Compare commits


12 Commits

13 changed files with 298 additions and 89 deletions

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@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ def execute (command: Protocol.Command): MainM Lean.Json := do
pure ( Except.ok (← goalAssign goalState args.goalId expr))
| .none, .none, .some type, .none, .none => do
let binderName := args.binderName?.getD ""
pure ( Except.ok (← goalHave goalState args.goalId binderName type))
pure ( Except.ok (← goalState.tryHave args.goalId binderName type))
| .none, .none, .none, .some pred, .none => do
pure ( Except.ok (← goalCalc goalState args.goalId pred))
| .none, .none, .none, .none, .some true => do

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import Pantograph.Protocol
import Pantograph.Compile.Frontend
import Pantograph.Compile.Elab
import Pantograph.Compile.Parse
open Lean

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import Lean
open Lean
namespace Pantograph.Compile
def parseTermM [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] (s: String): m (Except String Syntax) := do
return Parser.runParserCategory
(env := ← MonadEnv.getEnv)
(catName := `term)
(input := s)
(fileName := "<stdin>")
end Pantograph.Compile

Pantograph/Condensed.lean Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
/- structures for FFI based interface -/
import Lean
open Lean
namespace Pantograph.Condensed
These two functions are for user defiend names. For internal names such as
`_uniq`, it is favourable to use `lean_name_hash_exported` and `lean_name_eq` to
construct hash maps for Lean names.
@[export pantograph_str_to_name]
def strToName (s: String) : Name := s.toName
@[export pantograph_name_to_str]
def nameToStr (s: String) : Name := s.toName
@[export pantograph_name_is_inaccessible]
def isInaccessible (n: Name) : Bool := n.isInaccessibleUserName
-- Mirrors Lean's LocalDecl
structure LocalDecl where
-- Default value is for testing
fvarId: FVarId := { name := .anonymous }
userName: Name
-- Normalized expression
type : Expr
value? : Option Expr := .none
structure Goal where
mvarId: MVarId := { name := .anonymous }
userName: Name := .anonymous
context: Array LocalDecl
target: Expr
@[export pantograph_goal_is_lhs]
def isLHS (g: Goal) : Bool := isLHSGoal? |>.isSome
end Pantograph.Condensed

