feat: Simplify printing of names and expressions #25

aniva merged 5 commits from io/serial into dev 2023-10-29 13:08:06 -07:00
4 changed files with 37 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -46,64 +46,45 @@ def type_expr_to_bound (expr: Expr): MetaM Protocol.BoundExpression := do
return (toString (← fvar.fvarId!.getUserName), toString (← Meta.ppExpr (← fvar.fvarId!.getType)))
return { binders, target := toString (← Meta.ppExpr body) }
private def name_to_ast (name: Lean.Name) (sanitize: Bool := true): String := match name with
| .anonymous => ":anon"
| .num n i => match sanitize with
| false => s!"{toString n} {i}"
| true => ":anon"
| n@(.str _ _) => toString n
private def level_depth: Level → Nat
| .zero => 0
| .succ l => 1 + (level_depth l)
| .max u v | .imax u v => 1 + max (level_depth u) (level_depth v)
| .param _ | .mvar _ => 0
theorem level_depth_max_imax (u v: Level): (level_depth (Level.max u v) = level_depth (Level.imax u v)) := by
theorem level_max_depth_decrease (u v: Level): (level_depth u < level_depth (Level.max u v)) := by
have h1: level_depth (Level.max u v) = 1 + Nat.max (level_depth u) (level_depth v) := by constructor
rewrite [h1]
conv =>
apply Nat.max_def
theorem level_offset_decrease (u v: Level): (level_depth u ≤ level_depth (Level.max u v).getLevelOffset) := sorry
def name_to_ast (name: Name) (sanitize: Bool := true): String :=
let internal := name.isInaccessibleUserName || name.hasMacroScopes
if sanitize && internal then "_"
else toString name |> enclose_if_escaped
enclose_if_escaped (n: String) :=
let quote := "̈̈\""
if n.contains Lean.idBeginEscape then s!"{quote}{n}{quote}" else n
/-- serialize a sort level. Expression is optimized to be compact e.g. `(+ u 2)` -/
def serialize_sort_level_ast (level: Level): String :=
partial def serialize_sort_level_ast (level: Level) (sanitize: Bool): String :=
let k := level.getOffset
let u := level.getLevelOffset
let u_str := match u with
| .zero => "0"
| .succ _ => panic! "getLevelOffset should not return .succ"
| .max v w =>
let v := serialize_sort_level_ast v
let w := serialize_sort_level_ast w
let v := serialize_sort_level_ast v sanitize
let w := serialize_sort_level_ast w sanitize
s!"(:max {v} {w})"
| .imax v w =>
let v := serialize_sort_level_ast v
let w := serialize_sort_level_ast w
let v := serialize_sort_level_ast v sanitize
let w := serialize_sort_level_ast w sanitize
s!"(:imax {v} {w})"
| .param name =>
let name := name_to_ast name
let name := name_to_ast name sanitize
| .mvar id =>
let name := name_to_ast id.name
let name := name_to_ast id.name sanitize
s!"(:mv {name})"
match k, u with
| 0, _ => u_str
| _, .zero => s!"{k}"
| _, _ => s!"(+ {u_str} {k})"
termination_by serialize_sort_level_ast level => level_depth level
. sorry
Completely serializes an expression tree. Json not used due to compactness
def serialize_expression_ast (expr: Expr) (sanitize: Bool := true): String :=
partial def serialize_expression_ast (expr: Expr) (sanitize: Bool := true): String :=
self expr
self (e: Expr): String :=
@ -120,16 +101,17 @@ def serialize_expression_ast (expr: Expr) (sanitize: Bool := true): String :=
let name := of_name mvarId.name
s!"(:mv {name})"
| .sort level =>
let level := serialize_sort_level_ast level
let level := serialize_sort_level_ast level sanitize
s!"(:sort {level})"
| .const declName _ =>
-- The universe level of the const expression is elided since it should be
-- inferrable from surrounding expression
s!"(:c {declName})"
| .app fn arg =>
let fn' := self fn
let arg' := self arg
s!"({fn'} {arg'})"
| .app _ _ =>
let fn' := self e.getAppFn
let args := e.getAppArgs.map self |>.toList
let args := " ".intercalate args
s!"({fn'} {args})"
| .lam binderName binderType body binderInfo =>
let binderName' := of_name binderName
let binderType' := self binderType

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
namespace Pantograph
def version := "0.2.6"
def version := "0.2.7"
end Pantograph

