toString
(λ idx => env.allImportedModuleNames.get? idx.toNat)
let value? := match args.value?, info with
| .some true, _ => info.value?
| .some false, _ => .none
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ def inspect (args: Protocol.EnvInspect) (options: @&Protocol.Options): CoreM (Pr
then value?.map (λ e =>
e.getUsedConstants.filter (!isNameInternal ·) |>.map (λ n => serializeName n) )
else .none,
module? := module?
module? := module?.map (·.toString)
let result ← match info with
| .inductInfo induct => pure { core with inductInfo? := .some {
@ -113,6 +113,20 @@ def inspect (args: Protocol.EnvInspect) (options: @&Protocol.Options): CoreM (Pr
k := r.k,
} }
| _ => pure core
let result ← if args.source?.getD false then
let srcSearchPath ← initSrcSearchPath
let sourceUri? ← module?.bindM (Server.documentUriFromModule srcSearchPath ·)
let declRange? ← findDeclarationRanges? name
let sourceStart? := declRange?.map (·.range.pos)
let sourceEnd? := declRange?.map (·.range.endPos)
.pure {
result with
.pure result
return .ok result
def addDecl (args: Protocol.EnvAdd): CoreM (Protocol.CR Protocol.EnvAddResult) := do
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv

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@ -104,14 +104,20 @@ structure InfoWithContext where
info: Elab.Info
context?: Option Elab.ContextInfo := .none
private def collectSorrysInTree (t : Elab.InfoTree) : IO (List InfoWithContext) := do
structure GoalCollectionOptions where
collectTypeErrors : Bool := false
private def collectSorrysInTree (t : Elab.InfoTree) (options : GoalCollectionOptions := {})
: IO (List InfoWithContext) := do
let infos ← t.findAllInfoM none fun i ctx? => match i with
| .ofTermInfo { expectedType?, expr, stx, lctx, .. } => do
| .ofTermInfo { expectedType?, expr, stx, lctx, isBinder := false, .. } => do
let .some ctx := ctx? | return (false, true)
if expr.isSorry ∧ stx.isOfKind `Lean.Parser.Term.sorry then
if expectedType?.isNone then
throw $ .userError "Sorry of indeterminant type is not allowed"
return (true, false)
unless options.collectTypeErrors do
return (false, true)
let .some expectedType := expectedType? | return (false, true)
let typeMatch ← ctx.runMetaM lctx do
let type ← Meta.inferType expr
@ -130,8 +136,9 @@ private def collectSorrysInTree (t : Elab.InfoTree) : IO (List InfoWithContext)
-- NOTE: Plural deliberately not spelled "sorries"
@[export pantograph_frontend_collect_sorrys_m]
def collectSorrys (step: CompilationStep) : IO (List InfoWithContext) := do
return (← step.trees.mapM collectSorrysInTree).join
def collectSorrys (step: CompilationStep) (options : GoalCollectionOptions := {})
: IO (List InfoWithContext) := do
return (← step.trees.mapM $ λ tree => collectSorrysInTree tree options).join
structure AnnotatedGoalState where
state : GoalState

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@ -183,7 +183,8 @@ private def collectAllErroredMVars (src : MVarId) : Elab.TermElabM (List MVarId)
-- to one of these seed mvars, it means an error has occurred when a tactic
-- was executing on `src`. `evalTactic`, will not capture these mvars, so we
-- need to manually find them and save them into the goal list.
let descendants ← Meta.getMVars $ ← instantiateMVars (.mvar src)
let descendants ← Meta.getMVars (.mvar src)
--let _ ← Elab.Term.logUnassignedUsingErrorInfos descendants
let mut alreadyVisited : MVarIdSet := {}
let mut result : MVarIdSet := {}

