import Pantograph.Protocol import Pantograph.Goal import LSpec namespace Pantograph namespace Protocol /-- Set internal names to "" -/ def Goal.devolatilize (goal: Goal): Goal := { goal with name := "", vars := removeInternalAux, } where removeInternalAux (v: Variable): Variable := { v with name := "" } deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Expression deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Variable deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Goal end Protocol def TacticResult.toString : TacticResult → String | .success state => s!".success ({state.goals.length} goals)" | .failure messages => let messages := "\n".intercalate messages.toList s!".failure {messages}" | .parseError error => s!".parseError {error}" | .indexError index => s!".indexError {index}" def assertUnreachable (message: String): LSpec.TestSeq := LSpec.check message false end Pantograph