Add LaTeX command improvements and new packages #3

aniva merged 3 commits from emacs into main 2023-09-19 21:19:52 -07:00
1 changed files with 22 additions and 25 deletions
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@ -452,31 +452,29 @@ The target indentation style of ~LaTeX~ is as follows:
The ~SPC m c~ command which by default binds to ~TeX-command-run-all~ is
modified so it runs in the directory of the nearest ~.latexmkrc~ file or the
projectile root, whichever is closer. If a ~.latexmkrc~ file is not found, we
fall back to the current directory.
fall back to the current directory. We improve this below by decreeing that all
compilation has to happen with the ~.latexmkrc~ file's directory as PWD.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun custom/TeX-compile-in-root ()
"Execute ~TeX-command-run-all~ in the nearest ~.latexmkrc~ directory or
projectile project root."
(projectile-locate-dominating-file default-directory ".latexmkrc"))
(defun custom/TeX-root-directory (start)
(let* (
(dir-latexmkrc (projectile-locate-dominating-file start ".latexmkrc"))
(dir-projectile (projectile-project-root))
(is-latexmk-child-of-projectile (string-match-p (regexp-quote dir-projectile) dir-latexmkrc))
(dir-work (cond
(is-latexmk-child-of-projectile (and dir-projectile dir-latexmkrc
(string-match-p (regexp-quote dir-projectile) dir-latexmkrc))))
((and dir-latexmkrc is-latexmk-child-of-projectile) dir-latexmkrc)
(dir-projectile dir-projectile)
(t default-directory)))
(dir-current-rel (string-remove-prefix dir-work default-directory))
(file-current-rel (concat dir-current-rel (TeX-master-file))))
; Execute in shadowed ~default-directory~
(cl-labels ((replace-pwd () dir-work) (replace-file (&optional extension nondirectory ask) file-current-rel))
(advice-add 'TeX-master-directory :override #'replace-pwd)
(advice-add 'TeX-master-file :override #'replace-file)
(TeX-command-run-all nil)
(advice-remove 'TeX-master-file #'replace-file)
(advice-remove 'TeX-master-directory #'replace-pwd)
(t start))))
(defun custom/TeX-master-directory-filter (dir-master)
(custom/TeX-root-directory dir-master))
(defun custom/TeX-master-file-filter (file-master)
(string-remove-prefix (custom/TeX-root-directory default-directory) default-directory)
(advice-add 'TeX-master-directory :filter-return #'custom/TeX-master-directory-filter)
(advice-add 'TeX-master-file :filter-return #'custom/TeX-master-file-filter)
@ -502,7 +500,6 @@ introduced.
:desc "View Compilation Log" "l" #'TeX-recenter-output-buffer
:desc "Next Error" "e" #'TeX-next-error
:desc "Close Environment" "]" #'LaTeX-close-environment
:desc "Compile in root" "." #'custom/TeX-compile-in-root
(:prefix ("f" . "Fold")
:desc "Fold Mode" "f" #'TeX-fold-mode
:desc "Environment" "e" #'TeX-fold-env