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def subroutine_runner (steps: List (MainM LSpec.TestSeq)): IO LSpec.TestSeq := d
def test_option_modify : IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
let pp? := Option.some "∀ (n : Nat), n + 1 = Nat.succ n"
let sexp? := Option.some "(:forall n (:c Nat) ((((:c Eq) (:c Nat)) (((((((:c HAdd.hAdd) (:c Nat)) (:c Nat)) (:c Nat)) (((:c instHAdd) (:c Nat)) (:c instAddNat))) 0) ((((:c OfNat.ofNat) (:c Nat)) (:lit 1)) ((:c instOfNatNat) (:lit 1))))) ((:c Nat.succ) 0)))"
let sexp? := Option.some "(:forall n (:c Nat) ((:c Eq) (:c Nat) ((:c HAdd.hAdd) (:c Nat) (:c Nat) (:c Nat) ((:c instHAdd) (:c Nat) (:c instAddNat)) 0 ((:c OfNat.ofNat) (:c Nat) (:lit 1) ((:c instOfNatNat) (:lit 1)))) ((:c Nat.succ) 0)))"
let module? := Option.some "Init.Data.Nat.Basic"
let options: Protocol.Options := {}
subroutine_runner [
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ def test_malformed_command : IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
def test_tactic : IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
let goal: Protocol.Goal := {
target := { pp? := .some "∀ (q : Prop), x q → q x" },
vars := #[{ name := "_uniq 9", userName := "x", isInaccessible? := .some false, type? := .some { pp? := .some "Prop" }}],
vars := #[{ name := "_uniq.9", userName := "x", isInaccessible? := .some false, type? := .some { pp? := .some "Prop" }}],
subroutine_runner [
subroutine_step "goal.start"

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@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ deriving instance Repr, DecidableEq for Protocol.BoundExpression
def test_str_to_name: LSpec.TestSeq :=
LSpec.test "Symbol parsing" (Name.str (.str (.str .anonymous "Lean") "Meta") "run" = Pantograph.str_to_name "Lean.Meta.run")
def test_name_to_ast: LSpec.TestSeq :=
let quote := "̈̈\""
LSpec.test "a.b.1" (name_to_ast (Name.num (.str (.str .anonymous "a") "b") 1) = "a.b.1") ++
LSpec.test "seg.«a.b»" (name_to_ast (Name.str (.str .anonymous "seg") "a.b") = s!"{quote}seg.«a.b»{quote}")
-- Pathological test case
--LSpec.test s!"«̈{escape}{quote}»" (name_to_ast (Name.str .anonymous s!"{escape}{quote}") = s!"{quote}«̈{escape}{quote}»{quote}")
def test_expr_to_binder (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let entries: List (String × Protocol.BoundExpression) := [
("Nat.add_comm", { binders := #[("n", "Nat"), ("m", "Nat")], target := "n + m = m + n" }),
@ -36,10 +43,10 @@ def test_expr_to_binder (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
def test_sexp_of_symbol (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
let entries: List (String × String) := [
-- This one contains unhygienic variable names which must be suppressed
("Nat.add", "(:forall :anon (:c Nat) (:forall :anon (:c Nat) (:c Nat)))"),
("Nat.add", "(:forall _ (:c Nat) (:forall _ (:c Nat) (:c Nat)))"),
-- These ones are normal and easy
("Nat.add_one", "(:forall n (:c Nat) ((((:c Eq) (:c Nat)) (((((((:c HAdd.hAdd) (:c Nat)) (:c Nat)) (:c Nat)) (((:c instHAdd) (:c Nat)) (:c instAddNat))) 0) ((((:c OfNat.ofNat) (:c Nat)) (:lit 1)) ((:c instOfNatNat) (:lit 1))))) ((:c Nat.succ) 0)))"),
("Nat.le_of_succ_le", "(:forall n (:c Nat) (:forall m (:c Nat) (:forall h (((((:c LE.le) (:c Nat)) (:c instLENat)) ((:c Nat.succ) 1)) 0) (((((:c LE.le) (:c Nat)) (:c instLENat)) 2) 1)) :implicit) :implicit)"),
("Nat.add_one", "(:forall n (:c Nat) ((:c Eq) (:c Nat) ((:c HAdd.hAdd) (:c Nat) (:c Nat) (:c Nat) ((:c instHAdd) (:c Nat) (:c instAddNat)) 0 ((:c OfNat.ofNat) (:c Nat) (:lit 1) ((:c instOfNatNat) (:lit 1)))) ((:c Nat.succ) 0)))"),
("Nat.le_of_succ_le", "(:forall n (:c Nat) (:forall m (:c Nat) (:forall h ((:c LE.le) (:c Nat) (:c instLENat) ((:c Nat.succ) 1) 0) ((:c LE.le) (:c Nat) (:c instLENat) 2 1)) :implicit) :implicit)"),
-- Handling of higher order types
("Or", "(:forall a (:sort 0) (:forall b (:sort 0) (:sort 0)))"),
("List", "(:forall α (:sort (+ u 1)) (:sort (+ u 1)))")
@ -70,6 +77,7 @@ def suite: IO LSpec.TestSeq := do
return LSpec.group "Serialization" $
(LSpec.group "str_to_name" test_str_to_name) ++
(LSpec.group "name_to_ast" test_name_to_ast) ++
(LSpec.group "Expression binder" (← test_expr_to_binder env)) ++
(LSpec.group "Sexp from symbol" (← test_sexp_of_symbol env))