214 lines
8.1 KiB
214 lines
8.1 KiB
import Pantograph.Environment
import Pantograph.Goal
import Pantograph.Protocol
import Pantograph.Serial
import Pantograph.Version
import Lean
namespace Lean
/-- This is better than the default version since it handles `.` and doesn't
crash the program when it fails. -/
def setOptionFromString' (opts : Options) (entry : String) : ExceptT String IO Options := do
let ps := (entry.splitOn "=").map String.trim
let [key, val] ← pure ps | throw "invalid configuration option entry, it must be of the form '<key> = <value>'"
let key := key.toName
let defValue ← getOptionDefaultValue key
match defValue with
| DataValue.ofString _ => pure $ opts.setString key val
| DataValue.ofBool _ =>
match val with
| "true" => pure $ opts.setBool key true
| "false" => pure $ opts.setBool key false
| _ => throw s!"invalid Bool option value '{val}'"
| DataValue.ofName _ => pure $ opts.setName key val.toName
| DataValue.ofNat _ =>
match val.toNat? with
| none => throw s!"invalid Nat option value '{val}'"
| some v => pure $ opts.setNat key v
| DataValue.ofInt _ =>
match val.toInt? with
| none => throw s!"invalid Int option value '{val}'"
| some v => pure $ opts.setInt key v
| DataValue.ofSyntax _ => throw s!"invalid Syntax option value"
end Lean
namespace Pantograph
def defaultTermElabMContext: Lean.Elab.Term.Context := {
autoBoundImplicit := true,
declName? := some "_pantograph".toName,
errToSorry := false
def runMetaM { α } (metaM: Lean.MetaM α): Lean.CoreM α :=
def runTermElabM { α } (termElabM: Lean.Elab.TermElabM α): Lean.CoreM α :=
termElabM.run' (ctx := defaultTermElabMContext) |>.run'
def errorI (type desc: String): Protocol.InteractionError := { error := type, desc := desc }
/-- Adds the given paths to Lean package search path -/
@[export pantograph_init_search]
unsafe def initSearch (sp: String): IO Unit := do
Lean.initSearchPath (← Lean.findSysroot) (sp := System.SearchPath.parse sp)
/-- Creates a Core.Context object needed to run all monads -/
@[export pantograph_create_core_context]
def createCoreContext (options: Array String): IO Lean.Core.Context := do
let options? ← options.foldlM Lean.setOptionFromString' Lean.Options.empty |>.run
let options ← match options? with
| .ok options => pure options
| .error e => throw $ IO.userError s!"Options cannot be parsed: {e}"
return {
currNamespace := Lean.Name.str .anonymous "Aniva"
openDecls := [], -- No 'open' directives needed
fileName := "<Pantograph>",
fileMap := { source := "", positions := #[0] },
options := options
/-- Creates a Core.State object needed to run all monads -/
@[export pantograph_create_core_state]
def createCoreState (imports: Array String): IO Lean.Core.State := do
let env ← Lean.importModules
(imports := imports.map (λ str => { module := str.toName, runtimeOnly := false }))
(opts := {})
(trustLevel := 1)
return { env := env }
@[export pantograph_env_catalog_m]
def envCatalog: Lean.CoreM Protocol.EnvCatalogResult :=
Environment.catalog ({}: Protocol.EnvCatalog)
@[export pantograph_mk_options]
def mkOptions
(printJsonPretty: Bool)
(printExprPretty: Bool)
(printExprAST: Bool)
(noRepeat: Bool)
(printAuxDecls: Bool)
(printImplementationDetailHyps: Bool)
: Protocol.Options := {
@[export pantograph_env_inspect_m]
def envInspect (name: String) (value: Bool) (dependency: Bool) (options: @&Protocol.Options):
Lean.CoreM (Protocol.CR Protocol.EnvInspectResult) :=
Environment.inspect ({
name, value? := .some value, dependency?:= .some dependency
}: Protocol.EnvInspect) options
@[export pantograph_env_add_m]
def envAdd (name: String) (type: String) (value: String) (isTheorem: Bool):
Lean.CoreM (Protocol.CR Protocol.EnvAddResult) :=
Environment.addDecl { name, type, value, isTheorem }
def parseElabType (type: String): Lean.Elab.TermElabM (Protocol.CR Lean.Expr) := do
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
