import Lean.Data.Json import Pantograph.Commands namespace Pantograph structure State where environments: Array String -- State monad abbrev T (m: Type → Type) := StateT State m abbrev Subroutine := T (Except String) Lean.Json structure Command where cmd: String payload: Lean.Json deriving Lean.FromJson --def create_environment (args: Create): Subroutine := do -- let state ← get end Pantograph open Pantograph def execute (command: String): T (ExceptT String IO) Lean.Json := do let state ← get let obj ← Lean.Json.parse command let command: Command ← Lean.fromJson? obj match command.cmd with | "create" => let create: Commands.Create ← Lean.fromJson? command.payload return Lean.toJson create.imports | "catalog" => let catalog: Commands.Catalog ← Lean.fromJson? command.payload return "catalog stub" | cmd => throw s!"Unknown verb: {cmd}" -- Main IO functions unsafe def getLines : IO String := do match (← (← IO.getStdin).getLine) with | "" => pure "" | "\n" => pure "\n" | line => pure <| line ++ (← getLines) unsafe def loop : T IO Unit := do let state ← get let command ← getLines if command == "" then return () let ret ← execute command match ret with | .error e => IO.println s!"Could not parse json: {e}" | .ok obj => IO.println <| toString <| obj unsafe def main : IO Unit :=' loop ⟨#[]⟩