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ All the functions starting with `try` resume their inner monadic state.
import Pantograph.Protocol
import Pantograph.Tactic
import Pantograph.Compile.Parse
import Lean
def Lean.MessageLog.getErrorMessages (log : MessageLog) : MessageLog :=
@ -63,9 +64,16 @@ protected def GoalState.mctx (state: GoalState): MetavarContext :=
protected def GoalState.env (state: GoalState): Environment :=
@[export pantograph_goal_state_meta_context_of_goal]
protected def GoalState.metaContextOfGoal (state: GoalState) (mvarId: MVarId): Option Meta.Context := do
let mvarDecl ← state.mctx.findDecl? mvarId
return { lctx := mvarDecl.lctx, localInstances := mvarDecl.localInstances }
@[export pantograph_goal_state_meta_state]
protected def GoalState.metaState (state: GoalState): Meta.State :=
protected def GoalState.withContext (state: GoalState) (mvarId: MVarId) (m: MetaM α): MetaM α := do
let metaM := mvarId.withContext m' (← read) state.savedState.term.meta.meta
mvarId.withContext m |>.run' (← read) state.metaState
protected def GoalState.withParentContext (state: GoalState) (m: MetaM α): MetaM α := do
state.withContext state.parentMVar?.get! m
@ -82,6 +90,7 @@ private def GoalState.restoreTacticM (state: GoalState) (goal: MVarId): Elab.Tac
Elab.Tactic.setGoals [goal]
private def newMVarSet (mctxOld: @&MetavarContext) (mctxNew: @&MetavarContext): SSet MVarId :=
mctxNew.decls.foldl (fun acc mvarId mvarDecl =>
if let .some prevMVarDecl := mctxOld.decls.find? mvarId then
@ -269,57 +278,6 @@ protected def GoalState.tryAssign (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (expr: String
-- Specialized Tactics
protected def GoalState.tryHave (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (binderName: String) (type: String):
Elab.TermElabM TacticResult := do
let goal ← match state.savedState.tactic.goals.get? goalId with
| .some goal => pure goal
| .none => return .indexError goalId
goal.checkNotAssigned `GoalState.tryHave
let type ← match Parser.runParserCategory
(env := state.env)
(catName := `term)
(input := type)
(fileName := filename) with
| .ok syn => pure syn
| .error error => return .parseError error
let binderName := binderName.toName
-- Implemented similarly to the intro tactic
let nextGoals: List MVarId ← goal.withContext do
let type ← Elab.Term.elabType (stx := type)
let lctx ← MonadLCtx.getLCtx
-- The branch goal inherits the same context, but with a different type
let mvarBranch ← Meta.mkFreshExprMVarAt lctx (← Meta.getLocalInstances) type
-- Create the context for the `upstream` goal
let fvarId ← mkFreshFVarId
let lctxUpstream := lctx.mkLocalDecl fvarId binderName type
let fvar := mkFVar fvarId
let mvarUpstream ←
withTheReader Meta.Context (fun ctx => { ctx with lctx := lctxUpstream }) do
Meta.withNewLocalInstances #[fvar] 0 do
let mvarUpstream ← Meta.mkFreshExprMVarAt (← getLCtx) (← Meta.getLocalInstances)
(← goal.getType) (kind := MetavarKind.synthetic) (userName := .anonymous)
-- FIXME: May be redundant?
let expr: Expr := .app (.lam binderName type mvarBranch .default) mvarUpstream
goal.assign expr
pure mvarUpstream
pure [mvarBranch.mvarId!, mvarUpstream.mvarId!]
return .success {
root := state.root,
savedState := {
term := ← MonadBacktrack.saveState,
tactic := { goals := nextGoals }
newMVars := nextGoals.toSSet,
parentMVar? := .some goal,
calcPrevRhs? := .none
catch exception =>
return .failure #[← exception.toMessageData.toString]
protected def GoalState.tryLet (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (binderName: String) (type: String):
Elab.TermElabM TacticResult := do
@ -519,35 +477,23 @@ protected def GoalState.tryCalc (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (pred: String):
protected def GoalState.tryMotivatedApply (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (recursor: String):
Elab.TermElabM TacticResult := do
let recursor ← match Parser.runParserCategory
(env := state.env)
(catName := `term)
(input := recursor)
(fileName := filename) with
let recursor ← match (← Compile.parseTermM recursor) with
| .ok syn => pure syn
| .error error => return .parseError error
state.execute goalId (tacticM := Tactic.motivatedApply recursor)
protected def GoalState.tryNoConfuse (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (eq: String):
Elab.TermElabM TacticResult := do
let recursor ← match Parser.runParserCategory
(env := state.env)
(catName := `term)
(input := eq)
(fileName := filename) with
let eq ← match (← Compile.parseTermM eq) with
| .ok syn => pure syn
| .error error => return .parseError error
state.execute goalId (tacticM := Tactic.noConfuse recursor)
state.execute goalId (tacticM := Tactic.noConfuse eq)
protected def GoalState.tryEval (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (binderName: Name) (expr: String) :
Elab.TermElabM TacticResult := do
let expr ← match Parser.runParserCategory
(env := state.env)
(catName := `term)
(input := expr)
(fileName := filename) with
let expr ← match (← Compile.parseTermM expr) with
| .ok syn => pure syn
| .error error => return .parseError error
state.execute goalId (tacticM := Tactic.tacticEval binderName expr)
state.execute goalId (tacticM := Tactic.evaluate binderName expr)
end Pantograph

View File

@ -180,8 +180,21 @@ def goalTactic (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (tactic: String): CoreM TacticRe
def goalAssign (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (expr: String): CoreM TacticResult :=
runTermElabM <| state.tryAssign goalId expr
@[export pantograph_goal_have_m]
def goalHave (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (binderName: String) (type: String): CoreM TacticResult :=
runTermElabM <| state.tryHave goalId binderName type
protected def GoalState.tryHave (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (binderName: String) (type: String): CoreM TacticResult := do
let type ← match (← Compile.parseTermM type) with
| .ok syn => pure syn
| .error error => return .parseError error
runTermElabM do
state.execute goalId (Tactic.«have» binderName.toName type)
@[export pantograph_goal_evaluate_m]
protected def GoalState.tryEvaluate (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (binderName: String) (type: String): CoreM TacticResult := do
let type ← match (← Compile.parseTermM type) with
| .ok syn => pure syn
| .error error => return .parseError error
runTermElabM do
state.execute goalId (Tactic.evaluate binderName.toName type)
@[export pantograph_goal_let_m]
def goalLet (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (binderName: String) (type: String): CoreM TacticResult :=
runTermElabM <| state.tryLet goalId binderName type
@ -204,15 +217,16 @@ def goalMotivatedApply (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (recursor: String): Core
def goalNoConfuse (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (eq: String): CoreM TacticResult :=
runTermElabM <| state.tryNoConfuse goalId eq
inductive TacticExecute where
inductive SyntheticTactic where
| congruenceArg
| congruenceFun
| congruence
@[export pantograph_goal_tactic_execute_m]
def goalTacticExecute (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (tacticExecute: TacticExecute): CoreM TacticResult :=
/-- Executes a synthetic tactic which has no arguments -/
@[export pantograph_goal_synthetic_tactic_m]
def goalSyntheticTactic (state: GoalState) (goalId: Nat) (case: SyntheticTactic): CoreM TacticResult :=
runTermElabM do
state.execute goalId $ match tacticExecute with
state.execute goalId $ match case with
| .congruenceArg => Tactic.congruenceArg
| .congruenceFun => Tactic.congruenceFun
| .congruence => Tactic.congruence

