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Hi Lean Provers! Curious, I know that https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib4_docs/ is good for referencing the mathlib docs. If I want to see all of the main Lean4 syntax/constructs e.g., building types, strucs, functions, what is the recommended website? Similarly is there a cheat sheet/table for this? 1 reply
Jibiana Jakpor 22 minutes ago Functional Programming in Lean is a great resource for learning the syntax, especially for general purpose programming: https://leanprover.github.io/functional_programming_in_lean/. It doesn’t have much info on tactics though. That’s where MIL or Theorem Proving in Lean 4 will serve you bette
Learning to write Lean
Opening a lean project in VSCODE.
We start of the bat recommending good sources for learning Lean 4:
The goal will be to give an overview of useful tips for proving in Lean
For unicode use \
backslash so that \to
becomes an arrow.
for inverse e.g.,2⁻¹
for back arrow e.g., in rewriteto
for arrow/implication- TODO: iff
tip: seems mathlib_4 documentation (& Moogle) are the best to find tactic docs.
Entering tactic mode
- use
afte thm declaration e.g.,theorem thm_name : \forall n, n = n := by sorry
I think it works since:=
expects you to write a function/proof term and thenby ...
enters tactic mode.#print thm_name
TODO or something prints the proof term.
Intro & Intros tactic
TODO: intro intros
introduces one or more hypotheses, optionally naming and/or pattern-matching them. For each hypothesis to be introduced, the remaining main goal's target type must be a let or function type.- it seems it also unfolds definitions for you (and yes introduces hypothesis.) ref: intro
Introduces zero or more hypotheses, optionally naming them.- intros is equivalent to repeatedly applying intro until the goal is not an obvious candidate for intro, ... ref: intros
Rewrite Tactic
My understanding is that rewrites is the substitution (rewrite a term) tactic when we have an equality.
How tactic rw
rw [t]
applies from left to right on first term wrt to equality termt
on goal- rw tactic closes/discharges any goals of the form
t = t
- rw tactic closes/discharges any goals of the form
rw [ <- t] or rw [ \l t ] to apply equality form left to right (on 1st term) on goal
rw to rewrite hypothesis
dorw [t] at h
(rw to rewrite everything I assume rw [*] but then proof harder to read!)
to apply tactic at specific loc do rw
[Nat.add_comm b]
ifa + (b + c)
-->a + (c + b)
- tip: hover over Nat.add_comm to see how tactic and arg interact.
rewrite using compund expression
rw [h1 h2]
<-->rw [h1]; rw [h2]
rewrite can also rewrite terms that aren't equalities
- e.g., if
h_k_eq_0: k = 0
thent : Pair 1 k
-->t : Pair 1 0
withrw [h_k_eq_0] at t
ref: https://leanprover.github.io/theorem_proving_in_lean4/tactics.html
- e.g., if
, then closes any remaining goals usingassumption
. Note: found by writingrwa
in tactic mode then using vscode to get to it's def. Mathlib4 search, Moogle, didn't help surprisingly.
Constructor tactic
If the main goal's target type is an inductive type, constructor solves it with the first matching constructor, or else fails. -tactic introduces a certain number of new proof obligations/goals to discharge/close according to each term in the constructor of the goal.- e.g., if we have
... |- a \and k = 0 -> c
the constructor will open two goals where you need to provea
andk = 0
. i.e., to have arrived at that goal you must have had a proof/evidence thata
had proves e.g.,k = 0
might be a simple assumption in your "local context"/hypothesis space (TODO lean official lingo)
- e.g., if we have
have : t := e
:= "introduces theorem with proofe
can beby tactics...
or the exactproof term
have h_pos : 0 < x⁻¹ := inv_pos.mpr h_x_pos
Dot deperator for cases
Do .
to handle each case e.g., in induction.
Note: ;
is not a tactical. TODO what is?
TODO: `\forall x : R, x < 0'
Mathlib tips
- use less than (lt) in terms (e.g., thms) so it's easier to prove things.
TODO: what is tip?
Seeing Propositional Constructors
ref: How do I explicitly see the propositional or logical constructors in Lean 4?
TODO: precedence of exists, forall vs And, implicaiton.
And < (less precedence than) Implcation <==> A /\ B -> B
means (A /\ B) -> B
Exists delta, P delta -> P' delta <==>
- argument vs parameter -> argument (calling) the argument of f is 2, parameter (declaration) of f is n: Nat
- elaboration
- proof term
- proof obligation
- discharge
Q: what is a macro again? Q: why is there this Init.Tactics vs Std.Tactic.Rcases https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib4_docs/Std/Tactic/RCases.html#Std.Tactic.rintro https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib4_docs/Init/Tactics.html#Lean.Parser.Tactic.constructor Q: destructing patterns, rcases, rintro & rcases vs constructor