chore: Version 0.3 #136

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@ -177,16 +177,51 @@ protected def GoalState.getMVarEAssignment (goalState: GoalState) (mvarId: MVarI
--- Tactic execution functions ---
protected def GoalState.step (state: GoalState) (goal: MVarId) (tacticM: Elab.Tactic.TacticM Unit)
-- Mimics `Elab.Term.logUnassignedUsingErrorInfos`
private def collectAllErroredMVars (src : MVarId) : Elab.TermElabM (List MVarId) := do
-- These descendants serve as "seed" mvars. If a MVarError's mvar is related
-- to one of these seed mvars, it means an error has occurred when a tactic
-- was executing on `src`. `evalTactic`, will not capture these mvars, so we
-- need to manually find them and save them into the goal list.
let descendants ← Meta.getMVars $ ← instantiateMVars (.mvar src)
--let _ ← Elab.Term.logUnassignedUsingErrorInfos descendants
let mut alreadyVisited : MVarIdSet := {}
let mut result : MVarIdSet := {}
for { mvarId, .. } in (← get).mvarErrorInfos do
unless alreadyVisited.contains mvarId do
alreadyVisited := alreadyVisited.insert mvarId
/- The metavariable `mvarErrorInfo.mvarId` may have been assigned or
delayed assigned to another metavariable that is unassigned. -/
let mvarDeps ← Meta.getMVars (.mvar mvarId)
if mvarDeps.any descendants.contains then do
result := mvarDeps.foldl (·.insert ·) result
return result.toList
private def mergeMVarLists (li1 li2 : List MVarId) : List MVarId :=
let li2' := li2.filter (¬ li1.contains ·)
li1 ++ li2'
Set `guardMVarErrors` to true to capture mvar errors. Lean will not
automatically collect mvars from text tactics (vide
protected def GoalState.step (state: GoalState) (goal: MVarId) (tacticM: Elab.Tactic.TacticM Unit) (guardMVarErrors : Bool := false)
: Elab.TermElabM GoalState := do
unless (← getMCtx).decls.contains goal do
throwError s!"Goal is not in context: {}"
goal.checkNotAssigned `GoalState.step
let (_, newGoals) ← tacticM { elaborator := .anonymous } |>.run { goals := [goal] }
let (_, { goals }) ← tacticM { elaborator := .anonymous } |>.run { goals := [goal] }
let nextElabState ← MonadBacktrack.saveState
let goals ← if guardMVarErrors then
pure $ mergeMVarLists goals (← collectAllErroredMVars goal)
pure goals
return {
state with
savedState := { term := nextElabState, tactic := newGoals },
savedState := { term := nextElabState, tactic := { goals }, },
parentMVar? := .some goal,
calcPrevRhs? := .none,
@ -203,13 +238,13 @@ inductive TacticResult where
| invalidAction (message: String)
/-- Executes a `TacticM` monad on this `GoalState`, collecting the errors as necessary -/
protected def GoalState.tryTacticM (state: GoalState) (goal: MVarId) (tacticM: Elab.Tactic.TacticM Unit):
protected def GoalState.tryTacticM (state: GoalState) (goal: MVarId) (tacticM: Elab.Tactic.TacticM Unit) (guardMVarErrors : Bool := false):
Elab.TermElabM TacticResult := do
let nextState ← state.step goal tacticM
let nextState ← state.step goal tacticM guardMVarErrors
-- Check if error messages have been generated in the core.
let newMessages ← (← Core.getMessageLog).toList.drop state.coreState.messages.toList.length
let newMessages ← (← Core.getMessageLog).toList --.drop state.coreState.messages.toList.length
|>.filterMapM λ m => do
if m.severity == .error then
return .some $ ← m.toString
@ -233,7 +268,7 @@ protected def GoalState.tryTactic (state: GoalState) (goal: MVarId) (tactic: Str
(fileName := ← getFileName) with
| .ok stx => pure $ stx
| .error error => return .parseError error
state.tryTacticM goal $ Elab.Tactic.evalTactic tactic
state.tryTacticM goal (Elab.Tactic.evalTactic tactic) true
protected def GoalState.tryAssign (state: GoalState) (goal: MVarId) (expr: String):
Elab.TermElabM TacticResult := do

