chore: Version 0.3 #136

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@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ structure GoalState where
-- The root hole which is the search target
root: MVarId
-- New metavariables acquired in this state
newMVars: SSet MVarId
-- Parent state metavariable source
parentMVar?: Option MVarId
@ -48,7 +46,6 @@ protected def GoalState.create (expr: Expr): Elab.TermElabM GoalState := do
return {
newMVars := SSet.insert .empty root,
parentMVar? := .none,
protected def GoalState.isConv (state: GoalState): Bool :=
@ -89,15 +86,6 @@ private def GoalState.restoreTacticM (state: GoalState) (goal: MVarId): Elab.Tac
Elab.Tactic.setGoals [goal]
private def newMVarSet (mctxOld: @&MetavarContext) (mctxNew: @&MetavarContext): SSet MVarId :=
mctxNew.decls.foldl (fun acc mvarId mvarDecl =>
if let .some prevMVarDecl := mctxOld.decls.find? mvarId then
assert! prevMVarDecl.type == mvarDecl.type
acc.insert mvarId
) SSet.empty
protected def GoalState.focus (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat): Option GoalState := do
let goal ← state.savedState.tactic.goals.get? goalId
return {
@ -166,6 +154,21 @@ protected def GoalState.getMVarEAssignment (goalState: GoalState) (mvar: MVarId)
--- Tactic execution functions ---
protected def GoalState.step (state: GoalState) (mvarId: MVarId) (tacticM: Elab.Tactic.TacticM Unit)
: Elab.TermElabM GoalState := do
unless (← getMCtx).decls.contains mvarId do
throwError s!"MVarId is not in context: {}"
mvarId.checkNotAssigned `GoalState.step
let (_, newGoals) ← tacticM { elaborator := .anonymous } |>.run { goals := [mvarId] }
let nextElabState ← MonadBacktrack.saveState
return {
state with
savedState := { term := nextElabState, tactic := newGoals },
parentMVar? := .some mvarId,
calcPrevRhs? := .none,
/-- Response for executing a tactic -/
inductive TacticResult where
-- Goes to next state
@ -182,27 +185,12 @@ inductive TacticResult where
/-- Executes a `TacticM` monads on this `GoalState`, collecting the errors as necessary -/
protected def GoalState.tryTacticM (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (tacticM: Elab.Tactic.TacticM Unit):
Elab.TermElabM TacticResult := do
let goal ← match state.savedState.tactic.goals.get? goalId with
let mvarId ← match state.savedState.tactic.goals.get? goalId with
| .some goal => pure $ goal
| .none => return .indexError goalId
goal.checkNotAssigned `GoalState.tryTacticM
let (_, newGoals) ← tacticM { elaborator := .anonymous } |>.run { goals := [goal] }
if (← getThe Core.State).messages.hasErrors then
let messages := (← getThe Core.State).messages.toArray
let errors ← ( (·.data)).mapM fun md => md.toString
return .failure errors
let nextElabState ← MonadBacktrack.saveState
let nextMCtx := nextElabState.meta.meta.mctx
let prevMCtx := state.mctx
return .success {
state with
savedState := { term := nextElabState, tactic := newGoals },
newMVars := newMVarSet prevMCtx nextMCtx,
parentMVar? := .some goal,
calcPrevRhs? := .none,
let nextState ← state.step mvarId tacticM
return .success nextState
catch exception =>
return .failure #[← exception.toMessageData.toString]
@ -269,7 +257,6 @@ protected def GoalState.tryLet (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (binderName: Str
term := ← MonadBacktrack.saveState,
tactic := { goals := nextGoals }
newMVars := nextGoals.toSSet,
parentMVar? := .some goal,
calcPrevRhs? := .none
@ -296,12 +283,9 @@ protected def GoalState.conv (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat):
return (← MonadBacktrack.saveState, convMVar)
let (nextSavedState, convRhs) ← tacticM { elaborator := .anonymous } |>.run' state.savedState.tactic
let prevMCtx := state.mctx
let nextMCtx := nextSavedState.term.meta.meta.mctx
return .success {
root := state.root,
savedState := nextSavedState
newMVars := newMVarSet prevMCtx nextMCtx,
parentMVar? := .some goal,
convMVar? := .some (convRhs, goal),
calcPrevRhs? := .none
@ -335,12 +319,9 @@ protected def GoalState.convExit (state: GoalState):
let nextSavedState ← tacticM { elaborator := .anonymous } |>.run' state.savedState.tactic
let nextMCtx := nextSavedState.term.meta.meta.mctx
let prevMCtx := state.savedState.term.meta.meta.mctx
return .success {
root := state.root,
savedState := nextSavedState
newMVars := newMVarSet prevMCtx nextMCtx,
parentMVar? := .some convGoal,
convMVar? := .none
calcPrevRhs? := .none
@ -420,7 +401,6 @@ protected def GoalState.tryCalc (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (pred: String):
term := ← MonadBacktrack.saveState,
tactic := { goals },
newMVars := goals.toSSet,
parentMVar? := .some goal,