chore: Version 0.3 #136
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import Pantograph.Delate
import Pantograph.Elab
import Pantograph.Environment
import Pantograph.Environment
import Pantograph.Frontend
import Pantograph.Frontend
import Pantograph.Goal
import Pantograph.Goal
import Pantograph.Library
import Pantograph.Library
import Pantograph.Protocol
import Pantograph.Protocol
import Pantograph.Delate
import Pantograph.Version
import Pantograph.Version
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
This file handles "Delation": The conversion of Kernel view into Search view.
This file handles "Delation": The conversion of Kernel view into Search view.
import Lean
import Lean
import Pantograph.Expr
import Std.Data.HashMap
import Pantograph.Goal
import Pantograph.Goal
import Pantograph.Protocol
import Pantograph.Protocol
@ -11,6 +11,163 @@ open Lean
-- Symbol processing functions --
-- Symbol processing functions --
namespace Pantograph
namespace Pantograph
structure ProjectionApplication where
projector: Name
numParams: Nat
inner: Expr
@[export pantograph_expr_proj_to_app]
def exprProjToApp (env: Environment) (e: Expr): ProjectionApplication :=
let (typeName, idx, inner) := match e with
| .proj typeName idx inner => (typeName, idx, inner)
| _ => panic! "Argument must be proj"
let ctor := getStructureCtor env typeName
let fieldName := getStructureFields env typeName |>.get! idx
let projector := getProjFnForField? env typeName fieldName |>.get!
numParams := ctor.numParams,
def _root_.Lean.Name.isAuxLemma (n : Lean.Name) : Bool := n matches .num (.str _ "_auxLemma") _
/-- Unfold all lemmas created by `Lean.Meta.mkAuxLemma`. These end in `_auxLemma.nn` where `nn` is a number. -/
@[export pantograph_unfold_aux_lemmas]
def unfoldAuxLemmas (e : Expr) : CoreM Expr := do
Lean.Meta.deltaExpand e Lean.Name.isAuxLemma
Force the instantiation of delayed metavariables even if they cannot be fully
instantiated. This is used during resumption to provide diagnostic data about
the current goal.
Since Lean 4 does not have an `Expr` constructor corresponding to delayed
metavariables, any delayed metavariables must be recursively handled by this
function to ensure that nested delayed metavariables can be properly processed.
The caveat is this recursive call will lead to infinite recursion if a loop
between metavariable assignment exists.
This function ensures any metavariable in the result is either
1. Delayed assigned with its pending mvar not assigned in any form
2. Not assigned (delay or not)
partial def instantiateDelayedMVars (eOrig: Expr) : MetaM Expr := do
--let padding := String.join $ List.replicate level "│ "
--IO.println s!"{padding}Starting {toString eOrig}"
let mut result ← Meta.transform (← instantiateMVars eOrig)
(pre := fun e => e.withApp fun f args => do
let .mvar mvarId := f | return .continue
--IO.println s!"{padding}├V {e}"
let mvarDecl ← mvarId.getDecl
-- This is critical to maintaining the interdependency of metavariables.
-- Without setting `.syntheticOpaque`, Lean's metavariable elimination
-- system will not make the necessary delayed assigned mvars in case of
-- nested mvars.
