214 lines
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214 lines
8.2 KiB
import Lean
import Pantograph.Symbol
def Lean.MessageLog.getErrorMessages (log : MessageLog) : MessageLog :=
msgs := log.msgs.filter fun m => match m.severity with | MessageSeverity.error => true | _ => false
namespace Pantograph
open Lean
structure GoalState where
savedState : Elab.Tactic.SavedState
-- The root hole which is the search target
root: MVarId
-- New metavariables acquired in this state
newMVars: SSet MVarId
-- The id of the goal in the parent
parentGoalId: Nat := 0
abbrev M := Elab.TermElabM
protected def GoalState.create (expr: Expr): M GoalState := do
-- May be necessary to immediately synthesise all metavariables if we need to leave the elaboration context.
-- See https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/Unknown.20universe.20metavariable/near/360130070
--let expr ← instantiateMVars expr
let goal := (← Meta.mkFreshExprMVar expr (kind := MetavarKind.synthetic) (userName := .anonymous))
let savedStateMonad: Elab.Tactic.TacticM Elab.Tactic.SavedState := MonadBacktrack.saveState
let root := goal.mvarId!
let savedState ← savedStateMonad { elaborator := .anonymous } |>.run' { goals := [root]}
return {
newMVars := SSet.insert .empty root,
protected def GoalState.goals (state: GoalState): List MVarId := state.savedState.tactic.goals
protected def GoalState.runM {α: Type} (state: GoalState) (m: Elab.TermElabM α) : M α := do
protected def GoalState.mctx (state: GoalState): MetavarContext :=
protected def GoalState.env (state: GoalState): Environment :=
private def GoalState.mvars (state: GoalState): SSet MVarId :=
state.mctx.decls.foldl (init := .empty) fun acc k _ => acc.insert k
/-- Inner function for executing tactic on goal state -/
def executeTactic (state: Elab.Tactic.SavedState) (goal: MVarId) (tactic: Syntax) :
M (Except (Array String) Elab.Tactic.SavedState):= do
let tacticM (stx: Syntax): Elab.Tactic.TacticM (Except (Array String) Elab.Tactic.SavedState) := do
Elab.Tactic.setGoals [goal]
Elab.Tactic.evalTactic stx
if (← getThe Core.State).messages.hasErrors then
let messages := (← getThe Core.State).messages.getErrorMessages |>.toList.toArray
let errors ← (messages.map Message.data).mapM fun md => md.toString
return .error errors
return .ok (← MonadBacktrack.saveState)
catch exception =>
return .error #[← exception.toMessageData.toString]
tacticM tactic { elaborator := .anonymous } |>.run' state.tactic
/-- Response for executing a tactic -/
inductive TacticResult where
-- Goes to next state
| success (state: GoalState)
-- Tactic failed with messages
| failure (messages: Array String)
-- Could not parse tactic
| parseError (message: String)
-- The goal index is out of bounds
| indexError (goalId: Nat)
/-- Execute tactic on given state -/
protected def GoalState.execute (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (tactic: String):
M TacticResult := do
let goal ← match state.savedState.tactic.goals.get? goalId with
| .some goal => pure $ goal
| .none => return .indexError goalId
let tactic ← match Parser.runParserCategory
(env := ← MonadEnv.getEnv)
(catName := `tactic)
(input := tactic)
(fileName := "<stdin>") with
| .ok stx => pure $ stx
| .error error => return .parseError error
match (← executeTactic (state := state.savedState) (goal := goal) (tactic := tactic)) with
| .error errors =>
return .failure errors
| .ok nextSavedState =>
-- Assert that the definition of metavariables are the same
let nextMCtx := nextSavedState.term.meta.meta.mctx
let prevMCtx := state.savedState.term.meta.meta.mctx
-- Generate a list of mvarIds that exist in the parent state; Also test the
-- assertion that the types have not changed on any mvars.
