Enable handling of m-Coupled goals #20

aniva merged 11 commits from goal/dependency into dev 2023-10-27 19:30:21 -07:00
5 changed files with 181 additions and 143 deletions
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@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ def execute (command: Protocol.Command): MainM Lean.Json := do
printJsonPretty := args.printJsonPretty?.getD options.printJsonPretty,
printExprPretty := args.printExprPretty?.getD options.printExprPretty,
printExprAST := args.printExprAST?.getD options.printExprAST,
proofVariableDelta := args.proofVariableDelta?.getD options.proofVariableDelta,
noRepeat := args.noRepeat?.getD options.noRepeat,
printAuxDecls := args.printAuxDecls?.getD options.printAuxDecls,
printImplementationDetailHyps := args.printImplementationDetailHyps?.getD options.printImplementationDetailHyps
@ -148,14 +148,14 @@ def execute (command: Protocol.Command): MainM Lean.Json := do
match state.goalStates.get? args.stateId with
| .none => return .error $ errorIndex s!"Invalid state index {args.stateId}"
| .some goalState =>
let result ← GoalState.execute goalState args.goalId args.tactic |>.run state.options
match result with
| .success nextGoalState goals =>
match ← GoalState.execute goalState args.goalId args.tactic with
| .success nextGoalState =>
let (goalStates, nextStateId) := state.goalStates.insert nextGoalState
set { state with goalStates }
let goals ← nextGoalState.serializeGoals (parent := .some goalState) (options := state.options)
return .ok {
nextStateId? := .some nextStateId,
goals? := .some goals
goals? := .some goals,
| .parseError message =>
return .ok { parseError? := .some message }

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@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
import Lean
import Pantograph.Symbol
import Pantograph.Serial
import Pantograph.Protocol
def Lean.MessageLog.getErrorMessages (log : MessageLog) : MessageLog :=
@ -21,6 +19,9 @@ structure GoalState where
-- New metavariables acquired in this state
newMVars: SSet MVarId
-- The id of the goal in the parent
parentGoalId: Nat := 0
abbrev M := Elab.TermElabM
protected def GoalState.create (expr: Expr): M GoalState := do
@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ protected def GoalState.mctx (state: GoalState): MetavarContext :=
private def GoalState.mvars (state: GoalState): SSet MVarId :=
state.mctx.decls.foldl (init := .empty) fun acc k _ => acc.insert k
/-- Inner function for executing tactic on goal state -/
def executeTactic (state: Elab.Tactic.SavedState) (goal: MVarId) (tactic: Syntax) :
M (Except (Array String) (Elab.Tactic.SavedState × List MVarId)):= do
let tacticM (stx: Syntax): Elab.Tactic.TacticM (Except (Array String) (Elab.Tactic.SavedState × List MVarId)) := do
@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ def executeTactic (state: Elab.Tactic.SavedState) (goal: MVarId) (tactic: Syntax
/-- Response for executing a tactic -/
inductive TacticResult where
-- Goes to next state
| success (state: GoalState) (goals: Array Protocol.Goal)
| success (state: GoalState)
-- Tactic failed with messages
| failure (messages: Array String)
-- Could not parse tactic
@ -81,7 +83,7 @@ inductive TacticResult where
/-- Execute tactic on given state -/
protected def GoalState.execute (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (tactic: String):
Protocol.OptionsT M TacticResult := do
M TacticResult := do
let goal ← match state.savedState.tactic.goals.get? goalId with
| .some goal => pure $ goal
| .none => return .indexError goalId
@ -92,7 +94,6 @@ protected def GoalState.execute (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (tactic: String
(fileName := "<stdin>") with
| .ok stx => pure $ stx
| .error error => return .parseError error
let options ← read
match (← executeTactic (state := state.savedState) (goal := goal) (tactic := tactic)) with
| .error errors =>
return .failure errors
@ -110,20 +111,12 @@ protected def GoalState.execute (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (tactic: String
return acc.insert mvarId
) SSet.empty
let nextState: GoalState := {
return .success {
savedState := nextSavedState
root := state.root,
parentGoalId := goalId,
let parentDecl? := (← MonadMCtx.getMCtx).findDecl? goal
let goals ← nextGoals.mapM fun nextGoal => do
match (← MonadMCtx.getMCtx).findDecl? nextGoal with
| .some mvarDecl =>
let serializedGoal ← serialize_goal options mvarDecl (parentDecl? := parentDecl?)
