37 lines
1.6 KiB
37 lines
1.6 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pantograph.server import Server
sketch = """
theorem add_comm_proved_formal_sketch : ∀ n m : Nat, n + m = m + n := by
-- Consider some n and m in Nats.
intros n m
-- Perform induction on n.
induction n with
| zero =>
-- Base case: When n = 0, we need to show 0 + m = m + 0.
-- We have the fact 0 + m = m by the definition of addition.
have h_base: 0 + m = m := sorry
-- We also have the fact m + 0 = m by the definition of addition.
have h_symm: m + 0 = m := sorry
-- Combine facts to close goal
| succ n ih =>
-- Inductive step: Assume n + m = m + n, we need to show succ n + m = m + succ n.
-- By the inductive hypothesis, we have n + m = m + n.
have h_inductive: n + m = m + n := sorry
-- 1. Note we start with: Nat.succ n + m = m + Nat.succ n, so, pull the succ out from m + Nat.succ n on the right side from the addition using addition facts Nat.add_succ.
have h_pull_succ_out_from_right: m + Nat.succ n = Nat.succ (m + n) := sorry
-- 2. then to flip m + S n to something like S (n + m) we need to use the IH.
have h_flip_n_plus_m: Nat.succ (n + m) = Nat.succ (m + n) := sorry
-- 3. Now the n & m are on the correct sides Nat.succ n + m = Nat.succ (n + m), so let's use the def of addition to pull out the succ from the addition on the left using Nat.succ_add.
have h_pull_succ_out_from_left: Nat.succ n + m = Nat.succ (n + m) := sorry
-- Combine facts to close goal
if __name__ == '__main__':
server = Server()
unit, = server.load_sorry(sketch)