mvarId.setKind .syntheticOpaque
mvarId.withContext do
let lctx ← MonadLCtx.getLCtx
if mvarDecl.lctx.any (λ decl => !lctx.contains decl.fvarId) then
let violations := mvarDecl.lctx.decls.foldl (λ acc decl? => match decl? with
| .some decl => if lctx.contains decl.fvarId then acc else acc ++ []
| .none => acc) []
panic! s!"In the context of {}, there are local context variable violations: {violations}"
if let .some assign ← getExprMVarAssignment? mvarId then
--IO.println s!"{padding}├A ?{}"
assert! !(← mvarId.isDelayedAssigned)
return .visit (mkAppN assign args)
else if let some { fvars, mvarIdPending } ← getDelayedMVarAssignment? mvarId then
--let substTableStr := String.intercalate ", " $ Array.zipWith fvars args (λ fvar assign => s!"{fvar.fvarId!.name} := {assign}") |>.toList
--IO.println s!"{padding}├MD ?{} := ?{} [{substTableStr}]"
if args.size < fvars.size then
throwError "Not enough arguments to instantiate a delay assigned mvar. This is due to bad implementations of a tactic: {args.size} < {fvars.size}. Expr: {toString e}; Origin: {toString eOrig}"
--if !args.isEmpty then
--IO.println s!"{padding}├── Arguments Begin"
let args ← args.mapM self
--if !args.isEmpty then
--IO.println s!"{padding}├── Arguments End"
if !(← mvarIdPending.isAssignedOrDelayedAssigned) then
--IO.println s!"{padding}├T1"
let result := mkAppN f args
return .done result
let pending ← mvarIdPending.withContext do
let inner ← instantiateDelayedMVars (.mvar mvarIdPending) --(level := level + 1)
--IO.println s!"{padding}├Pre: {inner}"
pure <| (← inner.abstractM fvars).instantiateRev args
-- Tail arguments
let result := mkAppRange pending fvars.size args.size args
--IO.println s!"{padding}├MD {result}"
return .done result
assert! !(← mvarId.isAssigned)
assert! !(← mvarId.isDelayedAssigned)
--if !args.isEmpty then
-- IO.println s!"{padding}├── Arguments Begin"
let args ← args.mapM self
--if !args.isEmpty then
-- IO.println s!"{padding}├── Arguments End"
--IO.println s!"{padding}├M ?{}"
return .done (mkAppN f args))
--IO.println s!"{padding}└Result {result}"
return result
self e := instantiateDelayedMVars e --(level := level + 1)
Convert an expression to an equiavlent form with
1. No nested delayed assigned mvars
2. No aux lemmas
3. No assigned mvars
@[export pantograph_instantiate_all_m]
def instantiateAll (e: Expr): MetaM Expr := do
let e ← instantiateDelayedMVars e
let e ← unfoldAuxLemmas e
return e
structure DelayedMVarInvocation where
mvarIdPending: MVarId
args: Array (FVarId × (Option Expr))
-- Extra arguments applied to the result of this substitution
tail: Array Expr
-- The pending mvar of any delayed assigned mvar must not be assigned in any way.
@[export pantograph_to_delayed_mvar_invocation_m]
def toDelayedMVarInvocation (e: Expr): MetaM (Option DelayedMVarInvocation) := do
let .mvar mvarId := e.getAppFn | return .none
let .some decl ← getDelayedMVarAssignment? mvarId | return .none
let mvarIdPending := decl.mvarIdPending
let mvarDecl ← mvarIdPending.getDecl
-- Print the function application e. See Lean's `withOverApp`
let args := e.getAppArgs
assert! args.size ≥ decl.fvars.size
assert! !(← mvarIdPending.isAssigned)
assert! !(← mvarIdPending.isDelayedAssigned)
let fvarArgMap: Std.HashMap FVarId Expr := Std.HashMap.ofList $ ( (·.fvarId!) |>.zip args).toList
let subst ← mvarDecl.lctx.foldlM (init := []) λ acc localDecl => do
let fvarId := localDecl.fvarId
let a := fvarArgMap[fvarId]?