let newMVars ← nextMCtx.decls.foldlM (fun acc mvarId mvarDecl => do
if let .some prevMVarDecl := prevMCtx.decls.find? mvarId then
assert! prevMVarDecl.type == mvarDecl.type
return acc
return acc.insert mvarId
) SSet.empty
return .success {
state with
savedState := nextSavedState
parentGoalId := goalId,
protected def GoalState.tryAssign (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (expr: String): M TacticResult := do
let goal ← match state.savedState.tactic.goals.get? goalId with
| .some goal => pure goal
| .none => return .indexError goalId
let expr ← match Parser.runParserCategory
(env := state.env)
(catName := `term)
(input := expr)
(fileName := "<stdin>") with
| .ok syn => pure syn
| .error error => return .parseError error
let tacticM: Elab.Tactic.TacticM TacticResult := do
Elab.Tactic.setGoals [goal]
let expr ← Elab.Term.elabTerm (stx := expr) (expectedType? := .none)
-- Attempt to unify the expression
let goalType ← goal.getType
let exprType ← Meta.inferType expr
if !(← Meta.isDefEq goalType exprType) then
return .failure #["Type unification failed", toString (← Meta.ppExpr goalType), toString (← Meta.ppExpr exprType)]
goal.checkNotAssigned `GoalState.tryAssign
goal.assign expr
if (← getThe Core.State).messages.hasErrors then
let messages := (← getThe Core.State).messages.getErrorMessages |>.toList.toArray
let errors ← (messages.map Message.data).mapM fun md => md.toString
return .failure errors
let prevMCtx := state.savedState.term.meta.meta.mctx
let nextMCtx ← getMCtx
-- Generate a list of mvarIds that exist in the parent state; Also test the
-- assertion that the types have not changed on any mvars.
let newMVars ← nextMCtx.decls.foldlM (fun acc mvarId mvarDecl => do
if let .some prevMVarDecl := prevMCtx.decls.find? mvarId then
assert! prevMVarDecl.type == mvarDecl.type
return acc
return mvarId :: acc
) []
-- The new goals are the newMVars that lack an assignment
Elab.Tactic.setGoals (← newMVars.filterM (λ mvar => do pure !(← mvar.isAssigned)))
let nextSavedState ← MonadBacktrack.saveState
return .success {
state with
savedState := nextSavedState,
newMVars := newMVars.toSSet,
parentGoalId := goalId,
catch exception =>
return .failure #[← exception.toMessageData.toString]
tacticM { elaborator := .anonymous } |>.run' state.savedState.tactic
Brings into scope a list of goals
protected def GoalState.resume (state: GoalState) (goals: List MVarId): Except String GoalState :=
if ¬ (goals.all (λ goal => state.mvars.contains goal)) then
.error s!"Goals not in scope"
-- Set goals to the goals that have not been assigned yet, similar to the `focus` tactic.
let unassigned := goals.filter (λ goal =>
let mctx := state.mctx
¬(mctx.eAssignment.contains goal || mctx.dAssignment.contains goal))
.ok {
state with
savedState := {
term := state.savedState.term,
tactic := { goals := unassigned },
Brings into scope all goals from `branch`
protected def GoalState.continue (target: GoalState) (branch: GoalState): Except String GoalState :=
if !target.goals.isEmpty then
.error s!"Target state has unresolved goals"
else if target.root != branch.root then
.error s!"Roots of two continued goal states do not match: {target.root.name} != {branch.root.name}"
target.resume (goals := branch.goals)
protected def GoalState.rootExpr? (goalState: GoalState): Option Expr :=
let expr := goalState.mctx.eAssignment.find! goalState.root
let (expr, _) := instantiateMVarsCore (mctx := goalState.mctx) (e := expr)
if expr.hasMVar then
-- Must not assert that the goal state is empty here. We could be in a branch goal.
--assert! ¬goalState.goals.isEmpty
assert! goalState.goals.isEmpty
.some expr
end Pantograph