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Note that no command other than `InteractionError` may have `error` as one of
its field names to avoid confusion with error messages generated by the REPL.
import Lean.Data.Json
import Lean.Data.Position
namespace Pantograph.Protocol
@ -121,11 +122,13 @@ structure EnvCatalogResult where
-- Print the type of a symbol
structure EnvInspect where
name: String
-- If true/false, show/hide the value expressions; By default definitions
-- values are shown and theorem values are hidden.
-- Show the value expressions; By default definitions values are shown and
-- theorem values are hidden.
value?: Option Bool := .some false
-- If true, show the type and value dependencies
-- Show the type and value dependencies
dependency?: Option Bool := .some false
-- Show source location
source?: Option Bool := .some false
deriving Lean.FromJson
-- See `InductiveVal`
structure InductInfo where
@ -172,6 +175,11 @@ structure EnvInspectResult where
inductInfo?: Option InductInfo := .none
constructorInfo?: Option ConstructorInfo := .none
recursorInfo?: Option RecursorInfo := .none
-- Location in source
sourceUri?: Option String := .none
sourceStart?: Option Lean.Position := .none
sourceEnd?: Option Lean.Position := .none
deriving Lean.ToJson
structure EnvAdd where
@ -319,11 +327,13 @@ structure FrontendProcess where
-- One of these two must be supplied: Either supply the file name or the content.
fileName?: Option String := .none
file?: Option String := .none
-- If set to true, collect tactic invocations
-- collect tactic invocations
invocations: Bool := false
-- If set to true, collect `sorry`s
-- collect `sorry`s
sorrys: Bool := false
-- If set to true, extract new constants
-- collect type errors
typeErrorsAsGoals: Bool := false
-- list new constants from each compilation step
newConstants: Bool := false
deriving Lean.FromJson
structure InvokedTactic where

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
namespace Pantograph
@[export pantograph_version]
def version := "0.2.23"
def version := "0.2.24"
end Pantograph

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@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ def execute (command: Protocol.Command): MainM Lean.Json := do
pure .none
let sorrys ← if args.sorrys then
Frontend.collectSorrys step
Frontend.collectSorrys step (options := { collectTypeErrors := args.typeErrorsAsGoals })
pure []
let messages ← step.messageStrings

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@ -143,6 +143,8 @@ def runTest (t: TestT m Unit): m LSpec.TestSeq :=
Prod.snd <$> LSpec.TestSeq.done
def runTestWithResult { α } (t: TestT m α): m (α × LSpec.TestSeq) := LSpec.TestSeq.done
def runTestCoreM (env: Environment) (coreM: TestT CoreM Unit) (options: Array String := #[]): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
runCoreMSeq env (runTest coreM) options
end Monadic

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def test_sexp_of_symbol (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
("Nat.add", "(:forall a (:c Nat) (:forall a (:c Nat) (:c Nat)))"),
-- These ones are normal and easy
("Nat.add_one", "(:forall n (:c Nat) ((:c Eq) (:c Nat) ((:c HAdd.hAdd) (:c Nat) (:c Nat) (:c Nat) ((:c instHAdd) (:c Nat) (:c instAddNat)) 0 ((:c OfNat.ofNat) (:c Nat) (:lit 1) ((:c instOfNatNat) (:lit 1)))) ((:c Nat.succ) 0)))"),
("Nat.le_of_succ_le", "(:forall n (:c Nat) (:forall m (:c Nat) (:forall h ((:c LE.le) (:c Nat) (:c instLENat) ((:c Nat.succ) 1) 0) ((:c LE.le) (:c Nat) (:c instLENat) 2 1)) :implicit) :implicit)"),
("Nat.le_of_succ_le", "(:forall n (:c Nat) (:forall m (:c Nat) (:forall h ((:c LE.le) (:c Nat) (:c instLENat) ((:c Nat.succ) 1) 0) ((:c LE.le) (:c Nat) (:c instLENat) 2 1)) :i) :i)"),
-- Handling of higher order types
("Or", "(:forall a (:sort 0) (:forall b (:sort 0) (:sort 0)))"),
("List", "(:forall α (:sort (+ u 1)) (:sort (+ u 1)))")
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ def test_sexp_of_elab (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let entries: List (String × (List Name) × String) := [
("λ x: Nat × Bool => x.1", [], "(:lambda x ((:c Prod) (:c Nat) (:c Bool)) ((:c Prod.fst) (:c Nat) (:c Bool) 0))"),
("λ x: Array Nat =>", [], "(:lambda x ((:c Array) (:c Nat)) ((:c (:c Nat) 0))"),
("λ {α: Sort (u + 1)} => List α", [`u], "(:lambda α (:sort (+ u 1)) ((:c List) 0) :implicit)"),
("λ {α} => List α", [], "(:lambda α (:sort (+ (:mv _uniq.4) 1)) ((:c List) 0) :implicit)"),
("λ {α: Sort (u + 1)} => List α", [`u], "(:lambda α (:sort (+ u 1)) ((:c List) 0) :i)"),
("λ {α} => List α", [], "(:lambda α (:sort (+ (:mv _uniq.4) 1)) ((:c List) 0) :i)"),
("(2: Nat) <= (5: Nat)", [], "((:c LE.le) (:mv _uniq.18) (:mv _uniq.19) ((:c OfNat.ofNat) (:mv _uniq.4) (:lit 2) (:mv _uniq.5)) ((:c OfNat.ofNat) (:mv _uniq.14) (:lit 5) (:mv _uniq.15)))"),
entries.foldlM (λ suites (source, levels, target) =>
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ def test_sexp_of_expr (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
"(:lambda p (:sort 0) (:lambda q (:sort 0) (:lambda k ((:c And) 1 0) ((:c And.right) _ _ 0)) :implicit) :implicit)"
"(:lambda p (:sort 0) (:lambda q (:sort 0) (:lambda k ((:c And) 1 0) ((:c And.right) _ _ 0)) :i) :i)"
let termElabM: Elab.TermElabM LSpec.TestSeq := entries.foldlM (λ suites (expr, target) => do