return acc ++ [(fvarId, a)]
assert! decl.fvars.all (λ fvar => mvarDecl.lctx.findFVar? fvar |>.isSome)
return .some {
args := subst.toArray,
tail := args.toList.drop decl.fvars.size |>.toArray,
-- Condensed representation
namespace Condensed
namespace Condensed
-- Mirrors Lean's LocalDecl
-- Mirrors Lean's LocalDecl
@ -32,12 +189,6 @@ structure Goal where
@[export pantograph_goal_is_lhs]
@[export pantograph_goal_is_lhs]
def isLHS (g: Goal) : Bool := isLHSGoal? |>.isSome
def isLHS (g: Goal) : Bool := isLHSGoal? |>.isSome
-- Functions for creating contexts and states
@[export pantograph_elab_context]
def elabContext: Elab.Term.Context := {
errToSorry := false
end Condensed
end Condensed
-- Get the list of visible (by default) free variables from a goal
-- Get the list of visible (by default) free variables from a goal
@ -97,38 +248,6 @@ protected def GoalState.toCondensed (state: GoalState):
| .none => throwError s!"Metavariable does not exist in context {}"
| .none => throwError s!"Metavariable does not exist in context {}"
||||||' (s := state.savedState.term.meta.meta)
|' (s := state.savedState.term.meta.meta)
--- Input Functions ---
/-- Read syntax object from string -/
def parseTerm (env: Environment) (s: String): Except String Syntax :=
(env := env)
(catName := `term)
(input := s)
(fileName := "<stdin>")
def parseTermM [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (s: String): m (Except String Syntax) := do
return Parser.runParserCategory
(env := ← MonadEnv.getEnv)
(catName := `term)
(input := s)
(fileName := "<stdin>")
/-- Parse a syntax object. May generate additional metavariables! -/
def elabType (syn: Syntax): Elab.TermElabM (Except String Expr) := do
let expr ← Elab.Term.elabType syn
return .ok expr
catch ex => return .error (← ex.toMessageData.toString)
def elabTerm (syn: Syntax) (expectedType? : Option Expr := .none): Elab.TermElabM (Except String Expr) := do
let expr ← Elab.Term.elabTerm (stx := syn) expectedType?
return .ok expr
catch ex => return .error (← ex.toMessageData.toString)
--- Output Functions ---
def typeExprToBound (expr: Expr): MetaM Protocol.BoundExpression := do
def typeExprToBound (expr: Expr): MetaM Protocol.BoundExpression := do
Meta.forallTelescope expr fun arr body => do
Meta.forallTelescope expr fun arr body => do
let binders ← arr.mapM fun fvar => do
let binders ← arr.mapM fun fvar => do
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import Lean
open Lean
namespace Pantograph
-- Functions for creating contexts and states
@[export pantograph_default_elab_context]
def defaultElabContext: Elab.Term.Context := {
errToSorry := false
/-- Read syntax object from string -/
def parseTerm (env: Environment) (s: String): Except String Syntax :=
(env := env)
(catName := `term)
(input := s)
(fileName := "<stdin>")
def parseTermM [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (s: String): m (Except String Syntax) := do
return Parser.runParserCategory
(env := ← MonadEnv.getEnv)
(catName := `term)
(input := s)
(fileName := "<stdin>")
/-- Parse a syntax object. May generate additional metavariables! -/
def elabType (syn: Syntax): Elab.TermElabM (Except String Expr) := do
let expr ← Elab.Term.elabType syn
return .ok expr
catch ex => return .error (← ex.toMessageData.toString)
def elabTerm (syn: Syntax) (expectedType? : Option Expr := .none): Elab.TermElabM (Except String Expr) := do
let expr ← Elab.Term.elabTerm (stx := syn) expectedType?
return .ok expr
catch ex => return .error (← ex.toMessageData.toString)
end Pantograph
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import Pantograph.Protocol
import Pantograph.Delate
import Pantograph.Delate
import Pantograph.Elab
import Pantograph.Protocol
import Lean
import Lean
open Lean
open Lean
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
import Lean
import Std.Data.HashMap
open Lean
namespace Pantograph
structure ProjectionApplication where
projector: Name
numParams: Nat
inner: Expr
@[export pantograph_expr_proj_to_app]
def exprProjToApp (env: Environment) (e: Expr): ProjectionApplication :=
let (typeName, idx, inner) := match e with
| .proj typeName idx inner => (typeName, idx, inner)
| _ => panic! "Argument must be proj"
let ctor := getStructureCtor env typeName
let fieldName := getStructureFields env typeName |>.get! idx
let projector := getProjFnForField? env typeName fieldName |>.get!