return serializedGoal
| .none => throwError s!"Parent mvar id does not exist {nextGoal.name}"
return .success nextState goals.toArray
/-- After finishing one branch of a proof (`graftee`), pick up from the point where the proof was left off (`target`) -/
protected def GoalState.continue (target: GoalState) (graftee: GoalState): Except String GoalState :=
@ -150,57 +143,11 @@ protected def GoalState.rootExpr (goalState: GoalState): Option Expr :=
let expr := goalState.mctx.eAssignment.find! goalState.root
let (expr, _) := instantiateMVarsCore (mctx := goalState.mctx) (e := expr)
if expr.hasMVar then
-- Must not assert that the goal state is empty here. We could be in a branch goal.
--assert! ¬goalState.goals.isEmpty
assert! goalState.goals.isEmpty
.some expr
-- Diagnostics functions
/-- Print the metavariables in a readable format -/
protected def GoalState.print (goalState: GoalState) (options: Protocol.GoalPrint := {}): M Unit := do
let savedState := goalState.savedState
let goals := savedState.tactic.goals
let mctx ← getMCtx
let root := goalState.root
-- Print the root
match mctx.decls.find? root with
| .some decl => printMVar ">" root decl
| .none => IO.println s!">{root.name}: ??"
goals.forM (fun mvarId => do
if mvarId != root then
match mctx.decls.find? mvarId with
| .some decl => printMVar "⊢" mvarId decl
| .none => IO.println s!"⊢{mvarId.name}: ??"
let goals := goals.toSSet
mctx.decls.forM (fun mvarId decl => do
if goals.contains mvarId || mvarId == root then
pure ()
-- Always print the root goal
else if mvarId == goalState.root then
printMVar (pref := ">") mvarId decl
-- Print the remainig ones that users don't see in Lean
else if options.printNonVisible then
let pref := if goalState.newMVars.contains mvarId then "~" else " "
printMVar pref mvarId decl
pure ()
--IO.println s!" {mvarId.name}{userNameToString decl.userName}"
printMVar (pref: String) (mvarId: MVarId) (decl: MetavarDecl): Elab.TermElabM Unit := do
if options.printContext then
decl.lctx.fvarIdToDecl.forM printFVar
let type_sexp := serialize_expression_ast (← instantiateMVars decl.type) (sanitize := false)
IO.println s!"{pref}{mvarId.name}{userNameToString decl.userName}: {← Meta.ppExpr decl.type} {type_sexp}"
if options.printValue then
if let Option.some value := (← getMCtx).eAssignment.find? mvarId then
IO.println s!" = {← Meta.ppExpr value}"
printFVar (fvarId: FVarId) (decl: LocalDecl): Elab.TermElabM Unit := do
IO.println s!" | {fvarId.name}{userNameToString decl.userName}: {← Meta.ppExpr decl.type}"
userNameToString : Name → String
| .anonymous => ""
| other => s!"[{other}]"
end Pantograph

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@ -18,9 +18,10 @@ structure Options where
printExprPretty: Bool := true
-- When enabled, print the raw AST of expressions
printExprAST: Bool := false
-- When enabled, the types and values of persistent variables in a proof goal
-- are not shown unless they are new to the proof step. Reduces overhead
proofVariableDelta: Bool := false
-- When enabled, the types and values of persistent variables in a goal
-- are not shown unless they are new to the proof step. Reduces overhead.