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
namespace Pantograph
@[export pantograph_version]
def version := "0.2.19"
def version := "0.2.22"
end Pantograph

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ A Machine-to-Machine interaction system for Lean 4.
Pantograph provides interfaces to execute proofs, construct expressions, and
examine the symbol list of a Lean project for machine learning.
See [documentations](doc/) for design rationale and references.
See [documentations](doc/ for design rationale and references.
## Installation

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@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ def test_nat_zero_add_alt: TestM Unit := do
def test_composite_tactic_failure: TestM Unit := do
def test_tactic_failure_unresolved_goals : TestM Unit := do
let state? ← startProof (.expr "∀ (p : Nat → Prop), ∃ (x : Nat), p (0 + x + 0)")
let state0 ← match state? with
| .some state => pure state
@ -720,6 +720,37 @@ def test_composite_tactic_failure: TestM Unit := do
let .failure messages ← state1.tacticOn 0 tactic | addTest $ assertUnreachable s!"{tactic} should fail"
checkEq s!"{tactic} fails" messages #[s!"{← getFileName}:0:12: error: unsolved goals\np : Nat → Prop\n⊢ p 0\n"]
def test_tactic_failure_synthesize_placeholder : TestM Unit := do
let state? ← startProof (.expr "∀ (p q r : Prop) (h : p → q), q ∧ r")
let state0 ← match state? with
| .some state => pure state
| .none => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable "Goal could not parse"
return ()
let tactic := "intro p q r h"
let state1 ← match ← state0.tacticOn 0 tactic with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
let tactic := "simpa [h] using And.imp_left h _"
let state2 ← match ← state1.tacticOn 0 tactic with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
checkEq tactic ((← state2.serializeGoals).map (·.devolatilize)) #[
buildGoal [("p", "Prop"), ("q", "Prop"), ("r", "Prop"), ("h", "p → q")] "p ∧ r"
--let .failure messages ← state1.tacticOn 0 tactic | addTest $ assertUnreachable s!"{tactic} should fail"
--let message := s!"<Pantograph>:0:31: error: don't know how to synthesize placeholder\ncontext:\np q r : Prop\nh : p → q\n⊢ p ∧ r\n"
--checkEq s!"{tactic} fails" messages #[message]
def suite (env: Environment): List (String × IO LSpec.TestSeq) :=
let tests := [
("identity", test_identity),
@ -732,7 +763,8 @@ def suite (env: Environment): List (String × IO LSpec.TestSeq) :=
("calc", test_calc),
("Nat.zero_add", test_nat_zero_add),
("Nat.zero_add alt", test_nat_zero_add_alt),
("composite tactic failure", test_composite_tactic_failure),
("tactic failure with unresolved goals", test_tactic_failure_unresolved_goals),
("tactic failure with synthesize placeholder", test_tactic_failure_synthesize_placeholder),
] (fun (name, test) => (name, proofRunner env test))

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@ -24,6 +24,22 @@ The name Pantograph is a pun. It means two things
a locomotive. In comparison the (relatively) simple Pantograph software powers
theorem proving projects.
## Caveats
Pantograph does not exactly mimic Lean LSP's behaviour. That would not grant the
flexibility it offers. To support tree search means Pantograph has to act
differently from Lean in some times, but never at the sacrifice of soundness.
- When Lean LSP says "don't know how to synthesize placeholder", this indicates
the human operator needs to manually move the cursor to the placeholder and
type in the correct expression. This error therefore should not halt the proof
process, and the placeholder should be turned into a goal.
- When Lean LSP says "unresolved goals", that means a proof cannot finish where
it is supposed to finish at the end of a `by` block. Pantograph will raise the
error in this case, since it indicates the termination of a proof search branch.
- `pick_goal` or `swap` will not work since they run contrary to tree search
## References
* [Pantograph Paper](

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@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
flake = {
systems = [