chore: Version 0.3 #136

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@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ import Pantograph
namespace Pantograph.Test
open Pantograph
def subroutine_step (cmd: String) (payload: List (String × Lean.Json))
def subroutine_named_step (name cmd: String) (payload: List (String × Lean.Json))
(expected: Lean.Json): MainM LSpec.TestSeq := do
let result ← execute { cmd := cmd, payload := Lean.Json.mkObj payload }
return LSpec.test s!"{cmd}" (toString result = toString expected)
return LSpec.test name (toString result = toString expected)
def subroutine_step (cmd: String) (payload: List (String × Lean.Json))
(expected: Lean.Json): MainM LSpec.TestSeq := subroutine_named_step cmd cmd payload expected
def subroutine_runner (steps: List (MainM LSpec.TestSeq)): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
-- Setup the environment for execution
@ -69,10 +71,15 @@ def test_option_modify : IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
def test_malformed_command : IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
let invalid := "invalid"
subroutine_runner [
subroutine_step invalid
subroutine_named_step "Invalid command" invalid
[("name", .str "Nat.add_one")]
(Lean.toJson ({
error := "command", desc := s!"Unknown command {invalid}"}:
subroutine_named_step "JSON Deserialization" "expr.echo"
[(invalid, .str "Random garbage data")]
(Lean.toJson ({
error := "command", desc := s!"Unable to parse json: Pantograph.Commands.ExprEcho.expr: String expected"}: