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Configurations and Setups

Common configuration files for:

  • Vim
  • Spacemacs
  • Docker images
  • Fish shell


Execute to create symbolic links. Note that macOS users will need to install coreutils to provide the grealpath utility.

Docker Images

  • hub-jupyter and hub-jupyter-spark are images based on cudnn docker image for jupyter. To use them with GPU, add the following to /etc/docker/daemon.json and restart the docker daemon:
    "runtimes": {
        "nvidia": {
            "path": "/usr/bin/nvidia-container-runtime",
            "runtimeArgs": []
  • latex docker contains tools for compiling latex. It is usually not used
  • due to the stability of latex.
  • route docker is used to setup a socks5 proxy server using ssh.


The bin/ folder contains dockerised scripts. They should be symbolically linked into /usr/local/bin via, which has to be executed as root.


After setting up dependencies, execute M-x pdf-tools-install to have pdf-tools. Note that spacemacs adds cache lines to the .spacemacs file so it is copied over and not version controlled. The individual configurations are however version controlled.