chore: Version 0.3 #136
@ -10,22 +10,25 @@ open Pantograph.Protocol
/-- Parse a command either in `{ "cmd": ..., "payload": ... }` form or `cmd { ... }` form. -/
def parseCommand (s: String): Except String Command := do
let s := s.trim
match s.get? 0 with
| .some '{' => -- Parse in Json mode
match s.trim.get? 0 with
| .some '{' =>
-- Parse in Json mode
Lean.fromJson? (← Lean.Json.parse s)
| .some _ => -- Parse in line mode
| .some _ =>
-- Parse in line mode
let offset := s.posOf ' ' |> s.offsetOfPos
if offset = s.length then
return { cmd := s.take offset, payload := Lean.Json.null }
let payload ← s.drop offset |> Lean.Json.parse
return { cmd := s.take offset, payload := payload }
| .none => throw "Command is empty"
| .none =>
throw "Command is empty"
partial def loop : MainM Unit := do repeat do
let state ← get
let command ← (← IO.getStdin).getLine
-- Halt the program if empty line is given
if command.trim.length = 0 then break
match parseCommand command with
| .error error =>
@ -47,20 +50,17 @@ partial def loop : MainM Unit := do repeat do
unsafe def main (args: List String): IO Unit := do
-- NOTE: A more sophisticated scheme of command line argument handling is needed.
-- Separate imports and options
if args == ["--version"] then do
IO.println s!"{Pantograph.version}"
Pantograph.initSearch ""
let coreContext ← args.filterMap (λ s => if s.startsWith "--" then .some <| s.drop 2 else .none)
|>.toArray |> Pantograph.createCoreContext
let imports:= args.filter (λ s => ¬ (s.startsWith "--"))
-- Separate imports and options
let (options, imports) := args.partition (·.startsWith "--")
let coreContext ← (·.drop 2) |>.toArray |> Pantograph.createCoreContext
let coreState ← Pantograph.createCoreState imports.toArray
let context: Context := {
let context: Context := {}
let coreM := context |>.run' {}
IO.println "ready."
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import Pantograph
namespace Pantograph.Repl
structure Context where
imports: List String
/-- Stores state of the REPL -/
structure State where
@ -235,9 +235,7 @@ def test_frontend_process_sorry : Test :=
def runTest (env: Lean.Environment) (steps: Test): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
-- Setup the environment for execution
let context: Context := {
imports := ["Init"]
let context: Context := {}
let commands: MainM LSpec.TestSeq :=
steps.foldlM (λ suite step => do
let result ← step
Reference in New Issue