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/- Adapted from lean-training-data -/
import Lean.Elab.InfoTree
import Lean.Parser.Term
import Lean.PrettyPrinter
open Lean
namespace Lean.Elab
private def elaboratorToString : Name → String
| .anonymous => ""
| n => s!"⟨{n}⟩ "
private def indent (s : String) : String := "\n".intercalate $ s.splitOn "\n" |>.map ("\t" ++ .)
/-- The `Syntax` for a `Lean.Elab.Info`, if there is one. -/
protected def Info.stx? : Info → Option Syntax
| .ofTacticInfo info => info.stx
| .ofTermInfo info => info.stx
| .ofCommandInfo info => info.stx
| .ofMacroExpansionInfo info => info.stx
| .ofOptionInfo info => info.stx
| .ofFieldInfo info => info.stx
| .ofCompletionInfo info => info.stx
| .ofUserWidgetInfo info => info.stx
| .ofCustomInfo info => info.stx
| .ofFVarAliasInfo _ => none
| .ofFieldRedeclInfo info => info.stx
| .ofOmissionInfo info => info.stx
| .ofChoiceInfo info => info.stx
| .ofPartialTermInfo info => info.stx
/-- Is the `Syntax` for this `Lean.Elab.Info` original, or synthetic? -/
protected def Info.isOriginal (i : Info) : Bool :=
match i.stx? with
| none => true -- Somewhat unclear what to do with `FVarAliasInfo`, so be conservative.
| some stx => match stx.getHeadInfo with
| .original .. => true
| _ => false
def ContextInfo.ppExpr (ctx : ContextInfo) (lctx : LocalContext) (e : Expr) : IO Format :=
ctx.runMetaM lctx (do Meta.ppExpr (← instantiateMVars e))
def CommandInfo.toString (info : CommandInfo) (ctx : ContextInfo) : IO String := do
let stx := (← ctx.ppSyntax {} info.stx).pretty
return s!"{elaboratorToString info.elaborator}\n{stx}"
def TermInfo.toString (info : TermInfo) (ctx : ContextInfo) : IO String := do
let stx := (← ctx.ppSyntax info.lctx info.stx).pretty
let expectedType := (← info.expectedType?.mapM fun ty => do
pure s!": {(← ctx.ppExpr info.lctx ty).pretty}").getD ""
let expr := (← ctx.ppExpr info.lctx info.expr).pretty
return s!"{elaboratorToString info.elaborator}{expr}{expectedType}\n{stx}"
/-- Find the name for the outermost `Syntax` in this `TacticInfo`. -/
def (t : TacticInfo) : Option Name :=
match t.stx with
| Syntax.node _ n _ => some n
| _ => none
/-- Decide whether a tactic is "substantive",
or is merely a tactic combinator (e.g. `by`, `;`, multiline tactics, parenthesized tactics). -/
def TacticInfo.isSubstantive (t : TacticInfo) : Bool :=
match with
| none => false
| some `null => false
| some ``cdot => false
| some ``cdotTk => false
| some ``Lean.Parser.Term.byTactic => false
| some ``Lean.Parser.Tactic.tacticSeq => false
| some ``Lean.Parser.Tactic.tacticSeq1Indented => false
| some ``Lean.Parser.Tactic.«tactic_<;>_» => false
| some ``Lean.Parser.Tactic.paren => false
| _ => true
def TacticInfo.pp (info : TacticInfo) (ctx : ContextInfo) : IO Format :=
ctx.runMetaM {} try
Lean.PrettyPrinter.ppTactic ⟨info.stx⟩
catch _ =>
pure "<failed to pretty print>"
def TacticInfo.toString (i : TacticInfo) (ctx : ContextInfo) : IO String := do
let name :=
let stx := Format.pretty (← i.pp ctx)
return s!"{name}\n{stx}"
Keep `.node` nodes and `.hole` nodes satisfying predicates.
Returns a `List InfoTree`, although in most situations this will be a singleton.
partial def InfoTree.filter (p : Info → Bool) (m : MVarId → Bool := fun _ => false) :
InfoTree → List InfoTree
| .context ctx tree => tree.filter p m |>.map (.context ctx)
| .node info children =>
if p info then
[.node info ( (filter p m)).flatten.toPArray']
( (filter p m)).flatten
| .hole mvar => if m mvar then [.hole mvar] else []
/-- Analogue of `Lean.Elab.InfoTree.findInfo?`, but that returns a list of all results. -/
partial def InfoTree.findAllInfo
(t : InfoTree)
(context?: Option Elab.ContextInfo)
(haltOnMatch : Bool := false)
(pred : Elab.Info → Bool)
: List (Elab.Info × Option Elab.ContextInfo × PersistentArray Elab.InfoTree) :=
match t with
| .context inner t => findAllInfo t (inner.mergeIntoOuter? context?) haltOnMatch pred
| .node i children =>
let head := if pred i then [(i, context?, children)] else []
let tail := if haltOnMatch ∧ !head.isEmpty then [] else children.toList.flatMap (fun t => findAllInfo t context? haltOnMatch pred)
head ++ tail
| _ => []
/-- Monadic analogue of `findAllInfo`, but predicate controls whether to recurse. -/
partial def InfoTree.findAllInfoM [Monad m]
(t : InfoTree)
(context?: Option Elab.ContextInfo)
(pred : Elab.Info → Option Elab.ContextInfo → m (Bool × Bool))
: m (List (Elab.Info × Option Elab.ContextInfo × PersistentArray Elab.InfoTree)) := do
match t with
| .context inner t => t.findAllInfoM (inner.mergeIntoOuter? context?) pred
| .node i children =>
let (flagCollect, flagRecurse) ← pred i context?
let head := if flagCollect then [(i, context?, children)] else []
let tail := if ¬ flagRecurse then pure [] else children.toList.mapM (fun t => t.findAllInfoM context? pred)
return head ++ (← tail).flatten
| _ => return []
@[export pantograph_infotree_to_string_m]
partial def InfoTree.toString (t : InfoTree) (ctx?: Option Elab.ContextInfo := .none) : IO String := do
match t with
| .context ctx t => t.toString (ctx.mergeIntoOuter? ctx?)
| .node info children =>
if let some ctx := ctx? then
let node : String ← match info with
| .ofTermInfo info => pure s!"[term] {(← info.toString ctx)}"
| .ofCommandInfo info => pure s!"[command] {(← info.toString ctx)}"
| .ofTacticInfo info => pure s!"[tactic] {(← info.toString ctx)}"
| .ofMacroExpansionInfo _ => pure "[macro_exp]"
| .ofOptionInfo _ => pure "[option]"
| .ofFieldInfo _ => pure "[field]"
| .ofCompletionInfo _ => pure "[completion]"
| .ofUserWidgetInfo _ => pure "[user_widget]"
| .ofCustomInfo _ => pure "[custom]"
| .ofFVarAliasInfo _ => pure "[fvar]"
| .ofFieldRedeclInfo _ => pure "[field_redecl]"
| .ofOmissionInfo _ => pure "[omission]"
| .ofChoiceInfo _ => pure "[choice]"
| .ofPartialTermInfo _ => pure "[partial_term]"
let children := "\n".intercalate (← children.toList.mapM λ t' => do pure $ indent $ ← t'.toString ctx)
return s!"{node}\n{children}"
else throw <| IO.userError "No `ContextInfo` available."
| .hole mvarId =>
if let some ctx := ctx? then
let payload := (← ctx.runMetaM {} (do Meta.ppGoal mvarId)).pretty
return s!"[hole] {payload}"
else throw <| IO.userError "No `ContextInfo` available."
end Lean.Elab