#!/usr/bin/env python3 import subprocess, shutil, os, stat from pathlib import Path # -- Install Panograph # Define paths for Pantograph source and Pantograph Python interface PATH_PANTOGRAPH = Path("./src") PATH_PY = Path("./pantograph") # Run the `make` command in the PATH_PANTOGRAPH directory to build the Pantograph executable with subprocess.Popen(["make"], cwd=PATH_PANTOGRAPH) as p: p.wait() # Define the path to the executable path_executable = PATH_PY / "pantograph" # Copy the built Pantograph executable to the specified path shutil.copyfile(PATH_PANTOGRAPH / ".lake/build/bin/pantograph", path_executable) # Change the permissions of the Pantograph executable to make it executable os.chmod(path_executable, os.stat(path_executable).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) # -- Copy the Lean toolchain file to the specified path shutil.copyfile(PATH_PANTOGRAPH / "lean-toolchain", PATH_PY / "lean-toolchain")