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@ -97,11 +97,26 @@ def test_inspect: IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
) LSpec.TestSeq.done
runCoreMSeq env inner
def test_symbol_location : TestT IO Unit := do
let env: Environment ← importModules
(imports := #[`Init])
(opts := {})
(trustLevel := 1)
addTest $ ← runTestCoreM env do
let .ok result ← Environment.inspect { name := "Nat.le_of_succ_le", source? := .some true } (options := {}) | fail "Inspect failed"
checkEq "module" result.module? <| .some "Init.Data.Nat.Basic"
-- Doesn't work for symbols in `Init` for some reason
--checkEq "file" result.sourceUri? <| .some "??"
checkEq "pos" result.sourceStart? <| .some { line := 344, column := 0 }
checkEq "pos" result.sourceEnd? <| .some { line := 344, column := 88 }
def suite: List (String × IO LSpec.TestSeq) :=
("Catalog", test_catalog),
("Symbol Visibility", test_symbol_visibility),
("Inspect", test_inspect),
("Symbol Location", runTest test_symbol_location),
end Pantograph.Test.Environment

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@ -6,11 +6,12 @@ import Test.Common
open Lean Pantograph
namespace Pantograph.Test.Frontend
def collectSorrysFromSource (source: String) : MetaM (List GoalState) := do
def collectSorrysFromSource (source: String) (options : Frontend.GoalCollectionOptions := {})
: MetaM (List GoalState) := do
let filename := "<anonymous>"
let (context, state) ← do Frontend.createContextStateFromFile source filename (← getEnv) {}
let m := Frontend.mapCompilationSteps λ step => do
return (step.before, ← Frontend.collectSorrys step)
return (step.before, ← Frontend.collectSorrys step options)
let li ← context |>.run' state
let goalStates ← li.filterMapM λ (env, sorrys) => withEnv env do
if sorrys.isEmpty then
@ -181,9 +182,10 @@ def test_capture_type_mismatch : TestT MetaM Unit := do
let input := "
def mystery (k: Nat) : Nat := true
let goalStates ← (collectSorrysFromSource input).run' {}
let options := { collectTypeErrors := true }
let goalStates ← (collectSorrysFromSource input options).run' {}
let [goalState] := goalStates | panic! s!"Incorrect number of states: {goalStates.length}"
checkEq "goals" ((← goalState.serializeGoals (options := {})).map (·.devolatilize)) #[
checkEq "goals" ((← goalState.serializeGoals).map (·.devolatilize)) #[
target := { pp? := "Nat" },
vars := #[{
@ -193,6 +195,16 @@ def mystery (k: Nat) : Nat := true
def test_capture_type_mismatch_in_binder : TestT MetaM Unit := do
let input := "
example (p: Prop) (h: (∀ (x: Prop), Nat) → p): p := h (λ (y: Nat) => 5)
let options := { collectTypeErrors := true }
let goalStates ← (collectSorrysFromSource input options).run' {}
let [goalState] := goalStates | panic! s!"Incorrect number of states: {goalStates.length}"
checkEq "goals" ((← goalState.serializeGoals (options := {})).map (·.devolatilize)) #[
def collectNewConstants (source: String) : MetaM (List (List Name)) := do
let filename := "<anonymous>"
let (context, state) ← do Frontend.createContextStateFromFile source filename (← getEnv) {}
@ -227,6 +239,7 @@ def suite (env : Environment): List (String × IO LSpec.TestSeq) :=
("sorry_in_coupled", test_sorry_in_coupled),
("environment_capture", test_environment_capture),
("capture_type_mismatch", test_capture_type_mismatch),
--("capture_type_mismatch_in_binder", test_capture_type_mismatch_in_binder),
("collect_one_constant", test_collect_one_constant),
("collect_one_theorem", test_collect_one_theorem),

