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import Std.Data.HashMap
import Pantograph
namespace Pantograph.Repl
structure Context where
imports: List String
/-- Stores state of the REPL -/
structure State where
options: Protocol.Options := {}
nextId: Nat := 0
goalStates: Std.HashMap Nat GoalState := Std.HashMap.empty
/-- Main state monad for executing commands -/
abbrev MainM := ReaderT Context (StateT State Lean.CoreM)
def newGoalState (goalState: GoalState) : MainM Nat := do
let state ← get
let stateId := state.nextId
set { state with
goalStates := state.goalStates.insert stateId goalState,
nextId := state.nextId + 1
return stateId
-- HACK: For some reason writing `CommandM α := MainM (Except ... α)` disables
-- certain monadic features in `MainM`
abbrev CR α := Except Protocol.InteractionError α
def runMetaInMainM { α } (metaM: Lean.MetaM α): MainM α :='
def runTermElabInMainM { α } (termElabM: Lean.Elab.TermElabM α) : MainM α :=' (ctx := defaultElabContext) |>.run'
/-- Main loop command of the REPL -/
def execute (command: Protocol.Command): MainM Lean.Json := do
let run { α β: Type } [Lean.FromJson α] [Lean.ToJson β] (comm: α → MainM (CR β)): MainM Lean.Json :=
match Lean.fromJson? command.payload with
| .ok args => do
match (← comm args) with
| .ok result => return Lean.toJson result
| .error ierror => return Lean.toJson ierror
| .error error => return Lean.toJson $ errorCommand s!"Unable to parse json: {error}"
match command.cmd with
| "reset" => run reset
| "stat" => run stat
| "expr.echo" => run expr_echo
| "env.catalog" => run env_catalog
| "env.inspect" => run env_inspect
| "env.add" => run env_add
| "" => run env_save
| "env.load" => run env_load
| "options.set" => run options_set
| "options.print" => run options_print
| "goal.start" => run goal_start
| "goal.tactic" => run goal_tactic
| "goal.continue" => run goal_continue
| "goal.delete" => run goal_delete
| "goal.print" => run goal_print
| "" => run goal_save
| "goal.load" => run goal_load
| "frontend.process" => run frontend_process
| cmd =>
let error: Protocol.InteractionError :=
errorCommand s!"Unknown command {cmd}"
return Lean.toJson error
catch ex => do
let error ← ex.toMessageData.toString
return Lean.toJson $ errorIO error
errorCommand := errorI "command"
errorIndex := errorI "index"
errorIO := errorI "io"
-- Command Functions
reset (_: Protocol.Reset): MainM (CR Protocol.StatResult) := do
let state ← get
let nGoals := state.goalStates.size
set { state with nextId := 0, goalStates := .empty }
return .ok { nGoals }
stat (_: Protocol.Stat): MainM (CR Protocol.StatResult) := do
let state ← get
let nGoals := state.goalStates.size
return .ok { nGoals }
env_catalog (args: Protocol.EnvCatalog): MainM (CR Protocol.EnvCatalogResult) := do
let result ← Environment.catalog args
return .ok result
env_inspect (args: Protocol.EnvInspect): MainM (CR Protocol.EnvInspectResult) := do
let state ← get
Environment.inspect args state.options
env_add (args: Protocol.EnvAdd): MainM (CR Protocol.EnvAddResult) := do
Environment.addDecl args
env_save (args: Protocol.EnvSaveLoad): MainM (CR Protocol.EnvSaveLoadResult) := do
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
environmentPickle env args.path
return .ok {}
env_load (args: Protocol.EnvSaveLoad): MainM (CR Protocol.EnvSaveLoadResult) := do
let (env, _) ← environmentUnpickle args.path
Lean.setEnv env
return .ok {}
expr_echo (args: Protocol.ExprEcho): MainM (CR Protocol.ExprEchoResult) := do
let state ← get
exprEcho args.expr (expectedType? := args.type?) (levels := args.levels.getD #[]) (options := state.options)
options_set (args: Protocol.OptionsSet): MainM (CR Protocol.OptionsSetResult) := do
let state ← get
let options := state.options
set { state with
options := {
-- FIXME: This should be replaced with something more elegant
printJsonPretty := args.printJsonPretty?.getD options.printJsonPretty,
printExprPretty := args.printExprPretty?.getD options.printExprPretty,
