
59 lines
2.1 KiB

import Lean
import Pantograph.Meta
import Pantograph.Serial
import Pantograph.Symbols
open Pantograph
Example of using the internal API to execute tactics!
def serialise (result: Meta.TacticResult): String := match result with
| .invalid message => s!"Invalid: {message}"
| .success 0 _ => s!"Completed!"
| .success nextId _ => s!"Success: {nextId}"
| .failure messages => s!"Failures: {messages}"
def start_proof: IO Meta.ProofTree := do
let imports := ["Init"]
let env: Lean.Environment ← Lean.importModules
(imports := (λ str => { module := str_to_name str, runtimeOnly := false }))
(opts := {})
(trustLevel := 1)
let name := str_to_name "Nat.add_comm"
let state := Meta.createProofTree
(name := str_to_name "aa") env
(coreContext := {
currNamespace := str_to_name "Aniva",
openDecls := [], -- No 'open' directives needed
fileName := "<Pantograph>",
fileMap := { source := "", positions := #[0], lines := #[1] }
let s := "∀ (n m : Nat), n + m = m + n"
let syn: Lean.Syntax := Serial.syntax_from_str env s |>.toOption |>.get!
IO.println "Created syntax"
let expr: Lean.Expr := (← Meta.ProofM.syntax_to_expr syn |>.run' state) |>.toOption |>.get!
IO.println "Created expr"
--let expr := env.find? name |>.get! |>.type
let (_, state) ← Meta.ProofM.start expr |>.run state
return state
def execute_proof: IO Unit := do
let state ← start_proof
IO.println "Proof state started!"
let tactic := "intro n m"
let (result, state) ← Meta.ProofM.execute 0 tactic |>.run state
IO.println s! "Executed {tactic}, Response: [{serialise result}]"
let tactic := "assumption" -- should fail
let (result, state) ← Meta.ProofM.execute 1 tactic |>.run state
IO.println s! "Executed {tactic}, Response: [{serialise result}]"
let tactic := "rw [Nat.add_comm]"
let (result, state) ← Meta.ProofM.execute 1 tactic |>.run state
IO.println s! "Executed {tactic}, Response: [{serialise result}]"
unsafe def main : IO Unit := do
Lean.initSearchPath (← Lean.findSysroot)