-- NOTE: that this assumes the type and assignment of variables can never change.
noRepeat: Bool := false
-- See `pp.auxDecls`
printAuxDecls: Bool := false
-- See `pp.implementationDetailHyps`
@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ structure OptionsSet where
printJsonPretty?: Option Bool
printExprPretty?: Option Bool
printExprAST?: Option Bool
proofVariableDelta?: Option Bool
noRepeat?: Option Bool
printAuxDecls?: Option Bool
printImplementationDetailHyps?: Option Bool
deriving Lean.FromJson

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ All serialisation functions
import Lean
import Pantograph.Protocol
import Pantograph.Goal
namespace Pantograph
open Lean
@ -173,12 +174,12 @@ def serialize_expression_ast (expr: Expr) (sanitize: Bool := true): String :=
def serialize_expression (options: Protocol.Options) (e: Expr): MetaM Protocol.Expression := do
let pp := toString (← Meta.ppExpr e)
let pp?: Option String := match options.printExprPretty with
| true => .some pp
| false => .none
| true => .some pp
| false => .none
let sexp: String := serialize_expression_ast e
let sexp?: Option String := match options.printExprAST with
| true => .some sexp
| false => .none
| true => .some sexp
| false => .none
return {
@ -239,7 +240,7 @@ def serialize_goal (options: Protocol.Options) (mvarDecl: MetavarDecl) (parentDe
if skip then
return acc
let nameOnly := options.proofVariableDelta && (parentDecl?.map
let nameOnly := options.noRepeat && (parentDecl?.map
(λ decl => decl.lctx.find? localDecl.fvarId |>.isSome) |>.getD false)
let var ← match nameOnly with
| true => ppVarNameOnly localDecl
@ -254,6 +255,67 @@ def serialize_goal (options: Protocol.Options) (mvarDecl: MetavarDecl) (parentDe
of_name (n: Name) := name_to_ast n (sanitize := false)
protected def GoalState.serializeGoals (state: GoalState) (parent: Option GoalState := .none) (options: Protocol.Options := {}): MetaM (Array Protocol.Goal):= do
let goals := state.goals.toArray
let parentDecl? := parent.bind (λ parentState =>
let parentGoal := parentState.goals.get! state.parentGoalId
parentState.mctx.findDecl? parentGoal)
goals.mapM fun goal => do
if options.noRepeat then
let key := if parentDecl?.isSome then "is some" else "is none"
IO.println s!"goal: {goal.name}, {key}"
match state.mctx.findDecl? goal with
| .some mvarDecl =>
let serializedGoal ← serialize_goal options mvarDecl (parentDecl? := parentDecl?)
pure serializedGoal
| .none => throwError s!"Metavariable does not exist in context {goal.name}"
/-- Print the metavariables in a readable format -/
protected def GoalState.print (goalState: GoalState) (options: Protocol.GoalPrint := {}): MetaM Unit := do
let savedState := goalState.savedState
let goals := savedState.tactic.goals
let mctx ← getMCtx
let root := goalState.root
-- Print the root
match mctx.decls.find? root with
| .some decl => printMVar ">" root decl
| .none => IO.println s!">{root.name}: ??"
goals.forM (fun mvarId => do
if mvarId != root then
match mctx.decls.find? mvarId with
| .some decl => printMVar "⊢" mvarId decl
| .none => IO.println s!"⊢{mvarId.name}: ??"
