# Pantograph An interaction system for Lean 4. ## Installation Install `elan` and `lean4`. Then, execute ``` sh lake build ``` In order to use `mathlib`, its binary must also be built ``` sh lake build Qq lake build aesop lake build std lake build mathlib ``` ## Usage The binary must be run inside a `lake env` environment. Example: (~5k symbols) ``` $ lake env build/bin/Pantograph {"cmd": "create", "payload": {"imports": ["Init"]}} {"cmd": "catalog", "payload": {"id": 0}} ``` Example with `mathlib` (~90k symbols) ``` $ lake env build/bin/Pantograph {"cmd": "create", "payload": {"imports": ["Mathlib.Analysis.Seminorm"]}} {"cmd": "catalog", "payload": {"id": 0}} ``` ## Troubleshooting If lean encounters stack overflow problems when printing catalog, execute this before running lean: ```sh ulimit -s unlimited ```