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@ -171,10 +171,11 @@ def test_frontend_process : Test :=
let goal1 := "p q : Prop\nh : p\n⊢ p q"
step "frontend.process"
("file", .str file),
("invocations", .bool true),
("sorrys", .bool false),
("newConstants", .bool false),
("file", .str file),
("invocations", .bool true),
("sorrys", .bool false),
("typeErrorsAsGoals", .bool false),
("newConstants", .bool false),
units := [{
@ -215,6 +216,7 @@ def test_frontend_process_sorry : Test :=
("file", .str file),
("invocations", .bool false),
("sorrys", .bool true),
("typeErrorsAsGoals", .bool false),
("newConstants", .bool false),

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@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def test_identity: TestM Unit := do
addTest $ LSpec.check tactic ((← state1.serializeGoals (options := ← read)).map (·.name) =
let state1parent ← state1.withParentContext do
serializeExpressionSexp (← instantiateAll state1.parentExpr?.get!) (sanitize := false)
serializeExpressionSexp (← instantiateAll state1.parentExpr?.get!)
addTest $ LSpec.test "(1 parent)" (state1parent == s!"(:lambda p (:sort 0) (:lambda h 0 (:subst (:mv {inner}) 1 0)))")
-- Individual test cases
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ def test_or_comm: TestM Unit := do
addTest $ LSpec.check "(1 root)" state1.rootExpr?.isNone
let state1parent ← state1.withParentContext do
serializeExpressionSexp (← instantiateAll state1.parentExpr?.get!) (sanitize := false)
serializeExpressionSexp (← instantiateAll state1.parentExpr?.get!)
addTest $ LSpec.test "(1 parent)" (state1parent == s!"(:lambda p (:sort 0) (:lambda q (:sort 0) (:lambda h ((:c Or) 1 0) (:subst (:mv {state1g0}) 2 1 0))))")
let tactic := "cases h"
let state2 ← match ← state1.tacticOn (goalId := 0) (tactic := tactic) with
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ def test_or_comm: TestM Unit := do
addTest $ LSpec.check "(2 root)" state2.rootExpr?.isNone
let state2parent ← state2.withParentContext do
serializeExpressionSexp (← instantiateAll state2.parentExpr?.get!) (sanitize := false)
serializeExpressionSexp (← instantiateAll state2.parentExpr?.get!)
let orPQ := s!"((:c Or) (:fv {fvP}) (:fv {fvQ}))"
let orQP := s!"((:c Or) (:fv {fvQ}) (:fv {fvP}))"
let motive := s!"(:lambda t {orPQ} (:forall h ((:c Eq) ((:c Or) (:fv {fvP}) (:fv {fvQ})) (:fv {fvH}) 0) {orQP}))"
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ def test_or_comm: TestM Unit := do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
let state3_1parent ← state3_1.withParentContext do
serializeExpressionSexp (← instantiateAll state3_1.parentExpr?.get!) (sanitize := false)
serializeExpressionSexp (← instantiateAll state3_1.parentExpr?.get!)
addTest $ LSpec.test "(3_1 parent)" (state3_1parent == s!"((:c Or.inr) (:fv {fvQ}) (:fv {fvP}) (:mv _uniq.91))")
addTest $ LSpec.check "· apply Or.inr" (state3_1.goals.length = 1)
let state4_1 ← match ← state3_1.tacticOn (goalId := 0) (tactic := "assumption") with