Pantograph | ||
Test | ||
doc | ||
.gitignore | ||
Main.lean | ||
Pantograph.lean | ||
README.md | ||
lake-manifest.json | ||
lakefile.lean | ||
lean-toolchain |
An interaction system for Lean 4.
Install elan
and lean4
. Then, execute
lake build
Then, setup the LEAN_PATH
environment variable so it contains the library path of lean libraries. The libraries must be built in advance. For example, if mathlib4
is stored at ../lib/mathlib4
export LEAN_PATH="$LIB/mathlib4/build/lib:$LIB_MATHLIB/aesop/build/lib:$LIB_MATHLIB/Qq/build/lib:$LIB_MATHLIB/std/build/lib"
LEAN_PATH=$LEAN_PATH build/bin/pantograph $@
Note that lean-toolchain
must be present in the $PWD
in order to run Pantograph! This is because Pantograph taps into Lean's internals.
build/bin/pantograph MODULES|LEAN_OPTIONS
The REPL loop accepts commands as single-line JSON inputs and outputs either an
(indicating malformed command) or a json return value indicating the
result of a command execution. The command can be passed in one of two formats
command { ... }
{ "cmd": command, "payload": ... }
The list of available commands can be found in Pantograph/Commands.lean
and below. An
empty command aborts the REPL.
The Pantograph
executable must be run with a list of modules to import. It can
also accept lean options of the form --key=value
e.g. --pp.raw=true
Example: (~5k symbols)
$ build/bin/Pantograph Init
inspect {"name": "Nat.le_add_left"}
Example with mathlib4
(~90k symbols, may stack overflow, see troubleshooting)
$ lake env build/bin/Pantograph Mathlib.Analysis.Seminorm
Example proving a theorem: (alternatively use proof.start {"copyFrom": "Nat.add_comm"}
) to prime the proof
$ env build/bin/Pantograph Init
proof.start {"expr": "∀ (n m : Nat), n + m = m + n"}
proof.tactic {"treeId": 0, "stateId": 0, "goalId": 0, "tactic": "intro n m"}
proof.tactic {"treeId": 0, "stateId": 1, "goalId": 0, "tactic": "assumption"}
proof.printTree {"treeId": 0}
proof.tactic {"treeId": 0, "stateId": 1, "goalId": 0, "tactic": "rw [Nat.add_comm]"}
proof.printTree {"treeId": 0}
where the application of assumption
should lead to a failure.
See Pantograph/Commands.lean
for a description of the parameters and return values in Json.
options.set { key: value, ... }
: Set one or more options (not Lean options; those have to be set via command line arguments.)options.print
: Display the current set of optionscatalog
: Display a list of all safe Lean symbols in the current contextinspect {"name": <name>, "value": <bool>}
: Show the type and package of a given symbol; If value flag is set, the value is printed or hidden. By default only the values of definitions are printed.clear
: Delete all cached expressions and proof treesexpr.type {"expr": <expr>}
: Determine the type of an expression and round-trip itproof.start {["name": <name>], ["expr": <expr>], ["copyFrom": <symbol>]}
: Start a new proof state from a given expression or symbolproof.tactic {"treeId": <id>, "stateId": <id>, "goalId": <id>, "tactic": string}
: Execute a tactic on a given proof stateproof.printTree {"treeId": <id>}
: Print the topological structure of a proof tree
If lean encounters stack overflow problems when printing catalog, execute this before running lean:
ulimit -s unlimited
The tests are based on LSpec
. To run tests,