let goals := goals.toSSet
mctx.decls.forM (fun mvarId decl => do
if goals.contains mvarId || mvarId == root then
pure ()
-- Always print the root goal
else if mvarId == goalState.root then
printMVar (pref := ">") mvarId decl
-- Print the remainig ones that users don't see in Lean
else if options.printNonVisible then
let pref := if goalState.newMVars.contains mvarId then "~" else " "
printMVar pref mvarId decl
pure ()
--IO.println s!" {mvarId.name}{userNameToString decl.userName}"
printMVar (pref: String) (mvarId: MVarId) (decl: MetavarDecl): MetaM Unit := do
if options.printContext then
decl.lctx.fvarIdToDecl.forM printFVar
let type_sexp := serialize_expression_ast (← instantiateMVars decl.type) (sanitize := false)
IO.println s!"{pref}{mvarId.name}{userNameToString decl.userName}: {← Meta.ppExpr decl.type} {type_sexp}"
if options.printValue then
if let Option.some value := (← getMCtx).eAssignment.find? mvarId then
IO.println s!" = {← Meta.ppExpr value}"
printFVar (fvarId: FVarId) (decl: LocalDecl): MetaM Unit := do
IO.println s!" | {fvarId.name}{userNameToString decl.userName}: {← Meta.ppExpr decl.type}"
userNameToString : Name → String
| .anonymous => ""
| other => s!"[{other}]"
end Pantograph

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Test.Common
namespace Pantograph
def TacticResult.toString : TacticResult → String
| .success _ goals => s!".success ({goals.size} goals)"
| .success state => s!".success ({state.goals.length} goals)"
| .failure messages =>
let messages := "\n".intercalate messages.toList
s!".failure {messages}"
@ -75,16 +75,6 @@ def buildGoal (nameType: List (String × String)) (target: String): Protocol.Goa
isInaccessible? := .some false
-- Like `buildGoal` but allow certain variables to be elided.
def buildGoalSelective (nameType: List (String × Option String)) (target: String): Protocol.Goal :=
target := { pp? := .some target},
vars := (nameType.map fun x => ({
userName := x.fst,
type? := x.snd.map (λ type => { pp? := type }),
isInaccessible? := x.snd.map (λ _ => false)
def proofRunner (env: Lean.Environment) (tests: TestM Unit): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let termElabM := tests.run LSpec.TestSeq.done |>.run {} -- with default options
@ -120,12 +110,13 @@ def proof_nat_add_comm (manual: Bool): TestM Unit := do
addTest $ assertUnreachable "Goal could not parse"
return ()
let (state1, goal1) ← match ← state0.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "intro n m") with
| .success state #[goal] => pure (state, goal)
let state1 ← match ← state0.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "intro n m") with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check "intro n m" (goal1.devolatilize = buildGoal [("n", "Nat"), ("m", "Nat")] "n + m = m + n")
addTest $ LSpec.check "intro n m" ((← state1.serializeGoals (options := ← read)).map (·.devolatilize) =
#[buildGoal [("n", "Nat"), ("m", "Nat")] "n + m = m + n"])
match ← state1.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "assumption") with
| .failure #[message] =>
@ -134,12 +125,49 @@ def proof_nat_add_comm (manual: Bool): TestM Unit := do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
let state2 ← match ← state1.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "rw [Nat.add_comm]") with
| .success state #[] => pure state
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.test "rw [Nat.add_comm]" state2.goals.isEmpty
return ()
def proof_delta_variable: TestM Unit := do
let options: Protocol.Options := { noRepeat := true }
let state? ← startProof <| .expr "∀ (a b: Nat), a + b = b + a"
addTest $ LSpec.check "Start goal" state?.isSome
let state0 ← match state? with
| .some state => pure state
| .none => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable "Goal could not parse"
return ()
let state1 ← match ← state0.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "intro n") with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check "intro n" ((← state1.serializeGoals (parent := state0) options).map (·.devolatilize) =
#[buildGoalSelective [("n", .some "Nat")] "∀ (b : Nat), n + b = b + n"])
let state2 ← match ← state1.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "intro m") with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check "intro m" ((← state2.serializeGoals (parent := state1) options).map (·.devolatilize) =
#[buildGoalSelective [("n", .none), ("m", .some "Nat")] "n + m = m + n"])
return ()
-- Like `buildGoal` but allow certain variables to be elided.
