import LSpec import Test.Common import Lean import Pantograph.Library open Lean namespace Pantograph.Test.Serial def tempPath : IO System.FilePath := do Prod.snd <$> IO.FS.createTempFile structure MultiState where coreContext : Core.Context env: Environment abbrev TestM := TestT $ StateRefT MultiState $ IO instance : MonadEnv TestM where getEnv := return (← getThe MultiState).env modifyEnv f := do modifyThe MultiState fun s => { s with env := f s.env } def runCoreM { α } (state : Core.State) (testCoreM : TestT CoreM α) : TestM (α × Core.State) := do let multiState ← getThe MultiState let coreM := runTestWithResult testCoreM match ← ( multiState.coreContext state).toBaseIO with | .error e => do throw $ .userError $ ← e.toMessageData.toString | .ok ((a, tests), state') => do set $ (← getThe LSpec.TestSeq) ++ tests return (a, state') def test_environment_pickling : TestM Unit := do let coreSrc : Core.State := { env := ← getEnv } let coreDst : Core.State := { env := ← getEnv } let name := `mystery let envPicklePath ← tempPath let ((), _) ← runCoreM coreSrc do let type: Expr := .forallE `p (.sort 0) (.forallE `h (.bvar 0) (.bvar 1) .default) .default let value: Expr := .lam `p (.sort 0) (.lam `h (.bvar 0) (.bvar 0) .default) .default let c := Lean.Declaration.defnDecl <| Lean.mkDefinitionValEx (name := name) (levelParams := []) (type := type) (value := value) (hints := Lean.mkReducibilityHintsRegularEx 1) (safety := (all := []) let env' ← match (← getEnv).addDecl (← getOptions) c with | .error e => do let error ← (e.toMessageData (← getOptions)).toString throwError error | .ok env' => pure env' environmentPickle env' envPicklePath let _ ← runCoreM coreDst do let (env', _) ← environmentUnpickle envPicklePath checkTrue s!"Has symbol {name}" (env'.find? name).isSome let anotherName := `mystery2 checkTrue s!"Doesn't have symbol {anotherName}" (env'.find? anotherName).isNone IO.FS.removeFile envPicklePath def test_goal_state_pickling_simple : TestM Unit := do let coreSrc : Core.State := { env := ← getEnv } let coreDst : Core.State := { env := ← getEnv } let statePath ← tempPath let type: Expr := .forallE `p (.sort 0) (.forallE `h (.bvar 0) (.bvar 1) .default) .default let stateGenerate : MetaM GoalState := runTermElabMInMeta do GoalState.create type let ((), _) ← runCoreM coreSrc do let state ←' goalStatePickle state statePath let ((), _) ← runCoreM coreDst do let (goalState, _) ← goalStateUnpickle statePath (← getEnv) let metaM : MetaM (List Expr) := do goalState.goals.mapM λ goal => goalState.withContext goal goal.getType let types ←' checkTrue "Goals" $ types[0]!.equal type IO.FS.removeFile statePath structure Test where name : String routine: TestM Unit protected def (test: Test) (env: Lean.Environment) : IO LSpec.TestSeq := do -- Create the state let state : MultiState := { coreContext := ← createCoreContext #[], env, } match ← ((runTest $ test.routine).run' state).toBaseIO with | .ok e => return e | .error e => return LSpec.check s!"Emitted exception: {e.toString}" (e.toString == "") def suite (env : Lean.Environment): List (String × IO LSpec.TestSeq) := let tests: List Test := [ { name := "environment_pickling", routine := test_environment_pickling, }, { name := "goal_state_pickling_simple", routine := test_goal_state_pickling_simple, }, ] (fun test => (, env)) end Pantograph.Test.Serial