import LSpec import Pantograph.Meta import Pantograph.Serial namespace Pantograph.Test open Pantograph inductive Start where | copy (name: String) -- Start from some name in the environment | expr (expr: String) -- Start from some expression def start_proof (start: Start): IO (LSpec.TestSeq × Option Meta.ProofTree) := do let imports := ["Init"] let env: Lean.Environment ← Lean.importModules (imports := (λ str => { module := str_to_name str, runtimeOnly := false })) (opts := {}) (trustLevel := 1) let state := Meta.createProofTree (name := str_to_name "TestExample") env (coreContext := { currNamespace := str_to_name "Aniva", openDecls := [], -- No 'open' directives needed fileName := "", fileMap := { source := "", positions := #[0], lines := #[1] } }) let mut testSeq := LSpec.TestSeq.done match start with | .copy name => let cInfo? := str_to_name name |> env.find? testSeq := testSeq ++ LSpec.check s!"Symbol exists {name}" cInfo?.isSome match cInfo? with | .some cinfo => let (_, state) ← Meta.ProofM.start cinfo.type |>.run state return (testSeq, Option.some state) | .none => return (testSeq, Option.none) | .expr expr => let syn? := Serial.syntax_from_str env expr testSeq := testSeq ++ LSpec.check s!"Parsing {expr}" (syn?.isOk) match syn? with | .error error => IO.println error return (testSeq, Option.none) | .ok syn => let expr? := (← Meta.ProofM.syntax_to_expr syn |>.run' state) testSeq := testSeq ++ LSpec.check s!"Elaborating" expr?.isOk match expr? with | .error error => IO.println error return (testSeq, Option.none) | .ok expr => let (_, state) ← Meta.ProofM.start expr |>.run state return (testSeq, Option.some state) deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Meta.TacticResult def proof_step (stateId: Nat) (goalId: Nat) (tactic: String) (expected: Meta.TacticResult) : Meta.ProofM LSpec.TestSeq := do let result: Meta.TacticResult ← Meta.ProofM.execute stateId goalId tactic match expected, result with | .success (.some i) #[], .success (.some _) goals => -- If the goals are omitted but the next state is specified, we imply that -- the tactic succeeded. let expected := .success (.some i) goals return LSpec.test s!"{stateId}.{goalId} {tactic}" (result = expected) | _, _ => return LSpec.test s!"{stateId}.{goalId} {tactic}" (result = expected) def proof_inspect (expected: Array String) : Meta.ProofM LSpec.TestSeq := do let result := (← get).structure_array return LSpec.test s!"Tree structure" (result = expected) def proof_runner (start: Start) (steps: List (Meta.ProofM LSpec.TestSeq)): IO LSpec.TestSeq := do let (testSeq, state?) ← start_proof start match state? with | .none => return testSeq | .some state => steps.foldlM (fun tests m => do pure $ tests ++ (← m)) testSeq |>.run' state example: ∀ (a b: Nat), a + b = b + a := by intro n m rw [Nat.add_comm] def proof_nat_add_comm: IO LSpec.TestSeq := let goal1 := "n m : Nat\n⊢ n + m = m + n" proof_runner (.copy "Nat.add_comm") [ proof_step 0 0 "intro n m" (.success (.some 1) #[goal1]), proof_step 1 0 "assumption" (.failure #[s!"tactic 'assumption' failed\n{goal1}"]), proof_step 1 0 "rw [Nat.add_comm]" (.success .none #[]) ] def proof_nat_add_comm_manual: IO LSpec.TestSeq := do let goal1 := "n m : Nat\n⊢ n + m = m + n" proof_runner (.expr "∀ (a b: Nat), a + b = b + a") [ proof_step 0 0 "intro n m" (.success (.some 1) #[goal1]), proof_step 1 0 "assumption" (.failure #[s!"tactic 'assumption' failed\n{goal1}"]), proof_step 1 0 "rw [Nat.add_comm]" (.success .none #[]) ] -- Two ways to write the same theorem example: ∀ (p q: Prop), p ∨ q → q ∨ p := by intro p q h cases h apply Or.inr assumption apply Or.inl assumption example: ∀ (p q: Prop), p ∨ q → q ∨ p := by intro p q h cases h . apply Or.inr assumption . apply Or.inl assumption def proof_or_comm: IO LSpec.TestSeq := do proof_runner (.expr "∀ (p q: Prop), p ∨ q → q ∨ p") [ proof_step 0 0 "intro p q h" (.success (.some 1) #["p q : Prop\nh : p ∨ q\n⊢ q ∨ p"]), proof_step 1 0 "cases h" (.success (.some 2) #[]), proof_inspect #["", "0.0", "1.0"], proof_step 2 0 "apply Or.inr" (.success (.some 3) #[""]), proof_inspect #["", "0.0", "1.0", "2.0"], proof_step 3 0 "assumption" (.success .none #[]), proof_step 2 1 "apply Or.inl" (.success (.some 4) #[]), proof_step 4 0 "assumption" (.success .none #[]), proof_inspect #["", "0.0", "1.0", "2.0", "1.1"] ] def test_proofs : IO LSpec.TestSeq := do return "Proofs" $ ( "Nat.add_comm" $ (← proof_nat_add_comm)) ++ ( "Nat.add_comm manual" $ (← proof_nat_add_comm_manual)) ++ ( "Or.comm" $ (← proof_or_comm)) end Pantograph.Test