numParams := ctor.numParams,
def _root_.Lean.Name.isAuxLemma (n : Lean.Name) : Bool := n matches .num (.str _ "_auxLemma") _
/-- Unfold all lemmas created by `Lean.Meta.mkAuxLemma`. These end in `_auxLemma.nn` where `nn` is a number. -/
@[export pantograph_unfold_aux_lemmas]
def unfoldAuxLemmas (e : Expr) : CoreM Expr := do
Lean.Meta.deltaExpand e Lean.Name.isAuxLemma
Force the instantiation of delayed metavariables even if they cannot be fully
instantiated. This is used during resumption to provide diagnostic data about
the current goal.
Since Lean 4 does not have an `Expr` constructor corresponding to delayed
metavariables, any delayed metavariables must be recursively handled by this
function to ensure that nested delayed metavariables can be properly processed.
The caveat is this recursive call will lead to infinite recursion if a loop
between metavariable assignment exists.
This function ensures any metavariable in the result is either
1. Delayed assigned with its pending mvar not assigned in any form
2. Not assigned (delay or not)
partial def instantiateDelayedMVars (eOrig: Expr) : MetaM Expr := do
--let padding := String.join $ List.replicate level "│ "
--IO.println s!"{padding}Starting {toString eOrig}"
let mut result ← Meta.transform (← instantiateMVars eOrig)
(pre := fun e => e.withApp fun f args => do
let .mvar mvarId := f | return .continue
--IO.println s!"{padding}├V {e}"
let mvarDecl ← mvarId.getDecl
-- This is critical to maintaining the interdependency of metavariables.
-- Without setting `.syntheticOpaque`, Lean's metavariable elimination
-- system will not make the necessary delayed assigned mvars in case of
-- nested mvars.
mvarId.setKind .syntheticOpaque
mvarId.withContext do
let lctx ← MonadLCtx.getLCtx
if mvarDecl.lctx.any (λ decl => !lctx.contains decl.fvarId) then
let violations := mvarDecl.lctx.decls.foldl (λ acc decl? => match decl? with
| .some decl => if lctx.contains decl.fvarId then acc else acc ++ []
| .none => acc) []
panic! s!"In the context of {}, there are local context variable violations: {violations}"
if let .some assign ← getExprMVarAssignment? mvarId then
--IO.println s!"{padding}├A ?{}"
assert! !(← mvarId.isDelayedAssigned)
return .visit (mkAppN assign args)
else if let some { fvars, mvarIdPending } ← getDelayedMVarAssignment? mvarId then
--let substTableStr := String.intercalate ", " $ Array.zipWith fvars args (λ fvar assign => s!"{fvar.fvarId!.name} := {assign}") |>.toList
--IO.println s!"{padding}├MD ?{} := ?{} [{substTableStr}]"
if args.size < fvars.size then
throwError "Not enough arguments to instantiate a delay assigned mvar. This is due to bad implementations of a tactic: {args.size} < {fvars.size}. Expr: {toString e}; Origin: {toString eOrig}"
--if !args.isEmpty then
--IO.println s!"{padding}├── Arguments Begin"
let args ← args.mapM self
--if !args.isEmpty then
--IO.println s!"{padding}├── Arguments End"
if !(← mvarIdPending.isAssignedOrDelayedAssigned) then
--IO.println s!"{padding}├T1"
let result := mkAppN f args
return .done result
let pending ← mvarIdPending.withContext do
let inner ← instantiateDelayedMVars (.mvar mvarIdPending) --(level := level + 1)
--IO.println s!"{padding}├Pre: {inner}"
pure <| (← inner.abstractM fvars).instantiateRev args
-- Tail arguments
let result := mkAppRange pending fvars.size args.size args
--IO.println s!"{padding}├MD {result}"
return .done result
assert! !(← mvarId.isAssigned)
assert! !(← mvarId.isDelayedAssigned)
--if !args.isEmpty then
-- IO.println s!"{padding}├── Arguments Begin"
let args ← args.mapM self
--if !args.isEmpty then
-- IO.println s!"{padding}├── Arguments End"
--IO.println s!"{padding}├M ?{}"
return .done (mkAppN f args))
--IO.println s!"{padding}└Result {result}"
return result
self e := instantiateDelayedMVars e --(level := level + 1)
Convert an expression to an equiavlent form with
1. No nested delayed assigned mvars
2. No aux lemmas
3. No assigned mvars
@[export pantograph_instantiate_all_m]
def instantiateAll (e: Expr): MetaM Expr := do
let e ← instantiateDelayedMVars e
let e ← unfoldAuxLemmas e
return e
structure DelayedMVarInvocation where
mvarIdPending: MVarId
args: Array (FVarId × (Option Expr))
-- Extra arguments applied to the result of this substitution
tail: Array Expr
-- The pending mvar of any delayed assigned mvar must not be assigned in any way.