View File

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ This replicates the behaviour of `Scope`s in `Lean/Elab/Command.lean` without
using `Scope`s.
import Lean
import Pantograph.Condensed
import Pantograph.Expr
import Pantograph.Protocol
import Pantograph.Goal
import Pantograph.Protocol
open Lean
@ -201,8 +201,57 @@ def serializeExpression (options: @&Protocol.Options) (e: Expr): MetaM Protocol.
@[export pantograph_to_condensed_goal]
def toCondensedGoal (mvarId: MVarId): MetaM Condensed.Goal := do
let options: Protocol.Options := {}
let ppAuxDecls := options.printAuxDecls
let ppImplDetailHyps := options.printImplementationDetailHyps
let mvarDecl ← mvarId.getDecl
let lctx := mvarDecl.lctx
let lctx :=' { options := (← getOptions) }
Meta.withLCtx lctx mvarDecl.localInstances do
let ppVar (localDecl : LocalDecl) : MetaM Condensed.LocalDecl := do
match localDecl with
| .cdecl _ fvarId userName type _ _ =>
let type ← instantiate type
return { fvarId, userName, type }
| .ldecl _ fvarId userName type value _ _ => do
let userName := userName.simpMacroScopes
let type ← instantiate type
let value ← instantiate value
return { fvarId, userName, type, value? := .some value }
let vars ← lctx.foldlM (init := []) fun acc (localDecl : LocalDecl) => do
let skip := !ppAuxDecls && localDecl.isAuxDecl ||
!ppImplDetailHyps && localDecl.isImplementationDetail
if skip then
return acc
let var ← ppVar localDecl
return var::acc
return {
userName := mvarDecl.userName,
context := vars.reverse.toArray,
target := ← instantiate mvarDecl.type
instantiate := instantiateAll
@[export pantograph_goal_state_to_condensed]
protected def GoalState.toCondensed (state: GoalState):
CoreM (Array Condensed.Goal):= do
let metaM := do
let goals := state.goals.toArray
goals.mapM fun goal => do
match state.mctx.findDecl? goal with
| .some _ =>
let serializedGoal ← toCondensedGoal goal
pure serializedGoal
| .none => throwError s!"Metavariable does not exist in context {}"' (s := state.savedState.term.meta.meta)
/-- Adapted from ppGoal -/
def serializeGoal (options: @&Protocol.Options) (goal: MVarId) (mvarDecl: MetavarDecl) (parentDecl?: Option MetavarDecl)
def serializeGoal (options: @&Protocol.Options) (goal: MVarId) (mvarDecl: MetavarDecl) (parentDecl?: Option MetavarDecl := .none)
: MetaM Protocol.Goal := do
-- Options for printing; See Meta.ppGoal for details
let showLetValues := true
@ -214,7 +263,6 @@ def serializeGoal (options: @&Protocol.Options) (goal: MVarId) (mvarDecl: Metava
let ppVarNameOnly (localDecl: LocalDecl): MetaM Protocol.Variable := do
match localDecl with
| .cdecl _ fvarId userName _ _ _ =>
let userName := userName.simpMacroScopes
return {
name := ofName,
userName:= ofName userName.simpMacroScopes,
@ -311,7 +359,7 @@ protected def GoalState.diag (goalState: GoalState) (options: Protocol.GoalDiag
let pref := if goalState.newMVars.contains mvarId then "~" else " "
printMVar pref mvarId decl
pure $ result ++ ( (· ++ "\n") |> String.join) ++ ( (· ++ "\n") |> String.join)
pure $ result ++ "\n" ++ ( (· ++ "\n") |> String.join) ++ ( (· ++ "\n") |> String.join)
printMVar (pref: String) (mvarId: MVarId) (decl: MetavarDecl): MetaM String := mvarId.withContext do
let resultFVars: List String ←
@ -337,7 +385,7 @@ protected def GoalState.diag (goalState: GoalState) (options: Protocol.GoalDiag
else pure $ value
pure s!"\n := {← Meta.ppExpr value}"
else if let .some { mvarIdPending, .. } ← getDelayedMVarAssignment? mvarId then
pure s!"\n := $ {}"
pure s!"\n ::= {}"
pure ""