printExprAST := args.printExprAST?.getD options.printExprAST,
printDependentMVars := args.printDependentMVars?.getD options.printDependentMVars,
noRepeat := args.noRepeat?.getD options.noRepeat,
printAuxDecls := args.printAuxDecls?.getD options.printAuxDecls,
printImplementationDetailHyps := args.printImplementationDetailHyps?.getD options.printImplementationDetailHyps
automaticMode := args.automaticMode?.getD options.automaticMode,
return .ok { }
options_print (_: Protocol.OptionsPrint): MainM (CR Protocol.Options) := do
return .ok (← get).options
goal_start (args: Protocol.GoalStart): MainM (CR Protocol.GoalStartResult) := do
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
let expr?: Except _ GoalState ← runTermElabInMainM (match args.expr, args.copyFrom with
| .some expr, .none => goalStartExpr expr (args.levels.getD #[])
| .none, .some copyFrom =>
(match env.find? <| copyFrom.toName with
| .none => return .error <| errorIndex s!"Symbol not found: {copyFrom}"
| .some cInfo => return .ok (← GoalState.create cInfo.type))
| _, _ =>
return .error <| errorI "arguments" "Exactly one of {expr, copyFrom} must be supplied")
match expr? with
| .error error => return .error error
| .ok goalState =>
let stateId ← newGoalState goalState
return .ok { stateId, root := }
goal_tactic (args: Protocol.GoalTactic): MainM (CR Protocol.GoalTacticResult) := do
let state ← get
let .some goalState := state.goalStates[args.stateId]? |
return .error $ errorIndex s!"Invalid state index {args.stateId}"
let .some goal := goalState.goals.get? args.goalId |
return .error $ errorIndex s!"Invalid goal index {args.goalId}"
let nextGoalState?: Except _ TacticResult ← runTermElabInMainM do
match args.tactic?, args.expr?, args.have?, args.let?, args.calc?, args.conv? with
| .some tactic, .none, .none, .none, .none, .none => do
pure <| Except.ok <| ← goalState.tryTactic goal tactic
| .none, .some expr, .none, .none, .none, .none => do
pure <| Except.ok <| ← goalState.tryAssign goal expr
| .none, .none, .some type, .none, .none, .none => do
let binderName := args.binderName?.getD ""
pure <| Except.ok <| ← goalState.tryHave goal binderName type
| .none, .none, .none, .some type, .none, .none => do
let binderName := args.binderName?.getD ""
pure <| Except.ok <| ← goalState.tryLet goal binderName type
| .none, .none, .none, .none, .some pred, .none => do
pure <| Except.ok <| ← goalState.tryCalc goal pred
| .none, .none, .none, .none, .none, .some true => do
pure <| Except.ok <| ← goalState.conv goal
| .none, .none, .none, .none, .none, .some false => do
pure <| Except.ok <| ← goalState.convExit
| _, _, _, _, _, _ =>
let error := errorI "arguments" "Exactly one of {tactic, expr, have, calc, conv} must be supplied"
pure $ Except.error $ error
match nextGoalState? with
| .error error => return .error error
| .ok (.success nextGoalState) => do
let nextGoalState ← match state.options.automaticMode, args.conv? with
| true, .none => do
let .ok result := nextGoalState.resume (nextGoalState.goals ++ goalState.goals) |
throwError "Resuming known goals"
pure result
| true, .some true => pure nextGoalState
| true, .some false => do
let .some (_, _, dormantGoals) := goalState.convMVar? |
throwError "If conv exit succeeded this should not fail"
let .ok result := nextGoalState.resume (nextGoalState.goals ++ dormantGoals) |
throwError "Resuming known goals"
pure result
| false, _ => pure nextGoalState
let nextStateId ← newGoalState nextGoalState
let goals ← nextGoalState.serializeGoals (parent := .some goalState) (options := state.options) |>.run'
return .ok {
nextStateId? := .some nextStateId,
goals? := .some goals,
| .ok (.parseError message) =>
return .ok { parseError? := .some message }
| .ok (.invalidAction message) =>
return .error $ errorI "invalid" message
| .ok (.failure messages) =>
return .ok { tacticErrors? := .some messages }
goal_continue (args: Protocol.GoalContinue): MainM (CR Protocol.GoalContinueResult) := do
