
302 lines
11 KiB

All serialisation functions
import Lean
import Pantograph.Protocol
import Pantograph.Goal
namespace Pantograph
open Lean
--- Input Functions ---
/-- Read a theorem from the environment -/
def expr_from_const (env: Environment) (name: Name): Except String Lean.Expr :=
match env.find? name with
| none => throw s!"Symbol not found: {name}"
| some cInfo => return cInfo.type
/-- Read syntax object from string -/
def syntax_from_str (env: Environment) (s: String): Except String Syntax :=
(env := env)
(catName := `term)
(input := s)
(fileName := "<stdin>")
def syntax_to_expr_type (syn: Syntax): Elab.TermElabM (Except String Expr) := do
let expr ← Elab.Term.elabType syn
return .ok expr
catch ex => return .error (← ex.toMessageData.toString)
def syntax_to_expr (syn: Syntax): Elab.TermElabM (Except String Expr) := do
let expr ← Elab.Term.elabTerm (stx := syn) (expectedType? := .none)
return .ok expr
catch ex => return .error (← ex.toMessageData.toString)
--- Output Functions ---
def type_expr_to_bound (expr: Expr): MetaM Protocol.BoundExpression := do
Meta.forallTelescope expr fun arr body => do
let binders ← arr.mapM fun fvar => do
return (toString (← fvar.fvarId!.getUserName), toString (← Meta.ppExpr (← fvar.fvarId!.getType)))
return { binders, target := toString (← Meta.ppExpr body) }
def name_to_ast (name: Name) (sanitize: Bool := true): String :=
let internal := name.isInaccessibleUserName || name.hasMacroScopes
if sanitize && internal then "_"
else toString name |> enclose_if_escaped
enclose_if_escaped (n: String) :=
let quote := "\""
if n.contains Lean.idBeginEscape then s!"{quote}{n}{quote}" else n
/-- serialize a sort level. Expression is optimized to be compact e.g. `(+ u 2)` -/
partial def serialize_sort_level_ast (level: Level) (sanitize: Bool): String :=
let k := level.getOffset
let u := level.getLevelOffset
let u_str := match u with
| .zero => "0"
| .succ _ => panic! "getLevelOffset should not return .succ"
| .max v w =>
let v := serialize_sort_level_ast v sanitize
let w := serialize_sort_level_ast w sanitize
s!"(:max {v} {w})"
| .imax v w =>
let v := serialize_sort_level_ast v sanitize
let w := serialize_sort_level_ast w sanitize
s!"(:imax {v} {w})"
| .param name =>
let name := name_to_ast name sanitize
| .mvar id =>
let name := name_to_ast sanitize
s!"(:mv {name})"
match k, u with
| 0, _ => u_str
| _, .zero => s!"{k}"
| _, _ => s!"(+ {u_str} {k})"
Completely serializes an expression tree. Json not used due to compactness
partial def serialize_expression_ast (expr: Expr) (sanitize: Bool := true): String :=
self expr
self (e: Expr): String :=
match e with
| .bvar deBruijnIndex =>
-- This is very common so the index alone is shown. Literals are handled below.
-- The raw de Bruijn index should never appear in an unbound setting. In
-- Lean these are handled using a `#` prefix.
| .fvar fvarId =>
let name := of_name
s!"(:fv {name})"
| .mvar mvarId =>
let name := of_name
s!"(:mv {name})"
| .sort level =>
let level := serialize_sort_level_ast level sanitize
s!"(:sort {level})"
| .const declName _ =>
-- The universe level of the const expression is elided since it should be
-- inferrable from surrounding expression
s!"(:c {declName})"
| .app _ _ =>
let fn' := self e.getAppFn
let args := self |>.toList
let args := " ".intercalate args
s!"({fn'} {args})"
| .lam binderName binderType body binderInfo =>
let binderName' := of_name binderName
let binderType' := self binderType
let body' := self body
let binderInfo' := binder_info_to_ast binderInfo
s!"(:lambda {binderName'} {binderType'} {body'}{binderInfo'})"
| .forallE binderName binderType body binderInfo =>
let binderName' := of_name binderName
let binderType' := self binderType
let body' := self body
let binderInfo' := binder_info_to_ast binderInfo
s!"(:forall {binderName'} {binderType'} {body'}{binderInfo'})"
| .letE name type value body _ =>
-- Dependent boolean flag diacarded
let name' := name_to_ast name
let type' := self type
let value' := self value
let body' := self body
s!"(:let {name'} {type'} {value'} {body'})"
| .lit v =>
-- To not burden the downstream parser who needs to handle this, the literal
-- is wrapped in a :lit sexp.
let v' := match v with
| .natVal val => toString val
| .strVal val => s!"\"{val}\""
s!"(:lit {v'})"
| .mdata _ inner =>
-- NOTE: Equivalent to expr itself, but mdata influences the prettyprinter
-- It may become necessary to incorporate the metadata.
