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import LSpec
import Lean
import Test.Common
open Lean
open Pantograph
namespace Pantograph.Test.Tactic.Prograde
def test_eval : TestT Elab.TermElabM Unit := do
let expr := "forall (p q : Prop) (h: p), And (Or p q) (Or p q)"
let expr ← parseSentence expr
Meta.forallTelescope expr $ λ _ body => do
let e ← match Parser.runParserCategory
(env := ← MonadEnv.getEnv)
(catName := `term)
(input := "Or.inl h")
(fileName := filename) with
| .ok syn => pure syn
| .error error => throwError "Failed to parse: {error}"
-- Apply the tactic
let goal ← Meta.mkFreshExprSyntheticOpaqueMVar body
let target: Expr := mkAnd
(mkOr (.fvar ⟨uniq 8⟩) (.fvar ⟨uniq 9⟩))
(mkOr (.fvar ⟨uniq 8⟩) (.fvar ⟨uniq 9⟩))
let h := .fvar ⟨uniq 8⟩
addTest $ LSpec.test "goals before" ((← toCondensedGoal goal.mvarId!).devolatilize == {
context := #[
cdeclOf `p (.sort 0),
cdeclOf `q (.sort 0),
cdeclOf `h h
let tactic := Tactic.evalDefine `h2 e
let m := .mvar ⟨uniq 13⟩
let [newGoal] ← runTacticOnMVar tactic goal.mvarId! | panic! "Incorrect goal number"
addTest $ LSpec.test "goals after" ((← toCondensedGoal newGoal).devolatilize == {
context := #[
cdeclOf `p (.sort 0),
cdeclOf `q (.sort 0),
cdeclOf `h h,
userName := `h2,
type := mkOr h m,
value? := .some $ mkApp3 (mkConst `Or.inl) h m (.fvar ⟨uniq 10⟩)
addTest $ LSpec.test "assign" ((← getExprMVarAssignment? goal.mvarId!) == .some (.mvar newGoal))
def test_proof_eval : TestT Elab.TermElabM Unit := do
let rootExpr ← parseSentence "∀ (p q: Prop), p → ((p q) (p q))"
let state0 ← GoalState.create rootExpr
let tactic := "intro p q h"
let state1 ← match ← state0.tryTactic (goalId := 0) (tactic := tactic) with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check tactic ((← state1.serializeGoals).map (·.devolatilize) =
#[buildGoal [("p", "Prop"), ("q", "Prop"), ("h", "p")] "(p q) p q"])
let expr := "Or.inl (Or.inl h)"
let state2 ← match ← state1.tryAssign (goalId := 0) (expr := expr) with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check s!":= {expr}" ((← state2.serializeGoals).map (·.devolatilize) =
let evalBind := "y"
let evalExpr := "Or.inl h"
let state2 ← match ← state1.tryDefine (goalId := 0) (binderName := evalBind) (expr := evalExpr) with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check s!"eval {evalBind} := {evalExpr}" ((← state2.serializeGoals).map (·.devolatilize) =
target := { pp? := .some "(p q) p q"},
vars := #[
{ userName := "p", type? := .some { pp? := .some "Prop" } },
{ userName := "q", type? := .some { pp? := .some "Prop" } },
{ userName := "h", type? := .some { pp? := .some "p" } },
{ userName := "y",
type? := .some { pp? := .some "p ?m.25" },
value? := .some { pp? := .some "Or.inl h" },
let expr := "Or.inl y"
let state3 ← match ← state2.tryAssign (goalId := 0) (expr := expr) with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check s!":= {expr}" ((← state3.serializeGoals).map (·.devolatilize) =
addTest $ LSpec.check "(3 root)" state3.rootExpr?.isSome
def test_proof_have : TestT Elab.TermElabM Unit := do
let rootExpr ← parseSentence "∀ (p q: Prop), p → ((p q) (p q))"
let state0 ← GoalState.create rootExpr
let tactic := "intro p q h"
let state1 ← match ← state0.tryTactic (goalId := 0) (tactic := tactic) with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check tactic ((← state1.serializeGoals).map (·.devolatilize) =
#[buildGoal [("p", "Prop"), ("q", "Prop"), ("h", "p")] "(p q) p q"])
let expr := "Or.inl (Or.inl h)"
let state2 ← match ← state1.tryAssign (goalId := 0) (expr := expr) with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check s!":= {expr}" ((← state2.serializeGoals).map (·.devolatilize) =
let haveBind := "y"
let haveType := "p q"
let state2 ← match ← state1.tryHave (goalId := 0) (binderName := haveBind) (type := haveType) with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check s!"have {haveBind}: {haveType}" ((← state2.serializeGoals).map (·.devolatilize) =
