chore: Version 0.3 #136
@ -122,6 +122,13 @@ protected def goalStateAfter (t : TacticInvocation) : IO (List Format) := do
protected def ppExpr (t : TacticInvocation) (e : Expr) : IO Format :=
t.runMetaM (fun _ => do Meta.ppExpr (← instantiateMVars e))
protected def usedConstants (t: TacticInvocation) : NameSet :=
let info :=
|>.filterMap info.mctxAfter.getExprAssignmentCore?
|>.map Expr.getUsedConstantsAsSet
|>.foldl .union .empty
end TacticInvocation
/-- Analogue of `Lean.Elab.InfoTree.findInfo?`, but that returns a list of all results. -/
@ -158,7 +165,13 @@ def collectTacticsFromCompilationStep (step : CompilationStep) : IO (List Protoc
let tactic ← invocation.ctx.runMetaM {} do
let t ← PrettyPrinter.ppTactic ⟨⟩
return t.pretty
return { goalBefore, goalAfter, tactic }
let usedConstants := λ n => n.toString
return {
structure InfoWithContext where
info: Elab.Info
@ -298,6 +298,9 @@ structure InvokedTactic where
goalBefore: String
goalAfter: String
tactic: String
-- List of used constants
usedConstants: Array String
deriving Lean.ToJson
structure CompilationUnit where
@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ example : ∀ (p: Prop), p → p := by
def test_frontend_process : Test :=
let file := "example : ∀ (p: Prop), p → p := by\n intro p h\n exact h"
let goal1 := "p : Prop\nh : p\n⊢ p"
let file := "example : ∀ (p q: Prop), p → p ∨ q := by\n intro p q h\n exact Or.inl h"
let goal1 := "p q : Prop\nh : p\n⊢ p ∨ q"
step "frontend.process"
("file", .str file),
@ -180,14 +180,16 @@ def test_frontend_process : Test :=
boundary := (0, file.utf8ByteSize),
invocations? := .some [
goalBefore := "⊢ ∀ (p : Prop), p → p",
goalBefore := "⊢ ∀ (p q : Prop), p → p ∨ q",
goalAfter := goal1,
tactic := "intro p h",
tactic := "intro p q h",
usedConstants := #[],
goalBefore := goal1 ,
goalAfter := "",
tactic := "exact h",
tactic := "exact Or.inl h",
usedConstants := #["Or.inl"],
Reference in New Issue