self inner
| .proj typeName idx struct =>
let struct' := self struct
s!"(:proj {typeName} {idx} {struct'})"
-- Elides all unhygenic names
binder_info_to_ast : Lean.BinderInfo → String
| .default => ""
| .implicit => " :implicit"
| .strictImplicit => " :strictImplicit"
| .instImplicit => " :instImplicit"
of_name (name: Name) := name_to_ast name sanitize
def serialize_expression (options: Protocol.Options) (e: Expr): MetaM Protocol.Expression := do
let pp := toString (← Meta.ppExpr e)
let pp?: Option String := match options.printExprPretty with
| true => .some pp
| false => .none
let sexp: String := serialize_expression_ast e
let sexp?: Option String := match options.printExprAST with
| true => .some sexp
| false => .none
return {
/-- Adapted from ppGoal -/
def serialize_goal (options: Protocol.Options) (goal: MVarId) (mvarDecl: MetavarDecl) (parentDecl?: Option MetavarDecl)
: MetaM Protocol.Goal := do
-- Options for printing; See Meta.ppGoal for details
let showLetValues := true
let ppAuxDecls := options.printAuxDecls
let ppImplDetailHyps := options.printImplementationDetailHyps
let lctx := mvarDecl.lctx
let lctx :=' { options := (← getOptions) }
Meta.withLCtx lctx mvarDecl.localInstances do
let ppVarNameOnly (localDecl: LocalDecl): MetaM Protocol.Variable := do
match localDecl with
| .cdecl _ fvarId userName _ _ _ =>
let userName := userName.simpMacroScopes
return {
name := of_name,
userName:= of_name userName.simpMacroScopes,
| .ldecl _ fvarId userName _ _ _ _ => do
return {
name := of_name,
userName := toString userName.simpMacroScopes,
let ppVar (localDecl : LocalDecl) : MetaM Protocol.Variable := do
match localDecl with
| .cdecl _ fvarId userName type _ _ =>
let userName := userName.simpMacroScopes
let type ← instantiateMVars type
return {
name := of_name,
userName:= of_name userName,
isInaccessible? := .some userName.isInaccessibleUserName
type? := .some (← serialize_expression options type)
| .ldecl _ fvarId userName type val _ _ => do
let userName := userName.simpMacroScopes
let type ← instantiateMVars type
let value? ← if showLetValues then
let val ← instantiateMVars val
pure $ .some (← serialize_expression options val)
pure $ .none
return {
name := of_name,
userName:= of_name userName,
isInaccessible? := .some userName.isInaccessibleUserName
type? := .some (← serialize_expression options type)
value? := value?
let vars ← lctx.foldlM (init := []) fun acc (localDecl : LocalDecl) => do
let skip := !ppAuxDecls && localDecl.isAuxDecl ||
!ppImplDetailHyps && localDecl.isImplementationDetail
if skip then
return acc
let nameOnly := options.noRepeat && (parentDecl?.map
(λ decl => decl.lctx.find? localDecl.fvarId |>.isSome) |>.getD false)
let var ← match nameOnly with
| true => ppVarNameOnly localDecl
| false => ppVar localDecl
return var::acc
return {
name := of_name,
userName? := if mvarDecl.userName == .anonymous then .none else .some (of_name mvarDecl.userName),
isConversion := isLHSGoal? mvarDecl.type |>.isSome,
target := (← serialize_expression options (← instantiateMVars mvarDecl.type)),
vars := vars.reverse.toArray
of_name (n: Name) := name_to_ast n (sanitize := false)
protected def GoalState.serializeGoals (state: GoalState) (parent: Option GoalState := .none) (options: Protocol.Options := {}): MetaM (Array Protocol.Goal):= do
let goals := state.goals.toArray
let parentDecl? := parent.bind (λ parentState =>
let parentGoal := parentState.goals.get! state.parentGoalId
parentState.mctx.findDecl? parentGoal)
goals.mapM fun goal => do
match state.mctx.findDecl? goal with
| .some mvarDecl =>
let serializedGoal ← serialize_goal options goal mvarDecl (parentDecl? := parentDecl?)
pure serializedGoal
| .none => throwError s!"Metavariable does not exist in context {}"
/-- Print the metavariables in a readable format -/
protected def GoalState.print (goalState: GoalState) (options: Protocol.GoalDiag := {}): MetaM Unit := do
let savedState := goalState.savedState
let goals := savedState.tactic.goals
let mctx ← getMCtx
let root := goalState.root
-- Print the root
match mctx.decls.find? root with
| .some decl => printMVar ">" root decl
| .none => IO.println s!">{}: ??"
goals.forM (fun mvarId => do
if mvarId != root then
match mctx.decls.find? mvarId with
| .some decl => printMVar "⊢" mvarId decl
| .none => IO.println s!"⊢{}: ??"
let goals := goals.toSSet
mctx.decls.forM (fun mvarId decl => do
if goals.contains mvarId || mvarId == root then
pure ()
-- Always print the root goal
else if mvarId == goalState.root then
printMVar (pref := ">") mvarId decl
-- Print the remainig ones that users don't see in Lean
else if options.printAll then
let pref := if goalState.newMVars.contains mvarId then "~" else " "
printMVar pref mvarId decl
pure ()
--IO.println s!" {}{userNameToString decl.userName}"
printMVar (pref: String) (mvarId: MVarId) (decl: MetavarDecl): MetaM Unit := do
if options.printContext then
decl.lctx.fvarIdToDecl.forM printFVar
let type_sexp := serialize_expression_ast (← instantiateMVars decl.type) (sanitize := false)
IO.println s!"{pref}{}{userNameToString decl.userName}: {← Meta.ppExpr decl.type} {type_sexp}"
if options.printValue then
if let Option.some value := (← getMCtx).eAssignment.find? mvarId then
IO.println s!" = {← Meta.ppExpr value}"
printFVar (fvarId: FVarId) (decl: LocalDecl): MetaM Unit := do
IO.println s!" | {}{userNameToString decl.userName}: {← Meta.ppExpr decl.type}"
userNameToString : Name → String
| .anonymous => ""
| other => s!"[{other}]"
end Pantograph