@[export pantograph_to_delayed_mvar_invocation_m]
def toDelayedMVarInvocation (e: Expr): MetaM (Option DelayedMVarInvocation) := do
let .mvar mvarId := e.getAppFn | return .none
let .some decl ← getDelayedMVarAssignment? mvarId | return .none
let mvarIdPending := decl.mvarIdPending
let mvarDecl ← mvarIdPending.getDecl
-- Print the function application e. See Lean's `withOverApp`
let args := e.getAppArgs
assert! args.size ≥ decl.fvars.size
assert! !(← mvarIdPending.isAssigned)
assert! !(← mvarIdPending.isDelayedAssigned)
let fvarArgMap: Std.HashMap FVarId Expr := Std.HashMap.ofList $ ( (·.fvarId!) |>.zip args).toList
let subst ← mvarDecl.lctx.foldlM (init := []) λ acc localDecl => do
let fvarId := localDecl.fvarId
let a := fvarArgMap[fvarId]?
return acc ++ [(fvarId, a)]
assert! decl.fvars.all (λ fvar => mvarDecl.lctx.findFVar? fvar |>.isSome)
return .some {
args := subst.toArray,
tail := args.toList.drop decl.fvars.size |>.toArray,
end Pantograph
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ namespace Pantograph
def runMetaM { α } (metaM: MetaM α): CoreM α :=
def runMetaM { α } (metaM: MetaM α): CoreM α :=
def runTermElabM { α } (termElabM: Elab.TermElabM α): CoreM α :=
def runTermElabM { α } (termElabM: Elab.TermElabM α): CoreM α :=
||||||' (ctx := Condensed.elabContext) |>.run'
|' (ctx := defaultElabContext) |>.run'
def errorI (type desc: String): Protocol.InteractionError := { error := type, desc := desc }
def errorI (type desc: String): Protocol.InteractionError := { error := type, desc := desc }
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ abbrev CR α := Except Protocol.InteractionError α
def runMetaInMainM { α } (metaM: Lean.MetaM α): MainM α :=
def runMetaInMainM { α } (metaM: Lean.MetaM α): MainM α :=
def runTermElabInMainM { α } (termElabM: Lean.Elab.TermElabM α) : MainM α :=
def runTermElabInMainM { α } (termElabM: Lean.Elab.TermElabM α) : MainM α :=
||||||' (ctx := Condensed.elabContext) |>.run'
|' (ctx := defaultElabContext) |>.run'
def execute (command: Protocol.Command): MainM Lean.Json := do
def execute (command: Protocol.Command): MainM Lean.Json := do
let run { α β: Type } [Lean.FromJson α] [Lean.ToJson β] (comm: α → MainM (CR β)): MainM Lean.Json :=
let run { α β: Type } [Lean.FromJson α] [Lean.ToJson β] (comm: α → MainM (CR β)): MainM Lean.Json :=
@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ def runCoreMSeq (env: Environment) (coreM: CoreM LSpec.TestSeq) (options: Array
def runMetaMSeq (env: Environment) (metaM: MetaM LSpec.TestSeq): IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
def runMetaMSeq (env: Environment) (metaM: MetaM LSpec.TestSeq): IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
runCoreMSeq env'
runCoreMSeq env'
def runTermElabMInMeta { α } (termElabM: Lean.Elab.TermElabM α): Lean.MetaM α :=
def runTermElabMInMeta { α } (termElabM: Lean.Elab.TermElabM α): Lean.MetaM α :=
||||||' (ctx := Condensed.elabContext)
|' (ctx := defaultElabContext)
def runTermElabMSeq (env: Environment) (termElabM: Elab.TermElabM LSpec.TestSeq): IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