let state ← get
let .some target := state.goalStates[]? |
return .error $ errorIndex s!"Invalid state index {}"
let nextState? ← match args.branch?, args.goals? with
| .some branchId, .none => do
match state.goalStates[branchId]? with
| .none => return .error $ errorIndex s!"Invalid state index {branchId}"
| .some branch => pure $ target.continue branch
| .none, .some goals =>
pure $ goalResume target goals
| _, _ => return .error <| errorI "arguments" "Exactly one of {branch, goals} must be supplied"
match nextState? with
| .error error => return .error <| errorI "structure" error
| .ok nextGoalState =>
let nextStateId ← newGoalState nextGoalState
let goals ← goalSerialize nextGoalState (options := state.options)
return .ok {
goal_delete (args: Protocol.GoalDelete): MainM (CR Protocol.GoalDeleteResult) := do
let state ← get
let goalStates := args.stateIds.foldl (λ map id => map.erase id) state.goalStates
set { state with goalStates }
return .ok {}
goal_print (args: Protocol.GoalPrint): MainM (CR Protocol.GoalPrintResult) := do
let state ← get
let .some goalState := state.goalStates[args.stateId]? |
return .error $ errorIndex s!"Invalid state index {args.stateId}"
let result ← runMetaInMainM <| goalPrint
(rootExpr := args.rootExpr?.getD False)
(parentExpr := args.parentExpr?.getD False)
(goals := args.goals?.getD False)
(extraMVars := args.extraMVars?.getD #[])
(options := state.options)
return .ok result
goal_save (args: Protocol.GoalSave): MainM (CR Protocol.GoalSaveResult) := do
let state ← get
let .some goalState := state.goalStates[]? |
return .error $ errorIndex s!"Invalid state index {}"
goalStatePickle goalState args.path
return .ok {}
goal_load (args: Protocol.GoalLoad): MainM (CR Protocol.GoalLoadResult) := do
let (goalState, _) ← goalStateUnpickle args.path (← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv)
let id ← newGoalState goalState
return .ok { id }
frontend_process (args: Protocol.FrontendProcess): MainM (CR Protocol.FrontendProcessResult) := do
let options := (← get).options
let (fileName, file) ← match args.fileName?, args.file? with
| .some fileName, .none => do
let file ← IO.FS.readFile fileName
pure (fileName, file)
| .none, .some file =>
pure ("<anonymous>", file)
| _, _ => return .error <| errorI "arguments" "Exactly one of {fileName, file} must be supplied"
let env?: Option Lean.Environment ← if args.fileName?.isSome then
pure .none
else do
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
pure <| .some env
let (context, state) ← do Frontend.createContextStateFromFile file fileName env? {}
let frontendM := Frontend.mapCompilationSteps λ step => do
let boundary := (step.src.startPos.byteIdx, step.src.stopPos.byteIdx)
let invocations?: Option (List Protocol.InvokedTactic) ← if args.invocations then
let invocations ← Frontend.collectTacticsFromCompilationStep step
pure $ .some invocations
pure .none
let sorrys ← if args.sorrys then
Frontend.collectSorrys step (options := { collectTypeErrors := args.typeErrorsAsGoals })
pure []
let messages ← step.messageStrings
let newConstants ← if args.newConstants then
Frontend.collectNewDefinedConstants step
pure []
return (step.before, boundary, invocations?, sorrys, messages, newConstants)
let li ← context |>.run' state
let units ← li.mapM λ (env, boundary, invocations?, sorrys, messages, newConstants) => Lean.withEnv env do
let newConstants? := if args.newConstants then
.some $ λ name => name.toString
let (goalStateId?, goals?, goalSrcBoundaries?) ← if sorrys.isEmpty then do
pure (.none, .none, .none)
else do
let { state, srcBoundaries } ← runMetaInMainM $ Frontend.sorrysToGoalState sorrys
let stateId ← newGoalState state
let goals ← goalSerialize state options
let srcBoundaries := (λ (b, e) => (b.byteIdx, e.byteIdx))
pure (.some stateId, .some goals, .some srcBoundaries)
return {
return .ok { units }
catch e =>
return .error $ errorI "frontend" (← e.toMessageData.toString)
end Pantograph.Repl