import LSpec import Pantograph.Delate import Pantograph.Environment import Test.Common import Lean open Lean namespace Pantograph.Test.Environment open Pantograph deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Protocol.InductInfo deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Protocol.ConstructorInfo deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Protocol.RecursorRule deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Protocol.RecursorInfo deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Protocol.EnvInspectResult def test_catalog: IO LSpec.TestSeq := do let env: Environment ← importModules (imports := #[`Init]) (opts := {}) (trustLevel := 1) let inner: CoreM LSpec.TestSeq := do let catalogResult ← Environment.catalog {} let symbolsWithNum := env.constants.fold (init := #[]) (λ acc name info => match (Environment.toFilteredSymbol name info).isSome && (name matches .num _ _) with | false => acc | true => acc.push name ) return LSpec.check "No num symbols" (symbolsWithNum.size == 0) runCoreMSeq env inner def test_symbol_visibility: IO LSpec.TestSeq := do let entries: List (Name × Bool) := [ ("Nat.add_comm".toName, false), ("foo.bla.Init.Data.List.Basic.2.1.Init.Lean.Expr._hyg.4".toName, true), ("Init.Data.Nat.Basic._auxLemma.4".toName, true), ] let suite := entries.foldl (λ suites (symbol, target) => let test := LSpec.check symbol.toString ((Environment.isNameInternal symbol) == target) LSpec.TestSeq.append suites test) LSpec.TestSeq.done return suite inductive ConstantCat where | induct (info: Protocol.InductInfo) | ctor (info: Protocol.ConstructorInfo) | recursor (info: Protocol.RecursorInfo) def test_inspect: IO LSpec.TestSeq := do let env: Environment ← importModules (imports := #[`Init]) (opts := {}) (trustLevel := 1) let testCases: List (String × ConstantCat) := [ ("Or", ConstantCat.induct { numParams := 2, numIndices := 0, all := #["Or"], ctors := #["Or.inl", "Or.inr"], }), ("Except.ok", ConstantCat.ctor { induct := "Except", cidx := 1, numParams := 2, numFields := 1, }), ("Eq.rec", ConstantCat.recursor { all := #["Eq"], numParams := 2, numIndices := 1, numMotives := 1, numMinors := 1, rules := #[{ ctor := "Eq.refl", nFields := 0, rhs := { pp? := .some "fun {α} a motive refl => refl" } }] k := true, }), ("ForM.rec", ConstantCat.recursor { all := #["ForM"], numParams := 3, numIndices := 0, numMotives := 1, numMinors := 1, rules := #[{ ctor := "", nFields := 1, rhs := { pp? := .some "fun m γ α motive mk forM => mk forM" } }] k := false, }) ] let inner: CoreM LSpec.TestSeq := do testCases.foldlM (λ acc (name, cat) => do let args: Protocol.EnvInspect := { name := name } let result ← match ← Environment.inspect args (options := {}) with | .ok result => pure $ result | .error e => panic! s!"Error: {e.desc}" let p := match cat with | .induct info => LSpec.test name (result.inductInfo? == .some info) | .ctor info => LSpec.test name (result.constructorInfo? == .some info) | .recursor info => LSpec.test name (result.recursorInfo? == .some info) return LSpec.TestSeq.append acc p ) LSpec.TestSeq.done runCoreMSeq env inner def test_symbol_location : TestT IO Unit := do let env: Environment ← importModules (imports := #[`Init]) (opts := {}) (trustLevel := 1) addTest $ ← runTestCoreM env do let .ok result ← Environment.inspect { name := "Nat.le_of_succ_le", source? := .some true } (options := {}) | fail "Inspect failed" checkEq "module" result.module? <| .some "Init.Data.Nat.Basic" -- Extraction of source doesn't work for symbols in `Init` for some reason checkTrue "file" result.sourceUri?.isNone checkEq "pos" (result.sourceStart?.map (·.column)) <| .some 0 checkEq "pos" (result.sourceEnd?.map (·.column)) <| .some 88 def suite: List (String × IO LSpec.TestSeq) := [ ("Catalog", test_catalog), ("Symbol Visibility", test_symbol_visibility), ("Inspect", test_inspect), ("Symbol Location", runTest test_symbol_location), ] end Pantograph.Test.Environment