chore: Version 0.3 #136

aniva wants to merge 549 commits from dev into main
2 changed files with 20 additions and 3 deletions
Showing only changes of commit aef93cf506 - Show all commits

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@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ def execute (command: Protocol.Command): MainM Lean.Json := do
| .ok syn => do
let expr ← Lean.Elab.Term.elabTerm (stx := syn) (expectedType? := .some type)
let expr ← Lean.instantiateMVars expr
pure $ expr
catch ex => return .error (← ex.toMessageData.toString)

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@ -113,21 +113,37 @@ def test_tactic : IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
def test_env : IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
let name := "Pantograph.Mystery"
let name1 := "Pantograph.mystery"
let name2 := "Pantograph.mystery2"
subroutine_runner [
subroutine_step "env.add"
("name", .str name),
("name", .str name1),
("type", .str "Prop → Prop → Prop"),
("value", .str "λ (a b: Prop) => Or a b"),
("isTheorem", .bool false)
(Lean.toJson ({}: Protocol.EnvAddResult)),
subroutine_step "env.inspect"
[("name", .str name)]
[("name", .str name1)]
(Lean.toJson ({
value? := .some { pp? := .some "fun a b => a b" },
type := { pp? := .some "Prop → Prop → Prop" },
subroutine_step "env.add"
("name", .str name2),
("type", .str "Nat → Int"),
("value", .str "λ (a: Nat) => a + 1"),
("isTheorem", .bool false)
(Lean.toJson ({}: Protocol.EnvAddResult)),
subroutine_step "env.inspect"
[("name", .str name2)]
(Lean.toJson ({
value? := .some { pp? := .some "fun a => Int.ofNat a + 1" },
type := { pp? := .some "Nat → Int" },