feat: Draft tactic #153
@ -149,9 +149,14 @@ def sorrysToGoalState (sorrys : List InfoWithContext) : MetaM AnnotatedGoalState
match i.info with
| .ofTermInfo termInfo => do
let mvarId ← MetaTranslate.translateMVarFromTermInfo termInfo i.context?
if (← mvarId.getType).hasSorry then
throwError s!"Coupling is not allowed in drafting"
return [(mvarId, stxByteRange termInfo.stx)]
| .ofTacticInfo tacticInfo => do
let mvarIds ← MetaTranslate.translateMVarFromTacticInfoBefore tacticInfo i.context?
for mvarId in mvarIds do
if (← mvarId.getType).hasSorry then
throwError s!"Coupling is not allowed in drafting"
let range := stxByteRange tacticInfo.stx
return mvarIds.map (·, range)
| _ => panic! "Invalid info"
@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ def evalAssign : Elab.Tactic.Tactic := fun stx => Elab.Tactic.withMainContext do
def sorryToHole (src : Expr) : StateRefT (List MVarId) MetaM Expr := do
Meta.transform src λ
| .app (.app (.const ``sorryAx ..) type) .. => do
-- FIXME: Handle cases of coupled goals
let type ← instantiateMVars type
if type.hasSorry then
throwError s!"Coupling is not allowed in draft tactic: {← Meta.ppExpr type}"
let mvar ← Meta.mkFreshExprSyntheticOpaqueMVar type
modify (mvar.mvarId! :: .)
pure $ .done mvar
Reference in New Issue