def runTermElabMSeq (env: Environment) (termElabM: Elab.TermElabM LSpec.TestSeq): IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
runMetaMSeq env $' (ctx := Condensed.elabContext)
runMetaMSeq env $' (ctx := defaultElabContext)
def exprToStr (e: Expr): Lean.MetaM String := toString <$> Meta.ppExpr e
def exprToStr (e: Expr): Lean.MetaM String := toString <$> Meta.ppExpr e
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def test_sexp_of_elab (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
| .ok expr => pure expr
| .ok expr => pure expr
| .error e => return elabFailure e
| .error e => return elabFailure e
return LSpec.check source ((← serializeExpressionSexp expr) = target)
return LSpec.check source ((← serializeExpressionSexp expr) = target)
let metaM := (Elab.Term.withLevelNames levels termElabM).run' (ctx := Condensed.elabContext)
let metaM := (Elab.Term.withLevelNames levels termElabM).run' (ctx := defaultElabContext)
return LSpec.TestSeq.append suites (← runMetaMSeq env metaM))
return LSpec.TestSeq.append suites (← runMetaMSeq env metaM))
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ def test_sexp_of_expr (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let testCaseName := target.take 10
let testCaseName := target.take 10
let test := LSpec.check testCaseName ((← serializeExpressionSexp expr) = target)
let test := LSpec.check testCaseName ((← serializeExpressionSexp expr) = target)
return LSpec.TestSeq.append suites test) LSpec.TestSeq.done
return LSpec.TestSeq.append suites test) LSpec.TestSeq.done
runMetaMSeq env $' (ctx := Condensed.elabContext)
runMetaMSeq env $' (ctx := defaultElabContext)
-- Instance parsing
-- Instance parsing
def test_instance (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
def test_instance (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ def proofRunner (env: Lean.Environment) (tests: TestM Unit): IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
let termElabM := LSpec.TestSeq.done |>.run {} -- with default options
let termElabM := LSpec.TestSeq.done |>.run {} -- with default options
let coreContext: Lean.Core.Context ← createCoreContext #[]
let coreContext: Lean.Core.Context ← createCoreContext #[]
let metaM :=' (ctx := Condensed.elabContext)
let metaM :=' (ctx := defaultElabContext)
let coreM :='
let coreM :='
match ← (' coreContext { env := env }).toBaseIO with
match ← (' coreContext { env := env }).toBaseIO with
| .error exception =>
| .error exception =>
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ def proofRunner (env: Lean.Environment) (tests: TestM Unit): IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
let termElabM := LSpec.TestSeq.done |>.run {} -- with default options
let termElabM := LSpec.TestSeq.done |>.run {} -- with default options
let coreContext: Lean.Core.Context ← createCoreContext #[]
let coreContext: Lean.Core.Context ← createCoreContext #[]
let metaM :=' (ctx := Condensed.elabContext)
let metaM :=' (ctx := defaultElabContext)
let coreM :='
let coreM :='
match ← (' coreContext { env := env }).toBaseIO with
match ← (' coreContext { env := env }).toBaseIO with
| .error exception =>
| .error exception =>
Reference in New Issue