# PyPantograph Python interface to the Pantograph library ## Getting started First initialize the git submodules so that git can keep track of the submodules being used do: ```bash # - initialize the git submodules by preparing the git repository, but it does not clone or fetch them, just init's git's internal configs git submodule init ``` Then to clone, fetch & update the submodules code (and also initilize anything you might have forgotten that is specificed in the `.gitmodules` file): ```bash # - initialize the git submodules so that git can track them and then the update clone/fetches & updates the submodules git submodule update --init ``` Then install poetry by (e.g., [by following poetry's official instructions](https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installing-manually)). Then once you confirm you have poetry & the initialized git submodules, execute: ```bash poetry build ``` To run server tests: ``` bash python -m pantograph.server ``` The tests in `pantograph/server.py` also serve as simple interaction examples ## Install 1: With Conda and Pip in the SNAP cluster ```bash # - Install Lean4 manually (elan and lake), 1st one is the SNAP one, 2nd is the most common one curl -sSf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leanprover/elan/master/elan-init.sh | sh -s -- -y # curl -sSf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leanprover/elan/master/elan-init.sh | sh -s # - Make sure Lean4 tools (lean, lake) are available export PATH="$HOME/.elan/bin:$PATH" echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.elan/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc bash elan lake # - Create and activate the right python env (this is needed so that poetry build works) conda create -n pypantograph_env python=3.11 -y conda activate pypantograph_env #conda remove --name pypantograph_env --all # - Install poetry with python venv (needs seperate install so poetry & your projs deps don't crash) mkdir $HOME/.virtualenvs # put the follow BEFORE your conda init stuff in your .bashrc export VENV_PATH=$HOME/.virtualenvs/venv_for_poetry export PATH="$VENV_PATH/bin:$PATH" # now actually install poetry in a python env after creating an python env for poetry with venv python3 -m venv $VENV_PATH $VENV_PATH/bin/pip install -U pip setuptools $VENV_PATH/bin/pip install poetry poetry # - Init the git submodules (i.e., make git aware of them/track them) + fetch/clone/update (and double check submodule is inited) git submodule init git submodule update --init # - For snap make sure the repo is sym linked you're using your git clone git@github.com:lenianiva/PyPantograph.git git checkout ln -s $AFS/PyPantograph $HOME/PyPantograph # - Build the PyPantograph proj (build the py distribution, py deps and custom (lean4) installs). Note: pip install -e doesn't work on the dist .whl builds etc so you instead the next command cd $HOME/PyPantograph poetry build # - Install pypantograph in editable mode (only pyproject.toml (or setup.py!) needed! Assuming your at the proj root) cd $HOME/PyPantograph pip install -e . # - Confirm intalls pip list | grep pantograph pip list | grep vllm pip list | grep torch # - Select freeiest GPU wrt vRAM export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$(nvidia-smi --query-gpu=memory.used --format=csv,nounits,noheader | awk '{print NR-1 " " $1}' | sort -nk2 | head -n1 | cut -d' ' -f1) echo $CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES # - Make sure the PyPantrograph server tests by Leni work cd ~/PyPantograph # python -m pantograph.server python $HOME/PyPantograph/pantograph/server.py python $HOME/PyPantograph/test_vllm.py ``` Note: the tests in `pantograph/server.py` also serve as simple interaction examples References: - My SNAP `.bashrc`: https://github.com/brando90/snap-cluster-setup/blob/main/.bashrc - Especially useful for Conda vs Poetry export order - Poetry in SNAP: https://github.com/brando90/snap-cluster-setup?tab=readme-ov-file#poetry - Gitsubmodules: https://github.com/brando90/snap-cluster-setup?tab=readme-ov-file#git-submodules - Lean in SNAP: https://github.com/brando90/snap-cluster-setup?tab=readme-ov-file#lean-in-snap - ChatGPT: https://chat.openai.com/c/e01336a7-6f67-4cd2-b6cd-09b8ee8aef5a # Install 2: With only Poetry in the SNAP cluster ```bash # - Install Lean4 manually (elan and lake), 1st one is the SNAP one, 2nd is the most common one curl -sSf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leanprover/elan/master/elan-init.sh | sh -s -- -y # curl -sSf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leanprover/elan/master/elan-init.sh | sh -s # - Make sure Lean4 tools (lean, lake) are available export PATH="$HOME/.elan/bin:$PATH" echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.elan/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc bash elan lake # - Init the git submodules (i.e., make git aware of them/track them) + fetch/clone/update (and double check submodule is inited) git submodule init git submodule update --init # - For snap make sure the repo is sym linked you're using your git clone git@github.com:lenianiva/PyPantograph.git git checkout ln -s $AFS/PyPantograph $HOME/PyPantograph # - Install poetry with python venv (needs seperate install so poetry & your projs deps don't crash) mkdir $HOME/.virtualenvs # - Put the follow BEFORE your conda init stuff in your .bashrc export VENV_PATH=$HOME/.virtualenvs/venv_for_poetry export PATH="$VENV_PATH/bin:$PATH" # - Now actually install poetry in a python env after creating an python env for poetry with venv python3 -m venv $VENV_PATH $VENV_PATH/bin/pip install -U pip setuptools $VENV_PATH/bin/pip install poetry poetry # poetry build is only needed when you build a python distribution e.g., .whl or .tar.gz and want to distribute it. You can't use those files for edtiable development anyway # # - Build the PyPantograph proj (build the py distribution, py deps and custom (lean4) installs) # cd $HOME/PyPantograph # poetry build # - Install pypantograph in editable mode with poetry #Installs the project and its dependencies into the virtual environment, creating the environment if it doesn't exist, in editable mode. This will run our custom build for Lean already (the build.py file!) poetry install # if it create a new python env, check it out poetry env list # activate the current poetry env in a new shell poetry shell # - Confirm intalls # poetry show | grep pantograph # note, doesn't do anything since poetry already only works by installing things in editable mode poetry show | grep vllm poetry show | grep torch # - Select freeiest GPU wrt vRAM export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$(nvidia-smi --query-gpu=memory.used --format=csv,nounits,noheader | awk '{print NR-1 " " $1}' | sort -nk2 | head -n1 | cut -d' ' -f1) echo $CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES # - Make sure the PyPantrograph server tests by Leni work cd ~/PyPantograph # python -m pantograph.server python $HOME/PyPantograph/pantograph/server.py python $HOME/PyPantograph/test_vllm.py ```