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ open Lean
namespace Pantograph.Tactic
def tacticEval (binderName: Name) (expr: Syntax): Elab.Tactic.TacticM Unit := do
def evaluate (binderName: Name) (expr: Syntax): Elab.Tactic.TacticM Unit := do
let goal ← Elab.Tactic.getMainGoal
let nextGoals ← goal.withContext do
let expr ← Elab.Term.elabTerm (stx := expr) (expectedType? := .none)
@ -19,4 +19,29 @@ def tacticEval (binderName: Name) (expr: Syntax): Elab.Tactic.TacticM Unit := do
pure [mvarUpstream.mvarId!]
Elab.Tactic.setGoals nextGoals
def «have» (binderName: Name) (type: Syntax): Elab.Tactic.TacticM Unit := do
let goal ← Elab.Tactic.getMainGoal
let nextGoals: List MVarId ← goal.withContext do
let type ← Elab.Term.elabType (stx := type)
let lctx ← MonadLCtx.getLCtx
-- The branch goal inherits the same context, but with a different type
let mvarBranch ← Meta.mkFreshExprMVarAt lctx (← Meta.getLocalInstances) type
-- Create the context for the `upstream` goal
let fvarId ← mkFreshFVarId
let lctxUpstream := lctx.mkLocalDecl fvarId binderName type
let fvar := mkFVar fvarId
let mvarUpstream ←
withTheReader Meta.Context (fun ctx => { ctx with lctx := lctxUpstream }) do
Meta.withNewLocalInstances #[fvar] 0 do
let mvarUpstream ← Meta.mkFreshExprMVarAt (← getLCtx) (← Meta.getLocalInstances)
(← goal.getType) (kind := MetavarKind.synthetic) (userName := .anonymous)
--let expr: Expr := .app (.lam binderName type mvarBranch .default) mvarUpstream
goal.assign mvarUpstream
pure mvarUpstream
pure [mvarBranch.mvarId!, mvarUpstream.mvarId!]
Elab.Tactic.setGoals nextGoals
end Pantograph.Tactic

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import Pantograph.Goal
import Pantograph.Library
import Pantograph.Protocol
import Pantograph.Condensed
import Lean
import LSpec
@ -8,12 +9,19 @@ open Lean
namespace Pantograph
deriving instance Repr for Expr
-- Use strict equality check for expressions
instance : BEq Expr := ⟨Expr.equal⟩
def uniq (n: Nat): Name := .num (.str .anonymous "_uniq") n
-- Auxiliary functions
namespace Protocol
def Goal.devolatilizeVars (goal: Goal): Goal :=
goal with
vars := removeInternalAux,
where removeInternalAux (v: Variable): Variable :=
@ -36,6 +44,24 @@ deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for InteractionError
deriving instance DecidableEq, Repr for Option
end Protocol
namespace Condensed
deriving instance BEq, Repr for LocalDecl
deriving instance BEq, Repr for Goal
protected def LocalDecl.devolatilize (decl: LocalDecl): LocalDecl :=
decl with fvarId := { name := .anonymous }
protected def Goal.devolatilize (goal: Goal): Goal :=
goal with
mvarId := { name := .anonymous },
context := LocalDecl.devolatilize
end Condensed
def TacticResult.toString : TacticResult → String
| .success state => s!".success ({state.goals.length} goals)"
| .failure messages =>

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@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ def main (args: List String) := do
("Tactic/Congruence", Tactic.Congruence.suite env_default),
("Tactic/Motivated Apply", Tactic.MotivatedApply.suite env_default),
("Tactic/No Confuse", Tactic.NoConfuse.suite env_default),
("Tactic/Prograde", Tactic.Prograde.suite env_default),
let tests: List (String × IO LSpec.TestSeq) := suites.foldl (λ acc (name, suite) => acc ++ (addPrefix name suite)) []
LSpec.lspecIO (← runTestGroup name_filter tests)