buildGoalSelective (nameType: List (String × Option String)) (target: String): Protocol.Goal :=
target := { pp? := .some target},
vars := (nameType.map fun x => ({
userName := x.fst,
type? := x.snd.map (λ type => { pp? := type }),
isInaccessible? := x.snd.map (λ _ => false)
example (w x y z : Nat) (p : Nat → Prop)
(h : p (x * y + z * w * x)) : p (x * w * z + y * x) := by
@ -153,23 +181,26 @@ def proof_arith: TestM Unit := do
addTest $ assertUnreachable "Goal could not parse"
return ()
let (state1, goal) ← match ← state0.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "intros") with
| .success state #[goal] => pure (state, goal)
let state1 ← match ← state0.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "intros") with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check "1 root" state1.rootExpr.isNone
let (state2, goal) ← match ← state1.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "simp [Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm, Nat.add_left_comm, Nat.mul_comm, Nat.mul_assoc, Nat.mul_left_comm] at *") with
| .success state #[goal] => pure (state, goal)
addTest $ LSpec.check "intros" (state1.goals.length = 1)
addTest $ LSpec.test "1 root" state1.rootExpr.isNone
let state2 ← match ← state1.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "simp [Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm, Nat.add_left_comm, Nat.mul_comm, Nat.mul_assoc, Nat.mul_left_comm] at *") with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check "simp ..." (state2.goals.length = 1)
addTest $ LSpec.check "2 root" state2.rootExpr.isNone
let state3 ← match ← state2.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "assumption") with
| .success state #[] => pure state
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.test "assumption" state3.goals.isEmpty
addTest $ LSpec.check "3 root" state3.rootExpr.isSome
return ()
@ -196,59 +227,66 @@ def proof_or_comm: TestM Unit := do
addTest $ assertUnreachable "Goal could not parse"
return ()
let (state1, goal1) ← match ← state0.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "intro p q h") with
| .success state #[goal] => pure (state, goal)
let state1 ← match ← state0.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "intro p q h") with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check "p q h" (goal1.devolatilize = buildGoal [("p", "Prop"), ("q", "Prop"), ("h", "p q")] "q p")
let (state2, goal1, goal2) ← match ← state1.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "cases h") with
| .success state #[goal1, goal2] => pure (state, goal1, goal2)
addTest $ LSpec.check "intro n m" ((← state1.serializeGoals (options := ← read)).map (·.devolatilize) =
#[buildGoal [("p", "Prop"), ("q", "Prop"), ("h", "p q")] "q p"])
let state2 ← match ← state1.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "cases h") with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check "cases h/1" (goal1.devolatilize = branchGoal "inl" "p")
addTest $ LSpec.check "cases h/2" (goal2.devolatilize = branchGoal "inr" "q")
addTest $ LSpec.check "cases h" ((← state2.serializeGoals (options := ← read)).map (·.devolatilize) =
#[branchGoal "inl" "p", branchGoal "inr" "q"])
let (state3_1, _goal) ← match ← state2.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "apply Or.inr") with
| .success state #[goal] => pure (state, goal)
let state3_1 ← match ← state2.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "apply Or.inr") with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check "· apply Or.inr" (state3_1.goals.length = 1)
let state4_1 ← match ← state3_1.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "assumption") with
| .success state #[] => pure state
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
let (state3_2, _goal) ← match ← state2.execute (goalId := 1) (tactic := "apply Or.inl") with
| .success state #[goal] => pure (state, goal)
addTest $ LSpec.check "· assumption" state4_1.goals.isEmpty
addTest $ LSpec.check "(4_1 root)" state4_1.rootExpr.isNone
let state3_2 ← match ← state2.execute (goalId := 1) (tactic := "apply Or.inl") with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check "· apply Or.inl" (state3_2.goals.length = 1)
let state4_2 ← match ← state3_2.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "assumption") with
| .success state #[] => pure state
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check "4_2 root" state4_2.rootExpr.isNone
addTest $ LSpec.check "· assumption" state4_2.goals.isEmpty
addTest $ LSpec.check "(4_2 root)" state4_2.rootExpr.isNone
-- Ensure the proof can continue from `state4_2`.
