chore: Version 0.3 #136

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@ -289,29 +289,31 @@ protected def GoalState.serializeGoals
/-- Print the metavariables in a readable format -/
@[export pantograph_goal_state_diag_m]
protected def GoalState.diag (goalState: GoalState) (parent?: Option GoalState := .none) (options: Protocol.GoalDiag := {}): MetaM String := do
let savedState := goalState.savedState
let goals := savedState.tactic.goals
let mctx ← getMCtx
let root := goalState.root
-- Print the root
let result: String ← match mctx.decls.find? root with
| .some decl => printMVar ">" root decl
| .none => pure s!">{}: ??"
let resultGoals ← goals.filter (· != root) |>.mapM (fun mvarId =>
match mctx.decls.find? mvarId with
| .some decl => printMVar "⊢" mvarId decl
| .none => pure s!"⊢{}: ??"
let goals := goals.toSSet
let resultOthers ← mctx.decls.toList.filter (λ (mvarId, _) =>
!(goals.contains mvarId || mvarId == root) && options.printAll)
|>.mapM (fun (mvarId, decl) => do
let pref := if parentHasMVar mvarId then " " else "~"
printMVar pref mvarId decl
pure $ result ++ "\n" ++ ( (· ++ "\n") |> String.join) ++ ( (· ++ "\n") |> String.join)
protected def GoalState.diag (goalState: GoalState) (parent?: Option GoalState := .none) (options: Protocol.GoalDiag := {}): CoreM String := do
let metaM: MetaM String := do
let savedState := goalState.savedState
let goals := savedState.tactic.goals
let mctx ← getMCtx
let root := goalState.root
-- Print the root
let result: String ← match mctx.decls.find? root with
| .some decl => printMVar ">" root decl
| .none => pure s!">{}: ??"
let resultGoals ← goals.filter (· != root) |>.mapM (fun mvarId =>
match mctx.decls.find? mvarId with
| .some decl => printMVar "⊢" mvarId decl
| .none => pure s!"⊢{}: ??"
let goals := goals.toSSet
let resultOthers ← mctx.decls.toList.filter (λ (mvarId, _) =>
!(goals.contains mvarId || mvarId == root) && options.printAll)
|>.mapM (fun (mvarId, decl) => do
let pref := if parentHasMVar mvarId then " " else "~"
printMVar pref mvarId decl
pure $ result ++ "\n" ++ ( (· ++ "\n") |> String.join) ++ ( (· ++ "\n") |> String.join)' {}
printMVar (pref: String) (mvarId: MVarId) (decl: MetavarDecl): MetaM String := mvarId.withContext do
let resultFVars: List String ←