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import Test.Tactic.Congruence
import Test.Tactic.MotivatedApply
import Test.Tactic.NoConfuse
import Test.Tactic.Prograde

View File

@ -7,6 +7,34 @@ open Pantograph
namespace Pantograph.Test.Tactic.Congruence
def test_congr_arg_list (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
let expr := "λ {α} (l1 l2 : List α) (h: l1 = l2) => l1.reverse = l2.reverse"
runMetaMSeq env do
let expr ← parseSentence expr
Meta.lambdaTelescope expr $ λ _ body => do
let mut tests := LSpec.TestSeq.done
let target ← Meta.mkFreshExprSyntheticOpaqueMVar body
let (newGoals, test) ← runTermElabMInMeta do
let newGoals ← runTacticOnMVar Tactic.congruenceArg target.mvarId!
let test := LSpec.check "goals" ((← newGoals.mapM (λ x => mvarUserNameAndType x)) =
(`α, "Sort ?u.30"),
(`a₁, "?α"),
(`a₂, "?α"),
(`f, "?α → List α"),
(`h, "?a₁ = ?a₂"),
(`conduit, "(?f ?a₁ = ?f ?a₂) = (l1.reverse = l2.reverse)"),
return (newGoals, test)
tests := tests ++ test
let f := newGoals.get! 3
let h := newGoals.get! 4
let c := newGoals.get! 5
let results ← f.apply (← parseSentence "List.reverse")
tests := tests ++ (LSpec.check "apply" (results.length = 0))
tests := tests ++ (LSpec.check "h" ((← exprToStr $ ← h.getType) = "?a₁ = ?a₂"))
tests := tests ++ (LSpec.check "conduit" ((← exprToStr $ ← c.getType) = "(?a₁.reverse = ?a₂.reverse) = (l1.reverse = l2.reverse)"))
return tests
def test_congr_arg (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
let expr := "λ (n m: Nat) (h: n = m) => n * n = m * m"
runMetaMSeq env do
@ -72,6 +100,7 @@ def test_congr (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
def suite (env: Environment): List (String × IO LSpec.TestSeq) :=
("congrArg List.reverse", test_congr_arg_list env),
("congrArg", test_congr_arg env),
("congrFun", test_congr_fun env),
("congr", test_congr env),

Test/Tactic/Prograde.lean Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
import LSpec
import Lean
import Test.Common
open Lean
open Pantograph
namespace Pantograph.Test.Tactic.Prograde
def test_eval (env: Environment): IO LSpec.TestSeq :=
let expr := "forall (p q : Prop) (h: p), And (Or p q) (Or p q)"
runMetaMSeq env do
let expr ← parseSentence expr
Meta.forallTelescope expr $ λ _ body => do
let e ← match Parser.runParserCategory
(env := ← MonadEnv.getEnv)
(catName := `term)
(input := "Or.inl h")
(fileName := filename) with
| .ok syn => pure syn
| .error error => throwError "Failed to parse: {error}"
let mut tests := LSpec.TestSeq.done
-- Apply the tactic
let goal ← Meta.mkFreshExprSyntheticOpaqueMVar body
let target: Expr := mkAnd
(mkOr (.fvar ⟨uniq 8⟩) (.fvar ⟨uniq 9⟩))
(mkOr (.fvar ⟨uniq 8⟩) (.fvar ⟨uniq 9⟩))
let h := .fvar ⟨uniq 8⟩
let test := LSpec.test "goals before" ((← toCondensedGoal goal.mvarId!).devolatilize == {
context := #[
{ userName := `p, type := .sort 0 },
{ userName := `q, type := .sort 0 },
{ userName := `h, type := h}
tests := tests ++ test
let tactic := Tactic.evaluate `h2 e
let m := .mvar ⟨uniq 13⟩
let test ← runTermElabMInMeta do
let [goal] ← runTacticOnMVar tactic goal.mvarId! | panic! "Incorrect goal number"
pure $ LSpec.test "goals after" ((← toCondensedGoal goal).devolatilize == {
context := #[
{ userName := `p, type := .sort 0 },
{ userName := `q, type := .sort 0 },
{ userName := `h, type := h},
userName := `h2,
type := mkOr h m,
value? := .some $ mkApp3 (mkConst `Or.inl) h m (.fvar ⟨uniq 10⟩)
tests := tests ++ test
return tests
def suite (env: Environment): List (String × IO LSpec.TestSeq) :=
("eval", test_eval env),
end Pantograph.Test.Tactic.Prograde