buildGoal [("p", "Prop"), ("q", "Prop"), ("h", "p")] "p q",
buildGoal [("p", "Prop"), ("q", "Prop"), ("h", "p"), ("y", "p q")] "(p q) p q"
let expr := "Or.inl h"
let state3 ← match ← state2.tryAssign (goalId := 0) (expr := expr) with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check s!":= {expr}" ((← state3.serializeGoals).map (·.devolatilize) =
let state2b ← match state3.continue state2 with
| .ok state => pure state
| .error e => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable e
return ()
let expr := "Or.inl y"
let state4 ← match ← state2b.tryAssign (goalId := 0) (expr := expr) with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check s!":= {expr}" ((← state4.serializeGoals).map (·.devolatilize) =
addTest $ LSpec.check "(4 root)" state4.rootExpr?.isSome
def test_let (specialized: Bool): TestT Elab.TermElabM Unit := do
let rootExpr ← parseSentence "∀ (p q: Prop), p → ((p q) (p q))"
let state0 ← GoalState.create rootExpr
let tactic := "intro a p h"
let state1 ← match ← state0.tryTactic (goalId := 0) (tactic := tactic) with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check tactic ((← state1.serializeGoals).map (·.devolatilize) =
target := { pp? := .some mainTarget },
vars := interiorVars,
let letType := "Nat"
let expr := s!"let b: {letType} := _; _"
let result2 ← match specialized with
| true => state1.tryLet (goalId := 0) (binderName := "b") (type := letType)
| false => state1.tryAssign (goalId := 0) (expr := expr)
let state2 ← match result2 with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
let serializedState2 ← state2.serializeGoals
let letBindName := if specialized then "b" else "_1"
addTest $ LSpec.check expr ( (·.devolatilize) =
target := { pp? := .some letType },
vars := interiorVars,
userName? := .some letBindName
target := { pp? := .some mainTarget },
vars := interiorVars ++ #[{
userName := "b",
type? := .some { pp? := .some letType },
value? := .some { pp? := .some s!"?{letBindName}" },
userName? := if specialized then .none else .some "_2",
let tactic := "exact 1"
let state3 ← match ← state2.tryTactic (goalId := 0) (tactic := tactic) with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.check tactic ((← state3.serializeGoals).map (·.devolatilize) = #[])
let state3r ← match state3.continue state2 with
| .error msg => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ msg
return ()
| .ok state => pure state
addTest $ LSpec.check "(continue)" ((← state3r.serializeGoals).map (·.devolatilize) =
target := { pp? := .some mainTarget },
vars := interiorVars ++ #[{
userName := "b",
type? := .some { pp? := .some "Nat" },
value? := .some { pp? := .some "1" },
userName? := if specialized then .none else .some "_2",
let tactic := "exact h"
match ← state3r.tryTactic (goalId := 0) (tactic := tactic) with
| .failure #[message] =>
addTest $ LSpec.check tactic (message = s!"type mismatch\n h\nhas type\n a : Prop\nbut is expected to have type\n {mainTarget} : Prop")
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
let tactic := "exact Or.inl (Or.inl h)"
let state4 ← match ← state3r.tryTactic (goalId := 0) (tactic := tactic) with
| .success state => pure state
| other => do
addTest $ assertUnreachable $ other.toString
return ()
addTest $ LSpec.test "(4 root)" state4.rootExpr?.isSome
mainTarget := "(a p) a p"
interiorVars: Array Protocol.Variable := #[
{ userName := "a", type? := .some { pp? := .some "Prop" }, },
{ userName := "p", type? := .some { pp? := .some "Prop" }, },
{ userName := "h", type? := .some { pp? := .some "a" }, }
def suite (env: Environment): List (String × IO LSpec.TestSeq) :=
("eval", test_eval),
("Proof eval", test_proof_eval),
("Proof have", test_proof_have),
("let via assign", test_let false),
("let via tryLet", test_let true),
] |>.map (λ (name, t) => (name, runTestTermElabM env t))
end Pantograph.Test.Tactic.Prograde