let syn ← match parseTerm env type with
| .error str => return .error $ errorI "parsing" str
| .ok syn => pure syn
match ← elabType syn with
| .error str => return .error $ errorI "elab" str
| .ok expr => return .ok (← Lean.instantiateMVars expr)
/-- This must be a TermElabM since the parsed expr contains extra information -/
def parseElabExpr (expr: String) (expectedType?: Option String := .none): Lean.Elab.TermElabM (Protocol.CR Lean.Expr) := do
let env ← Lean.MonadEnv.getEnv
let expectedType? ← match ← expectedType?.mapM parseElabType with
| .none => pure $ .none
| .some (.ok t) => pure $ .some t
| .some (.error e) => return .error e
let syn ← match parseTerm env expr with
| .error str => return .error $ errorI "parsing" str
| .ok syn => pure syn
match ← elabTerm syn expectedType? with
| .error str => return .error $ errorI "elab" str
| .ok expr => return .ok (← Lean.instantiateMVars expr)
@[export pantograph_expr_echo_m]
def exprEcho (expr: String) (expectedType?: Option String := .none) (options: @&Protocol.Options):
Lean.CoreM (Protocol.CR Protocol.ExprEchoResult) :=
runTermElabM do
let expr ← match ← parseElabExpr expr expectedType? with
| .error e => return .error e
| .ok expr => pure expr
let type ← unfoldAuxLemmas (← Lean.Meta.inferType expr)
return .ok {
type := (← serialize_expression options type),
expr := (← serialize_expression options expr)
catch exception =>
return .error $ errorI "typing" (← exception.toMessageData.toString)
@[export pantograph_goal_start_expr_m]
def goalStartExpr (expr: String): Lean.CoreM (Protocol.CR GoalState) :=
runTermElabM do
let expr ← match ← parseElabType expr with
| .error e => return .error e
| .ok expr => pure $ expr
return .ok $ ← GoalState.create expr
@[export pantograph_goal_tactic_m]
def goalTactic (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (tactic: String): Lean.CoreM TacticResult :=
runTermElabM <| state.tryTactic goalId tactic
@[export pantograph_goal_assign_m]
def goalAssign (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (expr: String): Lean.CoreM TacticResult :=
runTermElabM <| state.tryAssign goalId expr
@[export pantograph_goal_have_m]
def goalHave (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (binderName: String) (type: String): Lean.CoreM TacticResult :=
runTermElabM <| state.tryHave goalId binderName type
@[export pantograph_goal_conv_m]
def goalConv (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat): Lean.CoreM TacticResult :=
runTermElabM <| state.conv goalId
@[export pantograph_goal_conv_exit_m]
def goalConvExit (state: GoalState): Lean.CoreM TacticResult :=
runTermElabM <| state.convExit
@[export pantograph_goal_calc_m]
def goalCalc (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (pred: String): Lean.CoreM TacticResult :=
runTermElabM <| state.tryCalc goalId pred
@[export pantograph_goal_focus]
def goalFocus (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat): Option GoalState :=
state.focus goalId
@[export pantograph_goal_resume]
def goalResume (target: GoalState) (goals: Array String): Except String GoalState :=
target.resume (goals.map (λ n => { name := n.toName }) |>.toList)
@[export pantograph_goal_continue]
def goalContinue (target: GoalState) (branch: GoalState): Except String GoalState :=
target.continue branch
@[export pantograph_goal_serialize_m]
def goalSerialize (state: GoalState) (options: @&Protocol.Options): Lean.CoreM (Array Protocol.Goal) :=
runMetaM <| state.serializeGoals (parent := .none) options
@[export pantograph_goal_print_m]
def goalPrint (state: GoalState) (options: @&Protocol.Options): Lean.CoreM Protocol.GoalPrintResult :=
runMetaM do
return {
root? := ← state.rootExpr?.mapM (λ expr => do
serialize_expression options (← unfoldAuxLemmas expr)),
parent? := ← state.parentExpr?.mapM (λ expr => do
serialize_expression options (← unfoldAuxLemmas expr)),
end Pantograph