let state2b ← match state2.continue state4_2 with
| .error msg => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ msg
return ()
| .ok state => pure state
addTest $ LSpec.test "state2b" (state2b.goals == [state2.goals.get! 0])
let (state3_1, _goal) ← match ← state2b.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "apply Or.inr") with
| .success state #[goal] => pure (state, goal)
addTest $ LSpec.test "(resume)" (state2b.goals == [state2.goals.get! 0])
let state3_1 ← match ← state2b.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "apply Or.inr") with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check "· apply Or.inr" (state3_1.goals.length = 1)
let state4_1 ← match ← state3_1.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "assumption") with
| .success state #[] => pure state
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check "· assumption" state4_1.goals.isEmpty
addTest $ LSpec.check "4_1 root" state4_1.rootExpr.isSome
return ()
@ -273,41 +311,30 @@ def proof_m_couple: TestM Unit := do
addTest $ assertUnreachable "Goal could not parse"
return ()
let (state1, goalL, goalR, goalM) ← match ← state0.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "apply Nat.le_trans") with
| .success state #[goalL, goalR, goalM] => pure (state, goalL, goalR, goalM)
let state1 ← match ← state0.execute (goalId := 0) (tactic := "apply Nat.le_trans") with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.test "2 ≤ ?m" (goalL.target.pp? = .some "2 ≤ ?m")
addTest $ LSpec.test "?m ≤ 5" (goalR.target.pp? = .some "?m ≤ 5")
addTest $ LSpec.test "Nat" (goalM.target.pp? = .some "Nat")
addTest $ LSpec.check "apply Nat.le_trans" ((← state1.serializeGoals (options := ← read)).map (·.target.pp?) =
#[.some "2 ≤ ?m", .some "?m ≤ 5", .some "Nat"])
addTest $ LSpec.test "(1 root)" state1.rootExpr.isNone
-- Set m to 3
let state2 ← match ← state1.execute (goalId := 2) (tactic := "exact 3") with
| .success state #[] => pure state
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.test "(1b root)" state2.rootExpr.isNone
let state1b ← match state1.continue state2 with
| .ok state => pure state
| .error error => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ error
| .error msg => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ msg
return ()
--def proof_delta_variable: TestM Unit := withReader (fun _ => {proofVariableDelta := true}) do
-- let goal? ← startProof (.expr "∀ (a b: Nat), a + b = b + a")
-- addTest $ LSpec.check "Start goal" goal?.isSome
-- if let .some goal := goal? then
-- if let .success #[(goal, sGoal)] ← goal.execute "intro n" then
-- let sGoal1e: Protocol.Goal :=buildGoalSelective [("n", .some "Nat")] "∀ (b : Nat), n + b = b + n"
-- addTest $ LSpec.check "intro n" (sGoal = sGoal1e)
-- if let .success #[(_, sGoal)] ← goal.execute "intro m" then
-- let sGoal2e: Protocol.Goal :=buildGoalSelective [("n", .none), ("m", .some "Nat")] "n + m = m + n"
-- addTest $ LSpec.check "intro m" (sGoal = sGoal2e)
-- else
-- addTest $ assertUnreachable "intro m"
-- else
-- addTest $ assertUnreachable "intro n"
| .ok state => pure state
addTest $ LSpec.check "exact 3" ((← state1b.serializeGoals (options := ← read)).map (·.target.pp?) =
#[.some "2 ≤ 3", .some "3 ≤ 5"])
addTest $ LSpec.test "(2 root)" state1b.rootExpr.isNone
return ()
/-- Tests the most basic form of proofs whose goals do not relate to each other -/
def suite: IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
@ -318,6 +345,7 @@ def suite: IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let tests := [
("Nat.add_comm", proof_nat_add_comm false),
("Nat.add_comm manual", proof_nat_add_comm true),
("Nat.add_comm delta", proof_delta_variable),
("arithmetic", proof_arith),
("Or.comm", proof_or_comm),
("2 < 5", proof_m_couple)